HomeMy WebLinkAbout010522 PTAC Meeting Packet
January 5, 2022 | 3:00 p.m. | Remote Meeting
**** Pursuant to Washington State Governor’s Proclamation 20-28.15, the City is not allowing in-
person attendance at meetings. Members will be participating by teleconference.****
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Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes from the December 1, 2021 Meeting
V. Public Comment (3 minutes per person)
VI. Commission Business
A. 2022 Grant Schedule Clarification
B. Application for Financial Support – Pick-up Poetry 2022
C. Application for Financial Support – SkyHouse Productions
D. Application for Financial Support – Salish Sound
E. Selection of Public Art Committee Chair and Members
VII. Correspondence
VIII. Set Agenda for Next Meeting
IX. Next Scheduled Meeting – February 2, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
X. Adjourn
Minutes of the Port Townsend Arts Commission Meeting of December 1, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jason Victor Serinus (Chair), Joe Gillard, Dan Groussman, Nhatt Nichols, Nan Toby Tyrrell, and Diane Walker STAFF PRESENT: Legal Assistant Amber Long, Library Director Melody Sky Weaver, and City Attorney Heidi Greenwood
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Call to Order Vice Chair Joe Gillard called the meeting to order at 3:03
Approval of Agenda The agenda was unanimously approved with the change of
moving funding application review up after “Update on
Public Art.”
Approval of Minutes for November 3, 2021 Meeting The minutes of November 3, 2021 were unanimously
Public Comment None
Jason joined the meeting at 3:10 and took over as Chair.
The Commission voted unanimously to amend the “Commission Business” section of the agenda as follows: A. Update on Public Art B. Chair’s Report C. Update on Poet Laureate & Collaboration with Library
D. Current and Future Grant Schedule E. Application for Financial Support – IAM Barn Jam F. Evaluate Funding Guidelines Update on Public Art Dan reported that he has not heard back from Sarah Mall Johani and suggested that the Commission designate a Public Art Committee Chair for next year.
Public Art Committee Chair and members will be selected during the January meeting.
Chair’s Report Jason reported on his conversations with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor about budget and ways the Commission could
change in the future.
Update on Poet Laureate & Collaboration with Library
Jason reported that the Mayor suggested collaborating with the
Port Townsend Public Library on the poet laureate program. Library Director Melody Sky Weaver offered to host related
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
programs and to have a library staff member serve on the poet selection panel. However, the library does not have funds in its budget for events; library programs are funded by the Friends of the Port Townsend Library. Current and Future Grant Schedule The Commission discussed options for reviewing grant requests next year and how to distribute its budget.
A motion was made and withdrawn to review applications every other month for 1/6 of the available funding.
The Commission voted unanimously to allocate $3,000 from
its 2022 budget for the poet laureate program. The Commission voted 5-1 with Jason abstaining to review grant applications every other month on odd months, with
1/6 of the remaining total budget ($22,000) allocated to each
funding period, and to rollover unused funds into the next funding period. Jason will draft a press release about the new grant review
Application for Financial Support – Interdisciplinary Artists in Motion
Cosmo Rapaport briefly described the Barn Jam event planned for White Lotus Farm in mid-December. They responded to questions about the location choice and how funds would be distributed among the artists.
A motion was made to reconsider the application in January but failed for lack of a second.
The Commission voted 4-1 with Diane abstaining to fund the event for the requested $2,000.
Evaluate Funding Guidelines A motion was made and withdrawn to require that grant recipients advertise free events in the same way as paying
There was general agreement to postpone discussion of funding guidelines until the February meeting. Next Meeting: January 5, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m.
Arts Commission 2022 Grant Funding -- Total Budget: $25,000
$3,000 from the budget has been set aside for the poet laureaute program
Organization Event Amount Approved Amount Requested
Lindsey Wayland Pick up Poetry $2,250.00
Skyhouse Productions Various events $3,000.00
Salish Sound Beaver Valley Barn Jam $3,000.00
Port Townsend Summer Band 2022 concert series $700.00
Jefferson County Farmers Market 2022 market music $2,000.00
$0.00 $10,950.00
Amount approved Amount requested Amount Paid Amount remaining*
January/February $8,250.00 -$4,583.33
March/April $2,700.00 $966.67
May/June $3,666.67
July/August $3,666.67
September/October $3,666.66
November/December $3,666.66
Total remaining in budget *$11,050.00
*if all approved grants paid in full & all requested amounts ap
for review at 3/2/22 meeting
for review at 1/5/22 meeting
for review at 1/5/22 meeting
for review at 1/5/22 meeting
for review at 3/2/22 meeting
Arts Commission 2021 Grant Funding -- Total Budget: $20,000
Organization Event Amount Approved Amount Requested
Key City Public Theatre May's Vote $1,486.00 $1,486.00
Jefferson County Historical Society First Friday on Demand $1,800.00 $4,000.00
Kat Bausch TinyDoorsPT $0.00 $850.00
Port Townsend Film Festival Free public screenings $4,000.00 $4,000.00
Olympic Music Festival Fellowship program $1,625.00 $1,725.00
Key City Public Theatre Summer Youth Initiatives $500.00 $500.00
Bill Evans Dance Bill Evans 81!$500.00 $500.00
Jefferson County Farmers Market Artisan vouchers $400.00 $400.00
Creatrix Compass Podcast $0.00 $4,000.00
Lindsey Wayland Pick Up Poetry $2,500.00 $7,200.00
Salish Sea Butoh Workshop & performances $1,300.00 $1,900.00
Interdisciplinary Artists in Motion IAM Artists Laboratory $3,100.00 $3,100.00
Interdisciplinary Artists in Motion Barn Jam $2,000.00 $2,000.00
$19,211.00 $31,661.00
Amount approved Amount requested Amount Paid Amount remaining*
Quarter 1 $1,486.00 $1,486.00 $1,486.00 $0.00
Quarter 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Quarter 3 $7,425.00 $10,575.00 $7,425.00 $0.00
Quarter 4 $8,900.00 $18,200.00 $1,300.00 -$1,811.00
Microgrants $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $2,600.00
Total remaining in budget *$789.00
*if all approved grants paid in full & all requested amounts approved
Invoice & follow-up report received
Invoice & follow-up report received
Invoice paid
Invoice paid
Invoice paid
Applicant asked to resubmit with more info
Invoice & follow-up report received
Invoice paid
Invoice paid
Invoice paid
Invoice paid
Applicant asked to attend future meeting
Invoice paid
City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support
Date of Application
Mon, 11/29/2021
Organization Name
Lindsey Wayland
Primary Contact
Lindsey Royal Wayland
Phone Number
Project or Event Name
Pick-Up Poetry
Event Location
PTHS with relocation potential to PT Public Library Pink House once restrictions
are lifted due to covid-19
Date(s) of Event
Weekly for the year of 2022
Amount Requested
Admission Charge
Donations Accepted?
Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance?
Total Budget?
Please attach the proposed budget for this event
Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible?
Note: Modified to $2,250. See attached email.
If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue
Accessibility Statement below.
Venue Accessibility Statement
Park near venue in a handicapped parking space?
Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry,
door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted)
Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person?
(i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor)
Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars)
Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population
of the greater Port Townsend community:
After facilitating Pick-Up Poetry (sponsored by PTAC!) this autumn, I can say with
confidence: it is clear that adolescents need creative expression with a mental health
structure. As a poet, and a facilitator of poetry therapy with 15 years experience in the
mental health and expressive arts fields, I know this demographic needs healthy
outlets for creativity. This project has the potential to expand and grow to support
bridging both geographic and generation gaps in our county by gathering young poets
from all over the county to explore their authentic Self and cultivate expressive voice
as well as perform and be witnessed by older generations in the community at
quarterly events (not represented in this proposal, as you will note from the budget). I
work primarily with youth experiencing mental health crisis in residential treatment
facilities. My program Pick-Up Poetry aims to get in front of the crisis we are facing
with adolescent mental health by giving the underserved creative adolescents a place
to thrive and seek respite. I've been deeply inspired by the program's great success
so far!
Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still
be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve
the project:
The city's funding will fully support weekly facilitation of this project as well as supplies
for the teenage poets to use. The Port Townsend High School library is hosting the
event for free, with hope that the Port Townsend Public Library Pink House will host
once restrictions are lifted (The Executive Director of the Library Melody and and I in
close contact about this). Currently, the project supports a diverse group of
adolescents at Port Townsend High School. This funding requested for 2022 will truly
give the project wings!
Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson
residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you
will advertise to those visitors: The project will target to continue supporting Port
Townsend adolescents, but there is potential to expand the project to include twice-a-
week facilitation by Lindsey Royal Wayland (founder and facilitator) to include
Chimacum High School and have a Quarterly Poetry Slam where the adolescents of
Jefferson County can all come together and perform written/spoken word poetry. My
hope is to cultivate a youth poetry community so thriving that we host adolescent
poets from all over Washington State (and beyond) by 2023. I desire to create a
mentorship pen pal relationship with elder poets in the community to continue bridging
generational gaps we are seeing more of since covid-19. Due to the incredible nature
of the program, I've needed very little advertising, but for the future, I anticipate writing
several media pitches and I've created a poetry space on social media for Pick-Up
Poetry as well.
If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain
any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding
This project has been approved for funding by the PTAC in late 2021!
The facilitation rate stays the same, however the current proposal for 2022 request
is to fund the entire year. And the new proposal includes supplies fee as I
discovered supplies are quite fun so I funded the supplies myself for 2021 (and it
was so worth it!)
Pick Up Poetry Budget
by Lindsey Royal Wayland
$250 per week for facilitation
x52 weeks
$13,000 for Pick Up Poetry for the year 2022
$500 supplies (journals, pens, old books for black out poetry, etc.)
total = $13,500 for 2022 Pick-Up Poetry for Port Townsend Adolescents
Amber Long
From:Lindsey Royal Wayland <hello@lindseywayland.com>
Sent:Wednesday, December 15, 2021 1:27 PM
To:Amber Long
Subject:Re: PTAC funding request for 2022
CAUTION: External Email
Hi Amber, thank you for this update.
Yes, I will modify my request to: $2,250 (this number was found by dividing my year total of $13,500 into six parts, which
covers facilitation per week and supplies for the two month period). I love this modification because it allows me to
cultivate the program in a slow and infused way and think about the potential of a bigger event in the middle of the year
next year with the adolescent poets I'm working with. Thank you. (They are also interested in potentially publishing a
chapbook next year with an event!)
Will my application be considered at the January meeting?
Thank you!
Warm regards,
connect: hello@lindseywayland.com
breathe: lindseywayland.com
follow: @lindsey_wayland
To help protect your privacy, Micro so ft Office prevented automatic download of thi s pi ctu re from the In ternet.Ico nDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
“The current of the flowing river does not cease,
and yet the water is not the same water as before.
The foam that floats on stagnant pools, now vanishing,
now forming, never stays the same for long.
So, too, it is with the people and dwellings of the world.”
— Hōjōki, visions of a torn world Chōmei
On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 11:28 AM Amber Long <ALong@cityofpt.us> wrote:
Hi Lindsey,
The Commission decided to divide up its available funding, so that $3,666 will be available for each two‐month review
period. So at its January meeting, the Commission will have $3,666 total available to grant to the applications it reviews
at that meeting. Since you are asking for a full year’s worth of funding in an amount much larger than this, do you want
to modify your request to cover only part of the year and then reapply later in 2022?
If so, you can respond to this email and I’ll attach it to your application.
Public documents and records are available to the public as required under the Washington State Public Records Act
(RCW 42.56).
The information contained in all correspondence with a government entity may be disclosable to third party requesters
under the Public Records Act.
City of Port Townsend Application for Financial Support
Date of Application
Mon, 12/06/2021
Organization Name
Skyhouse Productions
Primary Contact
Jade Evans
Phone Number
Project or Event Name
(Title in progress)
Event Location
Port Townsend
Date(s) of Event
March 18th, May, October 22nd 2022
Amount Requested
Admission Charge
Donations Accepted?
Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance?
Total Budget?
$4,000 (for 4 shows)
Please attach the proposed budget for this event
Note: modified to $3,000 - see attached email
Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible?
If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue
Accessibility Statement below.
Venue Accessibility Statement
• Park near venue in a handicapped parking space?
• Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person?
(i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor)
• Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars)
Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the
greater Port Townsend community:
Respectfully, Port Townsend is limited in diversity and diverse programs and opportunities, I
believe my projects will help to be the catalyst in changing that. I know diverse voices are
longing to be heard and I want to create a platform for that.
Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done
without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project:
City funding will help to cover pre production costs and marketing costs, ensuring that
performers are reasonably compensated for their time and talents.
Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if
the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to
those visitors:
These projects are designed to engage the local community, however they will draw in
visitors from surrounding areas as they have in the past. I plan to use social media and
printed media to advertise.
If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain
any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding
amount. This is my first time applying.
Amber Long
From:Jade <skyhouseproductions2020@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday, December 15, 2021 3:58 PM
To:Amber Long
Subject:Re: Arts Commission funding application
Hi Amber,
Yes I can certainly modify my original request.
I am requesting $3,000 if selected. (Unless I misunderstood?)
Thank you again.
On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 3:17 PM Amber Long <ALong@cityofpt.us> wrote:
Hi Jade,
Looking at how the Arts Commission wants to divide up their grant funds, they are planning to award a maximum of
$3,666 in January, spread out among the applications they will review. Since your request is for more than that, are you
interested in modifying to request funding for only the events in the early part of the year and then reapplying later?
If so, please respond to this email and I can attach it to your application.
City of Port Townsend Application for Financial Support
Date of Application
Sun, 12/19/2021
Organization Name
Salish Sound
Primary Contact
Mark Hardy
Phone Number
Project or Event Name
Beaver Valley Barn Jam
Event Location
White Lotus Farm & Inn
Date(s) of Event
1/22/22, 2/12/22
Amount Requested
Admission Charge
Donations Accepted?
Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance?
Total Budget?
Please attach the proposed budget for this event
Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible?
If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue
Accessibility Statement below.
Venue Accessibility Statement
Park near venue in a handicapped parking space?
Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s)
able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted)
Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e.,
wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor)
Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars)
Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the
greater Port Townsend community:
Since the pandemic began the Port Townsend and East Jefferson county area has
contained few “active” spaces and opportunities for folks to gather, share conversation, and
imagine community.
The Barn Jam event (which has had three prior events both in October, November, and
December) is proving to be a wonderfully vibrant place of meeting that this community so
deeply needs.
The initial idea for this Event was cultivated by Mark Hardy and Weston Pratt, both East
Jefferson County musicians and DJs. For the past four years they have both stewarded
music and dance events that have been successful in providing opportunities for Local folks
to meet, be inspired, and collaborate.
With this Barn Jam their intention was to make a covid safe & accessible Dance event where
the diverse communities within the greater east Jefferson county can find belonging and form
stronger creative and social bonds. Barn Jam is an alternative meeting place where the
centerpiece of the event does not revolve around alcohol or the exchange of money.
Since the first Event in October, Cosmo Rapaport, founder of IAM, has been working to
envision and experiment with Performance in this event. Transforming this Barn to a safe
space that features the many kinds of performance art and live music that is often not seen,
heard, or supported by the traditional performance venues in the area. Mark and Weston
share the core goal of creating a platform for marginalized artists. In addition to creating a
space for these artists, payment is an eventual goal.
The benefit to the East Jefferson community continues to grow. The first three Barn Jams at
White Lotus Farm have had over 100 people attend each of the events. For covid safety it is
important to note that the Barn is an indoor-outdoor space with 3 posable Barn walls that are
always kept open, there is also a vaccine requirement enforced upon entry, and masks are
provided for use on the dance floor.
Anecdotally, Mark observed that this most recent month, members of the community who had
not previously attended due to a fear of the vaccine were now beyond the window required
after the second vaccine to be able to attend the event.
Also noteworthy is that December’s funded event met PTAC’s goals of supporting a cultural
event which created a pass through benefit of $441 for JCARF, a local mutual aid project.
January, February, and March Barn Jam events will serve a secondary function of raising
funds for local organizations, essentially multiplying the impact of PTAC’s funding for the
greater Port Townsend Community.
In addition to the artists the Barn Jam showcases and organizations donations are raised
for, this most recent event included table space for Strait Up magazine and the Beaver
Valley Radish, a local ‘zine. The Event has also been actively seeking vendors and other
artisans who wish to display their work and meet those who appreciate the arts.
Upcoming Performances:
January & February Performer Lineups TBD by IAM and Barn Jam’s Steering Committee (4
Acts, # of performers variable)
Local Resident DJs - Weston Pratt & Mark
Hardy January - Local Guest DJ Johan
Soriano Feburary - Local Guest DJ Micah
Van Lelyveld
March - Immersive Visual Experience by Immersion XR, regionally based artists who will
projection map on all surfaces of the barn
***It should be noted that the Barn Jam Steering Committee Members are monitoring the
Omicron variant situation carefully and will alter event plans in accordance with county
Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be
done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project:
The city’s funding would go directly to paying performers, production costs, and event
insurance. This grant proposal will help keep the arts alive during an underserved time and
make them available to the greater community, help physically and financially safeguard the
space White Lotus Farm has opened to the public, and enable the total sum of donations
collected to go toward a local organization. With the city’s funding The Barn Jam
Performances would have financial support without being dependent on tips or donations
from members of the community who, in many cases, live below the poverty line.
Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or,
if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to
those visitors: The main ways that we have been doing publicity have been via Facebook,
word of mouth, and a digital event forum. At this most recent event we have also begun to
collect email addresses for a mailing list. While the most recent event included ~67 total
responses on Facebook, our door greeters counted in excess of 140 attendees.
As these methods have been working for us with the past three events we will continue to
use these forums for spreading the word for the upcoming Barn Jams. The event is nearing
its capacity purely due to parking space, so we have been exploring alternative locations for a
potential summer series when the last event in this series takes place in April.
If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any
proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount.
Funding allocation has changed slightly to account for event insurance in order to
safeguard the space and bolster what we can allocate to local community organizations.
We have lowered the performer budget to accommodate the # of events in the funding
Month Expenses
Total Cost for
each item
Total we would apply grant funds to per
Total Budget for
Barn Jam
Total Financial Support BVBJ is
seeking from Port Townsend
Arts Commission
January Performers Budget 1170 1170 pp ( g ,
Sound, Production)200 200
Event Insurance 130 130
White Lotus Barn Rental 300 0
February Performers Budget 1170 1170 pp ( g ,
Sound, Production)200 200
Event Insurance 130 130
White Lotus Barn Rental 300 0
3600 3000
If you or your organization has been granted financial support, we are asking you to complete this form within
30 days of the event or completion of the project you applied for. Your timely submission of this follow-up
report will help us document future requests for budget allocations by the City.
Organization/Individual(s) _Partick Ward & Cosmo Rapaport & Interdiscaplinary Artists in
Motion Date December 10th, 2021
Address 1322 Washington St Apt # 804, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Phone (802)-917-4547
Contact Person: Cosmo Rapaport (THEY/THEM)
E-Mail Address: movement.cosmo@gmail.com
(If pertinent, compare the outcome with your own expectations):
The componants of this project were:
- A five day long Artists Laboratory
- Four free PUBLIC dance classes
- Two free public Performances
In reflection on each of these companants to our event I would say over all this was a success.
Over the course of this five day event IAM assembled an ensamble of multimedia artists whos
expereience and story telling was encouraged and supported by the container of this
experimentalk laboratory. The Laboratory itself was over 50 hours of work. The 11 artists who
signed up spent time collaborating and workshoping ideas which lead to the creation of two
wonderful and intimate evenings of public performance that tangebly established the
development of stronger artistic community in Port Townsend. Additionally the four Public
Classes were attended by folks (form different ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds) in the
community who were greatful to have exposeure to different movement forms that they
otherwise would not have interaction with.
(Include comparison with previous events/projects) :
IAM Lab- 13 Laboratory Particepants (given the commitment of 5 days of art making we had expected a number
of 8-10 Folks)
Four Public Dance Classes: in total brought in 35 students (for each class we anticepated 5-10 students from the
community which was just about what happened)
2 public Performances brought in 56 attendees (each of the performances we created an enviroment that was
intimate and experimental given the size of the venue and our causion about covid we were thrilled to show our
new works to smaller audeinces)
(such categories as materials, royalties, technical production, location rental, professional services, publicity) :
Chimacum Grange Rental 260
Cotton Building Rental 400
Event Insurance 104
Kendall Mahoney’s Lighting design Fee 400
Sophia Solano's class 400
Cosmo Rapaport 's class 400
Patrick Ward’s Production Labor 400
Choreographer and Director Fees 736
Total 3100
(sales, door receipts, awards etc.) :
Total Donations Recived from IAM public performances: $155
If you or your organization has been granted financial support, we are asking you to complete this form
within 30 days of the event or completion of the project you applied for. Your timely submission of this
report will help us document future requests for budget allocations by the City.
Organization/Individual(s) Partick Ward & Cosmo Rapaport & Interdiscaplinary Artists in Motion Date
December 10th, 2021
Address 1322 Washington St Apt # 804, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Phone (802)-917-4547
Contact Person: Cosmo Rapaport (THEY/THEM)
E-Mail Address: movement.cosmo@gmail.com & interartistsmotion@gmail.com
(If pertinent, compare the outcome with your own expectations):
The Barn Jam Event was a HUGE success. We drew out a crowd of folks who do not normally have a
space to gather in East Jefferson County. The attendees brought a beautiful and welcoming energy for
each of the performances and an artistic exchange of dreams and somatic imagination ensued. The
performances themselves were well thought out and had the element of production design that one
would not expect to be present in a barn on a cold December night. The performances were all of a
standard that went above and beyond the audience’s expectation, and tangibly inspired a large
community of witnesses.
(Include comparison with previous events/projects) :
The December Barn Jam Performances had about 130 people in the audience for the performances (ALL
(such categories as materials, royalties, technical production, location rental, professional services,
publicity) :
Expenses Performers & Musicians
Emily Bassett & Patrick Ward (Belly
Dance and Visual Arts performance) 400
Mark Hardy (DJ) 200
Weston Pratt (DJ) 200
The Fusion Inclusion Dance Project /
Sarah Peller (DJ) 200
Cosmo Rapaport (dance performance
and production) 300
Madeline Leach (POWER BUSH Music
and Dance Trio) 300
Brenna Mack (Bobby 4 Bobby Drag
DUO) 400
Total 2000
(sales, door receipts, awards etc.) :
If you or your organization has been granted financial support, we are asking you to complete this form within
30 days of the event or completion of the project you applied for. Your timely submission of this follow-up
report will help us document future requests for budget allocations by the City.
Organization/Individual(s) _______________________ Date __________
Address ____________________________________ Phone _________
Contact Person ________________________ E-Mail Address _____________
(If pertinent, compare the outcome with your own expectations):
(Include comparison with previous events/projects) :
(such categories as materials, royalties, technical production, location rental, professional services, publicity) :
(sales, door receipts, awards etc.) :