HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.08.05 - Wetland Reconnaissance for Basin 11 - Supercededoct ftiufio(,v"t Polaris Engineering and Surveying, lnc, vi)'**n"r 206 S. Lincoln St. Suite 201 Port Angeles, WA ggieZ (360) 452-5393 FAX: (360) 457-9319 Ms. Sam Gibboney City of Port Townsend Engineering Division 617 Tyler Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Pcrh"ze-, d €-Li'ec'X:* -fD \Ft. "* ttcurearsi August 5,1997 flD/t'iOrt\ Ot;tn tqq1 v*t lr)) il Re: Wetland Reconnaissance for Basin 11 Area Dear Sarn: This report supersedes all previously issued documents by Polaris depicting wetland boundaries for this contract. Please discard all of them. This wetland work was requested by the City of Port Townsend to determine if jurisdictional wetlands were present within the study area. The study area consisted of seven previously inventoried wetlands bounded on the east by Thomas Street, on the north by 20h Street, on the west by Shasta Street, and the south by 1Ofr Street. Areas that were excluded from study at the request of the land owners were: 1) Columbia Park, Blocks 3, 5, and 6, owned by Charles Gunstone,2) Phillips Addition, Block 17, Lots 3, 5-9, 11, and 12, owned by Bill Eldridge, "ffJtfL(^v>a'l dkkkr ffil- 3) Eisenbeis Addition, Block G, Lots 1-8, owned by Bill Misinterpretation of the uired much effort of clarify the intent of this work. To summarize the Szatlocky of Polaris on July 7, 1997 The wetland boundaries shown on theduring my a accompanyng map on a limited num of observations, with connecting lines conforming to available topographic maps. The accuracy of this boundary is no better than the topographic map upon which it is based. This work is an intermittent step taken to decide whether a fullwetland delineation is justified. Previous works did not document hydrology, soils and vegetation to prove existence of wetlands. This was the primary purpose of this contract: to positively identify the existence of the previously inventoried wetlands. The method employed forthis study was an abbreviation of the routine method described in the March 1997 Washington State Wetlands ldentification and Delineation Manual, which conforms to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Technical Manual. Office work consisted of examining all previous known reports, wetland inventories and maps. Seven wetlands had been inventoried within the study area by others and were the targets of this investigation. Field work commenced on April 2 and was finalized on May 8, 1997. Personnel responsible for the reconnaissance were John Fleming of Polaris, and Dixie Llewellin of Olympic Wetland Resources. li I rtI I ,,/ issued by is not Basin 11 Area Wetland Reconnaissance, August 5, 1997, Page 1 ll ll ll ll ll rl il ll ll ll jl ll rl tirllt ;l The timing of the field work was at the beginning of the growing season. This is the best time to directly observe wetland hydrology instead of using indicators to infer its presence. The most effort was given along the west side of Howard Street to locate the eastern edge of wetlands with inventory identifications of WL 11-1, WL 11-2, and WL 1 1-3. Every 100 feet from 15n Street north to 20h Street, a measurement was taken from Howard Street west to the first encounter of inundation. Pink plastic ribbon was hung on vegetation where this point was observed. The enclosed map shows the points of observation. The boundary of wetland hydrology extends beyond this point to a gain in elevation of 1 foot. This is where the boundary was estimated for the mapping along the west side of Horryard Street. The source of hydrology appeared to be from stormwaterfrom the uplands to the west of Rainier Street. The direction of flow through the wetland was observed to be to the south-southeast. lt was seen flowing over and along Howard Streetfrom 100 feet north of the 16h Street intersection down to within 30 feet north of Discovery Road. Blocks 5 and 6 of the Columbia Addition were observed to have hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology from a distance. The boundary through this area was estimated using perimeter observations, and existing contours from the base topographic map. The west side of this drainage corridor was observed at less frequent intervals as shown on the map, again by the solid dots which denote observation points. No discontinuity in the wetland was observed from 20fr Street south to Discovery Road. Although a road bed was constructed without benefit of a culvert near the 12fr Street intersection with Rainier Street, there was hydraulic continuity over the road, connecting the wetland found on the west to the one on the east. Observation points west of Rainier Street depict areas of significant inundation The wetland appears to extend north beyond the basin limits. North of 20h Street, plastic flagging hung by others along an inundated area suggests prior documentation of its extent. A lot that had placed flll into an inundated area south of 20h Street west of Rainier Street was observed. The construction of Discovery Road did not disturb the topography much beyond the road bed. This allows the observer to visualize a definite historic flow pattern through Lots 2, 3, 4, and 8 of Block 17 which drained to WL 11-5. Practitioners investigating this area, which was excluded from our study at the owne/s request, should look near Lot 8 for evidence in the soil of fill placement. The boundary line through this area was estimated based on historicalflow patterns. A deep soil test pit is needed to confirm or refute this approximation. Discovery Road acts as an impoundrnent, increasing the amount of stormwater retained on the northwest side, and decreasing the amount passing through to the southeast. One shallow culvert was observed near the 13b Street intersection. lts discharge was confined to a ditch routed around the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 17 of Phillips Addition, thereby drying up Lot 12. A drainage problem was observed on Lot 7 of Block 16 and the 12h Street right of way to the south. This area shows hydrophytic vegetation. There is a culvert under Howard Street intending to drain the area, however the inlet is blocked with ditch spoils. McPherson Street road fill divided WL 11-5 from WL 11-6 but should be viewed as one contiguous wetland. The outlet to this whole drainage system is under Thomas Street road fill to a ditch along 12s Street that drains east. The wetland boundary in these areas were estimated from field measurernents and fitting to existing contours on the base map. Basin 11 Area Wetland Reconnaissance, August 5, 1997, page 2 There is a topographic divide isolating WL 11-7 from the wetland to the west. lt historically drained south into a closed depression now used as a garden in the area of Block 13 of Phillips Addition and 13h Street east of Eddy Street, prior to construction of Discovery Road. Enclosed are nine data point forms documenting five plant communities within wetlands. Their positions were selected to represent the plant communities found within the inventoried wetlands. One data point was used to characterize WL 11-1 and WL 11-2 because there was no observable difference in the plant communities. No data point was established for WL 11-7. lt is being landscaped on the east, north, and west sides by the current owner. The south side is left in native rose bushes to Discovery Road. The wetlands were rated using the Washington State Department of Ecology 1991 rating forms ,.Thgrry,.-ell_qp.S oni.the,no.rthside.of;,rDiscover,y,Road,was,found to',enco.rnpass.app.roxim,ately.,:1:8; It has a 100 feet buffer as per the City of Port apter 19.05, Environmentally Sensitive Areas a1 feet b measures ap p roxi m atel y,$,5..0,0. 99 U et9,.f 9et; of 50 feet. Other than those sh It rates as a:teiatego-i$iltllwith 1 This wetland own on the attached map, no other wetlands were observed within the study area. All wetlands observed and governmental jurisdiction of both the The finalauthority over how much land area is under the ju encies rests with the agencies themselves and must be verified by them. All activities planned within and adjacent to the buffers and wetlands shown on the accompanying map may require special permits by these agencies. :: ,:rhis,.docurnent is.ir6t awetland:=d,pling?I9.1*,..tf,?,pre.gip_gJg.c.,al"i"q.'R o.f t-he::wetlands-bo-un.darigq de;grlped h.-e_re!q,.!9 neeggd,3 more de{ailed study wiii,bellgc-9.s.s,,?!'y,:e$he:most,apBrbpdite,timetor pg,rfbr:m,field,work is dui'ing the mbnth 6f-,jAoll'trwh,e,Ir.w.$.!Jand hvgtolggy cg.n bq:pbsery,-..d d.irq.elly.'; Sincerely, has a buffer +- John S. Fleming, P.E. Certified Wetland Delineator, WTI enc. cc: Olympic Wetland Resources JN 97053 ginEl Basin 11 Area Wetland Reconnaissance, August 5, 1997, Page 3 Ponm otr oBsmvfiIotl7rr-pettaiSBOI'NDARY, 1OO' BUFIIERt55|49v'.a-5-1??TOPOG}IAPTIY & PARCEL BASE MAP!'ROM JEFFERSON COUNTY IDMS,TETI,AND BOUNDARY ESTIMATED FROM TIEI,D DATAGATHERED I'RoM PnBUc LA.I.ID & oTHER PRIVATEI,AND lTlTH CONSENT OF OITNERS APRIL 2_1?, 199?USINC RECONNAISSANCE I,EVEL ROUTI]IIE METHODFROU THE YA STATE TETI"ANDS IDENTIT1CATION &DEUNEATION MANUAL, MARCH 199?, YIII{ OLYIIPICTETLAND RfSOURCTS, INC.t5 IHIlot14 ]H...f.\$'PONT 1Toroctoqto(!6zotrtxtotslgaEHHHtdt{EHFEImm-loTHT* EgHE;El r,ao tBEE S. EdE FIil'h *B E3$*HUoEmzj1'9_rrrp Io ro <) LI9lo o^!q >(, mu a'3^€ r 6.-qo d rr9l-9r ii OSe-5 3.I +o (, :t3$' '" o;,1g* F3Sx, tnuNo coY.JI5P*+*+++EXPIRES:51Itli J.i I--at l.VTBICATEGORYITETI,AND50'BUFFEB16tHDATA\=ol\{IJi,i) i i\,il'\-!--,{'i1211BASIN 11tL 11-O ll DATA FORM T Routine Wetland Det€rmination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Wetland Delineation ll ll 1i ll llil il tl ll ll I t;Jit; I I I J Dare: 41Zl 1l countv: Tetrclel State:'WA s/TtR: s1 TSoN ,etw Project/Site: WLP tl - z CrH q foff .-TtWru-56/ p Zr'&f 'o7 'g11P1e:Lta6' N'ar tAt'+5f. Applicant/ownen w++vlFkwaq Dty.(€ L-L6D gLtN &-'[mPcInvestiArt Community ID: NETL&nD Transect ID: PIot ID: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the Is the site sigrrificantly disturbed (atypical situation)? yes no@I koblem Area?Is the area a Stratum IndicatorStratum Indicator Dominant Plant VEGETATION DominantPlant T Lco FA6$ldo"+avxai iSrrg 7o of dominants OBL FACW, & FAC: AO % HYDROPITYTIC VEGETATION INDICATOP,S: Check all indicators thatapply & explain bclow: Regional knowledge of plant communities d Physiological or reproductive adaptations \Vetland plant list (nat'l or regional) X Morphological adaptations OTHER Wetland Plant Data BaseTechnical Litcrature Hyd rophytic vegetation Present? Rationale for decision/Remarks: > Es?o no obu.?/-<.-ul L FLc- noSedimentWaler Marks:no noPattems:Drift Lines no no @ 17" TTTDROLOGY PuANtg tr$--s (0'owrNtl Is it the growing season? Based on: Local Soil Sunrey: Yes noOxidized Root Qive roos) Channels <12 in.no Water-stained l-eaves:yes noFAC Neutml: yes no Dept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: inches (tr sar inches €kc€) o inchesto sanuated soil: Other:Check all that apply & explain below: Streanr, Lake or gage data: Other:Aerial rl no FP€€ w\T'at- AY /- 17 ' Wetland hydrologl present? Rationale for decision/Remarks ) -/ ] tllt rl I lt ti Irll t1 lt ll .it ri _lj */ ) *J Soils Map UnitName: Clallam eravelly sandy loam (CmC) (Series & Phase) Drainage Class Moderately. Well Field Observations confirm Yes T wL- tt-L b.P" +\ v Profile Texture, concretions, strucntre, etc. Mottle abundance size & contrast Matrix color (Munsell Mottle colors (Munsell Depth (inches) Horizon bltc., \^rLA. g 6"P-lr-'u L"A-tt-. to\ g :z BLkc\(0-b $lq,NtY lt.rfi"tr,, l}]5&P 't{BtNauu+l-pvocLtl bR STraPCrgg"awN KNY Pearr rHgil'F5'i dLtVE G%4b_ tz- Fp-ge r,,{i-€Pq f " Drawing of soil profile (marcb-descdplio!) Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that aPply) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfrdic OdorX Aquic Moisnre Regime Reducing Conditions Concretions Organic Streaking in SandY Soils - Listed on l-ocal Hydric Soils List - Listed on National Hydric Soils List or Low-Chroma Colors Other in remarks , HA-tGirt cltg-ar^r'& /Z t".tlr-l 1/{T'L65 Q- to" DBpf^{5*ru.&1..I-Es no Rationale for decision/Remarks: Hydric soils present? no no no no@ Wetland Determination (circle) Wetland Is the sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? Rationale/Remarks: ALL 3 FAgA+t6TtF5 f F€9Utlt NOTES:S -t I -t li -| lt lrlt il -!r I Ir lt IrI Ir lt JI ll 1l it I T i I J -J -J I .J Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Ddineation Manud or 1987 Wetland Delineation Dare: *lZIql Countv: tetrepW'< State: \/4 6fft*: 51 TsoN ralkl koject/Site: r,6u* ll-z Cr1\ oF Po(T@T oF B-klNtuL, sou Applicant/ownen Jottll FLgnlt{\ Dli.re LLfuDeu-il"| Investieator( sl:-?O(Atll,9 Ail h N TDW^rta!0'ftIo€ t614 ?7. Community ID: NoN -Ns(uRlr D Transect ID: PlotID: DP#z Do Normal Circumstances exist on @ yes noBIs the site sigrrificantly disturbed (atypical5iruation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? the site? \rEGETATTON Dominant PlantSpecies Strarum IndicatorStratum Indicator Dominant Plant FACqT#€u 5Ynfirpgrd *fot albr1les MLTSnt-tx a-ouLK.IA/}I.A J TACUAU5htLoN D€€5 lrofacaqL llJlNgfLA$D9sHouo >t*u' d$cot-r'g 2.-FAet(A AAA*e.l[ CELA6T fo?-AL: I{YDROPITruC VEGETAITON INDICATOR^S : 7o of dominantsOBl. FACW, & FAC: l7 7, Rationale fordecisionlRemarla: I 6O7o ObL, FAcr*r, d f*C OTI{ERx yes Sedimentno Patterns: @.4a"( @l Tr ITTDROLOGY Pr-q+tS A-t-t'- C\$.o')]thll'F Water Marks: Drift Lines: Is it the growing season? Based on:SorL Hydrophytic vegetation present? 'Wetland plant list (nat'l orregional) Morphological adaptations Wetland Plant Data Base Check all indicators that apply & explain bclow: Regional knowledgc of plant communities F Physiological or rcproductive adaptations Technical Litcrature Local Soil SurveY: Yes @Oxidized Root (live roots) Channels <12 in. ves @ Water-stained I-caves:yo@FAC Neutral: yes no Dept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: Depth to saturated soil: NoN6_ inches NOAIe inches (= r+") (t'*")inchesNON6 OthenCheck all thatapply & explain below: Streanu Lake orgage data: Other:Aerial photographs: Wettand hydrologr present? Rati onale for decision/Remarks :lz't Nas- rNDtCA-TDKs f P-C5err-(- ' yes No 5Aragtr(6F < -ll WL.Ir-z v?,'L Soils Map UnitName: Clallam gravelly sandy loam (CmC) (Series & Phase) Drainage Class Moderately Well Field Observations confirm Yes I I il - .1.. llll -t I ll F Profile Description Texture, concretions, structure, etc. Mottle abundance sizs & contrast Mottle colors (Munsell moist) Matrix color (Munsell moist) Depth (inches) Horizon Lo*-A.VER\ 'NEF\-K 6LfrN\^L&{|- lo)K z/r BLA C'G0-5 kSl'n" gn" 6 '11 4L BLocK.Y ' +,5YR r/l DACV.B(awt{6 -to StrlD'l LCIAH/ V{Eh F g:RFA{rr. u ti+{-., bwcvl Aot,9( lq-ll'" lovR,4it{ F$,v \Ettort- tSFt EF.a'rrl'l ro-11 C,orlf ^rYFD,6Ut*.C.r l+u I*lLU/ F{015 f A{ mr* t ''fr)t'i + Drawing of soil profile Gnatch description) l?" Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regtme Reducing Conditions Concretions Organic Streaking in SandY Soils Listed on I-ocal HYdric Soils List - Listed on National Hydric Soils List Colorsor Hydric SoiI Indicators: (check all that apPlv) Other ln No'.rN otc 476P5 P&ESt-utWK\€A TPrV\EE { t,5'r' yes No Hydric soils present? Rationale for decisionlRemarks yes ryves qyes (U9./ Wetland Determination (circle) Wetland Is the sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? Rationale/Remarks: N DNE cF P*Fr'ner-Ee: Fg€9e Nt *J NOTES:5 {i" ] Routine Wetland Deterurination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or t987 Wefland Delineation ll lj ll tlIt ll t1il il ilit li I il I-_t I ) Dare: fl glql County: WaSo\ State: uvA 'S/T/R: slq rl 3ry.t et t w kojecr/Site: uuu++ lt - 3 CiT\ OF Applicant/ownen SDfh{ Fu?nuh Plxt € tCfuleut*t Investigato(s): ?aAttU g4q! ,ev0 loN POI'T TWN Community ID: rrrlB-f ut*u Transect ID: Plot ID: DP* 3 Do Normal Circumsunces exist on the site? Is the site sigrrificantly disturbed (atypical situation)?yes @yes tfo)Is the area a potential Problem Area? no@ \IEGEitATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum IndicatorStratum Indicator Dominant Plant T m<Snut SUvrelMrA 5 5 FALSALJp jLoWquktvA f+O0t-CK6 ODNO?TA HYDROPIITTIC VEGETATION INDICATOR.S: 7o of dominansOBl. FACW, & FAC: t OOTo Regional knowledge of plant communities Physiological or rcproductive adaptations Technical Litcrature L Wetland plant list(nat'lorregional) X Morphological adaptations OTHER Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Wetland Plant Data Base Hydrophytic vegetation Present? Rationale for decision/Remarks: ) 6o 7o Dbv, fAcW,4 Fxc no Sedimentno Pasems: no no no no ITTDROLOGY Pr-ftrf : frSQ /."fl-oPtuh @ 4t oF@ Watcr Marks Drift Lines: Is it the growing season? Based on: Local Soil Suney: yes noOxidized Root Qive roots) Channels <12 in. ves no Water-stained Leaves:yes no FAC Neutral: yes no Dept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: Depth to saturarcd soil: inCheS ctrl ;qL?kCE,l, strAAo-uPDrNqkeeXA inches O inches OthenCheck all that apply & explain below: Strearn, Lake orgage data Other:Aerial photographs: Wetland hydrologr present? Rationale for dccision/Remarks: SA noe <lL"@ TltLAflAN -/ NL- rt-3 >.P+P I I -t J Soils Map UnitName: Clallam gravelly sandy loam (CmC) (Series & Phase) Drainage Class Moderately Well Field Observations confirm Yes @ Taxonomy (t)?e? Profile Depth (inches) Horizon Mauix color (Munsell Mottle colors (Munsell Mottle abundance sizn, & contrast Texture, concretions, structure, etc. Drawing of soil profile GqatchjcssrlplioD o- to to\r- z/1 Br&cF LOAA, Ng,kt( qEtr*ttlt'k*. L.61 llL 7,8 YR z/1 lt &F,!Rgbrqtl SLrs>1 LoAH, ^NoDeP&\g suB- {NCruLA0* buocKYto-11 D,YRF 4Lti{tst\ F&.oNN DARI( Bgrw ht FATNT <"+TwA&T6O Af arRFkcF FAEe c^+rtgl- AT 3" Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that aPPly) Histosol Histic EPiPedon Sulfidic OdorX Aquic Moisture Regrme Rcducing Conditions - Concretions High Organic Content in Surface l,ayer of Sandy Soils - Organic Streaking in SandY Soils Listed on I-ocal HYdric Soils List -Listed on National Hydric Soils List or Low-Chrorna Colors Other ln 4*-fgir cRgo+{& /., ^lTt{ l'tatn,Ea2 h-T lo" no SkTl[?-A.TgbRationale for decisionlRemarks: Hydric soils present? no no no no@ Wetland Determination (circle) Wetland Is the sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation Present? Hydric soils present? RationalelRemarks: Auu 4 F&BtrewL+ fP€5errt jl rl II t tl)l 1l I I,I-t i ,l a J NOTES: (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or t987 Wetland Delineation ll jl I I ll jl County: Jffiekfu\ State: vVA Date: ft18 q1 S/TIR: 5 @ i?rA tT, , llo' Fkt- Applicant/ownen 31rv FLc'mtNol D{xl e LL&lJALttl + koject/Site: tdL# I C-tT'( cF &ArnrgL tr- Communiry ID: NoN - hlEtLNN D Transect ID: PlotID: DP#+ Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significandy disturbed (atypical situation)? Is the area a potential hoblem Area? @no;:B \IEGETATION Dominant Plant Specics Strarum . Indicator Dominant Plant S Strarum Indicator m<Att x 3( ottea-ANA -T- S acRo,sA Norr*u* fuvurSP teAd+ Doumsn 5 5 FrrcuGau L-ftter.A 1ffiLtaq 7o of dominants OBI. FACW, & FAC: 1 5 7 HYDROPITYTIC VEGETATION INDICATOR.S: Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Regional knowledgc of plant communities Y' Physiological or reproductive adaptations Wetland plant list (nat'l or regional) X Morphological "dqptationsWetland Plant Data Base OTHER no ;' 5o zo FAC t,.' 4 FAL Technical Literature Hydrophydc vegetation present? Rati onale for decision/Remarla: Yrtrt\: r.$t aEoh'ru6f @ 4ta"F @ la Sedimentno tl Paferns: ITTDROLOGY Water Marks: Drift Lines: Is it the gowing season? Based on 4 5atc Oxidized Root (live roots) Channels <12 in. y". (n?@Local Soil Survey: Yes FAC Neutral: yes no Water-stained I-eaves:nc'yes Dept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: Depth to saruratcd soil: NoN E_ inches > lz inches > lL inches OthenCheck all that apply & explain below: Stream, I-ake or gage data: Aerial photographs:Other: -Wetland hydrolog present? Rationale fordecisionlRemarks: No rt , 6to /NDt. *w9 pA€6elY*' yes *ic 5&fuLA-Y{or-r el ltl tl 'l Soils Map Unit Name: Clallam eravelly sandy loam (CmC) (Series & Phase) Drainage Class Moderately Well Field Observations confirm Yes 6t Taxonomy mapped \,rL- ll-3 bP. n'1 ll ,l r-l ,i rl l l jl Profile Texture, concretions, struc[ure, etc. Mottle abundance siz,g & contrast Matrix color (Munsell mol Mottle colors (Munsell HorizonDepth (inches) Lok{t tl€r<K 4fl-A+tttL&f- loYR z4 B*cr0-\ LaAH, t^lE&tr 5(g- fuoquLaR $uocg1, rTh lo YA "/q4-to uro&n rHANNELg, H*Hr1 pat51-9 \F*Y rtoreT 6AND! La\n ALHo>15ATtrf*kYFD {rol p 4./to 6z,\3r\BR6pNlo-t7 Berouts\ 7,61aurv€ Drawing of soil profile (Jnatch description) Corngr-crEb 4LAcr\r-- I-rt-Ll-Lrl Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that aPPly) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Concretions Organic Sneaking in SandY Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List - Listed on National Hydric Soils List or Low-Chroma Colors Other ln @Hydric soils present? Yes Rationale for decisionlRemarks: no yes @ Wetland (circle) @yes Wetland h Is the sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? RationalelRemarks: No SolL-a oF-t4\Obuac,'1 PP-€SE Nf NOTES:a ll ll ll ll 1l II JI 1l 1l IJI ll 1l ll !lIil (WA State Wetland Ddineation Manual or 1987 Co Wefland Delineation .) Dare: + | 8lq7 County: 74re(fu4 State: wA S/T/R: .5 6l T36N RIW Applicant/ownen 3xt^t fl-fuilruq D fte tLCttl€rtt* Investigator(s\: -PuJffl't| A\t4wfugtutd L OUtrUnc NeruW, R-60*ttcs t4 oFPd74:fOvtN sA{eProject/Site: w Lt+ U - 4 C ,7-o' vol-r4 6v tznl 5T,W6r O? &*rPetc Communiry ID: \-reTufttt o Transect ID: PIotID: DP+{ no no 6b) @@yes ursruP-SgD - tbt Ct"EAAb0 eon' o P..o$.Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical .situation)? Is the area a potential hoblem Area? exist 6n the sit6?Do Normai Circ-umstances \rEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum lndicator DominantPlantSpecies Sfratu!q---lp4!lq4Al T'{4t<-sAU X SCrv rItLtrtTv^ s maRos+ IIIT(hNA F+oB t-C.ft€t-/, O}6LOPTA HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION IND ICATO F.S : 7o of dominana OBI. FACW, & FAC: t N% Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Regional knowledgc of plant comrnunities J Physiological or rcproductive adaptations - Technical Litcrature 'Wetland plant list (nat'l or regionall X Morphological adaptations OTHER Wetland Plant Data Base Hydrophytic vegetation present? Rationale fordecision/Remarks: >Uo"/o no obv,FAew, oQ- Fko Sediment Deposits: yes noWater Marks: yes no Prainaee Pattems: Cv"s--) tronoDrift Lines: yesSorL no @. t+" ITYDROLOGY PLA'$I, &t,.t, C"[o'.r'trrc.' k it the growing season? Based on Local Soil Survey: Yes noOxidircd Root Qive roots) Channels <12 in. yes no Water-stained Leaves:yes no FAC Neutral: yes no Dept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: Depth to saturated soil: I inches A-inches inches €ul-|*a'r t'tD rhq r\RgA tnur,gqtgb OthenCheck all that apply & explain below: Strearn, I-ake or gage data: Aerial photosraphs:Other: Wetland hydrology present? @ Rationale for dccision/Remarks: S 4TraL*€D A{ Pf*ese u'r-' <-lz no 0nrD PPr}1A+Y 1NDt1A\ALIt, J I I lr JI i-'lilll 1l ! j ll !liljr ll Ti -ll _l ;l I j NOTES I -t Soils Map UnitName: Clallam gravelly sandy loam (CmC) (Series & Phase) Drainage Class Moderately Well Field Observations confirm Yes @ sub )type? Profile Texture, concretions, structure, etc. Monle abundance size & contrast Matrix color (Munsell Mottle colors (Munsell Depth (inches) Horizon uott\lbYR =i FLACK-o-v 5Al'r DY Lr.\A N o\F DALY- r.tl^l z.5Y al. OL\VE7-tL 40rlg&crf,.D Qvk'ct ft L TirLrlIL 5t<f-r,t(kteb ,tl- 5v?.(kce Drawing of soil profile (match deglplb) fgffi vtr1t.rJL Ar l" Ilydric SoiI Indicators: (check all that aPPly) Histosol Histic EPiPcdon Sulfidic OdorX Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions High Organic Content in Surface layer of Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in SandY Soils - Listed on l-ocal Hydric Soils Ust - Listed on National Hydric Soils List Concretions or Low-Chroma Colors Other ln wrr,t pee*.e*.Siui1 uU:,s Tq*d 6, is/tre v63a fK\-}r r.6(T- F.AA^ s\rpFMG DUP-iNar Hydric soils present?@no Rationale for decision/Remarks: N kTE?- TA&LE 4e-aWrNtC 5€\5rFl lN Soiu no no no no@ Wetland Determination (circle) Wetland Is the sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? Aut. V PA-t-e- l'rsrElg-''> pB ert-N\RationalelRemarks: -/ 4 DATA FORI\ T Routine Wetland Detennination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or t98t IYetland I 1 I rl I - lj i-ri I -rl Projcct/Site_: rt/L+ ll-5 Crrrl OF pOpf TDun,w67 6p fYtcP-tt@9N, Nof-Tq oF pfr 5(. Applicant/ovrnen Klt{tAm AJIn Date: dl6lqt County: S6f@ql State: lr{./A S/I/R: 51 f3o\t LIIW Do Nonnal Circumstances cxist on ihe site? Is the sitc significantty disturbed (aq?ical situation)?yes. yes nog@ Is the Problcm Area? Communiry ID: 6 pf1-.,(,11r g Transect ID: PlotID: Df b I \IEGETATTON Dominant Plant Species Dominant Plant Spccies Stratum IndicatorStratum Indicator PoP ut-vs -l?enttt-o t o a T FA<T SAt-tx S(oucgruft^tA T A( ?aa PeHa\s(3 H FK_ . l'' ' A-eDCJtAtLt 5 ?Al )fTu.\H 69 r- lw7, ITYDROPITruC \TEGETATION INDICATOR,S: % of dominantsOBl- FACW, &FAC: Check all indicators that apply & explain bclow: Rcgional knowlcdge of plant communities -XPhysiological or reproduaive adaptations _ Tcchnical Litcnturc Wetland plant list (nat'l orregional) Morphological adaptations Wetland Plant Data Base L orHER- Hydrophytic vegetation present? gEy' no Rationale fordecision/Remarks: ) 5o?- TUr,FAcb AF*,c no Sediment@ Lb Paserns: no no no no Water TryDROLOGY Drift Lines: Is it the growing scason? Based on t Oxidized Root Qive roots) Channels <12 in. yes no I-ocalSoilSurvcy: ycs noDept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: Depth to saturatcd soil: O inches -1-inches .? inches FAC Neutral: yes no yes no Water-stained Iraves: Check all that apply & explain below: Seearn, Lake orgage data Other:Aerial photographs Othen Wetland hydrolo gr present? Rationale for dccision/Remarks : f f,rnnef lNDrc.kto3_ ct DO ,+ r I tz't ; > EP Fe 991 6N ,tL r*eA F\ E6l 5 PAT\€:e-N , AoJA{E}tt to oPsN wA"t6R-. € ATtrtsArT1ot.I DL.Attsftqg ll ll ll 11 N L ll-5 DI. I 1w"rol'tlr zz tl il tl ti ll ll it il il JI jl r1ti ll 1l /l ) Soils Map UnitName: Clallam eravelly sandy loam (CmC) (Series & Phase) Taxonomy ( Drainage Class Moderately, Well Field Observations confirm Yes.6D Profile Description Texture, concretions, structure, ctc. Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix color (Munsell moist) Monle colors (Munsell moist)' Mottle abundance sizn & contrast I o?a l/r trrNe Sh.tOrlLolt1zto-7 1,5'.1K7/.1,{Y<flr 5r5tg'( LO r^?-zz Drawing of soil profile (ma!sb-desi@) v 1q'lzlz(^'7, Hydric Soil Indicators: (check dl that apply) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic OdorX Aquic Moisore Regtme Reducing ConditionsX Gleved orl,ow4hromaColors -Concrctions High Qrganic Content in Surfacc kyer of Sandy Soils -Orgadc Streaking in Sandy Soils -Listcd on Local Hydric Soils Ust -Listcd on National Hydric Soils List Other (explain in remarks) Hydric soils present? @ no Rationalefordecision/Remarks; WNrTtrp'T*>W &T tH 5o'ru w(flt PgRA€'kP. tt ttt c'FL€95ThA{r wtTH' t"tbrrtel Ju5r gedtu "A" Ao+-lzo+r L€19 T\fr+r l.F' DaAr'Ic'..4Fcwr rN\ 6ffia*t Z-,;i-;; A*rD - soiu Aetfjrc cHP,otA 3 /- Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils prcsent? Wetland hydrology present? @ffi no no no no@ Wetland Determination (circle) Is thc sampling point within a wetland? Rationale/Remarks:7g9'"-$Al.L v Pt+'Mtv1vw ? -J NOTBS: k +.1- ] Roudne Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Wetland Delineation ll I t1ii Ir1t it tl 1t jl llit it 'l ,j i I-t 1 i\1 ,jl I ., Date: 5/6lqr7 S/TIR: S9 TfuN IZLW State: Projecr/Site: VA ll-q c lrY oF PoP--Y l-orr p ssND lo(Slf or rnc?ftq561/ N&n4 aF ILngT' Applicant/ovm". Klt-ft^il Investigator(s): Q. Llle/J A)Ll N,Wmfl( UhL,ft7Up REOUrc5 no yes Stratum IndicatorStratum Indicator Dominant Plant Do Normal Circumstanccs cxist oD site? DominantPlant PlotID: \rEGETATION Is the site significantly disturbcd (atypical5iruation)? Is the arca a Problcm Area? Communiry tD: N ap - N6nrtslb Transect ID: T AcJAf-butus malLtat I 1-FxcffiUx tnuuauANA Synpmr,<rppls frtfi,qg 5 FAcU S tA<Rosn Nirl,KftNA l+Dtrvus ]conumn tnc,l to?, ITYDROPITY-TIC VEGETATION INDICATORS : % of dominants OBI. FACW, & FAC: Check all indicators that apply & cxplain bclow: Regional knowlcdgc of plantcommunities X Physiologicat orreproductive adaptations - Technical Litcrature Wetland plant list (nat'l orregional) Morphological adaptations Wetland Plant Data Basc X orHER Hydrophytic vegetation present? RationalefordccisionrRemarks: 2607o -&) obv,Fh.w, t F*. ITYDROLOGY nonoScdiment@ Pacems: no noF e?t'Water Marlcs: Drift Lincs: Is it thc growing season? Bascd on: Local Soil Survey: ycs noOxidized Root Qive roots) Channels <12 in. yes no Water-stained I-eaves:yes no Dept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: D"pth to saruratcd soil: NoNC_ inches ruot{-e__ inches l-l)/{,t-inches b,u) (t ,u') FAC Neutral: ycs no Check all that appty & explain below: Strearrt Lake or gage data: Aerial photocraphs:Other: Othen Wetland hydrologr present? yes Rationale for dccision/Remarks: dA1-u Rfrfl a+) PR€Se,Nlrr Deepe L Tq AN ,i') (@ N0 rNDl6A-YCI8-S tr{ L tt- 5 DP. i- li ll ll tl rlil rI ji rlll ll lljl j ^) Soils Map Unit Name: Clallam gravelly sandy loam (CmC) (Series & Phase) Drainage Class Well Field Observations confirrt' X"t, @Taxonomy Profile Mottle abundance sizn & contrast Texrurc, concretions, structure, etc. Mottle colors (Munsell Horizon Matrix color (Munsell Depth (inchcs) ENN ftqe &*tP'lLot\'4rollp32o-G Al4Al Lo47a1t.rtr,4t"c- tL I 7.5 YK It Drawing of soil profile Cmatch dcscription'l tftNo'l LofrnD\rflzt2-lg tblrz Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that aPPly) Histosol Histic Epipcdon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Rcgrme Rcducing Conditions Concretions Organic Sreaking in SandY Soils Listed on l-ocal Hydric Soils Ust or Low{hroma Colors Othcr ln Hydric soils present? yes Rationale for decisiorfiemarks: Na , N$lcFtc'F-A ppesur{ 1i1,5'; r,r'oWA(TEA TA-LL€ 1 @@.@ yes yes yes D Wetland Determination (circle) Wetland Is thc sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? RationalelRemarks: No N EtLA-'rD I n Fftfl greLb PF€5g.t$t c' la- ) -l NOTES: k tl ll ll li ll{tlr ll ll llll lj tlrljl ll 1lJl ll I I -t l II I ) / ) DATA FORM 1 Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or t987 Wetland Delineation Date: !lelt* ',1*CgP-EorJ WA31 lT?6$/ Rrw County: State: S/TIR: Project/Site: WL al-b , Cffal & TrLT fTulr.t:e,r.|D ?o' zx+r * $LPaeg*'t9r, it't tzrt t-t' Applicant/owner: -)oqtrl,Fuen,rcr l Prxte LL6wet*tnt lnvestisator(i, Yoii8d eiClueepxt, q drtt||:urq7JJ*J0D€',dl(r€ Community ID: \.lgTl-A+\ D Transect ID: Plot ID: D.P. + \ Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? (Jp Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? yes Is the area a potential Problem Area? yes no @(6 VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum IndicatorStratum Indicator Dominant Plant H{ uncn: eFFus\16TFAC5lutx. trcoqt-ERtA,r.lA F&aCgqrA,pau+ douau*;tr 3 Fk.-J'[SfnpnogtcaLncs a-lbue 5 Cxea oEnupTA H 0bL KAlruru ct^ws lePeNS H F*ctt HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: 7o of dominants OBL, FACW, &FAC: 627o Regional knowledge of plant communities X Physiological or reproductive adaptations Technical Literature Wetland ptant list (nat'l or regional) X Morphological adaptations - OTIIER Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Wetland Plant Data Base @no )Vo|o dbr, F*c ur * vx+ Hydrophytic vegetation present? Rationale for decision/Remarla: Sedimentno Patterns: no norl8r@e,+I HYDROLOGY Pu$,lfs kl€ C.rl.orrr d (r ls it the growing season?no n(' Water Marks Drift Lines:Based on: Soiu Oxidized Root (live roots) Channels <12 in. yes no LocalSoilSurvey: yes no FAC Neutral: yes no Water-stained @nol,eaves: Dept. of inundation: A,tg- inches ADJ&(ENI- A&gA lb" rH t^N DA-Ttd Depth to free water in pit: L inches Depth to saturated soil: -Linches Other:Check all that apply & explain below: Stream, Lake or gage data: Aerial photographs:Other: -Wetland hydrologl present? Rationale for decision/Remarks no 1lz"t5AT,,(&kliof.l DIH6a I NDIrA'raf-9 Pge*er'rt- -) ,l I '1 I SOILS Map Unit Name (Series & Phase) P*L.o - 1:?Drainage Class wgt-u Tr L Dr,reocr( Field observations confirm Yes @,) \^lL rl-a PP. * 1 1_ -'L l,l rl Profile Descri Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix color (Munsell Mottle colors (Munsell Mottle abundance size & contrast Texture, concretions, structure, etc. Drawing of soil profile (match descriotion)mol mor ta Yg l4.Arr\z FfDFRA!-6 su9*o-a PLr+< r-qLAG- bucrl2,5\ 4 oLtue 9AONN /t 1'5\?- 9/1 btgrrrrrt SAs DY Lo&r1 6-lto DAT-F $rE;AK S'.tpBuocr 6+ru&kTED'1-os\f'Fkcg F0-EE NrtTg/L€2" Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that apply) Hisrosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic OdorX Aquic Moisrure Regime Reducing Condirions Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on I-ocal Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils Listor Low-Chroma Colors Other in remarks < 1,5 6,oAn_, Drel-rNfa GeoaJrNq 6e*r15on1 ,N Hydric soils present?no Rationale for decision /Remarks hra.wR T*Br.e &T3e,v w.tTH Pbf*ng ng,r uitl Le* tn*s no no no no@ Wetland Determination (circle) Wetland ent? Is the sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? RationalelRemarks: kw v ?A&^-ME:rBP-s ?e#'g1-t+ ,1 I l.:) ! .,: i ,t NOTES F I tl tl tl tl tl ll lt ll jl I ll jl ltttJI DATA FORM 1 Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Wetland Delineation ._l -i Date: tf I All+ County: :) EFFoLSotJ State: WA;n;ii, sq/r3oN /rra Project/Site: NL tt-t, Crrq aF PoSr r_aurlrgesD t6o' r{oqir. d- tZ'14 5T. rN anonfri' sT. 89.N, Applicant/owner: *l ot{,'l .1 ' F w n'lu tInvestisarork\: ?ovo'Ai1 Erqru EAIN(r DrElg lLgc'6tJ\'tA' auY nti c ll)fi,r{'\D Yl5r,t.Frg' Community ID: N ON - N ETLAN b Transect ID: Plot ID: >S- * 7 Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? no @60 @ yes yes VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Dominant Plant Soecies Stratum IndicatorStratum Indicator F*clHu-tA Pu aATA FACUT*Psat Do tguc.A rqepziei i FtculRoen qi n No c^&pA 5 F*cqBef ezFie DQRvastA FActtPA,r,u vAC. ,tts €.toA&arr*TA Jr'1oLLt9 HYDROPITYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS : 7o of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC: LO?o Regional knowledge of plant communities Physiological or reproductive adaptations Technical Literature Wetland plant list (nat'l or regional) { Morphological adaptations _-(_OTHER Check all indicators that apply & explain below: Wetland Plant Data Base o?'vr rp.c.wt * r*c yes 16D7o Hydrophytic vegetation present? Rationale for decision/Remarks : HYDROLOGY: Pu6,rlr5 k&E (f6NrNc1 Is it the growing season? @Basedon: 6otu fenp, 4Ce @ tb'' no Oxidized Root (live roots) Channels <12 in. v"r @ LocalsoilSurvey: yes @ FAC Neutral: yes no Water-stained l.eaves:yes @ Dept. of inundation: Depth to free water in pit: Depth to saturated soil: N0A,E_ inches > lb inches > 16 inches Other:Check all that apply & explain below: Stream, Lake or gage data: Aerial photographs: - Other: Wetland hydrologr present? Rationale for decision/Remarks: ^t a Na t N DtcATdLS ves @ 5 ATU AAN6N <. ' Z SOILS Map Unit Name (Series & Phase) c G 6,L,o-t5 ?)Drainage Class t\o?€.Llda-Y ltt€tv baAo Field observations confrrm Yes @TNTIC,) lruL il- u P? *> + l 1 l 'l I I Profile Depth (inches) Horizon mo Matrix color (Munsell Mottle colors (Munsell Mottle abundance size & contrast Texture, concretions, structure, etc. o-4 Eeo'rutr lo\?- z/z_ YEp-Y >A+F ,rl , /rRrtNuUAA Lo*tl., 9 INFA K 1- r> 4 r.l bvacK Lak+1,NFAK gU 13 -lo 7,5',1 t+voLtv6 FAor^ril ,r{+rDY lrJ#a., T16A RFA'TN}rCE M'O€qA'I-E Drawing of soil profile (match description) Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Concretions High Organic Conrent in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on l.ocal Hydrie Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List HvdricSoil Indicators: (check all that apply) or Low-Chroma Colors Other tnyes @flo wr.Ee* n$Ee <-l,b No tN DICfttt*-3 Pe€s'g*rt Hydric soils present? Rationale for decision/Remarks yes yes @@ ves @ Wetland Determination (circle) Wetland Is the sampling point within a wetland? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? Rationale/Remarks: AJ'N6 of Th€ Z ruelz*ND PA.R.A-fi VYVP4 l?*v5g,*a, NOTES: I l 1 i j l j I!II I ) I j WETI-ANDS RATING FTELD DATA FORM Location: 7/4 S: of l/4s: - slc: 4 TWNSHP: 3Oxt RNGE: lw SOURCES OF INFORMATION: (Check all sources that apply) Site visit * USCS Topo Map: X f.fWr -"p, X Aerial Photo: - Soils ,tt""y' X 7 Government Jurisdiction of wetland: Name of Rater:D. F-L DL#I -3hl-x te:+lr{q TDw,.ttpllDof ?65-YClTtl Other: )t Describe BACKGROUND INFORMATION: UtvJt E^JG|N''-ErJN4tIeU€LtlN Affiliation: l ' Ft*nt r:t1 Name of wetland (if known):a69Pt ct rrs€EA5Ua, AFftY, ENG tr frfl-WTTMT THE FIELD DATA FORM I5 COMPLETE ENTER CATTCORY HERE: es:to Circle answers Yes: go to Q.3. No: go to lc. Yes: go to Q.3. No: &sgible Category I 1b.8o Answer this question if you have adequate information or experience to do so' If not find someot. *itf, the expertise to aniwer the questions-.-Then, if the answer to q""rUo"r 1a, 1b and 1c aie all NO, contact the ilatural Heritage Program of DNR' 1c. Is there significant evidence of humanaused disturbance of the water quality of the system?- Degradation of water quality could be evidenced by ctrlverts entering the systeri, direct road/parking lol runoff, evidence of historicdumping of wastes,lily s[.*rrr, extre6e euhbphic ionditions,livestock use or dead fish etc' Q.1. Briefly describe: invading native PoPulations?and information source(s): Briefl which are currentlY Present andof non-native plantslb. Are there populations y describe any non-native Plantappear to be populations (o a,.e*) -/ -) 24 LiL it -l / t[ -L/ll-3, ll -t1 The Department of Ecology is developing a methodol ogy for regionally rare native wetland communities. It ls not yet available for use' Q.z No to all: go to Q.4. Yes: go to 3a. Yes: go to k. Yes: go to 3d. Does the.wetland: - have at a least 7/2 acreof contiguous peat wetland; ' - or, have a forested class greater than 1 acre; - gg,, have characteristics of an estuarine system; - 9E have eel grass, floating q non-floating kelp beds? Q.3. Yes: Category [ No: go to Q.4. 3a1. Does at least 1/2 ao:e of the contiguous peat of any combination of and have < 807o areal sPec!es douglasii? wetland have < 257o ateal cover invasive,/exotic sPecies on P.l9,from the list of cover of SWU ature forested wetlat to Q.5. tegory I I go Ca Yes: No: 3b1. Is the average age of dominant trees in the forested wetland > 80 years? 3b2. Is the average age of dominant trees in the forested wetland 5G80 years,,g.i' the structuraf afirlrsity high as characterized by a_ multi-layer community of trees > 50' tall and trJs Z}Y-lg'tall and shrubs and herbaceous groundcover? . . 3b3. Is > 507o (areal cover) of the dominant planb in one or more layers (._ulg.py: young trees, shmbs, herbs) invasive,/eiotic plant species from the p.19 list?. ' Q.3b. .) -,1 I 25 \|t L lt-l ll'Lt ll'1t tl-'{'l j -l li I Il ll tr tl- t. t ll ri ll I 't I)] l I JI I I,j I -r i I I.JJ Yes: Category I No: go to 3c2. Yes: CategorY I Yes: go to 3c3. Yes: go to 3c4. Yes: CategorY I No: Category II Yes: Category II No: CategorY III Q3c 3c1.Is the wetland listed as National wildlife Refuge, National Park, National Estuary Reserve, Narural Area Preserve' State Pirk' or Educational' Environmental or Scientiii. n"t"** designated under WAC 332-3S151? ' ' ' ' 3c2. Is the wetland > 5 acres; or is the wetland 1-5 acres; ' ' ' or is the wetland < 1 acre?' 3c3. Does the wetland meet at least 3 of the following 4 criteria: - minimum existing evidence of human related disturbance suqJr as diking, ditching, filling, Jrltivation, grazinqor the Presence of non-native plant species"(see giid"ttte for definition); -surfacewaterconnectionwithtidalsaltwaterortidalfreshwater; - at least 75Vo ofthe wetland has a 100' buffer of ungrazed Pasture' open water' shrub or foresU - has at least 3 of the following features: low marsh; high marsh; tidal . channets; t"gooiirj; *oody iebris; or contiguous freshwaer wetland' 3c4. Does the wetland meet all of the four criteria under 3c3' (above)?' ' ' ' Yes: Category I No: go to 3d2. Yes: CategorY I No: Category II 3d1. Are eel grass beds Present? September? bed(s) present with greater than 507oor non-floating kelP3d2. Are there floating the month of August orrnacro algal cover in Yes: Category IV No: go to 4.2. Yes: CategorY [V No: go to Q5. 4.1. Is the wetland: less than 1 acre and' hYdrotogicallY isolated a!d- .J*paJaof,glevegetatedclassthatisdominated ]>S0vo "re"imu"r) uiog species from the list in guidance P.18..'. 4.2. Is the wetland: less than two acres ' and' hYdrologicallY isolated' ;# d;;;geiatea'ctass' and > 90vo of areal cover is .oitil*ion"of species from the list in guidance p.19. t .4. anv 26 I I -/ I i Answer questions and enter data requested Circle scores that qualify 5a.acr€s > 20.00 10 - 19.99 5-9.99 7 -4.99 Estimate area, select from choices in the near-right column, and score in the far column: Enter acreage of wetland here: i6 acres, and source:?tttVt^tfl mf(p 0.1 - 0.99 <0.1 5b.Circle wetland classes that if the area of open water > 70Vo of the total wetland area.oaqL- Aquatic Beds: if the area of aquatic beds > 10Vo of the oPen water area 9I > 7 /2 acre' the area of emergent class > 70Vo of the total wetland area. if the area of scmbshrub class > 10Vo of the total wetland area. if area of forested class > 10Vo of the total wetland area. Add the number of wetland classes, above, that qualify, and then score acrording to the columns at right" e.g. If there are 4 classes (aquatic be{s, open'water,€mergent & scrttU'strruU), you would circle 7 Points in the far right column' 1 2 3 4 5 # Class srteoes For all wetland classes (at right) that qualify in 5b. above, count the number of different plant species you can find. You do not have to name them. Aouatic Bed 7-2...'|r ' 3.,.r r >3... Score in column at far right: e.g. If a wetland has an aquatic bed class with 3 lPecies,an emergent class with 4 species and a scmbshrub class with 2 species you would circle 2, 2, and 1 in the far column. Emersmt+1-2... 34... >4... Scntb-'Shrub 7-2... Forested t 1/2 acre >4... Yes=5@Yes=4 Yes=3 Yes=2 Yes=1 Yes =1 Yes =3 Yes =10 Yes=1 Yes=2 Yes=3 Yes=1 Yes=2@ Yes=1 Yes=3 KL ll -2, tt-3, tl-t{ 5 1 1 --l 27 q ] WL tl-l,U-L,t!-3/lt-4 ll ll I .1 l1 tl ti t1 7 ?_ lt1' it ll ll it lr1l "ll li r 5d. Structural diversitv.r tr,ffited class, add I point for each of the following -tnees > sCI tall -h,ees 20- 49' tall . . *hrubs. -herbaeous groundcover. r... .. 5e. Decide from the diagrams whettrcr interspersion between wetland classes is higfu rroderate,low or none? IUle moderate moderate high Iow=1 None={ 5f. Habitat features. Answerquestiors below, circIe features thatappty, ard ecoreto right Is there evidmce of current use by beavers ? . Is a heron rooker;r located within 300? Are raptor nest/s located within 3O0'? " Are Are Are Are thereatleast3 downed logs per 59.one answer onlyJ Is the wetland connected at any time of the year via surface water: to a perennial stream or a seasorul sbeam with fish; or- to a seasonal stream without fth;.. or. is not connected to any sheam?. Yes=3 Yes=2 Yes=1 (Gi) Yes=1 @ Yes=5 j -28-to -t _.,L -q3l^1L I J I I 1 I ) I I ) III : lt ) t ) STEP 1 Estimate (to tle nearestS%) the % of eac.h buffer or land-use type (below) that a{ioine the wetland boundary. Then multiply the %/s by the fac0o(s) below and enter resul0 in column to right: 2 Multiply result{s)of s0ep 1: by 1,if buffer widtl l8 ?s-50't by 2,rt buffer width l6 50-100'; by o,ifbuffer widt}r l5 100'. Enter results below and add eubscore: or Iots:t0 t0=0 wTl,pashre, vineyarde or annr.ral %1- or FOorcjhads-o-o x 7 I opeawateror native %-x3 =x forestorshnrb:%6x4=Lbo x total FrTlPS. Scorepoints to 90G'1200... 600€99.. .. 300'599.... Lm'299.. .. Yes=g Yes=2 Yes=1 5i. - Is there a riparian cor:lridor to other wetlands within 025 of a mile, gg a corridor > 10O wide with good forest or shrub cpver to any other habitat area?. - Is there a natro$/ corridor < 100 wide with good cover eI a wide corridor > 100' wide with low cover to any other habitat area? . . . . - Is there a nalrow corridor < 100' wide with low cover QI a significant habitat area within 0.25'mile but no corridor? - ts the wetland and buffercomptetety isolated by development and or cultivated agricul rural land?. . Yes =5 Yes=3 Yes=1 @ NOW: Add the s(ores cirded (forQ5a - Q5i above) to get a Total- Is the Total greater than or equal to 22 poinb ToaJ =37 Yes: CategorY II No: C-ategorY III I ,l I ,l l-r rl i It rl lt .t I 1l il I I -,, l WETLANDS RATING FIELD DATA FORM BACKGRO1JND INFORMATION: Name of Rater:D.L|&)a-LJLI Affiliation:ct-L{wtPtcttffizft,rto@ Date:;/clqt-_.- -l , Ft-gt'lrN(1 ,faLF p-l 5 Name of wetland (if known):IDL#* t^lt-*L+tA14. u9. ke-xY Government Iurisdiction of wetland:N 9 Location: 1/4 S: of 1/4S: - SEC: 4 TWNSHP: 3ON RNGE: tV SOIJRCES OF INFORMATION: (Check all sources that apply) Site visit: K USCS Topo Map: F ltWt map: )( Aerial Photo: - Soils surveyt K Other: Describe: WHEN TI{E FIELD DATA FORM IS COMPLETE ENTER CATEGORY FIERE:J1 1 Answer this question if you have adequate information or exPerience to do so- [f not find someot e witf, tne dxpertise to anlwer the questions. Then, if the answer to questions la, 1b and 1c are all NO, contact the Natural Heritage Progfam of DNR' information source/s: lb. Are there populations of non-native plants which are currently Present and appear to be invading native populations? and information source(s): Briefly describe any non-native Plant populations lc. Is there significant evidence of human-caused disturbance gf the ryater quality of the systemf Degradation of water quality could be evidenc{ by cttlvgrts entering the systeri, direct road/parking loi runoff, evidence of historicdumping of wastes,"oily si.eet s, extrerne eutrbphic Conditions, livestock use or dead fish etc. Briefly describe: Circle answers es:to go to lb. Yes: go to Q.3. No: go to 1c. Yes: go to Q.3. No: &sclbls Categor,v I G r*.*\ 24 \N r--u-5 t The Department of Ecology is developing a methodol ogy for regionally rare native wetland communities. It is not yet available for use' Q.3. Does the wetland: - have at a least 7/2 acre of contiguous peat wetland; - qt have a forested class greater than 1 acre;Qz a.re-t\ - s5, have characteristics of an estuarine system; -91 have eel grass, floating g non-floating kelp beds? Yes: go to 3a Yes: go to 3b. Yes: go to 3c. Yes: go to 3d. 3a. Peat Wetlands. 3a1. Does at least 1/2 ase of the contiguous peat wetland have <E%o areal cover of any combination of species from the list of invasive,/exotic species on p.l9, and have <80Vo areal cover of Spirea douglasii?Yes: Category I No: go to Q.4. Q.3b. 3b1. Is the average age of dominant trees in the forested wetland > 80 years? 3b2. Is the average age of dominant trees in the forested wetland 5G80 years, g.!d..is the structural diversity high as characterized by. a multi-layer community of Eees > 50' tall and trees ZOi4g'tall and shrubs g.41i herbacmus groundcover? . . 3b3. Is > SOVI (areal cover) of the dominant planb in one or more layers (canopy, young trees, shrubs, herbs) invasive/eiotic plant species from the p.19 list?. . Yes: Category I No: go to 3b2. Yes: go to 3b3, No: go to Q.5. Yes: go to Q.5. No: Category I i.l 25 -l uJL l\'5, t\-b r1 tl il ll tl 1l jt lt JI ;1 ti -J I ) Yes: Category I No: go to 3c2. Yes: CategorY I Yes: go to 3c3. Yes: go to 3c4. Yes: CategoqY I No: C-ategory II Yes: Category II No: Category III 3c. 3c1. Is the wetland listed as National wildlife Refuge-, National Park, National Estuary R"r"*", *"tural Area Preserve, State Pirk, or Educational, Environmental or Scientific Reserves designated under WAC 332-3&151? ' ' ' ' ' 3c2. Is the wetland > 5 acres; or is the wetland 1-5 acres; qg is the wetland < 1 acre?. 3c3. Does the wetland meet at least 3 of the following 4 criteria: - minimum existing evidence of human related disturbance suglr as diking, ditching, filling, irltivation, g,'lTinq or the presence of non-native plant species-(see guidance for definition); - surface water connection with tidal saltwater or tidal freshwater; - at least TSVo ofthe wetland has a 100' buffer of ungrazed Pasture, oPen water, shrub or fores$ - has at least 3 of the following features: Iow marsh; Ngh marsh; tidal . channels; lagoonG); woody iebris; or contiguous freshwaer wetland. 3c4. Does the wetland meet all of the four criteria under 3c3. (above)?. ' ' ' ' Yes: CategorY I No: go to 3d2. Yes: CategorY I No: Category II 3d1. Are eel grass beds present?. . . ' ' or non-floating kelp bed(s) present with greater than 507o3d2. Are there floating the month of August or SePtember?rrurcro algal cover in Q3d. to 4.2. go toQ5. rVYes rv 4.1. Is the wetland: less than 1 acre and' hYdrologicallY isolated 3d c6*priJa of ;ne vegetated class that is dominated (> 807o areaicover) btple species from the list in guidance p.18" " " 4.2. Is the wetland: less than two acres and. hYdrologicallY isolated, *tthrlr*t"ge"tued-class,and>g}Toofarealcpveris comfr-atiorior,p".i* from the list in guidance p.19. Q.4. anv *,, 26 tl li lt il ll xi tl 1l 1t Ir rl ll il Ir tl ) l) ,1 .,J all questions enter data Circle scores that qualify 5a. Estimate area, select from choices in the near-right column, and score in the far column: Enter acreage of wetland here: 5 * acres, and source: .Sffe Vl? lf- + tttnps acnes > 20.00 10 - 19.99 5-9.99 | -4.99 0.1- 0.99 <0.1 Yes=6 Yes=5@ Yes=3 Yes=2 Yes=1 5b. Wetland classes:wetland classes that qualify: /.- the area of open water is > 7/2 acre orQl}%bf the total wetland area. Aquatic Beds: if the area of aquatic beds > 10Vo of the oPen water area gI > 7/2 acre. if the area of emergent class is > 1/2 acte the total wetland if the area of scmbshrub class is> 7/2 acre the total wetland @ifareaofforestedclassis>7/2u.,"*@fthetotalwetIandarea.-.- Add the number of wetland classes, above, that qualify, and then scorc acrording to the columns at right. e.g. If there are 4 classes (aquatic @s, open water,€mergent & scnrUstrruU), you would circle 7 points in the far right column. Yes =1 Yes =3 Yes =5@ Yes =10 5c. For all wetland dasses (at right) that qualify in 5b. above, count the number of different plant specie you can find. You do not have to name them. Score in column at far right: e.g. If a wetland has an aquatic bed class with 3 species, an emergent class with 4 species and a scmbshrub class with 2 species you would circle 2, 2,and 1 in the far column. #of Class soecies Aouatic Bed 1-2... nrt J"'n o >3... Emersmt 7-2... 34... >4... Scnrb-'Shrub 1-2..." 34...' n >4... Forested 7'2... 34... >4... 1 Yes=l Yes=2 Yes=3 Yes=1 €b Yes=1 J.t={a9 Yes=1@ Yes=3 hJL ll-5, tt-to 4 -7 b 27 t1 li ',iL t\ u,tt-b I ti 4 I ll li ti lt j1 tl li 2* tl,ti es= add 1 point for each of the -trees > 50'tall 5d. If the wetland has a forested class, -herbaceous ground cover. .. ' ' -shrubs -trees 20'- 49' tall following: None=0 I from the is high, moderate,low or none? 5e. IUE moderatemoderate Yes=1 1 Yes=1 Yes=3 Yes=2 Yes=1 Answer questions below, circle features that apply,and scorc to righh Is there evidence of current use bybeavers ? ' ' ' Isaheronrookerylocatedwithin3O0'? ' """""; Are raptor nest,/s located within 300'?. Are there at least 3 downed logs per acre?' ' Are Are Are es=0 Yes=5Is the wetland connected at any time of the year 59. perennial via surface water: a seasonal stream: "ilh fish; ' 'stream ortoa sFeam without fish;..e!, to a seasonal to any stream?. . . .gg, is not connected (Score one answer only 1 28 I I I I I ri.rL t\-5, \\-(' -:t, STEP 2 Multiply result(s) of step 1: by 1, if buffer width is 25-50'; by 2, if buffer width is 50'100'; by 3, if buffer width is >100'. Enter results below and add subscore: STEP 1 Estimate (to the nearest iVo) the% of each buffer or land-use type (below) that adjoins the wetland boundary. Then multiply the %lsby the factor(s) below and enter result in column to right: 0 roads, buildings or parkinelots:%i[Zxo= A--- lawn, grazed pasture, vineyards or annr:al crops: % -4L=tlO x23q OEo6z=ungrazed grassland or orcharrds: x_=open water or native grasslands:Vo-xB = qoQ{*n=forestor slrn:b:lo0 x3_= w AddButrertotal =&,1O SIEP3. Score points according to table at right Rufe'total 90G'1200... 500-899.. .. 30G.599.. .. 10G.299.. .. Yes =5 Yes=3 Yes=1 q'D Fi. Cennectlon to other ha : - Is there a riparian corridor to other wetlands within 0.8 ofa mile, 100' wide with good forest or shrub cover tb any other habitat area? - Is there a narrow corridor < 100' wide with good cover qg a wide corridor > 100' wide with low cover to any other habitat area? . - Is there a narrow corridor < 100' wide with low coverg a significant habitat area within 0.25 mile but no corridor?. - ls the wetland and buffer completely isolated by development and or cultivated agricultural land? q a corridor > Total =fi- Yes: Catego4T If No: Category III NOW: Add the scores circled (for Q.5a - QSi above) to get a Total. Is the Total greater than or equal to 22 points. Itj I I J ) ..! 29 ll illi il ilil ]lll ti ilittt ll itiljl ll l1 I li ) ) l I ] L lI -) WETI-ANDS RATING FIELD DATA FORM r/4 S: of t/4 5: - SEC: 1 TWNSFIP: I,'oq RNGE: lv/ SOLIRCES OF INFORMATION: (Check all sources that apply) Site visih { USCS Topo Map: >l f.fWf map: )(- Aerial Photo: - Soils ,ut""y, L Other: )! Describe: ?ov nq Affiliation:Name of Rater:@ *&rS-.1, Ft-Et{tNcr **l rthF PDQTT(Mtl--7Name of wetland (if known): BACKGROUND INFORM ATION: Government lurisdiction of wetland: U2 kP-/.Y ct4-fs €eL3 Location: ot-\r@< wALNo o^t", 5f 4q7ft(J0\re(6 tr tvT,sWHEN TFIE FIELD DATA FORM IS COMPLETE ENTER CATTCONY FIERE: toe5: Circle answers Yes: go to Q.3. No: go to lc. Yes: go to Q.3. No:&sgib.!e Category I to Answer this question if you have adequate information or experimce to do so. If not find someone *itf, the expertise to answer the questions. Then, if the answer to questions la, lb and lc aie alt NO, conlact the Natural Heritage Program of DNR lc. Is there significant evidence of humancused disturbance of the water quality of the systemi Degradation of water quality could_ be evidenc{ !y qlTrb entering the spteri, direct roadlparking loi runoff, evidence of historicdumping of wastes,lily r[.eens, extrerne eutrophic conditions, livestock use or dead fish etc. Q.1 invading native populations? and informdtion source(s): Briefly which are currently present andof non-native plantslb. Are there populations describe any non-native Plantappear to be populations Briefly describe: (gsoo-r". tD 24 -l I \NL I\.t Q.2.I The Department of Ecology is developing a methodology for regionally rare native wetland communities. It is not yet available for use. Does the.wetland: - have at a least 1/2 acreof contiguous peat wetland; -gg have a forested class greater than 1 acre; . - gg, have characteristics of an estuarine system; - 99 have eel grass, floating 91 non-floating kelp beds? go to Q.4. Yes: go to 3a. Yes: go to 3b. Yes: go to 3c. Ye: go to 3d. 3a. Peat Wetlands. 3a1. Does at least 7/2 aqeof the contiguous peat wetland have < EVo ateal cover of any combination of species from the list of invasive/exotic species on p.19, and have <80% areal cover of Spiru douglasii?-Yes: Category I No: go toQ.4. 3b1. Is the average age of dominant trees in the forested wetland > 80 years? 3b2. Is the average age of dominant bees in the forested wetland 5G80 years,.andis the stmcturil diversity high as characterized by a multi-layer community_of trees > 50' tall and trees 20i49'tall and shnrbs and herbaceous Sroundcover? . " 3b3. Is > 507o (areal cover) of the dominant planb in one or more layers (canopy, . young trees, shnrbs, herbs) invasive/exotic plant species from the p.19 list?. . Yes: Category I No: go to3b2 Yes: go to 3b3. No: go to Q5. Yes: go to Q.5. No: Category I I 1 J I .J jI I 25 -l j -tt t\,L -T I j I I i J II I / : *J -it -.J , Yes: Category I No: go to 3c2. . Yes: Category I Yes: go to.3c3. Yes: go to 3c4. Yes: Category I No: Category II Yes: Category II No: Category III Estuarine wetlands. 3c1 3c2. Is the wetland > 5 acres; or is the wetland 1-5 acres; oris thewetland < 1 acre?. " " " " " 3c3. Does the wetland meet at least 3 of the following 4 criteria: - minimum existing evidence of human related disturbance such as diking, ditching, filling, irltivation, grazingor the presence of non-native plant species - (see guidance for definition); - surface water connection with tidal saltwater or tidal freshwater; - at least 75Vo of the wetland has a 100' buffer of ungrazed Pasture, open water, shrub or fores$ - has at least 3 of the following features: low marsh; high marsh; tidal. channels; lagoon(s); woodydebris; orcrcntiguousfreshwaerwetland. 3c4. Does the wetland meet all of the four criteria under 3c3. (above)?. . . . . Is the wetland listed as National Wildlife Refuge, National Park, National irtu"qy Reserve, Natural Area Preserve, State Pirk, or Educational, Enviro'nmental or scientific Reserves designated under wAc 332-3G151? ' ' ' ' ' Yes: Categoqy I No: go to 3d2. Yes: Category I No: Category II or non-floating kelp bed(s) Present with greater tlun 507o rnacro.algal cover in the month of August or September? 3d2. Are there floating 3d1. Are eel grass beds present?. . . . Category IV IVY lo 4.2. 4.1. Is the wetland: less than 1 acre @lL hydrologicallY isolated 3$i, compasea of bne vegetated class that is dominated 6 80vo "te"i co.ret) by pne species from the list in guidance p.18. . . 4.2. ls the wetland: less than two acres and. hydrologicallY isolated, with one vegetated class, and > 90To of areal cover is aly combinatiot of species from the list in guidance p'19' ' ' ' ' Q.4. J 26 WL I\-? t Aruwer I questions arxl enter data reques Grde scores that Estimate area, select from choices in the near-right corumn, and, scorein *re farcolumn: ' OE"D6A'F(' Enter acreage of wetland here!l!- acres, and sourcq 5r1e'it9rT_ R 5a.aoes >20.00 7A-'9.99 5-999 7-499 0.1-0.99 <0.1 Yes=6 Yes=5 Yes=4 Add the number 6f wetland classes, aborre, that qualify, andthen score acording to the columrs at right. e.g. q there are 4 dasses- lqlatic beds; open water, emergent &scrub*hrub), you would cirde Z points in the far right cofi*n.- Aqua tic Beds: if the area of aquatic beds > lo% of the open water area er > I / z ac:r-. Forested: if areaof forestedcrassis >r/zac:reg>r}%of thetotalwetlandarea. tv%if the area of scrub+hrub dass is > l/2 ao;e the tohl wetland 5b. o@tthe tohl werlarxl Cirde the wetland classes below that qualifla if the area of open water is > I/2 aqe the area of emeqgent class is > I /2 aqe the total wetland 1 2 3 4 5 # ofdasses Yes =1 Yes =3@Yes=7 Yes =10 For all wetland dasses (at right) that guaUf in 5b. above, countthe nurnber of different prantipecies you can-find. you do nothave to narle them- Score in column at far right: e.g. If a wetland has an aquatic bed class with 3 species, anemeqgent class with 4 species and a scmb+hrub class with 2species you would circle 2, 2, and 1 in the far column. 5c. Class species Aguatic Bed 7-2... Scrub-Strn b Ernerpent Forested 7-L..u.- >4^ 7-L..H- >4- t-L^u- >4- ra J-" >3-. Yes=1 Yes=3 Yes=1 Yes=2 Yes=3 Yes=1 Yes=2 Yes=3 3 .,J lo I I I ) tNL .? Yes=1 Yes=1 Yes=1 Yes=1 point for each of the -trees > 50' tall 5d If the wetland has a forested class, add 1 following: -herbaceous ground cover. -trees 20- 49'tall -shrubs. High=3 Moderate=28tr4) ffin-e+ IUE moderatemoderate is high, moderate,low or none? 5e.from the diagrams @ Yes=1 Yes=3 Yes=2 Yes=1 Yes=1 Yes=1 Answer questions.below, circle features that apply, and score to righh Is there evidence of curent use bybeavers ? . . . . . Are raptor nest/s located within 300'? . Are there at least 3 standing dead trees (snags) per acre?' ' ' ' ' :' Are any of these standing alead uees (snags) > 10" in diameter?' Are there any other p"t"to (wires, porcs 6r pos r,')? : .T**(tbt{C &.&.&.IIUL P.LLet ' Are there at least 3 downed logs per acre?. . Is a heron rookery locaEd within 300? Yes=5 Yes=3 Yes=0 59. Connection to streams. (Scoreoneanswer Is the wetland connected at any time of the year fish; via surface water: a seasonal sheam with fish;to a perennial stream or gg, to a seasonal stream without only.) e!, is not connected to any stream?. . . . I -) 28 Z t, -ll lt NL I\-+ lr rl 1t lt 1t Ir,ll IrI l I!1ii l _il -J t STEP 1 Estimate (to the nearest iVo) Lhe% of each buffer or land-use gpe (below) that adjoins the wetland borurdary. Then multiply the %lsby the factor(s) below and enter result in column to right: STEP 2 Multiply result(s) of step 1: by 1, if buffer width is 25-50'; by 2, ifbuffer width is 50-100'; by 3, ifbuffer width is >100'. Enter results below and add subscore: 0 roads, buildings or parkinelots:%5xo= lawn, gtazed pasture, vineyards or annualcrops: %(5xL=(^< x3=ffi %-x2=ungrazed grassland or ordrarrils:A--- %-x3 = open water or native rasslands: x_=forestor shnrb:%o-x4= AddBrrffer total- lqt Yes=4 Yes=3 1 Sx'nP3. Score points according to table at right :Butrertotal 90G,1200... 600€99.... 30G.599.. .. 1W-299.. .. Yes =5 Yes=1 Yes=3 ISi. Con""ctio" to t I l- Is there a riparian corridor to other wetlands within 025 of a mile, QI a coridor > I tO0' wide with good forest or shrub cover to any other habitat area?. - Is there a narow corridor < 100' wide with good cover gg a wide corridor > 100' wide with low cover to any other habitat area? - Is there a narrow corridor < 100' wide with low covergg a significant habitat area within 0.25 mile but no corridor? - Is the wetland and buffer completely isolated by development and or cultivated agricultural land?. NOW: Add the scores circled (for Q.5a - QSi above) to get a Total. . Is the Toal treater than or equal to 22 poinb. 1e111 = l3_ II ./ 29