HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005.07.15 - Level Wetland Assessment for O'Meara Addition Lot 3I I ^LA/A Olympic Wefland Resources, Inc.
Dixie Llewellin, Principal Biologist
As per request by Tom Burni, the 50 X 100 foot lot on 3ltt Street was evaluated on July 5, 2005 as
part of a pre-purchase evaluation. The lot is adjacent to the North Deering Wetland. There has been
no discernible change in the wetland edge since the delineation for the City of Port Townsend in
October 1996 (Wetland Determination Report Wetland I.D. #5-4 North Deering Wetland, Polaris
Engineering and Surveying, Inc. and Olympic Wetland Resources Inc.). At that time the wetland was
rated as a Category II wetland; all Category II wetlands received 100-foot buffers. The entire lot falls
within the wetland buffers.
This wetland has been re-evaluated according Port Townsend's recently adopted code. According to
the new system the wetland is still rated as a Class II Wetland (total score for wetland functions is 63
points). Under the current code buffers are assigned sizes according to levels of habit function. This
wetland has a moderate level of function for habitat (25 points) and therefore is assigned a buffer of
150-feet when calculating for high impact development (Critical Areas-Wetlands 10.05 E. Buffers
and Setbacks). The new rating form is included with this report.
The intent of buffers is to protect important wildlife habitat and wetland features from the adverse
impacts of adjacent land uses. The Port Townsend Environmentally Sensitive Areas Code, described
below, defines development restrictions.
Section 19.05 Wetlands E. Buffers and Setbacks. 8. Except as otherwise specified, buffer zones
shall be retained in their natural condition. Where buffir disturbance has occurced during
construction, or in violation of this chapter, revegetation with native vegetation will be required
unless the directors approves a substitute vegetation with the same or better mitigation
Level I Wetland Assessment; Obayasi
Report File Number 2005-9890
1 Olympic Wetland Resources, Inc 7/05
Findings and Recommendations
This neighborhood has had many alterations of the wetland and buffer. Addie's Ditch was excavated
in an attempt to drain the wetland, 3ltt Street crosses the wetland, and many houses have been built in
the wetland buffer prior to the enforcement of the code.
The existing buffer consists of a combination of dense shrubs in the area nearest the wetland. The
remainder of the lot is non-native pasture grass (to the east). It is important to site the building
envelope as close to the eastem lot line as possible. Consideration should be made to minimize the
footprint of the house as much as possible.
Best management practices should be observed during construction. Sediment or runoff from the
project should be minimized with the use of straw bales or sediment fences. Stormwater from all
impervious structures should be directed away from the wetland or filtered prior to entering the
wetland buffer.
After the construction is complete, native trees and shrubs should be planted to screen the house from
the wetland. This will also add additional vegetation layers and increase vegetation density within the
buffer. A list of appropriate species for the site is included at the end of this report.
Dixie Llewellin
Prinoipal Biologist, Olympic Wetland Resources, Inc.
Certified for Wetland Delineation, 1987 Manual.
Wetland Training Institute, June 1995.
Level I Wetland Assessment; Obayasi
Report File Number 2005-9890
2 Olympic Wetland Resources, Inc 7/05
Wetland Rating Form-Western Washington
l=Score >70
ll=Score 5169
lV=Score <30
Category based on SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS of wetland
from aboveFinal
t-ll-X-Does not
based on Functions provided by wetland
choose the "hi hest"
WL#5-4 City Port
Location:Section: 3 Township:3ON
Name of Rater: Dixie Llewellin
Score for Water Quality Functions
Score for Water Hydrologic Functions
Score for Habitat Functions
Total Score For Functions
Affiliation: Olvmoic Wetland Resources. lnc.
Date of Site Visit July 5, 2005
Natural Heritage Wetlind
Mature Forest
Old Growth Forest
Coastal Lagoon
None of the Above
Depressional X
Freshwater Tidal
DDe ressional and Flats Wetlands
FUNCTIONS lndicators that wetland function to reduce flooding
D3. Does the wetland have the to reduce floodi and erosion?
D3. 1 Characteristics of surface water out of the wetland
Wetland has no surface water outlet
Wetland has an intermittently flowing, or highly constricted, outlet
Wetland is flat and has no obvious outlet and/or is a smallditch
Wetland has an unconstricted surface outlet
D3.2 Depth of storage during wet periods Estimate height of ponding above the bottom of outlet
Marks of ponding are 3 ft or more above the surface
The wetland is a headwater wetland
Marks of ponding between 2 ft to < 3ft from the surface
Marks are at leastO.5 to < 2 ft from surface
Wetland is flat but has small depressions on the surface that trap water
Marks of pondinq less than 0.5 ft
D3.3 Contribution of wetland to storage in the water shed
Estimate the ration of the area of upstream basin contributing surface water to the wetland
to the area of the wetland itself. Wetland ls ln Basin 5
The area of the basin is less than 10 times the area of the wetlind
The area of the basin is 10 to 100 times the area of the wetland
The area of the basin is more than 100 times the area of the wetland
Wetland in the FLATS class (basin=the wetland,.by definition)
6otalD3Add the ints in the boxes
Yes if the wetland is in a location in the watershed where flood storage, or reduction in
water velocity, it provides helps protect downstream property and aquatic resources from
or excessive and/or erosive flows.
NO if the water coming into the wetland is controlled by a structure such as a flood gate,
gate, flap valve, reservoir etc. OR you estimate that more than 90% of the water in the
which of the following indicators of opportunity apply
Wetland is in a headwater of a river or stream that has
Wetland drains to a river or stream that has flooding problems
flow into a river or stream that has flooding problems
flooding problems
Wetland has no outlet and impounds surface water that might otherwise
Other Wetland is at the top of a basin that reduces downslope flooding
NO multi ier is 1
is from groundwater
Total -Hydrologic Function Multiply and score from D3 by D4
Add score to table on a e1
DDe ressional and Flats Weflands
D1. Does the wetland have the
that water
to water
Wetland is a depression with no surface water ouflet
Wetland has an intermittently flowing, or height constricted, ouflet
Wetland has an unconstricted surface ouflet 1
D1.1 Characteristics of surface water out of the wetland:
Wetland is flat and has no obvious ouflet and/or outlet is a ditch
, organic, or anoxlc.
D1.2 The Soil
the surface is
5Wetland has persistent, ungrazed, vegetation>=g5% of area
Wetland has persistent, ungrazed, vegetation>=112 of area
Wetland has persistent, ungrazed, vegetation>=1/10 of area
Area seasonally ponded is >112 total area of wefland
Area seasonally ponded is >1/4 totalarea of wefland
1D 3 of persistent nd forestlor(vegetation shrub,emergent,):
ts areathe theof thatwetland is atfor 2leastponded but outdries sometimemonths,during
Do countnot areathe isthatyear E!*imate area theasponded.permanently average
five ofout ten years.
Wetland has u < 1110 of area
D1.4 of ponding or inu
Area seasonal is <1/4 totalarea of wetland
otalfor Di Add the in the boxes above {3
, urban areas, golf courses are within 150, of wefland
afYES know believeto thereyou are in of watersurface compollutantsgroundwater tng
theinto thatwetland tdwou reduceotherwise water in orqualitylakes,streams,groundwater
fromradient thedowng wetland.whNote ofich the cOnditions sources.thefollowingprovide
thetn withiwetland n 150'
Untreated stormwater discharges to wefland
Tilled fields or orchards within 150' of wefland
orstream culvert into wetla thatnd drainsdischarges residentialareas,developed areas,
farmed roads orfields,clear cuts
by groundwater high in phosphorus or nitrogenWetland is fed
YES mu is2 NO mu isl
Total -Water Quality Function M ultiply and score from Dl by D2
Add score to table on 1 26
Habitat Functiohs-lndicators that the wetland functions to provide important habitat
H1.l Does the wetland have the to provide habitat for many species?
Check the types of vegetation classes present (as defined by Cowardin) if the class covers
more than 10o/o of the area of the wetland or 114 acre.
_Aquatic BedX Emergent plants
X Scrub/Shrub (areas where shrubs have >30% cover)X Forested (areas where trees have >30% cover)X Forested areas have 3 out of 5 strata (canopy, shrubs,ffine number of vegetation types that qualify. lf you have
Permanently flooded or inundated Addie Ditch
Seasonally flooded or inundated
Occasionally flooded or inundated
Saturated only
nt the # of plant species in the Wetland that cover at least 10 ft2
Do not include reed canarygrass, purple loosestrife, Canadian thistle
the types of water regimes (hydroperiods) within the wetland. The water ime has to
stream or river or
H1.2 Hydroperiods
more than 1O9/o of the wetland or 1/4 acres to count.
the wetland
or more types present
$pes present
types present
Lake fringe wetland
Freshwater tidal wetland
H1.4 lnterspersion of habitats
lnterspersion of habitats between vegetation, unvegetated areas is high medium or low
High= 3 points Moderate=2 points Low=1 point None=0 points
Check the habitat features that are present in the wetland, the # of checks is the # of pointsil targe, downed weedy debris within the wetland (.4" diameter and 6' long)X Standing snags (diameter at the boftom >4') in the wetland
Under cut banks are present for at least 6.6 ft and/or overhanging vegetation extends 3.3 ft for 33 ft
Stable steep banks of fine material that might be used by beaver or muskratX At least 'l14 acre of thin-stemmed persistent vegetation or woody.branches in areas that are
seasonally or permanently inundated (structure for egg-laying amphibians).X lnvasive plants cover less than 25o/o of the wetland area in each stratum of plants
14Total for H1. Potential for providing Habitat Add the points in the boxes above
H2. Does the wetland have the habitat for many species?
H2.1 Buffers
Choose the description that best represents condition of buffer of wetland.The highest scoring
criteria that applies to the wetland is to be used in the rating.
100m (330') of relative undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >95% of circumference.
100m (330) of relative undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >50% of circumference.
50m (170") of relative undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >95% of circumference.
100m (330') of relative undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >25% of circumference.
50m (170") of relative undisturbed vegetated areas, rocky areas, or open water >50% of circumference.
lf buffer does not meet any of the criteria above
No paved areas (except trails) or buildings within 25 m (80') of wetland >95% circumference.
No paved areas or buildings within 50 m (80) of wetland >50% circumference.
Xll:1"?i:il?t#:fl r" r,lo" 1o.o ry ror more rhan es% orrhe circumrerence
Buffer does not meet anv of the above criteria
H2.2 Gonidors and Connections
H2.2.1 is the wetland part of a relatively undisturbed and unbroken vegetated corridor (riparian or upland) that is
at least 150 ft wide, has at least 30% cover of shrubs, forest of native undisturbed prairie, that connects to
estuaries, or other wetlands or undisturbed uplands that are at least 250 acres in size?
YES = 4 points (go to H2.3) NO = go toH2.2.2 Connects to Cappy's
H2.2.2 is the wetland part of a relatively undisturbed and unbroken vegetated corridor (riparian or upland) that is
at least 50 ft wide, has at least 30% cover of shrubs, forest of native undisturbed prairie, that connects to
estuaries, or other wetlands or undisturbed uplands that are at least 25 acres in size? OR a Lake-fringe
wetland , if it does not have an undisturbed conidor as in the question above?yES = 2 points (go to H2.3) NO = go toH2.2.3
H2.2.3 ls the wetland
Within 5 mil (8km) of a brackish or salt water estuary OR within 3 mi of a large field or pasture
OR within 1 mile of a lake greater that 20 acres? YES =1 point
H2.3 Near or adiacent to other priority habitats listed by WDFW
POINTSngWhich of the followi
Old-growth forests
habitats are within 330 ft (100m) of thewetland
white oak
Aspen Stands
Urban natural open space
Marine' Estuarine shorelines
Mature forests
H2.4 Wetland Landscape
Choose the one description of the landscape around the wetland that best fits POINTS
There are at least 3 other wetland within 112 mile, and the connections between then are relatively undisturbed
( light grazing OK, but should NOT be bisected by paved roads or development 5
The wetland is Lake-fringe on a lake with little disturbance and there are 3 other lake-fringe wetlands
within 1/2 mile 5
There are at least 3 wetland within 1/2 mile, BUT the connections between then are disturbed 3
The wetland is Lake-fringe on a lake with disturbance and there are 3 other lake-fringe wetlands
within 1/2 mile 3
There is at least 1 wetland within 1/2 mile 2
there are no wetland within 1/2 mile 0
Total for H2. Opportunity for providing Habitat Add the points in the boxes above 11
25Total Score for Habitat Functions- Add points for Hl and H2 and record on Page 1
Table L. Wetland Plant List and Landscape SpecificationsScientific NnmeCommon NameUSFWS ConditionRatingSize Spacinglu'10'10'4',4',5'5'5'2-5gal2-5gal2-5saI2gaI2sal2eal2ealT-2galcontainercontainercontainercontainercontainercontatnercontarnercontainerFACT.ACUT.'ACUFACUFAC+FACUFAC+FACUDouglas'hawthomShore pineI)ouglas'firHazelnutTwinberryIndian plumSalmonberryRed elderberryTreesCrataegus douglasiiPinus contortaPseudotsuga menziesiiShrubCorylus cornutaLonicera involucrataOemleria cerasiformisRubus spectabilisSambucus rasemosaLegendScientific and common names: Scientific name according to Hitchcock and Conquist (1976) Flora of the Pacific NorthwestUSFWS Rating: OBL Obligate wetland plants almost always found in wetland (99%), FACW Facultative wetland plants usually in wetlands (67-99%)FAC Facultative wetland plants usually in wetlands but occasionally in uplands (34-66%)Location: Plant location on site, also refer to planting plan for clarification.Condition: As available from nurseries.Size: As typically planted for restoration projects.Spacing: Recommended spacings.Quantity: Total number of plants for project.ative Plant NurseriesFourth Corner Nurseries, 3057 E. Bakerview Road Bellingham WA 98226 (360) 734-0079Shore Road Nursery, 616 Shore Road Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 457-8482Sound Native Plants, P.O. Box 7505, Olympia, WA 98507 (360) 943-7026Woodbrook Nursery, 162A 59th Ave. Gig Harbor WA 98335 (206) 265-627 |Olympic Wetland Resources, lnc. July 2005