HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.03.26 Stegall Property Wetland Delineation and Classification ReportJ s.^n*'!' l6s,r-l8 TT/ESITECH COMPANY *h/ %.}rs/e,aur Environmental Gonsulting - Site Permitting March 26,2001 Ms. Judy M. Surber City of Port Townsend Planning Department 181 Quincy Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Dear Ms. Surber: Enclosed, as we discussed, please find a copy of a brief report on the status of wetlands on Mr. Ed Stegall's property at the northwest corner of 20th Street and Baker Street. This is a 6.1 acte patcei on which Mr. Stegall wishes to permit a three-bedroom single family residence and associated infrastructure including a drainfield located approximately 300 feet northwest of the proposed residence (see Figure 2). Two Class III wetlands appear to be located on the property. One of these is small and below Port Townsend's iegulatory threshold. The other is larger and appears to be of regulatory size. Both wetlands have been delineated in the field with "wetland" flagging, trowever, only the regulatory size wetland boundaries are shown on the enclosed map (Figure 2). The wetland boundary (regulatory wetland) is located approximately 85 feet from the proposed corner of the drainfield, a distance well in excess of the required 50 foot buffer ,oie. The wetland boundary was measured as 119 feet to the top of the bluff where the house is proposed to be located and 145 feet from the proposed home location. The currently proposed pipeline route connecting the house with the drainfield, however, appears to pasi within the buffer zone. We have proposed rerouting the proposed pipeline uiong ttre old logging road to a point directly east of the drainfield corner and thence running west to connect with the drainfield. An engineering determination will be n46d'ry prior to drainfield installation to determine ifpumping will be necessary with this configuration. WT755BKR. REP/03260 1 gbs P.O. Box 287 6' Port Angeles, Washing ton 98362' Telephoner 06O) 452.O I 86' Fax: emaift bshea@tcnfolward.com $601 4524tt8 \ Ms. Judy M. Surber -2-March 26, 2Wt I hope that the enclosed report is clear. As we agreed in the field, this report is brief due to tirr relatively minor nature of the project and the lack of anticipated impacts on regulated wetlands and buffer zones. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions regarding the report or accompanying maps. Thank you. Sincerely, J G. Bradford Shea, Ph.D.,REA Principal Ecologist GBS/ms Enclosure cc: Ed Stegall WT755BKR. REP/032601 gbs STEGALL PROPERTY: WETLAND DELINEATION AND CLASSIFICATION REPORT, NORTHWEST CORNER,2AfH AND BAKER STREETS PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON 98368 Identification of Wetlands The property was examined on January 9 and 17 and on March 16, 2001 by Dr. G, Bradford Shea, Senior Ecologist, Westech Company. The following are Dr. Shea's findings. The property appears to contain two wetlands. Both wetlands lie within a southwest trending drainage which crosses the 6.1 acre Stegall property. At one time, these two wetlands may liaue been connected, however, all functional characteristics indicate that they are now distinct. In fact, there is an area of forest with upland characteristics which sepirates the two for a distance of approximately 50-60 feet. The smaller wetland lies just east of an old logging road which may have contributed to severing any original connection, and which probably also resulted in impoundment and expansion of that small wetland. The smaller, eastern, non-regulatory wetland is approximately 4400 feet in size and roughly ellipticat in shape. This wetland has been flagged in the field to denote boundaries, even though it is non-regulatory in nature. The larger wetland is approximately 300 feet in length and an average of 40 feet in width. lt is a moist to wet area of forested land at the bottom of a ravine which drains in a southwesterly direction off of the property. Total size of this wetland on the property is approximately 12,000 square feet (A.27 acres). This wetland has been flagged in the field fiom the upper boundary to the western property boundary. The wetland crosses off- -. property to the west, apparently continuing onto the City-owned property near the water tower. Classification of Wetlands Both the non-regulatory and the regulatory wetlands on the property are ClaSs III wetlands. The non-regulatory wetland exists in an area surrounded with trees and shrubs, but is more palustrine emergent in nature, possibly due to past logging combined with water impoundment resulting from the presence of the logging road immediately to the west. ThL regulatory wetland is a shrub-scrub wetland which is in a successional stage from palustrine emergent to forested wetland, probably due to past logging. WT755BKR. REP/032601 gbs Resulatorv Status Port Townsend Critical Areas Codes (PTMC 19.05.110) indicate that Class Illwetlands of less than 5,000 square feet of area are non-regulatory. For this reason, the eastern wetland on the property has been classified as non-regulatory. This wetland has no apparent surface water connection to the other wetland except possibly in times of sheet flow during peak storm events. Due to the non-regulatory nature of this wetland, no buffer zone is required. Good management practices, however, should still be employed near this wetland, including control of erosion and sedimentation during construction. The western, regulatory wetland is also a Class III wetland (see Wetland Characteristics Section below). The Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) provides for a 50 foot buffer for this category of wetland. Therefore the proposed plan for development of the property was examined to determine if construction areas could be routed outside of this buffer zone. Wetland Characteristics Wetland vegetation iscomposed of the plant species listed in Table 1. Wetland soils were found to range from silty sandy loams to black clay muck. Some soils appeared to be only marginally saturated for much of the year, indicating that these wetlands may be in the process of drying out. The property is located near the top of a watershed and the drainages have very little inflow area. In fact the major reason for the presence of these wetlands may be the near surface compact glaeial till which forms a near surface hardpan layer in several places on the property. This near surface layer, in turn, keeps water flow near the surface, causing saturated soils in the root zones of the vegetation. Relationship of Project Features to Wetlands and Buffer Zones None of the project features (house, well site, drainfield or utility corridor) fall within the wetlands on the property or within the 50 foot buffer zone on the regulated wetland. The force main and pressure piping as shown on the Septic System Site Plan Detail prepared by Northwestern Territories, Inc. on 12113100 do fall within the regulated wetland and wetland buffer. 1 Conclusions and Recommeridations We conclude that one regulatory Class III wetland exists on the Stegall properry at 20th and Baker Streets as shown in Figure 2. This wetland must have a 50 foot buffer zone according to Port Townsend Municipal Code Section 19.05.110. That buffer zone isalso shown on Figure 2. WT755BKR. REP/032601 gbs In order to eliminate any potential impacts to the regulatory wetland and associated buffer, we recommend that the force main and pressure piping be relocated. We recommend that the relocated route proceed northeasterly from the home site to the logging road, thence north along the logging road to a point roughly due east of the drainfield, turning west to the drainfield (see proposed relocated line, Figure 2). With the line relocated, we do not anticipate any significant impacts on the regulatory wetland or its buffer zone. Standard erosion/sediment control measures should be taken during construction. The new pipeline location should be placed toward the west side of the old logging road to avoid the non-regulated wetland. Any disturbed areas should be seeded with grass or covered with non-erosive material (e.g. straw, jute netting etc.), especially where such disturbed areas occur on slopes. WT755BKR. REP/032CI1 gbs TABLE 1. SITE WETIAND VEGETATION Scientific NameCommon Name Alder Western red cedar Cattail Velvetgrass Soft rush Salmonberry Blackberry Slough sedge Buttercup Alnus rubra Thuja plicata Typha latifolia Holcus lanatus Juncus effusus Rubus spectabilis Rubus procerus, Rubus laciniatus Carex obnupta Ranunculus repens WT755BKR. REP/03260 1 gbs \X-lr -l I ^I rl It \ E Project Site clAIL,r f) 7 i-|'lr- e n I I Westech Company, 2001 Figure 1. Vicinity Map ITIESTECII COMPAT{Y Envlroomcntal Gmfifthg - Sitc Pemiffing March 30, 2001 Ms. Judy Surber 181 Quincy Sueer Pon Townsend, WA 98368 Dear Judy: Enclosed, as you requested is the DOE Rating Form for Ed Stegall's property at Baker and 20th Streets (NW Corner). I use ttre DOE form because it is widely accepted. In my professional judgemenr, Mr. Stegall's wetland is a Category III wetland, based on tbe DOE crircria as well as on criteria which I use to rate wetlands. It is a fairly healthy and productive Category III wetland and therefore, I recommended that Mr. Stegall avoid impacts to it if possible, resulting in his decision to route ttre drainfield lines outside the wedand and associated 50 foot buffer. As a professional rientist, I do have some problems with the entire DOE nating system, however, this does not at'fect my opinion on Mr. Stegall's parcel. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, J. G. Bradford Shea, Ph.D., REA Principal Ecologist GBS/ms WT755PTS. LT I /03300 I gbs P.O.8or2875 'PottAngelcrr waehgem 98162 'Tctqrhone (36o).gt2ol06 - Far (36o) 4s24ttt za'a eEait bshea@tanfolsErd.con FP:Ztr trAAZ-A!-dUl^l io lVetlands Rating Field Data Forrn Background lnformalion: Name of Rater: p r^<ftG ^ "y - €4,+a-- A,ffi llation:L)'- <4-1a2 Dare: t /z 7/o t Name of wetland (if lcnovn):{{- Government Jurisdiaioa of wefland: Pe'R-2,"r^c'2.- ic Location: l/4Section: ,- of l/4S:-*rf$ectton::Z-Tovnship: J?p - ftange: t*u Sources of lnformation: (Check all sources that apply) Site visit: / USCS Topo Map: ..{ IYWI map: -- Aerial Phoro: ,/ Soils snrvey: r- Orhec /Describe: 6;1 d.otu When The Freld Data form is complete enter Category here:w Q.l- High Quality Natural Wetland Answer rhis guestion if you have adequare informadon or experience to do so- If not find som@De with the expertise to answer the questions. Then. if the answer to quesdons la, lb and lc are all NO, contact the Natual Heritage progf,am of DNR. la Human caused disturbances. Is tXere significant evideoce of human+aused changes ro ropography or hydrology of the wetland as indicated by any of the following condirioru? Consider only changes thar may have talcen place in the last 5 decades. The impaca of changes done earlier have probably been stabilized and rhe weOand ecosystem will be close to rsching some netv equilibrium thal may represeil ahigh qualiry werland. 1a1. Upsteam waterstred > l27o impervious. la2, Wedard is AfrneA a-ud warer flow is noc obsmrced- 1a3. Wetland has been graded, frned,eff.g@)t/ la4- rilater in wetland is controlled by dikes, weifs, erc- la5. Wesland is grazeA la6. Other iuclicators of distubarce 0isr below) Circle Answers Yes: go ro Q-2 Yes: go to Q.2 @go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 No: go to lb- 25 o fa'd WtZI, TAAZ:At-dVbl pre5elrcs, sheens: populations preseil, appear nStivepopulations?Briefly non-nariveInfrrmarion lb Are there of non-native planfs whictr are orrrentlycover EOre tJ?Fln lOVo ofthe weiPa6, 6s6 ro be invadingdescribe aty planr populatioru aad lc. Is hcre evideoce ofhurnan-caused disturbances which have visiblydegraded water qualfty_ Evjdenceof the degradadon ofwelerqualiryiaclude: direct (untreared) ruuoff frorn roa4s or parking los;orhistodc evideNr@, of waste dumps: oily the smell oforganicdremicats; or lifestock use Briefly describe: YES: go!o e-2No; go to Ic. )GS; go b e.2 NO: Possible CaL I contact DNR. lrreplaceable Ecological Functions;the weUand:e have ar least l/4 acreof organic soils deeper.than 16 inches 111 the wedand is relarivAy,_Ort rril On[IIf rhe answeris No uecarse me r[iili,, disrrubed brieflyIndicarors of disorrbance may i;du;l'_ Werland has been gr"oea, nireo@- Organic soils on Ur. ,urfaa. ,a dried,our formore rhan haif of rlre yea,r; -.Wedand receives direcl stonnwacer runofffromrrrban or a$iculurat areas.l;oR *o'J' (E trave a foresred class grearer tlran I acre;OR(E have characterisdcs of an esharine sy$em;OR Q-2. Does e have eel grass, floacing or non-floating kelp beds? describe: ES: Go ro 2b YES: Go to 2c IGS: Go ro 2d all:togo 3)arS2etogo Are any of the tt'ee fotowing condidons met for the area of organic soir? 2a.1- AreSphagnum Tos:es a conunon ground covq (>30%) and thecover of invasive species (see Tabre 3j;i;, rhan 1}v't Is the area of sphagnum mosses and geep organic soirs > rD acre?Is the area of sphagnum ror* *Jc."p organic sors tlitt' acre? Is the area of herbaceous !l*o *9 O*p organic soils > lD acre?Is rhe area ofherbaceous planrs and ;ed J.!*" so's r/4-ll2 acre? 2a. EogsandFens 2.2a-Is there aa NA of soilorganic which anhas classeme(geDt withone at IeastfromspeciesTaDleand2,cover ofINvasii ve tsspecies 0%Table(see NO: Go to2a,3 NO; Go wZa-3 ES: YES res YES Caregory I Caregory II Category I Category fi o @ 26 ,z'd PFtZT. \AAZ-A|-\AI ,.o 2a-3-ls tbe rcgearion a mixnrre of only herbaceousplaors and Sphagnurn mosses with no sgnrb/shrub or foresred classes? Is the area of herbaceous plants, Sphagnum, and deep orgsnic soils > LlZ acre? Is tp area ofherbaceous planc. Sphagnum, aad deep organic soils 1/4-112 acre? YES: Caregory I fS: Caregory II NO; Goto Q.3. 2b.1. Does 50% of the cover of upper forest canopy consist of eve(green trees olcler than 80 years or rteciduors trees older rhan 50 years? Note: TIrc size of Eees is ofien not a measure of age, and size cannot be used as a $urogate for age (see guidance) 2b.2_ Does 50% of the cover of forest Qirnopy consist of evergreen uees older than 50 yearsn Al.[D is Ute stuctwal divef,sity of the foresr high as characterized by ao additional layer of uees 20,49,tall. shrubs 6, -'20,.ull, and a herbaceous gfoundcover? 2b.3. Does < 25% of tIrc areai cover in the herbaceouggroundcover or the shnrb layer consist of invasive/exotic planr pecies from the lisr on p. 19? QJb. Mature forested wetland. YES: Category I NO: Go to2b.2 YES: Go to 2b.3 NO:6oto Q.3 fS: Category I NO: Go ro Q.3 2cl. Is the wertancl listed as National wildlife Retuge, Nationat park, National Bmry Reserve, Nartrral Area Presewe, State park, or Educational, EnvironmenDal or Sciendfic Reserves designated underwAc 332-30-t5r?..... Is the wetland > 5 acres; Note: Tf an area contains parches ofsalr tolerant vegeradon that arel) less than 600 feet apart and thar are separated by mudflats r}rar go dry on a Mean Low Tide' or 2) separated by rictal channels thar are less ttran 100 feet wide; all the vegetated areas are to be considered togetrer in calcrlatiug the wedand area- Q2c. Estuarine wetlands. 2c.2 or is the wecland I-5 acres: . or is the wedaad < 1 acse?. . YES: Category I NO: Gcr to2c-2 I'ES: Caregory I lG.S: Go ro2c-3 YES: Go to1c.4 io q, 27 sa'd 9F tZI, TAAZ-At-dUl^l I i : I \ t\- Fdnimu'n existins evidence of hu'atr rerate<r cltsturbaace suctr asdiking, dirching, u,Tt g.1"rU."-gr*ig or the presence of non_' nadve planr species (see euiCance foiennjuon); ' surface wster @nnecdon wirh tidar salwuer or ddar fteshwaer; - at lqtsr 7 S% ot the w. edand has a I 00, buffer of ungrazed pilsture,olten water, sttmb or forest; - has at teasr 3 of the following feattues: Iow marsh; high marsh; tiOa]channets; ragoon(s);woody aJurisl or "ooiguo* freshwata wedancl 2c'4' Does the wetrand meer a, of rhe fo'r aitqia under 2c3. (abovex- 2c.3. Does the wedand rneet at Ieast 3 ofthe following 4 cireria:. . fS: Caregorytr NO: Cuegory trI LEs NO: : CategoryI Cuegory II gJd. Eel Grass and Ketp Eeds.2d"1. Areeel grass bedspresent?. 2&2. Are there floariso%;;*,;il;;,1',;HHffi.j,-ff H3,Tj'3 jrlffi $:greaEr than YES: Category I NO: go to 2d.2 llES: Caegory I NO: Caregory II 3b. Is the werland: less than two acresand, hydrolo$cally isolaed,wirh one vegemted class, and > gAVo of aredcover js any combination ofspecies from Tabre 3 (page 19) 3o.tvCategory wellands.3a-Is rhe wetland:thanless I acre and,hydro isoluedogically a0d,ofcomprisedoDe classvegeated rhar is dominared (>areal8A7ooneby cover)species from Table 3 or(page le)Tabl 4 2A(page ) 3c.Is the wetland excavated trom andupl asnd smallerpond &artawithout acresurfacewalerconnecdontosheams,Iales,orrivers,ryed othe.rand,and hes 0.I acre of vegetadoD. : Caregory IV to 3b : Caregory IV to Q.4 : Caegory IV go ro 3c ->I 28 9A'd 9P:ZT, \AAZ-A|-\AI,J Q.a. Significant habitat value. Auswer dI questions and enter dan re$te$ed 4a- Total weiland area Estimate arca, select from choices in rhe near-dght coltuut, and score in rhe far column: Emer acreage of we0and nere: i acres, and sourcet.€<a:"b *<a; ,-u-/e-, lZaltt;{ Circlc scot?s tbet qualify ,lslEs naiDls > 200 40- 200 10^40 5-l0 1- < 0-1 6 s 4 3 2 I 0 4b. Iiletland classes: Circle the wetlancl classes belou, that gualify: Opea Water: if rhe area of open water is > l/4 eo.e Aquatic Beds: if tfn uea of aquaric beds > ll4 acre, Emagent: if the area of emergent class is > tl4 rae, Scrub-Shrub: if the uea of scrub-shrub class is > ll4 aae. Foresrcd: if areaof forestedcrassi{-JZ-il) 'u.r( g-reta\-..---- / Add the number of welland classes, above, thal qualify, and then score eccording to the columns at right. e.g. If there are 4 classes (aquatic beG, open water; emergent & scrub- stuub), you would circle E polnts in the fu right column. # of classes Pointsc;.) 3 6 8 l0 2 J 4 5 tlc. Plant species diversity. For each werland class (at right) thar qualifies in 4b above, couut the number of differenrplznt species you can frnd rbat cover mote than 570 of tre grouud. You do nothavglo nametrem. Score in column at far right: e-g- If a wetland has an aquatic be<l class with 3 species, an emergem class with 4 species and a scrub-shrub class with 2 species you would circleZ,2, Llad,l in rire far column. Note: Any plant qpecies with a cover of > 57o qualifies for points within a class, even tlrose tlrat are not ofthat class- l"* lneu.,i c Bed Poinrs I) 3 >3 0 I 2 J 0 I 1 3 0 I 2 3 I Emergent I 2-3 +5 >) Scrub-Shrub Forested I 7 34 >4 1 2@ >4 0 1 t'Tt J o 29 o LA'd 9V:71. IAAZ-Ar-dAl^l 4d- Structural diversity. If the wedand has a foresred classes is prcsent within Ale -rees > 50'tdl ln artT/'rs 9-to t'ed" class .'r/g-F "operi o(ere-.4 walertany or aquauc tonexl iheimmediarely forested area is*rere(ie no scrub/shru orb -uees 20'- 49'ta1t emergem vegeradon benreen rtrem) class, add I point if each of rhe following fiorested elass and is larger ftan l/4 acrc: -sttrubs-,- YES- 1 YESIts Y']ES .1-t-t Moderarc - 3,---\r Low- F>}onril High- 5 4e-Decide from the diagrams below whe*rer lnlerspersron bctweenwerlandclasseslshigh,rnoderate,low or none?If you ddnk theamountofinrcrspenionfdlsrnbetweenrhediagnmsscorcaccordingly(i-e.a modenrely high amount of insrenpersion would score a 4,while a rnoderarely low amoum would score 2) none low Iow moderate moderate hi*eh 4L Habitat features. Atrswer quesdons below, circle featurcs thar apply, and scorc to righr: Is rhere evidence rhar rhe.open orsanding warer was caused by beavqrsIs a heron rookery locared wirhin 300,? Are rapbr. nesVs {ocared wihin 300,? Arc there ar least 3 sanding dead rees (snags) per acre greater rhan10" in diamerer ar ..breasr heighr" (DBH)?. Are there at least 3 downed togs per acre with a diameter> 6" for ar least l0' in lengrh?tu F:ry areas (vegera*d or unvegetaed) wirhin rhe wcrrand ihar areponded for ar leasr 4 momhs our of the year, and rhe werrand has norqualified as having an open warcr class'in euesdon 4b, ? rflEs=T\r.-.. __...'--/ YES= 1 YES=2 YES= 2 YES= 1 YES= I t\ r' I 30 8A'd 9tr:TL TAAZ-AI-YAN t o '€p/ /'*r.i+:.4 YES=6 YES =4 fS=4 I|ES =2 Score = 5 Score = 3 Score = 2 Score = I Score = 0 a 49. Connection to streams. (Score one answer only.) 4g-1. Does the vrciland Fovide habitat for fish 4 any tlme of rhe year AND does ir have a perennial surface waler connegtign tg a trsh bearing stream. 4g.2 Does the'wetland provide fish habia seasonally AI'ID does it have a seasonal zurface water connection to a fish bearing steam. 14" 4g-3 Does thE wetland funcrion to export organic ma[er rtuough a s:rface wabr connection at all times of the yeiu to a pgenniat sEeam. srl o 4g.4 Does the werlanct firncdon to exPon orgarlic natrer $rough a surface water coDnectiou !o a on a seasond basis? A 4h. Eufilers. Score rlre exlstiag buffers on a scale of l-5 basecl on the following four descriptions If the couditiou of the buffers do nor exactly Datctr the descnpntorL score either a point higher or lower depeuding 91 urhether the buffers are less or more degraded. Forest, scnrb, nadve grassland or oPen lrtater buffeJs are presenl for more than loo'around 957o of the cirdmference- Foresr, scntb, native grasslancl, or opeo warcr buffers wider than 100' for more ftan l/2 of tre wedand cirormference, or a forest" scnrb, grasslands, or open water buffers for more than 50' around 95Vo of the circumference, Forest" scrub. native grassland, or oPen water buffets wider iltan i00' for more than 1/4 of the wetland circumference, or a foresL scrub, native grasslan4 or open water buffers wider than 50' tbr more than l/2 of the wetland circumference. No roads, birildings or paved areas wiftin 10O' of the wetland fot more than 95% of rJrie werland circumference. No roads, buildings or paved areas wittrin 25' ot' ttre wetland for more t}gng5% of fte circumference, or No roads buildings or paved areas ttrithin 50' of the wetland for more than l/2 of the wedand circumference. Paved areas, inclusuial ueas or residential construction (with less rhan 50 between housas) are less than 25 feet ftom the wetland for more tl:ran95% of the circumference of the wetland. 3r a, 6E'd LP:ZT TEAZ_8,_5VN aT'd -'lul01 1 I :. I r i !I{ ! ; i i I I I !I !i ;ttI I 32 a select the dscription which best nilctres the sire being evaruared. - Is the wetlan<l counected to any other Habirar Area with either l) a foresrcdlitrnrUcorriclor < 100' wide, or 2) a a corridor rhar is > lO0,wlde, but has " Io* u.gentiuicoverless tnan 6 feetin height? -Is tre wetland connected o, or a part oq ariparian corridor between 50 _ 100, widewi& scrub/shrub or forest cover con'ection to o&er wetlanG? Connection to other habltat ahess: (<t(< theIs vetland connected to otherany Habiut Area with fiurow corridor 00')lowof 6'lnvegetadon height)? theIs werland and bufferi6 the(ir 1Sbuffer thanless 50'wide)isolatedcompletdy resiclentiat(urbur,wirh adevelopment densiry thangre€rcr 2laqe.or jindusrial) rlre-Is werland connected orIo,aoipsn atcorridorriparian least 00'widetsroormorgOfrwetlands;thereis :Itr upland connectlon 100'I,resentrrdUrwideforestorgoo<l shrub coYer (>25%ircover)Pith acouaectiugHabitatSignifcanrArea? YES=3 YES=5 YES=3 Y]3S = I YEg=Q Now add rhe scores circted $.rt{f ;.r{?{r:r;# gr,Is the Totel greater than or equal io22Winlcl Category II NO a total- O a al'd L?=ZT \AAZ-AU-$AIA I PROPERIY UNE o2l o Ft! LJ-JE.F(n R,r'..ONENT'N]€ OR,4NNELO IN REUNON TO fH€ SOIL HOLES ANO PHr5IC,!'L FAruRES SHOWN ATIO PUCE PAFIUTL TO fHE SLOPE. THE PUMP CHAMSER SHALL 8€ LOCATM SUCH \IIATAU PORNONS OF IH€ PRESSURE PIPINC S"TsiF/,l ARE KEPT LOWER IN €L&ANON fruN U|EF,AL NUIIaER I. PROrcSED 3 SEOROOU PR$SUilZM PARIULnU ORTUNflEA. INSiA/.L |HR€E 55.2 FOOT LONC tJfEFtlS nfH GRAWL|f.5S C|UUEAS AT 9.O F@T ON-CENIER. SEE ALSO, sECnoNS A-A & 8-8. RA.M" I I RA.020 A4.flET fHE POSNON OF IHE OflNC€ cLosgsr Kt fHE oEsEFtnpN POR| rO A POflIPN OIRECftY SELOV IHE OSS€WANON POR| (|YPICAL E4CH UIAAL) SEE AI.SO, sEcttoNs A-A & 8-8.t rg't btc)lf) R.A. R.L IIe Recommended Pipelirre LocationoI6 R.A.\(r)nO { L. ci se n { J = 6 ! t 9"i1d I Non-Regulatory wetland .. ,a6q o IoJ aJo 0 10 ? -/' lti $"t*o f :Iu1sct]E tN fE| E.IJ )< m NOTE IHIS IS A PLANNINa DOCUTTEM ONLY NOT FOR COIIS'IRUCTTON UNNL SF'TIC PFRUI| 13 A]7PR|NFI) BY fHE HaLTH DPARTUENT s- b =z.( a. !{ q- (J tk o ! a ^!98.: RC/d8E 99e9s Efi6ts 6RERFr !'G h-ttPEo.: q CDIq6o -J{666t ;'-$I Il-l' I I 6rP , , d -alI. ) j EXPIRES 8-26- o L o E oz. atulEoF E,cculF z. CEutF <t>lll =F CEoz, a o -! 9E: C-de Ie€ E,bgeE X*, - t=6= drB 2Gq<qF<- .4eS u-j9P A 5Adt{3 *!-o tr \ s=-JfiF6FHH l$e $HF a\--i \ ul o uiet{trJ <tt rtl{s{o+ t6 z. eo olrlYoIJ !c) FIA o(J e(9 IJ ilrltIJe, O) t!o ,.) LrLir a =o E (^ E o.n !t{J =tJt{a (/j ri's{o ;ao olr,l 9vttrJC) 5 260'* OF '.5'C!,/AS 20A PE1P Original Location Drainfield Pipeline J SDRM SFR T 7A 467' STR PROPERTY UNF.S Figure 2. Site Plan Westectr Company, 2001