HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.10.21 - David Cohn Wetland Delineation & Rating Report for 3057 7th StreetSwanson Farm Wetland Delineation & Rating Report October 2lr 2016 Prepared for: David Cohn 3A57 7th Street Porl Townsend, WA. 98368 Site Address: 3057 7'h Street Port Townsend, WA. 98368 MARINE SURVEYS & ASsESSMENTS 267 Hudson Street Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 385-4073 mari ne.surveys.i nc@gmai [.com llijil - I i,::i-l' "1/ 0ssM 9 BSU I. fntroduction Marine Surveys & Assessments (MSA) was authorizedby the applicant and property owner, David Cohn, to assess four wetland areas over ten parcels Jefferson County, Washington. For ease of identification, the wetland areas are designated 1-4 (Figurel), and will be referred to by these identifying numbers thoughout this reporfi wetlands 1-3 lie within the limits of the City of Port Townsend, and wetland 4lies just outside. Wetland I and2 were both delineated, rated, and assigned buffers; Wetland 3 was rated and assigned a buffer; Wetland 4 was mapped and assigned a buffer. Wetlands 1-3 were assigned buffers based on City of Port Townsend code; wetland 4 was assigned a buffer based on Jefferson County code. All field work was completed between August 11th and August 22"d,2016, with GIS, aerial photography, and subsequent report writing completed in September 2016. The property is located at3057 7th St, Port Townsend, WA, and consists of ten parcels which equal approximately 77.0 acres. Parcel numbers are: 001093002, 001093004, 001093001, 997000101, 99700020t,997000701,997000301,997000601,997000401,997000501. The parcels are located in the SW 1/4 SEC 9, T30N, RlW (Figure 1). II. General Site Conditions This property is mostly open farmland located within a relatively residential and developed section of east Jefferson County on Quimper Peninsula. It is west-southwest of Port Townsend, WA by approximately 2.4 miles, and west-northwest of Port Hadlock, WA by approximately 5.0 miles. The property is 77 .0 acres and is divided into ten parcels, the vast majority of which is open, having been logged and farmed years ago. There is a small farmhouse in the central- western section of the property, along with a small outbuilding and large barn, accessed from the east via 7th Street, off Discovery Road (Figure 1). To the north, the property is bordered by forested land, while the west and southwest is bordered by residential neighborhoods, accessed in large part from South Jacob Miller Road. To the east is Discovery Road, a major town artery. Generally, the elevation along the northern section of the property is greater than the southern; drainage on the property flows from north-to-south. The westem quarter, approximately, consists of a wetland corridor running from the northwest comer of the property southeast to the man-made pond on the southern border. Four wetland areas were identified on the property. The smallest (Wetland 1) is approximately 0.10 miles northwest from the farmhouse; the next largest in size (Wetland 2) is almost immediately adjacent to the farmhouse to the northeast; to the southeast by approximately 0.07 miles lies the next largest wetland (Wetland 3), while the largest, being the aforementioned Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 3IMSA a a a low water a depth less than 2 meters (6.6 feet) in the deepest part of the basin; 4.have a salinity due to ocean-derived salts of less than 0.5 ppt. EM: Class Emergent Wetland: charactenzed by erect, rooted, herbaceous hydrophytes, excluding mosses and lichens. This vegetation is present for most of the growing season in most years. These wetlands are usually dominated by perennial plants. All water regimes are included except subtidal and irregularly-exposed. F: Water Regime Semi-Permanently Flooded: surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years. When surface water is absent, the water table is usually at or very near the land surface. L: Subclass Persistent: Dominated by species that normally remain standing until the beginning of the next growing season. This subclass is found only in the Estuarine and Palustrine systems. SS: Class Scrub-Shrub: Includes areas dominated by woody vegetation less than 6m (20 feet) tall. The species includes shrubs, saplings, and trees of stunted growth form dues to environmental conditions. C: Water Regime Seasonally Flooded: Surface water is present for extended periods especially early in the growing season, but is absent by the end of the growing season in most years. The water table after flooding ceases is variable, extending from saturated at the surface to a water table well below the surface. o The NWI map documents were prepared primarily by stereoscopic analysis of high altitude aerial photographs taken in 1980 and 1981. Wetlands were identified on the photographs based on vegetation, visible hydrology, and geography. The aerial photographs typically reflected conditions during a specific year and season when they were taken. Some small wetlands and those obscured by dense forest cover may not be included on the map. Lr addition, there is a margin of error inherent in the use of aerial photographs. As you will see in our delineation results, the actual Cowardin classification of the wetlands found differed from those on the USFWS NWI map. IV. Wetland Assessment Methods Consistent with procedures detailed in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (\|/ashington State Department of Ecologlt, 201I Manual),preliminary information was gathered on the project site prior to the field review, rating and delineation. General information sources included: Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report sIMSA V. Wetland Delineation Wetland delineation establishes the existence (location) and physical limits (size) of a wetland for the purposes of federal, state, and local regulations. In determining these physical parameters of each individual wetland, indicators of vegetation, soils, and hydrolo gy are analyzed to assess critical areas. By defining the transition zotte between scientifically established upland and wetland indicators, an established accurate boundary of the wetland can be identified between a pair of data points; one representing the upland and one representing the wetland. It is common for paired data points, when linked to vegetative indicators (such as an obvious transition line of upland gtass into an emergent herbaceous community), to inform the identification of the wetland delineation. A delineation, often in conjunction with a subsequent rating, is a necessary procedural step in obtaining information which will inform subsequent construction. Of the four wetlands found on the property, two were delineated. Wetland I and 2 were delineated for reasons of potential future construction; the property owners identified these locations as potential building spots, and therefore opted to obtain more accurate wetland bonndaries. Wetland I and2,both classified by the US Fish and Wildlife National Wetlands Inventory as PEMF (Semi-permanently Flooded, Palustrine, Emergent Marsh), were delineated using standard paired wetland test plots. Wetland 1, which was smaller and more homogeneous of border, was delineated using two paired test plots. Wetland 2, which was slightly larger and also more heterogeneous of border, was delineated using four paired test plots. Each test plot consisted of trwo data points, designated "Dry" and o''Wet". Each data point consisted ofa test pit dug to standard depth of 16 inches, to expose a representative soil profile. Each data point was then assessed for the presence of three wetland indicators: hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology. Following the successful location of paired data points, flagging was hung between data points to mark the wetland boundary. The test pits at each data point were marked with yellow flagging, pink wire flags, and GPS latitude and longitude was taken. Wetland 1 Paired Data Point GPS Co-ordinates: PlotA-Wet: 48.10667N 122.81567W PlotA-Dry: 48.10673N 122.81582W Plot B -Wet: 48.10660N 122.81542W PlotB-Dry: 48.10664N 122.81528W 1. Vegetation In an effort to distinguish the types of plants that grow in different hydrologic regimes, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service incorporated a system of wetland plant indicator status to classifu individual plant species. The wetland indicator status of a species is based on the individual species occurrence in wetlands in 13 separate regions within the United States. A plant indicator Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report TIMSA Hydric soils are soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper soil horizon (NRCS). Most hydric soils exhibit characteristic morphologies that result from repeated periods of inundation or saturation that last more than a few days. Saturation or inundation, when combined with microbial activity in the soil, causes a depletion of oxygen. This anaerobic state promotes certain biogeochemical processes, such as the accumulation of organic matter, the accumulation or reduction of iron, and other reducible elements. These processes in turn create regionally specific, visible indicators, which help identify and delineate hydric soils in a field setting. These indicators are not intended to replace or modify the requirements contained in the definition of a hydric soil; they are dynamic, and open to a degree of human interpretation. Some hydric soils lack any currently listed and accepted indicators; therefore, the lack of any listed indicator does not prevent classification of a particular soil as hydric. However, such soils and their specific morphologies, are included and specified in the necessary field guides. In this wetland, hydric soils were identified using the 2013 Pocket Guide to Hydric Soil Field Indicators,prepared by the Wetland Training Institute, Inc, in conjunction with the Munsell Soil Color Book, a standard reference manual prepared by the Munsell Color Company and used by the United States Department of Agriculture. Wetland test plot soil findings are as follows: Wetland 1 - Sample Plot A - Wet Wetland I - Sample Plot B - Wet Depth (inches) Matrix Redox Features Texture Color %Color %I ype'Loc) 0-6"10YR2/1 100 N/A Sandy Clay 6-9"10YR3/1 99 10YR4/6 1 c PL SilW Clay g-14"10YR2/1 99 10YR6/8 1 C PL Silty Clay l4-15"10YR3/2 93 10YR4/6 7 RM M Sandy Clay lType: C:Concenhation, RM:Reduced Matrix, D:Depletion, CS:Covered or Coated Sand Grains 2location: PL:Pore Linine, M:Matrix Depth (inches) Matrix Redox Features Texture Color %Color %Twe'Loc2 0-13"10YR2/1 100 N/A Loam 13-14"10YR2/1 95 10YR3/6 5 RM M SilE Clay Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 9ll/{SA Herb Soft Rush Juncus Effusus FACW Herb Reed Canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea FACW Wetland 2 -le Plots CandD- 2. Soils Wetland 2 -Plot A - Wet Wetland 2 - S Plot B - Wet StatusCommon Name Latin NarneStratum FACSalix scoulerianaTreeScouler's Willow FACUNootka Rose Rosa NutkanaShrub FACUCytisus scopariusShrubScotch Broom Plantago lanceolate FACUHerbNarrowleaf plantain FACAmerican Vetch Vicia americanaHerb FACUDac$lis glomerataHerbOrchard Grass FACColonial Bentgrass Agrostis capillarisHerb FACWPhalaris arundinaceaHerbReed Canarygrass Cirsium arvense FACHerbCanadian Thistle FACUCommon Sheep Sorel Rumex acetosellaHerb Ranunculus repens FACUHerbCreeping Buttercup FACUCommon Dandelion Taraxacum officinaleHerb Matrix Redox Features Loc2 Texture %Color %Type' Depth (inches)Color 1 C PL Loam0-10"t}YR2/2 99 2.5YPi416 M Sandy Loam7510YR3/6 25 C10- 1 3"10YR4/1 Loam315PL+Ml3-16"r}YF.2/2 85 10YR3/6 1 Type: C:Concentration, RM:Reduced Matrix D:Depletion, CS:Covered or Grains Coated Sand with redox in some M:MatrixLocation: PL:Pore D matrix Matrix Redox Features Texture Color %I we'Locl Depth (inehes)Color % C PL Loam9710YRs/6 J0-8"10YR2/1 PL Clay Loam9510YR4/6 5 Cg-16"10YR3/2 I Type: C:Concentration, RM:Reduced Matrix D:Depletion, CS:Covered or Coated Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 11ltulSA The intent of a rating is to provide a basis for protecting and managing wetlands; this rs accomplished assessing a wetland's valued functions and resources -- ecological, economic, or aesthetic. In the process of a rating, a wetland is given a score according its comparison to standardized categories and specific attributes such as rarity, sensitivity to disturbance, and the functions they provide. Based upon this score, the wetland is then placed in Category 1 through Category 4; the forrner is a wetland of greatest value, based upon the rating rubric's characteization of its inherent value, while the latter is a wetland of least value. A specific buffer, identified in accordance with each individual wetland's rating score, is then recommended, using standardized and established guidelines. While all wetlands provide some functions and resources that are valued, be they ecological, or aethestic, they also vary widely; consequently, the recommended buffer, identified in accordance with each individual wetland's rating score, reflects that particular wetland and its specific qualities. Of the four wetland areas investigated on the property, each one was determined to fall into the class of Depressional. According to the lil'ashington State f4/etland Rating Systemfor Western Washington 2014 Update (Hruby z}L4),Depressional wetlands occur in topographic depressions where the elevation of the surface within the wetland is lower than in the surrounding landscape. The shapes of Depressional wetlands vary, but in all cases, the movement of surface water and shallow subsurface water is toward the lowest point in the depression. The depression may have an outlet, but the lowest point in the depression is somewhere within the boundary, not at the outlet. The wetlands were rated using the Washington State Wetland Rating Systemfor Western Washington (2014 Update). When the final wetland category is determined, it is based on either functions or special characteristics (whichever is higher). The rating system for special characteristics was designed to differentiate among wetlands based on their sensitivity to disturbance, their significance, their raity, the ability to replace them and the functions they provide. Wetlands identified with special characteristics are rated by function in addition to special characteristics because in some cases there are additional buffer widths due to a very high score in one of the three functions listed below. In accordance with Jffirson County Code, Table 18.22.330(3), Wetland Categories, Rating Scores and Buffer llidths, rating categories are divided into four grades, in order of descending buffer size: Category I with total scores of 23-27; Category II with total scores of 20-22; Category III with total scores of 16-19; Category IV with total scores of 9-15. The category of wetland based on functions is rated by the following parameters: 1) Water Quality Functions: a wetland's potential to improve water quality a) Potential of the wetland to improve water quality of and surrounding the wetland. b) Potential of the wetland to support the water quality function of and surrounding the wetland. (This parameter regards the ability of the wetland to mitigate for and lessen the toxicity of potential pollutants on and surrounding the wetland). Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 13 lMSA Special Rating characteristics within the wetland and its associated 330 foot surroundings, the wetland was rated, based on its functions, to be a Category IV Depressional wetland (Appendix A; Data Forms) As the property owners have expressed interest in the northem central section as a possible building site, and as Wetland 2 currently abuts the existing single farmhouse, the buffer was established using City of Port Townsend Municipal Code 19.05.110(E) for moderate impact land uses (single-family residential use on parcels larger than one acre) at 40 feet (Figure 1). As defined earlier in this report, Wetland 2was also delineated; this delineation boundary was used to establish the baseline for the 4O-foot buffer. Wetland 3 - Rated Category lV - Buffer of 60 Feet This wetland, which is found in the National Wetlands Inventory @igure 2), is approximately 1.48 acres. It is relatively elongate in shape, running from northwest-to-southeast and its boundary is relatively homogenous. The southem portion of this wetland is approximately 30 feet from 5th Street, a neighboring residential road, as well as being approximately 100 feet from a neighboring single-dwelling home. According to aerial photographs and satellite images from the past, this area is generally wetter than Wetlands 1 and 2; the southern property line is generally lower in elevation than the northern property line, and topography slopes in a generally southeast direction. As there are no Special Rating characteristics within the wetland and its associated 330 foot surroundings, the wetland was rated, based on its hrnctions, to be a Category IV Depressional wetland. Given the location of Wetland 3, this buffer was established according to the City of Port TownsendMunicipalCode 19.05.110(E) (updated forusewiththe 2014ratrngsystem) forhigh impact land use wetlands without a delineated boundary (single-family residential use on parcels larger than one acre; public roads) at 50 feet (Figure 1); an additional 10 feet was added to this buffer based to reach the slightly more conservative buffer of 60 feet recommended by Jefferson County Code table 18.22.330(2). The boundary for this wetland buffer was found using field vegetative indicators, aerial photography, satellite imagery, and GPS. Wetland 4 - Unrated at Property Owners Request - Buffer of 350 Feet This wetland is approximately 4.55 acres. It is relatively elongate in shape; located in the westem l/Sth of the property, it runs approximately northwest-to-southeast. A smaller wetland, along with a freshwater pond, is found in the National Inventory of Wetlands. Upon field research and examination of aerial photographs and satellite images, MSA wetland specialists determined that the smaller wetland and the freshwater pond are hydrologically contiguous, and form the ends of alargv wetland corridor (4.55 acres). The southeastem end of this wetland abuts the southern property line; the northwestern end abuts the northwestem property line. According to aerial photographs, satellite images, and topographical maps, flow moves in a generally southeast direction. The area is generally agricultural grassland, with scattered scrub-shrub forest. Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report lsIMSA VIII. References Cowardin, LM., V. Carter, F.C. Golet and E.T. LaRoe, 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service document FWS/OBS- 79 131. 84pp. Washington D.C. Hitchcock, L.C. and A. Cronquist,1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press. 730 pp. Hruby, T.,2014. Washington State Wetland Rating System for Westem Washington - Revised. Washington State Department of Ecology Publication #04-06-025. Jefferson County Unified Development Code, Title 18, Article VII. July 2006. Munsell Soil Color Charts, 1998. GretagMacbeth. North Windsor, New York. Pocket Guide to Hydric Soil Field lndicators Based on Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States v. 7.0 with Updates, Prepared by Wetland Training Institute, Inc., 2013 Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987): Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0), US Army Corps of Engineers, May 2010. Speare-Cooke, S., 1997. A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. Seattle Audubon Society. 417 pp. US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Soil Survey of Jeffeson County Area, Washington. December, 2013 US Fish and Wildlife Service. National Wetlands Inventory. 1978 Washington State Department of Ecology,1997. Washington State Wetland Indentification and Delineation MAnual. Ecolo gy Publication #9 6 -9 4, Olympia, Washington. Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 17 lMSA Figure 2 NWI MapWetland Delineation performed by MegAmosand James laleggio on August 11-n, 2016Jefierson ContyParcel # 001 @3002, 001 093004, 001 093001.9970001 01, 997000201,997000701, 997000i!01 , 99700ffi01, 997000401, 997000501David Cohn3057 7th StreetPort Tomsend, WA98368l.Jzs?os?{oF?gw{o,p(AoEc:r-t())O(..t{-Ja.t+or-t-lo{v1oa{oO)p.F(DEoFt\o*SU)October 9, 2016f MsA Rated/Detineated WeflandsA FreshwaterPondM Freshwater Emergent tAletlandThls trFp istor gensral r€fsgm ont. Ths US Frsh and \MUlibSwics b nol rtrporLdble br the Ecuraq or ffionlnG oi lhabase dala shown on lhis trtsp. ,Ul v{dlands relal€d data $ouEbs u€ed in aooordano€ wilh the lay6r meladals lound of, lheWoltands Mappor w€b 6lto. Figure 4. Vegetation Line between upland and wetland Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 2llvrsA ir'ly'etland name or number HGM Classification of Wetlands in Western Washington For questions !.:7 , the criteria described must apply to the entire unit being rated. If the hydroiogic criteria listed in each question do not apply to the entire unit being rated, you probably have a unit with multiple HGM classes. In this case, identifiz which hydroiogic criteria in questions t-7 apply, and go to Question B. 1. Are the water levels in the entire unit usually conlrolled by tides except during floods? gotoz YES - the wetland class is Tidal Fringe - go to 1.1 1'1 Is the salinity ofthe water during periods of annual low flow below 0.5 ppt (parts per thousandJ? NO - Saltwater Tidal Fringe (Estuarine) yES - Freshwater Tidal Fringe If your wetland can be classifed as a Freshwater Tidal Fringe use the forms for Riverine wetlands. If tt is Salauater Tidal Fringe it is an Estuarine wetland and is not scored. This method cannot be used to' scorefunctions for estuarine wetlands. 2. The entire wetland unit is flat and precipitation is the only source [>900/oJ of water to it. Groundwater surface water runoff are NOT sources of water to the unit. goto3 YES - The wetland class is Flats wetland can be classifed as a Flats wetland" use the form for Depressional wetlands. 3. Does the entire wetland unit meet all of the lollowing criteria? -The vegetated parr of the wetland is on the shores of a body of permanent open water (without any plants on the surface at any time of the yearJ at least 20 ac (B hal in size; _At least 300/o of the open water area is deeper than 6.6 ft [2 m]. 4. go to 4 YES - The wetland class is Lake Fringe flacustrine FringeJ the enfire wetland unit meet all of the following criteria? -The wetland is on a slope (slope can be very gradua[), -The water flows through the wetland in one direction [unidirectionaf and usually comes from seeps. It may flow subsurface, as sheetflow, or in a swale without distinct banks, ,-{he water leaves the wetland without being impounded. / f.f O / Co to S YES - The werland class is SlopeLVff, Surface water does not pond in these type of wetlands except occasionally in very small and shailow depressions or behind hummocla {depressions are usually <3 ft diameter and less than 1 ft deepJ. 5. Does the entire wetland unit meet all of the following criteria? -The unit is in a valley, or stream channel, where it gets inundated by overbank flooding from that stream or river, -The overbank flooding occurs at least once every 2 years. Wetland Rating System for Western WA: 2014 Update Radng Form - Effective January 1, 2015 3 Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 23 lMSA Wetland name or number I Wetland Rating System for Western WA: 2014 Update Rating Form - Effective January 1,2015 13 These questions apply to wetlands of ali l-lGM classes. HABITAT FUNCflONS - lndicators that site functions to provide irhportant habitat H 1.0, Does the site have the potential to provide habitat? H L,1. Strudure of plant community.. lndicotors dre Cowardin classes ond strata within the Forested c/dss. Check the Cowardin plant classes in the wetland. Up to 70 patches may be combined for eoch closs to meet the threshold of % dc ar more thon 1-0% of the unit if it is smalter thon 2.5 dc, Add the number of structures checked. Aquatic bed 4 structures Or more: points = 4 -Emergent 3 $ructures: points = 2 _sffub-shrub (areas where shrubs have > 30% cover) 2 structures: points = 1 _Forested (areas where trees have > 30% cover) L structure: points = 0 If the unit hqs o Forested closs, check if: _The Forested class has 3 out of 5 strata (canopy, sub-canopy, shrubs, herbaceous, moss/ground-cover) that each cover 20% within the Forested polygon H L,2, Hydroperiods check the types of water regimes {hydroperiods) present within the wetland. The water regime has to cover more than 10% ofthe wetland or % ac to count (see rexrfor descriptions of hydroperiodsl. _Permanently flooded or inundated 4 or more types present: points = 3 -Seasonally flooded or inundated 3 types present: points = 2 _Occasionally flooded or inundated 2 types present: points = 1 -Saturatad only l type present: points = O _Permanently flowing stream or river in, or adjacent to, the wetland _Seasonally flowing strea m in, or adjacent to, the wetland _Lake Fringe wetland 2 points _Freshwater tidal wetland 2 points L H 1..3. Richness of plant species Count the number of plant species in the wetland that cover at least 10 ftz. Difrerent pdtches ofthe sdme species can be combined to meet the size threshold ond you do not hdve to name the species. Do not include Eurasian milfoil, reed canarygrass, putple toosestfife, cdnddian thistle lfyou counted: > L9 species points = 2 5 - L9 species points = 1- < 5 species points = 0 D H 1.4- lnterspersion of habitats Decide from the diagrams belowwhether interspersion among Cowardin plants classes (described in H 1.-L), or the classes and unvegetated areas (can include open water or mudflats) is high, moderate, low, or none. fyol have four or more pfont classes or three closses and open wdter, the rcting is always high. None = 0 points Low = 1 point Moderate = Z points All three diagrams in this row are HIGH = 3points t) Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 2slMSA Wetland name or number Wetland Rating System for Western WA: 2014 Update Rating Form - Effective January 1, 2015 L/ SC 4.0. Forested Wetlands Does the wetland have at least 1 contiquous acre of forest that meets one of these criteria for the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife's forests as priority habitats? t you dnswer YEs you will stiil need to rdte the wetldnd based on its functions. - Old-growth forests {west of Cascade crest): Stands of at least two tree specieg forming a multiiayered canopy with occasional small openings; with at least 8 trees/ac [20 trees/ha) that are at least 200 years of age OR have a diameter at breast height (dbh) of 32 in (8L cm) or more. - Mature forests (west of the Cascade Crest): Stands where the largest trees are 80- 200 years old OR the species that make up the canopy have an average diameter 21 in (53 cm). Yes = Category I a forested wetland forthis section Cat. I SC 5.0. Wetlands in Coastal Lagoons Does the wetland meet all of the following criteria of a wetland in a coastal lagoon? - The wetland iies in a depression adjacent to marine waters that is wholly or partially separated from marine waters by sandbanks, gravel banks, shingle, or, less frequently, rocks - The lagoon in which the wetland is located contains ponded water that is saline or brackish (> 0,5 ppt) during most ofthe yeer in at least a portion ofthe lagoon (needsto be measured nearthe boftom) Yes - Go to Sc 5.1 No = Not a wetland in a coastal lagoon SC 5.L. Does the wetland meet all of the following three conditions? -The wetland is relatively undisturbed (has no diking, ditching, fillin& cultivation, grazing), and has less than 20% cover of aggressive, opportunistic plant species (see list of species on p. 100). -At least% of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100 ft bufferof shrub, forest, or un-grazed or un- mowed grassland. - The wetland is larger than 7ro ac (+3s0 ft2) Yes=Categoryl t, Cat. I Cat. ll SC 5.0. lnterdunal Wetlands ls the wetland west of the 1889 line (also called the Western Boundary of Upland Ownership ar WBUo)? It you dnswer yes you will still need to nte the wetland based on its habitatfunctions, ln practical terms that means the following geographic areas: - Long Beach Peninsula: Lands west of 5R L03 - Srsyl6ni-\ /sstport: Lands west ofsR 105 - ocean Shores-Copalis: Lands west ofSR 115 and SR 109 Yes - Go to 5c 6.1 an interdunal wetland for rating Sc 6.1- ls the wetland 1 ac or larger and scores an 8 or I for the habitat functions on the form (rates H,H,H or H,H,M for the three aspects of function)? Yes = category | No - Go to 5c 6.2 SC 6.2. ls the wetland L ac or larger, or is it in a mosaic of wetlands that is 1 ac or larger? Yes = category ll No -Go to sc 6.3 SC 6.3- ls the unit between 0.1 and 1 ac, or is it in a mosaic ofwetlands that is between 0.1 and 1 ac? Yes = Category lll No = Category lV Cat I Cat. ll Cat- lU Cat. lV Category of wetland based on Special Characteristics lf vou answered No for all Woes, enter "Not Applicable" on Summary Form /)fr Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 27 lMSA Project€ite: Appli€nyoms I nvestigator(s): WETLAND DETERMINATIOI.| DATA FORM - Western ilounrains, Valteys, and Goast Region dugr-rrs'od Sampling Date: State: _ Sedion, Tdwnship, Range: Landlom (hilblope, temce, etc.):LNal relief Slope (90); Subrcgion (LRR):Long:Oatm: Soil Map Unit Name: K.c*''' 'si"' l.lw classifi€Son: AJe climatic / hydrologic conditons on the sile typtcal for lh's time of yea? Ys !-.fg * 0f no, explain in Rema*s.) ,"/AJevegetation -,Soit -,orHydrology _ signficantlydisturbed? Are"Nomalcimrnstances"pr6ent? Yes q- No Are Vegetation _ . Soil _ , or Hydrology _ natumlv problematic? (lf neded, e&lain any ansreE in Remarl6.) OF FINDINGS - Aftach site VEGET of US Amy Corps cf EngireF Wstem Momtains, Valleys. and Coasl - VeFion 2.0 Hydric Soil Prsst? Wetland Hydrology Present? Ys Yes No NO ls the Sampled A€ wlthln a Weoand? Yes tlo Y- (ptotsire: 3Dt ) Absolute Dominant lndlGtor Yo Cover Soeci6? SE!rEa5't_ 2. 4. = Tolal Cover Saplino/Shrub Stratum (Plotsize: , ) 1- 2. 3. 4- 5. = Total Cover (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 9. 10. 1'1. /+va.t1\ 50 = Total Co€r Wo.odv Mne SHum (Plot stze: _ ) 1. 2. 70 Bac G@nd in Herb $tratum = Total Co\,ethol --T-- 9ominatrce Tesl worlGhest Number of Domlnad Sptriss Thal AE OBL FA@V, or FAC:b tol Tsbl Number of Dmimnt ./,Species A6oss All Strata: I !/fl't PelHt of Domimrf SredsniiGbeliAcvv-liFAc' 9D wet Prevalence lndex worl€heet Total % Covs of Mri$olv bv: OBLspecle _ x 1 FAcwspecies _ x2= FAOspecies -E rl= FAcuspecie /t Y'rt= -aq 4Lo UPlsped€ _ x5= cormnTotars: t47 Ol @p, L_( -Ptffibreltrlex =BlA= Hydrophytic Vegetation lndicatoF: _ 1 - Rapid T6tfs Hydrophytic Vegetablon _ 2 - Dmimre Test is >50Yo _ 3 - Prewlme lndex is 33.0i 4 - Morphologisl Adaptefionsr (Pmvide supportlng _ data in Rmarks or on a separale shed) * 5 - Wetland Norvaswlar Plantsl _ Problematic HydropMic Vegetatioo! (Exphin) rlndimtos be presgnt, ofhydric soil and weuand hydrologiy m6t unhss disturbed tr prblffiatio Hydrcph}ltio VegeiationPteslrt?Y€NO Remarks: Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 29 lMSA Projecusite: lnvestigator(s): WETLAND DETERflIIHATION DATA FORM-Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region Oate: State: ToMship, Range: Landfom (hillslope, tenace, etc.):Lo€l Slope (%): SubGgion (LRR):Lat Ltrg:Oatm: Soit Map Unit Name:tlwcEsifiBton: Are dimatic / hydmlogic conditions on the site tyltBlfof lhis Ume of year? Ys Arevegetalion _,Soil _,orHydrology _ sigrffcanUydistufbed? Arevegetation _,Son _,orHydrology _ naturallyprDbiematic? site ATION - Use sci€ntific names of (5+z' No _ (f rlo, explain in Remarks.) Are"Ngmalcimmstances'pest? vo -[, -- ruo (ft needed, syplain any anffiF in Reniarks.) US Amy Corps of Engireers wstm Mountainc, valleys, and Coast-vffitih 2.0 "* j,t;,, ,*"f NO No No X+Yes YesYs Hyoropnttc vegeE0on Pesnt? Hydrtc Sdl Pr6st? Wetltrd Hydmlogy Present? No-kls the Smplsd Ar€ within a Wetla6d? Y6 Remad(s:/)-,)-Y!/r\-::ja ,{* !€ J *ln ""1.eu.14,.:.,rq: "<t--+t;i C,eaa6'/7fi-*,o ,** Oominane Test [or*shet Number of Domimr( SDsi6 A - -ThatAreOBL FAO/V, orFAC: f (A) Total Number of Dominart -nspsisAsosAflsffit __E_ Pl PercentofDominantSpecis L + ATharA€oBL,FACW,oTFAC: I L]tl (A/B) - ToElToCovsot MunieUby; FACUsp4i6 _ x4= -_ .. x5=Wrot ffip, i4I E-T6 &- x3= PewlenE hdex - B/A = x1= x2- OBLspecr-es FACI^/ species FAC species UPLspsis Column Totals: HVysfhylt c v eSeffion lndi€toE: s I - Raprd Tet fo ltydrophytic Vegetation 2. DomiEne T6t is >50P/6 fi-erewencetndqis 3.ot 4 - Morphologi€l Adaptattonsr (Frovide suppotff,g _ dala h Rffia*s or m a sepaEte sheet) _ 5 - Wedand Non-Vasular Planbi - Poblmatic HydopMcvegetationl (Etplain) ilndi€toB of hydric sil and retland Mrology m6l be plwnL unles dishltbed ot prcblematic. Y6 /-"' Hydrophytic VcgetadonPresent? Saollno/Shrub Stratum (Plot sire: ) Woodv Mre Stratum (Plot sire: I 1. 2. 4. '1- t J. 4. = Total Cowr 1. 2. 3- 4. 5. 6. 7. 6- o 10- 11. = Total Cover lndi6tor stre: tdIt h = Total Cover Trestrdtum (Plotsize: I .1 ) % BaE Ground in Herb Stratum = Total Cover Absotuteo/o Cryer DominantSoeis? 1. 2. Remalks: Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 31 IMSA Wetland name o, o*b", F RATING SilJMMARY - Western Washington Name of wetland {or lD #): Rated HGM Class used for NOTE: Form is not cbmplete without Source of base aerial p OVERALL WETLAND 1. Categoryof * 2>-of site visit: by g,l( _No Date of training has ffiultiple HGM classes?_Y be characteristicsJ tI on /4t CateEorv /C-ategory' Y Category based on FUNCIIONS I -Total score = 23 - 27 li -Tota'iscare =20-22'plll*Total score = 16 - 19# d lV -Total score = I - 2. Category based on SPECIAI CHAMCTERISTICS of wetland GHARAC1ERlgrlc CATEGORY Estuarine III lilretland of High Consenration Value I Bog I Mature Forest r Old Growth For€st I Coastal Lagoon I n lnterdunal rn u ff None ofthe above ,9r fr..-#'t&* e e 6F Wetland RatingSysteur Rating Form - Efrective for Western WA 20 14 Update January 1, 2015 1 Circle H L LHM HM H H LValyeHMHM H TOTAL \ Score for eachfunction based on threeratinss(orde-r of ratings is not importdnt) 9 = H,H,H 8= H,H,M 7 = H,H,L 7= H,M,M 6 = H.M,L 6 = M,M,M 5 =.H.LL 5 = M,M,L 4=M,L,L 3=LLL Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 33 lMSA :: ' DEPRESSTONATAND ft.AtqWETIANpS, 'Water qualiU'Funetions - lndicators that the.site functions to improve water quality D 1"0, Does the site have the potential to improve water quality? , ?/ D 1.1. Characteristi6 of surFacewater outflows from the wetland: wetland is a depression orflat depression (QUEsfloN 7 on key) with no surhce water leaving it (no outlEt). Points - 3 Wetlandhasanintermittentlyflouringstreamorditch, ORhighlyconstrictedpermanentlyflowingoutlet. Points = 2 Wetla;d has an unconstricted, or slightly constriqted, surfuce outlet t.hat is permanently flowing . points = L . Wetlandisaflatdepression(qUESTION7onkey),whoseoutlet'rsapermanentlyflowingdi!cl\,- jelnts=:1 )hiD L,2. The soil 2 in belowthe surface {or duff laver} is true clay or true organic a6e NRCS deJinitions).\es= 4 No = 0 A D1.3.@(Emergent,scrub-shrub,and/orForestedCowardinclasse): Wetland has peBistent, ungrazed, plants > 95% of area points = 5 Wetlandhspersistent ungrazed,plants>% ofarea points=3 wetland has persistent, ungrazed plants > f6 of area points = 1 Wetland has persistent ungrazed plants <fp of area points : 0 4/-- This isthe oreo thot is ponded fordt [east 2 months. See desc,iption in mdnuoL Area seasonally ponded is > % total area ofwetland Area seasonally ponded is > % total area of wetland Area seasonallv ponded is < % total area of wetland points = 4 poina = 2 points = 0 1.4. chaEcteristiG of seasonel oondins or inundation:D '7-Add the points in the boxes aboveI Oftrl lor u I 1./ Wetland name or number - a RatingofSitePotential lfscoreis: 12-16=H = M .'_0-5 = L Record the rating on thefirst poge Rating of Landscape Potential lf score is:-3 or 4 ='H.or2=M 0=L Recordthetdtingonthefi*poge Rating of Value lf score isi 24= H -l = M t Recordthe rating on the.frrst poge Wetland Ratiag qystem for western wA: 2014 Update Rating Form - Effective faluary 1, 2015 5 D 2.0. Does the landscape have the potehtial-to support the water quality function bfthe site?oYes=1 No=0D 2.1. Does the wetland unit receive sto-rmwater discharges-? 02.2-ls>10%oftheareawithinl50ftofthewetland.inlandusesthatgeneratepollufants? Yes=1 No=0 Yes=l No=OD 23. Are there septic systems within 250 ft ofthe wetland? (JAre there other sourcs of pollutants coming into the wetland that are not listed in questions D 2.1-D 2.3? Yes=1 No=oSource D 2.4. '/.'Add the points in the boxes aboveTotal for D 2 ./ D 3.0. ls the water the site D 3.1. Does the wetland discharge directly (i.e., withln 1 mi) to a stream, river, lakq or marine water that is on the 303(d) list?Yes=1 No-0 O D 3.2. lsthe wetland in a'basin or sub-basin where an resoume is on the list?Yes=1 No=0 t-l D 3-3- Has the site been identified in a watershed or lociil plan as importantfor maintaining water quality (atswer yFs iso bosin in which the unit is Yes=2 No=0 t/ Total for D 3 Add ihe points in the boxes above o Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 3sIMSA Poiot tfieto sOr-1t4 tulatdx Color lmoistl '/o-7,/f7 -VV PL=Porezlomtion;Coatedoa G€im.Lining,Sandc5=Coveredlvatrix.RM=ReducedD=Oepletion,C=Concentration.I YPe: Texture Remafis 3ttf,- t'*f ** wetand hydrologY must be P6ent' unless distutbed or gmblmatic Soils3:Problqnatic HyddclndicatoBfor Muckm(A 0) MatedalParentRed FF2) Dark SurfaceShallwMLRAvery1)$F12) Other Remarks)in(Explain andofvegeHtionhydrophytic3lndicatos RedoxMaBixGleyed ,-t'NoHydricSoilPresent? YesRstrictive LalEr (if Present): Type: Depth h*. -: i&' SOIL US Amy Corps of Engineers j- F 3 Ai. W6tem MountaiF, Valleys' and Coast -Vffiion 20 ;r* $' \: - Aquatic lnvertebEts (813) Z Hydogensulfideodor(C1) , -,€xidized Rhizcphe6 along uvrngv Roots (ce) - Prsence of Reduced lrcn (C4) - R€ent lron Reduction in'Iilled Solls (co) - Stunted or Str6sed Plants (Dl) (LRR A) - Other (FlPlain in Rema*s) (LRRA) (o7) (ca) 4A and 48) 9. - iron oeposits (Bs)"..- surface Soil Cncks (Bo) Itundation Msible on Aerial lmagery (87) lSpareely Vegetated concave Surface (88) Geomorphic Pogtion (D2) - ShallowAquitard (D3) SurfaE Water (Al ) - HiEh Water Table (A2)* SatuEh;on (A3) : WaterMarks (81) Sediment Deposits (82) - Drift oeoosils iB3) Y Algal Mat or crust (84)_ FAGNeutBl T6t (D5) Raised Ant Mounds (DO) - Frcst-Heave Hummocks MLRA 1, a 44' and - SaltCrust(811) Welland Hydrology PEent? Yes - No Field Obsetratiqnsl Surfa@ Water Prsent? WaierTable P€sent? Y6 NoY6 -No Y6 No /-oepur (incnq):7 Depth (inch6): -/oept' (incrr*):Satuation(includs gauge, Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 37 lMSA WETLAND DETERII INATIoN DATA FoRM - westem Mountains, vaileys, and coast Region Poject/Site: Applicant/Owner ,vestigator(9: City/County:r :l -^8.?2. 14 wt7w,State: Sampling Date: Sampling Point Lat Slope (%):A Long: Westem Moqntai6, Valleyq and C@st- Vscion 2.0 SoilMap UnitName A€ dimatic / hybrobgic @nditions on tle sitp typlcal for this time of yer? yes :P-fii- (tf no, exptain in Remafts.) Are vegetation - soil -, or Hydrohgy - sigBiticanuy oistuoedz &e 'Nomnal circumstances, present? ves ?/no - Ae Vegetalion -, Soit - ot Hydrology- naturally problematc? (lf needed, qplain any anseB in Remarks.) SUI|MARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site sampling point locations, transects, important feafu r€s, etc. VEGETATION - Use scientific names of ptantq,. Tree Stratum (Plot size: )% Cov€.r Soei6? Status iaplino/Shrub Stratum (Ptot size: - = Tqlal cover 1- 2- 4. 1- 2. 4. 5. (Plotsize:= Total Cow./_Ie%_(_w,J1. 2. 4. o, 7. 8. o 10. 11_ = Total Cover WoodvMne Stratudi tPlot size: l '1. .. .. = Total coverj/o Bare Ground in Herb Stratum US Army Corps ofEngines Hydrophytic Vegetatjon Frcsenr? Hydric Soil PrBenn Wetland Hydroiogy Pr*ent? Ys Ye Ye k thE Sampled Area within a Weiland?Ys No h(emanG: Dominan@ T€t workshEl: Number of Dominant SpeciesThatArc OBt FACIVV, orFAC: Total Number of Dominant SpeciesAcross All Strata: Percef,t of Dominant Spechs SatAre OBL FACW. orFAC: i (B) . ,-,.,a-.o, ,;.!-/t :,y, U\IB\ (A) Pruhtence hdex wdkshget OBLspecis _ x1-_ FAbwspecis - rt- l--]-FAcspecis x3=_ FAcuspecies x4= _ UPL specis x5 = _ Colunn ToEls: (A) _ (B) Pcvalene lndq = B/A = _ Total % Cover of MulUply br Hyo9tlftac v€getagon tndt€toF: .]:1 - Rapid Test fo. MrophyticvegeHion _- 2 - Dominance Test is >50% - 3 - PHdene lndex is S.0r - 4 - Morphologi€lAdaptationsr (PFvide supporting dal3 in Rffirl€ or on a sepaEle sheet) - 5 -Wetland NoftVehr Platrtsi _ Probbmade Hydrcphyticvegetationl (Explain) rlndicatoF of hydric soil and wetland hydmlogy most be pl€nl unls disturbed or probl€mtic. HydrophyffcVegehuonPlrsrd?{*-Yes Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 39 lMSA WEruND DETERIIIHATION DATA FORM -westem Mountains, VallelF, and Coast Region City/Co!ntY:S:atrwling oau, 3-22'2^ot'6 SEdion, TomshiP' Range:Sbpe(%): @ Landfom {hillslope, tm@' etc'):L@l rellef (6n€vq @nvetg Datum; . Subregion (LRR):NWI clasifiE{on: - Soil MaP Unit Nme: Are dimatic / hydrol€ic ddido6 on Arc vegetation + soil - d Hydrclogy ne s'rte typlcal fut tlis lime qf yead Y6 -.- slgnifi €nilY disturbed? No - (f no, €tQlain in Remdc') Are'Noml Cirumstans' PHent?t* zG,- Are Vegetdon - Soil - tr Hydrology -- natu€lly Prcblematic?(lf nsded, eplain any answeE in Remrks-) SUMN'ARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling Point locations'transects, impottant features' etc. VEGETATION - Use scientific namas of Plants' w6tem Mountains' Valeys, sd Coad - veFion eO US Amy CoIPs of €ndneF ts the Smpled Ar€ rithin a W€ttdd?/,"-Y6Hydrcphytic Vegetation P€ent? Hyddc Soil Ptsn(' No_._ No-.- No-PrsennWetldd Ys IEgsllhrg (Plotsire: ) 4. StatFq{, Covg PeEntof DmimntSpecis That Are OBI- FACW or FAc: OBlspsies x1------::_ FAClVsPecies x2= - FAC spsi6 x3-= - FACUSPdI€ x4= UPLspsi6 x5= ' colunnTotal$ - (A) Test for Hydrophytic Vegatation 2 - Domiren@ Test is *0% 3 - PGvdq€ lnds ts 33'0' 4 - Momhologl€l Adapuriom' (Prcride $pporting - - - li#"-Citii,l" o; on a sep@te sheet) - 5 -Wedand NoFvm@|4 Plantsi Prcblemtic Hvdrcphytic vegetaf onl (eqllilh) lnds = BIA = (B) DminantofSpecisNuilberor FAC:FAOIV,AIeOBI- - Rapld must Mulliolv bv: ,/ (A) / .tB\ /N rNet Tobl Nmber of Doninalt Speci€Ad$ All Stsata: Y6__No.--_ Ht drcPhtlic Vegst tlio{t PFelil? Saplinq/shrub SMtum (Plot size: ) =Total Cer 1. t 3. 4- 4--Y-@ 3. 4. 6. f. - Total Cover 1. L = Tobal Cowr Woodv \4ne SFatum (Plot sirei Groundin Heib Statum Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 41 IMSA WETLAIID DETERiIINATION DATA FORI' -westem nountains, Yalleys, and Coast Region PojecilSile:City/Count!4 ApplicanuowneE Township, Range: etcJ:Lo€l reliet (6n€ve,Slope (%): Datum:- Soll Map Unit Name:NWld$ifi€tiM:- Are cllmatic/ hydrologic onditions on the site typi€lforlhis time of ven Ve X No - (lf no, explain in Remrks.) , _-a Are Vegetaton - Soil - d Hydmlogy - signif€ntly disturbed? Are .Nmal Cir@mstan6' pr*nt? Ys -5- No -Are Vegetauon - Soil .* or Hydrology - natu€lly problematic? (lf needed, explain any answe6 in Remad€-) SUMII ARYOF FINDINGS- Attach site map point locations, transects, imporlant features, etc VEGETATION - Use scientific names of plants. US Amy Corps of Engin@c Westem Mountains, Valleys, and Coast - VeEion 2.0 s"rerinso"i", lZ A'{.Cr t(? sampting rointIALZED Lat: Hydrophytic V€geiatlon P@nt? Hyddc Soil FEst? Weiland Hydmlogy Pr*nn Ys- No "-Ys No ./ "*- *oG-ls the Samplsd Area within a Wstlmd?lro /Ys Remarks: Dominaffi TGt wortslrst: Nqmber of Dominant Sp@isThataeOBl-FACW,oTFAC: ----r!:- (A) PgrentqfDwinantspecies tt. . .. ThatAFOBL FACW,oTFAC: -:ji--i (NB) Total Nmber of Dominant ij rsr OBL spsies FACW sped6 FAC speciE FACU spsi6 UPL spsi6 Column Totals: x5=-6t Pg7 @)vq --7G Total %Multiolv bv: Prevalen€ lMex = B/A - 1 - Rap'Kl TEt for Hydrcphytic Vegetatjon - 2 - Oomlnance Tst is >5070 - 3 - Prevalene lndex is s3.01 - 4 - Morphologi€l Adaptatonsl (Pmvide $ppodng data in Rmai€ or on a sepaEte sheet) - 5 - Wethnd Norvaglar Plantsr - PrcblematiE Hydrcphytic Vegetaiionl (6qlain) I lndi€t$ of hy$io sil sd redand hydmlogy must be pesent, unl€ distu.bed or problemalic. Y6- N",.5j- Hydrophy$c VogetationPEent? Saolinq/Shrub Sl€tum (Plotsize: -) .'. ,S--: i,'., t' rj:t .\- rti-J;.; HefQstratum (Plotsize; . ) 1L vz, ,, '-.)"t' Woodv Vlne Stratum (Plot size: -) Tre Slratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 4. - = Total Cover - = Total covet 10. 11. = Totat Cover Total Cover 2. 4. 4. o, arx 64 4- % B@ Ground in Herb St'atum Dominart lndiettr _::r.d;!,, 'l :.t1_. _ 1. t r':i ':; :- \d. 1 -i:.tY-,€x % Cover Smis? Siatus p< !.:; /-r tt'?.e i, Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 43 lMSA WEfLAilD DETERIflNATION DATA FORM - Westem ilountains, Valleys, .nd Coast Region Pojecdsite: -{ppli€nuomec ,Ysligato(s): City/County:sffiptinsoa*: & 22:/ L $ampring Poirt il 17, gQ v.la(O stopel'7.'11. y'O Lat:Long:Datum: Soil MeD Unit Nare: / NW da$ifi€tbn: AF dimatic / hydrologic @ndilions on lhe sita typi€l for this time of yer? Yes -1- No - (tf no, e)elain in Remarks.) ,// AE Vegebtion - Soil -, or Hydrology - sigaiftcanUy aistur*AZ Are "NorEal Chcumdanet' preent? Ves .-a"o- Are Vegetation .- Soil - or Hydrclogy _ natumlly problmalic? (f needed, eelain dy dsweF it Remrks.) SUUTARY OF FINDINGS - Atbch site map VEGETATION - Use scientific names of plants. T@ Slratum (Plot size: ) point locations, transects, important features, etc. %-cwst- *" 1. 2. 3. - = Total cover 1. 2. a 4. ' iaolino/ghpb Sfatum (Plot size: -) (Plot size: - = Tobl Cover {.'( i/i_.'.! 't. 2. 3. 5. 6, 7. 8. {-!,,,..':,.' :.,.,!: --".' "./3.-.. t(iv l- t- 10. 11. = Tohl Cover U&9lL!hg9!r4urt (Plotshe; 't- 2- 7d Bare Ground in Herb StEtum Us Amy corps oi EngineeF --r= Total Cover Westem Mountains, Valleys, and C€st - VeEion 2.0 ls the Sampled Am within awe$and?Y6- n"----1' Hydrophytic Vegetation Pre*nP Hydric Sqil Pr€enn Wetland Hydrology Pl€*nP Y€- NoYes_ No -)?'Y6- No z/ Rgmrks: Dominarce T*t worksheet: Number of Dominant Specis ThatAre OBL, FACW or FAC: Pe@nt qf Dominant Sp€cies ThatAre OBL, FACW or FAC: f ,", -u4,* Tolal Number of Dominant Species Across All Strats: , (A) PraYalen€ lndex wqkshget: OBLsp*'6 x I = - FACWsmies x2= FAcso*is /94 ^z=--'WFAcuspecie ,D ,o=-30uPLsHi* *u= T cotumnTotab: ,//0 () ?4l @l pregtenelndex =we= ?. D 7 Total oZ Mlltiolv bv: Hydlopllytic Vegetafi on lndicators: - 1 - Rapid Testfor hlydrophytic Vegetation - 2 - Dominane Tst is >5070 - 3 - Prevalen€ lndex is 33.0r - 4 -Morpholog'rcalAdaptatioNl (Provide suppordng dats h Rffirks or on a sepaEte shet) - 5 - Wetland Non-Vsdhr Plantsr - Problemafe Hydmphyiic Vegetationl (Adain) llndi€toF of hydnlc $il and weBand hydrology must be pBsent, unl* disturbed or problemtic- Y6_ No HydrcphyfcV€etation Present? Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 4slMSA rA{egP(APElA);JUJ(..I{{rA.t+ot'-lo{EU)opo.os)oF6oFtDavid Cohn3057 7th $treetPort Townsend. WA 9S368Jefferson County?arcet t 001093002, 001 093004, ,)01 093001 ,9970001 01, 997000201 ,s97000701, 9s700030 1, 997t0060 1, 997000401, 9CI7000s0 1Wetland 2 15O' BufferWellard Oelineatian perlormed by lllegAmosand James laleggio on AuEUst 1 1 -??, 20165-l(./) Wetland name or nu bu, h HGM Classification of Wetlands in Western Washington 1 water levels in the entire unit usually controlled by tides except during floods? gotoZ YES - the wetland class is Tidal Fringe - go to 1.1- 1.1 Is the salinity ofthe water during periods of annual low flow below 0.5 ppt [parts per thousand)? NO - Saltwater Tidal Fringe (Estuarine) YES - Freshwater Tidal Fringe If your wetland can be classified as a Freshwater Tidal Fringe use the forms for Riverine wetlands. If it is Saltwater Tfdal Fringe it is an Esfitarine wetland and is not scored. Thls method cannot be used to score functions for estuarine wetlands. 2. The entire wetland unit is flat and precipitation is the only source [>90%) of water to it. Groundwater surfuce water runoff are NOT sources of water to the unit' goto3 YES - The wetland ciass is Flats wetland can be classified as a Flats wetland, use the form for Depressional wetlands. 3. Does the entire wetland unit meet all of the following ffiteria? _The vegetated part of the wetland is on the shores of a body of permanent open water (without any plants on the surface at any time of the year) at least 20 ac [8 ha] ln size; least 30% of the open water area is deeper than 6.6 ft [2 m]. goto4 YES - The wetland class is Lake Fringe [Lacusffine Fringe) +.the entire wetland unit meet all of t]le following criteria? -The wetland is on a slope {slope can be very gradua[), _The water flows through the wetland in one direclion [unidirectional) and usually comes from seeps. It may flow subsurface, as sheetflow, or in a swale without distinct banks, water }eaves the wetland without being impounded. goto5 YES - The wetland class is Slope Surface water does not pond in these type of wetlands except occasionally in very small and shallow depressions or behind hummocks [depressions are usually <3 ft diameter and less than 1 ft deepJ. 5. Does the entire wetland unit meet all of the foliowing *iteria? -The unitis ir ava)ley, or sffeam channel, where if gets inundated by overbankfloodingfromthat stream or river, _The overbank flooding occurs at least once every Z years. Wetland Rating System for Westem WA: 2014 Update Rating Form - Effedive l^nuary L,2015 For questions 7-7:the criteria described mustapplyto the entire unitbeingrated, ' Ifthe hydrologic criteria listed in each question do not apply to the entire unit being rated, you probably have a unit witj-r multiple HGM ciasses. In this case, identiff which hydrologic criteria in questions 1"7 apply, and go to Question 8. 3 Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 49 lMSA These questions apply to wetlahd3 of all,HGM classes. HABITAT FUNCTIONS - lndicators that site functions to provide important habitat H 1.0. Does the site have the potential to provide habitat? H 1,L. Structure of plant communif'l'. lndicdtors are Cowordin cldsses dnd strotd within the Forested class. Check the Cowardinplantclassesinthewetland. UptoT0pdtchesmaybecombinedforeochcldsstomeetthethteshold of % j/or more than L0% of the unit if it is smoller than 2.5 ac. Add the number of structures checked. v 44uatic bed 4 structures or more: points = 4 Je-"rgunt 3 structures: points = 2 Scrub-shrub (areas where shrubs have > 30% cover) 2 structures: points = 1 -Forested (areas where trees have > 30% cover) 1 structure: points = 0 lf the unit hds q Farested closs, check if: -The Forested class has 3 out of 5 strata (canopy, sub-canopy, shrubs, herbaceous, moss/ground-cover) that each cover 20% within the Forested polvgon H 1.2, Hydroperiods Checkthetypesofwaterregimes(hydroperiods)presentwithinthewetland. Thewaterregimehastocover more than 10% of the wetland or % ac to count lsee text for descriptions of hydroperiods). Prrmanently flooded or inqndated 4 or more types presenu points = 3 v/gea5onally flooded or inundated 3 types present: points = 2------7 _Yl9ccasionally flooded or inundated 2 types present: points = 1/s.trr.t.d only L type present; points = o _Permanently flowing stream or river in, or adjacent to, the wetland Seasonally flowing stream in, or adjacent to, the wetland _Lake Fringe wetland 2 points Fr€shwatertidal wetland Z points .4'/- H 1-3. Richness of plant species count the number of plant species in the wetland that cover at least 10 ft2, Different pdtches of the same species can be combined to meet the size threshold dnd you do not have to name the species. Do not include Eurcsian miltoil, reed canarygrdss, purple loosestife, Canadian thistle lf you counted: > 19 species pojnts = 2 5 - 19 species Points = 1 < 5 species Points = 0 U H 1.4. lnterspersion of habitats Decide from the diagrams below whether interspersion among Cowardin plants classes (described in H 1.1), or the classes and unvegetated areas (can include open water or mudflats) is high, moderate,low, or none. lfyou have four or more plant classes or three classes ond open water, the rating is olwdys high. None = 0 points Low = 1 point Moderate = 2 points All three diagrams in this row are HIGH = 3points '/- Wetland name or number ? Wetland Rating System for Western WA: 2014 Update Rating Form - Effective January 1, 2015 L3 Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report sl IMSA SC 4.0. Forested Wetlands Does the wetland have at least l, contisuqys acre offorestthat meets one of these criteria for the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife's forests as priority habitats? ttyou answerVES you will still need to rate the wettand bqsed on itsJunctions. - Old-growth forssts (west of Casode crest)r Stands of at teast two tree spsies, fominE a muhi-layered canopywith occasionai small openings; with at least 8 trees/ac (20 trees/ha) that areat least 200 years of age OR have a diameter at breast height (dbh) of32 in {81 cm) or more. - Mature forests (west ofthe Cascade Crest): Stands where the trees are80- 200 years old OR the in (53 cm).species that make up the canopy have an average Yes= Categoryl forested wetland forthis section cail SC 5,0. Wetlands in Coastal lagoons \- Does the wetland meet all ofthe following criteria of e wetland in a coastal lagoon? - The wetland lies in a depression adjacentto marine waters that is wholly or partially separated from marine waters bysandbank5, gravel banl{s, shingle, or, less ftequently, rocks -The lagoon in which the wetland is loGted comains ponded waterthat is saline or bGckish (> 0.5 ppt) during most of the year in at least a portign of the lagoon /needs to be meosured nedr the bottom) Yes - Go to SC 5.1 No = Not a wetland in a coastal lagoon SC 5-1- Does the wetland met:ll of the following tllree conditions? -The wetland is relatively undisturbed (has no dikin& dithin€; fillin& ciJltivation, grazing), and has less than 20% cover ofaggrssivq, opportunistic plantspecies (see llst of species on p. 100). - At least % ofthe landward edge ofthe wetland has a 100 ft buffer of shrub, forelt, or un-grazed or un- mowed grassland. -The wetland is largerthan %o ac (4350 ff) Yes = Category | CaL I Crt. ll SC 6.0. lnterdunal Wedands ls the wetland west of the 1889 line (also called the Westem Boundary of Upland Ownership or WBUOI? ,t you dEwer y6 you witl still need to tdte the weilond bdsed on 'rfs habitat tunctions, In practical terms thet means the following geographic areas: - long Beach Peninsula: Lands wesrofsR 103 - G€yland-Westpore Lands west of SR 105 - Ocean Shores-Copalis: Lands west ofSR lf.s and sR 109 Yes - Go to SC 6.X.interdunal wedand tor rating SC 6-1^. ls the wetland 1 ac or larger and scores an 8 or 9 forthe on the form (rates H,4H or H,H,M for the three aspects offunction)? Yes = Category | No -Go to SC S.Z SC 6.2. ls the wetland 1 ac or larger, or is it in a mosaic ofwetlands that is t ac or larger? Yes=Categoryll No-60toSC63 Sc 5.3, ls the unit between 0.1. and 1 ac, or is it in a mosaic ofwetlands that is between 0.1 and L ac? Yes=Categorylll No=CategorylV Cat. ll Cat. lll Cat. lV Cat I Gtegory of wetland based on Special Ch€racteristics lf you ansereq No fol3!!!ypqs, enter "NotApplicable" on Summary Form /IJrt Wetland name or number Wetland Rating System for Western W,* 2014 Update Rating Form - EffectiveJanuary 1,2015 L7 Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 53 lMSA w{o)v)o'rtO)r-t)lJ)(,l{{CNrdB*lo{P(no{o0)AFCDorlDavid Cohn3057 7lh StreetPort Townsend, WA 98368Jefierson CountyParcel # 001093002, 001 033004, 001 093001,99700tt1 01, 997000201997000701, 99700030 1, 99700060 1, s{r700040 1, 99700050 1Wetland 4 150' Buffer\telland Delineation perlorrned by tllegAmosand James laleggio rr ,{rrgust 11-22, 2016(rt(rt(/) \(n{A:a)o;JEls)5I(,tjr-l{a.t+Fdor_trlo{PThoo.o9:o.F(DfdotDavid Cohn3057 7th StreetPort Townsend, ViA S8368@Foil)Jefferson CountyParc.el # 001 093002, 001093004, 001093001.9S700O101, 997000201,997000701, 99700C301, 997000601, 9S7000401, 99700050 1OudallslVQt Prcj€cts303{d} Listed Waters - ScreenshctWetland Delineation performed by Meg Arnosand James laleggio ofi August 11'?2, 2016home Dr'ciarmerPflvaiy notic€q{{ess'bifin_ Conl6<t}dmrn..,. -i.,r,- ,.,.,!(Jr{(ne5nGl-t1gIg{::':..."',t '" r. n:/ Et..:'.-.5 Listing lD:63391 Main Listing lnformation Listing tD:63391 Waterbody Name: PCIRT TOWNSEND (INNER) Medium: Issue Pararnrtcr: Benzo{a)anlhracene WQI Projec* None Assigned Designated Use: None Assigneel 20t4 Category: 5 2012 Category: 5 2008 Category: 3 2004 Category: 3 On {998 303(dl List?: N On {996 303(d} List?: N Assessment Unit Assessment Unit lD: 481228747 Lo'cation ldentifi cation Counties: Jefierson WRIA; 17 - Quilcene-Snoui Watarbody lD (WBlDl: None Assigned Waterbody Class: None Assigned TownlRangalSec{ion {Lagacy}: None Assigned Basis Location lD IPSPTI - ln 2008, a composite lissue sample of mussel {Mytilus sp.} exceeded the Natisnal Toxics Rule criterion for Benz[a]anthracene. Location lD IFSPTI - ln 2006, a composite lissue sample of mussel {btytilus sp.} exceeded the National Toxics Rule criterion for Benz[alanthracene- Remarks Remark Modified By Modilied On Visibility This listing contains data not in EIM- Data from NOAA's National Erandee Era- lvlusselWatch Program station: PSPT. tuliller {2124'2010 Fublic EIM No EIM Records Entered Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report s9 lMSA Listing lD:63393 Main Listing Information Listing lD:63393 Waterbody Name: PCIRT TOWNSEI'ID {INNER} Medium: Tissue Parameter: Benzoib$lucranthene WQI Project: None Assigned Designated Use: None Assigned 20{4 Category: 5 20f 2 Category: 5 2008 Gategory: 3 2004 Category: 3 On 1998 303(d| List?: N On 1996 303{d} List?: N Assessment Unit Assessment Unit lD: 481128747 Location ldentifi cation Counties; Jefferson WRIA: 17 - Ouilcene-Snow Waterbody lD {WBID}: None Assigned Waterbody Class: Ncne Assigned Tourn/RangclSec{ion (Legacy}: l{one Assigned Easis Location lD IFSPII - ln 2008, a composite tissue sample of nussel {Mytilus sp.} exceeded the Itlational Toxics Rule criterion for Benzo[b]fluoranthene. Lacation tD IPSPTJ - ln 2006, a composite lissue sample of mussel (Mytilus sp.i exceeded the Nalional Toxics Rule criterion lor Benzo[b]fluoranthene. Remarks Remark Moditied By Modilied On \fisibilitY This listing contains data not in Ell,il" Data fcm itOAA's National Brandee Et"- tZiAAZ0.tOlvlussel Watch Program station. PSPT. hliller EIM Pr.rbtic hio Ellvl Records Entered Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 61 IMSA Listing lD: 63395 Main ng lnformation Listing lD:63395 Waterbody Name: PORT TOWNSEND {INNER) Medium: lissue Parameter: Chrysene WQI Projeet None Assigned Designated Use: None Assigned 2014 Category: 5 20{2 Category: 5 2008 Category: 3 20t14 Category: 3 On 1998 303(dl List?: N On 1996 303(dl List?: N Assessment Unit Assessment Unit lD: 4812287A7 Counties: Jefferson WRIA: 17 - Ottilcene-Snovr lrVaterbody lD (WBID): None Assigned Waterbody Glass: None Assigned TownlRangaf Scction {L:gacy}: None Assigned Location tD [PSPT] - ln 2008, a cornposite tissue sample of rnussel {Mytilus sp } exceeded the NationalToxics Rule criterion for Chrysene. Locatlon tD [FSPTI - In 2005, a composite tissue sample of mussel {Mytilus sp.} exceeded the NationalToxics Rule criterion for Chrysene- This tisting contains data not in EIM- Data ftom NOAA's National hlussei Watch Program station: FSPT" Modified By Modified On Visibility Rcmarts Remark 1322i?010 Public Location I Easis Brandee Era- Miller EIM No Ellvl Records Entered Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 63 IMSA Listing lD:63'104 lnformation Listing lD:63404 Waterbody Namc: PORT TOWNSEND (INNER) Medium: Tissue Parameter: lrdeno{ 1,2,}c,d}pyrene WQI Projecfi None Assigned Designated Ute: None Assigned 2014 Gategory: 5 2012 Category: 5 2008 Category: 3 2004 Category: 3 On 1998 303(d) List?: N On 1996 303(dl List?: N Unit Assessment Unit lD: 481228747 Location ldentlfi cation Counties; Jefferson YtlRlA: 17 - Quilcene-Snow Waterbody lD (WBID!: None Ass[ned Waterbody Class: None Assigned Torrun/Range/Section (Legacy!: None Assigned Basis Location lD TPSP|] - ln 2008, a composite tissue sample of mussel {Mytilus sp.) exceeded the National Toxics Ru le criterion for I ndeno[l, 2, 3-c.d]pyrene- Location lD IPSPT] - ln 2006, a composite tissue sample cf mussel (Mytilus sp.) exceeded the National Toxics Rule criterion for lndeno[l,2,3-c,d]pyrene. Rcmarks Rsmark Modified By Modilied On Visibility This listing contains data not in ElM, Data fiorn NOAA's National Mussel Watch Frogram station: FSPT- $rardee Era- Miiler 1U2A?:01O Public Eul,l No EIM Records Entered Swanson Farm (3057 7th St, Port Townsend WA) Wetland Report 65 lMSA