HomeMy WebLinkAbout030222 PTAC Meeting Packet
March 2, 2022 | 3:00 p.m. | Remote Meeting
**** Pursuant to Washington State Governor’s Proclamation 20-28.15, the City is not allowing in-
person attendance at meetings. Members will be participating by teleconference.****
Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID
Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 155-675-573#
Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Introduction of New Members Alexis Arrabito, Sheila Long, and Cosmo Rapaport
IV. Approval of Minutes from the February 2, 2022 Meeting
V. Public Comment (3 minutes per person)
VI. Commission Business
A. Chair’s Update
B. Funding Request: Port Townsend Summer Band
C. Funding Request: Jefferson County Farmers Market
D. Funding Request: Port Townsend High School
E. Funding Request: RainShadow Chorale
VII. Correspondence
VIII. Set Agenda for Next Meeting
IX. Next Scheduled Meeting – April 6, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
X. Adjourn
Minutes of the Port Townsend Arts Commission Meeting of February 2, 2022
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nhatt Nichols, Nan Toby Tyrrell, Joe Gillard and Dan Groussman STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney Heidi Greenwood, Legal Assistant Amber Long, Deputy City Clerk Haylie Clement, and Legal Assistant Debbie Ritter, COMMUNITY MEMBERS PRESENT: Ben Thomas, Owen Rowe, Sheila Long
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Call to Order Chair Nhatt Nichols called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.
Approval of Agenda The agenda was unanimously approved. The suggestion from Dan to amend the agenda to swap items D and E to reflect order of importance was unanimously approved.
Approval of Minutes for January 5, 2022 Meeting The minutes of the January 5, 2022 meeting were unanimously approved. Public Comment None
Chair’s Update There have been a few applicants for PTAC; selection should take place by Feb 7. Heidi advised that the Commission
members are appointed by the Mayor, with the Council’s
Commissioners expressed interest in having input as a group on future appointments.
Evaluate Funding Guidelines Dan shared his research and suggestions for discussion, which included substituting the word ‘approve’ for ‘decide,’ whether there should be an example of a proposed marketing plan or whether that word should even be used; should there
be a preference for local vs. out of area artists; and whether the guidelines should put emphasis on artistic value vs. economic benefit.
Toward the end of the discussion, Heidi put the guidelines on screen share and made edits based on their consensus. A revised version will be included in the May meeting packet.
The Commissioners agreed to table the accessibility statement due to constraints in time and bring it up again in a couple of months with the new Commission members Poet Laureate Program Update Nhatt said the next step is to form a selection panel. Heidi advised that the City Council needs additional information on
this program. The Commissioners also discussed
transparency in how the panel was selected.
Nhatt will discuss further with Heidi and will find out more on what other places do.
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Public Art Update The Commissioners discussed the need for a subcommittee whose mandate is to present an annual set of recommendations. There was also the issue of what to do about deteriorating art around the City.
Nhatt appointed Joe as the Chair of the Public Art Subcommittee.
New Commissioner Handbook/Training Heidi said this has to be done for all advisory boards, and she
has been tasked to oversee this. Amber and Heidi have
reached out to Kris Morris. Nhatt and Dan commented that Kris is great, but there have been many changes to the Commission that she has not been a part of.
The Commissioners discussed whether it would be better to
have a pamphlet, as per Heidi’s suggestion, perhaps along with a presentation. The information in the handbook would be both general and then specific to the Commission, laying out the budget and duties of Commissioners.
There is also a need to brief new Commissioners on technology. Nan Toby said that she was not prepared for what the role was when she started and was not familiar with the technology. While Joanna Sanders helped her a lot, being a
Commission member took some time to learn and was not
initially as enjoyable as she anticipated. Heidi advised that three new Commissioners are on the Feb 7 Council meeting agenda: Alexis Arrabito, Sheila Long, and
Cosmo Rapaport.
Nhatt suggested she meet with each new Commission member to brief them on technology and other issues, and
then in six months ask the new people what they would have
liked to have known coming in. Nhatt apologized to Nan Toby for not preparing her better and she will do a better job with the new members.
Commissioners agreed that the poet laureate program and public art will be on the agenda for April.
Next Meeting: March 2, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m.
Arts Commission 2022 Grant Funding -- Total Budget: $25,000
$3,000 from the budget has been set aside for the poet laureaute program
Organization Event Amount Approved Amount Requested
Lindsey Wayland Pick up Poetry $2,250.00 $2,250.00
Skyhouse Productions Various events $0.00 $3,000.00
Salish Sound Beaver Valley Barn Jam $1,000.00 $3,000.00
Port Townsend Summer Band 2022 concert series $700.00
Jefferson County Farmers Market 2022 market music $2,000.00
Port Townsend High School In-Verse Images $200.00
RainShadow Chorale Spring concert $500.00
Port Townsend Soundcheck Port Townsend Soundcheck $3,000.00
$3,250.00 $14,650.00
Amount approved Amount requested Amount Paid Amount remaining*
January $3,250.00 $8,250.00 $0.00
March $3,400.00 $683.34
May $3,000.00 $666.67
July $3,666.67
September $3,666.66
November $3,666.66
Total remaining in budget *$12,350.00
*if all approved grants paid in full & all requested amounts ap
for review at 1/5/22 meeting
for review at 1/5/22 meeting
for review at 1/5/22 meeting
for review at 3/2/22 meeting
for review at 3/2/22 meeting
for review at 3/2/22 meeting
for review at 3/2/22 meeting
for review at 5/4/22 meeting
Port Townsend Summer Band
2022 Concert Schedule
Monday, May 30
Sunday, June 26
Sunday July 31
Monday, July 4
Sunday August 28
Weekend of August 15 or 16 for Jeff County Fair
Saturday August 20 Uptown Fair (possible small ensembles
Friday, November 11
Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual
Dues & Memberships
ASCAP Dues 30.00$ 65.00$ 75.00$ 65.00$ 75.00$ 65.00$ 75.00$
ASCAP/BMI Perf. Fees 275.00$ 225.00$ 250.00$ 225.00$ 250.00$ 225.00$ 250.00$
Jefferson County CofC 195.00$ 295.00$ 300.00$ 295.00$ 300.00$ 295.00$ 300.00$
Equipment 400.00$ -$ 100.00$ 100.00$ -$ 100.00$
Federal Taxes & Fees 10.00$ -$ 10.00$ 10.00$ -$ 10.00$
Fund-Raising 100.00$ -$ 200.00$ 200.00$ -$ 200.00$
Conductor 375.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,575.00$ 1,575.00$ 2,075.00$ 2,000.00$
Hall/Venue Rental 300.00$ -$ 100.00$ $100
Insurance 275.00$ 306.00$ 350.00$ 340.00$ 350.00$ 401.00$ 450.00$
Miscellaneous 200.00$ 56.58$ 200.00$ 200.00$ 493.39$ 250.00$
Music, Printed -$ -$ -$ -$
Music, Purchased 800.00$ 1,122.24$ 800.00$ 800.00$ 590.12$ 800.00$
P.O. Box 90.00$ 92.00$ 95.00$ 106.00$ 95.00$ 134.00$ 150.00$
Paper & Ink -$ -$ 100.00$ 100.00$ -$ 100.00$
PayPal Fees from Donations -$ 9.14$ 10.00$ 9.40$ 10.00$ 3.43$ 10.00$
Pay Pal, Ipage & Facebook -$ 34.15$ 40.00$ 59.60$ 40.00$ 19.63$ 40.00$
Postage 100.00$ 88.75$ 95.00$ 33.00$ 95.00$ 55.00$ 95.00$
Printing 600.00$ 655.93$ 700.00$ 700.00$ 26.93$ 700.00$
Publicity 850.00$ 130.00$ 150.00$ 150.00$ -$ 150.00$
Scholarship Fund 500.00$ 500.00$ -$ 500.00$
Storage 600.00$ 682.98$ 600.00$ 672.00$ 700.00$
Supplies 50.00$ -$ 100.00$ 100.00$ 125.54$ 100.00$
WA Filing Fee -$ 50.00$ 50.00$
Web Site (Actual 2021=3 yrs)100.00$ -$ 100.00$ 100.00$ 277.66$ 100.00$
TOTAL Expenses 4,375.00$ 3,454.79$ 6,275.00$ 3,390.98$ 6,350.00$ 5,608.70$ 7,230.00$ -$
Donations 3,000.00$ 6,146.53$ 5,500.00$ 1,783.44$ 5,500.00$ 4,068.61$ 5,500.00$
Concert Receipts 900.00$ 1,098.00$ 800.00$ 184.00$ 800.00$ 656.00$ 1,000.00$
Grant - P.T. Rotary 250.00$ 450.00$ 400.00$ 400.00$ 400.00$
Grant - P.T. Arts Comm.300.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$
CARES Act/CRF 1,080.00$ 1,080.00$ 1,000.00$
TOTAL INCOME 4,450.00$ 8,194.53$ 7,200.00$ 1,967.44$ 8,280.00$ 5,804.61$ 8,400.00$ -$
NET INCOME 75.00$ $ 4,739.74 925.00$ $ (1,423.54)1,930.00$ $ 195.91 1,170.00$ $ -
City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support
Date of Application
Fri 12/17/2021
Organization Name
Jefferson County Farmers Markets (JCFM)
Primary Contact
Phone Number
Project or Event Name
Music at the Port Townsend Farmers Market
Event Location
Uptown, 600 Block of Tyler at Lawrence /Clay, in Port Townsend
Date(s) of Event
Saturdays April 2, 2022-October 29
Amount Requested
Admission Charge
Donations Accepted?
Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance?
Total Budget?
Please attach the proposed budget for this event
Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible?
If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue
Accessibility Statement below.
Venue Accessibility Statement
Park near venue in a handicapped parking space?
Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s)
able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted)
Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e.,
wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor)
Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars)
Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the
greater Port Townsend community:
Live music at the Port Townsend Farmers Market benefits the Port Townsend population,
young and old, as well as people in greater Jefferson County, and visitors to our community.
Offered free-of- charge, farmers market music is accessible to the public regardless of
income. It helps make our markets welcoming and vibrant community spaces. It also benefits
local musicians who receive a stipend for playing and build public recognition and support by
participating in the market.
Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be
done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project:
Over the last two years, the Jefferson County Farmers Markets discontinued our music
program to comply with COVID-19 state restrictions in 2020 and the early part of 2021.
Additionally, this decision was made out of necessity as our revenue from vendor fees
dropped by half in 2020. This year has been a recovery year from the market. Also, farmers
market music restrictions have been lifted.
Your support will help us bring back our live music program and provide a larger stipend to
local musicians who have suffered financially through the pandemic. Without your support,
we will only be able to offer live music once per month using community sponsorship
dollars. In past years, JCFM has provided a $100 stipend per day to musicians based on
our limited budget. For multi- person bands, this stipend is a small drop in the bucket. As
we come through the hardest period of the COVID-19 economic downturn, we would like to
offer musicians a larger stipend in 2022, $200 per market day.
Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or,
if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to
those visitors: The target audience of the Port Townsend Farmers Market is the Port
Townsend and Jefferson County community. However, we also serve visitors to Jefferson
County traveling from surrounding counties as well as nationally. We promote our markets
through social media; print advertisement in the Leader and Peninsula Daily News, Kitsap
Sun, the Waterside (on WA and BC ferries), Seattle Gay Times, Olympic Culinary Loop; on-
screen advertisement at the Rose Theatre and Starlight Room; and radio proportion through
If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any
proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount.
We have received Arts Commission funding in the past. Thank you!
The biggest change to our music program is that we are bringing it back after two years
without scheduled market music. Also, we are increasing the stipend for performers. The
stipend increase is particularly important as local musicians have suffered from a lack of work
over the last two years.
Our increase will more adequately compensate musicians for their time. Thank you
for your consideration!
2022 season
Item Cost Pere Week Number of Weeks Total
Stipend for Musicians $200 31 $6,200
Music Coordination and
booking $75 31 $2,325
Repair or replacement of
music equipment $200
Total Program Budget $8,725
Music at the Port Townsend Farmers Market
Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support
Date of Application
Wed, 01/19/2022
Organization Name
Port Townsend High School Place Based Learning--In-Verse Images
Primary Contact
Chris Pierson
Phone Number
Project or Event Name
In-Verse Images HS Student Art, reading, and multi-media Show
Event Location
Cotton Building
Date(s) of Event
May 7, 2022
Amount Requested
Rental of Building
Admission Charge
Donations Accepted?
Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance?
Total Budget?
Please attach the proposed budget for this event
Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible?
If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue
Accessibility Statement below.
Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space?
Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s)
able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted)
Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e.,
wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor)
Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars)
Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the
greater Port Townsend community:
By bringing Student Art, photography, multi-media and creative writing to the community and
getting students to interact and connect with the entire community.
Show case student skills to the public during a gallery walk.
Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be
done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project:
The Cotton Building has been identified as the best venue for us to draw students
and public together. The City's funding will help us bring student work to the larger
Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or,
if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to
those visitors: The whole purpose is to bring the community together and bring the
generations together.
We will make fliers, use social media, School District Phone tree, Superintendent
Newsletter, local arts organizations newspaper, and students. Through involved teacher
Michele Soderstrom, David Egeler, and Chris Pierson, we hope to have dozens of students
If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any
proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount.
The Port Townsend High School In-Verse Images has not yet received funding.
Port Townsend High School In-Verse Images Multi-media Show budget
Cotton Building Rental, $200
Prints of Work, $200
Treats and non-alcoholic beverages if Covid protocols allow, $200
City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support
Date of Application
Thu, 02/17/2022
Organization Name
RainShadow Chorale
Primary Contact
Beverly Schaaf
Phone Number
Project or Event Name
Spring concert - The Illumination of My Soul
Event Location
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 45 Redeemer Way, Chimacum
Date(s) of Event
May 13 and 14, 2022
Amount Requested
Admission Charge
Suggested donation $20/adult, $10/student
Donations Accepted?
Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance?
Total Budget?
Please attach the proposed budget for this event
Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible?
If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue
Accessibility Statement below.
Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space?
Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry,
door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted)
Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied
person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor)
Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars)
Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population
of the greater Port Townsend community:
RainShadow Chorale is committed to being part of the Jefferson County performing
arts community. The pandemic-forced restrictions and loss of opportunities has
reinforced how essential the arts, and especially live music, are in our community. A
concert is a shared experience, and in spite of some continuing restrictions, brings
people together. Our long-time Artistic Director, Rebecca Rottsolk, conducted her
final concert with us in November 2021, and RainShadow will honor her legacy by
committing to more of the same. We have contracted with Jolene Dalton Gailey as
guest conductor for the spring 2022 program. She has selected music that she hopes
will bring joy and light to both the singers and the audience, and will help to ease all of
our pandemic fatigue.
Attendance is by suggested donation; any amount is acceptable for admission.
Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still
be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve
the project:
RainShadow Chorale lost 18 months of concert revenue and fundraising
opportunities, as did many other performing arts groups. Funding from the City of Port
Townsend for this project will help reduce the deficit for this program, and provide
some reserve going forward to plan the next season.
Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson
residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you
will advertise to those visitors: Our typical audience comes primarily from the Port
Townsend/East Jefferson community. Our guest conductor is a highly respected
music educator from Port Angeles and we expect the audience will be expanded to
include her "fans." We will increase our publicity to include both the Port Angeles and
Sequim communities via posters and local print media.
If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain
any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding
RainShadow Chorale has received Arts Commission funding for concert programs in
past years; no funding has been requested or received for this program.
RainShaow Chorale Spring 2022
Cash reserves: $12,961
Spring 2022
Member Contributions $3,000.00
Other Individual Contributions $1,000.00
Concert Receipts $5,000.00
PTAC $500.00
Corporate Contributions
Fundraising Event
Interest $3.00
Total Income 2019-20 $9,503.00
Guest Conductor $4,000.00
Administrative Manager $1,750.00
Front House Manager $250.00
Pianist $1,750.00
Instrumental Accompanists $1,200.00
Music (vocal and instrumental)$600.00
Publicity and Marketing
Design $500.00
Posters/post cards (printing)$100.00
Newspaper ads $300.00
Direct Concert Expenses
Venue: Rehearsals $540.00
Venue: Performances $550.00
Programs (printing)$400.00
Flowers, other presentations $150.00
ASCAP $50.00
Administrative Expenses
SOS Annual Report $10.00
Office Supplies/Postage/PO Box $150.00
Professional Dues (GSCC. ACDA)$135.00
Total $12,435.00
Amber Long
From:Catherine Leporati <cathleporati@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, February 22, 2022 1:00 PM
Subject:looking for a P.T. artist for a school field trip
I am writing on behalf of the OCEAN program, an alternative learning program offered through the Port Townsend School
District. We are looking for a willing artist to host our multi-age group for a tour of their studio. We would really love to
find an artist that works in collage, if possible, as we would like to replicate that activity back in the classroom.
Do you have a list of local artists that I could reach out to?
Catherine Leporati