HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 January NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us JANUARY CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: 01/03/22 Regular Business Mee�ng 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 01/10/22 Workshop Mee�ng 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 01/18/22 Regular Business Mee�ng 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers A NOTE FROM CITY MANAGER JOHN MAURO Happy new year, everyone! As we start 2022 – and a�er a tough few years – no one can be certain what this year will look like. A posi�ve a�tude and a commitment to working together helps. So my team and I are op�mis�c, ready for just about anything and eager to make it a great year for our community. We can also help get 2022 off to a strong start with a sensible, strategic and balanced budget – which we have. This newsle�er helps walk through that $45m budget at the high level so you can understand a bit more about what it means for you, your family and our community. Highlights include: • New federal funding of $1.7m allocated to three core priori�es • “Banked capacity” property tax levy allocated to streets, trails and parks • The clearest connec�on in recent memory of the budget to the workplan, done for the first �me in advance of budget prepara�on • A sec�on outlining our commitment to unlocking affordable housing, including direct contribu�ons, projects and ini�a�ves, new policies, and partnerships • Even with a handover of pool opera�ons and staffing to the YMCA, a slight rise in staffing by 0.1 full-�me equivalents (FTE) for the first �me since 2018 (although s�ll 13.7 FTE lower than that year) • Beyond delivering the services you depend on, a focus on financial sustainability to ensure we can con�nue to do so indefinitely Please read the following budget in brief to learn more or visit www.cityofpt.us/finance/page/financial-reports-documents We also start off 2022 with a new City Council. A�er 32 years of collec�ve service, Mayor Sandoval and City Council members Ariel Speser and Pam Adams have stepped off Council. Three new Council members have stepped up to serve our community. Please welcome Council members Aislinn Diaman�, Ben Thomas and Libby Wennstrom. Each one of them have been paying close a�en�on to the work of City Council for months before their swearing in. I’ve already enjoyed working with them and know that they’ll add their intelligence, curiosity, spirit of civil dialogue and dedica�on to pu�ng our community’s long-term interests at the forefront of their decisions. I will be hos�ng each of them in the coming month on my KPTZ radio show, Brewocracy Now!, from 1230-1pm every Thursday. Please join us! January 2022 The City’s 2022 budget was adopted unanimously by the City Council on December 6, 2022. The total budget for 2022 includes appropria�ons of just over $45 million. The General Government por�on of the budget supports many services including Police, Parks & Recrea�on, Library, Streets, City Facili�es and General City Government. General Government appropria�ons are budgeted at just under $15 million for 2022. Water, Sewer, and Storm U�li�es, Capital Projects, Debt Service and Internal Service funds make up approxi- mately $30 million of the budget. This budget overview provides some highlights of where our funding comes from and how it is being spent. The challenge for us as a City is strategically alloca�ng our resources to deliver much needed services to our residents, in 2022 and into the future. Highlights of a few of General Government ac�vi�es, City staffing and aggregate spending on capital projects are reflected on the next two pages. For addi�onal details, the full budget can be found on our website: www.cityofpt.us/finance/page/financial-reports-documents Budget in Brief 2022 Our Vision A thriving community for all. Our Mission Champion aspira�ons for a thriving community as envisioned in our Comprehensive Plan. Five Areas of Strategic Focus: • Economic Growth • Affordable Housing • City Organiza�on • Community Quality of Life • Infrastructure Assets City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Budget in Brief 2022 • General Fund departments include: City Council, City Manager, City A�orney, City Clerk, Development Services, Finance and Human Resources. • Library opera�ons are funded by a separate property tax levy. • Property tax increases are limited by the state to 1% each year, which results in $26,648 more property tax than in 2021 • Full-�me equivalents include all employee hours for full-�me and part-�me staff. Did You Know? How is the money being spent? Where does the money come from? 2022 Budget: General Government Expenditures $14,823,038 General Government Revenues $15,046,736 Personnel 47% Opera�ons 44% Debt 9% * Non-departmental expenses (e.g. debt payments, liability insurance, LTAC expenditures, etc.) of approximately $2.8m are not reflected in this graph. Police31% Parks & Recrea�on9% Library9% Facili�es7% Streets8% General Government28% What Departments Are Funded? Sales Tax 23% B&O Taxes 6% Real EstateExcise Taxes4% Other Taxes4% Licenses& Permits3% IntergovernmentalRevenues3% MiscRevenues1% Fines<1% Property Taxes 23% U�lity Taxes 20% Charges for Goods and Services 13% City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Budget in Brief 2022 Capital Improvements Streets Discovery Road Bikeway, Roadway and Sidewalk Project; Improvements to City streets related to the WSDOT Kearney Street and Mill Road roundabout project; non-motorized projects – Pacific Avenue, Spruce Trail, Lawrence & Mountain View ADA Curb Ramps; poplar replacement along SR 20. Water/Sewer Projects Installa�on of water meters on the Olympic Gravity Water System related to the new agreement with the Mill; engineering study to assess seismic upgrades at Lords Lake; golf course well conserva�on project; repain�ng of the water reservoir standpipe; sewer plan update and nutrient study; rehabilita�on of the Gaines Street Li� Sta�on. Facili�es Library window replacement and bathroom upgrades. General Purchase of land for affordable housing project through a state Department of Commerce grant. City Full-TimeEquivalents General Fund Reserve Balance Streets40%General12.5% Storm2.5%Water & Sewer45% 2021 2022 Number of Full-Time Equivalents 2019 2020 2021 2022 Public Works 28.7 Public Works 29.3 Police 18.6 Police 20.1 General Government 48.2 General Government 46.2 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 $3,000,000 $2,800,000 $2,400,000 $2,200,000 $2,000,000 $1,20,000 $800,000 $400,000 $0 2,279,172 1,914,034 2,663,968 2,750,105