HomeMy WebLinkAbout9410-06 Permit, renovation specs, plans (full file)CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number 9410-06 Issued 01/23/95 Treas. Job Address 1919 Blaine Street Zoning P-1 Type V-N Occupancy E-1 Nature of Work Swimming Pool Renovation Use of Building(s) Mt. View Elementary School Owner Pt. Townsend School District #50 Contractor PRIMO Construction ~ Demolished materials to be taken to pre-aQproved location Approved/Date CONCRETE :) c'_~I' 7"t~' ,~ /~!~,:~*, ~~ `,"j~> C= ~, t MECHANICAL PLUMBING FINAL (DOH sign-off) `/~ `~ - - WASHINGTI~N STATE DEPART[YIIsNT OF HE4LTH APPROVAL REOUIRF.D PRIOR T1~ FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL i.t-y . of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington 98368 385-3000 B I L L I N G S T A T E M E N T _....... date REINSPECTION FEES elo 0.6,(AxrS COPIES OTHER TOTAL DUE Payment due upon receipt. Tk you. CM OF FM MMMT (BARS CODE = 010.322.100.00) RecId Receipt Number *** Please remit statement with payment *** D8:389 Citv of Port Townsend Planning and Building Department 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000 October 4, 1994 Jean Camfield 450 Fir Street Port Townsend, WA: 98368 Re: MountAin Vic Elementary I SchqQl Pool Renova ion L— Dear Jean, The Building Department has received plans for renovation of the Mountain View Elementary. School swimming pool. Based on the estimated construction value of $98,700.00 listed on the permit application, the plan review fee is $412.75. At your 'earliest convenience, would you please submit a check to the City of Port Townsend in the amount of $412.75? Thanks. (Jan Zj inner P1 iTechnician OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND To be used in triplicate by the City Clerk -Treasurer's Office NO, Date 10 -2 -7 Cash Received From: '-""J-` the sum of: r A -ri "o I For: \rv' Check Amount$ l D,�02 00 BY: . . .. . ...... _._....w,..___ .Title: --------Dbllars COMMERCIAL: NEW C S" Lr1 WOK. A:A°/ illTIO RUIMIN91ERMILAPPUCAIM CITY OF I RT 'I" Section I. (General) Legal Owner(s) Name Mailing Address Phone Contractor's Name Mailing Address 0001 Contractor's State License Number Contractor's City Business License Number Property Street Address (if assigned) Construction Type Occupancy Rating Zonlinig District � s a Addition Block Lot(s) _ Property Legal Description',: Etimated value of the construction (materials & labor) is _ Financed by:' )� J Work to begin and be completed by _ LYS -4-1i � A building permit is requested for: (please check) NEW COMMERCIAL EXPANSION/ADDITION (Sewer type: _ Septic or _ City system) MULTI -FAMILY ( # of units) REMODEL Is this a change of use? OTHER (Please specify): ` Abe'? 1"?i a Water Pipe Diameter: _ 1"D _ 1 1/2"D _ 2"D Side Sewer Contractor: The following plans are submitted with this application: Site Plan Architectural Drawings ® Parking Plan �Landscape Plan _ Drainage Erosion Control _ Barrier -Free Design Requirements 1991 WSEC ► Heating, Ventilation, Lighting (show calcs on plans) $EC,TIQN II Mom Arett. The proposed structure is to be used for F� ( ( ,=:,m ; and will have a floor area of: Conditioned Space: sq. ft. ; Garage: Sq. ft.; Carport: sq, ft. Decks: Sg.ft.; Storage: Sg. ft.; Entry: Sq. ft. Other (please specify): So. ft. The site area is sq. ft. Structures (include existing & proposed) will cover sq. ft. and % of the site area. Existing and proposed impervious surfaces (all buildings; paved, surfaces; and driveways, paved or not) are/will be: Main Building(s) roofprint square feet Garage roofprint square feet. Parking square feet TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: � sq. ft. Porch/walk square feet Other (describe) square feet -SE!LLION III SI l C nit iti t * Is the property within 200 feet of a fresh or salt water shoreline? _ Yes K No * Is the property within the Port Townsend Historical District? _ Yes No * Is the property located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area? _ Yes No * Please identify any additional properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or business associate of the applicant, or any corporation, partnership or other entity affiliated with the applicant (attach list). t * Please identify any other sites within 800 feet of the site which have been developed within the last two years by the applicant, any relative or business associate of the appplicant, or any corporation, partnership or other entity affiliated with the applicant (attach list). 'fl ( * Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions which will or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? _ Yes No. If yes, please identify the utility extensions and the sites which could be served (attach list). * Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City: e.g., subdivision, short plat, variance, conditional use permit, street vacation, planned unit development, restrictive covenant, etc? _ Yes No (If yes, attach copies of any such restrictions or conditions.) * Have you previously discussed this project with a City staff member? _ Yes No If so, who? Approximate Date: n IV' A l.i nt !Certification) I hereby certify that I have studied those sections of the Uniform Building Code and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that I am responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; that I understand the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the structure; that I agree to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; and I also certify that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge; and I understand that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. f Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or 6 non-compliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restriction, or other parties other than the City of Port Townsend. r (Rev. 12/30/93) COMMERCIAL BUILDING CHECKLIST Building,Perinit Date A/i 16 Y Completed Worksheet Water Meter Size ""Special Conditions, Approvals Energy Code House Number Street Standards Drainage Plan Bid or Total Floor Area Breakdown Plot Plan To I. C. B. O. -Floor Plan -Voundation-Plan Parking Framing Details J -'f,��.,.,Typical Front Elevation Building Permit Fees Checklist Building Permit Fee (010.322.100.00) fi Public Works/Fire Review (010.345.810.00 20%) (411.345.810.00 40%) (412.345.810.00 20%) (110.345.810.00 20%) State Building Code Surcharge (010.386.102.00) House Number (010.341.910.01) Stormwater Drainage Reserve Charges (412.343.831.00) Water Tap (411.343.410.00) Sewer Permit (411.322. 100.01) Utilities Latecomer's Fee Due to Other Service Fees Due TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (mv. 9/8/94) cAfbnn%condist.frm WSVIAQ Requirements To Fire Dept. To Co. Health Dept. Plan Review Fee (010.322.100 001 receipt # Water SDC (335.343.440.00) receipt #_ Sewer SDC (312.343.510.00) receipt # (411.389.707.00) (010.345.810.00) Checklist Complete Side Sewer Developer To I. C. B. O. Occupancy Rating SEPA Parking Landscaping Sign Permit WSEC Lighting Budget WSVIAQ Requirements To Fire Dept. To Co. Health Dept. Plan Review Fee (010.322.100 001 receipt # Water SDC (335.343.440.00) receipt #_ Sewer SDC (312.343.510.00) receipt # (411.389.707.00) (010.345.810.00) Checklist Complete ( ID Number WATER RECREATION FACILITY County INSPECTION FORM Business Name Address city Zip Code Inspection Type: ❑ Routine ❑ Follow-up ❑ Comp aint Other Date Time Started Total Time Permit Type Pool #1 WATER QUALITY DATA Pool #2 Free Chlorine { pH -1.'4t Total Chlorine I_ Free Chlorine pH __ Total Chlorine Clarity Ry�— Cyanuric Acid Alkalinity ap Clarity Cyanuric Acid Alkalinity Temperature (if over 95o F.) Temperature (if over 95o F.) Survey: PersennJ with CPR. training & certification on site? ❑ Yes n No w.v;nm�ama,�n» nn�wagramnoArvir�.v�srommvr,trsr,;�anurnrr'rznrommrd,Mr«'fwr��mu7ceuu�wm .urea `�'I �, 1 N A These items relate direct] to tl � � � .�.._...__._m y �e i�c�alectl� n of"the public. lliese lten�.s MUS 11A 1: lMtv1 DlA'l'i�, lWttl�RFCTIVE ACTION Repeated violations may lead to ac:tior� being hi liated or permit suspension or ropoc at.ion. - _. Date To Be Date y ITEM DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION Corrected. B Corrected c.c.tc:cl' ... 1 . 01 } PART 2 The following violations of these items are to be corrected by the next regular inspection or compliance schedule noted. Date To Be Date Actio ITEM DFSCRIPTION OF VIOLATION Corrected By Corrected ,"w• 4 itsdz ,. 1 Based on an inspection this day, the above listed items identify the violations which must be corrected as noted. Failure to comply with this notice may result in immediate suspension of your permit to operate this pool(s). An opportunity for an appeal will be provided if a written request for a hearing is filed with the jurisdictional health authority within the period of time established. Note: Filing for appeal does not stay a suspension. O erator O er 7 f'lea th Authority Action: (a) ❑ Compliance / / (b) ❑ Reinspection (c) ❑ Closure (7/91) page a Pa 005 City of PortTownsend Building and Community Development S40 Wager Street, Pod Towns ad, WA 98368 360/385-3000 FAX 360/383-4290 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Building Permit No.: 941 6 Owner: Port T wnsend S hool District #50 Address: 191 Baine Stre t Location: M n ire view f lerrretar h lline Street betty viler lern Building (or portion): Swimmin Pool Use (s) permitted: ,, P i lic Swimming Pool The above -referenced building or portion complies with the applicable requirements of the Port Townsend Building Code (PTMC 16.04), has passed all required inspections and may be used and occupied in the use and manner indicated above. Approved: Building Official W 04/28/1995 08,:09 3603857675 PT PUBLIC WORKS Department of u IlcWorks 5210 KUHN STREET pO T TpWNSEND, WASHINGTON 98368 2061385-7212 206/385-7b7-5 FAX ,FAX COVER SHEET PAGE 01 b f TO. - L. REPRESENTING - Com' FAX NUMBER: FROM: REGARDIN"O NUMBER OF PAGES TO FOLLOW, Ly. INCL UDING THIS COVER - SHEET �-- 04128/1995 08:09 I 3503857675 ID Number County PT PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 02 WATER RECREATION FACILITY INSPECTION FORM 'y P ted. The rollowing n violations of hese hems are to be corrected laythe next lar inspection or com Mance scole no Date To Be Date Ac DESCRIPTION 'I'TON OF VIOLATION Corrected By Convete a taw r . ■ . w xM • , , t w �r �, r 'I• w p rw , „ . Action: (a) 13 Compliance / / (b) O Reinspection (c) 0 Closure ST At t STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS Building 2, Airdustrial Center • P.O. Box 47826 • Olympia, Washington 98504-7826 February 6, 1995 Dr. Eugene Medina School District Superintendent Port Townsend School District # 50 450 Fir Street, Lincoln Building Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Dear Dr. Medina: PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SWIMMING POOL RENOVATIONS, MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL, PORT TOWNSEND - JEFFERSON COUNTY The plans and specifications for the above project received in this office October 26, 1994, together with information received on November 1, 1994, and February 1, 1995, have been reviewed and, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 246-260 WAC (formerly Chapter 248-98 WAC), are hereby APPROVED. As required in Chapter 246-260-030 (5) WAC, upon completion of the construction and prior to use, the owner shall: a. Submit a construction report from the engineer or architect (a copy of the form to be completed is enclosed). b. Contact the local health jurisdiction at least five working days before intended use of the facility. C. Obtain an operating permit through the local health jurisdiction. This letter of approval serves as a CONSTRUCTION PERMIT under the requirements of Chapter 246-260-030 WAC and RCW 70.90.160. Chapter 246-260-030(6) WAC provides that this permit shall be valid for a period of eighteen months. Renewals may be granted by the department for a period of one year. It is the owner's responsibility to apply for a renewal. Sincerely, Gary Fraser, Manager Water Recreation Program Enclosures cc: School District Facilities Director City of Port Townsend Bldg Department Jefferson County Health Department Heery International Rue, Butler, Marshall Associates Hargis Engineers Chalker Putnam Collins & Scott "I J� o . HPM FORT TOI,4JSEh 1D FG 1 APR 1--7 195 12:15 i HEA,,E .. Facsimile PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 50 M4 WOODLRY, PROGRAM MANAGER 450 FIR STREET, LINCOLN BUILDING LAURA HALADY, PROJECT SFCRZrAIZY PORT TOWNSEND, WA 95368 PH (360) 379-4508 FAX (206) 379-0166 TO• ATTENTION: ,�,-. L- -t-w . 39�50,4' 2.1t3 BATE: IN I --.� .415 PROJECT: -i5pvt mm1 k oli�L,. FROM: -it-J�A PAGES: CONCVMNTS: t y A; :r 4w IN 4, Mo 4) Tb-oL ANN ( 206385500'12 HPM PCIRT TI--IIdHSD'-ID F0) FE -5) U--IIL2)MA RUE - BOTLEA - MARSK4LL - ASSOCIATES, krhde�, pS members,american inshtUle Of afGhfrOCIS 732 pae4 eve-, tacorna, vju gaQ2 a (206) 383.1011 72 7 P` 2 APR 13 '95 12:16 4U VV� JtTJE BT-TTLMt MARSHALL ASSOCIATES, AR CTS' P.S. 732 Pacific Avenue Taco=a, WA 98402 FLINCHLIST ARCffFrECTEMAL WORK '"OUNTAIN VrE%"FtEMT-N-rvRy SCM )(yf�. SG POOL MODITICATIONS PORT TOEND SCT -100L DRSTIUCT April 10, 1995 1. Seal edge between resin fle'Or and C.T. around pool penmeter - see far south end of pool (locker room wajj). Choan out (open up) wpep hall in far norLh,�orner. 3, Grout C.T. at edge rjew� ta-) rr-Tin floor ai tut,5'6—tth of center column, 4. Clean bare cQncr-W. fnr around pool , vvldt-T-- stains, 5. P'Mint exterior walls Wht-re conduit was ff-Moveti/relocatpd abOW" pool crawl space access. 6. Clean outside face of decl,- fence where grout splashed agafi%-at it., ON-SITE Hargis Engineers, Inc. OBSERVATION REPORT 600 Stewart St, Suite 1800 Seattle, WA 98101 To: RMB A No: �L2 Dy: Tom-Harrylock Attn: Date: Apffl 7,1.1 )95 Project: ,P.5 -049P, Weather: LArind Naia,, Si m ,1— L On-Site Observation RelaCive To: Lt._T_wxrserd Pg, 1 Contractors: P Ar�nc)C__in s-, mc-, Punchfist -, 2,01 Pump seal for chlorinator, 1.01 Flow Meter. 2.033 New Eyballs at inlet valves to final balance supply side. supply 2.04 Nozzle at backwash discharge. 2.05 Finish cleaning SA plenunVtunnel around pool. Pun�L�IiElect riq"al 2.06 Finish installation of"groundling, systems, 0 7H/ln%r f'S9500,9304985.407 9 1 %'K %io � T 9 1 %'K %io � ;=FJC Jr.7Jr_i�ic nr 1 1 r, irz. 1 i -wi 1...,cl iw ,.» ^ 4 ONSTUCTION REPdRT WATER RECREATION FACILITIES Effecrive April 12. 1990, the following regulation applies: Chapter 246-260-030 WAC (formerly Chapter 248-98-010(5)]. Upon completion of WRF pool facility construction. modification or alteration and before use, owners shall submit :e the depantritnt a construction report signed by an engineer ar architect certifying" that the construction is substanuaii•, to compitarice with approved plans and. specifications and relater( to conditions under subsection (2)(c) of this section, On pw jl facilities less than 1,550 square feet, the verson sjoun# the construction report staall confirm the. (i) Mecharat~a equipment and circulation system is substantially installed, and functioningo, in accardance wa�tb the approved plazas: anal � zi) :-actlir,; with provisions for divine substantially conforms With the diving envelope recuirements established in the rersuiatzrttt.. Gn pool facilities 4500 square feet ar more, the Person sighing e construction report ;shall confirm: (i) The subiten s its. ,section la) above; and (ii) Wanting surfaces, barriers, pool components (inciudingpiping, inlets, outlets, dirrtenstanal �esz arl. pool appurtt+ett n cc s, ctluipment.Tooins,� ventilatla�rl,,.apo.ts &at�rtsr. ztd lttrrxbtzt�* fixtures are substantially itt�c:rznf t �d the approved plaps. • 't:mifyitig' Mearts that to the best of the AiXCWjta•r`s or anviDecy°s knowiedge mad belief. the. trsitllation is in compliance with Lt., aptaa vred ptat . The �rawtchitect and Engineer's rttmicatitan cot" a we �aad�ittotrs in ria u'.tw rriietes any other porn from meet:" xrrautrr,mcats imposed by cotttract or ower: rc, uutaticrnjt trtcitiatuo Cor nowrtnorr acceptea induutry ptactmces, rAddltlonal certification- or7r%5 are aualiable from rite r+enarEment of Health address itsted below.) MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL 2/6/95 EIRP Paul t r'M PMA rw SoasAe raaraea trr tka�vntttt a N..+h PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DIST #50 .r�. o«t. Praiaa o Prrrant WFF Pati owwa Mn& Ttteraal t:ettgtpaa 450 FIR STREET, LINCOLN BUILDING, PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 ..... M -- ,wd�ru d ornar �r sur to PORT TOWNSEND - JEFFERSON COUNTY Fadlyor� Jrr Stave ZO Ad The ttndeisigned engiaeer or architect or hisiher authorized agent baa oa*w oted 0C a efro�tberl pr and concurs that the ohystcal facility has tree- :enstrue;c to a=ordanee with rhe pians and specifications anOTOYbd by the &taw; i health 4606 in accorciarrc ¢h the provisions of WAC :n the opiniort of the eneinear Or architect.the facili v has been -creel is air awash these provision. at� . , yt6-.Zmuttre Via. t"A.ti3twAt cc Anhileet r r Nk* 60N;1 Please return completed icr— to the. departmentloffice indicated below, EXPIRL 11/4 1 El Department of Health Community Environmental Health Programs Building 3, Airdustrial Center P.O. Box 47826 Olympia. SVA 98504-78216 C,jNSTRUCTION PvRT WATER RECREATION FACILITIES Effective April 12, 1990, the following regulation applies: "Chanter 246-260-030 WAC [formerly Chapter 248-98-010(5)], Upon completion of WRF pool facility construction. modification or alteration and before use, owners shall submit to the department a construction report signed by an engineer or architect certifving' that the construction is substantiaii%- in compliance with approved plans and specifications and related to conditions under subsection (2)(c) of this section. On poo,i facilities less than 1.500 square feet, the person signing the construction report shall confirm the: (i) Mechanical equipment and circulation system is substantially installed and functioning in accordance with the approved plans: and (ii) Faciliry with provisions for diving substantially conforms with the diving envelope requirements established in the retauiation. On pool facilities 1,500 square feet or more, the person signing the construction report shall confirm: (i) The subitetns in section (a) above; and (ii) Walking surfaces, barriers, pool components (including piping), inlets, outlets, dimensional design, pool appurtenances, equipment rooms, ventilation, and lighting and plumbing fixtures are substantially in conformance Nvith the approved plans. 'Certifying' means that to the best of the Architect's or Engineer's enowledge and belief. the installation is in compliance with th. approved plans, The Architect and Engineer's certification of aw-ve conditions in no wav relieves anv other Dam from meets:. - requirements imposed by contract or other regulations. including cor-r-nooty accepted industry practices. (Additional certification -forms are available from the Department of Health address listed below.) MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL WRF Pod Pane PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DIST #50 W RF Pad Owns s Name 450 FIR STREET PORT TOWNSEND - LINCOLN BUILDING, PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Address d owner ; ay JEFFERSON COUNTY Fadiy Adores The undersienea engineer or architect or hisiber authorized agent in accordance warn the pians and specifications approved by the 248-98-010('_,1.- In the opinion of the engineer or arciutect.the i EXPIRE 2/6/95 Dale Fins n0 Soeak4sons Ayproaed by DeWrenett of HesNh Dab Roied or Pa 60 Thereat Camdeeed stale Zp .. ..Ry stale Zp ssDecacd 41�e ai described pr t and concurs that the physical facility has been ;onstructca health deo''In 3ccor0211' in the provisions of WAC 246-260-030(21 Iia=criv WAC has been s ar in cd ar cord We ith these provisions. _.aflarure a')Elhmaeer or Architect Dane Please return completed fc - to the department/office indicated below. Department of Health Communitv Environmental Health Procrams Building 3, Airdustrial Center v P.O. Box 47826 Olympia. WA 98504-7826 2.591 DE) mop(^ �^ � � �'", ��. �. �• lit :l t.Y bIll" Tr) HEERY Facsimile PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 50 TIM WOODLEY, PROGRAM MANAGER 450 FIR STREET, LINCOLN BUILDING LAURA HALADY, PROJECT SECRETARY PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 PH (360) 3794508 FAX (206) 379-0166 TO: Cm -e OF F --r, ATTENTION:���j DATE: PROJECT: Foj�- FROM: -1-1" kuwev� PAGES: I COMMENTS: April 4, 1995 Department of Health Office of Community Environmental Health Programs Building 2, Airdustrial Center Construction P.O. Box 47826 Conslrucllon Management Olympia, WA 98504-7826 Engineering Graphic Design Attention: Gary Fraser, Managcr Interior Design Water Recreation Program Program Management Strategic facilities Planning RE: Port Townsend School District No. 50 Swimming Pool Renovation Project Subject: Substantial Completion Notice Dear Mr. Fraser: We are pleased to inform you that the Swimming Pool Renovation project located at Mountairi .View Elementary, 1919 Blaine, Port Townsend WA, will be substantially complete and ready for inspection on Thursday, April 6, 1995. Primo Construction, Sequim WA, general contractor to the Owner has completed this project and has requested a pre -final inspection by the designers and permit authorities. Rue•Butler•Marshal I Associates, Architects, Tacoma WA, and Hargis Engineers, Seattle WA, will be at the site on April 6th to review all installations and confirm compliance with the State Health Department approved construction documents. Their 'Construction Report', in proper form, will then be forwarded to your office as required. Also, please be advised that the City of Port Townsend will be the lead Agency responsible for operating this public swimming facility. Therefore, the City will request an inspection by local County Health Officials at least five days prior to facility use and will obtain an operating permit from County Health.(sec attached Construction Permit, 2/6/95) We thank you for your assistance in achieving successful completion of this project and remain available for your questions and/or concerns regarding this Swimming Pool Renovation Project. Sincerely, HEERY INTERNATIONAL, INC. 11 If� #1 II Tim K. ootGey, Progra n Manager Dr. Medina, PTSD Bob Witheridge, PTSD Tom Marshall, IIBMA, 'fonT I larrylock, I largis Gwen Howard, Jefferson County Heal th Department 2541 a(I-1), DD Pool Heery International, Inc. A group of professional service practices 450 Fir Street, Lincoln Building, Pori Townsend, Washington 96360 Telephone 206385 5002 Fax 2063653617 ATtAIUA MOMMORE BOSUN C; IARUOM; ritIVIAAND 0 NVER 9d(p11 OIN IONOON t0SANG1415 MIAMI 91ko Ytl18 k URIAN&Wjj PflN.NpF,l POO PO QPM 59RAIN410 ,,,AN D*n '6AN FRANGUI) M,AMTIF SPOKANT W+ IACOp A'R WANNN€NIT 1) k. City of Port Townsend Rob Sears„ Budding Department Bob Wheeler, Public Works Greg Parish, Primo STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS Building 2, Airdustrial Center • P.O. Box 47826 • Olympia, Washington 98504-7826 February 6, 1995 Dr. Eugene Medina School District Superintendent Port Townsend School District # 50 450 Fir Street, Lincoln Building � Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Dear Dr. Medina: PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SWIMMING POOL RENOVATIONS, MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL, PORT TOWNSEND - JEFFERSON COUNTY The plans and specifications for the above project received in this office October 26, 1994, together with information received on November 1, 1994, and February 1, 1995, have been reviewed and, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 246-260 WAC (formerly Chapter 248-98 WAC), are hereby APPROVED. As required in Chapter 246-260-030 (5) WAC, upon completion'of the construction and prior to use, the owner shall: a. Submit a construction report from the engineer or architect (a copy of the form to be completed is enclosed). b. Contact the local health jurisdiction at least five working days before intended use of the facility. C. Obtain an operating permit through the local health jurisdiction. This letter of approval serves as a CONSTRUCTION PERMIT under the requirements of Chapter 246-260-030 WAC and RCW 70.90.160. Chapter 246-260-030(6) WAC provides that this permit shall be valid for a period of eighteen months. Renewals may be granted by the department for a period of one year. It is the owner's responsibility to apply for a renewal. Sincerely, Gary Fraser, anager Water Recreation Program Enclosures cc: School District Facilities Director City of Port Townsend Bldg Department Jefferson County Health Department Heery International Rue, Butler, Marshall Associates Hargis Engineers Chalker Putnam Collins & Scott zS'ti i V D FRS I co Cite of ortTow,nsend Planning and Building Department 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000 October 4, 1994 Jean Camfield 450 Fir Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Re: Mountain View Elemeri � r _ZSc ,hoQLPggj i at a n Dear Jean, The Building Department has received plans for renovation of the Mountain View Elementary School swimming pool. Based on the estimated construction value of $98,700.00 listed on the permit application, the plan review fee is $412.75. At your earliest convenience, would you please submit a check to the City of Port Townsend in the amount of $412.75`' Thanks. � a:rl ZiAmer Plans" Technician c: file CITY OF'PORT TOW SE D BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number 9410-06 Issued -01/23/95 _Trees. No. Job Address, 1919 Blaine StreetZoning P-1 Type V-NOccupancy E-1 Nature of Work wirnnfina -Pool ion Use of Building(s)_..,.,.,Mt. View Elementary School Owner Pt. Townsend School District #50 Contractor, PRIMO Constructwon Demolished materials to be taken to re -aa roved loegligin Approved/Date CONCRETE (Special Insp. Req'd.) MECHANICAL PLUMBING FINAL (DOH sign -off) 10-10. WwwvGTIDN STATE Dh,,PA RTxtr., NT +CSI' I DA1.111 r1PPt "t IAL REQUIRED PRIOR 101 N L INSPECTION APPROVAL My of Port R E CE" Anja STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH n d �� �� � � �rM OFI ICF OF COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS �4 °°�° °° i , Airdustrial Center • P.O. Box 47826 • Olympia, Washington 98504-7826 November 9, 1994 Mr. Tim K Woodley, Project Manager Heery International, Incorporated 450 Fir Street, Lincoln Building Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Dear Mr. Woodley: PLANS FOR THE RENOVATION OF A SWIMMING POOL LOCATED AT MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL, PORT TOWNSEND - JEFFERSON COUNTY Plans and specifications have been received for the above named facility. Prior to further review the following information is needed. 1. The "Review Checklist" submitted was for a spa pool and was not complete. Please complete and return the enclosed swimming pool review checklist. 2. Please indicate the maximum bather load allowed at one time in order to establish capability of the surge tank. 3. Please indicate the volume of the surge tank. It must be equivalent to 15 times the maximum bather load. 4. Is there an overflow device for the surge tank or a float actuator to the sump pump? 5. Please indicate the pool volume and the surge tank volume. 6. What procedure or device is used for the fresh water fill to eliminate any potential cross -connection to the domestic supply? 7. Sheet Al indicates deck lettering. Depth markers are also required on the vertical wall of the pool (drain wall). 8. Please indicate the turn over rate of filtered water, with the filter dirty and clean. 9. Is a safety line or a marking line capability provided at the change in the uniform slope from shallow to deep water. 10. Please indicate main drains and their locations on the plans. 11. Please indicate pipe sizes for main drains and gutter overflow drains. 12. Please provide information on the velocities of flow in feet per second which could be created through the main drain assuming 100% recirculation flow. Mr. Tim K Woodley November 9, 1994 Page Two 13. Possible velocities to be created through the pressured pipes and pipes under a vacuum was not indicated. Please specify. 14. Please specify flow meter locations. 15. A sight glass will be required on the back wash line if the waste line terminates out of the equipment room. 16. The filter pump curve needs to be enclosed. 17. What method or device is to be used to eliminate any possible means of cross connection on the fresh water fill? 18. Please indicate if the IAE Model 3696 -1M -FG sand filter is NSF approved. This particular model was not found in the approved list. The filtration surface in square feet also needs to be enclosed. The "Project Manual" indicates two 17.2 square foot filters are to be used. Sheet M/E 1 and M/E 3 indicates one filter. Please clarify. 19. The back wash and sump drain line must have a minimum two pipe diameters air gap between it and the storm drain down spout. 20. Is the size of the storm drain satisfactory to accept the back wash, or sump drain volume? 21. The ventilation system must conform with ASHRAE pool facility standards. 22. The hose bibs in pool area, equipment room, and shower rooms must have vacuum breakers. 23. Emergency lighting to be provided must conform to UL standard 924. 24. Please provide specifications on the lighting. Is a minimum of 30 foot-candles of lighting provided around the pool and deck? Plan review will be completed upon receipt of the information requested in the items listed above. If you have any questions regarding the review you may contact me at (206) 586-8131. Sincerely, Gary Fraser, Manager Water Recreation Program Enclosure cc; City of Port Townsend Building Department Jefferson County Health Department January 10, 1994 Primo Construction 970 Carlsborg Road Sequim, WA 98382 Attention: Greg Parrish Subject: Swimming Pool Renovation NOTICE -TO -PROCEED - JANUARY 10, 1995 Dear Greg: Having received authorization from the Port Townsend School District Board of Directors, a contract between Port Townsend School District No. 50 and Primo Construction was executed on January 10, 1995 for the Swimming pool Renovation Project. Therefore, having received information of Bonding and Insurance requirements, please accept this Notice to Proceed, dated January 10, 1995, with all Work as set forth in the Contract Documents for the Swimming Pool Project. A Building Permit is required before any work can begin and is available at the City Planning and Building Department. This project is a source of great pride and anticipation for the Owner and represents several years of planning and hard work by the Designers, the District and the Community. We are pleased to have been a part of this effort and welcome you and your company to the team. As you begin your scheduling and mobilization activities, please feel free to contact me at any time for assistance. Best regards, e b 11m K. 'Woodley, Proj t Manager cc: Dr. Medina, PTD Bob Witheridge PTSD 2541 a(H) pool Heery International, Inc. A group of prolesslonal seance practices Lincoln Building 450 Fir Street Part Townsend Washington 98368 Telephone 206-385-5002 Fax 206379-0166 AIg.A)I@A NEAI MIMOFIC RO'GtAIA.I CHARLOTTE 41EWFLAMdL1 YM'EP9J"GIi MIIgLNNTFhN G,ONIy¢MYp C.OGANY"t:0.F MI Aa4 Elf MIAMI NEWYORK VMANUO FICILADR P(aAPOWtlLANO SACRAWMENIO • AN t"LGG.CA,N FRANCISCO "M.AVI E Dlyti'YNylNF VAN1.0 N 11 WAIWINGTON DC r tr d 4� I � d r Archdecmre Construction Management Engineering Graphic Design Intermr Oesign Program 6lanagemenl strategic Facilities R:nr..ng ti - a 0 . 1 4 0 0 For approval 0 Furnish as submitted El As requested 0 Revise and resubmit ElForyouruse El Submit specified item 0 Rejected 0 Furnish as requested To: 1% Item: El Attached El U rider separate cover via If enclosures are not as noted kindly notify us at once. ......... . . ........... . . . . .. . . ..... r ...... . . . . ...... - . ..... Heery International, Inc. 450 Fir Street Lincoln Building Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Telephone 206-385-5002 Fax 206-379-0166 Date: 1b - 2-;- . . ...... . . . ...... .. . ... ....... Job No: 0. N o ............ R Attention: ....... — - — ------ - --- R& ri Mernora'ndurn ife, [ter otTransmittal A'J'rr)r approval EJ Furnish as submitted El As reqii,lesled LI: lleo�,,,a and, MuMA)MIR 0 Fol Yr')ur "ist,Sibrnil SpOcfficld ilefn [] Rtjected -umish as requn,'-Md e To: '-1 "1Y ffy'! li(111111�111'1" V-111,0111- F w2klll Hoary International, Inc. 450 Fir Street Lincoln Building Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Telephone 206-385-5002 Fax 206-379 0166 Date: el Job N PO. No: 0: 2 -57`11 T1"'b.01)'1a-m,- -- . ...... . . - . ............... . .. . Attention, . . .... �/ ........... .............. _-r vs.6! , - .... . .. . .... ... -- -- -- — ------ - — - . ......... . . ....... . . . . ....... ........ . . ...... . ........ . ........... 4w, T . ..... . .... -11. r_-cz.r . ........ .. . . ......... ... . . ......... Our I A&I LL . ........... . Cap WiLAI-1 -144 Item: CAttached 0 Under separate cover via If enclosures are not as noted kindly notify us at once Copy Y t 0 . .. ..... .... Signed: ...... . .......... .. ..... . .......... ... . ..... .......... . . .. . ......... ... . ....... . . . . ....... . ..... P.T. SWIMMING POOL TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE NUMBER OF PAGES Title Sheet Table of Contents 2 Advertisement for Bids 2 Section: 00100 - Instructions to Bidders 00300 - Form of Proposal 7 00500 - Agreement Form 7 00620 - Public Work Bond (Washington) 1 00625 - Equal Opportunity 1 00627 - Offshore Items 1 00700 - General Conditions of the Contract 28 00800 - Supplemental Conditions of the Contract 31 00900 - Special Conditions 8 r -117 1111 " Section: 01010 - Summary of the Work 3 01045 - Cutting and Patching 3 01200 - Meetings 3 0131 1 - Schedules & Reports 4 01312 - Warranty of Work after Final Payment 1 01313 - Certificate of Compliance 1 01314 - Certification of No Asbestos 1 01315 - Certification of No Lead 1 01340 - Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples 7 01400 - Quality Control 4 01425 - Wage Rates 18 01450 - Safety Procedures 2 01500 - Construction Facilities & Temporary Controls 7 01615 - Delivery, Storage and Handling 3 01640 - Approval for Substitution & Product Option 3 01700 - Contract Closeout 9 DIVISION ISION 2 - SIJE WORK Section: 02072 - Demolition for Remodeling DIVISION 9 - FINISHES Section: 09300 - Ceramic Tile 4 09700 - Latex Mastic Deck Coating 3 r Section: 15010 - General Provisions 5 15011 -Special Provisions 3 15030 - Access, Excavation & Backfilling 5 15055 - Mechanical Identification 5 15080 - Piping Specialties 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 2 TITLE DIVISION 1 ., MECHANICAL CON"T Section: 15090 - Supports, Anchors and Seals 15100 - Valves 15140 - Pumps 15450 - Pool Filter System 15451 - Pool Specialties END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS P.T. SWIMMING POOL 4 1 2 2 2 ADVERT1SEME-3 _FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Port Townsend School District, #50 at the Port Townsend School District Administration office, Lincoln Building, 450 Fir Street, Port Townsend, WA., 98368 until 3:00 p.m., Prevailing Local Time, November 22, 1994 for construction of the following project: PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT #50 SWIMMING POOL RENOVATION ,Pv.%ecf VKc-, . TO BE PROVIDED BY RBMA At the above indicated time, the bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids received by Port townsend School District after the time fixed for opening of the bids will not be considered. Time of receipt will be as determined by the time received in the Port Townsend School District Business Office. The site is presently available for viewing daily until 4:00 p.m. Bidders are requested to view the site to become familiar with the project. To arrange a site visit, contact Monique M. Varney, Heery International, in Port Townsend (206) 385-5002. a ,4 Prospective Bidders may obtain Bidding and Contract Documents after November 1, 1994 from the architects Itce, Rue-Buder- Marshall Associates, Architects, 732 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington; 98402, 383-101,1, or from the office Hy International, 450 Fir Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368, (206) 385-5002, upon deposit of a check in the amount of ($50.110)- y-ve dollars per set, payable to "Port Townsend School District #50". Deposit will be returned to bidders upon return of the documents in good condition. A certified or bank cashier's check payable to the Owner or a bid bond executed by a licensed bonding company is required with each bid, in an amount equal to five percent of the Base Bid plus any additive sums for alternate bids. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a 100 % Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bond by a surety company acceptable by the Owner. A pre-bid meeting is to be held on November 10, 1994 at 2:30 P.M. at the Heery office located at the Port Townsend High School Office of Heery International, Inc. A site visit shall be conducted at this time. Document holders not submitting an accepted bid or not returning documents within ten (10) working days after bid opening shall forfeit deposit. Plans may be viewed at the following plan centers: Associated General Contractors 1200 Westlake Avenue N. #310 Seattle, WA 98109 PH: 285-2021 FX: 286-3112 C.M.D. 10504 NE 37th Circle, #7 Kirkland, WA 98033 PH: 822-8937 Associated General Contractors 3312 S. Union Avenue Tacoma, WA 98409 PH: 383-4591 FX: 383-2859 Associated Subcontractors 3312 S. Union Avenue Tacoma, WA 98409 PH: 383-4591 FX:383-2859 Construction Data & News 4803 Pacific Hwy. E #3 Fife, WA 98424 PH: 922-7172 FX: 922-3430 Dodge Scan 100 W. Harrison Plaza 430 N. Tower P.O. Box C9137 (98109) Seattle, WA 98119 PH: 284-3811 FX: 284-6111 Olympic Plan Service 1001 E. State P.O. Box 1246 (98507) Olympia, WA 98506 PH: 943-3960 FX: 943-7159 Olympic Peninsula Plan Center 847 - 47th Street P.O. Box 229 Bremerton, WA 99220 PH: 479-3579 Snohomish County Building News & Plan Center 2607 Wetmore Avenue Everett, WA 98201-2926 Ph: 258-1303 FX: 259-3832 Valley Plan Center 1819 S. Central Avenue #84 Kent, WA 98109 PH: 852-3424 FX: 852-3424 The Port Townsend School District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalifies and irregularities in the bidding and to accept bids that are considered to be in the best interests of the Port Townsend School District. Publish Dates: October 26 and November 2, 1994. hx/adforbid.kit INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PORT TOWNSEND DISTRICT NO. 50 ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 1.1 All definitions set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, or in other Contract Documents are applicable to the Bidding Documents. 1.2 "Addenda" are written or graphic instruments issued by the Architect prior to the execution of the Contract which modify or interpret the Bidding Documents by additions, deletions, clarifications or corrections. The contents of Addenda are issued in no particular order and therefore should be carefully and completely reviewed. 1.3 An "Alternate Bid" (or "Alternate") is an amount stated in the Bid to be added to or deducted from the amount of the Base Bid if the corresponding change in the Work, as described in the Bidding Documents, is accepted. 1.4 The "Base Bid" is the sum stated in the Bid for which the Bidder offers to perform the Work described in the Bidding Documents as the base to which work may be added or from which work may be deleted for sums stated in Alternate Bids.. 1.5 A "Bid" is a complete and properly signed proposal to do the Work or designated portion thereof, submitted in accordance with the Bidding Documents, for the sums therein stipulated. 1.6 A "Bidder" is a person or entity who submits a Bid. 1.7 The "Bidding Documents" include the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the bid form, other -- sample bidding and contract forms, the Bid Bond, the Affidavit of Non -Collusion, and the proposed Contract Documents, including any Addenda issued prior to receipt of bids. 1.8 The "Contract Documents" proposed for the Work consist of the Owner -Contractor Agreement and the Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplemental, Special, and other Conditions), the Drawings, the Specifications, and all Addenda issued prior to and all modifications issued after execution of the Contract. 1.9 A "Sub -bidder" is a person or entity who submits a bid to a Bidder for materials, equipment or labor for a portion of the Work. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT INSTR. TO BID. --Page 1 I S L940270.,.15912/9/94 1.09 LISTING OF SUBCONTRACTORS Every bidder must supply a list identifying every subcontractor whose subcontract amount will be more than ten percent (10%) of the contract price. The list must be submitted on this form, nithu in the envelope with the sealed bid pF-subartitts.ttla�e�v¢ithir�24 ho�rwl tltIakra+e s'Iated=fab The list of subcontractors must designate those categories of work which are expected to be more than ten percent (10%) of the contract price, and for each such category, the list must contain the name of the subcontractor or a written notation that the work is to be performed by the contractor itself. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL RENDER THE BID VOID; AND THE OWNER SHALL NOT ACCEPT THE BID. Related CSI Subcontractor Name: Division No. (Attacfi additional sheets as needed.) Respectfully submitted this day of 1994 Firm Name: Address: Signature•_ Name (type): (SEAL, IF BIDDER IS CORPORATION) Title: 00300 • 7 1.10 ADDENDA The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: (List by number and date appearing on addenda.) Addendum No. Date Addendum No. Date F. G. H. ENCLOSURES: Bidder: Street Address: Telephone and City: By: State of Washington Contractor's License No.: Contractor's License Expiration Date: Give State of Incorporation: If out of state corporation, affix Corporate Seal: 1. Bid Form 2. Bid Bond 3. Affidavit of Non -Collusion 4. Acknowledgement of Principal Bidder 5. Insurance Binder 003W .4 AFFIDAVIT OF NON -COLLUSION State of Washington ) ss County of ) being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not thereon named, and further, that the deponent has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder on the foregoing work or equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not, in any manner, sought by collusion to secure himself, or to any other person, an advantage over any other Bidder or Bidders. Sign Hare: (Company Name) (Signature) (Title) (SEAL, IF INCORPORATED) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of .1994. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at: (This Affidavit properly executed must accompany all proposals) 003M - 5 FORM OF BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, as Principal and Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of and legally doing business in the State of Washington, as surety, are held and firmly bound and obligated unto the Port Townsend School District #50, and the State of Washington, hereinafter called the Owner, in the full and just sum of Dollars ($ lawful money of the United States of America for the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, Sealed and Dated this day of A.D., 19 _ , THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Owner shall make any award to the principal for: according to the terms of the proposal or bind made by the Principal therefore, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a Contract with the Owner in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety and Sureties approved by the Owner; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay to the Owner the damages which the Owner may suffer by reason of such failure not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed. Principal By Surety By Attorney -in -Fact 00300 . 6 (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PRINCIPAL OF BIDDER, IF A CORPORATION) State of ) County of ) On this day of 1994 before me personally came and appeared to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at that he is the of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that one of the impressions affixed to said instrument is an impression of such seal; that it was so affixed by order of the directors of said corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (SEAL) My Commission Expires (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PRINCIPAL OF BIDDER, IF A PARTNERSHIP) State of ) ss: County of ) On this day of 1994 before me personally appeared, to me known, and known to me to be one of the members of the firm of, described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of said firm. (SEAL) My Commission Expires (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PRINCIPAL OF BIDDER, IF A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) State of ) ss: r County of ) On this day of 1994 before me personally appeared, to me known, and known to me to be one of the members of the firm of, described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of said firm. (SEAL) My Commission Expires oowo - 7 AGREEMENT FORM DIVISION 0 * SECTION 00500 REFERENCE: 1, The Form of Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor shall be the AIA Document A101-1987. The Form of Agreement is included l{ rtd herein. ii- -70 cZ—�fz SPS- �-��T, 00500 - I Standard Formof AgreementB Owner g Contractor basi of payment Stipulated Sum ALOS AIA Document A101 AGREEMENT mede as of the day of in the year of Nineteen Hundred and BETWEEN the Owner: �NaAse .e/ �,ssrl and the Contractor: (x"" ead &arms) The project i3: 0VA~ A" /oeelloa) The Architect i3: (N,luw$ a" Add "88) THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AIA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AIA DOCUMENT D401. Copyright 1915,1918,1925,1937.1951.1959,1%1.1963,1967,1974,1977, copyright 1987 by the Amerittta Institute of Architects, 1733 Now York Avenue, N.W., Washington. D.C. 20006-5292. Reprodattion of the material herein or sabsuntial quotation of its pnmuoaa without written permission of the ALA violates the copyright laws of the United Stasis and will be subject to legal prosemuon. AIA A181 . O C1Oa AO Tw #1 - AV . too. TQ W=Vr48 a AftW"WM ITT! Naw TOM Ate, A .W.. WAMINOTM. OA, wAaolOW Orr1YMe Wd v4slaw UA *"w*W b m nr r *A$m on IIpt pmmrMmnim4TW Mm1 rA Ii0"" IASA ®ribArmen M rA 11/1T A« Electronic Documunt Service A101-1987 1 The Owns and Contractor agree as set forth below. A811GLE THE CONTRACT" DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement. Conditions of the Contract (Goneral, supplementary mind other Conditions). Drawings, Specifications, addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documimts listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued atm execution of this Agreement; these forth the Contract, and sre as fWly a. part of the Contract as if attached to this Agroettient or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the �tierhereto and NUP"20401, prior negotiations, representations or a. tr,either written or oral. An enumeration of e Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 9.. , C THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, or as follows: ARIQ19 I DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SU a NT1AL COMPLETION date of this Agreement. as f r t written , high thde date a paragraph d bels ort Is ;tion measured, and shall be the 3. a date o t is the dart w mauls for the date to be fixed in a notice to procood issued by the Owner. (/wtsrt taMa ddt of , if it AffA7e 1row dw dart of WS A,;rssawaat, or, if appUeable. ants dW aw dote rill bs flsed fo a nodes to prsaoaod) Unless the date of connuencement is established by a notice to proceed issued by this Owner, the Contractor shall uotify the Owner in writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests. 3.2 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not 'later than (Inosrt tike calsagiar dW4 or sumber of 40WA r 408 fft*r t%t As" Of 9 ~A*. Also Wert any raq*jran# us for euUsr a ake co pisdoa of eartaio jowwons of $aka Work. it *at ttatawt slwoww**ra la Me Conowet DoutuAwwaata.) , subject to adjustments of this Contract Tim as provided in the Contract Documents. (lit Prov low , Va y. for sd 40004W "*Mine to fwuClWS to compUts on ama.) AV AAaw .ems. c M V A"Wal , .AAA . IM . "w We"Mrs or AMCNOaaaM w"r1s AAMC YOU Ate. N.V..AMA Al c iaAaNwa.aAgM wAaAwawsan � " owo^, Auuaw WA is W610" 0 k"j mow„ Two wwwwurw" *a �arwrr�r 11lwNtl�l W M� sam wqimi. Electronic Document Service A101-1987 2 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract Sum of Dollars ($ ), subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Docuumts. 4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner. (SUM (at" art VP atiinar id**WC4ll*a of 410,0?"W- If d#C&iaat VA 0040 Sit~ &* ars to b* atlp s by t" 0WW to r##q*aaf rto tAu mention ail' Mit Agreement, alftcA a seka ids of tae k other alternates **** s# 1AII #4000 for ndwA, nae aw aatratar "di WM4 tAtat Amount it raiiL) 4.3 Unit prices, if any, are as follows: 1 .A PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make pro.gress payments on account of the Contract Sum -to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the day of a month, the Owner shall maize payment to the Contractor not later than the day of the month. If an Application for Payment is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Stun among the various portions of the Work and be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the and of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: AIA DOCUNXW A191 - O'M1Maa'.1,"�Itt"faJkCTOa AO - TWIROTIN Wff= - AM - COPTINIUMN tM - TO ANXISUM atllfxttfta e• res Mall" TM AMaMtla. N -W.. vAaaM10'TON. O.C. ttW&JnJtL 'M'AaMM Ur Ilh•WWrw,wlrNV 11 111 1 1rMri 11./. Iw � Y eawrirr IY�w � l l'M�trIaM11 r r Y � w!Wlwrl � � Ittt"tMN. #0600 ft low pwww" ?W ovionow e.l Electronic Document Service A101-1987 3 er.1. Tec lotion n each Contract Sum y allocable to completed Work as determinedby multiplying the Take that portion o e percentage portion of the Work by the share of the total Contract Sum dlocatw to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, less retainage of percent ( %) . Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute may be included as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum has not yet basn adjusted by Change Order, 5AU Add that portion of the Contract Sum propierly allocable to materials and equipment dollyared =4 suitubly stared at the site for subsequent incorporation sus inn oration in the completed construction (of, if, APPtQvvd..lo advamm,lby the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), lose retaftwpof pert:ent S.LS Subtract the 49POSate of previous payments made by the Owner, and 5.0.,4 Subtract amounts, if any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified It Certificate for Payment as provided in Paragraph 9.3 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Paragrapih 3.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a arm sufficient to Increase the total payments to percent ( %) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work and unsettled claim; and 5.7.2 Add, if final completion of the Work is thereafter, materially delayed', through no fault of the Contracecs,, any additional amomte payable in accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General conelitiong'- 5.4 Reduction or limitation of retainage, if any, shall be as follows: {if" it is inss"04 twriar so 2 t ampia dad of atw► "dre Word, tear Am" w 400 as the womiasm r , Ix a'aaPrraanW** 5.66 and 5.6.2 above. mad 840 is Mat asrhas4i ewkww is am anos" 0 w hwwt Am Tawas far' an*w ramaaima or iii ABEC= FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the tart -to the Contractor when l) the Contract has been fully � " the for the Can responsibilityto correct nonconforming deiin Subparagraph 1 .2.2 of the ( mat nd.trSatisfy other requirements, if any, which necessarily snrvtve final pa t, and (2) a final C Wtific tree far Payment hat,beft.isxosd. by the Architect, such final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than 30 days after the ismance of the Architect's final Certificate for Ps t, or as follows: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Where siis aon of eral Conditions or Contract Document,the reference reters to thatp s amended m acppl by otherprovisions the Con� te, AIA ANI . + W*%%4 pn%ACnM aaVe" . ver 40 to boa TW . �! MAIM IM New"�� a. Ava�IAN a, II.�., mA . O C. 1 :. � bm ad IAV � Tbb 46go MMt �a17Pt�N.� Mectronic, Document Service A101-1987 4 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. (Insert roe of Interest agreed upon. if any.) (Usurer laws and rognirements Under the Federal Truth in Landing Act. similar sato oad Masi consnwlwr trodit law* and other rsSulatlons at the owmarxs and Contractor's principal places of butlaess. the location of the pro*$ and rlsewnwW" ewer etf"eot ohs voldditx of t" provisiom Leal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or nedditcatless, and also regarding rewluirosleets Inca as wwrdlineal disclosures or waivers.) 7.9 Other provisions: TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 8.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 8.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agroemeut, are enumerated as follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AU Document A101, 1987 Edition. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, 1987 Edition. 9.1.9 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated and are as follows: Document kii1C! Puce 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Subparagraph 9.1.3. and are as follows: (Either Mat the Specifications hen or refer to an enehibit attached to this Agreoestlt.) Section Title P 9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated unless a different date is shown below: AIA VOCUJUMA191 . O CTM _ _ AY . 110I . TMs.e"W= Or AUXMWM n" le W Vft& ATINVI . If -W.. WASMOTON. D.C. 2000 t» WASNUM wtwlwmwo sbowwrrs — � uA Uw r is opoim ar 1pgle pwownw& Tug e� am wrawae liw�r wwNril!we I111449ltet r M arm*"" *66M V ma l Imms. Electronic Document Service A101-1987 5 (ltltAer list Me DroWast Acro or refer to an & A" w1te to this Agreement.) Number Title Date 9.1.6 The addenda, if any, are as follows: Number Pttett Portions of addenda relating to bidding requiremnts are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are also enumerated in this article 9. 9.1.7 Other documents, if any, forming of the Contract Documeuts are as follows: (Met Aero. &my owtwtltlo"i dowtoeleott ar WgA oro /atoo"dA to form port of tA* Cos~ Doe"Mott. The 64"rel coaditions prewtwlo that bw6wGAlwt' # rewt 0*46 of o4wortlreweweot or kvitattos to wt", lawwasom, to allAdere, sompte form aewl the coatroe er"t bij oro aot pa" of (Ad Contract Doeawtoatt aalett wa test is shit Agreoolwtat. 740 tAwtwwW ,bo fig" *ere oalyw V iategd" to ke port of tAs Coatroot D .) This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year fim written above and is executed in at least three original copies of which one is to be delivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner. f OWNER (Siffne"re) (maw same OW title) CONTRACTOR (S/Swygvf) (PrlatewMt 44W ow title) Ate., M.W...' ANI . O ACfOI AnmS « "1'A M'IR` ._. Hee .'� � � W 1735 XM Tobi wA .0.0 wAwlwpw 1t.a mops*%% taw W Y ta�wYrwe wwMMMMw�e tMwwwi weaMwerw I ItaiwAe�f W � � � � wreWNeeY,eM,,,,Mt 1 ttttttw. tw ffU wYmwms ww� MMwieye,Mie!ett7 Electronic Document Service A101-1987 6 y tl PUBLIC WORK BOND (Washington) Known All Men By These Presents: That we. as Principal, and _ , a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of and legally doing business in the State of Washington, as Surety, are held and firmly bound and obligated unto the Port Townsend School District #50 and the State of Washington, in the full and just sum of Dollars, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. This bond is executed in Pursuance of Chapter 39.08, Revised Code of Washington. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH, that whereas the Principal entered into a certain contract with dated the day of ,19 for NOWTHEREFORE, ifthe Principal hall faithfully perform all the provisions of such contract and pay all laborers, mechanics and subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply such persons, or subcontractors, with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, then this obligation is void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Provided, however, that the conditions of this obligation shall not apply to any money loaned or advanced to the principal or to any subcontractor or other person in the performance of any such work. Signed and Sealed this day of ,19 n—n cipa Countersigned: Surety By: Attorney in Fact Approved as to Form: EQUAL OPPORTUNITY , DIVISION 0 • SECTION 00625 i I A. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination, including RCW Chapter 49.60. END OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY SECTION 0062&1 OFFSHORE ITEMS DMSION 0 * SECTION 00627 1. "Offshore Items" are those items procured from sources beyond the territorial boundaries of the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. 2. In compliance with RCW39-25 and Chapter 139, Session Laws 1967, the Contractor is required at the completion of the work to furnish the Owner with a certified statement setting forth the nature and source of Offshore Items in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) which have been utilized in the performance of the Contract. This certified statement is mandatory and must be received by the Owner before final payment on the Contract can be made. 3. The Owner shall retain the certified statements for a period of five (5) years from the date of receipt. The certificates shall be available for examination by the public. END OF OFFSHORE ITEMS SECTION OW27-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIVISION 0 * SECTION 00700 REFERENCE: 1. The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction shall be AIA Document A201-1987. The General Conditions of the Contracts for Construction is included-63�mfo. ' . a.,.;h3v crherein. 00700 - 1 GeneralCond'ifflonise Contrac for Construction .l 198 `' EDITION TABLE OF ARTICLES 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. OWNER 3. CONTRACTOR 4. ADMDMTRA77ON OF THE CONTRACT S. SUBCONTRACTORS 8. CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 7. CHANGES IN THE WORK S. TIME 9. PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 10. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 11. INSURANCE AND BONDS 12. UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 13. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 14. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AIA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AIA DOCUMENT D401. This document has been approved and endorsed by the Associated General Contractors of America. Copyright 1911. 1913. 1918. 1923. 1927. 1931. 1958. 1961. 1963. 1967. 1970. 1976. 1967 by The Asomwicas institute of Architects. 1733 New York Avenue N.W.. Waabington D.C. 20006-5292. Reproduction of the maurial heroin or mbwaatial quotation of its provisiom without written permiwioo of the AIA violates the copyright lawn of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecutions. ALA DOCUMENT A291 • GIRIFINAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT MR CON - FOUNTINEITS WITON - AY - COVVIZW bur - THE AMISKIcMa INITIl'U77 of AZCXm9Cra. 1772 Naw TOR[ MENDS N.W.. w 0.0 wAmum mwkw "� "OWN" Us. � 1 w ma Y MOON to is" � Two IrwerN w *bwwow**W pvoomW Npwyrw Nora' I ItIIAYtltael r rr, w Ir1111N ell I Ul7A/. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 1 GENERAL CONDMONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION AHIIQLE GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Agreement between Owner and Contractor (hereinafter the Agreement), Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract, other documents listed in the A t and Modifications issued after execution of the Contract. A Modification is (1) a written ameadnout to the Contract signed by both parties, (2) a Change Order, (3) a. Construction Change Directive or (4) a written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Architect. Unless specifically enumerated in the Agreement, the Contract Documents do not include other documents such as bidding requirements (advertisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample forms, the Contractor's bid or portions of addenda relating to bidding requirements). 1.1.2 THE CONTRACT The Contract Documents form the Contract for Construction. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agrounents, either written or oral. The Contract may be amended or modified only by a Modification. The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of any kind (1) between the Architect and Contractor, (2) between the Owner and a Subcontractor or Sub-subomtractor or (3) between any persons or entities other than the Owner and Contractor. The Architect shall, however, be entitled to performance and enforcement of obligations under the Contract intended to facilitate performance of the Architect's duties. 1.1.3 THE WORK The term "Work" means the construction and services required by the Contract Documents, whether completed or partially completed, and includes all other labor, materials, equipment and services provided or to be provided by the Contractor to fulfill the Contractor's obligations. The Work may constitute the whole or a part of the Project. 1.1.4 THE PROJECT The Project is the total construction of which the Work performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part and which may include construction by the Owner or by separate contractors. IAA THE DRAWNIGS The Drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents. wherever located and whenever issued, showing the design, location and dimensions of the Work, generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules and diagram. 1.1.0 THE SPECIFICATIONS The Specifications are that portion of the Contract Documents consisting of the written requirements for materials, equipment, construction systems. standards and workmanship for the Work, and performance of related services. 1.1.7 THE PROJECT MANUAL The Project Manual is the volume usually assembled for the Work which may include the bidding requirements, sample forms, Conditions of the Contract and Specifications. 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT 1.2.1 The Contract Documents shall be signed by the Owner and Contractor as provided in the AgreemeuL If either the Owner or Contractor or both do not sign all the Contract Documents, the Architect shall identify such unsigned Documents upon request. 1.2.2 Execution of the Contract by the Contractor is a representation that the Contractor has visited the site, become familiar with local conditions under which the Work is to be performed and correlated personal observations with requirements of the Contract Documents. AY DOCUKMT A3/1 - 0ZHU L OONDR>M$ Or Tn CoWnka= M 1111! . 11'1 ' A NVITrNI'1�� or B!! Nall TOta AYOION M.W- M D.0 IW 7AWM, a�A,1.1rrw " � � UA �N W" ma Y �, NM kA* Y1rl larrw�wi wrrl�Mw• 1111!!!!!1 r w ti � � � wNy;1 a 1N1'7a1M, Electronic Dacnmeat Service A201-1987 2 1.2.3 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. 1.2.4 Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and amagement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among. Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. 1.2.5 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, words which have well-known technical or construction industry meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meanings. 1.3 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF ARCHITECTS DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 1.3.1 The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect are instruments of the Architect's service through which the Work to be executed by the Contractor is described. The Contractor may retain one contract record set. Neither the Contractor nor any Subcontractor, Sub -subcontractor or material or equipment supplier shall own or claim a. copyright in the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect, and unless otherwise indicated the Architect shall be doomed the author of them and will retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyright. All copies of them. except the Contractor's record set, shall be returned or suitably accounted for to the Architect, on request, upon completion of the Work. The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect, and copies thereof furnished to the Contractor, are for use solely with respect to this Project. They are not to be used by the Contractor or any Subcontractor. Sub -subcontractor or material or equipment supplier on other projects or for additions to this Project outside the scope of the Work without the specific written consent of the Owner and Architect. The Contractor, Subcontractors, Sub -subcontractors and material or equipment suppliers are granted a limited license to use and reproduce applicable portions of the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect appropriate to and for use in the execution of their Work under the Contract Documents. All copies made under this license shall bear the statutory copyright notice, if any, shown on the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect. Submittal or distribution to most official regulatory requirements or for ocher purposes in connection with this Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect's copyright or other reserved rights.. 1.4 CAPITA TION 1.4.1 Terms capitalized in these General Conditions include those which ttre (1) specifically deilned, () the titles of numbered articles and identified ru$t+aces to Paragraphs, Subparagraphs and Clauses in the document or (3) the titles of other documents published by the American Institute of 1.5 INTERPRETATION 1.5.1 In the interest of brevity the Contact Documents frequently OUdt =00yins words such as "all" and "any"' and articles such as "the" and "an," but the fact that a modifier or an article is absent from one statement and appears in another is not intended to affect the interpretation of either statemeoL w «t 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1.1 The Owner is the person or entity identified as such in the ASnumeat and is rafwred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number. The term "Owner" means the Owner or the Owner's authorized representative. 2.1.2 The Owner upost reasonable written request shall to the Contracter in writing information which is necessary and relevant for the Contractor to evaluate, give notice of or enforce mechanic's lien rights. Such information shall include a correct statement of the g on which the 'Project is r legal title to the located, usually tvietwed to as the site, and the Owner's interest therein at the time of execution of the Agreement and, within five days after any change, information of such change in title, recorded or unrecorded. 2.2 INFORMATION .AND SERVICES RL42UIRED OF THE OWNER 2.2.1 The Owner shall. at the request of the Contractor, prior to execution of the Agreement and Promptly from time to time thereafter. furnish to the Contractor reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to falfill the Owner's obligations under the A 1776 MMA comonwns or Tm eowmAcr vm 0011 MI . Aa► . 1M7 . Taa A ' aln=M or AL DOCDIm11T A7�1 - aO m vEMM N.V., WASUMOTM D.C. 79M.MM 7/AMX3M UM MOOMMO. "Oh"Offft qU� U.& MPMII 1w W r @@WM b ko I Two � s yr,wlrw,rl �Yr M".w,"r aw�Mr, Ill1MM�1 r w ti,�wwMr,w+rllMw+iO: �.1i...1U17/M. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 3 Contract. [Note: Unless such reasonable evidence were furnished on request prior to the execution of the Agreement, the prospective contractor world not be required to execute the Agreement or to comm*nce the Work.] 2.2.2 'The Owner shall furnish surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations and utility locations for the site of the Project, and a legal description of the site. 2.2.5 Except for permits and fees which as the responsibility of the Contractor under the Contract Documents, the Owner shall secure and pay for necessary approvals, ts, assessments and charges required for construction, use or occupancy of permanent structures or for permanent changes in existing facilities. 2.2.4 Information or services under the Owner's control shall be furnished by the Owner with reasonable promptness to avoid delay in orderly progress of the Work. 2.2.5 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor will be furnished, free of charge, such copies of Drawings and Project Manuals as are reasonably necessary for execution of the Work. 2.2.6 The foregoing are in addition to other duties and responsibilities of the Owner enumerated herein and especially those in respect to Article 6 (Construction by Owner or by Separate Contractors), Article 9 (Payments and Completion) and Article 11 (Insurance and Bonds). 2.9 OVOIER'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 2.3.1 If the Contractor fails to correct Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents as required by Paragraph 12.2 or persistently fails to carry out Work in sczardance with the Contract Documents. the Owner, by written order signed personally or by an agent specifically so empowered by the Owner in writing. may order the Contractor, to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the can" for such order has been eliminated; however, the right of the Owner to stop the Work shall not give rise to a. duty on the part of the Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of the Contractor or any other person or entity, except to the extent required by Subparagraph 6.1.3. 2.4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 2.4.1 If the Contractor defaults or neglercta to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails within a seven-day period after receipt of written notice from the Owner to commence and continue correction of such default or neglect with diligence and promptness, the Owner may after such seven-day period give the Contractor a second written notice to correct such deficiencies within a second seven- day period. If the Contractor within such second seven- day period after receipt of such second•notice fails to commence and continue to correct any dsficiencies, the Owner may, without prejudice to other remedies the Owner may have, correct such deficiessis& ht suok a ase an &PPrQPfiat& Change Order shall be issued deducting from payments theca or thereafter due cher Contractor the cost of correcting such deficiencies, including compensation for the A=kitWs additional servieft and expenses made necessary by defsult,.neglect or failure. Such sodas by that Owner and amounts charged to the Contractor are both subject to prim approval of the Architect. If payments then or thereafter, due the Contractor are not sufficient to cow such Amounts, the Contractor shall pay the 4ifieramos, to the Owner.— •- T wiLw -' 3.1 DEPINITON 3.1.1 The Contractor is then pa at idoo as such in the Agromsen end is reforred to throughout the Contract Documents As if singular in n The tatr *COutract0f"'numus the COntracter our the Con an satires. 3.2.1 The COWshall carefully study nand compare the Contract Documents with each other and with information furnished by the Owner pursuant to Subparagraph 2.2.2 and shall at once report to the Architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. The Contractor shall not be Liable to the Owner or Architect for damage resenting than orrov , inconsistencies at onsissions its the Conte Documents unless the Contractor recognized such error, inconsistency Or ouditsion and knowingly hued to ropm it to the Architect. If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, inconsistency or omistrion, in the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall appropriate nwponsibility for such performa co and shall bow an approprists of the attributable cocas for mast: 3.242 The Contractor sw tante field me is and verify field conditions and shall y coolIpare sola field messureansents and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contrera Documents before coummoing activitioa. Erroll, inconsistencies or omissions discovered shall be. AAA A1tl . a M e/ M CONU&CT M CW A 1715 NDN' OM AVI Nlpa N.V. W 06C.VAaNaN1. OMIW�"•wwr Ml r, V NM (1w1 M boa710 &OnwoN �. snow 111 Masao MM&W 11140�119" r N• r � MNNM �+Ma. l lillo M. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 4 reported to the Architect at once. 3.2.3 The Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and submittals approved pursuant to Paragraph 3.12. 3.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 3.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using the Contractor's best skill and attention. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for and have control over construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract, unless Contract Documents give other specific instructions concerning these met 3.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees, Subcontractors and their *gents and employees, and other persons performing portions of the Work under a contract with the Contractor. 3.3.3 The Contractor shall not be relieved of obligations to performing the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents either by activities or duties of the Architect in the Architect's administration of the Contract, or by tests, inspections or approvals required or performed by persons other than the Contractor. 3.3.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for inspection of portions of Work already performed under this Contract to determine that such portions are in proper condition to receive subsequent Work. 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS 3.4.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work, whether temporary or permanent and whether or not incorporated or to be incorporated in the Work. 3.4.2 The Contractor shall enforce strict discipline and good order among the Contractor's employees and other persons carrying out the Contract. The Contractor shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not skilled in tasks assigned to them. 3.5 'WARRANTY 3.5.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner and Architect that materials and equipment furnished under the Contract will be of good quality and new unless otherwise required or permitted by the Contract Documents, that the Work will be free from defects not inherent in the quality required or permitted, and that the Work will conform with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Work not conforming to these requirements, including substitutions not properly approved and authorized, may be considered defective. The Contractor's warranty excludes remedy for damage or defect caused by abuse, modifications not executed by the Contractor, improper or insufficient maintenance, improper operation, or normal wear and tear under normal usage. If required by the Architect, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. 3.6 'TAXES 3.6.1 The Contractor shall pay sales, consumer, use and similar taxes for the Work or portions thereof provided by the Contractor which are legally enacted when bids are received or negotiations concluded, whether or not yet effective or merely scheduled to go into effact. 3.7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 3.7.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall secure and pay for the building permit and other permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work which are customarily secured after execution of the Contract and which are legally required when bids are received or negotiations concluded. 3.7.2 The Contractor shall comply with and give notices required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work. 3.7.3 It is not the Contractor's responsibility to ascortain that the Contract Documents are in accordance with applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, building codes, and rules and regulations. However, if the Contractor observes that portions of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect and Owner in writing, and necessary changes shall be accomplished by appropriate Modification. 3.7.4 If the Contractor performs Work knowing it to be contrary to laws, statutes, ordinances, building codes, and rules and regulations without such notice to the Architect and Owner, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for such Work and shall bear the attributable costs. AIA DOCUMUNT A791 - 000MAL CON MMS Of TM OONTUACr !Oa CON - MURTON= WMCW - AY - COMMM IM - TWO AteUSTUM or 1777 Maw TOsa A.1= N. W w 0.0 ZON&UM VARKSM DSA � ,ddb UAL "",*aIm W Y M}M rr '06 1 Two w� wMw —102400,1 610440MI MAO" r VAIWOON"VoWn .hY1i= moll t Y17 C Electronic Document Service A201-1987 5 3.8 ALLOWANCES 3.8.1 The Contractor shall include in the Contract Sum all allowances stated in the Contract Documents. Items covered by allowances shall be supplied for such amounts and by such persons or entities as the Owner may direct. but the Contractor shall not be required to employ persons or entities against which the Contractor makm reasonable objection. 3.8.2 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents: .1 materials and equipment under an allowance shall be selected promptly by the Owner to avoid delay in the Work; .2 shall cover the cost to the Contractor of materials and equipment delivered at the site and all required taxes, less applicable trade discounts; .3 Contractor's costs for unloading and handling at the site, labor, installation costs, own cad, profit and other expenses contemplated for stated allowance amounts shall be included in the Contract Sum and not in the allowances; .4 whenever costs are more than or less than allowances, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly by Change Order. The amount of the Change Order shall reflect (1) the diffamee between actual costs and the allowances under Clause and (2) changes in Contractor's costs under Clause 3.8 SUPERINTENDENT 3.8.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and uwAosary assistants who shall be in attendance at the Project site during performance of the Work. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor, and communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. Important communications shall be confirmed in writing. Other co—nications shall be similarly confirmed on written request in each case. 3.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 3.10.1 The Contactor, promptly after being awarded the Contract, shall prepare and submit for the Owner's and Architect's information a. Contractor's construction schedule for the Work. The schedule shall not exceed time limits current tinder the Contract Documents, shall be revised at appropriate intervals as required by the conditions of the Work and Project, shall be related to the entire Project to the extent required by the Contract Documents, and shall provide for expeditious and practicable execution of the Work. 3.10.3 The Contractor shall prepare and keep current, for the Architect's approval, a schedule of submittals which is coordinated with the Contractor's construction schedule and allows the Architect reasonable time to review submittals. 3.10.3 The Contractor shall conform to the most recent schedules. 3.11 DOCUM AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE 3.11.1 The Contractor shall maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of the Drawings, Specifications, addenda, Change Orders and other Modifications, in good order and Waited cun=tly to record changes and selections made during construction, and in addition approved Shop Drawings. Product Data, Samples and sine lar reqs su s. Them shall be available to the Architect and shall be delle to the Architect for submittal to the Owner upon completion of the Work. 3.12 SHOP DRAWWAG , PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 3.13.1 Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, schedules and other data speciaUy prepared for the Work by the Contractor or a Subcontractor. Sub -subcontractor, manufacturer. supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the Work. 3.12.2 Product Data are illustrations, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, brochures, diagrams and other information furnished by the Contractor to illustrate materials or equipment for some portion of the Work. 3.12.3 Samples are physical examples which illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and establish standards by which the Work will be judged. 3.12.4 Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submittals are not Contract Documents. The purpose of their submittal is to demonstrate for those portions of the Work for which submittals are required the way the Contractor proposers to conform to the information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review by the Architect is subject to the limitations of Subparagraph 4.2.7. 3.12.5 The Contractor shall review, approve and submit to the Architect Shop Drawings, Product Dau. Samples and similar submittals required by the Contract Documents with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner or of separate contractors. Submittals made by the Contractor which are not AIAAIA ra 1173 XV . O ATOMS Y.W, W Of TNS f-Ol 0.N. I�w�r U �wNM� rW 17!! 261 Tea!"CCOM.w. MA 0.C! 1MArgrNlCh , somm" or � l l r ode= be Electronic Document Service A201-1987 6 required by the Contract Documents may be returned without action. 3.12.6 The Contractor shall perform no portion of the Work requiring submittal and review of Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals until the respective submittal has been approved by the Architect. Such Work shall be in accordance with approved submittals. 3.12.7 By approving and submitting Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submittals, the Contractor represents that the Contractor has determined and verified materials, field measurements and field construction criteria related thereto, or will do so, and has checked and coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. 3.12.8 The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for deviations from requirements of the Contract Documents by the Architect's approval of Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals unless the Contractor has specifically informed the Architect in writing of such deviation at the time of submittal and the Architect has given written approval to the specific deviation. The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for errors or omissions in Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals by the Architect's approval thereof. 3.12.9 The Contractor shall direct specific attention. in writing or on resubmitted Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals. to revisions other than those requested by the Architect on previous submittals. 3.12.10 Informational submittals upon which the Architect is not expected to take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents. 3.12.11 When professional certification of performance criteria of materials, systems or equipment is required by the Contract Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness of such calculations and certifications. 3.13 USE OF SITE 3.13.1 The Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the site with materials or equipment. 3.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING 3.14.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting, fitting or patching required to complete the Work or to make its parts fit together properly. 3.14.2 The Contractor shall not damage or endanger, a portion of the Work or fully or partially completed construction of the Owner or separate contractors by cutting, patching or otherwise altering such construction, or by excavation. The Contractor shall not cut or otherwise alter such construction by the Owner or a separate contractor except with written consent of the Owner and of such separate contractor, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Contractor shall not unreasonably withhold from the Owner or a separate contractor the Contractor's consent to cutting or otherwise altering the Wort. 3.15 CLEANING UP 3.15.1 The Contractor shall keep the promises and surrounding area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by operations under the Contract. At completion of the Work.the Contractor shall remove foam and -about the Project waste materials. rubbish, the Coutrocualt unit, aostatructim-equlpment, machinery and surplus materiaW 3.15.2 If the Contractor fails to clean up as provided in the Contract Documents, the Owner mal- do so and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Conte. 3.16 ACCESS TO WORK 3.16.1 The Contractor shall provide the Owner and Architect acceast to the Work in preparation and progress wherever located. 3.17 ROYALTIES AND PATEM 3.17.1 The Conte shall pay all royalties and license fees. The Contractor shall defend suits or claims for infringement of patent rights and shall hold the Owner and Architect harmless from loss on account thereof, but shall not berosponsible for such defense or lova when a particular design, process or product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is required by the Contract Documents. However, if the Contractor has reason to believe that the required design.. process or product is an infringement of a patent. the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless such information is promptly furnished to the Architect. 3.18 INDEMINIFICATION 3.18.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner. Architect, Architect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them from and against claims, damages, losses and expanses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work, provided that such claim. AIA DOCUMENT A241 - ONNUA7. CONORENE OFTHE CONTRACT !Oa CON NOdWR . AIA .1s 1767. TA 0911r=op AEC MTZCrL 1775 NEVI TOBa AVENUE NAI.. wA D.0 299MJM WAENEW 11,NNWIN m* tidYr U.E. � Yw W r � M � poombvgMm T'W ��wrrwl w ��f ANwi aWe Wrr � 111 �l w w �� �VWirMaiYrrA aW 1U17/M. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 7 damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness. disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Wort itself) including loss of use resulting therefrom but only to the extent caused in whole or in part by negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them, or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim. damage, loss or expense is caused in part by a party indeantified hareander. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to a parry or person described in this Paragraph 3.18. 3.18.8 In claims against any person or entity indemnified under this Paragraph 3.18 by an employee of the Contractor. a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Paragraph 3.18 shall not be limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages. compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or a Subcontractor under workers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other Moyes benefit acts. 3.18.3 The obligations of the Contractor under this Paragraph 3.18 shall not extend to the liability of the Architect, the Architect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them arising out of (1) the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications, or (2) the giving of or the failure to give directions or instructions by the Architect, the Architect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage. A8111GLIA ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.1 ARCHITECT 4.1.1 The Architect is the person lawfully licensed to practice architecture or an entity lawfully practicing architecture identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number. The term "Architect" means the Architect or the Architect's authorized representative. 4.1.2 Duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the Architect as set forth in the Contract Documents shall not be restricted. modified or extended without written consent of the Owner, Contractor and Architect. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4.1.3 In case of termination of employment of the Architect, the Owner shall appoint an architect against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objection and whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former architect. 4.1.4 Disputes arising under Subparagraphs 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 shall be subject to arbitration. 4.2 ARCH ADUNUrMTHM OF THE COACT 4.8.1 The Architect will provide administration of the Contract as described in the Conuut, DeemomW and will be the Owner's representative ,(1) during construction, (2) until final payamsat is due and (3) with the Owner's concurrence, from Uwe to time during the correction period described in Paan h .x12.2. The Architect will advlso and consult with the. Owner. The Architect will have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise i . by written instrument in accordance with otbcrpnmwons.of'the Contram 4.2.2 The Architect will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of constructioat -to boccow generally familiar with the pro attar q of the compleW Work and to determine, in gawd if the Work is being Performed In a meaner indicating dw the Work, when complotod, will be in accordance, with the Contract D0412121011911. However, the Architect will not be required to niske exhaustive or eoatistuouit on-site inspections to check quality or quantity of the Work. On the basis of oa-site observations as warchitee4 the Architect will keels the Owner informed of progress of the Work, and wilt end"vwor to guard the Owsw against defects and deficienzies in the Work.. 4.8.3 The Architect will not have control over or charge of and will not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and progratssr its connectios with the Wort, since these are solely the Contractor's responsibility as provided In Paragraph 3.3. The Architect will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Worn in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Architect will not have control over or charge of and will not be responsible for acts or omissions of thea Contractor, Subcontractors, , or their agents or employees, or of arty. other psrgcea performing portim of the Work. 4.2.4 Communications Facilitating Contract Administration. Except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, or when direct 1 have boom specially authorized, the Owner, and Contrgew sharl andeaver, to communicate through the Architect Comesenications by and with the Architect's consultants shall be through AIA A36I . a M CONTRACT I= CON = - . ft==WM MOM . AIA . ITfI . " ap AXCMWM fl7! tlti� TOOK ATOIR N.V. N 0.G frAa1L OMllrwww"r� X04 WwN W. J w W U 4 A r MIMAMOM�WV I Taxi w" .wYwwWfIlmww a,wftww Ilea W. be OP0004WA WNWO I I I am 111111mrI. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 9 the Architect. Communications by and with Subcontractors and material suppliers shall be through the Contractor. Co "cations by and with separate contractors shall be through the Owner. 4.2.3 Based on the Architect's observations and evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment. the Architect will review and certify the amounts due the Contractor and will issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts. 4.2.0 The Architect will have authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever the Architect considers it necessary or advisable for implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, the Architect will have authority to require additional inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with Subparagraphs 13.5.2 and 13.5.3, whether or not such Work is fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Architect to the Contractor, Subcontractors, material and equipment suppliers, their agents or employees. or other persons performing portions of the Work. 4.2.7 The Architect will review and approve or take other appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. The Architect's action will be taken with such reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner. Contractor or separate contractors, while allowing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgement to permit adequate review. Review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and quantities, or for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor as required by the Contract Documents. The Architect's review of the Contractor's submittals shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligations under Paragraphs 3.3. 3.5 and 3.12. The Architect's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or, unless otherwise specifically stated by the Architect, of any construction means. methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The Architect's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. 4.2.8 The Architect will prepare Change Orders and Construction Change Directives, and may authorize minor changes in the Work as provided in Paragraph 7.4. 4.2.8 The Architect will conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of final completion, will receive and forward to the Owner for the Owner's review and records written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor, and will issue a final Certificate for Payment upon compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 4.2.10 If the Owner and Architect agree, the Architect will provide one or more project representatives to assist in carrying out the Architect's responsibilities at the site. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such project representatives shall be as set forth in an exhibit to be incorporated in the Contract Documents. 4.2.11 The Architect will interpret and decide matters concerning performance under and requirements of the Contract. Documents on written request of either the Owner or Contractor. The Architect's response to such requests will be made with reasonable promptness and within any time limits agreed upon. If no agreo=at is made concerning the time within which interpretations required of the Architect shall be furnished in compliance with this Paragraph 4.2. thea delay shall not be recognized on account of failure by the Architect to furnish such interpretations until 15 days after written request is made for them. 4.2.12 Interpretations and decisions of the Architect will be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents and will be in writing or in the form of drawings. When making such interpretations and decisions. the Architect will endeavor to secure faithful performance by both Owner and Contractor, will not show partiality to either and will not be liable for results of interpretations or decisions so rendered in good faith. 4.2.13 The Architect's decisions on matters relating to aesthetic effect will be final if consistent with the intent expressed in the Contract Documents. 4.3 CLAIh18 AND DIBPUTE8 4.3.1 Definition. A Claim is a demand or mon by one of the Parties seeking, as a matter of right, adjustment or interpretation of Contract tam, payment of money, extension of time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract. The term "Claim" also includes other disputes and matters in question between the Owner and Contractor arising out of or relating to the Contract. Claims must be made by written notice. AIA DOCUMENT A201 - OIDIOAL COMDITMAO! THS COaTaACT Iva COM11TaMM . PO11aTZINTS'. NaN•elM . AIA - COPT113W IM - Tie{ AACIRWAN a1frfrm O! AaC3CMWM 1775 NEW TOaa AYOIOa N.V.MA D.C.211NIM.UM WARKSOM NNW,MM A r tjeL U.L � 4w W i.0*)MIp� M Ind I "Mm Tl" ±raw.Wow.Yh 1srr� rf 11"09W1 IUI78& Electronic Document Service A201-1987 9 The responsibility to substantiate Claims shall rest with the parry making the Claim. 4.3.2 Decision of Architect. Claims, including those alleging an error or omission by the Architect, shall be referred initially to the Architect for action as provided in Paragraph 4.4. A decision by the Architect, as provided in Subparagraph 4.4.4, shall be required as a condition precedent to arbitration or litigation of a Claim between the Contractor and Owner as to all such, matters arising prior to the date final payment is due, regardless of (1) whether such matters relate to execution and progress of the Work or (2) the extent to which the Work has been completed. The decision by the Architect in response to a Claim shall not be it condition precedent to arbitration or litigation in the event (1) the position of Architect is vacant, (2) the Architect has not received evidence or has failed to render a decision within agreed time limits. (3) the Architect has failed to take action required under Subparagraph 4.4.4 within 30 days after the Claim is made. (4) 45 days have passed after the Claim has been referred to the Architect or (5) the Claim relates to a mechanic's lies. 4.3.3 Time Limits on Cislme. Claims by either parry must be made within 21 days after occurrence of the event giving rise to such Claim or within 21 days after the claimant first recognizes the condition giving rise to the Claim. whichever is later. Claims mast be made by written notice. An additional Claim made after the initial Claim has been implemented by Change Order will not be considered unless submitted in a timely manner. 4.3.4 Continuing Contact Performance. Pending final resolution of a Claim including arbitration, unless otherwise agreed in writing the Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of the Contract and the Owner shall continue to make payments in accordance with the Contract Documents. 4.3.5 Waiver of Claims: Final Payment. The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of Claims by the Owner except those arising from: .1 liens, Claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract and unsettled; .2 failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents; or .3 terms of special warranties required by the Contract Documents. 4.3.6 Claim* for Concealed or Unknown Conditions. If conditions are encountered at the site which are (1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents or (2) unknown physical conditions of an unusual namm, which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in the Contract Documents, then notice by the observing party shall be given to the other party promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than 21 days after first observance of the conditions. The Architect will promptly investigate such conditioner and, if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in the Contriaces cost of. or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, will recommend, an equitable adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time, or both. If the Architect determines that the conditions at the site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents and that no change in the terms of the Contract is jus ed, the Architect shall so notify the Owner and Coutrwaor in writing, suWag the reasons. Claims by either party in opposition to such determination mast be made within 21 days after the Architect has given n of the decision. If the Owner and Contractor cannot agree On an adjustment in the Contract Stam or Contract Time, the adjusunout shall be referred to the Architect for initial determination, subject to further proceedings pursuant to Paragraph 4.4. 4.3.7 Claims for Addhional Coat. If the Contractor wishes to make Claim for an increase in the Contract Sum, written notice as provided herein shall be given before proceeding to execute the Work. Prior notice is not required for Claims relating to an emergency endangering life or property arising under Paragraph 10.3. If the Contractor believes additional cost is involved for reasons including but not limited to (1) a written interpretation from the Architect. (2) an order by the Owner to stop the 'Work where the Contractor was not at fault, (3) a written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Architect, (4) failure of payment by the Owner, (5) termination of the Coama by the Owner, (h) Owner's suspension or (7) other reasonable pvuds, Claim shall be filed in accordance with the procedure established herein. 4.3.8 Claims for Additional Time If the Contractor wishes to make Claim for all increase in the Contract Time, written notice as provided herein shall be given. The Contractor's Claim shall include an estimate of cost and of probable effect of delay on progress of the Work. In the case of a continuing delay only one Claim is necessary. If adverse weather conditions are the basis for a Claim for additional time, such Claim shall be documented by data substantiating that weather AU DOCiJ1O11T A291 - a OONe WI W M TIO +SIM X- 2@@" IOM A"111M M71 � U,�aw � Ywir Y �AMMM" r b" 1 TMM +r�cxa 11777 slaw TOM Arallea N.�» 7► oc lMlLstp, 1M,awaNOi111 W1wMMMMM7 w - redow.. now MA MM 1006W 110644 O1 r r be war' M, 7rYw111Yiwlu I" 1 U171M Electronic Document Service A201-1987 10 conditions were abnormal for the period of time and could not have been reasonably anticipated, and that weather conditions had an adverse effect on the scheduled construction. 4.3.9 Injury or Damage to Parson or Property. If either party to the Contract suffers injury or damage to person, or property because of an act or omission of the other party, of any of the other parry's employees or agents, or of others for whose acts such party is legally liable, written notice of such injury or damage, whether or not insured, shall be given to the other party within a reasonable time not exceeding 21 days after first observance. The notice shall provide sufficient detail to enable the other party to investigate the matter. If a Claim for additional cost or time related to this Claim is to be asserted, it shall be filed as provided in Subparagraphs 4.3.7 or 4.3.8. 4.4 RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.4.1 The Architect will review Claims and take one or more of the following preliminary actions within ten days of receipt of a Claim: (1) request additional supporting data from the claimant, (2) submit a schedule to the parties indicating when the Architect expects to take action, (3) reject the Claim in whole or in part, stating reams for rejection, (4) rocamawad approval of the Claim by the other party or (5) suggest a compromise. The Architect may also, but is not obligated to, notify the surety, if any, of the nature and amount of the Claim. 4.4.2 If a Claim has been resolved, the Architect will prepare or obtain appropriate documentation. 4.4.3 If a Claim has not been resolved, the parry making the Claim shall, within ten days after the Architect's preliminary response, take one or more of the following actions: (1) submit additional supporting data requested by the Architect, (2) modify the initial Claim or (3) notify the Architect that the initial Claim stands. 4.4.4 If a Claim has not been resolved after consideration of the foregoing and of further evidence presented by the parties or requested by the Architect, the Architect will notify the parties in writing that the Architect's decision will be made within seven days, which decision shall be final and binding on the parties but subject to arbitration. Upon expiration of such time period, the Architect will render to the parties the Architect's written decision relative to the Claim. including any change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time or both. If there is a surety and there appears to be a possibility of a. Contractor's default, the Architect may, but is not obligated to, notify the surety and request the surety's assistance in resolving the controversy. 4.3 ARBITRATION 4.5.1 Controvereles and Claims Subject to Arbitration. Any controversy or Claim arising out of or related to the Contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof, except controversies or Claims relating to aesthetic affect and except those waived as provided for in Subparagraph 4.3.5. Such controversies or Claims upon which the Architect has given notice and rendered a decision as provided in Subparagraph 4.4.4 shall be subject to arbitration upon written demand of either party. Arbitration may be commenced when 43 days have passed after a Claim haat been tefeszed to the Architect as provided in Paragraph 4.3 and no decision has been ratidered. 4.5.2 Rules and Notices for Arb"nstion. Claims between the Owner and Contractor not resolved under Paragraph 4.4 shall, if subject toarbitration under Subparagraph 4.3.1, be decided by -arbitration in accordance with the Coustructiow lhdsstrTArbitration Rules of the Akan Arbitration- on currently in effect, unless the parties matually agree otherwise. Notice of demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party to the A t -between the Owner and Contractor and with the American Arbitration Association, and a. copy shall be filed with the Architect. 4.5.3 Contact Performance During Arbitration. During arbitration proceedings, the Owner and Contractor shall comply with Subparagraph 4.3.4. 4.5.4 When Arbitration May fire Demanded. Demand for arbitration of any Claim may not be made until the earlier of (1) the date on which the Architect has rendered a final written decision on the Claim, (2) the tenth day after the parties have F r s, 1 oted evidence to the Architect or have been given ressonublo opportunity to do so, if the Architect has not rendered a final written decision by that date, or (3) any of the five events described in Subparagrapit 4.3.2. When a written decision of the Architect states that (1) the decision is final but subject -to arbitration and (2) a demand for Arbitration of a Claim covered, by such decision must be made within 30 days after the date on which the party making the demand receives the inial written decision, then failure to demand arbitration within said 30 days' period shall result in the Architect's decision becoming final and binding upon the Owner and Contractor. If the Architect renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated, such 4 MrrMw w. Au oocuawr5 °nW��ao0.nAar rw�, ,www•rAuL a . w�. f a or YORK wVW.eWAW*W sidism"" � � war W"" �► tl�I and am , 2" aanraw-6 0. r+a. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 11 decision may be entered as evidence, but shall not supersede arbitration proceedings unless the decision is acceptable to all parties concerned. A demand for arbitration shall be made within the time limits specified in Subparagraphs 4.5.1 and 4.5.4 and Clause as applicable, and in other cam within a reasonable time after the Claim has arison, and in no event shall it be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such Claim would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations as determined pursuant to Paragraph 13.7. 4.5.5 Unthation on Consolidation or Joinder. No arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include, by consolidation or joinder or in any other mannei, the Architect, the Architect's employees or consultants. except by written consent containing specific reference to the Agreement and signed by the Architect, Owner. Contractor and any other person or entity sought to be joined. No arbitration shall include, by consolidation or joinder or in any other manner, parties other than the Owner. Contractor, a separate contsactar as described in Article 6 and other persons substantially involved in s common question of fact or law whose presence is required if complete relief is to be accorded in arbitration. No person or entity other than the Owner. Contractor or a separate contractor as described in Article 6 shall be included as an original third party or additional third PAM to an arbitration w interest or responsibility is insubstantial. Consent to arbitration involving an additional person or entity shall not cute consent to arbitration of a dispute not described therein or with a person or entity not named or described therein. The foregoing agreement to arbitrate and other agmameats to arbitrate with an additional person or entity duly consented to by parties to the Agreement shall be specifically enforceable under applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 4.5.6 Claims and Tlmely Aseartion of Claims. A party who files a notice of demand for arbitration must assert in the demand all Claims theca known to that party on which arbitration is permitted to be demanded. When a party fails to include a Claim through oversight, inadvertence or excusable neglect. or when a Claim has matured or been acquired subsequently, the arbitrator or arbitrators may permit ameadtant. 4.5.7 Judgment on Final Award. The award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1 DEFINITIONS 5.1.1 A Subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct contract with the Contractor, to peribna a portion Of the Work at the airs. The testas *Subcontractor"! is referred to throughout the Contract Dacumants as if singular in number and mossis a Subcontractor or an. &:Othofised f tsaadrre of the Subcontractor.. The term "Subcontroetasr" doss not laclude� a separate COUMMUM or a asaon 5.1.2 A Sub-subcoutractor is a person or entity ,who has a direct or indirect Contract with a Subcontractor to perform a portion of the Work at the site. The term, "Sub- su tractor" is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singratst is nunl6w4admeans a Sib - subcontractor or an autharised repragentgak" of the Sub- subcon p. „ 5.2.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents at the bidding requiremome, the Cantrtaotor, as soca as practicabis after award of "Contract shall furnish in writing to the Owner tbM$h,th0,ArWdtOct the astcttas of Persons of entities (including thomwho are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to a special design) Proposed for each principal postcon of the Work. The Architect will promptly reply to the Contractor in writing stattiag whether or not the Owner or the Architect, after do* iavestigation.,has reasonable objection to any such aced person or entity. Failure of the Owner or Architect to reply promptly shall constitute notice of no reasonable objection. 5.2.2 The Caunulo ta^ shall, not colabla with a proposed person or entity to whom the Owner of Architect has made reasonable sari timay objection. The Contractor shall not be required to contract with anyone to whom the CGMtrxCtM has Horde reasonable objectim. 5"U If tho owner or Architect has reasonable Objection to a person or entity proposed by the Contractor, the Contractor shall "caw to whom the Owner or Architect has no reasonable abjection. The Coutrsot Seam shall be increased or doervaied by the differoace in cost occasioned by such change and an appropriate Change Order shall be issnOL However, no in its the Contract Sam shall be allowed for such chauge unless the Contractor has acted promptly and responsively in submitting names as required. Baa awc �r na m . m �a awwa m a+ara em . IM -IMM ANIMMAX N 000 010010010" ?a"$" maim m0ftwe a 7M rAaM �f �..�r. r11 1 a" wet Mr awl wraM , MrM.w«� 10661Wat a �, w..d r � la q �w �w.w war Y011)ft Electronic Document Service A2ol-1987 12 5.2.4 The Contractor shall not change a Subcontractor, person or entity previously selected if the Owner or Architect makes reasonable objection to such change. 5.3 SUBCONTRACTUAL RELATIONS 5.3.1 By appropriate agreement, written whom legally required for validity, the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor. to the extent of the Wort to be performed by the Subcontractor, to be bound to the Contractor by terms of the Conuict Documents, and to assume town, the Contractor all the obligations and responsibilities which the Contractor, by these Documents, assumes toward the Owner and Architect. Each subcontract agreemut shall preserve and protect the rights of cher Owner and Architect under the Contract Documents with respect to the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor so that subcontracting thereof will not prejudice such rights, and shall allow to the Subcontractor, unless specifically provided othowiso in the subcontract agreement. the benefit of all rights, remedies and redress against the Contractor that the Contractor, by the Contract Documents, has against the Owner: Where appropriate, the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor to enter into similar agreements with Sub-aabcon tractors. The Contractor shall make available to each proposed Subcontractor, prior to the execution of the subcontract agreement, copies of the Contract Documents to which the Subcontractor will be bound, and, upon written request of the Subcontractor. identify to the Subcontractor terms and conditions of the proposed subcontract agreement which may be at variance with the Contract Documents. Subcontmtors shall similarly make copies of applicable portions of such documents available to their respective proposed Sub -subcontractors. 5.4 CONTINGENT ASSIGNMENT OF SUBCONTRACTS 5.4.1 Each subcontract agreement for a portion of the Work is assigned by the Contractor to the Owner provided that: .1 assignment is effective only after termination of the Contract by the Owner for cause pursuant to Paragraph 14.2 and only for those subcontract agreements which the Owner accepts by notifying the Subcontractor in writing; and .2 assignment is subject to the prior rights of the surety, if any, obligated under bond relating to the Contract. 5.4.2 If the Work has been suspended for more than 30 days, the Subcontractor's compensation shall be equitably adjusted. A811CLE 1, CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 6.1 OWNERS RIGHT TO PERFORIN CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6.1.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces, and to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the Project or other construction or operations on the site undo Conditions of the Contract identical or substantially similar to these including those portions related to insurance and waiver of subrogation. If the Contractor claims that delay or additional cost is involved because of such action by the Owner, the Contractor shall make such Claim as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 6.1.2 When separate contracts are awarded for different portions of the Project or other construction or operations on the site, the term "Contractor" in the Contract Documents in each case shall mean the Contractor who executes each separate Owner - Contractor AgroeMML 6.1.3 The Owner shall provide for coordination of the activities of the Owner's own forces and of each separate contractor with the Work of the Contractor. who shall cooperate with them. The Contractor shall participate with other separate contractors and the Owner in reviewing their construction schedules when directed to do so. The Contractor shall make any revisions to the construction schedule and Contract Sum deemed necessary after a joint review and mutual agreement. The construction schedules shall then constitute the schedules to be used by the Contractor, separate contractors and the Owner until subsequently revised. 6.1.4 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, when the Owner performs construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces, the Owner shall be deemed to be subject to the same obligations and to have the same rights which apply to the Contractor under the Conditions of the Contract, including, without excluding others, those stated in Article 3, this Article 6 and Articles 10, 11 and 12. 6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY 6.2.1 The Contractor shall afford the Owner and separate contractors reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and performance of their activities and shall AIA DOCUMMIT A7i1 . OaMIaaAL COMORR1MO OI T Vasa M1 - SOMM - AU . IM . TM A11aa11"AM OWnT 17a ar 11# drr 1775 Maw TOR[ AVM.w.. WAD.C. MMwftft 'Mlr'AXIM& VWIMd O sh Was- LLA wqyWOM..1w r is m6JM is YMI powwwAm T1b }pro fine" Wr adwl diowd I1%NM1 W am be i vbhm wI YMy del 1 U17MC Electronic Document Service A201-1997 13 connect and coordinate the Contractor's construction and operations with theirs as required by the Contract Documents. 6.2.2 N part of the Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon construction or operations by the Owner or a separate contractor. the Contractor shall, prior to proceeding with that portion of the Work, promptly report to the Architect apparent discrepancies or defects in such other construction that would render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Failure of the Connracw so to report shall consdate an acknowledgment that the Owner's or separate contractors' completed or partially completed construction is fit and proper to receive the CoauwAocls Work, except as to defects not then reasonably discoverable. 6.2.3 Costs caused by delays or by improperly timed activities or defective construction shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. 6.2.4 The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage wrongfully cawed by the Contractor to completed or partially completed construction or to property of the Ownes or separate contractors as provided in Subparagraph 10.2.5. 6.2.5 Claims and other disputes and matters in question between the Contractor and a separate contractor shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph 4.3 provided the separate contractor has reciprocal obligations. 6.2.6 The Owner and each separate contractor shall have the same responsibilities for cutting and patching as are described for the Contractor in Paragraph 3.14. 6.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLEAN UP 6.3.1 If a dispute arises among the Contractor. separate contractors and the Owner as to the responsibility under their respective contracts for maintaining the premises and surrounding area free from waste materials and rubbish as described in Paragraph 3.15, the Owner may clean up and allocate the cost among those responsible as the Architect determines to be just. CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.1 CHANGES 7.1.1 Changes in the Work may be accomplished after execution of the Contract, and without invalidating the Contract, by Change Order, Construction Change Directive or order for a minor change in the Work,. subject to the limitations stated in this Article 7 and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 7..1.2 A Change Order shall be based capon agreement among the Owner. Contractor and. Architect, a Construction Change Directive requires agreement by the Owner and Architect and may or may not be agreed, to by the Contractor; an order for a minor change in the Work may be lsswW by the Architect alone. 7.1.3 Changes in the Work shall be performed under applicable provisions of the Contract Documents, said the Contractor shall proceed promptly, unless otherwise provided In the Change Order, Construction Change Directive er order for a minor cheap in the "'Work. 7.1.41E unit prices are stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon. and if quantities originally contemplated axe so changed in a proposed Change Order or Construction Change Directive that application of such unit prices to quwaatitles of Work proposed will cattle substantial inequity to the Owner or Contractor; the applicable unit prices shall be equitably adjusted. 7.2 CHANGE ORDERS 7.2.1 A Change Order is a written instrwavat preppy by the Architect and signed by the Owner,. Contractor and Architect, stating their agreement upon all of the followialp. .1 a change in the Work; .2 the Amount of the adjustment in the Contract Sum if any; and .3 the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any. 7.2.2 Methods used in determining adjustmots to the Contract Sum may include those listed in Subparagraph 7.3.3. 7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 7.3.1 A Construction Change Directive is a written order prepared by the Architect and signed by the Owner and Architect, directing a change in the Work and stating a proposed basis for adjustment, if any, in the Contract Sum. or Contract Time. or both. The Owner may by Construction Change Directive, without invalidating the Contract, order^ changes in the Work within the general scope of the Contract consiating of additions, deletions or other revisions, the Contract. Sum. and Contract Tim being adjusted accordingly. 7.3.2 A Construction Change Directive shall be used in the absence of total agreement on the terms of a Change Order.. 7.3.3 If the Construction Change Directive provides for an adjustment to the Contract Swat, the adjustment shall be based on one of the following methods: AIA 00CUMIDIT A391 : a 01 *.W MMs S *S CT sa mM . . '1I�MI^ Incl ANWRICAm 14 nae Maw last A N�.A ''� O.G 3N�M.l3li IM'AaiNMp, { U.L � �IMMN� .Md r � MM M W �, 0"Ture of �dMM1MrMNMM6 w 0"w vmwIM wwow uWam$ r wMM1 r 06*m OMNI MAIW1 11 17X4.. Two Electronic Document Service A201-1987 14 .1 mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to permit evaluation; .2 unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon; .3 cost to be determined in a manner agreed upon by the parties and a mutually acceptable fixed or percentage fee; or .4 as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.6. 7.3.4 Upon receipt of a Construction Change Directive, the Contractor shall promptly proceed with the change in the Work involved and advise the Architect of the Contractor's agreement or disagreement with the method, if any, provided in the Construction Change Directive for determining the proposed adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. 7.3.5 A Construction Change Directive signed by the Contractor indicates the agreement of the Contractor therewith, including adjustment in Contract Sum and Contract Time or the method for determining them. Such agreement shall be effective immediately and shall be rwArded as a Change Order. 7.3.8 ff the Contractor does not respond promptly or disagrees with the method for adjustment in the Contract Sum. the method and the adjustment shall be determined by the Architect on the basis of reasonable expenditures and savings of those performing the Waft attributable to the change, including. in case of an increase in the Contract Sum, a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit. In such can. and also under Clause, the Contractor shall keep and present, in such form m the Architect may prescribe, an itemized accounting together with appropriate supporting data. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, costs for the purposes of this Subparagraph 7.3.6 shall be limited to the following: .1 costs of labor, including social security, old age and unemployment insurance, fringe benefits required by agreement or custom, and workers' or workmen's compensation insurance; .2 costs of materials, supplies and equipment. including cost of transportation, whether incorporated or consumed; .3 rental costs of machinery and equipment, exclusive of hand tools, whether rented from the Contractor or others; .4 costs of premiums for all bonds and insurance, permit fees, and age*. use or similar taxes related to the Work; and .5 additional costs of supervision and field office personnel directly attributable to the change. 7.3.7 Pending final determination of cost to the Owner, amounts not in dispute may be included in Applications for Payment. The 011011119 of credit to be allowed by the Contractor to the Owner for a deletion at change which results in a net docroaso in the Contract Sum shall be actual net cost as confirmed by the Architect. When both additions and credits covering related Work or substitations are involved in a ch=M the ailoww= for overhead and profit shttll be figured on the basis of net in if any, with, respect to that change. 7.3.8 ff the Owner and Contractor do not agtue• with the adjustment in Contract Time or -the method for determining it, the adjustment or the marked, shall be referred to the Architect for determination - 7 -3-9 When the Owner and Contractor &Smowith the determination made by the Architect concerning the adjustments in the Conn= Sam and Time, or otherwise reach spoomeat upon the adjustmegta, such agreement shall be effective atellr and -shall be recorded by preparation and execution of an appropriate. Change Order. 7.4.1 The Architect will have authority to order minor changes in the Work not involving adjustment in the Contract Sum or extension of the Ctrntrm Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Such changes shall be effected by written order and shall be binding on the Owner and Contractor. The Contractor shall carry out such written orders promptly. AIMCLAL TIME 8.1 0511MIT Ns 8.1 .1 Unless otherwise provided, Contract Time is the period of time, including authorized adjustments, allotted in the Contract Documents for Substantial Completion of the Work. 8.1.2 The date of commencement of the Work is the date established in the Agreement. The date shall not be postponed by the failure to act of the Contracrot or of persons or entities for whom the Contractor is responsible. 8.1.3 The date of Substantial Completion is the date certified by the Architect in accordance with Paragraph 9.8. AIA DOCVWXXTA261 • 00Mu1W1,;:C AIA . CCWTNNW 190 • :' sly' of tAir1A1MMr11F 173wIwr.d =dw wool" r Obw 11 1 =0 I1�'1� ILL km o1 U w�}o M �,w Ifb 9i1'IIL Electronic Document Service A201-1987 15 8.1.4 The term "day" as used in the Contract Documents shall mean calendar day unless otherwise specifically defined. 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 8.2.1 Time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. By executing the Agreement the Contractor confirms that the Contract Tims is a reasonable period for performing the Worst. 8.2.2 The Contractor shall not knowingly, except by agreement or instruction of the Owner in writing, prematurely commence operations on the site or elsewhere prior to the effective date of insurance required by Article 11 to be furnished by the Contractor. The date of commencement of the Wort shall not be changed by the effective date of such insurance. Unless the date of commencement is established by a notice to proceed given by the Owner, the ConuwAor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days or other a . period before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages,mechanic's liens and other security interests. 8.2.3 The Contractor shall proceed expeditiously with adequate forces and shall achieve Substantial Completion within the Contract Time. 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS Of TIME 8.3.1 If the Contractor is delayed at my time in progress of the Work by an acct or neglect of the Owner or Architect, or of an employee of either, or of a contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the Worst, or by labor disputes, fire, unusual. delay in deliveries, unavoidable casualties or other causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by delay authorized by the Owner bending arbitration. or by other causes which the Architect determines may justify delay, then the Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect may determine. 8.3.2 Claims relating to time shall be made in accordance with applicable provisions of paragraph 4.3. 8,3.3 This Paragraph 8.3 does not preclude recovery of damages for delay by either party under other provisions of the Contract Documents. PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.1 CONTRACT SUM 9.1.1 The Contract Sum is stated in the Agreement and, including authorized adjustments, is the total amount Payable by the Owner to the Contractor for performance of the Work under the Con tap., 9.2 SCHEDULE Of VALUES 9,2.1 Before the first Application for payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect a schedule of values allocated to various portions of the Work, prepared in such forms and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy nut the Arebiteot may requia , This schedule, unless objected to by the tsat, shall be used as a basis for, reviewing tbe-Contractor"s Applications far Payment. . 9.3 APPLICATION4 POR PAYMENT 9.3.1 At least tett, days before•thewdate established for each Progress payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an itemized Applicatiout for Payment for aPargfitlls Ieted in act" with thwser edule, of values. Such appiicaaiou shall be matt if req and supported by such data substantiating. the Coutracto s right to payor isat as the,Ownearer Architect may require, sucb as copies of reasqulisitiona,firom Subcastracton and malaW suppliers, and reflecting retainage if provided for elsewltwe in -the -Contract Documents. Such applications array inclu".roquests,for payment on account of ohmages in thW1L s�'orlt hays been Properly authorized by Consts=Uou, Change Diaectivee but not yet included las Change Ordam Such applications may not include requests for payment of amounts the Coattaractor dose not intend to pay to a Subcontractor at material supplier because of a dispute or other, 9.3.2 Unless otherwise provided In the Contract Documents, payments shall be made on account of materials and equipment delivered and suitably stoned at the site for subsequent incorporation, n, in the Worst. If approved in advaucs by the owner, payment may similarly be made for nummish ,scud equJINnaut suitably stored off the site at a location ggrow upon in writing. Payment for materi,ab and equip t.steaed on or off the site shall be conditioned upon compliance by the Contractor with procedures satisfy to the Owner to establish the Owner's title to such matorials and equipment or othenriss protect the OwAsel interest, and shall Include applicable insurances, stowage, and transportation to the site for such materials and equipment stand off the site. 9.3.3 The Contractor warrants that title to all Work covered by an Application for Paynnu will w^ m to the Owner no later than the time of Payment. The Contractor farther warrants that upon submittal of an Aril bacumXXT ' A261 M'. -" dAltae M.MI S or " T Ce'M "N�PAM" ` , 110 . 7s� of fir...1N�rrr.rirMr� �1wrY��yr�7ub Eleastronsic Document Service A201-1987 16 Application for Payment all Work for which Certificates for Payment have been previously issued and payments received from the Owner shall, to the beat of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, be free and clear of liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances favor of the Contractor, Subcontractors, material suppliers, or other persons or entities making a claim by reason of having provided labor, materials and equipment relating to the Work. 9.4 CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 9.4.1 The Architect will, within seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment, either ism to the Owner a Certificate for Payment, with a copy to the Contractor, for such amount as the Architect dot etr . as is properly due, or notify. the Contractor and Owner in writing of the Architect's reasons for withholding certification in whole or in part as provided in SubPX314VVh 9.5.1. 9.4.2 The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will constitute a representation by the Architectto the Owner, basted on the Architect's observations at the site and the data comprising the Application for Payment, that the Work has progmased to the point indicated and that, to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief. quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents. The foregoing representations are subject to an evaluation of the Work for conformance with the Contract Documents upon Substantial Completion, to results of subsequent tests and inspections, to minor deviations from the Contract Documents correctable prior to completion and to specific qualifications expressed by the Architect. The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will further constitute a representation that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified. However, the issuance of a Certificate for Payment will not be a representation that the Architect has (1) made exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. (2) reviewed construction means, methods. techniques. sequences or procedures. (3) reviewed copies of requisitions received from Subcontractors and material suppliers and other data requested by the Owner to substantiate the Contractor's right to payment or (4) made examination to ascertain how or for what purpose the Contractor has used money previously paid on account of the Contract Sum. 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION 9.5.1 The Architect may decide not to certify payment and may withhold a Certificate for Payment in whole or in part, to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the Owner, if in the Architect's opinion the representations to the Owner required by Subparagraph 9.4.2 cannot be made. if the Architect is unable to certify payment to the amount of the Application, the Architect will notify the Contractor and Owner as provided in Subparagraph 9.4.1. If the Contractor and Architect cannot agree on a revised amount, the Architect will promptly issue a Certificate for Payment for the mount for which the Architect is able to make such representations to the Owner. The Architect may also decide not to certify payment or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent observations, may nullify the whole or a part of a Certificate for Payment previously issued, to such extent as may be necessary in the Architect's opinion to protect the Owner from loss because of - .1 defective Work not remedied; .2 third party claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims; .3 failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment; .4 reasonable evidence that the Work canna be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum; .5 damage to the Owner or another contractor, .6 reasonable evidence that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time, and that the unpaid balance would not be adequate to cover actual or liquidated damages for the anticipated delay; or .T persistent failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.5.2 When the above reasons for withholding certification are removed, certification will be made for amounts previously withheld. 9.6 PROGRESS; PAYM 9.9.1 After the Architect has issued a Certificate for Payment, the Owner shall make payment in the manner and within the time provided in the Contract Documents, and shall so notify the Architect. 9.6.2 The Contractor shall promptly pay each Subcontractor, upon receipt of payment from the Owner, out of the amount paid to the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's portion of the Work. the amount to which said Subcontractor is entitled. reflecting percentages actually retained from payments to the Contractor on account of such Subcon 's portion of the Work. The Contractor shall, by appropriate agreement. with each Subcontractor, require each AIA VOCCURIff Apel - OXWERAL COMM014 01 Toa OIMN7aA1;M" MOR = . M`OMattasaNU son='- AIA .O! IM • THE SIMM7a A 17!! S MM TOM Av01ea N.W. 71'A AC McMfII111��00L WAR� ""W" NAL � UM www IN X10 "Wow"7M1. wr w10 rWdW".. wWW VO4"W sr.06W 710L Electronic Document Service A201-1987 17 Subcontractor to make payments to Sub -subcontractors in similar manner. 9.6.3 The Architect will, on request, furnish to a Subcontractor, if practicable, information regarding percentages of completion or amounts applied for by the Contractor and action taken thereon by the Architect and Owner on account of portions of the Work done by such Subcontractor. 9.6.4 Neither the Owner nor Architect shall have an obligation to pay or to see to the payment of money to a. Subcontractor except as may otherwise be required by later. 9.6.5 Payment to material suppliers shall be treated in a manner similar to that provided in Subparagraphs 9.6.2, 9.6.3 and 9.6.4. 9.6.6 A Certificate for Payment. a progress payment, or partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by the Owner shall not constitute acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.7 FAILURE OF PAYMENT 9.7.1 If the Architect does not issue a Certificate for Payment, through no fault of the Contractor, within seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment, or if the Owner does not pay the Contractor within seven days after the date established in the Contract Documents the amount certified by the Architect or awarded by arbitration. then the Contractor may, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and Architect, stop the Work until payment of the amount owing has been received. The Contract rune shall be extended appropriately and the Contract Sam shall be increased by the amount of the Contractor's reasonable costs of shut -down, delay and start-up, which shall be accomplished as provided in Article 7. 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 9.8.1 Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for its intended use. 9.8.2 When the Contractor considers that the Work, or a portion thereof which the Owner agrees to accept separately, is substantially complete, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Architect a comprehensive list of items to be completed or corrected. The Contractor shall proceed promptly to complete and correct items on the list. Failure to include an item on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Upon receipt of the Contractor's list, the Architect will make an inspection to determine whether the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. if the Architect's inspection discloses any item whether or not included on the Contractor's list, which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, before issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, complete or ,correct such item, upon notification by the Architect. The Contractor shall then submit a request for another inspection by the Architect to daterntlue Substantial Completion. When the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete, the Architect will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion which shall establish the date of Substantial Completion, shall establish responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security, mAintIM1060, heat, utilities, damage to the Work and insurance, and shall fix the time within which the Contractor shall finish all items on the list accompanying the Certificate. Warranties required by the Contract Documents shall commence on the, data of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof unless otherwise provided in the C cote of Substantial Completion. The Certificiato of Substantial Completion shall be submitted to the Owner and contractor for their written acceptance of responsibilities assigned to theta in such Cortificam 9.6.8 Upon Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof and upon application by the . Contractor and certification by the Architec4 the Owner shall make payment, reflecting adjustment in retainage, if any, for such Work oras; dmf as provided in the Contract Documents. 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE 9.9.1 The Owner may occupy or use any completed or partially Completed portion of the Work at any stage when such portion is designated by separate agreement with the Contractor, provided such occupancy or use is consented to by the insurer as required under Subparagraph 11.3.11 and authorized by public authorities having jurisdiction over the Work. Such. partial occupancy or use may commence whether or not the portion is substantially completes, provided the Owner and Contractor have accepted in writing the responsibilities assigned to real of them fair payments, retainage if any, security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work and insurance, and have a iA writing Concerning the period for correction of the Work and commencement of warranties required by the Contract Documents. When the Contractor considers a portion substantially complete, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a list to the Architect as provided under Subparagraph 9.8.2. Consent of the Contractor to partial occupancy or use shall not be unreasonably AIA A201 . 0,2XVIR" aN 00 INs CNJN"A CIC 10tM M . AY . UB . TM Nfl'111N'If M, A IM MW TO" AV N.W.W &V- VIA�NIN "& 1rNa,p1M" � � �� 19b w r� 4Nr1,NNNrN ■NMIMMY 161�NNM aAA I NrrYIwN 1rNN' wW Electronic Document Service A201-1987 18 withheld. The stage of the progress of the Work shall be determined by written agreement between the Owner and Contractor or. if no agreement is reached, by decision of the Architect. 9.9.2 Itumedistely prior to such partial occupancy or use, the Owner. Contractor and Architect shall jointly inspect the area to be occupied or portion of the Work to be used in order to determine and record the condition of the Work. 9.9.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon. partial occupancy or use of a portion or portions of the Work shall not constitute acceptance of Work not complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND IN" PA VUEN " 9.10.1 Upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the Architect will promptly make such inspection and, when the Architect finds the Work acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, the Architect will promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment stating that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief, and an the basis of the Architect's observations and inspections, the Work has been completed in accordance with terms and conditions of the Contract -Documents and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor and noted in said final Certificate is due and payable. The Architect's final Certificate for Payment will constitute a further representation that conditions listed in Subparagraph 9.10.2 as precedent to the Contractor's being entitled to final payment have been fulfilled. 9.10.2 Neither final payment nor any remaining retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Architect (1) an affidavit that payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or the Owner's property might be responsible or encumbered (less amounts withheld by Owner) have been paid or otherwise satisfied, (2) a certificate evidencing that insurance required by the Contract Documents to remain in force after final payment is currently in effect and will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Owner. (3) a written statement that the Contractor knows of no substantial reason that the insurance will not be renewable to cover the period required by the Contract Documents, (4) consent of surety, if any, to final payment and (S). if required by the Owner, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of obligations. such as receipts, reieaa+ms and waivers of liens, claims. security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract, to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the Owner. If a Subcontractor refuses to furnish a rele"e or waiver required by the Owner. the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify the Owner against such lien. If such lien remain unsatisfied after payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all money that the Owner may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 9.10.5 If, after Substantial Completion of the Work, final completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor or by is of Change Orders affecting final completion, -and the Architect so confirms, the Owner shall, upon application by the Contractor and certification by the -Architect... and without terminating the Contract. -assize payment of the balance due for that portion of the-Wetit-filly completed and accepted. U the remaining balauce for -Work not fully completed or corrected is less than..retainage stipulated in the Cona m Documonts..,ant if bouds.have been furnishati, the written consent of xmwy to payment of the balance date for that portiosrof the Wosrk fttlly completed and accepted shall be -submitted -by the Contruaw to the Architect prior to certiflosticaW such pa t. Such payment shall be made under and conditions governing final psymes4. except thatit shall not constitute a waiver of clalm*s - The meking of final payment shall constitute a waiver -of. claims. -by the Owner as provided in S .4.3.5. 9.1 OA Acceptance of final psymrettt by the Contrac r, a Subcontractor or material supplier-shaU.constitute a. waiver of claims by that payee except them previously made in writing and identified by that payee as unsettled at the time of final Application for Pa t. Such waivers shall be in addition to the waiver described in Subparagraph 4.3.3. AflilrdLF1,12 - PROTECTNON OR PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PREC AUTIOM SAND PROGRAMS 10.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Contract. 10.1.2 In the event the Contractor On00049M on the site material reasonably believed to be asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)- which has not been rendered harmless. the Contractor shall immediately stop Work in the aunt affected and report the condition to the Owner and Architect in writing. The Work in the affected area shall not thereafter be resumed except by written agreement of the Owner and Contractor if in fact AIA DOCaIMai1T A101 - OCL C039M 111) O/ TQ CMUA= !Oa COM - MeeaTasllsTa'.. JUMM . AM - COPMONT 11B - Tai AMMMGAX ONI MM of ANAMMWM 1713 Maw TORR A"MUM M.1 » wAMSK"IM 0.C. 7 'MIAX NNMD,.a w "memo"** v6d� Us. I I%" MM =a Y I I IMI 0 Mr VM049016 TW Asom ww www. �W Waw wwwwwwrwww IIfAI'Iw1MMNM1 W Ar1M1 M gwY1 IY17/N. Electronic Document Service A201.1987 19 the material is asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and has not been tendered hatatnless. The Work in the affected area shall be resumed in the absence of asbestos or polychlorinated biphanyl (PCB), or when it has been rendered harmless, by written agreement of the Owner and Contractor, or in accordance with final determination by the Architect on which arbitration has not been demanded, or by arbitration under Article 4. 10.1.3 The Contractor shall not be required pursuant to Article 7 to perform without cot ses t any Work relating to asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). 10.1.4 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, Architect, Architect's consultants and spats and employees of any of them from and against claims, damages, losses and expanses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work in the affected area if in fact the material is asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and has not been rendered harmless, provided. that such claim. damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, siclmess. dizesse, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including loss of use resulting therefrom, but only to the extent caused in whole or in part by negligent acts or omissions of the Owner, anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Owner or anyone for whose acts the Owner may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim. damage, loss or expanse is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to a party or person described in this Subparagraph 10.1.4. 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.2.1 The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for safety of. and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: .1 employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby, .2 the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, under care, custody or control of the Contractor or the Contractor's Subcontractors or Sub -subcontractors; and .3 other property at the site or adjacent thereto, such as trees, shrubs, lawns. walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. 10.2.2 The Contractor shall give notieeat and comply with applicable laws, ordinances, Mae, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on aahty of peratotsa or property or their protection from damage, injury or lora. 10.2,3 The Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and.per of the Contract, reasostable safeguards for wtoty and protection, including posting danger signs. and other warnings against hazards, promnigating Safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent sites and utilities. 10.2.4 When use or storage of explosives or other hazardous moodals, or equipment or unnsnsl methods are necessary for execution of the Wort, the ContrwAor shall exercise utsaost care and carry ou-such activities under supervision of properly quouded personnel.. 10.2.5 The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage and loss (other than damage or loss. insured. under property itimmince required by the Caatratm Docuumts) to property referred to in Claum and 10.2.1..3 caused in whole or in part by the Contractor, a. Subcontractor, a Sub-nbcouuwAw, or satyeat► directly or indisectlY employed by any of thein, or. by any o for whose acts they may 'be liable, and for which the Contractor is TOOPO4siblo under Cisasea and except damage at lose amibutabie to aanat or amissions of theArchitect or or indirectlyemployed by eithw of at by ani for whose acts either of then may be liable, and not attributable to the fault or negil of that Coat . The foregoing obligations of the Contractor are in addition to the Contractors obligations under Paragraph 3.18. 10.2.11 The Contractor shall designate a responsible member of the Contractor's organisation at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidento. This person shall be the Contractor's superintendent unless Otherwise desipated by the C4nulow in writing to the Owner and ArchitecL 10.2.7" The Cotmttractor shall not load oar permit any pant of the construction or site to be loaded so as to endanger its safety. 10.3 EMERGENCES 10.3.1 In an emergency affecting safatty of persons or Pro , the Contractor' ahall tact, at the Contractor's discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Additional compensation or extension of time claimed by the Contractor on account of an emergency shall be determined as provided in Paragraph 4.3 and Article 7. AIA DOC93IMT ALI • 020MRAL OFT= eONTRA4 A aS, +�w....r �. tta>w Taa M e1 .. :+wrMIMMMMM � � �. r.r Wer .�.AIM.f 11i�1 r N r � �vNwM4M4WMw�,p,pY� " � NMMNNIM #IY� b � MM 11M�11�,, Electronic Document Service A201=1987 20 Affr'.CLE_ I 1 INSURANCE AND BONDS 11.1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INISURANCE 11.1.1 The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located such insurance as will protect the Contractor from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's operations under the Contract and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contracw or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: .1 claims under workers' or workmen's compensation, disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts which are applicable to the Work to be performed; .2 claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or dam, or death of the Contractor's employees; .3 claims for dams because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than the Contractor's empl ; .4 claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage, which are sustained (1) by a person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to employment of such person by the Contractor, or (2) by another person; .5 claims for damages, other than to the Work itself. because of injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom; .ti claims for damages because of bodily injury, death of a person or property damage arising out of ownership. maintenance or use of a motor vehicle; and .T claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable to the Contractor's obligations tinder Paragraph 3.18. 11.1.2 The insurance required by Subparagraph 11.1.1 shall be written for not less than limits of liability specified in the Contract Documents or required by law, whichever coverage is greater. Coverages, whether written on an occurrence or claims -made box". shall be maintained without interruption from date of commencement of the Work until date of final payment and termination of any coverage required to be maintained after final payment. 11.1.3 Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner prior to commencement of the Work. These Certificates and the insurance policies required by this Paragraph 11.1 shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Owner. If any of the foregoing insurance coverages are required to remain in force after final payment and are reasonably available, all additional certificate evidencing continuation of such coverage shall be submitted with the final Application for Payment as required by Subparagraph 9.10.2. Information concerning reduction of coverage shall be furnished by the Contractor with reasonable promptness in accordance with the Contractor's information and belief. 11.2 OWNER'S LIABILM INSURANCE, 11.2.1 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining the Owner's usual liability insurance. Optionally, the Owner may purchase and maintain other insurance for self-protection against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract. The Contractor shall not be responsible for purchasing and maintaining this optional Owner's liability insurance unless specifically required by the Contract Documents. 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11.3.1 Unless otherwise provided, the Owner shall purchase and maintain, in a company or companies lawfully authorised to do business in the Jurisdiction in which the Project is located, property insurance in the amount of the initial Contract Sum as well as subsequent modifications thereto for the entire Work at the site on a replacement cost basis without voluntary deductibles. Such property insurance shall be maintained, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or otherwise speed in writing by all persons and entities who are beneficiaries of such insurance, until final payment has been made as provided in Paragraph 9.10 or until no person or entity other than the Owner has an insurable interest in the property required by this Paragraph 11.3 to be covered, whichever is earlier. This insurance shall include interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub -subcontractors in the Work. Property insurance shall be on an all-risk policy form and shall insure against the peril of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage including. without duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief, collapse, false -work, temporary buildings and debris removal including demolition occasioned by enforcesnaut of any applicable AA _ SII 3 AlAb� - O OWID VOW of to QCT 4 CON riwww" • •Y • � rw W r w rw ■rar777ira O/ Au ooaar �r urr . TM rna �a+w roc waoa ■.r +N►�w� ea �r rrrwrrrrr �w� u.a. w•w�,,. rr. war �..srWw�r� 6ff 11 1aiOftw AU17AWrY Electronic Document Service A201-1987 21 legal requirements, and shall cover reasonable compensation for Architect's services and expenses required as a result of such Insured Joint. Coverage for other perils shall not be required unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If the Owner does not intend to purchase such property insurance required by the Contract and with all of than coverages in the amount described above, the Owner shall so inforut the Contractor in writing price: to commencement of the Work. The Conte my effect insurance which will protect the in of the► Contractor. Subcontractors and Sub -subcontractors in the Work, and by appropriate Change Order the cost thereof shall be charged to the Owner. If the Contractor is damaged by the failure or neglect of the Owner to purchase or maintain insurance as described above, without so notifying the Contractor, then the Owner shall bear all reasonable costs properly attributable thereto. If the property insurance requires minimum deductibles and such deductibles are identified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay coats not covered because of such deductibles. U the Owner or insurer, increases the required mini—m deductibles above the amounts so identified or if the Owner elects to purchase this insurance with voluntary deductible amounts, the Owner shall be respousiblo for payment of the additional costs not covered because of such increased or voluntary deductibles. If deductibles are not identified in the Contract Documents. the Owner shall pay costs not covered because of deductibles. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, this property insurance shall cover portions of the "Work stated off tate site after wrap approval of the Owner at the value established in the approval, and also portions of the Work in transit. 11.3.2 Boller and Machinery Ineumnon. The Owner shall purchase and maintain boiler and machinery insurance required by the Contract Documenta or by law, which shall specifically cover such insured objects during installation and until final acceptance by the Owner; this insurance shall include interests of the Owner, Contractor. Subcontractors and Sub- subcontractors in the Work, and the Owner and Contractor shall be named insureds. 11.3.3 Loans of hast Insurnnoo. The Owner, at the Owner's option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as Will insure the Owner against lees of use of the Owner's property due to fire or other hazards, however caused. The Owner waives all rights of action against the Contractor for loss of use of the Owner's property, including consequential losses due to fire or other hazards however caused. 11.3.4 If the Contractor requests in writing that insurance for risks other than those described herein or for other special hazards be included in the property insurance policy. the Owner shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost there of shall be charged to the Contractor by &PPrOPfiats Change Order. 11.3.6 If during the project cons coon period the Owner insures properties, real or personal or both, adjoining or adjacent to the site by property insurance under policies to from those insuring the Project, or if after final payment property insurance is to be provided on the completed, Project through a policy or policies other than thosaa ilwAring the Pt*wA during the construction period, the Owner sball waive all rights in accordance with the terms, of Subparagraph 11.3.7 for damages caused by fire or other perils covered by this separate property insursum All separate policies shall provide this waiver of subrogation by endorsement or otharwiso. 11.3.116 Ili an exposure to loss may occur, the Owner shall file with the Contractor a copy of each policy that. includes ce coverages required. by this paragraph. 11.3. Each policy shall contain all generally applicable conditions. definitions. exclusions and endors tat related to this project. Each policy shall contain a. Provision that the policy will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written nod" has been given to the contractor. 11.3.7 Waltrero Of 9011rogation. The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against (1) each other and any of their subcontractors, sub-subcontractorst, agents and employees, each of the other, and (2) the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate contractors described in Article 6, if any, and any of their subcontractors, sub - subcontractors, agents and employees, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by property i�nstrranco obtained pursuant to this paragrawtph 11.3 or other property insurance applicable to the Work, except such rights as they have to proceeds of such. insurance held by the Owner as fiduciary. The Owner or Contractor, as appropriate, shall requires of the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate contractors described in Article 6, if any, and the subcontractors, sub - subcontractors, agents and l of any of theta, by appropriate agreements, written where legally required for validity, similar waivers each In favor of other parties enumerated herein. The policies shall provide such waivers of subrogation by endorsement or, Otherwise. A waiver of subrogation shall be effective as to a person or entity even though that person or entity would otherwise have a duty of indemnification, contractual or otherwise, did not pay the insurance Premium directly or indirectly, card whether or not the ria *Ma . oasaraiaM aaoarmrWra=" tsar a cc wsa+esti . araaaaerr .PMMA . limit • sarwartrarrr� crr IM arawrr � � rr.w 'ars to a .rAlMa k% ccs. w.ws. r rMr18 �M�* P"Mom"Now memo" Now" Ma,"W"r4"0=Mir-#-*.MVM— VM60 ro MW aMraarew. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 22 person or entity had an insurable interest in the property damaged. 11.5.8 A loss insured under Owner's property insurance shall be adjusted by the Owner as fiduciary and made payable to the Owner as fiduciary for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to requiurements of any applicable mortgagee clause and of Subparagraph 11.3.10. The Contractor shall pay Subcontractors their just shares of insurance proceeds received by the. Contractor, and by appropriate agreements, written where legally required for validity, shall require Subcontractors to make payments to their Sub - subcontractors in similar manner. 11.5.0 If required in writing by a party in interest, the Owner as fiduciary shall, upon occarraenae of an insured loss, give bond for proper performance of the Owases duties. The cost of required bonds shall be charged against proceeds received as fiduciary. The Owner shall deposit in a separate account proceeds so received, which the Owner shall distribute in accordance with such agroewent as the parties in interest may reach, or in accordituce with an arbitration sward in which one the procedure shall be as'iprovided in Paragraph 4.5. If after such loss no other special agreement is made, replacement of damaged property shall be covered by appropriate Change Order. 11.3.10 The Owner as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and settle a loss with insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within five days after occurrence of loss to the Owner's exercise of this power, if such objection be made, arbitrators shall be chosen as provided in Paragraph 4.5. The Owner as fiduciary shall, in that case, make settlement with insurers in accordance with directions of such arbitrators. If distribution of insurance proceeds by arbitration is required, the arbitrators will direct such distribution. 11.3.11 Partial occupancy or use in accordance with Paragraph 9.9 shall not commence until the insurance company or companies providing property insurance have consented to such partial occupancy or use by endorsement or otherwise. The Owner and the Contractor shall take reasonable steps to obtain consent of the insurance company or companies and shall, without mutual written consent, take no action with respect to partial occupancy or use that would cause cancellation, lapse or reduction of insurance. 11.4 PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND 11.4.1 The Owner shall have the right to require the Contractor to furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the Contract and payment of obligations arising thereunder as stipulated in bidding requirements or specifically required in the Contract Documents on the date of execution of the Contract.. 11.4.2 Upon the .request of any person or entity appopring to be a Potential beneficiary of bonds covering payment of obligations arising Binder the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly, ftnuish a copy of the bonds or shall permit a air to be made. UNCOVERING ANIS CORRECTION OF WORK 12.1 UNCIOVWUNG OF WORK 12.1.1 If a portion of the Work is covered contrary to the Architect's request or to requirements specifically expressed in the Contract Documents, it must, if required in writing by the-ArchitwA, be uncovered for the Architect's observation and be replaced at the Contractor's expense without change in the Contract. TiaM 12.1.2 If a portion of the Week has bom ,which the Architect ltas not specifically reqaose1=to Price to its being ,tb* Ar+chitoct req to - see such Work andJt it shall , bo�uzsovorodf by the - Contractor. If such Work is in accordance with -the Contract Documents, costs- of - uncovering and replacement shall, by appropriete.ChanW.09der, be charged to the Owner- If such.,Vork=is not in aamdauco with the Casttmrrt. Documents, the Contractor shall pay such cats union, the coattli can was,causaed by the Owner or a separate contractor in which evantt the Owner shall be responsible for payment of such costar. 12.2 CORRECTION OF WORK 12.2.1 The Contractor shall promptly cwt Work rejected by the Architect or failing to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, whether observed before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or cowplood. The Contractor shall boa costs of corratcting Batch. rejected Work, including additional testing and inspections and compensation for the Architoes, services and expenses made nocessary thereby. 12.2.2 If, within one year after the date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated thereof, or after the date for commencement of warranties established under Subparagraph 9.9.1. or by t, — of an applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents, any of the Work is found to bra not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct it prompdy after receipt of written notice from the Owner to do so unless the Owner has previously given the Contractor a written AIA 00C910100T A201 . OX 1 IMO O1 TIO CONTRA= /ea 0011 VA • 19" • "1"aa A or Awry w 17SS PZW T U AVM sw rwt I Is�N1 1 r i�w�rA 1 Y 6 ei OMMM& boo out Y loop"" is" pommel" 7W W 1i1A17PIM. Electronic Document Service A201-1987 23 acceptance of such condition. This period of one year shall be extended with respect to portions of Work first performed after Substantial Completion by the period of time between Substantial Completion and the ;actual performance of the Work. This obligation under this Subparagraph 12.2.2 shall survive acceptance of the Work under the Contract and termination of the Contract. The Owner shall give such notice promptly mer discovery of the condition.. 12.2.3 The Contractor shall remove from the site portions of the Work which are not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and arc neither corrected by the Contractor nor accepted by the Owner. 12.2.4 If the Contractor fails to correct nonconforming Work within a noble time, the Owner may it in accordance with Paragraph 2.4. U the Contractort does not proceed with conwtim of such nonconforming Work within a reasonable time fixed by written notice from the Architect, the Owner may remove it and store the salvable materials or equipment at the Contractor's expense. If the Contractor does not pay costs of such removak and storage within ten days after written notice, the Owner may upon ten additional days' written notice sell such materials and equipment at auction or at private sale and shall account for the proceeds thereof, after deducting costs and damages that should have been borne by the Contractor, including compensation for the Architect's services and expenses made necessary thereby. If such proceeds of sale do not cover costs which the Contractor should have borne, the Contract Sum shall be reduced by the deficiency. If payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amount, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. 12.2.3' The Contractor shall boss" the cost of cortgeting destroyed or damaged construction, whether completed or partially completed, of the Owner or separate contractors caused by the Contractor's correction or removal of Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 12.2.5 Nothing contained in this Paragraph .12.2 shall be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to other obligations which the Contractor ndght have under the Contract Documents. EstsbUshmat of this time period of one year as described in Subpangrspit 12,2.2 relates only to the specific obligation of the Contractor to correct the Wait, and has no relatiotabIp to the time within which the obligation to comply with the Contract Documents may be sought to be enforced, nor to the time within which proceedings may be co aced to establish the Contractor's liability with respect to the Contractor's obligations other than specifically to correct the Work. 12.3 ACCEPTANCE OR NONCONFORMING WORK 12.3.1 If the Owner prefstl to t Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Owner may dew so instead of requiring its removal and correction, in which case the Contract Stum will be reduced as VPvPriM and squ tabla.. Such adjustment shall be effected whether or not final payment has bees made. MT,- i '14� 13.1 GOVERNING LAW 13.9.1 The C40tract shall. be 50VOrned by the law of the place where the is 13.2 SI C RS'ANDN v, 13.2.1 Tho • Owner and vely bind themselves, su and, legal lepresentatives, to ihwother•Part+j► herew-UA to sum i assigns 'and'. lot", reprewr 1 r 1!� *r* -Of such other party in respect to seven=", agreements obligations contained in the conmet-Documents. Neither party to the Contrast, shall a siawrthe cots -aa a whole without °wwirri teal" thwotbwr It. party to make.arckh an nasi without such. consent, that party *hall nevertheleas legally responsible for all obligations under.the: tract. 13.3 WR NOTICE 13,.3.1 Written notice shall be denued to have bean duly served if delivered in person to the individual or a. member of the firm or entity or to an officer of the corporation for which it was intended, or if deli at or sent by registered or certified mail to the last business address knorn to the party giving norlm 13.4 RKil9TR AND REUMM 13.4.1 Duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents and rights and fGuwdimAa dw shall be in additioat to and not a limitation -of duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise inqwded of available by law. 13.4.2 No action or failure to stet by the Owner, Architect or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of a. right or duty afforded them under the Contract, nor shall such action of failure to act constitute approval of or acquiescence in a breach thereunder, except as way be. specifically agreed in writing A14 1r Ant. oar. w'RiPaMa er rrpw l4Aa . � . Ancil, . 400TRIM 19W. ^raa � A w oralsw �A��11.11 ouC.�,�►�1h "."VOW 1. aY�o��ftTW w �.rrr.�r 1i; gw AM W I, M ltit'M & Electronic Document Service A201-1987 24 r,. 13.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 13.5.1 Tests, inspections and approvals of portions of the Work required by the Contract Documents or by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of public authorities having jurisdiction shall be made at an appropriate time. Unless otherwise provided., the Contractor shall make arrangements for such tests, inspections and approvals with an independent testing laboratory or entity 9000PLAble, to the Owner, or with the appgops ate public authority, and shalt beer all related casts of tests, inspections and approvals. The Contractor shall gine the Architect timely nodes of when and whets tests and Inspections are to be made so the Architect may observe such procedures. The Owner shall bear coats of teats, inspections or approvals which do not become requirements until after bids are received or negotiations concluded. 13.5.2 If the Architect, Owner or public authorities having jurisdiction determine that portions of the Work require additional testing, inspection or approval not included under Subparagraph 13.5.1, the Architect will, upon written authorization from the Owner, instruct the Contractor to make arrangements for such additional testing, inspection or approval by an entity acceptable to the Owner, and the Contractor shall give timely notice to the Architect of when and where tests and inspections are to be nude so the Architect may observe such procedures. The Owner shall bear such coats except as provided in Subparagraph 13.5.3. 13.5.3 If such procedures for testing, inspection or approval under Subpvmgrxphs 13.3.1 and 13.5.2 reved failure of the portions of the Work to comply with requirements established by the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall bear all costs made necessary by such failure including those of repeated procedures and compensation for the Architect's maces and expenses. 13.5.4 Required certificates of testing. inspection or approval shall. unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents, be secured by the Contractor and promptly delivered to the Architect. 13.5.5 If the Architect is to observe tests, inspections or approvals required by the Contract Documents. the Architect will do so promptly and, where practicable, at the normal place of testing. 13.5.6 Tests or inspections conducted pursuant to the Contract Documents shall be made promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the Work. 13.6 INTEREST 13.5.1 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract Documents shall bear interest from the date payment is due at such rate as the parties may agree upon in writing or, in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. 13.7 COMMENCEMENT OF STATUTORY LIMITATION PERIOD 13.7.1 As between the Owner and Contractor. .1 Before Substantial Cotnplatlon. As to sets or failures to act occurring prior to the relevant date of Substantial Cottipletion, any applicable stami of limitations sw commi to ran and any alleged cant* of action shall be deemed to have accrued in any and all events not later than such date of Substantial Completion; .2 Between Substantial Completion and Final Certlfloata for PayntsnL As to acts or failures to act occurring subsequent to the relevant date of Substantial Completion and prior to issuance of the final Certificate for Payment, any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have seemed in any and all events not later than the date of issuance of the final Certificate for Payment; and .3 After Snal Csrtlflcs% for Payntent. As to acts or failures to act occurring after the relevant date of issuance of the final Certificate for Payment, any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued in any and all events not later than the date of any act or failure to act by the Contractor pursuant to any warranty provided under Paragraph 3.5, the date of any correction of the Work or failure to correct the Work by the Contractor under Paragraph 12.2, or the date of actual commission of any other act or failure to perform any duty or obligation by the Contractor or Owner, whichever occurs last. AMI"ICI-E 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR 14.1.1 The Contractor may terminate the Contract if the Work is stopped for a period of 30 days through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor, Sub - subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons performing portions of the Work under contract with the Contractor, for any of the following reasons: AIA oOCUM MT A261 • CKWORAI. OO11efr S O/ TO OOWMA+1"I, " POa =7r = . AY' • OWTIMM 190 - TIO A1MWA1NaQ"Mo of AACXMVCM 1735 Maw TOIL! AVO M.w 'w " W WG 3NO&UM wAalXN*k I---- Vkowo". v6sAw" U& ,ory"M 1� .r Y ambi w M" 1116 Two ,. . ~40 �� Ihrwlw U 1 W ,�wA r . w1rW 1 Ut7M. Electronic Document Service A2014987 25 .1 issuance of an order of a court or other public authority having jurisdiction; .2 an act of government, such an a declaration of national emergency, making material unavailable; .3 because the Architect has not issued a Certificate for Payment and has not notified the Contractor of the reason for withholding certification as provided in S graft 9.4.1, or because the Owner has not made payment an a Cerdfictuttt for Payment within the tiros stated in the ContractDocuments; .4 if repeated suspensions, delays or interruptions by the Owner as described in Paragraph 14.3 constitute in the aggregate more than 100 percent of the total number of days scheduled for completion, or 120 days in any 343 -day period, whichever is or .S the Owner has failed to furnish to the Contractor promptly, upon the Contractor's request, reitsu mable evidence as required by Subparagraph 2.2..1. 14.1.2 If one of the above reasons exists, the Contractee may, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and Architect, terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner payment for Work executed and for proven loss with respect to materials, equipment. tools, and construction equipment and machinery, including roaxonable overhead, profit and da 14.1.3 If the Work is stopped for a period of 60 days through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons performing portions of the Work tinder contract with the Contractor because the Owner has peraistantly failed to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract Documents with respect to matters important to the progress of the Work. the Contractor may, upon Seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and the Architect, terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner as provided in Subpangraph 14.1.2. 14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE 14.2.1 The Owner may terminate the Contract if the Contractor. .1 persistently or repeatedly refuses or fails to supply enough properly skilled workers or proper materials; .2 fails to make payment to Subcontractors for materials or labor in accordance with the respective agreements between the Contractor and the Subcontractors; .3 persistently disregards laws, ordinances, or rhes, reSuiatio= or orders of a public authority having j , etion; or .4 otherwise is guilty of substantial breach of a PrOvitift of the Contract Documents. 14-U When any of the alcove reasons exist, the Owner, Upon certification by the Architect that juMcigat cause exists to justify such action, may without pmjudice to any other rights or remedies of the Owner and after giving tho Contrutor and the Conauwx smity, if any, s days written notice, terminate employment of the Contractor and may, subject to any prior rights of the surety. .1 take possession of the site and of all materials, equipment, tools, and construction aqui tit and machinery thereen owned by the Contractor, .2 accept assipm=t of subcontracts pursuant to Paragraph, S.4; and .3 finish the Work by whatever reasonable method the Owner may deem expedient. 14,»2,3 When the owner terminstae the. conazu for one Of the reasons stated in Subparagraph 14.2.1, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive further payment until the Work is finished. 14.2.4 If the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum exceeds costs of finishing the Work, including compensation for the Architect'sand expenses made n thereby, such a stall be paid to the Contractor, if such costs exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The amount to be pard to the Contractor or Owner, as the case may be, shall be certified by the Architect, upon application, and this obligation for payment shall survive termination of the Con 14.3 SUSPENSION my THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE 14.3.1 The Owner may, without cause, order the Contractor in writing to suspend, delay or interrupt the Work in whole or in part for such period of time as the Owner may de e. 14»3.2 An adjustment shall be made for increases, in the cost of performance of the Contract,including profit on the increased cost of performance, caused by suspension,, delay or interruption. No Adjustment shall be made to the extent: AX 171! r M . of Taa � Irlla r1 us w. eac •.w- wx OX- 2000"" WASNOW "06"M � r+rrrr �b 1040"A rw lium "wow 1104"Mi goo" w .yYMMY tMN1.111MM NFMNii 1 {ice � �� 4" Y SMI a Pry �ANNM�1 TAP Electronic Document Service A201-1987 26 .1 that performance is, was or would have been so suspended, delayed or interrupted by another cause for which the Contractor is responsible; or .2 that an equitable adjustment is made or denied under another provision of this Contract. 14.3.3 Adjustments made in the cost of performance may have a mutually agreed fixed or percentage fee. A CUUMT A3f l . O C=WnW I! Of TIO CO MACT MR AIA DO d'aR1C31If • AY . 1Mf .Tad AAOalaw'�Nlal"� MiN'frRSRf O! Wrw w TOM AVOIUM N.V. MA p.C.1M 01160fL VARItOM I�kYl -s" www rrs wWAMN {N. 17!! Nsw ■■Ye W� wwwMMw I11w4ffagMll W r w � �Mltwrw � �; I lil'I'1f4. own"$* I� W V W0Ma M W90 "Ooftv*aw tW Electronic Document Service A201-1987 27 SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS DIVISION 0 SECTION 00800 PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 50 These Supplemental Conditions form a part of and are incorporated in the contract for construction and modify, delete, add and replace provisions of the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction," AIA Document A201-1987. Provisions not altered remain in effect. All terms defined elsewhere in the Contract Documents shall have the same meanings here, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1.1 Add the following to this subparagraph: "In the event of a conflict or discrepancy among or in the Contract Documents, interpretation shall be governed in the following priority: .1 Agreement (A-101) (written amendments having precedence) .2 Supplemental Conditions .3 General Conditions (A-201) .4 Addenda (later having precedence over earlier) .5 Schedules .6 Drawings (large-scale having precedence over small-scale, and written dimensions having precedence over scaled dimensions) and Specifications" 1.1.2 Change the fourth and fifth sentences to read: of any kind (1) between the Architect or the Construction Manager and the Contractors, (2) between the Owner or Construction Manager and a Subcontractor of any tier . . . The Architect and the Construction Manager shall, however, . ." 1.2.2 Add the following to this subparagraph: "By executing this Contract, the Contractor represents and acknowledges that the Contract Sum is reasonable compensation for all the Work, that the Contract Time is adequate for the performance of the Work, and that it has carefully examined the Contract Documents and the Project site, including any existing buildings, and that it has satisfied itself as to the nature, location, character, quality and quantity of the Work, the labor, materials, equipment, goods, supplies, work, services and other items to be furnished and all other requirements of the Contract Documents, as well as the surface conditions and other matters that may be encountered at the Project site or affect performance of the Work or the cost or difficulty thereof, including but not limited to those conditions and matters affecting: transportation, access, disposal, handling and storage of materials, equipment and other items; availability and quality of labor, water, electric power and utilities; availability and condition of roads; normal climatic conditions and seasons; physical conditions at the Project site and the surrounding locality; topography and ground surface conditions; and equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and at all times during the PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1131/94 SUPP . COND.--Page 1 performance of the Work. The failure of the Contractor fully such condition or matter shall not in any way relieve responsibility for performing the Work in accordance with within the Contract Time and the Contract Sum." ARTICLE 2 OWNER 2. 1.1 Add the following to this subparagraph: "including the Construction Program Manager." 2.1 .2 Delete the second sentence of this subparagraph. 2.1 .3 Add the following new subparagraph: to acquaint itself with any the Contractor from the the Contract Documents and "2.1.3 The Construction Program Manager is the Owner's representative to the Contractor with respect to this Project during construction and until Final Completion. The Owner's communications with the Contractor shall normally be through the Construction Program Manager. The Construction Program Manager will have full authority to act on behalf of the Owner with regard to all aspects of this Project that do not involve changes to the Contract Sum or Time. The Owner must approve all Change Orders, Construction Change Directives, and payments to the Contractor. .1 The Construction Program Manager is not authorized to revoke, alter, enlarge, relax or release any requirements of the Contract Documents, nor to approve or accept any portion of the Work whether or not executed in accordance with, nor to issue instructions contrary to the Contract Documents. .2 The Construction Program Manager and the Owner shall at all times have access to the Work whenever it is in preparation or progress. The Contractor shall provide safe facilities for such access. .3 The Construction Program Manager shall not be responsible for or have control or charge of the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, and will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. .4 The Construction Program Manager will not be responsible for the failure of the Contractor to plan, schedule and execute the Work in accordance with the approved schedule or the failure of the Contractor to meet the Contract completion dates or the failure of the Contractor to schedule and coordinate the Work of its own trades and Subcontractors or to coordinate and cooperate with other separate Contractors. .5 The Construction Program Manager will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Architect, the Contractor, any other contractor, or any Subcontractor, or any contractor's or subcontractor's agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the Work. .6 The Construction Program Manager has authority to disapprove, condemn or reject work on behalf of the Owner when, in the Construction Program Manager's opinion, the Work does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever in the Construction Program PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 (SL933120.2341 1131/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 2 Manager's reasonable opinion it is considered necessary or advisable to insure the proper implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, the Construction Program Manager shall have the authority to require special inspection or testing of any work in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents whether or not such work be then fabricated, installed or completed. .7 The Construction Program Manager will have authority to require_ special inspection or testing of the Work whether or not such Work be then fabricated, installed or completed. however, neither the Construction Program Manager's authority to act under Subparagraphs 3.1.6 and 3.1.7, nor any decision made by the Construction Program Manager in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Construction Program Manager to the Contractor, any Subcontractor, any of their agents or employees, or any other person performing any of the Work. .8 The Construction Program Manager shall have the authority and discretion to call, schedule and conduct job meetings to be attended by the Contractor, representatives of its Subcontractors and the Architect, to discuss such matters as procedures, progress, problems and scheduling. .9 The Construction Program Manager will establish procedures to be followed for processing all shop drawings, catalogs and other Project reports and other documentation, test reports and maintenance manuals. .10 The Construction Program Manager will review all requests for changes and shall implement the processing of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives, including application for increased costs or extensions of time. .11 The Construction Program Manager will review and process all applications for payment by the Contractor, including the final application for payment, and will consult with the Architect as appropriate. 2.2.1 Delete this subparagraph. 2.4.1 change the third and fourth sentences to read: " . . . including compensation for the Architect's and the Construction Manager's additional services and expenses made necessary by such default, neglect or failure. The Owner will give prior notice to the Architect of its intent to take such action; the right of the Owner to correct the Work pursuant to this subparagraph shall not give rias -to any duty on the part of the Owner to exercise or not to exercise this right for the benefit of the Contractor or any other entities." ARTICLE 3 CONTRACTOR 3.1.2 Add the following new subparagraph: 113.1.2 The Contractor shall performance of the Work and shall personnel performing the Work. In into any agreements or undertakings agent or employee of the Owner." PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT ISL933120.2341 151/94 be and operate as an independent contractor in the have complete control over and responsibility for all no event shall the Contractor be authorized to enter for or on behalf of the Owner or to act as or be an SECTION 00800 SUPP. COND.--Page 3 3.2.1 Change this subparagraph to read: 113.2.1 The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents with each other and with information furnished by the Owner pursuant to Subparagraph 2.2.2 and shall at once report to the architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. The Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner, the Construction Manager or Architect for damage resulting from errors, inconsistencies or omissions in the Contract Documents unless the Contractor recognized or reasonably should have recognized such error, inconsistency or omission and failed to report it to the Architect. The Contractor shall do no work without applicable Drawings, Specifications, or written modifications or, where required, Shop Drawings, Product Data, or Samples, unless instructed to do so in writing by the Architect and the Owner. Where conflicts that the Contractor knew or reasonably should have known have not been brought to the Architect's attention in a timely manner, the Contractor will be deemed to have elected the more costly method(s) or material(s) as included in the Contract Sum. If the Contractor performs any construction activity, and if it knows or reasonably should have known that any of the Contract Documents contains an error, inconsistency or omission, the Contractor shall be responsible for the performance and shall bear the cost for its correction." 3.2.2 Change this subparagraph to read: "3.2.2 The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions, including all general reference points, and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities. Errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered shall be reported to the Architect at once. The Contractor shall prevent the dislocation or destruction of general reference points and shall employ a registered land surveyor currently licensed in Washington for, and be responsible for, the accuracy of layout and elevations for the Work." 3.3.1 Add the following to this subparagraph: "The Contractor shall review any such specific instructions and any construction or installation procedure specified in the Contract Documents, shall advise the Architect (a) if the specified instruction or procedure deviates from what the Contractor considers to be good construction practice, (b) if following the instruction or procedure will effect any warranties, or (c) if the Contractor objects to the instruction or procedure, and shall propose alternative instructions or procedures acceptable to the Contractor, for which no increase in the Contract Sum or Time will be made. 3.3.3 Change "Architect" to "Architect or Construction Manager" and change "Architect's" to "Architect's or Construction Manager's". 3.3.5 Add the following new subparagraph: "3.3.5 The Contractor shall perform such detailed examination, inspection and quality surveillance of the Work as will ensure that the Work is progressing and is being completed in strict accordance with the Contract Documents, including the then latest issue of the Drawings and Specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for examination, inspection and quality surveillance, of all Work performed by any Subcontractor of any tier. The Contractor shall determine when it is necessary to perform, and shall perform, tests (in addition to those requested by the Owner or required by the Specifications or any other provision of the Contract Documents) to verify its PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31184 SUPP. COND.--Page 4 inspections or to ensure that the Work is being completed in strict accordance with the Contract Documents." 3.3.6 Add the following new subparagraph: 113.3.6 The Contractor shall plan and lay out all Work in advance of operations so as to coordinate all work without delay or revision. 3.4.2 Add the following to this subparagraph: "At no change to the Contract Sum or Contract Time, the Owner may provide written notice requiring the Contractor to remove from the Work any employee or other person carrying out the Contract the Owner reasonably considers objectionable. If the Work is being performed at a site in active school use or where there is a likelihood of contact with children, a person shall be unfit if he or she has pled guilty to or has been convicted of any felony crime involving the physical injury or death of a child (RCW 9A.32 or 9A.36 but not RCW 46.61 --motor vehicle violation), the physical neglect of a child (RCW 9A.42), sexual offenses against a minor (RCW 9A.44), sexual exploitation of a child (RCW 9.68A), the sale or purchase of a minor child (RCW 9A.64.030), promoting prostitution of a child (RCW 9A.88), or violation of similar laws of another jurisdiction." 3.4.3 Add the following new subparagraphs: " Pursuant to RCW 39.12, no worker, laborer, or mechanic employed in the performance of any part of the Work shall be paid less than the 'prevailing rate of wage' (in effect as of the date that bids are due) as determined by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. The schedule of the prevailing wage rates for the locality or localities where this contract will be performed is attached to the executed contract and made a part of the Contract Documents by reference as though fully set forth herein. The Contractor shall provide the respective Subcontractors with a schedule of the applicable prevailing wage rates. Questions relating to prevailing wage data should be addressed to the Industrial Statistician upon request. Mailing Department of Labor and Industries Address: ESAC Division 925 Plum Street Olympia WA 98504 Telephone number: (206) 753-4019 Pursuant to RCW 39.12.060, in case any dispute arises as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for work of a similar nature, and such dispute cannot be adjusted by the parties in interest, including labor and management representatives, the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the director of the Department of Labor and Industries of the state, and his or her decision therein shall be final and conclusive and binding on all parties involved in the dispute. " The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Owner harmless, including attorneys' fees, from any violation or alleged violation of RCW 39.12 by the Contractor or any Subcontractor of any tier." 3.4.4 Add the following new subparagraph: PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31194 SUPP . COND.--Page 5 "3.4.4 The Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of RCW 49.28. 3.4.5 Add the following new subparagraph: "3.4.5 Pursuant to RCW 49.70 and WAC 296-62-054 et sea., the Contractor shall provide the Owner copies of and have available at the Project Site a workplace survey or material safety data sheets for all "hazardous" chemicals under the control- or use of Contractor or any Subcontractor of any tier at the Project Site. Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional Contract Time or compensation arising from its failure or alleged failure to comply with this statute or regulation." 3.5.1 Change "Owner" in the first sentence to "Owner, Construction Manager." Change "Architect" in the second sentence to "Architect or the Construction Manager. 3.6.1 Change this subparagraph to read: "3.6.1 The Owner will pay the sales tax through the Contractor in addition to the bid amount. SALES TAXES SHALL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE BID AMOUNT. The Contractor shall pay for all other types of taxes and fees for the Work or portions thereof provided by or through the Contractor, including consumer, use, B & 0, income, or other taxes, which taxes are legally enacted at the time bids are received, whether or not yet effective." 3.7.3 Change "Architect" to "Architect, Construction Manager." 3. 7.4 Change "Architect" to "Architect, Construction Manager." 3.9.2 Add the following new subparagraph: "3.9.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Superintendent shall remain on the Project site whenever Subcontractors of any tier are present and not less than eight hours per day, five days a week unless the job is closed down due to a legal holiday, a general strike, conditions beyond the control of the Contractor, termination of the Contract in accordance with the Contract Documents, or Final Completion is attained. The Superintendent shall not be changed without the approval of the Owner, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Superintendent shall not be employed on any other project during the course of the Work." 3.9.3 Add the following new subparagraph: "3.9.3 Within ten days after issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award, the Contractor shall furnish to the Architect and Owner a chain -of -command organizational chart which includes all supervisory personnel, including the project manager and the Superintendent, that the Contractor intends to use on the Work. The Superintendent shall remain on the Site whenever Subcontractors of any tier are present and not less than eight hours per day, five days a week unless the job is closed down due to a legal holiday, a general strike, conditions beyond the control of the Contractor, termination of the Contractor accordance with the Contract Documents, or Final Completion is attained. The Superintendent shall not be employed on any other project during the course of the Work." 3.10 Change this paragraph to read: "3.10.1 The Contractor shall submit schedules in accordance with the Special Conditions. Not less than 10% of the Progress Payment may be withheld until a Progress PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1131/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 6 Schedule in a form satisfactory to the Architect, the Construction Manager, and Owner has been submitted. Neither the Owner, the Construction Manager, nor the Architect will, however, review the substance of the Progress Schedule. "3.10.2 The Progress Schedule shall be in accordance with the Special Conditions. "3.10.3 The Contractor shall utilize and comply with the Progress Schedule. The Contractor shall furnish such manpower, materials, facilities and equipment and shall work such hours, including night shifts, overtime operations, Sundays and holidays, as may be necessary to insure the prosecution and completion of the Work or specified portions thereof within the Contract Time. If it becomes apparent to the Construction Program Manager from progress on the current Construction Schedule that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time, the Contractor agrees that it will, as necessary, take some or all of the following actions, at no additional cost to the Owner, to improve the progress: .1 increase manpower in such quantities and crafts as will substantially eliminate the backlog of the work; .2 increase the number of working hours per shift, shifts per working day, working days per week or the amount of equipment, or any combination of the foregoing, sufficiently to substantially eliminate the backlog of work; and .3 reschedule activities to achieve maximum practical concurrence of accomplishment of activities. In addition, the Construction Program Manager may require the Contractor to submit a Recovery Schedule demonstrating the Contractor's proposed plan to make up lag in scheduled progress and to ensure completion of the Work within the Contract Time. If the Construction Program Manager finds the proposed plan not acceptable, the Contract may be required to submit a new plan. If the actions taken by Contractor or the second plan proposed are not satisfactory, the Construction Program Manager may require Contractor to take any of the actions set forth in this paragraph, without additional cost to the Owner, to make up the lag in scheduled progress. The owner may withhold not less than 10% of Progress Payments until such time as the Contractor has provided an approved, revised Recovery Schedule in a form satisfactory to the Construction Manager and Owner. "3.10.4 In the event any of the following conditions exist, the Contractor shall require that its Superintendent be at the job site not less than ten hours per day, six days per week: .1 should Substantial Completion not be accomplished on schedule; .2 should Final Completion not be accomplished on schedule; .3 should the project schedule indicate the Contract to be fourteen (14) or more days behind schedule at any time during construction up until thirty (30) days prior to scheduled Substantial Completion; or .4 should the project schedule indicate the Contractor to be seven or more days behind schedule at any time during the last thirty (30) days prior to scheduled Substantial Completion. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 7 113.10.5 Failure of the Contractor to substantially comply with the requirements of this Paragraph may be considered grounds for a determination by the Owner that the Contractor is failing to prosecute the Work with such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time specified. "3.10.6 The Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Time, the Progress Schedule, or the Contract Sum, or to any additional payment of- any sort by reason of the loss or use of any float time, including time between the Contractor's anticipated completion date and end of the Contract Time, whether or not the float time is described as such on the Progress Schedule. "3.10.7 Should the Contractor fail to meet any scheduled date as shown on the current Progress Schedule, the Contractor shall, if requested, be required at its own expense to submit within ten days of the request a Recovery Progress Schedule. "3.10.8 The Contractor shall, within seven days of the event, notify the Construction Manager, and Architect in writing of any proposed changes in the Progress Schedule or the Contract Time and of any event which could delay performance or supplying of any item of the Work and shall indicate the expected duration of the delay, the anticipated effect of the delay on the Progress Schedule, and the action being taken to correct the delay situation. In the event the Contractor is entitled to a change in the Contract Time, the adjustment to the Contract Time shall be limited to the change in the critical path of construction activities. "3.10.9 The Contractor shall attain Final Completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract within 11 days after the date of Substantial Completion. "3.10.10 During the period commencing with the issuance of Notice to Proceed and ending with the date of Final Completion of the Work, the Contractor shall attend and participate in and ensure applicable Subcontractors attend and participate in the following meetings: (a) Regular weekly Project status meetings scheduled by the Construction Manager or by the Architect to review progress of the Work, to discuss the Contractor's progress reports, to obtain necessary Owner's or Architect's approvals, and generally to keep the owner, Construction Manager, and Architect informed and involved in the progress of the Project; and (b) Regular on-site meetings scheduled by the Construction Manager or by the Architect to review progress of the Work and other pertinent matters." 3.11.1 Change the last sentence of this subparagraph to read: "The location of all existing or new underground piping, valves, and utilities, as located during the course of construction, shall be appropriately marked until the actual field location dimensions and coordinates are incorporated on the record drawings. These documents shall be available to the Architect, the Construction Manager, and Owner. Upon completion of the Work, the Contractor shall certify that the documents reflect complete and accurate 'as -built' conditions and shall deliver the documents in good condition to the Architect for submittal to the owner in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. Satisfactory maintenance of up-to-date record drawings will be a requirement for approval of progress payments." PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 (SL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 8 3.12.5 Change the first sentence to read: . submit through the Construction Manager to the Architect . . ." 3.12.8 Add the following to this subparagraph: "Any corrections or modifications to Shop Drawings made by Architect shall be deemed accepted by the Contractor, without change in Contract Sum or Time, unless the Contractor provides the Architect with written notice before commencing any work from such Shop Drawings. The Contractor shall make all corrections requested by the Architect and provide a corrected Submittal without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time." 3 14.3 Add the following new subparagraph: 113.14.3 Existing structures and facilities, including but not limited to buildings, utilities, topography, streets, curbs, and walks, that are damaged or removed due to excavations or other construction work, shall be patched, repaired or replaced by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Architect, the owner of such structures and facilities, and governmental authorities having jurisdiction. In the event the governmental authorities require that the repairing and patching be done with their own labor and/or materials, the Contractor shall abide by such regulations and it shall pay for such work." 3.15.1 Change the second sentence to read: "At the Owner's request and in any event at completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove. ." 3 . 16 . 1 Change this subparagraph to read: 113.16.1 The Contractor shall provide the owner, the Construction Manager, and the Architect access ." 3.17.1 Change: "owner" to "Owner, Construction Manager." 3.18. 1 Change this subparagraph to read: "3.18.1 Subject to the following conditions, the Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Owner, the Construction Manager, and the Architect and their agents, employees, and consultants, successors and assigns ("Indemnitee") from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct and indirect, or consequential, including costs, design professional fees, and attorneys' fees incurred on such claims and in proving the right to indemnification, arising out of or resulting from any act or omission of the Contractor, its agents, any of its Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier, and anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor, any Subcontractors or Supplier of any tier ("Indemnitor"). " The Contractor will fully indemnify Indemnitee for the sole negligence of the Indemnitor. " To the extent of the Indemnitor's negligence, the Contractor will indemnify Indemnitee for the concurrent negligence of the Indemnitor. The Contractor agrees to being added by the owner, the Construction Manager, or the Architect as a party to any arbitration or litigation with third parties in which the Owner, the Construction PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1f31/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 9 Manager, or Architect alleges indemnification or contribution from the Contractor, any of its Subcontractors or Suppliers of any tier, any one directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or any one for whose acts any of them may be liable. The Contractor agrees that all of its Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier will, in the subcontracts, similarly stipulate; in the event any does not, the Contractor shall be liable in place of such Subcontractors) or Suppliers of any tier. To the extent any portion of this indemnification provision is stricken by a court or arbitrator for any reason, all remaining provisions shall retain their vitality and effect." 3.18.2 Add the following sentences: "After mutual negotiation of the parties, the Contractor waives immunity as to the Owner and Architect only under industrial insurance, Title 51 RCW. IF THE CONTRACTOR DOES NOT AGREE WITH THIS WAIVER, IT MUST PROVIDE A WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE OWNER PRIOR TO THE DATE FOR THE RECEIPT OF BIDS, OR THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE WAIVED THIS IMMUNITY." ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.1.2 Change "Architect" to "Architect or Construction Manager." 4.1.4 Delete this subparagraph. 4.1.5 Add the following new subparagraph: 114.1.5 The Construction Manager is the person or entity identified as such in the Owner -Contractor Agreement. The term of Construction Manager means the Construction Manager or its authorized representative." 4.1.6 Add the following new subparagraph: "4.1.6 The Construction Manager will determine in general that the Work of the Contractor is being performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, and will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor." 4.2.1 Change this subparagraph to read: "4.2.1 The Architect and the Construction Manager will provide administration of the Contract as described in the Contract Documents (1) during construction, (2) until final payment is due and (3) with the Owner's concurrence, from time to time during the correction period described in Paragraph 12.2. The Architect and the Construction Manager will advise and consult with the Owner, but the Architect is not the agent of the Owner. The Architect and the Construction Manager will have authority ." 4.2.2 Add the following sentence: "The presence of the Architect, the Construction Manager, or the Owner at the Site shall not in any manner be construed as assurance that the Work is completed in compi_ance with the Contract Documents, nor as evidence that any requirement of the Contract Documents of any kind, including notice, has been met or waived." 4.2.3 Change "Architect" to "Architect, Construction Manager, and Owner" and add the following to this subparagraph: PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 (SL433120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 10 Neither the Owner, the Construction Manager, nor Architect will be responsible for defining the extent of any subcontract or dealing with disputes between Contractor and third parties." 4.2.4 Change the first sentence to read, and add the following after the first sentence of this subparagraph: ". . . through the Construction Manager. The Contractor additionally shall PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A DIRECT COPY OF ALL IMPORTANT WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS TO THE ARCHITECT OR THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, including all notices, claims, and potential changes in the Contract Sum or Time." 4.2.5 Change this paragraph to read: "4.2.5 Based on the Architect's observations, the Construction Manager's recommendations, and evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect will make recommendations to and otherwise assist the Owner to determine the amounts due to the Contractor and will issue Certificates of Payment in such amounts." 4.2.6 Change this subparagraph to read: 114.2.6 The Architect will have authority to reject work which does not conform to the Contract Documents, and to require special inspection or testing, but will take such action only after consultation with the Construction Manager. Subject to review by the Architect, the Construction Manager will have the authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever, in the Construction Manager's opinion, it is considered necessary or advisable for the implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, the Construction Manager will have the authority to require additional inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with Subparagraphs 13.5.2 and 13.5.3, whether or not such Work is fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither this authorization of the Architect and the Construction Manager, nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Architect or the Construction Manager to the Contractor, Subcontractors of any tier, Suppliers, their agents or employees or other persons performing portions of the Work." 4.2.7 Add the following at the beginning of this subparagraph: "The Construction Manager shall receive submittals from the Contractor and transmit them to the Architect." and change the first phrase of the last three sentences to read: "The Architect's or the Construction Manager's. . . ." 4.2.8 Add the following at the beginning of this subparagraph: "4.2.8 After consultation with the Construction Manager, . . ." 4.2.9 .Change this subparagraph to read: "4.2.9 The Construction Manager will assist the Architect in conducting observations, making recommendations, and otherwise assisting the Owner in determining the PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 11 date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of Final Completion and will receive and forward to the Owner for the Owner's review and records written warranties and other documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor. The Architect will issue a final Certificate for Payment upon compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents." 4.2.12 Change the last sentence to read: "When making such interpretations and decisions, the Architect will endeavor to secure faithful performance of the contract by both the Owner and Contractor and will not show partiality to either." 4.2.13 Change the last line to read: ". . . the Contract Documents and agreeable to Owner." 4.3.2 Delete this subparagraph. 4.3.3 Delete this subparagraph. 4.3.5 Change this subparagraph to read: 114.3.5 Waiver of Claims. " Final Payment by Owner. The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of Claims by the Owner except those arising from: .1 liens, Claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract and unsettled; .2 failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents; or .3 terms of warranties required by the Contract Documents. " Final Payment to Contractor. Acceptance of final payment by the Contractor shall constitute a waiver of Claims as described in subparagraph 9.10.4. " Change Orderer. The execution of a Change Order shall constitute a waiver of Claims by the Contractor arising out of the Work to be performed or deleted pursuant to the Change Order, except as specifically described in the Change Order. General reservations of rights will be deemed waived and void." 4.3.6 Change this subparagraph to read: "4.3.6 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions. If conditions are encountered at the site which are (1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents or (2) unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in the Contract Documents, then the Contractor shall give written notice to the Owner and Architect promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than seven days after the first observance of the conditions. If such conditions differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, any Claim of the Contractor arising therefrom shall be made in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure in Paragraph 4.4. No PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1131/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 12 increase to the Contract Sum or Contract Time shall be allowed if the Contractor knew or reasonably should have known of the concealed conditions prior to its executing the Contract." 4.3.7 Change this subparagraph to read: "4.3.7 Claims for Additional Cost. All claims for additional cost must be made according to Paragraph 4.4, or they will be waived. In the event that work is shown on Drawings but not contained in Specifications, it will be assumed the work as shown shall be provided at no change in the Contract Sum or Time, according to specifications to be issued by the Architect. The Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Sum or Time arising out of an error or conflict where the Contractor failed adequately to review the Contract Documents and timely to report the error or conflict to the Architect." 4.3.9 Change the last sentence to read: "This subparagraph does not apply to claims, damages for additional costs, acceleration, or delay." 4.4 Change this paragraph to read: "4.4 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 114.4.1 All Claims, disputes and other matters in question of the Contractor, direct or indirect, arising out of, or relating to, the Contract Documents or the breach thereof ("claims"), except claims which have been waived under the terms of the Contract Documents, shall be decided exclusively by a dispute resolution procedure to be agreed upon at the preconstruction meeting. "4.4.2 The Contractor shall give written notice to the Owner, the Construction Manager, and the Architect of all claims within fourteen days of the event giving rise to them and shall include the proposed change in the Contract Sum and/or Time of the claim and also provide data supporting the claim. The notice of claim shall be deemed to include all changes in cost and in time (direct, indirect, impact, consequential, and otherwise) to which the Contractor (and Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier) is entitled. Prior to the initiation of the dispute resolution procedure, the owner or its representatives shall have the right to audit and copy the claim -related books and records of the Contractor and of any Subcontractor or Supplier of any tier making a claim. The claim of a Subcontractor or Supplier of any tier may be brought only through the Contractor and only after the Contractor notifies the Owner in writing that the Contractor has reviewed the claim and believes it to be meritorious. "4.4.3 Mediation. If the claim is not resolved in the dispute -resolution procedure, neither the Contractor nor any Subcontractor or Supplier of any tier may bring a claim against the Owner, Architect, or Construction Manager, in litigation unless the claim is first subject to nonbinding mediation before a single mediator under the Voluntary Construction Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association. This requirement cannot be waived except by an explicit written waiver signed by the Owner. An officer of the Contractor and the Superintendent of the owner, both having full authority to settle the claim, must attend the mediation session. To the extent there are other parties in interest, such as the Architect, the Construction Manager, Subcontractors or Suppliers of any tier, their representatives, with full authority to settle the claim, PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SECTION 00800 SUPP. COND.--Page 13 shall also attend the mediation session. Unless the Owner and the Contractor mutually agree in writing otherwise, all unresolved claims on the Project shall be considered at a single mediation session which shall occur prior to Final Acceptance by the Owner. 114.4.4 Litigation. The Contractor may bring no litigation on claims unless such claims have been properly raised and considered in the procedures of subparagraphs 4.4.1 through 4.4.3 above. All unresolved claims of the Contractor shall be waived and released unless the Contractor has complied with the time limits of the Contract Documents, and litigation is served and filed within the earlier of (a) 120 days after the Date of Substantial Completion designated in writing by the Owner or (b) 60 days after Final Acceptance. This requirement cannot be waived except by an explicit written waiver signed by the Owner. 114.4.5 The Contractor shall diligently carry on the Work and maintain the progress schedule during any dispute resolution proceedings, unless otherwise agreed by it and the Owner in writing. 4.5 Change this paragraph to read: "4.5 WRITTEN NOTICE OF CLAIMS. "4.5.1 Any claim of the Contractor against the Owner for damages, additional payment for any reason, or extension of time, whether under the Contract or otherwise, must be made pursuant to and in strict accordance with the applicable provisions of the Contract. No act, omission, or knowledge, actual or constructive, of the Owner or the Architect shall in any way be deemed to be a waiver of the requirement for timely written notice unless the Owner provides the Contractor with an explicit, unequivocal written waiver of timely notice. 114.5.2 All claims shall be addressed to: Superintendent Port Townsend School District No. 50 450 Fir Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1.3 Add the following new subparagraph: "5.1.3 A Subcontractor of any tier is a Subcontractor or a Sub -subcontractor. 5.1.4 Add the following new subparagraph: "5.1.4 A Supplier is a person or entity who has a direct or indirect contract with the Contractor or a Subcontractor of any tier to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by the Contractor or a Subcontractor of any tier. A Supplier does not perform labor on the site and is usually a manufacturer, fabricator, distributor, materialman, or vendor. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 14 5.2.1 Change the first sentence to read: 5.2.1 Within ten days after issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award Contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Architect, the Construction Manager, and Owner in writing the names of the persons or entities (including those who are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to a special design) proposed for each of the principal portions of the Work, consistent with the listing required with the Bid. If the Contract is executed, no progress payment will become due until this information is so furnished. No action or inaction of the Owner or Architect in response to receipt of the names of the proposed Subcontractors or Suppliers of any tier shall constitute approval of any Subcontractor or Suppliers of any tier or df its performance." 5.2.4 Add the following to this subparagraph: "An objection that a proposed Subcontractor or Supplier of any tier is different from an entity listed with the Bid shall be deemed a reasonable objection. If the Owner reasonably concludes that any portion of the Work subcontracted by the Contractor is not being prosecuted in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon request of the Owner, remove the Subcontractor or Supplier of any tier performing such work. Such a removal shall not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility for the performance of the Work or complying with all of the requirements of the Contract." 5.3 .1 Add the following to this subparagraph: "The Contractor shall provide to the Owner copies of the written agreements between the Contractor and any Subcontractor or Supplier of any tier on request. The Owner shall keep these agreements confidential." 5.3.2 Add the following new subparagraph: "5.3.2 The Contractor shall schedule, supervise and coordinate the operations of all Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier. No subcontracting of any of the Work shall relieve the Contractor from its responsibility for the performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or from its responsibility for the performance of any other of its obligations under the Contract Documents." Change the third line to read: "graphs 14.2 or 14.3 and only for those subcontract agreements" 5.5 Add the following new paragraph: "5.5 LIENS 115.5.1 The Contractor shall promptly pay (and secure the discharge of any liens asserted by) all persons properly furnishing labor, equipment, materials or other items in connection with the performance of the Work (including, but not limited to, any Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier). The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner such releases of claims and other documents as may be requested by the Owner from time to time to evidence such payment (and discharge). "5.5.2 The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the owner from any liens, including all expenses and attorneys' fees." PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 15 ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 6.2.1 Change "Owner" to "Owner, Construction Manager" ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.1.5 Add the following new subparagraph: "7.1.5 A 'minor change in the Work' referenced above is a change which has no direct or indirect effect upon the Contract Sum or Contract Time and includes, but is not limited to, a Supplemental Instruction." 7.1.6 Add the following new subparagraph: 117.1.6 Before effectuating a change in the Work, the Owner or Construction Manager may request the Contractor to propose the amount of change in the Contract Sum, if any, and the amount of change in the Contract Time, if any, arising from a proposed change in the Work. The Contractor shall submit its responsive proposal within a reasonable time and shall in good faith specify the amounts by which the Contract Sum and/or Time would change. The Owner may accept the proposal, in which case a Change Order will be executed, or may reject the proposal, in which case the Owner may either not effectuate the change or may order the change through a Construction Change Directive or Supplemental Instruction or an order for a minor change in the Work. 7.3.3 Change this subparagraph to read: 117.3.3 Adjustments to the Contract Sum shall be determined on the basis of one of the following methods: .1 mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to permit evaluation; 2 unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon; .3 cost to be determined in a manner agreed upon by the parties and a mutually acceptable fixed or percentage fee; or .4 as provided in the "Pricing Components" contained in the Special Conditions." 7.3.4 Change this subparagraph to read: "7.3.4 Upon receipt of a Construction Change Directive, the Contractor shall promptly proceed with the change in the Work involved. As soon as possible, and no later than within seven days of receipt, the Contractor shall advise the Consttuction Manager in writing of the Contractor's agreement or disagreement with the cost or the method, if any, provided in the Construction Change Directive for determining the proposed adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. The Contractor's notice shall reasonably specify the reasons for its disagreement and the amount or other terms that it proposes. Without such timely written notice, the Contractor shall conclusively be deemed to have accepted the Owner's adjustment. The Contractor's disagreement shall in no way relieve the Contractor PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1131/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 16 of its obligation to comply promptly with any written notice issued by the owner, Construction Manager, or Architect. The adjustment shall then be determined by the Architect on the basis of reasonable expenditures and savings of those performing the Work attributable to the change, in strict accordance with this paragraph and other applicable provisions of the Contract Documents." 7.3.6 Change this subparagraph to read: 117.3.6 If the Contractor disagrees pursuant to subparagraph 7.3.4, or if cost is to be determined under clause, the Contractor shall keep and present, in such form as the Construction Manager may prescribe, an itemized accounting together with supporting data. In order to facilitate checking of such quotations, all proposals, except those so minor that their propriety can be seen by inspection, shall be accompanied by complete itemization of costs, including Labor, materials and subcontract costs. Labor and materials shall be itemized in the manner described in the "Pricing Components" contained in the Special Conditions. When major cost items arise from Subcontractors or Suppliers of any tier, these items shall also be itemized. Approval may not be given without such itemization. Failure to provide data within 21 days of the Architect's request shall constitute waiver of any claim for changes in the Contract Time or Contract Sum. The total cost of any change, including a Claim under Paragraphs 4.3 or 4.4, shall be limited to the reasonable value, as determined by the Architect (subject to appeal through the dispute resolution procedure of paragraph 4.4), according to the "Pricing Components" contained in the Special Conditions. 7.3.8 Add the following to this subparagraph: "Any adjustment in the Contract Time arising from a Change or a Claim shall be limited to the change in the actual critical path of the Progress Schedule directly caused thereby." ARTICLE 8 TIME 8.1.2 Change this subparagraph to read: The date of commencement of the Work is the date established by the owner in its 'Notice to Proceed', at which time site work may begin. (If no 'Notice to Proceed' is issued, the date of commencement of the Work shall be the date established in the Contract Documents, or, if no date is established there, the date of execution of the Owner -Contractor Agreement.) within ten days of issuance of the 'Notice of Intent to Award Contract,' the Contractor shall submit an executed contract, evidence of bondability, certificates of insurance, and all other documents required by the Contract Documents." 8. 1.3 Change this subparagraph to read: 118.1.3 The date of Substantial Completion of the Work (or a designated portion thereof) is the date certified by the Architect and the Owner in accordance with Paragraph 9.8." 8.2.4 Add the following new subparagraph: 118.2.4 THE TIMELY COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT IS ESSENTIAL TO THE OWNER. The Owner will incur serious and substantial special, incidental and consequential damages if PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1 X31194 SUPP . COND.—Page 17 Substantial Completion of the Work does not occur within the Contract Time or if Final Completion does not occur within 11 days thereafter; however, it would be difficult if not impossible to determine the amount of such damages. Consequently, provisions for liquidated damages are included in the Contract. The Owner's right to liquidated damages is not affected by partial completion, occupancy, or beneficial occupancy. The Contractor shall be responsible for and pay the liquidated damages contained in the Special Conditions." 8.3.1 Change this Subparagraph to read: IT . . act or neglect of the Owner, the Construction Manager, or the Architect . . ." and: . . . the Owner, or by changes ordered in the Work (only to the extent reflected in approved Change Orders providing for specific extensions of the Contract Time), or by unexpected industry -wide labor . . . ." 8.3.2 Add the following sentence: "That the Owner, the Construction Manager, or Architect may be aware of the occurrence of the delay through means other than the Contractor's written notification shall not bear upon the above waiver." 8.3.3 Add the following to this subparagraph: "The Contractor shall not recover damages, an equitable adjustment or an increase in the Contract Sum or Time from the Owner either for reasonable delay in performance or where the Owner's own actions or inactions were not the actual, substantial cause of the delay or where the Contractor could have reasonably avoided the delay by the exercise of due diligence. Actions or inactions of the Architect shall not be deemed actions of the Owner. If the delay has been caused by anyone other than the Owner, the Contractor may not seek delay damages from the Owner. The Owner shall not be included as a party to any proceeding, whether in arbitration or litigation, in which the Contractor or any other contractor seeks damages directly or indirectly from one or more third parties allegedly responsible for such delay." ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.2 .1 Change this subparagraph to read: "9.2.1 Before the first Application for Payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner a Schedule of Values allocated to the various portions of the Work, as set forth in Division 1, Section 01311 of the General Requirements entitled "Schedules and Reports," and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Construction Program Manager or the Owner may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Owner, shall be used only as a basis for the Contractor's Applications for Payment." 9.3.1 Change this subparagraph to read: "9.3.1 Progress payments will be made monthly for work duly certified, approved, and performed during the calendar month preceding the application. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1131/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 18 " Draft Apglication. Within the first ten days of each month, the Contractor shall submit to the Construction Manager a report on the current progress of the Work as ccmpared to the Progress Schedule, and a draft, itemized application for payment for work performed during the prior calendar month on a form supplied or approved by Owner. This shall not constitute a payment request. The Contractor, Construction Manager, and the Architect shall meet within the next ten days and confer regarding the current progress of the Work and the amount of payment to which the Contractor is entitled. The Construction Manager may request the Contractor to provide data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as the Owner, Construction Manager, or Architect may require, such as copies of requisitions from Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier. The Contractor shall not be entitled to make a payment request, nor is any payment due the Contractor, until such data is furnished. PayMent Re est. Within five days after the Contractor,, Construction Manager, and the Arbhitect have met and conferred regarding the draft application, and the Contractor has furnished all data requested by the Construction Manager under subparagraph above, the Contractor may submit a payment request in the agreed-upon amount, in the form of a notarized, itemized Application for Payment for Work performed during the prior calendar month on a form supplied or approved by Owner. Among other things, the Application shall state that prevailing wages have been paid in accordance with the prefiled statement(s) of intent to pay prevailing wages on file with the Owner and that all payments due Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier from the Owner's payment the prior month have been made. THE SUBMISSION OF THIS APPLICATION CONSTITUTES A CERTIFICATION THAT THE WORK IS CURRENT ON THE PROGRESS SCHEDULE, unless otherwise noted on the application. If the Contractor believes it is entitled to payment for Work performed during the prior calendar month in addition to the agreed-upon amount, the Contractor may, within the same five-day time period, submit to the Owner, Construction Manager, and the Architect a separate written payment request specifying the exact additional amount due, the category in the Schedule of Values in which the payment is due, the specific Work for which the additional amount is due, and why the additional payment is due. Furthermore, pursuant to WAC 296-127-320, the Contractor and all Subcontractors shall file with the Owner within the five-day time period certified copies of all payroll records relating to the additional amount due. A payment request shall not be valid unless it complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If a separate payment request does not comply with the requirements of the Contract, the Owner will provide a written statement to the Contractor. Pa eats to Subcontractors. No payment request shall include amounts the Contractor does not intend to pay to a Subcontractor or Supplier because of a dispute or other reason. If, after making a request for payment but before paying a Subcontractor or Supplier for its performance covered by the payment request, the Contractor discovers that part or all of the payment otherwise due to the Subcontractor or Supplier is subject to withholding from the Subcontractor or Supplier under the subcontract for unsatisfactory performance, the Contractor may withhold the amount as allowed under the subcontract, but it shall give the Subcontractor, the Owner, Construction Manager, and the Architect written notice of the remedial actions that must be taken as soon as practicable after determining the cause for the withholding but before the due date for the Subcontractor/ Supplier payment, and pay the Subcontractor/ Supplier within eight working days after the Subcontractor/Supplier satisfactorily completes the remedial action identified in the notice." 9.3.2 Change this subparagraph to read: PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 1SL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 19 "9.3.2 Payments will be made on account of materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site, or at another location approved in writing by the Owner, for subsequent incorporation in the Work, provided the Contractor submits bills of sale or follows such other procedures satisfactory to the Owner to establish the Owner's title to such materials or equipment or otherwise protect the Owner's interest." 9.3..4 Add the following new subparagraphs: " Pursuant to RCW 60.28, the Owner will reserve 5% retainage from the moneys the Contractor earns on estimates during the progress of the Work, to be retained as a trust fund for the protection and payment -of the claims of any person arising under the contract and the state with respect to taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW which may be due from the Contractor. " The moneys reserved may, at the option of the Contractor, be: 11 1. Retained in a fund by the Owner until 45 days following Final Acceptance; or "2. Deposited by the Owner in an interest-bearing account in a bank, mutual savings bank, or savings and loan association, not subject to withdrawal until 45 days following Final Acceptance, with interest to the Contractor; or "3. Placed in escrow with a bank or trust company until 45 days following the Final Acceptance, by the Owner's joint check to the bank or trust company and the Contractor, to be converted into bonds and securities chosen by the Contractor, approved by the Owner, and held in escrow, with interest on the bonds and securities paid to the Contractor as it accrues. The Owner hereby approves all obligations of the United States government or its agencies or corporations it wholly owns, indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage Association, and time deposits in commercial banks, provided that any such investment must mature within the Contract Time. All other proposed bonds or securities require specific, written Owner approval. Shares of corporations will in no case be approved. " The Contractor may withhold payment of not more than 5% as retainage from the moneys earned by any Subcontractor or Supplier, provided that the Contractor pays interest to the Subcontractor or Supplier at the same interest rate it receives from its reserved funds." 9.4.1 Change this subparagraph to read: . . after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment with the recommendations of the Construction Manager, either issue ." 9.5.1 Change the fourth sentence of this subparagraph to read: "The Owner may, with or without the Architect's concurrence, withhold payment, and the Architect may also decide not to certify payment or any part thereof or, because of subsequent observations, it may nullify the whole or part of Certificate for Payment previously issued, to such extent as may be necessary in its opinion to protect the Owner from lose because of: . . . ." Change this subparagraph to read: PORT TOWNSWD SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 (SL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND.--Page 20 " Unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the Contractor, including but not limited to failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents." Add the following new subparagraph: Delay by the Contractor and/or its Subcontractors) or Suppliers of any tier, or failure to comply with the Progress Schedule requirements." Add the following new subparagraph: Liquidated damages." 9.5.3 Add the following new subparagraph: 119.5.3 Pursuant to RCW 39.12, the Contractor will not receive any payment until the Contractor and all Subcontractors of any tier have submitted a "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage" to the Owner. The statement must have the approval of the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries before it is submitted to the Owner. The statement must include the Contractor's registration number, the number of workers in each trade classification, and the applicable wage rate for each trade listed. The Contractor agrees to provide each Subcontractor of any tier with a schedule of applicable prevailing wage rates. The Contractor and the respective Subcontractors of any tier shall pay all fees required by the Department of Labor and Industries, including fees for the approval of the "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages." Approved copies of the "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" must be posted where workers can easily read them." 9.6.1 Add the following sentence: "The Owner (but not necessarily the Superintendent of Public Instruction) will make a progress payment within thirty days of its receipt of the Architect's Certificate for Payment, but shall be entitled to withhold payment according to subparagraphs 9.3.4 and 9.5.1, notwithstanding the issuance of a Certificate for Payment." 9_.6.2 Add the following sentence: "If the Contractor does not receive payment for any cause which is not the fault of a particular Subcontractor or Supplier, the Contractor shall pay that Subcontractor or Supplier on demand, made at any time after which such payment to the Contractor would have been made, for its satisfactorily -completed work, less the retained percentage." 9.6.4 Change "Owner" to "Owner, Construction Manager." 9.7.1 Delete this subparagraph. 9.8.1 Change this subparagraph to read: 119.8.1 Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work (or portion thereof designated and approved by the Architect and Owner) when the construction is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so the Owner can fully occupy the Work (or a portion thereof designated by the Owner) for the use for which it is intended. All Work other than incidental corrective or punch list work and final cleaning shall have been completed. The Work is not Substantially Complete if all systems and PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 [SL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND . --Page 21 parts are not usable, if utilities are not connected and operating normally, if all required occupancy permits have not been issued, or if the Work is not accessible by normal vehicular and pedestrian traffic routes. The fact that the Owner may occupy the Work or designated portion thereof does not indicate that the Work is Substantially Complete or is acceptable in whole or in part, nor does such occupation toll or change any liquidated damages due the Owner." 9.8.2 Change line 21 to read: "of Substantial Completion which, upon approval of the Owner, shall establish the date of Sub-" and add the following to this subparagraph: "If the Owner or Architect determines that the Work or designated portion is not substantially complete, the Contractor shall expeditiously complete the Work or designated portion, again request an inspection, and pay the costs associated with the reinspection, including fees of the Architect and consultants of the Architect or Owner." 9.8.3 Change this subparagraph to read: "9.8.3 "Upon written acceptance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, and upon the Contractor's application, the Owner shall make payment as provided in the Contract Documents." 9.8.4 Add the following subparagraph: "9.8.4 Immediately before partial or complete occupancy by the owner, an inspection tour of the area to be occupied will be scheduled by the Architect and the Construction Program Manager. The Construction Program Manager, Architect, and Contractor will jointly tour the area and record mutually agreed items still remaining to be finished and/or corrected. Items for which there is not mutual agreement will also be recorded. Any items missed by the inspection but required or necessary for Final Completion of the Contract shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor as a part of the Contract Sum, notwithstanding their not being recorded during the inspection tour." 9.9.1 Change this subparagraph to read: "9.9.1 The Owner may, upon written notice thereof to the Contractor, including provision for security, maintenance, heat, utilities and insurance, take possess -ion of, use or operate any completed or partially completed portion of the Work at any time prior to Final Completion. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, such possession, use or operation shall not be deemed an acceptance of any portion of the Work, nor accelerate the time for any payment to the Contractor under the Contract, nor prejudice any rights of the Owner under the Contract or under any insurance, bond, guaranty or other requirement of the Contract, nor relieve the Contractor of the risk of loss or any of its obligations under the Contract, nor establish a Date of Substantial or Final Completion, nor establish a date for termination or partial termination of the running of liquidated damages, nor constitute a waiver of claims. If the Contractor fails to Substantially Complete the Work within the Contract Time, or fails to Finally Complete the Work within 11 days of Substantial Completion, the Owner may take possession of, use or operate all or any part of the Work without an increase in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time on account of such possession or use.,, PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 22 9.10.1 Change this subparagraph to read: 119.10.1 Upon receipt of written notice from the Contractor that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance, the Architect will promptly make such inspection. If the Architect determines that some or all the punch list items are not completed, the Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for all costs, including fees, for any subsequent inspections to determine compliance with the punch list. When the Architect finds all punch list items complete (or the Owner has agreed to accept a deposit from the Contractor to secure future completion of designated punch list items), the Work acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, the Architect will promptly notify the Owner and the Contractor in writing that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief, and on the basis of the Architect's observations and inspections, the Work has been concluded in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. "9.10.2 When the Architect finds that the Work has been concluded, an occupancy permit has been issued, and the Contractor has submitted all the items in subparagraph 9.10.2 to the Architect, the Contractor may submit a final Application for Payment. The Architect will then promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment stating that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor and noted in said final Certificate is due and payable. The Architect's final Certificate for Payment shall establish the date of Final Completion upon its execution by the Owner." 9.10.2 Change this subparagraph to read: " Final payment shall not become due until after the Owner has formally accepted the Project ("Final Acceptance"). To achieve Final Acceptance, the Architect must issue a final Certificate for Payment under subparagraph 9.10.1, an occupancy permit must have been issued, Final Completion must have occurred, and the Contractor must have submitted the following to the Architect: (1) an affidavit that all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or its property might in any way be responsible or encumbered, have been paid or otherwise satisfied, (2) a certificate evidencing that insurance required by the Contract Documents to remain in force after final payment is currently in effect and will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Owner, (1) a written statement that the Contractor knows of no substantial reason why the insurance will not be renewable to cover the period required by the Contract Documents, (4) consent of surety to final payment, (5) other data establishing payment or satisfaction of or protection (satisfactory to the Owner) against all obligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract, to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the Owner, satisfactorily demonstrating to the owner that the claims of Subcontractors of any tier, Suppliers, and laborers who have filed claims have been paid, (6) pursuant to RCW 39.12.040, an "Affidavit of Wages Paid" from the Contractor and from each Subcontractors of any tier certified by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries, with the fees paid by the Contractor or Subcontractor of any tier, PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT ISL933120.2341 1/31194 SECTION 00800 SUPP. COND.--Page 23 (7) pursuant to RCW 39.25, a certified statement setting forth the nature and source of offshore items in excess of $2,500 which have been utilized in the performance of the Project, (8) pursuant to RCW 60.28.020, a certificate from the Department of Revenue, pursuant to RCW 50.24, a certificate from the Department of Employment Security, and a certificate from the Department of Labor and Industries, and (9) all warranties, guarantees, manuals, operation instructions, certificates, spare parts, maintenance stock, specified excess material, and other documents or items required by the Contract Documents. " Pursuant to RCW 60.28, completion of the Contract Work shall occur upon Final Acceptance. " If a Subcontractor of any tier or Supplier refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Owner, the Owner may (a) retain in the fund, account, or escrow funds in such amount as to defray the cost of foreclosing the liens of such claims and to pay attorneys' fees, the total of which shall be no less than 150% of the claimed amount, or (b) accept a bond from the Contractor, satisfactory to the Owner, to indemnify the Owner against such lien. If any such lien remains unsatisfied after all payments from the retainage are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all moneys that the Owner may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. " Lien notices shall be served at: Superintendent Port Townsend School District No. 50 450 Fir Lincoln Building Port Townsend, WA 98368 9.10.3 Change the first sentence to read: "9.10.3 If, after Substantial Completion of the Work, final completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Architect so'confirms, the Owner may, upon application by the Contractor and certification by the Architect, and without terminating the Contract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted to the extent permitted by statute." 9.10.4 in the fourth Zine, change: "at the time of" to read: "on the". 9.11 Add the following new paragraph: "9.11 Contractor shall maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence pertaining to the costs incurred by Contractor in connection with the Contract (the "records") to such extent and in such detail as will properly reflect and fully support all costs, charges and other amounts of whatever nature for which reimbursement or payment is or may be claimed under the Contract. Contractor shall preserve such records for a period of three (3) years following the date of final payment under the Cont=act and for such longer period as may be required by any other provision of the Contract. Contractor agrees to make available at the office of Contractor at all reasonable times all records for inspection, audit and reproduction by Owner. These requirements shall be applicable to and included in each Subcontract and purchase order issued with respect to the Work, except fixed-price Subcontracts where the price is $25,000 or less. Contractor agrees, on PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 [S1933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 24 behalf of itself and Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier, that any rights under RCW 42.17.260 will commence at Final Acceptance. ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1.1 Change this subparagraph to read: 1110.1.1 The Owner, the Construction Program Manager and the Architect, or their agents, employees or representatives, are not responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures utilized by the Contractor, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. 10.1.2 Change the last phrase ("or in accordance with . under Article 4") to read: "or by the dispute resolution procedure of Article 4." 10.1.4 Change the twelfth Zine to read: "therefrom, but only to the extent caused by r 10.2.5 Change "Owner" to "Owner, Construction Manager." 10.1.5 Add the following new subparagraph: 1110.1.5 Any notice given to the Contractor by the Owner, the Construction Program Manager or the Architect of a safety or property protection violation will not: (1) relieve the Contractor of sole and complete responsibility for the violation and the correction thereof, or of sole liability for the consequences of said violation; (2) impose any obligation upon Owner, Construction Program Manager or Architect to inspect or review Contractor's safety program or precautions or to enforce Contractor's compliance with the requirements of this Article 10; and (3) impose any continuing obligation upon Owner, Construction Program Manager or Architect to provide such notice to the Contractor or any other person or entity." ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS Replace Article 11 in its entirety with the "Insurance and Bonding Provisions"—in the Special Conditions. ARTICLE 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 12.1.1 Change this subparagraph to read: "12.1.1 If a portion of the Work is covered contrary to the request of the Architect, Construction Manager, or Owner or to requirements of a governmental authority or specifically expressed in the Contract Documents, it must, if required by the Architect, Construction Manager, Owner, or governmental authority, be uncovered for inspection and replaced at the Contractor's expense without change in the Contract Sum or Time." PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31194 SUPP. COND.--Page 25 12. 1.2 Change "Architect" to "Architect or Construction Manager." 12.2.1 Change "Architect" to "Architect or Construction Manager," and change "Architect's" to "Architect's and Construction Manager's" 12.2.2 Change this subparagraph to read: "12.2.2 If, within one year after the later of the Date of Final Acceptance of the Work or the date for commencement of warranties established in the Contract Documents or by terms of an applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents, any of the Work is found to be not in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct it according to the requirements of this subparagraph promptly after receipt of notice from the Owner to do so. If the Contractor does not promptly initiate work to correct the Work designated in the notice, the Owner may proceed to correct the Work, the owner may dispose of materials and equipment as it sees fit, and the Contractor will be liable for all costs. This obligation shall survive acceptance of the Work under the Contract and termination of the Contract, is in addition to other warranties provided by contract or law, and does not establish a time limit for damages. 11.1 If, in the Owner's opinion, the nonconforming Work either prevents the use of the facility and/or immediate response is required to prevent further damage or to restore security to prevent external entrance, and/or is a safety hazard (e.g., break in the waterline, sprinkler system failure, failure of the heating system during the winter, inability to close or lock exterior door, etc.), Contractor shall initiate corrective work on site the same day if the Contractor is notified prior to noon, or by noon the following day if notified after noon, and shall complete corrective action within 48 hours. '.2 If, in the Owner's opinion, the nonconforming Work has the potential of becoming a safety hazard, affects internal security, or limits the use of the facility (e.g., loss of heat in a single classroom, failure of one or more plumbing fixtures, loose carpet seam in corridor, interior door locks not working, etc.), Contractor shall initiate corrective work on site within two working days and shall complete corrective action within 5 working days. ".3 If, in the Owner's opinion, the nonconforming Work does not have an impact on the use of the building, but must be fixed, (e.g., interior door closer broken, window cracked, wall covering seam coming lose, etc.), the Contractor shall initiate corrective work on site within 14 calendar days and shall complete corrective action within 28 calendar days." ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.3.1 Add the following sentence: "The date of written notice shall be the earlier of the date of personal delivery, actual receipt by fax, or the date of postmark." 13.4.1 Add the following sentence: "The Contractor's sole remedy for claims, disputes and other matters in question of the Contractor, direct or indirect, arising out of, or relating to, the Contract Documents or PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND.--Page 26 the breach thereof ("claims"), except claims which have been waived under the terms of the Contract Documents, however, is the dispute resolution procedure of Paragraph 4.4."" 13.4.2 Change "Owner" to "Owner, Construction Manager". 13.5.1 Change "Architect" to "Architect and Construction Manager". 13.5.2 Change the first sentence to read: "13.5.2 If the Architect, Construction Manager, or public authorities having jurisdiction determines that portions of the Work require additional testing, inspection or approval not included under Subparagraph 13.5.1, the Architect or the Construction Manager will, upon written authorization from the Owner, instruct the Contractor to make arrangements for such additional testing, inspection or approval by an entity acceptable to the Owner, and the Contractor shall give timely notice to the Architect and the Construction Manager of when and where tests and inspections are to be made so the Architect and the Construction Manager may observe the procedures ." 13..5.3 Change "Architect" to "Architect and Construction Manager's". 13.5.4 Add, at the end of this Subparagraph: "through the Construction Manager". 13.5.5 Change "Architect" to "Architect and/or Construction Manager." 13.5.7 Add the following new subparagraph: I "13.5.7 No acceptance by the Owner of any Work shall be construed to result from any inspections, tests or failures to inspect or test by the Owner, the Owner's representatives, the Architect, the Construction Manager, or any other person. No inspection, test, failure to inspect or test, or failure to discover any defect or nonconformity by the Owner, the Owner's representatives, the Architect, the Construction Manager, or any other person shall relieve the Contractor of its responsibility for meeting the requirements of the Contract Documents or impair the Owner's right to reject defective or nonconforming items or right to avail itself of any other remedy to which the Owner may be entitled, notwithstanding the Owner's knowledge of the defect or nonconformity, its substantiality or the ease of its discovery." 13.5.8 Add the following new subparagraph: 1113.5.8 Inspections and tests required to establish compliance with the Contract Documents, as provided for in the Contract Documents, will be made by a prequalified, independent testing agency approved and paid by the Owner. If an initial test indicates noncompliance with the Contract Documents, subsequent retesting shall be performed by the same agency at the Contractor's cost. Representatives of the testing agency shall have access to the Work at all times. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access in order that the agency may properly pbrform its functions. " Inspections or testing performed exclusively for the Contractor's convenience shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. " The independent testing agency shall prepare the test reports, logs, and certificates applicable to the specific inspections and tests and promptly deliver the specified number of copies of same to the designated parties. Certificates of inspection, PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP. COND.-Page 27 testing or approval required by public authorities shall be secured by the Contractor and delivered to him by the Owner, in such time as to not delay progress of the Work or final payment therefor." 13.6.1 Change this paragraph to read: 1113.6.1 Interest on payments due and unpaid under the Contract Documents shall bear interest as specified by RCW 39.76." 13.7 Delete this paragraph. 13 Add the following new paragraphs: "13.8 STATUTES 1113.8.1 The Contractor shall abide by the provisions of all applicable Washington statutes. Although a number of statutes are referenced in the Contract Documents, it is not meant to be a complete list and should not be relied upon as such." "13.9 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION "13.9.1 Pursuant to RCW 39.06, the Contractor shall be registered or licensed as required by the laws of the State of Washington, including but not limited to RCW 18.27." "13.10 LAW AGAINST DISCRIMINATION "13.10.1 Contractor should comply with pertinent statutory provisions relating to public works of RCW 49.60." "13.11 PROVISIONS FOR AGED AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS "13.11.1 Contractor should comply with pertinent statutory provisions relating to public works of RCW 70.92." "13.12 SAFETY STANDARDS "13.12.1 Contractor shall comply with pertinent provisions of RCW 49.17, 'Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act,' and Chapter 296-155 WAC, 'Safety Standards for Construction Work.'" "13.13 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION "13.13 Pursuant to RCW 50.24 in general and RCW 50.24.130 in particular, the Contractor shall pay contributions for wages for personal services performed under this Agreement or arrange for a bond acceptable to the commissioner. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 28 "13.14 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE 1113.14.1 The Contractor and all Subcontractors of any tier shall fully comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding drug-free workplace, including the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988. "13.14.2 Any person not fit for duty for any reason, including the use of -alcohol, controlled substances, or drugs, shall immediately be removed from the Work." "13.15 SMOKE-FREE ENVIRONMENT "13.15.1 The Board of Directors of the owner has established a policy that smoking or use of any kind of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette or any other lighted smoking equipment, material or smokeless tobacco products is prohibited on all school district property." "13.16 ASBESTOS REMOVAL 1113.16.1 To the extent this Project involves asbestos removal, the Contractor shall comply with RCW 49.26 and any provisions of the Washington Administrative Code promulgated thereunder. "13.16.2 To the extent this Project involves asbestos removal, the applicable section of the specifications should be viewed for possible insurance required for the applicable Subcontractor." ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 14.1.2 Add the following to this subparagraph: "The total recovery of the Contractor shall not exceed the Contract Sum." 14.2.1 Change this paragraph to read: "14.2.1 The Owner may, upon seven days' written notice to the Contractor, terminate (without prejudice to any right or remedy of the owner) the whole or any portion of the Work for cause, including but not limited to the following circumstances. The Contractor shall continue the performance of this Contract to the extent not terminated hereunder. .1 the Contractor fails to prosecute the Work or any portion thereof with sufficient diligence to ensure the Substantial Completion of the Work within the Contract Time; .2 the Contractor is in material default of or materially breaches any provision of this Contract; .3 the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt, makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency; .4 the Contractor fails to supply a sufficient number of properly skilled workers or proper materials; .5 the Contractor fails to make prompt payment due to Subcontractors or Suppliers of any tier or for materials or labor; .6 the Contractor disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction;" or PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP . COND.--Page 29 7 the Contractor fails to comply with the provisions of RCW 28A.400.330 by permitting a worker on the Project having contact with children who has been convicted of or pled guilty to a felony crime involving children as described in subparagraph 3.4.2. 14.2.2 Delete .1, .2, and .3, and change the first sentence to read: ,,...may, subject to any prior rights of the surety, take or direct any or all of the actions in subparagraph 14.4.1." 14.2.5 Add the following new subparagraph: 1114.2.5 If, after Contractor has been terminated pursuant to this paragraph, it is determined that none of the circumstances set forth in subparagraph 14.2.1 exists, then such termination shall be considered a termination for convenience pursuant to Paragraph 14.3." 14.3 change this paragraph to read: '14.3.1 The Owner may, at any time upon ten days' written notice to the Contractor, terminate (without prejudice to any right or remedy of the Owner) the whole or any portion of the Work for the convenience of the Owner. "14.3.2 If the Owner terminates the Work or any portion thereof for convenience, the Owner shall be liable to Contractor only for those costs reimbursable to Contractor in accordance with subparagraph 14.3.3, plus ten percent of the actual costs recovered under 14.3.3. If the Contractor would have sustained a loss on the entire Contract had it been completed, the ten percent markup will not be included, and an appropriate adjustment will be made to reduce the amount due the Contractor in proportion to the rate of loss. "14.3.3 If the Owner terminates the Work or any portion thereof for convenience, the owner shall pay the Contractor the amount due under Article 9 of this Agreement for the performance of the Work terminated. The Owner also will pay the Contractor for other pre -approved costs, consistent with Special Condition B1, necessarily and reasonably incurred in connection with the termination of Work under Paragraph 14.3. "14.3.4 The total sum to be paid to the Contractor under this Paragraph 14.3 shall not exceed the Contract Sum as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made, the price of Work not terminated, and as otherwise permitted by this Contract. The amounts payable to the Contractor shall exclude the fair value of property which is destroyed, lost, stolen or damaged so as to become undeliverable to the Owner or to a buyer pursuant to subparagraph" 14.4 Add the following new paragraph: "14.4.1 Unless the Owner directs otherwise, after receipt of a Notice of Termination from the Owner pursuant to Paragraph 14.2 or 14.3, the Contractor shall promptly: .1 stop Work under the Contract on the date and as specified in the Notice of Termination; .2 place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, equipment, services or facilities, except as may be necessary for completion of any portion of the Work that is not terminated; PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00800 j5L933120.2341 1/31/94 SUPP. COND.--Page 30 .3 procure cancellation of all orders and subcontracts, upon terms acceptable to the Owner, to the extent that they relate to the performance of Work terminated; .4 assign to the Owner all of the right, title and interest of the Contractor under any or all orders and subcontracts, as directed by the Owner, in which case the Owner shall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts; ..5 with the Owner's approval, settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts not assigned to the Owner; .6 transfer title and deliver to the entity or entities designated by the Owner the fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in process, partially completed supplies and equipment, materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs and other fixtures, completed Work, supplies and other material produced as part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the Work terminated, and the completed or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property related to the Work; .7 use its best efforts to sell any property of the types referred to in subparagraph The Contractor shall not be required to extend credit to any buyer, and may acquire any such property under the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices approved by the Owner, and the proceeds of any such transfer or disposition may be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor; .8 take such action as may be necessary or as directed by the Owner to preserve and protect the Work and property related to this Project in the possession of the Contractor in which the Owner has an interest; and .9 continue performance only to the extent not terminated. "14.4.2 In arriving at any amount due the Contractor after termination, the following deductions shall be made: .1 all unliquidated advance or other prior payments on account made to the Contractor applicable to the terminated portion of the Contract; .2 any claim which the Owner may have against the Contractor; .3 an amount necessary to protect the Owner against outstanding or potential liens or claims; and .4 the agreed price for or the proceeds of sale of any materials, supplies or other things acquired by the Contractor or sold, pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph, and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Owner. 1114.4.3 If (and only if) the termination pursuant to Paragraph 14.3 is partial, the Contractor may file a claim for an equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in the Contract relating to the continued portion of the Contract. Any claim by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment under this subparagraph must be asserted within sixty days from the effective date of the Termination. "14.4.4 The Contractor shall refund to the Owner any amounts paid by the Owner to ,the Contractor in excess of costs reimbursable under Paragraph 14.3. "14.4.5 The damages and relief from termination by the Owner specifically provided in Article 14 shall be the Contractor's sole entitlement in the event of termination." PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT ISL933120.2341 1/31194 SECTION 00800 SUPP. GOND.--Page 31 SPECIAL CONDITIONS DIVISION 0 SECTION 00900 A. PROGRESS SCHEDULE Al Within ten days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit a preliminary schedule of the Work to the Construction Manager. Within thirty days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed, and before any progress payment need be made, the Contractor, after consultations with its Subcontractors, shall submit six copies of a Progress Schedule to the Architect and one copy to the Construction Manager. Not less than 10% of the progress payment to the Contractor may be withheld until a Progress Schedule in a form satisfactory to the Architect, Construction Manager, and Owner has been submitted. Neither the Owner, Construction Manager, nor the Architect will, however, review the substance of the Progress Schedule. Within ten days after receipt by the Architect, two copies of the Progress Schedule will be returned to the Contractor with comments, following review by the Owner. Review by the Owner, the Construction Manager, and Architect of the Contractor's Progress Schedule shall not constitute an approval or acceptance of the Contractor's construction means, methods, or sequencing, or its ability to complete the Work in a timely manner. A2 Not Used PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT ISL933120.2341 1/31194 SECTION 00900 Spec.Cond.--Page 1 B. PRICING COMPONENTS B1 The total cost of any increase or decrease in the Contract Sum or any changed Work, including a Claim under Paragraphs 4.3 or 4.4, shall be limited to the reasonable value, as determined by the Architect (subject to appeal through the dispute resolution procedure of paragraph 4.4), according to the following "Pricing Components". Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Owner, the cost shall not exceed the* lower of the prevailing cost for the work in the locality of the Project or the current editions of R.S. Means Company, Inc., Building Construction Cost Data. B1.1 Direct labor costs: These are the labor costs determined by either the estimated or actual number of additional craft hours and the hourly cost necessary to perform the change in the Work, or the unit labor costs applied to the material quantities and extended, provided the'unit labor costs are developed from the above craft hour cost, whichever is applicable, according to industry practice. "The hourly cost shall be based upon the following: .1 Basic wages: Current W.D.O.L. prevailing hourly wage for the laborers, apprentices, journeymen, and foremen performing and/or directly supervising the changed Work on the site. The premium portion of overtime wages is not included unless pre -approved by the Owner. .2 Fringe benefits: Fringe benefits paid by the Contractor as established by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries or contributed to labor trust funds as itemized fringe benefits, whichever is applicable. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00900 1SL933120.2341 1/31194 Spec . Coad . --Page 2 ,3 Workers' insurances: Direct contributions to the State of Washington as industrial insurance; medical aid; and supplemental pension by class and rates established by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries. .4 Federal insurances: Direct contributions required by the Federal Insurance Compensation Act (FICA); Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA); and State Unemployment Compensation Act (SUCA). B1.2 Direct materiae. costs: This is an itemization of the quantity and cost of additional materials necessary to perform the change in the Work. These costs shall be by the unit cost applied to the quantity and extended. The unit cost shall be based upon the net cost after all discounts or rebates, freight costs, express charges, or special delivery costs, when applicable. No lump sum costs will be allowed except when approved in advance by the Architect. B1.3 -Construction equipment usa a costs: This is an itemization of the actual length of time construction equipment appropriate for the Work will be used solely on the change in the Work at the site times the applicable rental cost as established by the lower of the prevailing rate published in The Rental Hate Slue Bogle by Data Quest, San Jose, California, or the actual rate paid as evidenced by rental receipts. Actual, reasonably mobilization costs are permitted if the equipment is brought to the Site solely for the change in the Work. If more than one rate is applicable, the lowest rate will be utilized. The rates in effect at the time of the performance of the Change work are the maximum rates allowable for equipment of modern design and in good working condition and include full compensation for furnishing all fuel, oil, lubrication, repairs, maintenance, and insurance. Equipment not of modern design and/or not in good working condition will have lower rates. Hourly, weekly, and/or monthly rates, as appropriate will be applied to yield the lowest total cost. The rate for equipment necessarily standing by for future use on the Work shall be 50% of the rate established above. If equipment is required for which a rental rate is not established by The 'He tal. Rate 'Slue Sock, an agreed rental rate shall be established for that equipment, which rate and use must be approved by the Architect prior to performing the work. B1.4 Cost of change in insurance or bond_joremigm. This is .1 Contractors' liability insurance: The cost (expressed as a percentage) of any changes in the contractor's liability insurance arising directly from the changed Work; and .2 Public works bond: The cost (expressed as a percentage) of the additional premium for the contractor's bond arising directly from the changed Work. Upon request, the Contractor shall provide the Owner with supporting documentation from its insurer or surety. B1.5 Subcontractor costs: These are payments the Contractor makes to Subcontractors for changed Work performed by Subcontractors of any tier. The Subcontractors' cost of Work shall be determined in the same manner as prescribed in this subparagraph B1. B1.6 Fee: This is the allowance for all combined overhead, profit, and other costs, including all office, home office, and site overhead (including project manager, PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00900 (SL933120.2341 1131/94 Spec . Coad . --Page 3 project engineer, and superintendent's time), and includes delay, acceleration and impact costs of any kind, added to the total cost to the Owner of any Change Order, Construction Change Directive, Claim or any claim for additional work or extra payment of any kind on this Project. It shall be strictly limited in all cases to the following schedule: .1 For the Contractor, 15% of the cost of any materials supplied or work performed by the Contractor's own forces. .2 For the Contractor, 8% of the amount due each first-tier Subcontractor for materials supplied or work performed by that Subcontractor. .3 For each Subcontractor (including lower tier subcontractors involved), 12% of the cost of ahy materials supplied or work performed by its own forces. .4 For each Subcontractor, 8% of the amount due a sub -subcontractor for materials supplied or work performed by those sub -subcontractors of any lower tier. .5 The cost to which this Fee is to be applied shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph B1.1 - .4. If a change in the Work involves both additive and deductive items, the appropriate Fee allowed will be added to the net difference of the items. If the net difference is negative, no Fee will be added to the negative figure as a further deduction. B2 Time -and -material basis adjustments to the Contract Sum shall be determined only as follows: "B2.1 If the Owner elects to have the Change in the Work performed on a time and material basis, without prior agreement as to price, the same shall be performed, whether by the Contractor's forces or the forces of any of its Subcontractors or Sub - subcontractors, at actual cost to the entity performing the Change in the Work plus a Fee as set forth in Paragraph B1.6. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner daily time and material tickets, to include the identification number assigned to the Change in the Work, the location and description of the Change in the Work, the classification of labor employed (and names and social security numbers), the materials used, the equipment rented (not tools) and such other evidence of cost as the Owner may required. The Owner may require authentication of all time and material tickets and invoices by persons designated by the Owner for such purpose. The failure of the Contractor to secure any required authentication shall, if the Owner elects to treat it as such, constitute a waiver by the Contractor of any claim for the cost of that portion of the Change in the Work covered by a non -authenticated ticket or invoice; provided, however, that the authentication of any such ticket or invoice by the Owner shall not constitute an acknowledgment by the Owner that the items thereon were reasonably required for the Change in the Work. "B2.2 When pricing determinations, for either a time and materials basis or a unit price basis are employed, the Construction Program Manager shall prescribe the limits of any authorization for a change by means of an authorization, in writing, stipulating the maximum sum of money committed toward execution of the said change. .he Contractor shall have no authority to perform any change which will cost the Owner in exceas of this stipulated maximum sum. It shall be solely the Contractor's responsibility to apply in writing to the Construction Program Manager for an enlargement of the s_:Jpe of the authorization by an increase in the said stipulated maximum sum if during the course of the performance of a change, on a time and materials basis, the additional cost of the change to the Owner is approaching the said stipulated maximum sum. It shall 'likewise be the responsibility of the Contractor to apply for an enlargement of the scope of the authorization of the total value of units at any agreed unit price is approaching the said stipulated maximum sum. For Changes in the Work, no claim for payment shall be made PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00900 ISL933120.234I 1/31/94 Spec . Cand . --Page 4 against Owner for any amount in excess of such amount as shall have been established as the stipulated maximum sum." C. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Cl The Contractor shall be responsible for and pay the following liquidated damages: C1.1 If the Contract Time expires while school is not in session, liquidated damages shall be in the amount of $200 per day for each calendar day after the Contract Time that Substantial Completion is not attained. C1.2 If the Work is to be performed in phases, with separate dates set forth for Substantial Completion elsewhere in the Contract Documents, then the liquidated damages of this subparagraph shall apply separately to each such phase. C1.3 If the Contractor fails to achieve Final Completion of the Work, as determined by the Architect, within 11 days of the Date of Substantial Completion determined by the Architect, liquidated damages shall be in the amount of $100 per calendar day after the eleventh day after the Date of Substantial Completion that Final Completion of the Work is not attained, as determined by the Architect. C2.1 In the event the Contractor is entitled to damages from the Owner for delay beyond the payment permitted in Special Condition B1.6, it is agreed that the total damages for each day of delay shall be limited to the daily liquidated damage rate specified in the Contract Documents; if none is specified, then the rate shall be $300. No damages will be allowed for any time prior to receipt of written notice of the delay pursuant to Subparagraph 4.4.2. C2.2 The Contractor shall not in any event be entitled to damages arising out of actual or alleged loss of efficiency; morale, fatigue, attitude, or labor rhythm; constructive acceleration; home office overhead; expectant underrun; trade stacking; reassignment of workers; concurrent operations; dilution of supervision; learning curve; beneficial or joint occupancy; logistics; ripple; season change; extended overhead; profit upon damages for delay; impact damages; or similar damages. D. INSURANCE AND BONDING D1 Contractor's Liability Insurance D1.1 The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies admitted to do business in the State of Washington, possessing a Best's policy holder's rating of A- or better and a financial rating of no less than VII, and reasonably acceptable to the Owner, an occurrence -based Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy which shall provide bodily injury and property damage liability on Contractor's operations, including Subcontractors or Suppliers of any tier; owned, nonowned and hired vehicles; on work sublet to others; and on the indemnity provisions of this Agreement. This insurance will name the Owner and its employees as additional insureds for Work performed under this Agreement; the Contractor's policy shall be primary, and any Owner policies excess. Such limits of liability insurance shall have per -project general aggregate provisions and shall not be less than the following. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT ISL933120.2341 1/31194 SECTION 00900 Spec.Cond.--Page 5 .1 $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury liability including sickness, disease or death. and $1,000,000 bodily injury liability for all occurrences (other than automobiles) and; .2 $1,000,000 for property damage liability (other than automobiles) because of damage to or destruction of property of others including loss of use thereof caused by one occurrence and $1,000,000 property damage liability for all occurrences; and .3 As an alternate to subparagraphs .1 and .2 above, the Contractor may insure for $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit protection for both bodily injury and property damage liability per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate stop loss; and .4 $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury liability including sickness, disease or death and property damage liability because of damage to or destruction of property of others including loss of use thereof arising out of the operation of automobiles. .5 $1,000,000 for claims for damages insured by personal injury liability coverage (included and defined in the Commercial General Liability insurance policy) which are sustained (1) by a person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to employment of such person by the Contractor, or (2) by another person. ..6 $1,000,000 for claims involving blanket contractual liability insurance• (included and defined in the Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy) applicable to the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.18. D1.2 The insurance described above shall include coverage for underground, collapse and explosion exposures. D1.3 In addition, the Contractor shall purchase and maintain insurance for claims under workers' compensation (industrial insurance), disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts in the State statutory amount and Employer's Liability with coverage of at least 1250,000/$500.000. D1.4 Before commencing Work or exposure to loss can occur, and, in any event, within ten days after the Owner has issued its "Notice of Intent to Award Contract," the Contractor shall furnish the Owner with Certificates of Insurance, in duplicate, as evidence of all insurance required by the Contract Documents. If the Agreement is executed, no progress payment will be due until all such Certificates are furnished. All policies and certificates must be signed copies and shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies cannot be materially altered (i.e., the coverages reduced, the limits decreased, or additional insured removed), allowed to expire, or canceled without first giving 45 days' prior written notice by certified mail to the Owner. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner copies of any subsequently issued endorsements amending, modifying, altering, or restricting coverage of limits. Furthermore, such policies or certificates shall contain a clause acknowledging the indemnification provisions of Paragraph 3.18 and that liability coverages include protection for underground, collapse and explosion. D1.5 The Owner's specification or approval of the insurance in this agreement or of its amount shall not relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor under the Contract Documents or otherwise. Coverages are the minimum to be provided and are not limitations of liability under the Contract, indemnification, or applicable law provisions. The Contractor may, at its own expense, purchase larger coverage amounts or additional insurance. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00900 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 Spec . Coad . --Page 6 D1.6 Coverage, whether written on an occurrence or claims -made basis, shall be maintained without interruption from the date of commencement of the Work until the date of Final Acceptance and, except for any coverage required to be maintained after Final Acceptance. Completed operations coverage shall remain in force for three years after Final Acceptance. D1.7 The Contractor shall ensure and require that Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier have insurance coverage to cover bodily injury and property damage on all -operations and all vehicles owned or operated by Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tiers. D1.8 If the Owner is damaged by the failure of the Contractor to maintain any of the above insurance or to so notify the Owner, then the Contractor shall bear all costs attributable thereto. THE OWNER MAY WITHHOLD PAYMENT PENDING RECEIPT OF ALL CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE. Failure to withhold payment shall not constitute a waiver. D2 Property Insurance D2.1 The Contractor shall purchase and maintain until Final Acceptance a 'Builder's Risk' insurance policy to cover the course of construction upon the entire Work and related or attached buildings at the site to the full insurable value thereof less costs of clearing, preparation and excavation of the site under this Agreement. This insurance shall be purchased with the Owner's assistance through the Puget Sound Risk Management Pool at the budgeted rate of $0.12 per $100.00, which will be increased or decreased by change order with the first payment request to reflect the actual cost. The policy shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage and shall provide "all risk" coverage for the interest of the Owner, the Contractor and Subcontractors as named insureds. Upon written request the Owner will provide,a copy of its policy to the Contractor. Each loss may be subject to a deductible of $5,000. Losses up to the deductible amount shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The policy shall be endorsed to allow complete or partial occupancy by the Owner before or after Substantial Completion without the insurer's approval. D2.2 Adjustment. Upon the occurrence of an insured loss, the Owner shall participate in and approve the adjustment and settlement of loss with the insurers. The Owner shall deposit in a separate account any monies received, and shall distribute such funds in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach. If no agreement is reached, any damaged Work shall first be repaired or replaced, and payment therefor made from the separate account by Change Order or by payment to a separate contractor, at Owner's option; further disbursements from the separate account will then be determined pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph 4.4. D2.3 Waivers of Subrogation. The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against (1) each other and any of their Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier, agents and employees, each of the other, and (2) the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate contractors described in Article 6, if any, and any of their Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier, agents and employees, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by property insurance obtained pursuant to this Paragraph 11.2 or other property insurance applicable to the Work, except such rights as they have to proceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as fiduciary. The Owner or Contractor, as appropriate, shall require of the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate contractors described in Article 6, if any, and the Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier, agents and employees of any of them, by appropriate agreements, written where legally required for validity, PORT TOWNSMM SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00900 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 Spec . Coad . --Page 7 similar waivers each in favor of other parties enumerated herein. The policies shall provide such waivers of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise. A waiver of subrogation shall be effective as to a person or entity even though that person or entity would otherwise have a duty of indemnification, contractual or otherwise, did not pay the insurance premium directly or indirectly, and whether or not the person or entity had an insurable interest in the property damaged." D3 Performance Bond And Payment Bond D3.1 The Contractor shall secure and pay for a surety bond in the full amount of the Contract Sum plus sales tax, pursuant to RCW 39.08. Within ten days after the issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award Contract, the Contractor shall deliver evidence of its bondability to the Owner. Within ten days of entering into the Contract, the Contractor shall deliver two copies of the bond to the Owner and one copy to the Architect. THE OWNER MAY DECLINE TO ENTER INTO THE CONTRACT IF EVIDENCE OF BONDABILITY IS NOT RECEIVED. THE OWNER MAY, WITHHOLD ITS 'NOTICE TO PROCEED' AND/OR WITHHOLD PAYMENT TO THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL SUCH SURETY BOND IS RECEIVED. If the Agreement is executed, the Contract Time shall be reduced by one day for each day after ten days that the surety bond is not received by the Owner. PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION 00900 ISL933120.2341 1/31/94 Spec . Cond . --Page 8 SUMMARY OF THE WORK DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01010 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. General Requirements. B. Work Covered by Contract Documents. C. Contractor Use of Premises. D. Related Work by Owner. E. Owner Furnished Products. F. Contractor Designed Elements. 1.02 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. General 1. -'Fwork Shall the- providirgof ll.suppltes_.tools—eq ip e : ,_ Ito Ging-. tranpot , utilities, services, superintendence, and labor,_ n;d4he-fuffAing of all materials, items, and accessories needed for. ranovatic ti "th�it xeta`s uiiery d ciated electrical upgrades, �t:�;�nfrtar��;;+�m �uit�th��-C.,ontract�Documcrrts. . 2. The intent of the Contract Documents is that the Contractor will produce a complete project with all materials and equipment in place and all systems operative. B. Description: The work�6r th m * it c 661 tchtmn Ren6vations includes demolition and relocation of one 'partition, replacement of existing convention ovens, dishwasher, stainless steel counters, disposal, sinks and room finishes and associated electrical and mechanical upgrades. p C. Provide the work as shown in the Contract Documents required to complete the project. D. Prior to bidding, the Contractor shall visit the site and fully inform himself of the areas in which work is to take place, including the limits of area allowed for working conditions, the areas limited for access to the work, and the areas available for the delivery and storage of new material. E. The Contractor represents that he has carefully examined prior to bidding, all Contract Documents and site conditions, understanding the character, quality and quantity of work called for and all conditions of the contract. 01010. 1 1.03 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMISES A. The Contractor's exterior work limits are indicated on the Drawings. B. Contractor shall limit his use of premise for Work and for storage to allow for: 1. Owner occupancy and access 2. Public use 3. Coordinated use of premises under direction of Project Manager 4. Full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products under this Contract stored at Site. 5. Moving stored products, under Contractor's Control, which interfere with operations of Owner or separate Contractor. 6. Obtaining and paying for use of additional storage or work areas needed for operations. C. Construction Operations: 1. Do not unreasonably encumber Site with materials or equipment. 2. Do not load structure with weight that will endanger structure. 1.04 EXCESSIVE NOISE - NOT USED 1.05 RELATED WORK BY OWNER OR OTHERS - NOT USED 1.07 CONTRACTOR DESIGNED ELEMENTS A. Where work of this Contract requires bidder/designer design, comply with the following requirements. 1. Submit Shop Drawings and Calculations to Project Manager for review. 2. Submit Shop Drawings and Calculations to City of Port Townsend for approval and permits. 3. All Shop Drawings and Calculations shall be stamped by Registered Architect or Engineer licensed in State of Washington. 1.08 EXISTING UTILITIES A. Utilities of record are shown on the Drawings insofar as possible to do so. These, however, are shown for convenience only and the Owner and Project Manager assume no responsibility for improper locations or failure to show utility location on the Drawings. The Contractor is responsible for determining the location of all existing utilities (whether shown or not) prior to commencing work. At Contractor's expense, immediately repair and restore operation of any utilities damaged during construction; conform to utility company's repair requirements. 01010-2 1.09 OBJECTIONS TO APPLICATION OF PRODUCTS A. All Contractors submitting a bid for this Project shall thoroughly familiarize themselves with specified products and installation procedures and submit to Project Manager any objections (in writing) no later than ten days prior to Bid Date. Submittal of Bid constitutes acceptance of products and procedures specified. 1.10 MISCELLANEOUS A. Work includes, but is not limited to: 1. Maintaining pedestrian and vehicular access to and around existing facilities. 2. Not encumbering site access with materials or equipment. 3. Obtaining and paying for use of additional storage or work areas needed for operations. 4. Controlling all movement of water on project site to prevent erosion of soils, oversaturation of soils, down stream erosion and runoff, etc. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PAIN 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SUMMARY OF WORK SECTION 01010 .3 CUTTING AND PATCHING DIVISION 1 • SECTION 01045 PART 1 GENERAL A. Work of this Section shall be bound by the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, Division 1 bound herewith, in addition to these Specifications, and accompanying Drawings. A. Perform all cutting, fitting, and patching, including attendant excavation and backfill, required to complete work or to: 1. Make work fit properly together. 2. Uncover work for installation of ill-timed work. 3. Remove and replace defective work and work not conforming to Contract Documents. 4. Remove samples of installed work for testing. 5. Provide penetrations through non-structural surfaces for mechanical and electrical work. a s PASS A. Summary of Work: Section 01010 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit written request for cutting approval to Design Consultant well in advance of any cutting which affects: 1. Work of Owner or any separate Contractor. 2. Structural value or integrity of any completed or existing work. 3. Waterproof value or integrity of any weather -exposed or moisture resistant work. 4. Efficiency, operational life, maintenance, or safety of any completed or existing work. 5. Visual qualities of any sight -exposed work. B. Request shall include: 1. Project identification. 2. Description of affected work. 3. Necessity for cutting, alteration, or excavation. 4. Effect on Owner's work. 5. Effect on structural or weatherproof integrity on completed or existing work 6. Description of proposed work including. a. Extent of cutting, patching, alteration, or excavation. b. Trades who will execute work. C. Products proposed for use. d. Extent of required refmishing. 7. Alternative to cutting and patching. 8. Cost proposal, when applicable. C. Submit written notice to Design Consultant through Construction Program Manager designating date and time work will be performed. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A Products similar to those specified elsewhere in this Project Manual: 1. Follow those Specifications. B. Other Products: 1. Follow Design Consultant's instructions. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Inspect existing conditions and identify work subject to damage or movement caused by proposed cutting and patching. B. After uncovering work, inspect conditions affecting products installation or performance. C. Report unsatisfactory and questionable conditions to the Design Consultant through Construction Program Manager in writing-, do not proceed with work until Design Consultant provides further instructions. 3.02 PREPARATION A Maintain adequate temporary support necessary to assure structural integrity of affected work. B. Protect work exposed by cutting against damage and discoloration. 3.03 PERFORMANCE A Provide proper surfaces for repairs. B. Employ qualified installer or fabricator to perform cutting and patching of: 1. Weather -exposed or moisture -resistant surfaces. 2. Sight -exposed finished surfaces. C. Restore cut or removed work with new products to provide work complete in accordance with Contract Documents. Maintain original fire-resistant rating D. Fit work air -tight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduits, and other surface penetrations. 01043-2 E. Where patching occurs refinish entire surface to provide even finish to match adjacent work as follows: 1. Continuous surfaces: refinish to nearest intersection. 2. Assemblies: refinish entire unit. 3.04 C G BTRUCTFR,. -FRAMING A. Exposed members, including any columns and posts: 1. Not permitted, unless shown on Drawings or otherwise approved. 3.05 CL NING AND REPAI INGG A. Including work of other sections, clean, repair, and touchup, or replace when directed, products which have been soiled, discolored, or damaged by work of this section. B. Remove debris from project site upon work completion or sooner, if desired. END OF CUTTING AND PATCHING SECTION 01043-3 MEETINGS DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01200 PAIN I - GEN"ERAL. 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work included: 1. In general, project meetings may be held regularly at the job site in accordance with a mutually acceptable schedule. The Project Manager in conjunction with the Architect will conduct project meetings throughout the construction period. 2. The purpose of the project meetings is to enable orderly review of progress during construction and to provide for systematic discussion and analysis of problems that might arise between the Owner, Architect, Project Manager, and/or Contractor relative to execution of the Work. B. Related work described elsewhere: The Contractor's relations with his subcontractors and material suppliers, and discussions relative thereto, and the Contractor's responsibility as described in the General Conditions are not part of project meetings content. 1.02 AUTHORITY DESIGNATION A. Persons designated by the Contractor to attend and participate in project meetings shall have all required authority to commit the Contractor to solutions as agreed upon in the project meetings. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Agenda Items: To the maximum extent possible, advise the Project Manager at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the project meeting regarding all agenda items to be discussed. 1.04 AGENDA A. Preconstruetion Meeting 1. The Project Manager in conjunction with the Architect will conduct this meeting within fifteen (15) days after date of Notice to Proceed with work at the Project Site. 2. Location: School District Administrative Office. 3. Attendance: a. Project Manager b. Architect and his Professional Consultants oiwo - i C. Contractor's Project Manager and Superintendent d. Major Subcontractors e. Others, as appropriate 4. Suggested Agenda: a. Distribution (by Contractor) and discussion of: 1) List of major Subcontractors and Suppliers 2) (Draft) Construction Network b. Critical Work sequencing C. Project Coordination d. Designation of responsible personnel e. Procedures and processing of: 1) Field decisions 2) Proposal requests 3) Submittals 4) Change Orders 5) Applications for Payment 6) Schedules and Reports f. Adequacy of Contract Documents distribution g. Procedures for maintaining Record Documents h, Use of premises: 1) Office, work, and stora_ee areas 2) State's requirements i. Construction facilities, controls, and construction aids J. Temporary utilities k. Safety and first-aid procedures 1. Security procedures M. Housekeeping procedures B. Project Meetings 1. The Project Manager in conjunction with the Architect may conduct meetings at the Project Site to coordinate the Work, answer questions, and resolve problems. C. Special Meetings The Project Manager may call special meetings at the project site or at other locations to coordinate the work, answer questions, and resolve problems. 0IM0.: 1.05 PREINSTALLATION CONFERENCES A. When required in individual Specification Sections and/or as requested, convene preinstallation conference at work Site prior to commencing work of Section. B. Require attendance ofparties directly affecting, or affected by, work of specific Section. C. Notify Architect four days in advance of meeting date. D. Prepare agenda, -preside at conference, record minutes, and distribute copies within two days after conference to participants, with two copies to Architect. E. Review conditions of installation, preparation and installation procedures, and coordination with related work. 1.06 MINUTES A. The Project Manager will compile minutes of each project meeting and will distribute copies to all interested parties within seven (7) days after the meeting. Items in the minutes shall be numbered consecutively and grouped under divisions and sections. Each item shall be carried forward until resolved. 01M0-3 SCHEDULES AND REPORTS DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01311 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A- The work under this Contract will be planned, scheduled, executed and reported using a bar chart, pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the General Conditions and the Supplementary General Conditions. B. The primary objectives of the project scheduling program is to ensure the adequate planning, scheduling and execution of the construction activities so they may be prosecuted in an orderly and expeditious manner, within the Contract Time and the Milestones stipulated by the Contract, to provide optimum coordination between Contractors, to establish the basis for measuring and monitoring individual Contractor progress and overall project progress, to detect problems for the purpose of taking corrective action to maintain the scheduled program and to provide a mechanism, or tool for determining and monitoring such corrective actions. C. If the Contractor should desire or intend to complete the Work earlier than any required Milestone or Completion date, the Owner, Architect or the Project Manager shall not be liable to the Contractor for any costs or other damages should the Contractor be unable to complete the Work before this earlier date. The duties, obligations and warranties of the Owner to the Contractor shall be consistent with and applicable only to the completion of the Work on the Milestone and Completion dates required in the Owner -Contractor Agreement, unless Owner, the Project Manager and the Contractor otherwise agree in writing. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - BAR CHART A- Pursuant to the General Conditions of this Contract, the following additional scheduling requirements are a part of this Contract. B. Work under this Section shall consist of furnishing a Construction Schedule showing in detail how the Contractor plans to execute and coordinate the Work. The Contract Schedule shall be based on and incorporate the Contract Milestone and Completion dates specified in the Owner -Contractor Agreement and shall show the order in which Contractor shall perform the Work, projected dates for the start and completion of separable portions of the Work, and other information concerning Contractor's Work scheduling as Owner may request. C. The Construction Schedule shall be in the form of a bar chart and shall consist of horizontal lines, or bars, plotted along a daily time scale. The time -scale shall indicate all required Milestone and Completion dates as set forth in the Owner -Contractor Agreement. The horizontal bar(s) shall indicate the start and finish dates as well as the total time period of performance for each activity. The Contractor shall arrange the chart so as to show the activities which are necessary to fulfill each and every Milestone and Completion date requirement. 01311.1 D. Each work item on the Construction Schedule, as well as being correlated to the payment document, shall be broken into reasonable work segments/activities (where practicable) with individual starting and stopping dates. Work segments shall not exceed fourteen (14) calendar days or $20,000 in value unless approved by the Project Manager. As a minimum Work shall be segmented to demonstrate its relationship to the various Milestone Dates, if any. The segmented Work activities shall be cost loaded to show their dollar value as a part of the entire pay item. Activity titles shall be self- explanatory; abbreviations shall be shown in the legend. 1.03 POST AWARD ACTIVITIES A. The Contractor shall perform the following immediately after receipt of the Notice to Proceed: 1. Prepare a detailed Construction Schedule that represents the Contractor's best judgement on hour he shall prosecute and complete the Work in compliance with the Contract Milestone Dates and any Specific Dates stipulated in the Supplementary Conditions. B. Within 10 calendar days following Notice to Proceed, submit to the Project Manager a draft of the Construction Schedule for review and comment. Before the fimt Application for Payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect a Schedule of Values allocated to various portions of the Work„ prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect my require.. This schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. The Schedule of Values shall correspond to the Work segments/activities identified in the Construction Schedule. C. The Construction Schedule shall indicate completion date for the project that is not later than the project's required completion date. All activity durations shall be given in calendar days. D. It is to be expressly understood and agreed by the Contractor that the Construction Schedule is an estimate to be revised from time to time as progress proceeds, and that the Owner does not guarantee that Contractor can start work activities on the start dates or complete work activities on the finish date shown in the schedule, or as same may be updated or revised; nor does the Owner or the Project Manager guarantee that Contractor can proceed at all times in the sequence established by said schedule. E. The Project Manager will review the Contractor's Schedule. If required, a meeting will be held between the Project Manager, and the Contractor to resolve any conflicts between the Contractor's schedule and the overall Project Construction. The Contractor shall revise his schedule as required by the Project Manager to support the Project Construction and shall submit his revised schedule to the Project Manager within five (b) days for final review and approval, F. Approval by the Owner and Project Manager of the Contractor's Construction Schedule is advisory only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for accomplishing the Work within each and every Contract -required Milestone and 01311.2 Completion date. Omissions and errors in the approved Construction Schedule shall not excuse performance which is not in compliance with the Contract. Approval by the Owner and Project Manager in no way makes the Owner, Project Manager or the Architect an insurer of the Construction Schedule's success or liable for time or cost overruns flowing from its shortcomings. The Owner hereby disclaims any obligation or liability by reason of Owner, Project Manager or Architect approval of or acquiescence to the Construction Schedule. 1.04 PROGRESS PAYMENTS A. The submission and approval of progress updates and the reports calculating the value of work done for any given pay period for each activity based on the percentages complete for that activity less the amount previously paid for past percentages complete and percent of retainage shall be an integral part and basic element of the application upon which Progress Payments shall be made pursuant to the provisions of the General Conditions. The Contractor shall be entitled to progress payments only as determined from the current updated and approved Schedule of Values. Applications for payment are to be submitted on AIA forms G702 and G703. 1.05 SPECIFIC DATES A_ The Contractor is required to adhere to the Specific Dates as set forth in the Bid Form. 1.06 RECOVERY SCHEDULE A Should any conditions exist, such that certain activities shown on the Contractor's Detailed Construction Schedule fall behind schedule to the extent that any of the mandatory specific or Milestone States or Completion Dates are in jeopardy, the Contractor shall be required to, at no cost to the Owner, prepare and submit to the Project Manager a supplementary Recovery Schedule, in a form and detail appropriate to the need, to explain and display how he intends to reschedule those activities to regain compliance with the Detailed Construction Schedule during the .immediate subsequent pay period- B. eriod B. The Contractor and Project Manager shall do the following after determination of the requirement for a Recovery Schedule: 1. Within three (3) calendar days, the Contractor shall present to Project Manager the Recovery Schedule. The Recovery Schedule shall represent the Contractor's best judgement as to how he shall reorganize his work so that he may return to the approved Construction Schedule within the immediate subsequent pay period The Recovery Schedule shall be prepared to a similar level of detail as the Construction Schedule. C. Five (5) calendar days prior to the expiration of the Recovery Schedule, Project Manager and the Contractor will meet at the job site to determine whether the Contractor has regained compliance with the Construction Schedule. At the direction of the Project Manager, one of the following will happen: 01311.3 1, If, in the opinion of the Project Manager, the Contractor is still behind schedule, the Contractor in conjunction with the Project Manager will prepare another Recovery Schedule, at the Contractor's expense, pursuant with 2.02 (B) of this Section, to take effect during the immediate subsequent pay period. 2. If, in the opinion of the Project Manager, the Contractor has sufficiently regained compliance with the Construction Schedule, the -e of the Construction Schedule will be resumed. 1.07 FLOAT TIME A Float or slack time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either the Contractor or the Owner. Contractor's work shall proceed according to start dates, and the Project Manager shall have the right to reserve and apportion float time according to the needs of the project. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that actual delays, effecting paths of activities containing float time, will not have any affect upon Contract Completion times, providing that the actual delay does not exceed the float time associated with those activities. B. Extensions of time will be granted only to the extent that the activity or activities affected exceed the total float or slack along the path of activities affected at the time of Notice to Proceed of a Change Order or the commencement of any delay or condition for which an adjustment is warranted under the Contract Documents. 1.08 COORDINATION A The Contractor shall coordinate his work with activities of the Owner and shall cooperate fully with the Project Tanager in maintaining orderly progress toward completion of the work as scheduled. 'Me Project Manager's decisions regarding priority between the Contractor's work and the activities of the Owner at the site shall be final and shall not be cause for extra compensation or extensions of time, except where extensions of time is granted because of delay for which Contractor is otherwise entitled to an extension of time under the Contract Documents. Not Used. WA"MNLIM Not Used. END OF SCHEDULES AND REPORTS SECTION 01311 01311.4 WARRANTY OF `YORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01312 PART1-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A, The Contractor does hereby warrant all work and materials to be in full and complete accordance with the Contract Documents and Agreement between Owner and Contractor, and requirements appertaining thereto; imperfections, and fully suitable for the use and purposes for which each and every part is intended. The Contractor also agrees that, should any defect develop or appear that was not caused by improper use, the Contractor shall promptly, upon demand, fully correct, substitute and make good any such defective material without any cost to the Owner and will save the Owner harmless against any claim, demand, loss or damage by reason of any breach of this warranty. B. The period of this warranty shall commence on the date of Final Acceptance by the Owner. C. The warranty shall continue to be in full force and effect for the period of one (1) year, except for those items for which a longer period of warranty is specifically stated in the Warranties for work in Technical Sections of the Specifications. Warranties for work stated in Technical Sections shall continue in full force and effect for the respective periods expressly stated. END OF WARRANTY OF WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT SECTION POR77OWN\CONTRACT\0111ZCN7\November 6, 1993 01312.1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01313 No final payment shall be made until the Contractor shall file with the Owner, prior to acceptance of the Work, a notarized Certification of Compliance in the following form: ************ The Contractor does hereby certify that all work has been performed and materials supplied in accordance with the drawings, specifications and Contract Documents for the above Work, and that: No less than the prevailing rates of wages as ascertained by the governing body of the Contracting agency has been paid to laborers, workmen and mechanics employed on this Work; There have been no unauthorized substitutes of Subcontractors; nor have any subcontractors been entered into without the names of the Subcontractors having been submitted to the Owner prior to the start of such subcontracted work; No subcontract was assigned or transferred or performed by any Subcontractor other than the original Subcontractor, without prior notice having been submitted to the Owner together with the names of all Subcontractors; All claims for material and labor and other service performed in connection with these specifications have been paid; All monies due the State Industrial Accident Fund, the State Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund, the State Tax Commission, Hospital Associates and/or others have been paid. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument this day of 19_. Firm Name Sig-natuxe Title (Attest) (SEAL IF BIDDER IS A CORPORATION) As determined necessary, evidence of compliance may be required to be submitted with and made a part of this Certificate of Compliance. END OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SECTION PORTrOWN\CONTRACT\01313.ON \November 15, 1993 01313.1 CERTIFICATION OF NO LEAD DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01315 No final payment shall be made until the Contractor shall file with the Owner, prior to acceptance of the Work, a notarized Certification of Compliance in the following form: "TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE NO LEAD MATERIAL IS USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS WILL BE PROVIDED AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER FOR ALL MATERIALS WHICH MAY BE QUESTIONED IN THE FUTURE." In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument this day of 19 Firm Name Signature Title (Attest) (SEAL IF BIDDER IS A CORPORATION) As determined necessary, evidence of compliance may be required to be submitted with and made a part of this Certificate. END OF CERTIFICATION OF NO LEAD SECTION PORI MWN\CONTR.ACI\01J16ANr,Normber 1& 1993 013161 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01340 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Submit, to the Architect with copy to the Project Manager, shop drawings, product data and samples required by Specifications Sections. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01311: Schedule and Reports 2. Section 01700: Contract Closeout: Record Documents C. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Project Manager with Construction Schedule, a separate schedule listing dates for submission of all required shop drawings, product data and samples. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Original drawings, prepared by Contractor, subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, which illustrate some portion of the Work showing fabrication, layout, setting or erection details. B. Shop drawings shall be prepared for this particular project. Drawings prepared specifically for other projects and revised for this project will be rejected. C. When necessary, base shop and setting drawings upon actual measurements taken at site and other job conditions. Show any variations and revisions to Contract Documents that are necessary for proper installation of work. Fabrication or installation of work shall not be started until shop or setting drawings have been checked and returned with "furnish as submitted" or "furnish as corrected" indicated by Architect. D. Identify details by reference to sheet and detail numbers shown on Contract Drawings. E. Submit shop drawings, required by Contract Documents for execution of Work, to Architect not later than 30 days prior to contemplated or actual need in shop or at site, and earlier where more time may be required for review and shipping to site. F. Provide shop drawings with cross-reference to drawing and detail numbers on Contract Drawings to facilitate review. PORTTOWN\CONTRAC7101340.CY[\Novsmber 15.1993 01340.1 G. Provide shop drawings which demonstrate to Architect that: 1. Contractor understands design concept of certain portions of Work. 2. Equipment and material to be provided meet design and technical requirements of Contract Documents. 3. Methods of fabrication and installation. H. After review, reproduce and distribute in accordance with Article on Procedures above and for Record Documents described in Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. 1.03 PRODUCT DATA A. Manufacturer's standard schematic drawings: 1. Modify drawings to delete information which is not applicable to project. 2. Supplement standard information to provide additional information applicable to project. B. Manufacturer's catalog sheets, brochures, diagrams, schedules, performance chart, illustrations and other standard descriptive data. 1. Clearly mark each copy and identify pertinent materials, products or models. 2. Show dimensions and clearances required. 3. Show performance characteristics and capacities. 4, Show wiring diagrams and controls. C. Submit product data required by Contract Documents for execution of work, to Architect not later than 15 days prior to contemplated or actual need in shop or at site, and earlier where more time may be required for review and shipping to site. D. Provide product data with cross-reference to Specifications Section of Project Manual to facilitate review. E. Submit number of copies which Contractor requires, plus two copies which ,will be retained by Architect/Engineer. F. After review, distribute in accordance with Article on Procedures above and provide copies for Record Documents described in Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. PORTrOWN\CONTRACT\01340.0:ITNovember 15. 1993 01340.2 1.04 SAMPLES A. Physical examples to illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and to establish standards by which completed work is judged. B. Office Samples: Of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: 1. Functional characteristics of product or material, with integrally related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range of color samples. 3. After review, samples may be used in construction of Project. 4. Include identification on each sample, with full Project information. 5. Submit samples in ample time for review or selection, as applicable, so as to not delay Work. 6. Take into account delivery time of all manufactured items when submitting samples. C. Submit samples of size and quantity specified, or, if not specified, of sufficient size and quantity to illustrate functional and aesthetic characteristics of Product, with integral parts and attachment devices. Coordinate sample submittals for interfacing work. D. Submit samples of finishes from full range of manufacturers' standard colors, or in specified custom colors, textures, and patterns, for Architect's selection. E. Field Samples: 1. Construct each sample complete, including work of all trades required in finished Work. 2. After acceptance, where appropriate and upon Architect's written approval, field samples may be incorporated into Project. 3. When directed, remove field samples not incorporated into Project from site. 1.05 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. When specified in individual specification Sections, submit manufacturers' printed instructions for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, start-up, adjusting, and finishing, in quantities specified for Product Data. B. Identify conflicts between manufacturers' instructions and Contract Documents. PORTfOWN\CON'iRACI101340.CNi�November M 1993 01340.3 The review is intended to foresee unacceptable products and to avoid the possibility of their rejection at the site. The review shall not be construed as: 1. Permitting a departure from the Contract Documents, unless specifically so noted. 2. Relieving the Contractor of the responsibility for errors or omissions. 3. Acceptance of an assembly in which an approved item is a part. 4. Approval of variations from previously approved items. 5. Approval of dimensions. J. The Architect will review all samples. Such review will be for appearance only. Compliance with all other requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor. K. Where the Contract Documents require the design of structural, mechanical or electrical systems or components of systems by a supplier, or where a Contractor initiates a change in the design of a system or component thereof, such systems or components shall be designed by a registered professional engineer and all calculations submitted to the Architect for his records, prior to starting fabrication or installation of the Work. The Architect will not be responsible for the designs of such other professional engineers. 1.14 VARIATIONS FROM CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. If the Architect determines a variation from the Contract Documents is in the best interest of the Owner, and it does not involve change in the Contract price or item, the Architect, through the Project Manager, with the Owner's concurrence, may permit such variation. B. Unless the Architect receives immediate written notification; he will assume the Contractor approves any variation shown. C. If the Contractor fails to mention variations from the Contract Documents, he will not be relieved of the responsibility for executing the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. D. When a variation from the Contract Documents is permitted and such variation involves corresponding adjustment in an adjacent or related item, the responsibility for making and paying all costs for such adjustment rests with the Contractor requesting the original variation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - Not Used EART 3 . FMCUTION - Not Used END OF SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES SECTION PORITOWN\CONiRACr\01340.CN11November 15. 1999 01310.8 QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01400 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Quality assurance and control of installation. 2. References. 3. Field Samples. 4. Inspection and testing laboratory services. 5. Contractor's inspection and testing responsibilities. 6. Testing laboratory responsibility. 7. State's responsibility. 8. Manufacturers' field services and reports. B. Related Sections: 1. Article 14 Supplementary Conditions: Inspection and testing required by governing 'authorities. 2. Section 01340 - Submittals: Submission of Manufacturers' Instructions and Certificates. 3. Section 01600 - Material and Equipment: Requirements for material and product quality. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCEICONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce Work of specified quality. B. Comply fully with manufacturers' instructions, including each step in sequence. C. Should manufacturers' instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Architect before proceeding. D. Comply with specified standards as minimum quality for Work except when more stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. E. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. F. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration, physical distortion or disfigurement. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date of Contract Documents. B. Obtain copies of standards when required by Contract Documents. 014W - 1 C. Should specified reference standards conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification for Architect before proceeding. D. Contractual relationship of parties to Contract shall not be altered from Contract Documents by mention or inference otherwise in any reference document. 1.04 FIELD SAMPLES A. Install field samples at site as required by individual specifications Sections for review. B. Acceptable samples represent acceptable quality level for Work. C. Where field samples is specified in individual Sections to be removed, clear area after field sample has been accepted by Architect. 1.05 1%,IOCK-UP Not used. 1.06 INSPECTION AND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES A. Owner will appoint, employ, and pay for services of independent firm to perform inspection and testing. 1.07 CONTRACTOR'S INSPECTION AND TESTING RESPONSIBILITIES A. Cooperate with independent firm: 1. Furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment, tools, storage and assistance as requested. 2. Provide access to work and manufacturer's operations. 3. Notify Architect and independent firm 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring services. 4. Make arrangements with independent firm and pay for additional samples and tests required for Contractor's use. 5. Furnish copies of mill test reports. 6. Furnish casual labor and facilities. a. To Provide access to work to be tested. b. To obtain and handle samples at site. C. To facilitate inspections and tests. d. For laboratory's exclusive use for storage and curing of test samples. 7. Arrange with laboratory and pay for additional samples and tests required for Contractor's convenience. B. Retesting: 1. Retesting required because of non-conformance to specified requirements shall be performed OI4M • 2 by same independent firm on instructions by Architect. Should initial tests indicate non-compliance with Contract Documents, costs for both initial tests and subsequent retesting occasioned by non-compliance, and all other related costs, including additional Architect's services made necessary by such failure will be charged to Contractor by deducting such costs from Contract Sum. C. Notification: Contractor shall notify Testing Lab, Project Manager and Architect a minimum of 24 hours in advance of any operations scheduled for inspection and/or testing specified herein, to allow for laboratory assignment of personnel and scheduling of test. Work requiring inspections and testing by testing laboratory will not be performed without their qualified technician on the job site. If, after giving notice to the testing lab, the work requiring inspection and/or testing is not performed and the testing lab must make a second trip to the job site, the Contractor shall reimburse Owner for technician's time and travel expense. Where tests are required prior to Contractor starting work, Contractor shall arrange for testing far enough in advance so as not to delay the project or cause inconvenience to the testing lab. D. Contractor's Responsibility: The testing laboratory service provided by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Testing laboratory services are provided for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Owner in monitoring the quality and performance of the Contractor's work. Results of tests made by the Owner's testing laboratory will be made available to the Contractor and shall be a basis for rejection of non -conforming or defective work. Additional tests/inspections required by the Owner shall not be the basis for any claim by the Contractor for additional compensation. 1.08 TESTING LABORATORY RESPONSIBILITY A. General: Testing laboratory shall inspect, test and document work performed on this project as described hereinbefore. B. Test Reports: Promptly furnish test reports of materials and work tested to the Project Manager, Architect, Contractor, and Building Department. Test reports shall include the name of the project, General Contractor, applicable Subcontractor, and Testing Laboratory, the locations, dates, and time samples were taken and tested, type of test, identification of sample, location in which the work sample was taken, record of weather conditions, evaluation of test results, conformance or non-conformance of test results with Contract Documents, name and signature of technician taking sample and performing tests, and any other information required by Architect. C. Inspection Reports: Furnish inspection reports for each site visit documenting activities, observations, and inspections of work: include observations on weather conditions, time and date, conditions and/or status of the work being inspected, actions taken, and recommendations or evaluation of the work. In addition to written reports, immediately notify Architect and Contractor of any portions of the work found to be in nonconformance with the Contract Documents. D. Codes: Conform to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code (latest edition), Section 306 and other applicable sections and the Uniform Building Code standards, and any special requirements of the local Building Official having jurisdiction. E. Limits of Authority: Testing laboratory is not authorized to: 01400 .3 I . Release, revoke, alter or enlarge on requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Approve or accept any portion of the work (as relates to the Contractor's obligation to conform to the Contract Documents.) 3. Perform any duties of the Contractor. 1.09 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY: The Owner shall not be held liable for the actions )or lack of action) of the testing laboratory(s). The commencement of work bythe Contractor shall indicate his understanding and agreement that all disputes or claims which may develop between the Owner's testing laboratory(s) and the Contractor will be resolved directly between those two parties without involvement or responsibility on the part of the Owner, those two parties without involvement or responsibility on the part of the Owner, unless prior agreement is made in writing. Contractor shall advise the Owner of faulty inspections or tests performed by the testing laboratory but Owner shall not be held responsible for problems, damages, delays, replacement of defective work, etc. which may occur as result of the testing laboratory(s) faulty work in which case the Contractor's sole recourse shall be against the testing laboratory or other party at fault, but not against the Owner. Nothing in these specifications shall be construed as preventing the Contractor from hiring a separate testing laboratory to perform testing laboratory services, however, the Owner's testing laboratory inspections and tests shall be the basis for acceptance or rejection of the work by the Owner unless such inspection or tests are proven to be in error. 1.10 MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES AND REPORTS Not used. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used ARTS -E'E I N Not Used END OF QUALITY CONTROL SECTION 014M . 4 WAGE RATES DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01425 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 STATE OF WASHINGTON PREVAILING `NAGE A. The provisions of the Washington State Prevailing Wage Act, Chapter 39.12 RCW are hereby incorporated `lThe failure of the Contractor to comply with each and every provision thereof shall be a breach of this Contract and shall entitle the Owner to pursue any remedies he deems necessary. B. The Contractor shall be subject to any amendments to the said statutes whether occurring before or after the execution of the Contract. C. Under the provisions of RCW 39.12, the hourly wages paid to laborers, workers, or mechanics upon all public works of this State and upon work contemplated in this Contract, shall be not less than the prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality within the State where such labor and work herein contemplated is to be performed, and established by the Department of Labor and Industries. All laborers, workers or mechanics shall be paid not less than the minimum hourly rate of wage which are incorporated herein, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the Contractor, Subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or any part of the work under this Contract, from paying any such laborers, workers or mechanics wages in excess of the hourly minimum rate above specified. D. The Owner does not guarantee that the labor can be procured for the minimum wages set forth. The rates of wages listed are minimum only, below which the Contractor cannot pay and they do not constitute a representation the labor can be procured for the minimum listed. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to ascertain for himself the wages above the minimum set forth he may have to pay. E. The Contractor on or before the date of commencement of work shall file a statement under oath with the Owner and with the Director of Labor and Industries certifying the rate of hourly wage paid and to be paid each classification of laborers, workers, or mechanics employed upon the work by the Contractor or Subcontractor which shall be not less than the prevailing rate of wage. Such statement and any supplemental statements which may be necessary shall be filed in accordance with the practices and procedures required by the Department of Labor and Industries. PORTfOWMCONTRACI101425.CN1\November 15. 1993 01425.1 F. Prior to commencing work, each Contractor and each and every Subcontractor shall file a sworn statement of intent with the Owner and with the Department of Labor and Industries as to the prevailing wage rate, including fringe benefits, for each job classification to be utilized. The wage rates thus filed will be checked against the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. If the wage rates are correct, the Industrial Statistician will issue an acknowledgement of approval to the Contractor and/or Subcontractor with a copy to the awarding agency (Owner). If any incorrect wage rates are included, the Contractor and/or subcontractor will be notified of the correct rates by the Industrial Statistician and approval will be withheld until a correct statement is received. If the State Affidavit Form S.F. 9843 is used for filing a statement of intent, it must be conspicuously noted thereon that it is a preliminary filing only. G. Copies of wage rate approvals will be furnished the awarding agency, and the Contractor (and the Prime Contractor in the case of Subcontractor) by the Industrial Statistician. H. Each voucher claim submitted by a Contractor for payment on a project estimate shall state that prevailing wages have been paid in accordance with the pre -filed statement or statements of intent on file with the Department of Labor and Industries as approved by the Industrial Statistician. I. At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor and his Subcontractors shall submit affidavits of wages paid to the Industrial Relations Division, Department of Labor, and Industries, General Administration Building, Olympia, Washington, 98891, for certification by the Director. SF. 9843 "Affidavit of Wages Paid" or on a similarly constructed form should be filed to secure the Director's certification. The "Affidavit of Wages Paid" must be certified by the Industrial Statistician and received by the Owner prior to the release of any retained funds. J. The Contractor shall pay all fees charged by the Department of Labor and Industries for the approval, review and certification of the "Statement of the Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" forms and the "Affidavit of Wages Paid" form. K. Above reporting procedures shall be expanded and/or supplemented if required by Department of Labor and Industries. L. Copies of the approved Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage Statements shall be posted at the job site where the workers can easily read them. The address and telephone number of the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries where a complaint or inquiry concerning prevailing wages may be made shall also be posted at the job site. POR770WN\CONTRACT\01425.ONT\November M 1993 01425.2 1.02 EIGHT HOUR LAW AND PAYMENTS FOR LABOR - Chapter 49.28 RCW The Contractor agrees that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, Subcontractor, or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or any part of the work contemplated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day, provided that in cases of extraordinary emergency, such as danger to life or property, the hours of work may be extended, but in such cases the rate of pay for the time employed in excess of eight (8) hour.-, of each calendar day shall be not, less than one and one half times the rate allowed for this same amount of time during eight hours service. Any work necessary to be performed after regular working hours, or Sunday or legal holidays, shall be performed without additional expense to the Owner, WnweigNEW Not Used Not Used END OF WAGE RATES SECTION 0) t T-tt 'zCF— //j 56:7� PORTTOW"N\CONTRACT\01425.GN7NNovember 15, 1993 01425.3 .a wa STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES ESAC DIVISION - TELEPHONE (206) 956-5335 PO BOX 44540, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-4540 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS JEFFERSON COUNTY EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 * * * * * * * * ar * * * * * IN * * * * * * * * * * w (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION, RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, CERTIFIED Certified Asbestos Abatement Worker 9 BOILERMAKERS Boilermaker ** BRICKLAYERS AND MARBLE MASONS All Classifications CABINET MAKERS Cabinet Maker - in Shop CARPENTERS Carpenter Drywall Applicators Creosoted Material Floor Finisher Floor Layer Floor Sander Operator Sawfiler Shingler Stationary Power Saw Operators Stationary Woodworking Tools Accoustical Worker Piledriver Millwright and Machine Erectors * CEMENT MASONS CEMENT MASON PATCHING AND PAVING CURING CURB AND GUTTER SIDEWALKS SEALING COMPOUND UNDERLAYMENT MASTIC, EPDXY, PLASTIC CONCRETE SAW POWER TOOLS AND GRINDERS SANDBLASTING FINISH COLORED CONCRETE GUNITE NOZZLE PERSON TUNNEL WORKERS TROWEL MACHINE ON COLORED SLABS, COMPOSITION OR KALMAN FLOORS 19.14 4.45 1M 5D 22.37 8.14 1R 5N 22.54 4.96 1N 5A 13.12 0.00 1 21.70 5.55 1M 5D 21.70 5.55 1M 5D 21.80 5.55 1M 5D 21.83 5.55 1M 5D 21.83 5.55 1M 5D 21.83 5.55 114 5D 21.83 5.55 1M 5D 21.83 5.55 1M 5D 21.83 5.55 1M 5D 21.83 5.55 1M 5D 21»86 5.55 1M 5D 21.70 5.55 1M 5D 22.70 5.55 1M 5D 21.56 6.60 10 6E 21.56 6.60 10 6E 21.56 6.60 10 6E 21.56 6.60 10 6E 21.56 6.60 10 6E 21.56 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 21.81 6.60 10 6E 23.06 6.60 10 6E 0 MEM 00 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 JEFFERSON COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTL CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE COTE ** DIVERS AND TENDERS DIVER 53.16 5.55 1M 5D 8B DIVER TENDER 23.65 5.55 1M 5D In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more Over 50' to 100' - $1.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet Over 1001 to 175' - $2.25 per foot for each foot over 100 feet Over 175' to 250' - $5.50 per foot for each foot over 175 feet Over 250' - Divers may name their own price, provided it is no less than the scale listed for 250 feet ** DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER 21.81 5.81 18 5I OILER 21.47 5.81 16 5I LEVERMAN 22.23 5.81 1B 5I MATES 21.81 5.81 1B 5I BOATMEN 21.81 5.81 1B 5I ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) 21.47 5.81 16 5I ENGINEER WELDER 21.86 5.81 16 51 CRANE14AN 21.86 5.81 1B 5I MAINTENANCE 21.37 5.81 16 51 ** DRYWALL TAPERS Journey Level 21.67 4.96 1 ** ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS Journey Level 8.00 1.37 1J 5A ** ELECTRICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL 27.80 0.00 1' ** ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP Craftsperson 13.95 1.42 2A 6C Journey Level 13.29 1.40 2A 6C ** ELECTRICIANS - POWERLINE CONSTRUCTION Journey Level Lineperson 22.34 5.53 4A 5A 8E Cable Splicer 24.73 5.61 4A 5A BE Certified Line Welder 22.34 5.53 4A 5A 8E Pole Sprayer 22.34 5.53 4A 5A 8E Heavy Line Equipment Operator 22.34 5.53 4A 5A 8E Line Equipment Operator 19.27 4.43 4A 5A BE Head Groundperson 16.86 4.34 4A 5A 8E Powderperson 16.86 4.34 4A 5A BE Jackhammer Operator 16.86 4.34 4A 5A 8E Groundperson 15.85 4.31 4A 5A 8E ** ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS AND TELECOM MUNICATION TECHNICIANS Journey Level 12.07 0.00 1 ** ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS Mechanic in Charge 26.66 7.72 4A 60 Mechanic 23.70 7.54 4A 60 Constructor 16.59 7.12 4A 60 Probationary Constructor 11.85 0.00 4A 60 ** FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS All Classifications 13.50 0.00 1 2 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 JEFFERSON COUNTY 3 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY OVER FRINGE WAGE BENEFITS CLASSIFICATION RATE ** FENCE ERECTORS AND FENCE LABORERS 1 4.45 Fence Erector 13.80 1 Fence Laborer 11.60 ** FLAGGERS 2.41 11 5A Journey Level 14.46 �* GLAZIERS 2.96 1K 5D Journey Level 14.53 w 2.96 GREENHOUSE ERECTORS 0.00 1 Greenhouse Erector 8.00 ** HEAT AND FROST INSULATORS (ASBESTOS WORKERS) 1.98 1 MECHANIC 24.74 * HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS 5D 4.45 Journey Level 16.04 4.45 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE MECHANICS 5D 4.45 Industrial Engine Mech. 12.86 ** INDUSTRIAL VACUUM POWER CLEANER Journey -level 7.90 Mw INLAND BOATMEN Operator 17.59 Engineer-Deckhand 16.81 Deckhand 15.19 INSPECTION, CLEANING, SEALING OF SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS Technician 6.25 Cleaner Operator, Foamer Operator 8.25 TV Truck Operator 8.75 Grout Truck Operator 9.50 Head Operator 10.50 * INSULATION APPLICATORS Journey Level 16.58 ** IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL 20.25 * LABORERS Asphalt Raker 19.62 Ballast Regulator Machine 19.14 Batch Weighman 14.46 Cassion Worker 19.98 Carpenter Tender 19.14 Cement Dumper/Paving 19.62 Cement Finisher Tender 19.14 Chipping Gun 19.14 Chuck Tender 19.14 Clean-up Laborer 19.14 Concrete Form Stripper 19.14 Concrete Saw Operator 19.62 Crusher Feeder 14.46 Curing Concrete 19.14 Demolition - Wrecking and Moving 19.14 (including charred materials) Diver 19.98 Drill Operator (Hydraulic, Diamond, Air Trac) 19.62 3 0.00 1 8.17 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY OVER FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY BENEFITS CODE CODE 0.00 1 0,00 1 4.45 1M 5D 0.00 1 0.00 1 4.91 11 6R 2.41 11 5A 2.79 1 1.17 11 2.96 1K 5D 2.96 1K 5D 2.96 1K 5D 0.00 1 1.48 1 1.78 1 1.98 1 2.28 1 0.00 1 8.17 18 5A 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D 4.45 1M 5D NOTE CODE WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 JEFFERSON COUNTY 4 NOT CODE (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE Epoxy Technician 19.14 4.45 1M SO Faller/Bucker-Chain Saw 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Final Detail Cleanup 12.14 4.45 1M 5D Gabion Basket Builder 19.14 4.45 1M 5D General Laborer 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Grade Checker and Transit Man 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Grinders 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Hazardous Waste Worker Level A 19.98 4.45 1M 5D Hazardous Waste Worker Level B 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Hazardous Waste Worker Levels C and D 19.14 4.45 1M 5D High Scaler 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Hod Carrier/Mortarman 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Jackhammer 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Miner 19.98 4.45 1M 5D Nozzleman - Concrete Pump, Green Cutter when 19.62 4.45 1M 5D using high pressure air and water on concrete and rock, sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Blaster Pavement Breaker 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Pilot Car 14.46 4.45 1M 5D Pipe Reliner (not insert type) 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Pipelayer and Caulker 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Pot Tender 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Powderman 19.98 4.45 1M 5D Powderman Helper 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Railroad Spike Puller (power) 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Re-Timberman 19.98 4.45 1M 5D Spreader (Concrete) 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Spreader - Clary Power or Similar Types 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Stake Hopper 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Tamper (Multiple and Self Propelled) 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Tamper and Similar Electric, Air and Gas 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Toolroom Man (at job site) 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Topman - Tailman 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Trackliner (Power) 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Tugger Operator 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Vibrating Screed (air, Gas, or Electric 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Vibrator 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Well -Point Person 19.62 4.45 1M 5D ** LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER AND WATER CONSTRUCTION GENERAL LABORER 19.14 4.45 1M 5D PIPELAYER 19.62 4,45 1M 5D ** LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Irrigation Equipment Installers 11.42 0.00 1 Irrigation B Landscape Equipment Operators 7.81 0.00 1 Landscaping or Planting Laborers 7.93 0.00 1 ** LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL 21.72 5.55 11 6H ** MACHINISTS (HYDROELECTRIC SITE WORK) Machinist 16.84 0.00 1' ** MATERIAL SUPPLIER - TRANSIT MIX Driver 14.47 0.00 1 ** METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) Fitter/Welder 15.16 0.00 1 Machine Operator 10.66 0.00 1 Painter 11.41 0.00 11 Laborer 11.13 0.00 1 4 NOT CODE WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 JEFFERSON COUNTY 5 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY OVER FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY BENEFITS CODE CODE 0..00 1 0.00 1 6.75 1B 5A 0.00 1 0.00 1 5.81 1N HOURLY 5.81 1N WAGE 5.81 CLASSIFICATION RATE ** PAINTERS 5D 5.81 Brush and Roll Painter 12.80 1 Spray Painter 13.30 ** PLASTERERS 5D Q JOURNEY LEVEL 21.34 5.81 PLAYGROUND AND PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS 5D 5.81 Journey Level 7.93 q* PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS 5D 5.81 JOURNEY LEVEL 31.66 ** POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS 5D 5.81 A -Frame Crane over 10 ton 22.05 5,81 A -Frame Crane, 10 tons and under 19.95 5.81 Assistant Engineers (Oilers) 19.95 5.81 Backhoe 75 HP & under 22.05 5.81 Backhoe 75 HP & over 22.41 5.81 Backhoe 3 yds & under 22.41 5.81 Backhoes over 3 yards to 6 yards 22.85 5.81 Belt Loaders - Elevating Type 22.05 5.81 Bobcat 19.95 5.81 Brooms 19.95 5.81 Bump Cutter 22.41 5.81 Cableways 22.85 5.81 Chipper 22.41 5.81 Compressors 19.95 5.81 Concrete Batch Plant 22.41 5,81 Concrete Pumps 22.05 5.81 Conveyors 22.05 5.81 Crane - 200 tons and over, or 250, of boom 23.85 5.81 including jib with attachments 5D 5,81 Crane - 100 Tons thru 199 Tons 23.35 5.81 or 150 Ft. Boom including Jib and over 5D 5.81 Crane - 45 Tons through 99 tons or 22.85 5.81 150 Ft. of Boom 5D 5.81 Crane - Overhead, Bridge Type (45 - 99 tons) 22.85 5,81 Crane - Overhead, Bridge Type 100 T. and Over 23.35 5.81 Crane - Overhead, Bridge Type (20 - 44 tons) 22.41 5.81 Cranes - 20 - 44 tons 22.41 5..81 Cranes - through 19 tons 22.05 5.81 Crushers 22.41 5.81 Deck Engineer/Deck Winches (power) 22.41 5.81 Derrick, Building 22.85 5.81 Dozers, D-9 & under 22.05 5,81 Drill Oilers - Auger Type 22.05 Drilling Machine 22.41 Equipment Service Engineer (Oiler) 22.05 Finishing Machine/Curb Extruder 22.41 Fork Lifts, under 3000 lbs 19.95 Fork Lifts, 3000 lbs and over 22.05 Grade Engineer 22.05 Gradechecker and Stakeman 19.95 Hoists, Air Tuggers, 22.05 Hydralifts/Boor Trucks 10 tons and under 19.95 Hydralifts/ Boom Trucks over 10 tons 22.05 Loaders, 8 yds & over 23.35 Loaders, Overhead 6 yards up to 8 yards 22.85 Loaders, Overhead under 6 yards 22.41 Locomotives, All 22.41 Mechanics, All (Welders) 22.41 Mixers, Asphalt Plant 22.41 5 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY OVER FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY BENEFITS CODE CODE 0..00 1 0.00 1 6.75 1B 5A 0.00 1 0.00 1 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5,81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5,81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5,81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5,81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5,81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5..81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 5,81 1N 50 NOTE CODE WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 JEFFERSON COUNTY 6 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOT' CLASSIFICATION, RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE Motor Patrol Grader - Non -finishing 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Motor Patrol Grader - Finishing 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Mucking Machine, Mole, 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Tunnel Drill and/or Shield Oil Distributors, Blowers, etc. 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Pavement Breaker 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Permanent Shaft -type Elevator or Manlift 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Piledriver (Other than Crane Mount) 22.41 5.81 1N 50 8L Plant Oiler (Asphalt Crusher) 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Posthole Digger, Mechanical 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Power Plant 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Pump Truck Mounted 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Concrete Pump with Boom Attachment Pumps, Water 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Quad 9 and Similar, D-10 and HD -41 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Remote Control Operator 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Rollagon 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Roller, Other than Plant Road Mix 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Rollers, Plantmix or 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Multilift Materials - Composition Materials Roto -Mill, Roto -Grinder 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Saws, Concrete 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Scrapers - Carry ALL 22.05 5.81 1N SO 8L Scrapers, Concrete 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Scrapers, Self-propelled 45 yards and over 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Scrapers, Self-propelled under 45 yards 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Screed Man 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Shotcrete Gunite 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Shovels and Attachments, 6 yards & over 23.35 5.81 1N 5D 8L Shovels 3 yds & under 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Shovels over 3 yards to 6 yards 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L ` SLipform Pavers 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Spreader, Topside Operator 22.05 5.81 1N SD 8L Sub -grader - Trimmer 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Tower Crane 23.35 5.81 1N 5D 8L Tractors 75 HP & under 22.05 .5.81 1N 5D 8L Tractors over 75 HP 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Transporters, All Track or Truck Type 22.85 5.81 1N SO 8L Trenching Machines 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Truck Crane Oiler/Driver - 100 T. & over 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Truck Crane Oiler/Driver - under 100 T. 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Wheel Tractors, Farman Type 19.95 5.81 1N 50 8L YoYo Dozer 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L ** POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS - UNDERGROUND SEWER AND WATER CONSTRUCTION All Classifications 19.85 0.00 1 ** POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE 19.61 4.44 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER 16.93 4.35 4A 5A LINE CLEARANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 18.65 4.40 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON 18.33 3.69 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON 11.87 3.47 4A 5A 6 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLASSIFICATION ** REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC MECHANIC RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Res. Carpenters Res. Communication Tech. Res. Drywall Tapers Res. Electricians Res. Electronic Tech. Res. Glaziers Res. Insulation Appl. Res. Laborers Res. Painters Res. Plumbers Res. Refrigeration & A/C Res. Sheet Metal Mech. ** ROOFERS AND WATERPROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL USING BITUMINOUS MATERIALS * SHEET METAL WORKERS MECHANIC SIGN HANGERS ALL Classifications �* SIGN MAKERS AND INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) Journey Level Stock Person ** SOFT FLOOR LAYERS Journey Level * SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS Journey Level SPRINKLER FITTERS - FIRE PREVENTION J JOURNEY LEVEL ** STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (Non Structural) Mechanic * SURVEYORS Chain Person Instrument Person (Junior Engineer) Party Chief n HOURLY WAGE RATE 27.68 11.85 12.07 18.95 15.94 12.07 10.72 11.00 8.44 10.00 16.97 12.73 13.55 21.00 24.00 25.01 12.15 17.29 8.65 10.88 9.95 21.90 10.50 9.35 11.40 13.40 7 HOURLY FRINGE BENEFITS 0.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.01 2.70 4,80 4.80 6,72 0.00 2.00 1.74 0.00 0.36 6.13 2.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) OVER TIME HOLIDAY CODE CODE 1 5A 5A 58 50 5I NOTE CODE WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLASSIFICATION ** TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I1 INSTALLER - REPAIRER TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - HEAVY TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - LIGHT JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINEPERSON HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON TREE TRIMMER POLE SPRAYER TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN TELEVISION TECHNICIAN TELEVISION LINEPERSON TELEVISION GROUND PERSON *� TERRAZZO WORKERS AND TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL ** TILE, MARBLE AND TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER ** TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL ** TRUCK DRIVERS All Classifications WELL DRILLERS Irrigation Pump Installers Oiler Well Driller HOURLY WAGE RATE 17.53 17.53 17.12 16.69 17.53 16.11 16.11 8.57 16.11 16.11 14.29 12.57 11.55 8.00 22.10 17.70 18.14 15.42 11.60 9.45 11.60 8 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY OVER FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY B'EN f' TS CODE CODE 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.08 2.09 2.07 2.07 1.92 2.07 2.07 2.03 2.00 1.98 1.91 4.96 4.96 4.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1B 1B 16 18 1B 1B IB 1B 1B 18 1B 1B 1B 1B 1N 1N 1K 11 1 1 1 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A NOT, CODE BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 OVERTIMECODES ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS), SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS. WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT FOR MAKE-UP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. P. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. R. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. S. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS HEALTH AND WELFARE AND VACATION. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS HEALTH AND WELFARE AND VACATION. T. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED 014 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. FOR ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK AND FOR ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. THE HEALTH & WELFARE AND VACATION BENEFITS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE, PENSION AND TRAINING SHALL BE PAID AT THE REGULAR HOURLY RATE. U. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. W. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS MAY BE WORKED AS A MAKE-UP DAY AT THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE (NO OVERTIME) WHEN WORK IS LOST DUE TO ANY REASON BEYOND THE EMPLOYERS CONTROL, ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID Al" TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 I, Z. THE FIRST EIGHT HOURS ON THE FIRST SHIFT ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 2, ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A THE FIRST SDC (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF SDC (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. THE FIRST EIGHT ('8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. INCLUDING THE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNPAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. L. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). B. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). D.' HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). F„ HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). G. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). H. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY. MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6). BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 I. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). J„ HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY; INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, DECEMBER 24TH, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND DECEMBER 31 ST (9). M. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). N. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS" DAY, KSGIVING DAY., THE FRIDAY AF'T'ER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9)„ O. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). Q. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). S PAID HOLIDAY'S,. NEW YEAR'S DAY,WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRIS.. DAY (7). T. PAID HOLIDAYS: SEVEN (7) PAID HOLIDAYS. U. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, 'WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND A DAY OF THE EMPLOYEES CHOICE (7). V. PAID HOLIDAYS: SIX (6) PAID HOLIDAYS. W, PAID HOLIDAYS: NINE (9) PAID HOLIDAYS. X. HOLIDAYS: AFTER 520 '14OURS - NEW YEARS DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. AFTER '2080 HOURS . NEW YEARS DAY,WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY. INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISM DAY AND A. FLOATING HOLIDAY (8). Y. HOLIDAYS; NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY,, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). 6.. B. HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AMR THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY (9). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY„ THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). E. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, LAST MONDAY IN MAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AND SA"IIMAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). F. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON' "S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY', LABOR DAY, ARMISTICE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY„ FRIDAY ATTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CI -IRIS DAY (9). H, HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY, MEMORIAL DAY. INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). L, PAID HO 1%D�; NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). M, PAID HOLIDAYS. THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. L rNEAjg HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY. LABOR DAY AND THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. N. E&aJJQLID MEMO DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. LINEN nj LIiY ,, NEW YEAR'S DAY AND THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY. 3 BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 6. Q. LAJP HQLJPAXS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. MAID HOLIDAY: PRESIDENTS' DAY. R. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY; MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY; WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY; MEMORIAL DAY; INDEPENDENCE DAY; THANKSGIVING DAY; THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY; AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). NOTE CODES 8. B. THE WAGE RATES AND DEPTH PREMIUMS ARE FOR SURFACE SUPPLIED DIVERS AND SCUBA DIVERS. THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY. D. WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL S 1.00 PER HOUR. E. ALL CLASSIFICATIONS, INCLUDING ALL APPRENTICES, REPORTING TO AN EMPLOYER'S DESIGNATED JOB HEADQUARTERS AND WORKING A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) HOURS IN ANY ONE (1) DAY SHALL RECEIVE A PER DIEM ALLOWANCE OF TWENTY-FOUR DOLLARS (524.00) IN ADDITION TO THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS. F. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION AFTER ONE YEAR OF SERVICE. TEN (10) DAYS VACATION AFTER THREE YEARS OF SERVICE. J. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED ON LABOR DAY OR CHRISTMAS DAY EXCEPT WHEN LIFE OR PROPERTY IS IN IMMINENT DANGER. SHOULD ANY OF THESE HOLIDAYS FALL ON SUNDAY, THE FOLLOWING MONDAY SHALL BE CONSIDERED A LEGAL HOLIDAY. K. VETERANS DAY AND THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING ARE OPTIONAL HOLIDAYS AND ARE PAID AT THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY ONLY WHEN WORKED. L. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: 50.75, LEVEL B: 50.50, AND LEVEL C: 50.25. N. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: $1.00, LEVEL B: 50.75, LEVEL C: 50.50, AND LEVEL D: 50.25. R. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION PER YEAR. U. THE PREVAILED VACATION AMOUNT REPRESENTS THE COST TO A CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR WHICH MAY BE REASONABLY ANTICIPATED IN PROVIDING THE FOLLOWING VACATION PLAN: ONE WEEK AFTER ONE YEAR TWO WEEKS AFTER TWO YEARS. THREE WEEKS AFTER EIGHT YEARS. FOUR WEEKS AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS. TWELVE HUNDRED HOURS MUST BE WORKED IN A YEAR'S TIME TO BE ELIGIBLE. SAFETY PROCEDURES DIVISION 1 • SECTION 01450 PART 1 GENERAL L A. Prior to the start of and during the course of the Work (above and below ground) the Contractor shall make a thcrough survey of each work site to determine all potential hazards. Workmen shall be made aware of those hazards and shall be instructed in procedures and the use of equipment for their protection. The Contractor shall verify the location and condition ("live" or "dead") of all utilities on and near each work site and take precautions to protect his employees, the general public, and the property. 1.02�I' DANS GER A. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for any accidents (including death) occurring at any time during the progress of the work and until the final acceptance of the work by the Owner which may happen to any of his workmen or those of any Subcontractor employed on the building, or for any damage or injuries (including death) which his work and operations may cause to the work being constructed, or to existing buildings, or to any tenants and occupants of -the property, or of the adjoining properties, or to the public, or to any public or private property. 1.03 SAFETY A. The Contractor shall ensure that all employees, visitors, subcontractors' employees, and suppliers' employees, while on the work site, comply with the requirements of WISHA, these requirements and the safety precautions contained in the several Specifications Sections. The Contractor shall promptly and fully comply with, execute and, without separate charge thereof to the Owner, shall enforce compliance with the provisions of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973, with particular attention paid but not limited to Chapter 296-155, WAC Safety Standards for Construction Work; with particular attention paid but not limited to Chapter 296-24 WAC General Safety and Health Standards; with particular attention paid but not limited to Chapters 296-27, 196-350 and 296-360 WAC regarding Administrative Safety and Health Act Chapter 49-17 RCW, and any addenda thereto. B. The Contractor shall immediately advise the Owner of inspections conducted by WISHA at the work site, and shall transmit copies of citations and violations to the Construction Program Manager. .•:1 A. Contractor shall be responsible to: 1. Ensure compliance with these requirements, WISHA requirements, and other safety requirements. 2. Authorize immediate action to correct substandard safety conditions. 01450-1 3. Review and act to ensure compliance with safety procedures with his supervisors, subcontractors, and suppliers. 4. Make thorough daily safety inspections of the work site and immediately act to eliminate unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. 5. Investigate worksite accidents and recommend immediate corrective action. 6. Assist in the preparation of accident investigation and reporting procedures. 7. Be responsible for the control, availability, and use of safety equipment, including employee personal protective equipment. 1.05 RE UFS'TFOR VARIANCES A. Requests for variances to deviate from WISHA requirements must follow the current established procedures by that Agency. 1.06 FAILURE TO COMPLY A. If the project is shut down due to the Contractor's failure to comply with the requirements of WISHA or other applicable safety requirements, no part of the time loss due to any such suspension of operations or stop orders shall be made the subject of a claim for extension of time or for increased cost or damage by the Contractor. END OF SAFETY PROCEDURES SECTION CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01500 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Temporary Utilities: Electricity, lighting, heat, ventilation, telephone service, water and sanitary facilities. 2. Temporary Controls: Barriers, enclosures and fencing, protection of the Work and water control. 3. Construction Facilities: Access roads, parking, progress cleaning, and temporary buildings. 4. Removal: Utilities, facilities, and controls. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 01450 - Safety Procedures 2. Section 01700 - Contract Closeout: Final cleaning. C. Related work described elsewhere: 1. Compliance with safety regulations: Compliance with all requirements of pertinent regulations is described in the Conditions of this Contract. 2. Subcontractor equipment: Equipment furnished by subcontractors shall comply with all requirements of pertinent safety regulations, the ladders, hoists, planks, and similar items normally furnished by individual trades in execution of their own portions of the Work which are not part of this Section of these Specifications. 3. Utility hook-up: Installation and hook -p of the various utility lines are described in other pertinent sections of these Specifications. 4. Construction Locks: Temporary construction cores for building door hardware is specified in Section 08700, if applicable. 1.02 TEMPORARY UTILITIES A. Temporary Electricity: - 1. Single phase temporary service is available from building at Owner's cost. Contractor is responsible to coordinate and secure distribution without disruption to school or occupants. PORT MWN\CONiRACT\01600.CNi\Nwember 14 1993 01600.1 B. Temporary Lighting: 1. Provide and maintain lighting for construction operations to achieve minimum lighting level of 2 watt/sq ft. Provide additional lighting for finish work where and when needed. 2. Provide branch wiring from power source to distribution boxes with lighting conductors, pigtails, and lamps as required. 3. Maintain lighting and provide routine repairs. C. Temporary Heat: 1. Provide and pay for heat devices and heat as required to maintain specified conditions for construction operations. For temporary heating use' steam of hot water where available and where not available„ use gas from piped distribution system where available. Where steam, hot water or pipe gas are not available, heat with electric resistance heaters or self-contained LP gas or fuel oil heaters bearing UL, FM or other approval labels appropriate for application. Vent products of combustion directly to out of doors for all fuel -burning heaters and equip units with individual space thermostatic controls. D. Temporary Ventilation: 1. Ventilate enclosed areas to: a. Assist cure of materials. b. Dissipate humidity. C. Prevent accumulation of dust, fumes, vapors, or gases. d. Provide local exhaust ventilation to prevent harmful dispersal of hazardous substances into atmosphere at all times. E. Temporary Telephone and Facsimile (FAX) Service: 1. Provide, maintain and pay for telephone service and facsimile (fax) on a dedicated line, to field office at time of project mobilization. a. Toll calls paid by party making call. b. Equip phone with outside bell. 2. Maintain services from start of work through building occupancy. F. Temporary Water Service: 1. Provide, maintain and par for suitable quality water service required for construction operations. District to pay for use of water. PoerrowN\coN7RACI1015W.axtww.mber la 1993 01 2 G. Temporary Sanitary Facilities. 1 --PTovde-aaint irr-a`dequate-=mberof-required-facilities-and- -enc-leo ures- r— e-of-all-persons-and--trades-employed-ort-► "or -durin -construct mon-pariod—`se-of.existin eilitie,s--not-Mowed. -a:—Toilet-faciIi Ce44,a,-4,&r- "Se,, OA, 1, —b Washing-faetlitles. c, 1, T UKffr4"/ "1 11 be Y'--7"dred' H. Temporary First Aid Facilities: Provide adequate first aid facilities for construction personnel. I. Temporary Fire Protection: 1. Take all precautions to prevent possibility of . fire resulting from construction operations. Particularly avoid hazardous accumulations of rubbish and unsecured flammable materials. 2. Provide emergency faire extinguishing equipment of adequate type and quantity, readily available and properly maintained.. 3. Keep local Fire Department's telephone number prominently displayed near telephone. 1.03 TEMPORARY CONTROLS A. Barriers 1. Provide barriers to prevent unauthorized entry to construction areas and to protect existing facilities and adjacent properties from damage from construction operations. 2. Provide barricades and covered walkways required by governing authorities for public rights-of-way. 3. Protect non -owned vehicular traffic, stored materials, site and structures from damage. B. Fencing: 1. Construction: Commercial grade chain link fence. 2. Provide 6 foot high fence around construction site; equip with vehicular gates with locks. C. Water Control: 1. Grade site to drain. Maintain excavations free of water. Provide, operate, and maintain pumping equipment. 2. Protect site from puddling or running water. Provide water barriers as required to protect site from soil erosion. 3. Exemise care in cleaning out equipment, etc., so as to prevent materials from clogging catch basins and yard drains. 4. Leave all drainage items clean and in proper working condition. POBrrowrncoxTi ACT\01500.cxTVvw.mber 1a. 1993 01500s D. Dust Control: 1. Periodically wet down Site as required to keep flying dust to minimum. 2. Vacuum clean interior surfaces of building prior to start of finish painting. 3. Continue vacuum cleaning on as-neededbasis until building is ready for Substantial Completion or occupancy. E. Pollution Control: 1. Burning or burying of rubbish, waste materials and cleaning debris on Site is prohibited. Provide dump box for disposal of waste materials. 2. Disposal of volatile fluid wastes (such as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinner) in storm or sanitary sewer systems is prohibited. 3. Keep Site and surrounding areas clear of accumulations of waste material and rubbish resulting from operations under this Contract daily. Remove waste from Site immediately upon completion of Work. F. Exterior Enclosures: 1. Provide temporary weather -tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate acceptable working conditions and protection for Products, to allow for temporary heating and maintenance of required ambient temperatures identified in individual specification Sections, and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. 2. Provide access doors with self-closing hardware and locks. 3. Provide temporary roofing as required. G. Interior Enclosures: 1. Provide temporary partitions and ceilings as required to separate work areas from owner occupied areas, to prevent penetration of dust and moisture into Owner occupied areas, and to prevent damage to existing materials and equipment. 2. Construction: Framing and reinforced polyethylene sheet materials with closed joints and sealed edges at intersections with existing surfaces in accordance with ASTM E90 (maximum Flame Spread Rating of 7 ) and in accordance with ASTM E84. H. Protection of Installed Work: 1. Protect installed Work and provide special protection where specified in individual specification Sections. 2. Provide temporary and removable protection for installed Products. Control activity in immediate work area to minimize damage. P0RTMWN\coNmtAM01eaoAMlNowmb.r M 19U 016aw 3. Provide and maintain temporary shoring and lateral bracing of structure during erection to resist all loads including: a. Wind. b. Seismic. C. Construction. d. Materials. e. Moving equipment. 4. Do not remove temporary bracing and shoring until adequate permanent connections or structural elements are in final position and positively anchored. 5. Provide protective coverings at walls, projections, jambs, sills, and soffits of openings. 6. Protect finished floors, stairs, and other surfaces from traffic, dirt, wear, damage, or movement of heavy objects, by protecting with durable sheet materials. 7. Prohibit traffic or storage upon waterproofed or roofed surfaces. If traffic or activity is necessary, obtain recommendations for protection from waterproofing or roofing material manufacturer. 8. Prohibit traffic from landscaped areas. I. Vegetation Damage Control: 1. Protect all existing trees to remain on site from foliage, trunk, and root damage. 2. Provide barricades and maintain same around all trees, shrubs or other landscaped areas adjacent to work of this Contract to protect such areas from damage of any nature caused by construction operations. 3. Replace any plantings damaged or destroyed with plants of equivalent size, type and nature as approved by Architect. J. Security: 1. Provide security and facilities to protect Work, and Owner's operations from unauthorized entry, vandalism, or theft. 2.. Provide temporary locks and doors at all openings after building is enclosed 3. Coordinate with Owner's security program. 1.04 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES A. Access Roads 1. Construct and maintain temporary access to public thoroughfares to serve construction area. 2. Relocate as Work progress requires. Provide detours necessary for unimpeded traffic flow. MRrMWN\C0NMAC'r\01600.GN'[\NormbK 14 1993 015004 3. Provide and maintain access to fire hydrants, free of obstructions. 4. Provide means of removing mud from vehicle wheels before entering streets. 5. Provide barricades, warning signs, flagmen or other traffic regulators which may become necessary for protection of public, construction personnel and property. B. Parking: 1. Arrange for temporary parking areas to accommodate construction Personnel, project visitors and Owner's Employees. 2. When site space is not adequate, provide additional off-site parking. 3. Do not allow construction personnel vehicle or equipment parking on existing pavement. 4. Designate one parking space each for Owner and Architect/Engineer. C. Progress Cleaning: 1. Maintain areas free of waste materials, debris, and rubbish. Maintain site in a clean, and orderly condition. 2. remove debris and rubbish from pipe chases, plenums, attics, crawl spaces, and other closed or remote spaces, prior to enclosing space. 3. Broom and vacuum clean interior areas prior to start of surface finishing, and continue cleaning to eliminate dust. 4. remove waste materials, debris, and rubbish from site periodically and dispose off" -site. D. Field Office and Sheds: 1. General: Furnish and install a field office building adequate in size and accommodation for all Contractor's offices, conference room for job site meetings and use by the Project Manager and Architect, Superintendent's office, supply room and tool rayon. 2. For the duration of project construction (Final Completion), provide space with: a. Adequate lighting, heating ventilation, and 110V electrical service. b. Plan rack (wall, mounted), and conference room table with 8 chairs, and one 4' x 8' white market board. C. Shelves along one wall open room. d. Weekly janitorial services. e. Private telephone. The Contractor to pay for service, except long distance call may be made by Project Manager and Architect. PORTPOWN\CON RACT\01500.CNi\Nwember 16. 1993 016004 f. Use of Contractor's copy machine. i. Copy machine supplies (including but not limited to paper, toner, etc.) and necessary regular or special maintenance and repair. ii.,. The General Contractor is solely responsible for the copy machine, including but not limited to theft, damage, vandalism, etc. 3. The above referenced facilities shall be completed in total and fully operational for use not later than ten (10) days after mobilization by the General Contractor. 4. Sheds: Provide following facilities in temporary buildings used for material and equipment storage. a. Ventilation: Where required for materials being stored. b. Fire Extinguisher: One ABC type portable fire extinguisher.. C. Temperatures: As required for materials being stored. E. Temporary Vertical Transportation: 1. Provide and maintain all essential temporary vertical transportation for use of all persons and trades employed on Work during construction. Be responsible for all costs incurred. 1.05 REMOVAL OF UTILITIES, FACILITIES, AND CONTROLS A_ Remove temporary above grade or buried utilities, equipment, facilities, materials, prior to Substantial Completion inspection. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work. C. Restore existing facilities, Owner's property, and adjacent private and public property damaged or used during construction, to original condition. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to specified condition. a . • • WITANT741 END OF CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS SECTION PORT WN\COtMUC'I10I600.CN[\Nwember 15. 1993 01500.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01615 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS A. Provide for expeditious transportation and delivery of products to project site undamaged, on a schedule to avoid delay of the work. B. Provide equipment and personnel at the site to unload and handle products in a manner to avoid damage to products. C. Provide secure storage and protection for products to be incorporated into the work, and maintenance and protection for produce after installation and until completion of the work. 1.02 DELIVERY A. Arrange deliveries of products in accord with construction schedules and in ample time to facilitate inspection prior to installation. B: Coordinate deliveries to avoid conflict with work and conditions at site. 1. Work of other contractors, or Owner. 2. Limitations of storage space. 3. Availability of equipment and personnel for handling products. C. Deliver products in undamaged condition in original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible. D. Partial deliveries of component parts of equipment shall be clearly marked to identify the equipment, to permit easy accumulation of parts and to facilitate assembly. E. Immediately upon delivery, inspect shipment to assure: 1. Product complies with requirements of Contract Documents and reviewed submittals. 2. Quantities are correct. 3. Containers and packages are intact, labels are legible. 4. Products are properly protected and undamaged. Minor damages may be repaired, provided the finish items are equal in all respects to new work. 1.03 PRODUCT LING A. Provide equipment and personnel necessary to handle products, including those provided by Owner, by methods to prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. B. Provide additional protection during handling as necessary to prevent scraping, marring, or otherwise damaging products or surrounding surfaces. C. Handle products by methods to prevent bending or overstressing. D. Lift heavy components only at designated lifting points. 01615-I 1.04 STORAGE A. Store products immediately on delivery, and protect until installed in the work. Store in accord with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. B. Store products subject to damage by elements in substantial weather -tight enclosures. 1. Maintain temperatures within ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. 2. Provide humidity control for sensitive products, as required by manufacturer's instructions. 3. Store unpacked products on shelves, in bins, or in neat piles, accessible for inspection. C. Exterior Storage: 1. Provide substantial platforms blocking, or skids to support fabricated products C above ground, prevent soiling or staining. 2. Cover products, subject to discoloration or deterioration from exposure to the elements, with impervious sheet coverings. Avoid use of nonvented plastic or canvas shelters which could create humidity chambers. Provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. 3. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces such as paved areas, or provide plywood or sheet materials to prevent mixing with foreign matter. a. Provide surface drainage to prevent flow or ponding of rainwater. b. Prevent mixing of refuse or chemically injurious materials or liquids. D. Arrange storage in manner to provide easy access for inspection. 1.05 MAIN-rENA.WCE OF STORAGE A. Maintain periodic system of inspection of stored products on schedules basis to assure that: 1. State of storage facilities is adequate to provide required conditions. 2. Required environmental conditions are maintained on continuing basis. 3. Surfaces of products exposed to elements are not adversely affected. Any weathering of products, coatings, and finishes is not acceptable under requirement of Contract Documents. B. Mechanical and electrical equipment which requires servicing during long-term storage shall have complete manufacturer's instructions for servicing accompanying each item, with notice of enclosed instructions shown on exterior of package. 1.06 PROTECTION AFTER INSTALLATION A. Provide protection of installed products to prevent damage from subsequent operations. Remove when no longer needed, prior to completion of work. B. Control traffic to prevent damage to equipment and surfaces. C. Provide coverings to protect finished surfaces from damage. 1. Cover projections, wall corners, jambs, sills, and soffits of openings, in areas used for traffic and for passage of products in subsequent work. 01615.2 2. Protect finished floors and stairs from dirt and damage. a. In areas subject to foot traffic, secure heavy paper, sheet goods, or other materials in place. b. For movement of heavy products, lay planking or similar materials in place. C. For storage of product, lay tight wood sheathing in place. D. Waterproofed and Roofing Surfaces 1. Prohibit use of surface for traffic of any kind, and for storage of any products. 2. When some activity must take place in order to carry out the Contract, obtain recommendations of installer for protection of surface. a. Install recommended protection, remove on completion of that activity. b. Restrict use of adjacent unprotected areas. 1.07 DAMAGED PRODUCTS A. Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be removed from the premises. Replace materials which have been damaged. PART 2 . PRODUCT'S, (Not Applicable) PART S EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING SECTION 01615-3 APPROVAL FOR SUBSTITUTION AND PRODUCT OPTION DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01640 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Substitutions During Bidding: Instructions to Bidders. B. Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples: General Conditions and Section 01340. RZEEMIZ n i &D a A. For products specified only by reference standards, select any product meeting standards, by any manufacturer. B. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers, select any product and manufacturer named. 1.03 S'UBSTI"r"UTIONS A. During bidding, the Design Consultant will consider written requests for substitutions only when received in triplicate on the form provided as pages 01640-3 & 4. No request will be considered unless received at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the bid date. Requests for substitutions after the bid date will be only considered if in conformance to specified section 01640-1.06. B. In connection with the use of any substitute item approved by the Construction Program Manager and Design Consultant, it shall be in the Contractor's responsibility to see that such items meet all space requirements, and that any alterations to connecting items necessitated by use of the alternate items are properly made, at no increase in cost to the Owner. C. Specific reference in the specifications to any article, device, product, materials, form or type of construction, etc, by name, make or catalog number, shall be interpreted as establishing a standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition. D. In making request for substitution, Bidder/Contractor represents: 1. He has personally investigated proposed product or method, and determined that it is equal or superior in all respects to that specified. 2. He will provide the same guarantee for substitution as for product or method specified. 3. He will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, making such changes as may be required for Work to be complete in all respects at no additional cost to Owner. 4. He waives all claims for additional costs or time extensions related to substitution which consequently becomes apparent. 5. He will reimburse Owner for review or redesign services associated with re -approval by authorities. E. In order to allow the fullest competition, consistent with the Owner's interests, the Design Consultant will give consideration, prior to submission of proposals, to requests for approval of products and materials competitive with and similar to those specified by proprietary name. 01640-I F. To be considered and in order to facilitate review of requests for approval of substitutions for specified products or materials, all such requests shall be made in writing on the form included as a part of this section. G. Should any proposed product substitution require any redesign work by the Design Consultant or the Design Consultant's consultants to accommodate the substitute product, costs for such re -design work shall be included in the Bid amount and shall be paid to the Design Consultant at the Design Consultant's usual rates for the time expended in the required re -design work. A. Design Consultant will be sole judge of acceptability of any proposed substitution. B. Only approved substitutions may be used on Contract Work. C. Each request for substitution approval shall include: 1. Identity of product for which substitution is requested; include specification page and paragraph number. 2. Identity of substitution; include complete product description, drawings, photographs performance and test data, and any other information necessary for evaluation. 3. Quality comparison of proposed substitution with specified product. 4. Changes required in other work because of substitution. 5. Effect on construction progress schedule. 6. Cost comparison of proposed substitution with specified product. 7. Any required license fees or royalties. 8. Availability of local maintenance service. 9. Source of replacement materials. 1.05 DURD G BIDDING PERIOD A. No request for substitution approval will be considered unless a written request in triplicate has been submitted on Standard Form bound hereinafter, and has been received by Design Consultant at least ten (10) working days prior to bid. B. Request submitted without self-addressed and stamped envelope will not be individually acknowledged. 1.06 AFTER CONTRACT AWARD A. Approval will be granted only when: 1. Specified product cannot be delivered without project delay, or 2 Specified product has been discontinued, or 3. Specified product has been replaced by superior product, or 4. Specified product cannot be guaranteed as specified, or 5. Product will not perform properly, or 6. Specified product will not fit within designated space, or 7. Specified product does not comply with governing codes or regulations, or 8. Substitution determined by the Owner to be in his best interest. 01640.2 SECTION 01640 SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM TO: REMA, ARCHITECTS 732 PACIFIC AVENUE TACOMA, WA 98402 PROJECT: Kitchen Remodel SPECIFIED ITEM: Section Page Paragraph Description The undersigned requests consideration of the following Proposed Substitution: Attached data includes product description, specifications, drawings, photographs, performance and test data adequate for evaluation of the request; applicable portions of the data are clearly identified. Attached data also includes description of changes to Contract Documents which proposed substitution will require for its proper installation. The undersigned states that the following paragraphs, unless modified on attachments, are correct: 1. The proposed substitutions does not affect dimensions shown on Drawings. 2. The undersigned will pay for changes to the building design, including engineering design, detailing and construction costs caused by the requested substitution. 3. The proposed substitution will have no adverse affect on other trades, the construction schedule, or specified warranty requirements. 4. Maintenance and service parts will be locally available for the proposed substitution. The undersigned further states that the function, appearance and quality of the Proposed Substitution are equivalent or superior to the Specified item. Submitted by: Signature For use by Design Consultant Firm cm Accepted c� Accepted as noted Address c:) Not Accepted cD Received too late Date Telephone Attachments: END OF SECTION 01640-3 By Date Remarks The Construction 9peciBce,tione roetitute Revised. October 1966 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT DIVISION 1 * SECTION 01700 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Description of Requirements. 2. Closeout Procedures. 3. Record Document Submittals. 4. Final Cleaning. 5. System Start -Up. 6. Testing. 7. Training. 8. Adjusting and Balancing. 9. Operation and Maintenance Data. 10. Warranties and Bonds. 11. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials. 12. Prerequisites to Substantial Completion. 13. Prerequisites to Final Acceptance. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 01010 - Summary of Work. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS A. Definitions: Project Closeout is term used to describe certain collective project requirements, indicating completion of Work, that shall be fulfilled near end of Contract time in preparation for Final Acceptance and occupancy of Work by the Owner, as well as final payment to Contractor and normal termination of Contract. B. Time of Contract Closeout is directly related to "Substantial Completion"; therefore, time of closeout may be either single time period for entire Work or series of time periods for individual elements of Work that have been certified as substantially complete at different dates. This time variation, if any, shall be applicable to other provisions of this Section. 1.03 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Submit written certification that Contract Documents have been reviewed, Work has been inspected, and that Work is complete in accordance with Contract Documents and ready for Architect's review. B. Provide submittals to Architect that are required by governing or other authorities. C. Submit final Application for Payment identifying total adjusted Contract Sum, previous payments, and sum remaining due. Ol7M-i 1.04 RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS A. General: Specific requirements for Record Documents are indicated in individual Sections of these Specifications. Other requirements are indicated in General Conditions. General submittal requirements are indicated in Section 01340 - Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples. B. Do not use Record Documents for construction purposes. Protect from deterioration and loss. 1. Owner will monitor Record Documents and compare to Contractor's payment application on monthly basis. 2. Up-to-date Record Documents are prerequisite to Final Acceptance and approval of Final Payment Request. C. Record Drawings: 1. Maintain record set of blue or black line prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings in clean, undamaged condition. Accurately indicate depth of all concealed mechanical items, buried piping, locations of cleanouts, etc., from walls and centerlines utilizing standard industry practice. Provide to the Architect prior to acceptance of the completed project one complete set of mylar sepia transparency drawings revised to show "As Installed" conditions. Transfer information from prints to mylar sepias, including addenda and ehanLe order items. 2. Mark-up set of Record Drawings to show actual installation where installed work varies substantially from work as originally shown. 3. Mark whichever Drawing (Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings), most appropriate and most capable of showing actual "field" condition fully and accurately. Consolidate information on complete systems or units of work on minimum number of Drawing Sheets required to properly document changes. 4. Give particular attention to concealed work that would be difficult to measure and record at later date. S. Mark record set with red erasable pencil and where feasible, use other color to distinguish between variations in separate categories of Work. 6. Show all backing material and other embedded or concealed items required for installation of future work by Owner. 7. Organize Record Drawin; sheets into manageable sets, separated by construction discipline, and bind with durable cover sheet. Print suitable titles, dates and other identification on cover of each set. D. Record Specifications: 1. Maintain one complete copy of Project Manual, including Specifications and Addenda, and one copy of other written Construction Documents such as change orders, supplemental instructions and similar modifications issued in printed form during construction. 2. Mark these documents to show substantial variations in actual Work performed in comparison with text of Specifications and modifications issued. 3. Note related Record Drawing information and Product Data, where applicable. 4. Upon completion of Work, submit Record Specifications to Architect for Owner's records. E. Record Product Data: 01700 . 1, Maintain one copy of each Product Data submittal approved for Project. 2. Mark documents to show significant variations in actual work performed in comparison with submitted information. 3. Include both variations in products as delivered to Site and variations from manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation. 4. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of Work which cannot otherwise be readily discerned at later date by direct observation. 5. Note related change orders and markup of Record Drawings and Record Specifications. 6. Upon completion of markup, and no later than Final Acceptance of the Project, provide written verification that all Record Product Data has been transmitted to Architect for Owner's records. F. Record Sample Submittal: 1. Immediately prior to date or dates of Substantial Completion, Contractor shall meet at Site with Architect and Owner's representative to determine which, if any, of submitted Samples that have been maintained by Contractor during progress of Work, shall be submitted to Owner for record purposes. 2. Comply with delivery to Owner's designated location. G. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: 1.. Refer to other Sections of these Specifications for requirements of miscellaneous record keeping and submittals in connection with actual performance of work. 2. Immediately prior to date or dates of Substantial Completion complete miscellaneous records and place in good order, properly identified and bound and filed, ready for continued use and reference. 3. Submit to Architect for Owner's records. 1.05 FINAL CLEANING A. Cleaning: Provide final cleaning of Work prior to Final Inspection at time indicated. Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit -of work to condition expected from normal commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations. Complete following cleaning operations before requesting Architect's review for Certification of Substantial Completion: 1. Clean equipment and fixtures to sanitary condition. 2. Clean or replace filters of operating equipment. 3. Clean debris from roofs, gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems. 4. Clean mechanical and electrical equipment and spaces, including tops of pipes, ducts, equipment, etc. 5. Re -clean areas or equipment, after final inspection, if dirtied as result of Contractor's work in preparing for final inspection or completion of punchlist. B. Removal of protection: Except as otherwise indicated or requested by Architect, remove temporary protection devices and facilities which were installed during course of Work to protect previously completed Work during remainder of construction period or to protect public. 01700 - 3 C. Compliance: 1. Comply with safety standards and governing regulations for cleaning operations. 2. Do not burn waste materials at Site. 3. Do not bury debris or excess materials on Owner's property. 4. Do not discharge volatile or other harmful or dangerous materials into drainage systems. 5. Remove waste materials from Site and disposes of in lawful manner. 1.06 TESTING A. Operating equipment and systems shall be tested in presence of Owner's Representative and Engineer to demonstrate compliance with specified requirements. 1. Notify Owner, in writing, seven (7) days prior to tests scheduled under requirements of this Section. 2. Testing shall be conducted under specified design operating conditions as recommended or approved by Owner and Engineer. 3. Provide copies of all test reports and records to Owner. B. All elements of systems shall be tested to demonstrate that total systems satisfy all requirements of these Specifications. Testing shall be accomplished on hierarchical basis. Test each piece of equipment for proper operation, followed by each subsystem, followed by entire system, followed by interties to other major systems. C. All special testing materials and equipment shall be provided by Contractor. 1.07 TRAINING A. Contractor shall provide, at Site, training for Owner's personnel in operation and maintenance of all systems, sub -systems and items of equipment. Refer also to individual specifications Sections. Verify with Owner amount of training required for various systems, sub -systems and items of equipment. 1.08 ADJUSTING AND BALANCING A. Adjusting and balancing shall be performed as element of preparation for testing procedures. Adjusting and balancing shall be completed prior to start of Performance Period. B. Submit to Architect/Engineer and to Owner reports indicating observations and results of tests and -- compliance or non-compliance with specified requirements and with requirements of Contract Documents. 1.09 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Format: Binders: Commercial quality, 8-1/2 x 11 inch 3 -ring binders with hardback, cleanable, plastic covers. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings. 017W - 4 2. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS; list title of Project; identify subject matter of contents with neatly typed index inside front cover. 3. Arrange contents by systems under section numbers and sequence of Table of Contents of this Project Manual. 4. Provide tabbed fly leaf for each separate product and system, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. 5. Test: Manufacturer's printed data, or typewritten data. 6. Drawings: Provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages. B. Contents, Each Volume: 1. Table of Contents: Provide title of Project; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Architect/Engineer, sub -consultants, and Contractor with names of responsible parties; schedule of products and systems, indexed to content of volume. 2. Manufacturers recommended replacement parts and part number of parts not stocked locally to be purchased by Owner for emergency repair of equipment. Provide for each type of equipment, name and address of nearest vendor with replacement parts. 3. Written equipment operating sequences, control sequences, and maintenance instructions for each item of equipment requiring inspections, lubrication or service, describing and scheduling performance of such maintenance. 4. Valve list with valve size, location, normal position and function. Standard valve tagging legends may be obtained from Owner's representative. Tag all valves with brass disc and chain. 5, Record wiring diagrams and schematics for equipment and control system showing as - built, conditions, flow charts, loeie diagrams, control sequences, and high level program listing, where applicable, for programmable systems. 6. Product Data: Mark each sheet to clearly identify specific products and component parts, and data applicable to installation. Delete inapplicable information. 7. Drawings: Supplement Product Data to illustrate relations of component parts of equipment and systems, to show control and flow diagrams. Do not use Project Record Documents as Maintenance Drawings. & Type Text: As required to supplement Product Data. Place logical sequence of instructions for each procedure, incorporating manufacturer's instructions specified in Section 01400 - Quality Control. 9, Warranties and Bonds: Bind in copy of each as issued on all equipment installed. C. Manual for Equipment and Systems: I. Each item of Equipment and Each System: Include description of unit or system, and component parts. Identify function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. Include performance curves, with engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. 2. Panelboard Circuit Directories: Provide electrical service characteristics, controls and communications. 3. Include color coded wiring diagrams as installed. 4. Operating Procedures: Include start-up, break-in, and routine normal operating instructions and sequences. Include regulation, control, stopping, shut -down, and emergency instructions. Include summer, winter, and any special operating instruction. 5. Maintenance Requirements: Include routine procedures and guide for trouble -shooting; disassembly, repair and reassembly instructions; and alignment, adjusting, balancing and checkin_., instructions. 6. Provide servicing and lubrication schedule, and list of lubricants required. 7. Include sequence of operation by controls manufacturer. 8. Provide original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams as installed. 9. Provide control diagrams by controls manufacturer as installed. 10. Provide Contractor's coordination drawings, with color coded piping diagrams as installed. 11. Provide list of original manufacturer's spare parts, current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. D. Schedule: Furnish final, reviewed Operation and Maintenance Manuals to Owner no later than ten calendar, days following Substantial Completion and prior to release of retainage. E. Quantity: 1. Furnish one copy of each complete Operation and Maintenance Manual and/or data to Owner for review. Furnish five (5) copies of final reviewed Operation and Maintenance Manuals and/or data to Owner. 1.10 WARRANTIES A. Submittal Form:. 1. Issue copies of each warranty as indexed section of Operation and Maintenance Manual. 2. Separate each warranty with index tab sheets keyed to Table of Contents listing. Provide full information, using separate typed sheets as necessary. List Subcontractor, supplier and manufacturer, with address and telephone number of responsible principal. B. Preparation of Submittals: 1. Obtain warranties executed in duplicate by responsible Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers, within ten days after completion of applicable item or work. Except for items put into use with Owner's permission, leave date of beginning of time of warranty until Date of Substantial Completion is determined. 2. Verify that documents are in proper form, contain full information. and are notarized. -- 3. Retain warranties and bonds until time specified for submittal. 1.11 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide products, spare parts, maintenance and extra materials in quantities specified in individual Specifications Sections. B. Deliver, as specific work is completed, to Project Site and place in locations as directed by Owner; obtain receipt prior to Substantial Completion. 01700 .6 C. Provide spare construction materials in similar fashion as indicated in appropriate Sections of Specifications. 1.12 PREREQUISITES TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. General: Complete following before requesting Architect's review for certification of Substantial Completion, either for entire Work or for portions of Work. List known exceptions in request. 1., In progress payment request that coincides with, or is first request following date Substantial Completion is claimed, show either 100% completion for portion of Work claimed as "substantially complete", or list incomplete items, value of incomplete Work, and reason for Work being incomplete. 2. Include supporting documentation for completing as indicated in these Contract Documents. 3. Submit statement showing accounting of changes to Contract Sum. 4. Submit specific warranties, workmanship/maintenance bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications and similar documents. 5. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock of material and similar physical items to the Owner. 6. Complete start-up testing of systems, Performance Periods, and instruction of the Owner's operating and maintenance personnel. 7. Complete final cleanup requirements, including touch-up painting of blemished surfaces. 8. Test fire and life safety systems in presence of Owner's Representative, Architect and City officials. 9. Obtain City and/or County of Jefferson Certificates of Occupancy, as applicable. 10. Complete major punchlist items. 11. Contractor shall submit copy of Contractor's Punchlist to Architect, clearly stating that building is ready for review with exception of items noted in Contractor's Punchlist. B. Review procedure: Upon receipt of Contractor's request for review, Architect will either proceed with review or advise Contractor of unfulfilled prerequisites. C. Following initial review, Architect will either prepare Certificate of Substantial Completion or will advise Contractor of Work which must be performed before Certificate will be issued. D. Results of completed review will form initial "punchlist" for final acceptance. 1.13 FINAL INSPECTION A. When Contractor considers Work complete, he shall submit written certification that: 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed. 2. Contractor has inspected Work for compliance with Contract Documents. 3, Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents. 4. The Project, properties, and streets are finally cleaned of debris and dirt caused by Contractor operations. S. Work is complete and ready for final inspection. B. Architect will inspect Work to verify completion status as soon as possible after receipt of Contractor's certification. 01700-7 C. Should Architect consider Work incomplete or defective: 1. Architect will promptly notify Contractor in writing, through Project Manager, listing incomplete or defective work. 2. Contractor shall immediately remedy deficiencies, and send second written certification to Architect that Work is complete. 3. Architect will reinspect Work. D. When Architect and Project Manager find Work acceptable under Contract Documents, they will jointly request Contractor to make closeout submittals. 1.14 REINSPECTION FEES A. Should Architect be required to make more than two Substantial inspections or one Final inspection due to Contractor's failure to correct specified deficiencies, the Contractor shall bear all costs (including compensation for the Architect's and Project Manager's additional services) made necessary thereby. 1.15 EVIDENCE OF PAY11fENTS AND RELEASE OF LIENS A. Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager the following: 1. Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debt and Claims (AIA Documents G706, or similar form approved by the Project Manager and Owner). 2. Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens (AIA Documents G706A or similar form approved by the Project Manager and Owner) including the following: a. Contractor's Release or Waiver of Liens. b. Separate releases or Waivers of Lien for each Subcontractor, supplier, and others with lien riohts against Owner's property, together with list of those parties. B. Duly sign and execute all submittals, before delivery to Project Manager. 1.16 FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS A. Submit final statement of accounting to Project Manager, including the following: 1. Original Contract Sum 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: -- a. Previous Change Orders. b. Deductions for uncompleted Work. (if any) C. Deductions for Liquidated Damages. (if any) d. Deductions for Reinspection Payments (if any) 3. Total Contract Sum, as adjusted. 4. Previous Payments. 5. Sum remaining due. OI7M -a B. The Project Manager will prepare and issue final Change Order, reflecting approved adjustments to Contract Sum not previously made by Change Orders. 1.17 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Follow Procedures specified in General and Supplementary General Conditions. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used END OF CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01100-9 P.T. SWIMMING POOL SECTION 02072 - DEMOLITION FOR REMODELING PAGE 1 SECTION 02072 DEMOLITION FOR REMODELING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Removal storage and reinstallation of existing ladder rails. B. Removal of existing ceramic floor the at pool deck and gutter. C. Removal and reinstallation of existing equipment and utilities to allow new work. 1.02 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Conduct demolition to minimize interference with adjacent building areas. B. Provide, erect and maintain temporary barriers and security devices. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Erect and maintain temporary partitions to prevent spread of dust, fumes, and smoke to existing areas that remain. B. Protect existing items and finishes which are not indicated to be altered. 3.02 EXECUTION A. Demolish in an orderly and careful manner. B. Dispose of materials in authorized dump sites. Meet all regulatory requirements for the handling and disposal of all materials encountered. C. Remove materials to be reinstalled or retained in manner to prevent damage. Store and protect under provisions of Section 01600. D. Remove demolished materials from site as work progresses. Upon completion of work leave areas of work in clean condition. END OF SECTION P.T. SWIMMING POOL SECTION 09300 CERAMIC TILE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Patching of existing mortar bed. SECTION 09300 - CERAMIC TILE PAGE 1 B. Ceramic the gutter installed over existing mortar bed using the thinset method with chemical resistant grouted joints. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. TCA 137.1 - Recommended Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile. B. ANSI A 108.1 - Ceramic and Quarry Tile Installed with Portland Cement Mortar. C. ANSI A108.5 and ANSI Al 18.4 - Latex Portland Cement Mortar. D. Tile Council of America - Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation. 1.03 SAMPLES A. Submit the samples and manufacturers literature for installation. Submit in accordance with Section 01340. 1.04 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Provide sufficient heat and ventilation in areas where work of this section is being performed, so as to allow ceramic the to properly set. Take all precautionary measures necessary to ensure that excessive temperature changes do not occur. 1.05 O&M MANUAL, WARRANTY AND EXTRA MATERIAL A. Provide cleaning and maintenance instructions for tile. B. Provide 2 year warranty for the installation of the ceramic tile. C. Provide 25 tile pieces of each color in each of the profiles used. Surplus the shall be turned over to the Owner. Obtain receipt. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Specified Manufacturer: Lone Star. B. Acceptable Manufacturer's: Dal -Tile, American Olean. C. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 01600. SECTION 09300 - CERAMIC TILE PAGE 2 2.02 TILE P.T. SWIMMING POOL A. Furnish all the of TCA A 137.1 "Standard Grade", "Seconds" will not be permitted. B. Ceramic Mosaic Tile: 1" x 1" tile, unglazed porcelain, with profiles required for gutter shape. Color to be selected from manufacturer's price groups 1 and 2. 2.03 GROUT A. Mortar Bed Patching: Full cement mortar; using Portland Cement, ASTM C150, Type 1, Standard gray color. Hydrated lime ASTM C207, Type S for thick -bed floors, depth as required. Comply with ANSI Al08.1. B. Latex -Portland Cement Thinset Applications: Comply with ANSI A108.5 and Al 18.4. C. Grout Materials: Commercial acid -resisting grout of 10,000 psi compressive strength, similar to Upco Co. "Hydroment Ceramic Tile Grout". 2.04 ACCESSORIES A. Metal edge screed: Stainless steel, thickness 1/8 inch minimum, shape as required and approved, where the meets latex mastic deck coating. B. Sealant: Single -component polysulphide rubber non -sag type conforming to Fed. Spec. TT -S -230A. 2.05 MIXING A. Mix and proportion cementitious materials for site made levelling coats, mortar beds and grout as recommended by the Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation, and manufacturers instructions. B. Mix and proportion grout materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION OF SURFACES b CONDITIONS A. For the set with latex portland cement mortar: Conform to ANSI A108.5 and Al 18.4. B. Start of work is acceptance of existing conditions. 3.02 PREPARATION OF BACKING MATERIALS A. Clean existing mortar bed free of loose material, dust and debris. B. Patch existing mortar bed to provide smooth, uniform surface for tile. C. Coordinate with installation of gutter drains and grates. P.T. SWIMMING POOL SECTION 09300 - CERAMIC TILE PAGE 3 3.03 PROTECTION & CURING A. General: Do no file work if temperature is below 50 degrees F. B. For the set with Latex Portland Cement Mortar: Conform to ANSI A108.5 for ceramic the work. 3.04 INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Ensure surfaces are clean and well cured. B. Do not commence until surface conditions are within tolerances required for proper installation. C. Place the in locations shown and scheduled. Carefully plan the layouts. Ensure patterns are uninterrupted from one surface to the next. D. Defective Work: Remove and replace any work not properly installed, or bonded, without additional cost to Owner. 3.05 INSTALLATION - WORKMANSHIP A. Workmanship, cutting and fitting: Conform to ANSI A 108. 1, and A 108.5 for type of the work required. B. Neatly cut the around fixtures and drains. Accurately form corners, base, intersections and returns. C. Ensure the joints are uniform in width, subject to normal variance in tolerance allowed in the size. Ensure joints are watertight, without voids, cracks, excess mortar or grout. D. Form internal angles coved and external angles bullnosed. E. Sound the after setting. Remove and replace hollow sound units. 3.06 INSTALLATION - ACCESSORIES A. Metal edge strip installation: Place continuous at edge of ceramic tile, level, in alignment with edge of gutter. 3.07 GROUTING, CURING AND CLEANING A. Grouting: Use grout types specified hereinbefore. Conform to A108.5 as applicable. B. Allow tile to set for a minimum of 48 hours prior to grouting. C. Completed installation to be free of broken, damaged or faulty tile. D. Clean tile. Insure non -corrosive cleaning methods are used around stainless steel and other finishes. E. Traffic over tile: Allow no traffic on the for 72 hours minimum after grouting and cleaning is completed. SECTION 09300 - CERAMIC TILE PAGE 4 3.08 CLEANUP P.T. SWIMMING POOL A. General: Leave all work of this Section and adjacent surfaces clean and free of mortar, adhesive, grout and debris. END OF SECTION P.T. SWIMMING POOL SECTION 09700 - LATEX MASTIC DECK COATING PAGE 1 SECTION 09700 LATEX MASTIC DECK COATING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Preparation of existing concrete and mortar setting bed surfaces to receive underlayment and deck coating. B. Underlayment for deck coating. C. Latex mastic deck coating. D. Integral pool deck lettering. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product information. B. Submit manufacturer's full color line for color selection. C. Submit manufacturer's cleaning and maintenance instructions. 1.03 SAMPLES A. Submit two 12" x 18" finish samples in selected color for review and approval by Owner prior to starting work. Samples to include sample of lettering. Submit additional samples if requested by Owner. Obtain written approval prior to starting work. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator shall be pre -qualified by manufacturer prior to bid opening. B. Applicator shall have minimum two years experience in applying specified product. C. Materials to be factory blended and packaged. Deliver materials to site in unopened containers, clearly labeled with manufacturer's name and address, and date of manufacture. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Specified Manufacturer: Crossfield Products/Dex-O-Tex. B. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 01600. SECTION 09700 - LATEX MASTIC DECK COATING P.T. SWIMMING POOL PAGE 2 2.02 MATERIALS A. Deck Coating: Dex-O-Tex Resistite, integrally colored synthetic latex mastic bond coat and texture coat, acrylic resin color coat and clear water -phase polyurethane seal coat. Finish: Broom. B. Underlayment: Dex-O-Tex A-81. C. Deck Coating Properties: 1. Compressive Strength: 2,440 p.s.i., ASTM C-109 (2"x2" cubes). 2. Tensile Strength: 430 p.s.i., ASTM C-190. 3. Flammable Properties: ASTM E-84 (Steiner Tunnel Test), Flame Spread = 4, Smoke Density = 0. 4. Fire Resistance: Class A, UL -790. 5. Impact Resistance: MIL -D-3134. 6. Flexural Strength: 195 p.s.i., ASTM C-580 (90 days). 7. Water Vapor Transmission: 1.958 perms - inches, ASTM E-96 (Procedure A). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Clean existing mortar bed free of loose material, dust and debris. B. Patch existing mortar bed using A-81 underlayment to provide smooth, uniform surface free of depressions and ridges. C. Place A-81 underlayment to provide smooth transition between finished latex mastic deck coating surface and adjacent ceramic the and concrete surfaces. D. Remove existing paint and slip -resistant coating from concrete surfaces to receive latex mastic deck coating. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install latex mastic deck coating in accordance with manufacturer's application instructions. B. Apply bond coat of latex mastic traffic surface. C. Apply two coats of latex mastic traffic surface by trowel, spray, squeegee, roller or dash brush. D. Apply one coat of AJ -44 Dressing (color coat). E. Apply pool deck lettering as shown on drawings using AJ -44 Dressing. P.T. SWIMMING POOL SECTION 09700 - LATEX MASTIC DECK COATING PAGE 3 F. Apply one coat of Clearseal #20. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Protect latex mastic deck coating from damage until completion of the Work. END OF SECTION SECTION 15010 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and General provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. B. WORK INCLUDED 1. Include all labor, material equipment, transportation and services to furnish and install complete mechanical systems and alterations as shown on the drawings and herein specified. The work includes, but is not limited to: a. All demolition work. b. All plumbing work. C. All electrical work. A. Contractor shall submit for review, six copies of shop drawings, literature, and equipment list within 30 days after contract is let. Include control diagrams. B. Submit prior to fabrication or delivery. C. Submit complete, at one time. Partial submittals will not be considered. D. Catalog sheets shall be complete and the item or model to be used shall be clearly marked. E. List substitute items separately and so identified. F. Form: Submittals shall be in booklet form. The data shall be arranged and indexed under basic categories. A typewritten index shall be included with dividers and identifying tabs between sections and references to sections of ,the specifications. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15010-1 SECTION 15010 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.04 HANDLING A. Deliver packaged materials in unbroken packages, manufacturer's label thereon; do not open packages or remove labels until Architect inspects and approves. 2.01 1" ATERIA1,S A. All materials shall be new and best of their kind. They shall be U.S. made and bear the U.L. label where possible. B. All equipment shall be regularly catalogued items of the manufacturer and in use for at least two years and shall be supplied as a complete unit in accordance with the manufacturer's standard specifications and any optional items required for proper installation for the equipment unless otherwise noted. All equipment and materials shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and best trade practices. A. In all cases in this specification where an article is followed by the words "or equal", the Architect is the sole judge of the quality of the proposed substitution. B. when the Architect approves a substitution, the approval is given with the understanding that the Contractor guarantees the article or material substituted to be equal to or better in every respect than the article or material specified. The Contractor shall also assume complete responsibility that the article or material will fit the job as far as space, access and servicing requirements. C. where several materials are specified by name for one use, select for use any of those so specified. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15010-2 SECTION 15010 GENERAL PROVISIONS D. Whenever item or class of material is specified exclusively by detail specification, trade name, manufacturer's name or by catalog reference, use only such item, unless written approval is given for substitution prior to bid. Submit written requests at least 10 days prior to bid opening. E. Make no substitutions for materials, articles or process required under contract unless written approval is obtained. See the General Requirements. A. The mechanical/electrical drawings are generally diagrammatic. Complete details of the building which affect the mechanical installation may not be shown. For additional details, the Contractor is referred to the Architectural, Structural and Electrical drawings. 1 •11 # # A. All work shall comply with all codes and ordinances. Take out and pay for all inspection fees and permits. Compliance with codes and ordinances shall be at the Contractor's expense. Include all connection fees in Bid. 3.03 MEAgUREMENTS A. Verify all measurements at the job site. Locate all equipment and fixtures on the centers of walls, openings, spaces, etc. Check all piping, ducts, etc. to clear openings. 3.05 CLEANINg 11P AND HOUSE -KEEPING A. Leave all equipment clean and ready for use. B. Remove all labels, paint, plaster, etc., from fixtures, equipment and piping. C. At final completion, remove all rubbish and waste resulting from the work from the site. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15010-3 SECTION 15010 GENERAL PROVISIONS D. On a periodic basis, remove all piping, duct scraps, etc., from working areas and site so that an orderly construction may continue. A. SCOPE: 1. Provide complete operating and maintenance instructions and catalog sheets for all equipment. 2. Provide four copies of each bound into booklet form. 3. Deliver booklets to the Architect before final inspection. B. CONTENTS: Each booklet shall contain sheets, maintenance instructions and parts list as follows: 1. Basic description of all systems. 2. Description of routine maintenance required for each component, including oiling instructions. 3. Suggested frequency of maintenance. 4. List of lubricants. 5. Parts list of all equipment. 6. Operating instructions on all equpment. 7. Controls. 8. Mechanical as -built drawings. 9. Trouble -shooting list. 10. List of fuse sizes for all mechanical equipment. A. Provide the Architect with record drawings. Record drawings shall be new, reproducible and shall show the measured locations of all concerned portions of the work and shall show all changes the Contractor has made. B. Drawings must show all addendum items, change orders and deviations from the plans. A. Do all cutting and patching required for the work. Cutting of structural members shall be done with Architect's approval. Patching shall match the surrounding area. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15010-4 SECTION 15010 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.09 E ERENCE A. The Mechanical Contractors attention is called to the restricted space for installation of mechanical systems. Offsets, rerouting and coordination will be required to fit all elements in available space and the Mechanical Contractor shall include provisions for such in his bid. 3.10 WOR M AN kj I P A. All work shall be installed in accordance with best trade practice. Any substandard workmanship shall be removed and replaced at no extra cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION 15010 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15010-5 SECTION 15011 SPECIAL PROVISIONS PART 1.00 - GENERAL A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and General provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. "Furnish" means supply and deliver to the job site. B. "Install" means build into the work, ready to use in a complete finished and operable system. C. "Approved or Approval" means written approval by the Owner or "Owner's agent". D. "Work" or "Project" means the entire scope of work required by the Contract Documents. E. "Substantial completion" shall mean that the entire project (or readily definable portion thereof if so designated in the contract documents) is acceptable to code enforcement authorities and to the extent required by such authorities, has been inspected and approved by such authorities, and is suitable for occupancy by the owner or occupant for the purpose intended. F. "Provide" means furnish and install for a complete finished and operable system. A. By submitting a bid on the mechanical system, the mechanical subcontractor acknowledges and/or certifies the following: 1. That he has carefully examined all the drawings and Specifications (including but not limited to architectural, site, utility, structural and electrical drawings and specifications); that he fully understands the drawings and specifications); that he fully understands the Contract requirements and has determined to his satisfaction that the drawings and Specifications are adequate to complete the mechanical system; and that PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15011-1 SECTION 15011 SPECIAL PROVISIONS he can provide a complete finished and operable system in accordance with the intent of the contract documents. 2. That he has had a reasonable opportunity to discover any ambiguities in the Specifications and drawings or questions with regard to the contract documents and such ambiguities have been brought to the attention of the architect/engineer in writing prior to submitting the bid. 3. That he has reviewed the project progress schedule with the General contractor, fully understands the schedule, and he has verified, prior to submitting a bid, availability of all necessary labor and materials including supervision and office backup, and can comply with the schedule requirements. - 4. That there may be changes to the scope of work and that he understands that any proposal submitted for performance of additional work over and above that required by the basic contract will include all costs to the contractor associated with such change including but not limited to labor, materials, subcontracts, equipment, taxes, fees, schedule impact, loss of efficiency, supervision, overhead and profit. 5. That the contract requires him to coordinate his work with that of all other trades and that the responsibility for coordination includes the rerouting, offsets, etc., to fit work in the structure in a manner that is compatible with the work of other trades in the same area. 6. That the routing of the elements of the mechanical system included in the plans is schematic only and that offsets and rerouting probably will be required in installation, and labor and materials have been included for such in his bid. 7.. That he has consulted with all affected Utilities and included in his bid all labor and materials to meet all requirements which may be imposed by each utility and has also included in his bid all costs and fees to be paid to such utilities, including temporary services and temporary and permanent connections unless specifically excluded in basic contract Documents. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15011-2 SECTION 15011 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 8. That he understands the submittals of material and equipment to the Architect - Engineer is for the purpose of establishing what the contractor is supplying for the project. Any review undertaken by the Architect/Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to furnish and install all materials and equipment required fbr its work in the project nor does such review relieve the contractor of his responsibility for coordination with contractors, subcontractors or designers to ensure that such materials and equipment will fit and be suitable for the purpose intended. 9. The contractor agrees to receive the prices set forth in its bid as full compensation for furnishing all the materials and labor which may be required in the prosecution and completion of all work required under the contract documents, and in all respects to complete the contract work to the satisfaction of the Architect -Engineers. 10. "The mechanical subcontractor shall include in his bid the costs to furnish all bonds as specified in Section 00810, Article 7.5.1, Modifications to Generl Conditions. -�1 END OF SECTION 15011 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15011-3 »A 011 SECTION 15030 ACCESS, EXCAVATION & BACKFILLING A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. � A. For electrical equipment and products, employ with applicable NEMA standards, and refer to NEMA standards for definitions of terminology herein. Comply with National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) for workmanship and installation requirements and to applicable sections of Division 16 of the specifications. .„ 0p 2.01 MOTORS A. MANUFACTURER 1. Except where item of mechanical equipment (which otherwise complies with requirements) must be integrally equipped with motor produced by another manufacturer, provide motors for mechanical equipment manufactured by one of the following: a. Allis-Chalmers. b. Baldor Electric. C. Century Electric. d. General Electric. e. Louis Allis. f. Marathon Electric. g. Reliance Electric. h. Westinghouse Electric. B. MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS 1. Except where more stringent requirements are indicated, and except where required item of mechanical equipment cannot be obtained with fully complying motor, comply with the following requirements for motors of mechanical work: a. Temperature Rating: Rated for 40 deg. C environment with maximum 50 deg. C temp- erature rise for continuous duty at full load (Class A Insulation). PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15030-1 SECTION 15030 ACCESS, EXCAVATION & BACKFILLING b. Starting Capability: Provide each motor capable of making starts as frequently as indicated by automatic control system, and not less than 5 starts/hour for manually controlled motors. C. Phases and Current Characteristics: Provide squirrel -cage induction polyphase motors for 1/2 hp and larger, and provide capacitor -start single-phase motors for 1/3 hp and smaller, except 1/6 hp and smaller may, at equipment manufacturer's option, be split -phase type. Coordinate current characteristics with power specified in Division -16 sections, and with individual equipment requirements specified in other Division -15 requirements. For 2 -speed motors provide 2 separate windings on polyphase motors. Do not purchase motors until power characteristics available at locations of motors have been confirmed, and until rotation directions have been confirmed. d. Service Factor: 1.15 for polyphase motors, and 1.35 for single-phase motors. C. MOTOR CONSTRUCTION 1. Provide general purpose, continuous duty motors, Design "B", except "C" where required for high starting torque. a. Frames: NEMA No. 48. b. Bearings: Ball or roller bearings with inner and outer shaft seals, regreasable except permanently sealed where motor is normally inaccessible for regular maintenance. where belt drives and other drives produce lateral or axial thrust in motor, provide bearings designed to resist thrust loading. Refer to individual sections of Division -15 for fractional -hp light-duty motors where sleeve -type bearings are permitted. C. Enclosure Type: Except as otherwise indicated provide open drop -proof motors for indoor use where satisfactorily housed or remotely located during operation, and provide guarded drip - proof motors where exposed to contact by PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15030-2 SECTION 15030 ACCESS, EXCAVATION & BACKFILLING employees or building occupants. Provide weather -protected Type I for outdoor use, Type II where not housed. Refer to individual sections of Division -15 for other enclosure requirements. d. Overload Protection: Provide built-in thermal overload protection for 120V motors. e. Efficiency: Motors are to be "Energy Efficient" having minimum efficiency as scheduled in accordance with IEEE Standard 112, test method B. f. Provide motors with minimum 85% power factor. Where less than 85%, provide power factor correction to minimum 90% per energy codes. D. NAMEPLATE Provide metal nameplate on each motor, indicating full identification of manufacturer, ratings, characteristics, construction, special features, and similar information. 1M IMMAJORWEGOIR J 11 A. MOTOR STARTER MANUFACTURER 1. Except where item of mechanical equipment must be integrally furnished with motor starter produced by another manufacturer, provide motor starters for mechanical equipment manufactured by one of the following: a. Allen Bradley. b. Cutler -Hammer. C. General Electric. d. Square D. e. Westinghouse Electric. B. MOTOR STARTER CHARACTERISTICS 1. Comply with NEMA standards and NEC. Provide Type I general purpose enclosures with pad lock ears, and with frames and supports for mounting on wall, floor or panel as indicated. Provide type and size of starter recommended by motor manufacturer and equipment manufacturer for applicable protection and start-up condition; refer to individual equipment sections for basic load requirements. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15030-3 SECTION 15030 ACCESS, EXCAVATION & BACKFILLING a. Manual Switches: Provide manual switch and pilot light for motors 1/2 hp and smaller, except where interlock or automatic operation is indicated. 1) Overload Protection: Provide melting alloy type thermal overload relays. b. Magnetic Starters: Provide magnetic starters for 3 phase motors and for smaller motors where interlock or automatic operation is indicated. Include the following: 1) Hand -Off -Auto switch and pilot lights, properly arranged for single -speed or multi -speed operation as indicated. 2) Trip -free thermal overload relays, each phase. 3) Interlocks, pneumatic switches, and similar devices as required for coordination with control requirements of Division -15 Controls sections. 4) Built-in 120 -volt control circuit transformer, fused from line side, where service exceeds 240 volts. When a transformer isn't used the control coil shall be fused. 5) Externally operated manual reset. 6) Undervoltage release or protection for each phase. PART 3.00 - EXECUTION 3.01 STARTERS A. Install starters and wiring devices near motors or as indicated, securely supported and anchored, and in accordance with manufacturer's installation instruct -ions. Locate for proper operational access, including visibility and for safety. 3.02 MOTORS A. Install motors on motor mounting systems in accordance with motor manufacturer's instructions, securely anchored to resist torque, drive thrusts, and other external forces inherent in mechanical work. Secure sheaves and other drive units to motor shafts with keys and Allen set screws, except motors of 1/3 hp and less may be secured PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15030-4 SECTION 15030 ACCESS, EXCAVATION & BACKFILLING with Allen screws on flat surfaces of shaft. Unless otherwise indicated, set motor shafts parallel with machine shafts. RVAIMAIM1011 A. Provide flexible -conduit connection to motor and equipment. Comply with applicable provisions of Division -16 sections for wiring materials and wiring services. Provide connection from disconnect provided by Division -16 to equipment or starter and from starter to motor. A. Fabricate mechanical equipment for secure mounting of motors and other electrical items including in work. Provide either permanent alignment of motors with equipment, or adjustable mountings as applicable for belt drives, gear drives, special couplings and similar indirect coupling of equipment. Provide safe, secure, durable, and removable guards for motor drives, arranged for lubrication and similar running maintenance without removal of guards. END OF SECTION 15030 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15030-5 1.01 1.02 1.03 SECTION 15055 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. STANDARDS A. ANSI COMPLIANCE Comply with ANSI A13.1 for lettering size, colors, and installed viewing angles of identification devices. SCHEDULES A. Submit valve schedule for each piping system, typewritten and reproduced on 8-1/2" x 11" bond paper. Tabulate valve number, piping system, system abbreviation (as shown on tag), location of valve (room or space), and variations for identification (if any). Mark valves which are intended for emergency shut-off and similar special uses, by special "flags", in margin of schedule. A M N A. Provide manufacturer's standard preprinted, flexble or semi-rigid, permanent, color -coded, plastic sheet pipe markers. C. SMALL PIPES 1. For external diameters less than 6" (including insulation if any), provide fullband pipe markers, extending 360 deg. around pipe at each location, fastened by one of the following methods: a. Snap -on application of pre -tensioned semi-rigid plastic pipe marker. b. Adhesive lap joint in pipe marker overlap. C. Laminated or bonded application of pipe marker to pipe (or insulation). PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15055-1 2.02 2.04 2.05 SECTION 15055 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION d. Taped to pipe (or insulation) with color -coded plastic adhesive tape, not less than 3/4" side; full circle at both ends of pipe marker, tape lapped 1-1/211. D. LETTERING A. Manufacturer's standard pre-printed nomenclature which best describes piping system in each instance, as selected by Architect/ Engineer in cases of variance with names as shown or specified. a. Arrows: Print each pipe marker with arrows indicating direction of flow, either integrally with piping system service lettering (to accommodate both directions), or as separate unit of plastic. A., Manufacturer's standard color -coded pressure - sensitive (self-adhesive) vinyl tape, not less than 3 mils thick. B. WIDTH Provide 1-1/2" wide tape markers on pipes with outside diameters (including insulation, if any) of less than 6 2-1/2" wide tape for larger pipes. A. Provide manufacturer's standard solid plastic valve tags with printed enamel lettering, with piping system abbreviation in approximately 3/16" high letters and sequenced valve numbers approximately 3/8" high, and with 5/32" hole for fastener. A. Manufacturer's standard solid brass (wire link or beaded type), or solid brass S -hooks of sizes required for proper attachment of tags to valves, and manufactured specifically for that purpose. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15055-2 SECTION 15055 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION 2.06 VALVE SCHEDULE FRAMES A. For each page of valve schedule, provide glazed display frame, with screws for removable mounting on masonry walls. Provide frames of finished hardwood or extruded aluminum, with SSB -grade sheet glass. 2.07 EN RAVED PLASTIC -LAMINATE SIGN A. Provide engraved stock melamine plastic laminate, complying with FS L -P-387, engraved with engraver's standard letter style of sizes and wording, black with white core (letter color) except as otherwise indicated, punched for mechanical fastening except where adhesive mounting is necessary because of substrate. B. THICKNESS 1/16" for units up to 20 sq. in. or 8" length; 1/8" for larger units. C. FASTENERS Self -tapping stainless steel screws, except contact -type permanent adhesive where screws cannot or should not penetrate substrate. D. Provide for all equipment. A. Where identification is to be applied to surfaces which require insulation, painting or other cover- ing or finish including valve tags in finished mechanical spaces, install identification after completion of covering and painting. Install identification prior to installation of acoustical ceilings and similar removable concealment. A. Install pipe markers on each system, and include arrows to show normal direction of flow. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15055-3 SECTION 15055 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION A. Locate pipe markers and color bands as follows wherever piping is exposed to view in occupied space, machine rooms, accessible maintenance spaces and exterior non -concealed locations. 1. Near each valve and control device. 2. Near each branch, excluding short take -offs for fixtures and terminal units; mark each pipe at branch where there could be question of flow pattern. 3. Near locations where pipes pass through walls or floor/ceilings, or enter non -accessible enclosures. 4. At access doors, manholes and similar access points which permit view of concealed piping. 5. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. 6. Spaced intermediately at maximum spacing of 50, along each piping run, except reduce spacing to 25' in congested areas of piping and equipment. 7. On piping above removable acoustical ceilings omit intermediately spaced markers. 3.05 "V"ALVE IDENTIFICATION A. Provide valve tag on every valve, cock and control devices in each piping system; exclude check valves, valves within factory -fabricated equipment units, plumbing fixture faucets, convenience and lawn -watering hose bibbs, and shutoff valves at plumbing fixtures, HVAC terminal devices and similar rough -in connections of end-use fixtures and units. List each tagged valve in valve schedule for each piping system. 3.06 SCHEDULES A. Mount valve schedule custodial rooms where otherwise indicated, Architect/Engineer. frames and schedules in indicated or, if not where directed by PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15055-4 SECTION 15055 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION A. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Install engraved plastic laminate sign on or near each major item of mechanical equipment and each operation device. Provide signs for the following general categories of equipment and operational devices. 1. Pumps END OF SECTION 15055 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15055-5 1 SECTION 15080 PIPING SPECIALTIES A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturers product data, specifications, and installation instructions for each type of pipe, tube and fitting. ART 2 - R DU 'T 2.01 PIPIM TER ATS A. Poly vinyl choloride (PVC) piping Schedule 80. 2.02 PIPE T B'E FITTINQE A. Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) fittings Schedule 80. 2.03 MISCELLANEOUS PIPIM MATERIALS' PR D CT A. SOLVENT CEMENT FOR PVC PLASTIC PIPE & FITTINGS ASTM D2564-80. 3.01 GENERAL A. Install pipe, tube and fittings in accordance withrecognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leakproof piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure. Install each run with minimum joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions for disassembly and maintenance replacement of valves and equipment. Reduce sizes (where indicated) by use of reducing fittings. Align piping accurately at connections, with 1/161, misalginment tolerance. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15080-1 SECTION 15080 PIPING SPECIALTIES A. Thread pipe in accordance with ANSI B2.1. Apply pipe joint compound or pipe joint tape (Teflon) on male threads and tighten joint to leave not more than 3 threads exposed. A. Comply with applicable provisions of "Copper Tube Handbook" by CDA. M.04 FLANGED A. Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and equipment. Clean flange faces and install gaskets. Tighten bolts to provide uniform compression of gaskets. A. GENERAL Clean exterior surfaces of installed piping systems of superfluous materials, and prepare for application of specified coatings (if any). Flush out piping systems with clean water before proceeding with required tests. Inspect each run of each system for completion of joints, supports, and accessory items. 1. Inspect pressure piping in accordance withprocedures of ANSI B31. A GENERAL Provide equipment for testing, test before insulation is installed, remove control devices before testing. Test each section of each piping system independently. Fill each section with water, and test at 150% of operating pressure; but not less than 25 psi, for 2 hours. Test fails if leakage is observed or pressure drop exceeds 5% of test pressure. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15080-2 SECTION 15080 PIPING SPECIALTIES B. Repair piping systems section which fail test, by disassembly and re -installation, using new materials to overcome leakage. Do not use chemicals, stop -leak compounds, mastics, or other temporary repair methods. C. Drain test water from piping systems after testing and repair work has been completed. END OF SECTION 15060 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15080-3 SECTION 15090 SUPPORTS, ANCHORS, AND SEALS 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this section. 1,.02 ST ARDS A. MSS STANDARD COMPLIANCE Comply with the following: 1. Provide pipe hangers and supports of which materials, design, and manufacture comply with MSS SP -58. 2. Select and apply pipe hangers and supports, complying with MSS SP -69. 3. Fabricate and install pipe hangers and supports complying with MSS SP -89. 4. Terminology used in this section is defined in MSS SP -90. 1.03LTTAL A. Submit catalog cuts, specifications, installation instructions, and dimensioned drawings for each type of support, anchor and seal. 1.04 GENERAL A. Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory - fabricated pipe hangers and supports complying with MSS SP -58, of one of the following MSS types listed, selected by Installer to suit piping systems, in accordance with MSS SP -69 and manufacturers published product information. Use only one type by one manufacturer for each piping service. Select size of hangers and supports to exactly fit around piping insulation with saddle or shield for insulated piping. Provide copper - plated hangers and supports for copper -piping systems. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15090-1 SECTION 15090 SUPPORTS, ANCHORS, AND SEALS MOM 1mom@ D. PIPE HANGERS MSS Type 5. E. ADJUSTABLE BAND HANGERS MSS Type 9. ' 'A. STEEL TURNBUCKLES MSS Type 13. 2.03 BUILDING ATTA HM 'T" A. CONCRETE INSERTS MSS Type 18. E. STEEL BRACKETS One of the following for indicated loading: 1. Light Duty: MSS Type 31. 2. Medium Duty: MSS Type 32. 3. Heavy Duty: MSS Type 33. F. SIDE BEAM BRACKETS MSS Type 34. 2.08 , ISMIC RESTRAINTS A. Seismic restraints shall be provided for all vibration isolated equipment, both supported and suspended. Restraints (snubbers) shall be designed to allow 1/41, motion in any horizontal direction and with both up and down adjustments to limit vertical or rocking motion to 0.111. Each snubber shall accommodate 2g without distortion. 3.01 1MALLALIM A. Install building attachments at required locations within concrete or on structure steel for proper piping support. Space attachments within maximum piping span length indicated in MSS SP -69. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15090-2 SECTION 15090 SUPPORTS, ANCHORS, AND SEALS Install additional supports at concentrated loads, including valves, flanges, guides, strainers, expansion joints and at changes in direction of piping. B. Install hangers, supports, clamps and attachments to support piping properly from building structure; comply with MSS SP -69. Arrange for grouping of par'allel runs of horizontal piping to be supported together on trapeze type hangers where possible. Install supports with maximum spacings complying with MSS SP -69. Where piping of various sizes to be supported together by trapeze hangers, space hangers for smallest pipe size or install intermediate supports for smaller diameter pipe. Do not use wire or perforated metal to support piping, and do not support piping from other piping. - C. Install hangers and supports complete with necessary insert, bolts, rods, nuts, washers and other accessories. Except as otherwise indicated for exposed continuous pipe runs, install hangers and supports of same type and style as installed for adjacent similar piping. D. Prevent electrolysis in support of copper tubing by use of hangers and supports which are copper plated, or by other recognized industry methods. E. Install hangers and supports to allow controlled movement of piping systems and to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends and similar units. F. Install hangers and supports so that piping live and dead loading and stresses from movement will not be transmitted to connected equipment. G. Install hangers and supports to provide indicated pipe slopes, and so that maximum pipe deflections allowed by ANSI B31 are not exceeded. H. Comply with the following installation requirements for insulated piping: 1. Clamps: Attach clamps, including spacers (ifany), to piping with clamps projecting through insulation; do not exceed pipe stresses allowed by ANSI B31. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15090-3 SECTION 15090 SUPPORTS, ANCHORS, AND SEALS 2. Shields: where low -compressive -strength insulation of vapor barriers are indicated on cold or chilled water piping, install coated protective shields. 3.02 STANDS A. Provide structural steel stands to support equipment not floor mounted or hung from structure. Construct of structural steel members or steel pipe and fittings. Provide factory - fabricated tank saddles or tanks mounted on steel stands.- END tands: END OF SECTION 15090 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15090-4 r� i 1 SECTION 15100 VALVES A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 �LIBMITTAU A. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, assembly -type shop drawings, and maintenance data. MUNWAM1 w mr 2.01 GENERAL A. Provide factory -fabricated valves recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated. Provide valves of types and pressure ratings indicated; provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply with installation requirements. Provide sizes as indicated, and connections which properly mate with pipe, tube, and equipment connections. where more than one type is indicated, selection is Installer's option. 3.01 I N S TAL _LAT LO. A. Install valves where required for proper operation of piping and equipment, including valves in branch lines where necessary to isolate sections of piping. Locate valves so as to be accessible and so that separate support can be provided when necessary. B. Install valves with stems pointed up, in vertical position downward from horizontal plane. END OF SECTION 15100 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15100-1 SECTION 15140 PUMPS A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and other Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. A. Provide electric motors and products which are listed and labeled by UL and comply with NEMA Standards. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturer's pump specifications, installation and start-up instructions, and pump characteristic performance curves with selection points clearly indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 U T WATER CIRC LATIUM? A. GENERAL Provide centrifugal -type circulating pumps designed for 175 psi working pressure, 225 deg. F (107 deg. C) continuous water temperature where shown on the drawings; sizes, performance ratings and electrical characteristics as listed in the schedule on the drawings. B. CONSTRUCTION Single -stage, vertical split case, cast-iron bronze fitted construction. Pump internals shall be capable of being serviced without disturbing piping connections. Impeller; enclosed type, hydraulically and dynamically balanced, keyed to shaft with locknut. C SEAL Mechanical -type seal, with carbon seal ring and ceramic seat. A shaft sleeve shall be furnished under the complete wetted area of the mechanical seal. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15140-1 SECTION 15140 PUMPS D. BEARINGS The bearing frame assembly of the pump shall be fitted with oil -lubricated, bronze journal bearings and a hardened alloy steel shaft. A flexible coupling, capable of absorbing torsional vibration, shall be provided between the pump and motor.. The motor shall be resilient mounted, equipped with oil -lubricated journal bearings. E. MANUFACTURER Armstrong, Grundfoss, Taco or B&G. A. Install pumps where indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's published installation instruct- ions, with recommended clearances provided for service and maintenance. B. Install in-line pumps, supported from piping system as indicated on drawings, located for access to oil cups, service, and maintenance. C. Provide piping, accessories, hangers, supports, and anchors,valves, and equipment supports, as indicated for complete installation. D. Check alignment, and where necessary, realign shafts of motors and pumps within recommended tolerances by manufacturer, and in presence of manufacturer's service representative. E. Lubricate pumps before start-up. Start-up in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. F. Ensure that pump units are wired properly, with rotation in correct direction, and that pump and motor grounding have been provided. END OF SECTION 15140 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15140-2 SECTION 15450 POOL FILTER SYSTEM PART � 00 - C�EN"R, 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The other Contract Documents complement the requirments of this section. 2. Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. B. WORK INCLUDED 1. Labor and materials for the installation of the pool filter system specified herein and indicated on the drawings. The filter system shall be model as manufactured by Stark Aquatic Systems, 735 N.E. 198th, Seattle, WA 98155, or equal, if approved 20 days prior to bid date and one approved by the National Sanitation Foundation, and shall consist of 1 high rate type filter tank, containing 17.2 square feet of filter area totaling 34 square feet of effective folter area. The system shall have the capacity of filtering 390 gpm when filtered at 11.3 gpm per square foot. Each tank shall have one 6 inch influent header fitted with sufficient distributors to properly distrubute incoming flow evenly across sand bed surface and one effluent header with sufficient laterials equally distributed not less than 12 inches belwo the filtering sand bed with a total effective area not to exceed 6 feet per second at the design flow rate. Both headers shall be fabricated of schedule 80 PVC and all distributors and laterials shall be threaded and replaceable. Each tank shall have a 2 inch drain at the lowest point to allow draining without expelling sand media, and a 11 inch by 16 inch access manhole with yoke, cover, and gasket shall be fitted on the side to service tank. The system shall be designed for installation against a back or side wall with all servicing accessible without moving tank. When system is off, the tank must remain full of water and not allowed to gravity drain back to source in order to prevent distrubance of the sand bed surface. PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15450-1 SECTION 15450 POOL FILTER SYSTEM 2.02 SAND Each tank shall have an automatic and manaual air release system and shall be of non -corrosive materials. A sufficient quanitity of #20 U.S. sieve grade clean crystal silica sand to cover filter elements with a minimum of 12 inch sand bed shall be furnished and installed to each tank and shall be free of limestone or clay. The following is an acceptable gradation for this media: #20 SAND Effective Size: 0.45 mm (0.018 in.) Uniformity coeffecient: 1.5 Mean diameter: 0.61 mm (0.00432 in.) Standard deviaion: 0.110 mm (0.00432 in.) Sieve No. (U.S. Series) mm Opening Percent retained on sieve (by weight) 20 0.833 (0.033 in.) 2 30 0.589 (0.023 in.) 58 40 0.417 (0.016 in.) 36 50 0.295 (0.012 in.) 4 Each tank in system shall be capable of being back - washed individudually using filtered water from the opposing tank. The common method of backwashing by using raw source water in a reverse flow through the filter or filters will not be acceptable. 2.03 BACKWASH The influent, effluent and waste manifolds shall be constructed of 6 inch schedule 40 PVC piping and fittings and consist of 2 three-way valves with handles to backwash each filter manually, and 1 six inch clear in-line sight tube, and two psi indicating guages on the influent and effluent side of filters. " 3.01 I STALLATIQNN Units shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturers instructions and details on drawings. END OF SECTION 15450 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15450-2 SECTION 15451 POOL SPECIALITIES 1.01 IDESCISTIo A. General Information 1. The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2. Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. B. Work Included Labor and materials for the installation of the pool items specified herein and indicated on the drawings. Chemtrol Model 300 controller indicator with corrosion - proof, sealed ORP and ph electrodes, gasketed steel cabinets with window and keylock, manual/auto feed selector, adjustable setpoints, neon feed lights, acid/soda ph mode selectro, out -of -range safety lock- out with visual and audible alarms, sanitizer interlock for out -of -range ph, set of two overfeed safety timers, two panel meters with readouts in PPM and PH. Liquid Metronics Incorporated (LMI) Series D12 chemical feed pump, 50 gallon plythylene tank with rigid pump support cover, agitator with suction tube shield (Model No. 10590). 2.03 FL W M EZX R Flow meter shall be compatible with chlorinated water and sized for the flow and pipe size indicated ondrawings. Barco Serices VI, one piece bronze constructin venturi. Provide Barco portable master meter with standard dial (0-50" water). PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15451-1 SECTION 15451 POOL SPECIALITIES 2.04 LUR E C3AiR OAT VALVE Flange type body of chlorine resistant material with water type valve disc of same, material mounted on stainless steel shaft thru valve body center. With float and guide rod modified as shown on drawings Swimquip or equal. 2.05 BOL—INLET T Flush with wall inlet fitting with cycolac body. Swimquip No. 8429-1 or equal, 2" 0 size. 2.06 to E- WATER VALVE Non -modulating float valve, hydraulically operated with remote float mechanism. 1-1/4" 0 size, 93 gpm capacity. Clayton 124G -01A. 2.07 IKELLAN IU All components (valves, fittings, equipment, etc.) in contact with the pool water and in the pool area shall be non-ferrous. 2.083EiIS R' ANALYZER Provide handheld Pool Water Chemistry Analyzer, Chemtest 2 by DPD Enterprises, Inc. PART 3 00 - ESE UT1;ON 3.01 Install all products per manufacturer's recommendations for complete installation. All pool systems must comply with Jefferson County Spa Pool requirements. 3.02 Run relief tubing from chlorinator thru roof with vent screen fitting. 3.03 Provide all necessary wiring, hookups and devices for complete installation. 3.04 A remote alarm shall annunicate on low level chlorine. END OF SECTION 15451 PORT TOWNSEND POOL 15451-2 R 14 156846 manI rnrf-� CAL311mr-AMMIM t { oil!i �lI ZrAM�'§Wtim to t CODES USED: 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1991 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE BUILDING DESCRIPTION: OCCUPANCY GROUP: El - EDUCATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CLASS: TYPE V -N EXISTING EXITING: DOORS: MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTHS NOT LESS THAN 32 INCHES. DISTANCE TO EXITS: ALLOWABLE: 150 FEET ACTUAL: 76 FEET MAXIMUM AO TITLE SHEET A 1 FLOOR PLANS & DETAILS S1 NOTES, SLAB PLAN & DETAILS ME 1 MECHANICAL ROOM PLANS ME 2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM - EXISTING ME 3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM -NEW & DETAILS SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT: DR. EUGENE J. MEDINA PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 50 450 FIR STREET, LINCOLN BUILDING PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 (206) 385-3614 SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES DIRECTOR: BOB WITHERIDGE PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 50 450 FIR STREET, LINCOLN BUILDING PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 (206) 385-3614 PROGRAM MANAGER: HEERY INTERNATIONAL, INC. 450 FIR STREET, LINCOLN BUILDING PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON 98368 (206) 385-5002 ARCHITECT: RUE BUTLER MARSHALL ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 732 PACIFIC AVENUE TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98402 (206) 383-1011 MECHANICAL / ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: HARGIS ENGINEERS 600 STEWART STREET, SUITE 1800 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 (206) 448-3376 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CHALKER PUTNAM COLLINS & SCOTT 950 PACIFIC AVENUE TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98402 (206) 383-2797 PROJECT SITE ADMIRALTY INLET SCALE 0 1/4 12 3/4 1 mile mile mile mile NOTICE: Plans are approved excepting any errors or omissions. All work must pass inspection in conformance with all applicable codes and regulations. de w� O 00 co c0 N O M w M CO, v N O It rn 3 cz 0 U C, U U a N Cl) Prolect No.: X12 i --�?- i Contents: Date: Drawn by Revised- At E East KS Knee Space REFL Reflected ADJ Adjacent EA Each 'REFR Refrigerator ACOUS Acoustical EPX Epoxy LAV Lavatory REINF. Reinforced or Reinforcement A.F.F Above Finish Floor EJ Expansict jobt REQD Required ARCH/ARCHT Architect ELEC/ELECL Electrical MOLDG Molding RM Room AP Acoustical Panel ELEV Elevation M.FJLC.P. Mineral Fiber Reinforced Cement Panel R.O. Rough Opening ALUM Aluminum EQ Equal MAT Material EQUIP Fquipmert MAX Maximum S South BD Board EX/EXIST/EX= Existing MB Marker Board SAT Suspended Acoustical Ceiling Tile BLDG Building EXT Exterior MECH/MECH'L Mechanical SHEATHG/SHTHG Sheathing BM Beam EUV Existing unit Ventilator MFR Manufacturer SHT Sheet BLKG Blocking EP ElectricalPanel MIN Minimum SiM Similar MiSC Miscellaneous SEC Secretary CONST Construction FA Fresh Air MTL Metal SPECS Specifications CABT Cabinet F.O.LC Furnishes by Owner, Installed by Contractor MS Existing Metal Shelves SPEC Special C LG Ceiling F.D. Floor Dain SQ Square CLR Clear Dimension FDN Fourdatbn N North SS Stainless Steel CMU Concrete Masonry Unit FIN Finished NA Not Applicable S'I'D Standard OONC Concrete FH Fire Hydant NIC Not In Contract STL I Steel CT Ceramic Tile FIBER Fiberglas NO Number STOR Storage COL Column FIXT Fixture NT5 Not To Scale STRUCT/STRUCTL Structure or Structural CONT Continuous FLR Floor SUSP Suspended CPT Carpet FLASH/FLASH'G Flashing O.C. On Center SV Sheet Vinyl CORR Corridor FRP Fiberglas Reinf rced Panel OP Operable Partition SH Shelf Units COUNS Counselor FT Foot or bet OH Opposite Hand CB Chalkboard, Whyteboard FTG Footing T Toilet CAB Wood Finish Cabinet FEC Fire Exthguisher Cabtnet PL Plate TELE Telephone CUBBIES P. Lam. Cabinet in Corridor FRAMG Frwdnl P. LAM Plastic Laminate THR Threshold CO. Ceancut PNL Panel TB Tackboard GA Gauge PR Pair TYP Typical D.F. Drinking Fountain GALV Galvan'aed PRINC Principal TV Television DIA Diameter GL Glass PROP Property DIM Dimension GLU-LAM Ghye Laniaated Tbmbt-- P.T. Pressure Treated U.L Underwriter's Laboratories DLSP Dispenser GWB Gypsum Wallboard PROV Provide UTIL Utility DIST District GYP. ASSOC/GA Gyps= Association FT Paint U.V. Unit Ventilator DR Door PVC Polyvinyl Chloride DRN Drain HM HollowMetal PLYWD Plywood VCT Vinyl Composition Tile DS Downspout HOL Honow PRESS Pressure VERT/VERT'L Vertical DETL/DTL Detail HOR Hort=tal PI_ CAB. P. Ism. Cabinet VP Veneer Plaster DWG Drawing HT H6ght PS. Projection Saner► DN Down HVAC He@dnl Ventilation and Air Conditioning W West DW Dishwasher R Radius W/ With r SUL Insulatm RB Rubber Base WC Wall Covering INT interior RCT Reflected Ceiling Plan WD Wood _.. REC Reception WWF Welded Wire Fabric JAN Janitor REF Reference WH Water Heater JT Joint WK Work PROJECT SITE ADMIRALTY INLET SCALE 0 1/4 12 3/4 1 mile mile mile mile NOTICE: Plans are approved excepting any errors or omissions. All work must pass inspection in conformance with all applicable codes and regulations. de w� O 00 co c0 N O M w M CO, v N O It rn 3 cz 0 U C, U U a N Cl) Prolect No.: X12 i --�?- i Contents: Date: Drawn by Revised- 158948 Q I G �- o (i Pori I I I�� I INLET VALVES ►% ° ' - N �" vii �-�n.�l I G TI I� � r�vf Q4, �;L1T;OZ,_ r-1 PLATE ("YP OF 4 - C c ! I EXISTING, - TO �•F_MA N. ` , 0 0 O 2'' FLS _ FL - e>a® tIL �' °'� 1 O i I i I \-' :_EEV E r0Z ►_ c e_ P z s iI,j5 ("iY P- 0 of ►(o) 5� SHE , M/E o 61 LJTTE o �r ti c o •� if J Q 8' PL?- PL_ 4' F::� D ACE 8 5 Cri_ HG LJFT o �1 IJ NO WORK IH15 AQEA. DEMOLITION NOTES 1. PRIOR TO STARTING DEMOLITION WORK, REMOVE EXISTING POOL LADDER RAILS. STORE AND PROTECT EXISTING RAILS DURING DURATION OF WORK. REINSTALL RAILS AT COMPLETION OF WORK. 2. REMOVE EXISTING CERAMIC TILE FROM POOL DECK AND GUTTER. 3. REMOVE LOOSE MATERIAL FROM EXISTING MORTAR BED. EXERCISE CARE TO AVOID DAMAGE TO EXISTING MORTAR BED. 4. EXISTING FLOOR DRAINS, FLOOR PLATES AND SLEEVES ARE TO REMAIN. PROTECT EXISTING FLOOR DRAINS, FLOOR PLATES AND SLEEVES. 5. REMOVE EXISTING GUTTER DRAINS AND GRATES. 6. REMOVE EXISTING STEEL HANDRAILS IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 7. REMOVE AND REINSTALL EXISTING LADDER IN MECHANICAL ROONI PIT. 2p W`rr2. c GENERAL NOTES --r i - ND EXISTI,.1G CEIZc.I�'.1L TILE I � iN 15 A(zE�.. ExISTING �� is �►.tTF...D G.�xtC.t2C�.. 1. PATCH EXISTING MORTAR BED AND PREPARE SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW CERAMIC TILE GUTTER AND NEW LATEX MASTIC DECK COATING. 2. EXISTING FLOOR DRAINS, FLOOR PLATES AND SLEEVES ARE TO REMAIN. NEW FLOOR SURFACE TO SLOPE TO EXISTING FLOOR DRAINS SIMILAR TO EXISTING FLOOR SURFACE. 3. APPLY LATEX MASTIC DECK COATING TO STAIR TREADS, RISERS AND EAST SIDE OF STAIR RECESS AT NORTHWEST EXTERIOR DOOR. DO NOT APPLY TO EXTERIOR WALLS. EXISTIN(, Mce:7,A . EXI`aTINC:, GE !SIG itL.E. TO F_E AI!.1 / Ex15 T I � MD12.Ta.K >3�_D Foy. � ��� � INSTp-LL�Tlal.l OF N>rw GE�zAMIG TILE A�► I% l.A'iE� Mb.ST� DEG K GOP."f I NCa. r t � r>'� EXIS'►IJC-� �� r � 4 � �� 1�• W,�TF_P- �1N EXI5TI QG 1I To !?EMAI N --r- E>CI STI Q ��lCUT i �� n�Mrj� IT 'Oki 111111111111111111120 �OGv D��C'�_�0 HG L -I FT SLEEY` -- FO• !. G . INST4L.L PEK MFr�'S � I �I sTr�uc,T I arJS , > �tASTIG OATI NC-, Ti LE _ _ , -r , � L_L_� Ho FE� HG Lim S Eava. FXI5rIQG HocTa.F_ El' I STI IJc C 010.1 _Er 3 11 = 11-011 DF..i � �TIt�Ya Gu GSM IG rI LE . 4ux I2� 61e6 T E ifv� I w�irZ r�! ExI STI KYa i ' �� AL1-hlOsE DRA ki I?=" -4--> tJJ POOH I1EGI< - 00 77 o 5 F::� Look P La�1r14 Fol2 G2LI�t�!'ITIE`j p�.1 r% L.C,CATI oN 5 CV� ENT WI -1H Top TOWA22 FAL.. N.T.S. fJ`W COtiIG. GGLUMtJ h -I I ;M0e-rA-Z 5E I I Ga ur�N �E • _ � � • ' ' � i STI �U EX I �G NOTICE: Plans are approved excepting any errors or omissions. All work must Pass Inspection in conformance with all applicable codes and regulations. APPROV D?te: / �– By: Building Official CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND �S w 00 O C 000 ®®� ® O t� • N O Z o O Cl) w � HF-4 PIZ 1�/ V N ZN ~ 0000 Q C� rn 0 ,..a c O O � v - U z VJ U A W O a z C-4 ti H 0 0 0 H 0 LL P-4 o ['0 • 21 P40 ^/ U 0 0;bb PLO U O W U) • o 64 04 cz P4 11 Prosect No.: Contents: FL lrXJ - PLArJS NOTES DETAI L.S Date: 23. 9+ Drawn by: Revised: 0f shoots J G d 0 158846 STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES: These General Notes are to be used as a supplement to the Specifications. Any discrepancies found among the Drawings, the Specifications, these General Notes and the site conditions shall be reported to the Architect, who shall correct such discrepancy in writing. Any work done by the General Contractor after discovery of such discrepancy shall be done at the General Contractor's risk. The General Contractor shall verify and coordinate dimensions among all drawings prior to proceeding with any work or fabrication. The structure has been designed to resist code required vertical and lateral forces after the construction of all structural elements has been completed. Stability of the structure prior to completion is the sole responsibility of the General Contractor. This responsibility includes but is not limited to jobsite safety; erection means, methods, and sequences; temporary shoring, formwork, and bracing; use of equipment and construction procedures. Construction observation by the Engineer is for conformance with design aspects only and is not intended in any way to review the General Contractor's construction procedures. Standards All methods, materials and workmanship shall conform to the 1991 Uniform Building Code (UBC) as amended and adopted by the local building official or applicable jurisdiction. DESIGN CRITERIA Vertical Loads: Dead Load Live Load Floor Actual 100 PSF CONCRETE Concrete: Shall be made with Portland Cement ASTM C-150 Type 11 or Type 1 -II, coarse and fine aggregate ASTM C-33, water clean and potable, and shall be ready -mixed per ASTM C-94 unless otherwise approved. Add to all concrete exposed to weather an air entraining agent to attain 5% + 1-1/2% entrained air, by volume, conforming to ASTM C-260. No aluminum (conduit, miscellaneous items, etc.) shall be embedded in any concrete. Place concrete: Per ACI 304 and conform to ACI 605 (305) for Hot Weather Concreting. See Section below for Cold Weather placement requirements. Use interior mechanical vibrators with 7000 RPM minimum frequency. Do not over -vibrate. Concrete shall be poured monolithically between construction or expansion joints. Protect all freshly placed concrete from premature drying, excessive hot or cold temperature for seven days after pouring. Attachment of New Concrete to Existing: Where shown, roughen concrete to a minimum amplitude of %" using impact hammer. Remove all loose or damaged concrete, thoroughly flush all surfaces with potable water, air blast with oil free compressed air to remove all water. Prepare concrete and apply bonding agent to all existing surfaces to receive new concrete per manufacturer recommendations. Bonding Agent: "Weld Crete" by Larson Products Corp. or approved equal. Prepare surfaces and apply per manufacturer. REINFORCING STEEL Metal Reinforcement (Concrete): Reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A-615, Grade 60 (Grade 40 for welded bars unless otherwise noted). Detail, fabricate and place per ACI 315 and ACI 318. Splices shall be 24 bar diameters or 18" minimum. Concrete Cover. Provide Concrete Cover over reinforcement as follows: Concrete poured against forms and 2" exposed to weather or earth #6 & Larger Bars #5 & Smaller Bars STRUCTURAL STEEL Detailing Fabrication and Erection: Conform to the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction", 9th Edition. Steel Shapes and Plates: ASTM A-36 (fy--36 ksi). Machine Bolts (M B.) and Anchor Bolts (A.B.): ASTM A-307. Expansion Anchors: "Kwik Bolt" by Hilti Fastening Systems, or approved equal. Embed bolt into concrete or masonry 7 diameters minimum, except as shown. Composite Floor Deck: Shall be "Formlok" (with depth and gauge as shown on Drawings) as manufactured by Verco Manufacturing, Inc., or approved equal. The floor units shall be formed from steel sheets conforming to ASTM A-446, and galvanized per ASTM A-525. Submit shop drawings showing layout and fastening pattern. All accessories shall be provided to complete the erection of the steel floor. WELDING Structural Steel: Weld in accordance with "Structural Welding Code" AWS D-1.1. S Certification: All welding shall be by WASO certified welders. Electrodes: Use E60 or E70 electrodes. SUBSTITUTIONS ". Substitutions may be allowed only if they meet the requirements of these General Notes and the Specifications, and if complete written engineering data for each condition required for this project is provided to the Project Engineer seven days prior to bid date and approved in written addenda by the Architect. Data is to indicate code basis by year, authority for stresses and stress increases, if any, and amount of expected deflection for flexural members under (1) total load and (2) Live Load only. All increased costs in mechanical, sprinkler, electrical or general installation and any architectural or structural redesign resulting from substitution will be bome by the General Contractor. SHOP DRAWINGS: The following Shop Drawings/Submittals shall be provided for review and approval by the Structural Engineer prior to fabrication or delivery. STRUCTURAL ENGR. BLDG. DEPT. 1. Concrete Mix Designs X X 2. Reinforcing Steel Shop Drawings X 3. ' Structural Steel X X 4. Metal Joists X X 5. Metal Deck X X Special Inspection: Special Inspection shall be provided by an independent testing laboratory per the requirements of UBC Section 306 and the local building official or applicable jurisdiction and the Specifications. w / 5 %2" ToTh.L DEPr'H OF: 6VW6- DF..GK Tv BE U°fo C�-°•a-va.tJ I ze:�. SURGE TANS; CONCRETE SLAB PLAN S— - — 6 U KI'L.Y WA I GK 12 P RA I N �-I W 1= -t— =) U r -F _-f , I N L M. I - Ci U TT �W . PiZA N 1:X15Tl K16, 6ajr. WALL I.IE�! MF_TAL D�'GK STAINLES STEEL E3L75 _• • • • � I N S ' N I Zhu `Ifz N 4 4x 3/8 W (Z.) 5%w Lis sTEi�.. EXPA�JSIO►J BOLTS_ TYr? WALL_ l611I9 suPPl_ LOT a F,w I` :16-11 D 11451..! N�.w METAL FlGcle- 01 �9 � : $k• 4 Cad T I& 6A U�L.12c _ • _ " BY PECK N Fz. G U 12.5 @ ACG SSS H A-7ZH CtiIJ TT E4-7 P (ZA 10 Minimum Max. Slump Min. Cement fc (Inches) (sackslyard) Item 28 Das w/outMBA/withMBA w/out MBA/with MBA Slabs 4000 1 4 9 1 6 1 5% Place concrete: Per ACI 304 and conform to ACI 605 (305) for Hot Weather Concreting. See Section below for Cold Weather placement requirements. Use interior mechanical vibrators with 7000 RPM minimum frequency. Do not over -vibrate. Concrete shall be poured monolithically between construction or expansion joints. Protect all freshly placed concrete from premature drying, excessive hot or cold temperature for seven days after pouring. Attachment of New Concrete to Existing: Where shown, roughen concrete to a minimum amplitude of %" using impact hammer. Remove all loose or damaged concrete, thoroughly flush all surfaces with potable water, air blast with oil free compressed air to remove all water. Prepare concrete and apply bonding agent to all existing surfaces to receive new concrete per manufacturer recommendations. Bonding Agent: "Weld Crete" by Larson Products Corp. or approved equal. Prepare surfaces and apply per manufacturer. REINFORCING STEEL Metal Reinforcement (Concrete): Reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A-615, Grade 60 (Grade 40 for welded bars unless otherwise noted). Detail, fabricate and place per ACI 315 and ACI 318. Splices shall be 24 bar diameters or 18" minimum. Concrete Cover. Provide Concrete Cover over reinforcement as follows: Concrete poured against forms and 2" exposed to weather or earth #6 & Larger Bars #5 & Smaller Bars STRUCTURAL STEEL Detailing Fabrication and Erection: Conform to the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction", 9th Edition. Steel Shapes and Plates: ASTM A-36 (fy--36 ksi). Machine Bolts (M B.) and Anchor Bolts (A.B.): ASTM A-307. Expansion Anchors: "Kwik Bolt" by Hilti Fastening Systems, or approved equal. Embed bolt into concrete or masonry 7 diameters minimum, except as shown. Composite Floor Deck: Shall be "Formlok" (with depth and gauge as shown on Drawings) as manufactured by Verco Manufacturing, Inc., or approved equal. The floor units shall be formed from steel sheets conforming to ASTM A-446, and galvanized per ASTM A-525. Submit shop drawings showing layout and fastening pattern. All accessories shall be provided to complete the erection of the steel floor. WELDING Structural Steel: Weld in accordance with "Structural Welding Code" AWS D-1.1. S Certification: All welding shall be by WASO certified welders. Electrodes: Use E60 or E70 electrodes. SUBSTITUTIONS ". Substitutions may be allowed only if they meet the requirements of these General Notes and the Specifications, and if complete written engineering data for each condition required for this project is provided to the Project Engineer seven days prior to bid date and approved in written addenda by the Architect. Data is to indicate code basis by year, authority for stresses and stress increases, if any, and amount of expected deflection for flexural members under (1) total load and (2) Live Load only. All increased costs in mechanical, sprinkler, electrical or general installation and any architectural or structural redesign resulting from substitution will be bome by the General Contractor. SHOP DRAWINGS: The following Shop Drawings/Submittals shall be provided for review and approval by the Structural Engineer prior to fabrication or delivery. STRUCTURAL ENGR. BLDG. DEPT. 1. Concrete Mix Designs X X 2. Reinforcing Steel Shop Drawings X 3. ' Structural Steel X X 4. Metal Joists X X 5. Metal Deck X X Special Inspection: Special Inspection shall be provided by an independent testing laboratory per the requirements of UBC Section 306 and the local building official or applicable jurisdiction and the Specifications. w / 5 %2" ToTh.L DEPr'H OF: 6VW6- DF..GK Tv BE U°fo C�-°•a-va.tJ I ze:�. SURGE TANS; CONCRETE SLAB PLAN S— - — 6 U KI'L.Y WA I GK 12 P RA I N �-I W 1= -t— =) U r -F _-f , I N L M. I - Ci U TT �W . PiZA N 1:X15Tl K16, 6ajr. WALL I.IE�! MF_TAL D�'GK STAINLES STEEL E3L75 _• • • • � I N S ' N I Zhu `Ifz N 4 4x 3/8 W (Z.) 5%w Lis sTEi�.. EXPA�JSIO►J BOLTS_ TYr? WALL_ l611I9 suPPl_ LOT a F,w I` :16-11 D 11451..! N�.w METAL FlGcle- 01 �9 � : $k• 4 Cad T I& 6A U�L.12c _ • _ " BY PECK N Fz. G U 12.5 @ ACG SSS H A-7ZH CtiIJ TT E4-7 P (ZA 10 II/:" = 1'-0 FOOL I2r -'U r --1N PRAI N FOO L SUPPLY S�GTIor� �'g • I.l TS EXI 5TI QV 65Q6—' WALL EW r1 Erb L K GOI.1C. SL1�.P� I.ILESS STkFF-L- EXP,�l�1510�-J f3a-T5 OG. EAIZII�JC�- I %z' = I I-C)I' NEW HETn.! DECK EA WtNY ��r � STAINLESS STEEL • e � -.�� a '_� �• � .•e� � -. 10-L R E:Tu F rel Nr �DI2�1 N) 6UPpLY j� * lox4x 3/a" - 6:�4Lw. sECTIOJ @ STEEL k,�J-,L-E I IL" = I I-o'I NOTICE: Plans are approved excepting any errors or omissions. All work must Pass Inspection in conformance with all applicable codes and regulations. APP V D Date: 1/ Permit o. By: Building Official CITY OF PORT TO`'.lNSFNb �lLl w 00 O 00 co 00 N L!n 00 O O H �M V H �j q GV Z(� O H A 00 � (3) ink O E o. V 0 U CIZ A U Z Cd � � a M h o 0 o o a) 0 U VJ o w Cd P4 1 • o a Project No.: Contents: 1�1Tvliz• 6ruEJ� ►JoTEs GDr..IG. SLAB FLAIQ pET^i L-5 Date: -1 Z3.9 4 Drawn by: Revised: a- r .;; ,. A �T�or A -A, Nrs II/:" = 1'-0 FOOL I2r -'U r --1N PRAI N FOO L SUPPLY S�GTIor� �'g • I.l TS EXI 5TI QV 65Q6—' WALL EW r1 Erb L K GOI.1C. SL1�.P� I.ILESS STkFF-L- EXP,�l�1510�-J f3a-T5 OG. EAIZII�JC�- I %z' = I I-C)I' NEW HETn.! DECK EA WtNY ��r � STAINLESS STEEL • e � -.�� a '_� �• � .•e� � -. 10-L R E:Tu F rel Nr �DI2�1 N) 6UPpLY j� * lox4x 3/a" - 6:�4Lw. sECTIOJ @ STEEL k,�J-,L-E I IL" = I I-o'I NOTICE: Plans are approved excepting any errors or omissions. All work must Pass Inspection in conformance with all applicable codes and regulations. APP V D Date: 1/ Permit o. By: Building Official CITY OF PORT TO`'.lNSFNb �lLl w 00 O 00 co 00 N L!n 00 O O H �M V H �j q GV Z(� O H A 00 � (3) ink O E o. V 0 U CIZ A U Z Cd � � a M h o 0 o o a) 0 U VJ o w Cd P4 1 • o a Project No.: Contents: 1�1Tvliz• 6ruEJ� ►JoTEs GDr..IG. SLAB FLAIQ pET^i L-5 Date: -1 Z3.9 4 Drawn by: Revised: 144644 r J I /, ter I k 14f r"_ Ll 1_ n f; I N f%. (t -i A 1 p. E -T L9 'fest 1L�/`,►vv r✓v CHLORINATOR ROOM PLAN- EXISTING I /Z" - C-0" r4 r -,X 15? I t -I 6 rzl HW6 � Hwrz I,INr:J To AH U. 1ZcIN�:ULA1 �xIhTINc TU 4e4< r-- �\CHANCac TO fZ+✓ M P.I N I I L Ii X i t N CA A, H U V1*C1µASZnG of,51_NtN6 IN'ro. 5UPpLY NVM ei 1.0W WA EP T LPFL�,( P LINE 0z XlhTItJG-t FaUTTi�- 4Vt;.(L>rI.O W 17>ZA IN _l VAIN V,�:I..VI: L�u _ �iClt�'rtN� !V►AtN S AIN VAI -WS AC,tuATofz r--X7E NSIoN I r-,x12'>'INca r50MP �j5\/t: PuM p, . i 1. �pIsG1•}AR�rE I�It�INt� . I� jo MpT� EX1hTINCa U DIATOM AT 10 5 MECHANICAL -ROOM SAI_-rH ,Nv INL F -r � �R LOWER LEVEL PLAN 75 ISTING 2 � r o �_IN�L.P,,r 7�'�r6 T rT }� GOZ (LIaU117 TANK) T�1.�'r L4t21 N t% C o L 0 G K- f2oY, _ E;4ISTI► k, 'TO RY KA -1 N ;Ll .—�XIhTtNG t�r,QL GIIZGUL.k�-J-INIa PUMP. tNGI.Ut�IN�a A�SoGiA?�t� PI PIN � tNfl ► cnTlrp. �Mo�E �IsTI�Gr SUMS' SMP SwiT�N �MoV� sT�Tb�J MECHANICAL" ROOM MIDDLE LEVEL PLAN E ISTINO NCa A H U . A. LOuveiL - vim Kr_M0\1a C_AISi'INO PUMA' GoNTKOL,57 5�)<, IN HU 12r1__'Ur<-N A,►tZ I�UGT -- + �XIGj'rlNla 31 HW11,14wt2 'f0 ��A7JNCa WATri[lL Mh.INS. T 4- WAn?_IZ 5uPPLY fL�TUr�N r--l�Wi2-- W5"jILI �KGNtaN�aEtZ. . I N 5 U LA'r G AI�t p va-vs �15TIN� 04'o.w. r­IL'L '-MECHANICAL -ROO'M nNi2 i2 FIT I:Orl- NCM L -O CAI ION. t UPPER LEVEL' �-GoN1't2oL�� ' PRovID� POWER FIzOM APQAC"W'T CHLORINATOR ROOM, PLAN - EW SCALE : 1/2" �XI�T. AHl.1 T� R�rIAIN CAST MON h[,EE:VS M t=�G H�.N I G l� t... a G �• L. 4° To �TC�M MAIN fz�uow4V4 X147-rl"41 rump ©1117(1 A Url- a-rT1� PUMF4 UWr 9 TKAMr g 5 T A= IZITG Ma17�L L�PNK-142 P1.1"�if'rr'E:C. 104. c7TI�AINF--Ri To SLAB, 0Ae.7r' WITH VIDIZA'TION 7 VZ HP - Z05Y/ LIP KNTt_:� RANI D PI Li"ER I A F MOC�L 3�09(o-1M-FCS �IZDUTa✓ PXI�TING-1 WIQNCi TO SUMP POMP pct r, d,9, 1r-69 t NUJ C�U7T>�tz, Mp�lt�J I�/�iN -MECHANIC I AL ROOM �LOW'ER' LEVEL. PLAN ..= .-NEW C MECHA LAICAL. ROOM MIDDLE- LEVEL PLAN' -NEW I ° I MECHANICAL ROOM UPP R_ . LEVEL. _PLiAN -= NEW 1ZP_LOCA'reQ 10MW DRAIN VrNLV !�G'f UA'r4i L�GATI ON Hr -5W -�;IJI-1p r) JP PAS Mond- PIP o2 -A, 1/2 Hf") 6o OT r MH e1Co ' {-t F1, �-4 F'i V0 L:T,A-Gf e p }-}y�'� �' iib lZ �O �UPh`11 TTA 14111 w 0 o C6 00M Z C4q 0 LO C o rC3 jlMov� R>pLA�� O ' a5 NI✓cARY TO IN5?Al.l_ NEv�J 1'II.T�Z � Z o PQU I AMEN T. Z, M - P Rov I D n Lo" ?H I C K. �.r'-�ArL 0 w co 1z,�I N Por1LC-r-P `�A Ae, over . V H M 0 z CV . v -X_#'rz,0V I P G PVC A -r 0=4 AI,I< SLAB ?GNI%TtZATIOH', CV 1.Y AG'rUt1T0IZ. �aDS (�.N 1 H F+j O Q 00 PIP►NCa. � 00 r r-:1rO "ATS t. MA i c4 V2Ai N O0 cj Vt�LVr� AC'rUA'rorz Locn�'lor4, V e✓ 115T NAU RSMOla STARTER x M Q V Z 45 . ,NP -W PUMP 171��CONN .�.'i �i%� • AND STAf�.'?'E�f�, pRoYlp� NU4 GON OUGTO FR AS SHO VN PQ SACK -tO FANeL .v _ 11/4 MAK.>< _ Lt f: To -11,L, � `Q LOA*r VAIrVr At�V�. W O Cd o�< co . ACTVA-rOtL KOP 01 o :> H 0 P4 W U 4 • o a cz P4 Protect No.: Contents: . MECHANICAL ROOM PLANS NSW fILL- I✓(,OA,r VALVe ANO Date: 10 -Si nC,T u A-roR, Drawn by:'C'C-z Revised: NOTICE: Plans are approved excepting any errors or omissions. All work must --{ pass inspection in conformance with all at 1,^.k1 codes and regulations. APPROVED i, Date: M[E Permit No. _� �' G�: By: � r Building Official L. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND of sheets 0 t 3 r— ---> __1'Hw..9 — — — — _> — > 0 IS_71rop'm IZAIN fj?�_ 5.6zulpmEWT LlocArlv_l? 0v> q - I I — 0 v 5-- tz. r -L L, 0 rz- I t4 N11'0 F- P --"0M• 9 RAN% MOVE CIO M VL'r__Tp_ I 11 -SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM- EXISTING, - SCALE :-DIAGRAMMATIC NOTICE: r1enere approved excepting s any error., or , n7lSSIons. All work must Pass InsPectlon In conformance with 911 OPP1108ble . codes and regularlons. APPR,nvl-D V Date: 7.:?j X Permit.Xo. By: 1 Building Official CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Project No. - Contents 1 � e- H sm P I A Date, lo -21 .14 Drawn byeTM Revised t ..r.,.....a.�w.w,.w'.`.+.✓r.ara4....,u.L.u�Y+rwLw-+e[ar.rb'ax 18w..43d xm�«: _..s.«e. .., �s.ti.�.�u.s..u.�S'4'Yt.Yrr�✓du.irYi si:m.:�.ini.5wn.a.s.5t.=e.:. .ri .xx...w .u¢.,..,.•v.,o.n.`"+..eux..r..a.�:+ae.iri.w..a uea..a -a �©D L. CoNTR.oL UNIT Co NT�0L.To GH I CAL Roo N1 "e .7=77777-777,77=7777,.w,.H> . 7!.� �e:i �. 7=ss:.r. xd•!�e'i6yaa`*:w.w. . .w MAN 'DIZAIW AcTUA'%n 1-0kr Vf\LVC rt V ,� .7—....:....ro.x.o..w.«b.,...+..+.,.m.a.:u&vZ= aw4.........':.s s.' ,_ ,w..=......, -77T7,7777,7777= Ta GML02114AT0R. G�Z 1:0 Y 3%gr GL k CO2 Ttlell-4cq. SOU E TUU) r,% te2TIN Ca 1'I f IN6 To- OWI,ORINA'T'OK f),00 M BALLVAL.VF. C4Y?,)-)14. Q>UT7' t� F �y 4.. VAt,Ve� (-rY>?) iLE'VUG t= r. Ac.. a:....... r"i:sem. n..: "nY.a.�wm ..®+... =777777-10,77!27! .- �'I��lzMoh�t✓T�R. � ..�Z HW5— Y x r1/1I15TItie CONTPOL VALVi- . 1 HWS ---� i { V' H w/,S HWS — C AI>T IR -ON 3 L. e C.ft'5 Y x - if ' { FZLOC^T4: F NST. G0N7gOL-`'s 1��' , 4tl� 7 HRU GA'MRIOR. WAI,_L AQURI�iTAT To TR15 (..00A?ION.. " N615 GOP N • 'rYf ic.PL . ir �7t) C, I 2FTU t�1 I N 6C0MCi'.GTc ,i eL�AL5 WITH - -- ?0 T YrHY P -Nr 6AM?L. E� 'YOUNG -a GONNifCT TD -r i ►J r -a 4" foo L. 5(J1'PL-Y lel PI; AT 'r P 166 PO I W T 5/�s+ Po LY �TNYL�N GONTr�4L�� 'f"O P�►bL• -i U&I Nva TO POotr GONTK.OL UNIT WATER- ! tOfrtly LO GK• WK t a2 i ���Qi:tZ �.tr1r I Gi-I i.D�tNA�'OK I I CNSMICAL- ��t✓t? t'ANi;L T ��15TIIJU �ctJPPt;R- TYP' Lor.14-Tl0Ns, TyP, 2 L)P-j KA -It j �'uPPL--(l �f� MIA -41 - t d 4- 4 #' S R vU G i2. ---•-� STtzA I N >in U� Po 1=1 E rL ¢t OVG(z TANK Val Ie� o fVG �uM f r,)( 15TI N 64STO12M o� CTYP'� 'pIZP�I �1 �aWNsCouT' �; c+� .P C�j r9 � - v... .. j7 O SI � -. .. > . V' • ., � lj .. e 9 .. , 9• cl' i7 •i_ 4�k y � IZE5AI~ A� �u� �. ��r� I� 4"TGIL k►coNc. t:Ett V. 1,�0L.A'11atz5 IN rr2T1A pay CluTTER- bV f2�L0'v�l I 2" �1 O (. AL -t_ PIPLNCa PVA 4,Nt,r=�5 0THISF,VVI,jr-- IN91cA-fGV.GU P -61e AIZ.S PVC, 04 2 �A % G� O �Xl�'f'1Nla ' MAIN 17R•AI N ? ` Z, �N I I�� To oot�I IFI r -,D P�101 V 0 =� To sL-,� PoU�-, z GuHr pu�(p , �. N CU Ho • 0" 0 • ^ U a� coNNt�_-► T6 tn/ISTINvr SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM — NEW O P"N I'IrWcli CSN jE P'o-, ,H �►s RzeZUI� SCALE :.DIAGRAMMATIC q � CLS f~ POOL SECTION — EXISTING BOOL SECTION — NEW NONE- 77=7= ONE' r - .+. uas w.a... .+o .. -. a._..�...e .a ..,`...a.. ivy•?:. �mr.a�a-:c.,.az c.s ....awn`& ..e w..... «-.y.,....,-i-n, r,. s_u —:-k: •w • ..:aed: ,r ............. 4.a.i.w: �...... _ ]:�._.., ra..v .r.w ... +.a+'s,.. "' �. y .=�.. re.4ss aw..» __-',.�.iar' �.u..�.t.... w ®.. r... N�ei,-J POOL JNL-OT eTt pRa�lpl% '(o �I u- GoFS PP -I L-tzo EPo,;e7 4,EGUiZt- jo POOL �'Qa.l iii f'p'f�la I N y o� I N Nl� pool, �UIzP� � Nor-r��•�i�', V. NOTICE: Plans are approved excepting any errors or omissions. All work must Pass Inspection in conformance with all applicable .codes and regulations. APP OVED Date:` Perm't Po.���` By: Building Official CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Project No.� Contentso 4C-jj ?-I RTIC NEW !�tPIKTAIVS Date. Io -zl -g Drawn by. -a q Revised. REVISION f