HomeMy WebLinkAboutPettygroves 2nd Block 106 - Geology and Potential Bank Stability Impacts - 1993.04.00GEOLOGY AND POTENTIAL BANK STABILITY IMPACTS
due to
City of Port Townsend
Randall Brackett, City Engineer
5210 Kuhn Street
Port Townsend, Washington 98368
G. W. Thonen & Associates
C,onsulting Geologists
1926 Lincoln Street
Port Townsend, Washington 98368
April 1993
As I understood my assignment, it was to evaluate the
potential impacts of the construction of six single family
iesidences on the block between R and S Streets, east of
Walnut, oD the stability of nearby shoreline banks. The
following report is based on our March 3L recon of the upland
and beach areas, a recon of the bank face on April 6, and
previous examinations of banks in the area since L988. It is
atso based on experience gained from geologic mapping and
landslide investigations of Puget Sound shoreline bluffs since
l-968. (Sorne of the observations from that work are summarized
in the attached article). Obviously, site-specific date are
somewhat incomplete, but available exposures of local geologic
materials are felt to be sufficient to justify the conclusions
reported herein.
Residents along bluff areas such as this have reason to be
concerned about potential changes in hydrology due to ne$t
development. Almost a1t deep-seated landslides, as well as
most shallow slope failures, are triggered by ground water.
Whether or not destabilizing concentrations of ground water
occur in a coastal bluff depends to a large extent on the
local geology. Sites where changes in the geologic materials
impede the downward seepage of ground water are commonly areas
of instability. Bluff resl-dents, however, often contribute to
stability problems in many ways. Some are evident on the bank
near the terminus of 'Sf Street.
Loading" a shoreline bluff with clearing debris, graded soil,
and conitruction waste commonly creates slides by disturbing
vegetation in areas where the roots of that vegetation have
alieady had difficulty penetrating the glacially-compacted
subsoils. Cutting trees for better views generally results in
the loss of their Soil- anchoring roots. Excessive yard
waterj-ng, concentrations of roof drainage, or leaking water
and sanitary systems can contribute to surface erosion aS
well as instability. Beach access trails, Or worse yet, bank
traffic and digging, can undercut banks or trample and
smother young vegetation. Probably the most fundamental
people problem" of bank edge development is building so close
that even natural erosion may eventually threaten a structure.
The geologic materials of the bank off the terminus of 'Sf
Street ar-e largely made up of glacial sediments, almost
certainly those of the last glaciation. The approximate
thickness of the sedimentary units here, aS well aS a rough
bank profile, are shown on the following "cross
sectionTprofile". The foltowing descriptions focus on the
physical characteristics of each of the seven geologic units
ls-they may relate to slope stability. Formal geologic names
are largely avoided because correlations are unknown and/or
are irrelevant to stability considerations. The descriptions
begin with the lowest (oldest) unit, and include those at
beach level and on nearbY uPlands.
Sub oravel:
Description of Units
This unit underlies modern beach gravels
in the area fronting the end of 'Sr Street. I
iron oxide-cemented pebbly gravel of unknown
t consists of an
thickness. The
rusty orange color is generally obscured by slime and other
vegetation. The relationship of this unit with the nearby
s6a-level silt" is not clear, but they could both be part of
the Whidbey Formation. That unit, of largely flood plain
deposits, i" mainly made up of silt, silty sand, and silty
pelt, but it also contains iron-oxide cemented gavel in
ptaces. Both this, and the following described unit would
tend to impede the vertical movement of ground water wherever
they occurred.
Sea-level silt: This gray silt unit can now be seen at the toe
of the slop", a couple hundred yards north of the bank in
question, under overhanging alder and brush. I have seen it
exposed in the lower 2-or'3-feet of the bank, closer to the
site in previous years. However, it is now largely obscured
by dry tlows of sand from above which have "buttressed"
against the upper beach. The silt is probably thicker than
its exposed thickness, and may extend to underneath the
proposed development site, below beach level. Its upper
sur?ace appears to slope southerly, and thus, if it exists
under ths site it might be below mean sea level. Where
exposed along the beach it is perennialty wet, probably due to
the regionaf water table. This silt may correlate with the
silt-and peat-rich unit that is exposed in the lower bank west
of Point Wil.son.
Lower-bank sand: This predominantly sand unit makes up the
fower naff-or-so of the bank here. It probably was deposited
by meltwater streams in advance of the last glaciatlon. In
the long-term, this sand tends to form a vegetated angle-of-
repose stope. Remnants of Such slopes are common in the area,
and trees can be seen in places growing on it. such
vegetation, as well as grass and brush, catches eroding
materiar from above and forms a veneering soil'/vegetationrrmatr' 2-g feet thick. As the permeability of the underlying
sand is as high as the overlaying mat, there appears to be
little tendency for shallow debris avalanches to occur during
rainstorms such as is common elsewhere along Puget Sound where
the mat overlies silt. (see enclosed article, fig. ).
Where the vegetation mat is removed by wave erosion andr/or
foot traffic this lower-bank sand can stand in vertical or
even overhanging slopes due to some silt content which acts
as a "binderi'. There appear to be no significant silt-rich
horizons within the sand which might act as "water perchers"
however. Where the natural silt/sand bonds are broken by
digging or foot traffic the sand moves in dry flows that
accumulate as cones along the base of the slope. Such bare
and loose debris cones are very susceptible to erosion by wave
action. Thus, they provide "feed" for the beach at Fort
Warden but do not give much wave protection to adjacent
Mid-bank sitt: This silt and sandy sitt unit, where exposed
uv erosion, tends to stand as a vertical bank. That is
because the fine silt particles tend to be cohesive and act as
a "binder" between each other and with any included fine
sands. This cohesLon was, of course, enhanced by compaction
from the weight of the ]ast continental ice sheet (here,
about 4O0O feet thick). Unlike the flood-plain silts near
Point Wilson, this unit contains no wood or peat. That, and
the delicate layering visible in places, suggests a lake-bed
origin. Such silts (commonly called "bfue c}ay" where
dar[ened by moisture) occur throughout the Puget Lowlands and
adjacent river valleys. They were deposited on the floor of
va;t lakes when the advancing ice sheet spanned between the
Cascades and Olympics, damming the northerly drainage of aJ-I
rivers. This unit, although less than 1,O-feet thick, would
tend to impede downward seepage of ground water.
Upper-bank sand: This sand tends to underlie angle-of-repose
sfopes where it is largely obscured by vegetation. (See photo
panorama). Thus, its overall textural patterns are not
visinte. However, the upper few feet, visible in places,
tends to coarsen in grain size upwards. The unit grades into
fine gravel near the contact with the overlying glacial tiII.
This -uggests deposition by melt-water from the advancing ice
sheet w-hich deposited the overlying till. This upper-bank
sand was apparently cut away by glacial erosion and
essentially replaced by tilt north of the area of concern.
Its role in ground-water movement in the area would be largely
as a ready conduit for any seepage that could infiltrate
overlying materials (tilI or the "upland sand").
Upper-bank tiII: This glacial till unit can be seen to
tnicken abruptly as the bluffs become higher to the southeast.
It may extend under the Marzan propertY, but is only visible
in a graded area just east of the property. If present under
the site, it is probably thinner than along nearby bluffs and
may "taper out" completety. Where exposed in coastal bluffs'
this till stands typicatly in vertical banks. The till, even
though sandier and less compact than some of the till
expoiures elsewhere in Port Townsend, iS still rather
impermeable and limits downward seepage of ground water. The
till exposed on the nearby bluff is quite dry and thus not as
susceptible to erosion by freeze/thaw and wet/dry cycles as
are many titJ. exposures elsewhere along Puget Sound.
Uoland sand: This is a medium-to-coarse-grained sand exposed
in shallow exploratory holes on the property.
been deposited on top of the till by late-glacia
or, it could be merely the top of the'"upper-bank
would mean that the titt is missing under
It may have
I meltwater,
sand'r . ( This
the site. )
Alternatively, this sand coul-d have been derived from the
higher titl slopes to the south and east by post-glacial
erosion. If so, these sands probably thicken downslope (to
the northwest). If of post-till origin, these sands would
tend to move seepage from any infJ-ltration trenches away from
the bank instead of vertical.
The geotogy of coastal btuffs are a major element in their
staUlfity. - Obviously, wave action initially cut the bluffs
and continues to remove material that fa1ls on the beach.
However, since locaI Sea level approached its present
elevation about 5 thousand years d9o, Iocal geology began to
play a greater and greater role. This is because the geology
of -a bluff commonty has a strong influence on not only the
rate (e.g. how often, how fast) but also the mode of failure
e.g. slump, slide, fall or flow). The primary source of this
influence is due to the control geologic materials have on
ground water. Not only are the physical characteristics of
Ihese sediments important, but their sequence of deposition.
FOr example, Sand abOve SiIt Can Congentrate Or "pergh" ground
water, but silt above sand does not.
For a ground-water concentration to occur on (rather than at
the baie of) a shoreline bluff, several factors must exist.
obviously, there must be a supply of recharge (ample
rainfall). Second, there must be a reason for it to
concentrate, and third, at least some of that concentration
must move seaward. For the water to concentrate (i.e.
saturate the sediments) it must, in its downward migration,
either (1) encounter a less permeable layer (as just
mentioned) or (2) it must reach the regional water table ( a
surface below which all sediments are saturated). Near-
horizontal commonly discontinuous "lines" of seeps or water-
loving vegetation in mid-bluff areas are almost always
e*a*ples of perched" ground water (See figures 5, _6, and 7,
attaahed articte). berched ground water commonly may be
Seasonal and disappear in summer. In the winter such horizons
may be marked by rows of icicles. In contrast, a regional
water table is perennial and low on the bluff.
Existing Groundwater Conditions
The only ground water currently exposed near the bank of
concern-here is at the "Sea-level silt" north of the site"
The abrupt contrast in permeability between this silt and the
overlying sand may locally be a contributing factor to this
moisture occurrence. However, the seepage is so low in the
bank that it undoubtedly is the regional water table (rather
than local, perched, and seasonal ground water). Ass such it
would have a regional source of recharge, possibly extending
beyond the City limits. Also, this silt is low enough to be
wetted by sea water, even if a fresh water source was not
present. Thus, it would appear that even maior local
bevelopments would have littte impact on this aquifer and that
the currently proposed development is insignificant in area
even if some of its recharge travelled L50 ft vertically to
this depth.
The annual "water budget" for Port Townsend (Figure 2)
indicates that the local "water Surp1us" occurs only for about
a month-and-a-half per year. Water surplus is defined as
water available for recharge and surface runoff". Personal
experience indicates that (except for developed surfaces)
those areas of Port Townsend underlain by tiIl have such a
great moisture deficit that there is probably tittle recharge
ind no runoff even in the "Rainy season'r. Even mature trees
in this setting (averaging less than L9 inches of annual
rainfall) commonly exhibit stress signs due to lack of soil
moisture. Thus, the concept of a water surplus in this area
should probabty be confined to runoff from developed surfaces.
Similariy, deep recharge is probably confined to closed
depressions, anb nigUy permeable (sand and/or gravel) areas.
Potential for ImPacts
To get a better idea on the potential for bank destabilizing
rec[arge from the proposed development, Iet's examine
available data and make Some "worst Case'l aSsumptions. In
examining the hydrologic setting of eastern Jefferson County,
Grimstad and Caison (t981-) produced graph comparing the annual
water budget of Port Townsend and Quilcene (Figure 2). They
point o,rf the water surplus areas ( shaded ) as bei-ngofnparticutarinterestbecausetheserepresentth9water
available for aquifer recharge and surface runoff" (p. 30).
In discussing soit moisture in Port Townsend they conclude
that "the amount available for runoff and aquifer recharge is
insignificant (0.6 inch - 6 inch soil water-holding capacity)
ass 6o^pared with 29.7 inches in the Quilcene area'r (p. 32).
Letts assume that the proposed development will increase the
water surplus to 1- inch on-site (almost double the 0.6
calculateA). Further, Iet's assume that there is no runoff
and that there is no till to impede downward seepage anywhere
under the property. In seeping downward through about 5O feet
of "upper-banX sand" (see Figure J.), let's assume that none of
that'Lxtra" 0.4 inch of water surplus was trapped on sand
particles or wicked back to the surface and evaporated during
tne following sj-x months of soil water deficit. Further'
Iet's assume that all of that extra water is stopped from
further downward migration by the mid-bluff silt. How much
potentially destabilizing saturation would reach the bluff
iace, approximately L90 feet from the property boundary,
probably weeks later than the storm that produced it?
t4.4 t7.7
25. I
R t7.4 20.3
32.6 29_7
From: Geology atrd Groundwater
Resources of Eastern Jefferson County.
Depaflmenr of Ecology Water Suppiy
Bulletin no. 54, l9g1
Figure 2. Comparison of .,,annual water budgets,, forportTownsendandeuiicene. 'iiotentiar evaptlranspirati_on,, istheamountofwaterthatcoura-ue';;;"il'f;i_"rr.noration fromthesoilandtranspiration -i.o-* prants it enough water were|I"i*:i::'"J"nl""J,l"f ;*:id;X*,illl"rt"r.,,.,iJ-b;i"iperioJ
It must be recognized that in the real world the extra water
surplus wiII 5e seeping laterally as well as verticaL
downward. This spreaAing tendency is further enhanced in
iayered sediments because the layering lets water travel
easier "with the grain" (laterally) than across the grain
vertically). ThuJ, out hypothetical extra 0.4 inch of water
surplus wouta, dt worst, amount to less than 0.1- inch over a
much larger area by the time it reached the level of mid-bluff
silt. Any saturation that might develop there would further
spread laierally in all directions (not just towards the
bluff). Some mbisture would also slowJ-y seep further down
into the silt.
The foregoing suggests that the minimal added soil water from
this retitivefy smalt development would be undetectable at the
level of the mid-bank silt, and have no impact on the
stability of nearby banks. One might then logica1ly ask "What
about cumulative impacts, aS more and more open space in this
area is developed?i' Granted, this could eventually have an
impact on local bank stability if major.development occurred
in the area and most of that was required to have on-site
infiltration systems. Such systems make good sense in such a
geologic and ctimatic setting. However, it seems safe to
ssume that there will eventually be a storm drainage system
of some form along Wa1nut Street. Storm flows now gulley
ditches in places here and/or deposit gravel and debris on the
street. With engineered storm drainage in place, ground-water
recharge would tnen become even less than it is today.
L. The infiltration systems for the new residences proposed
will introduce more water into the soils than in a "natural"
2. The amount of that additional water will be small, and in
many years largely be retained by the upper soils.
3. Any water "escaping" downward would be greatly slowed and
dispelsed before it coutd reach a vulnerable bank surface.
4. It is highly unlikely that any additional recharge from the
devetopment would be detectable at the bank and even less
likely-that it might cause additLonal stability problems.