HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.09.27 - Wetland Critical Area Study Motorline Addition - Loggy Soil and Wetland ConsultingP6ln I\ns*\W. David Logry, CPSS and Wetand SpecialistP. O. Box 234.7, PortAngeles, wA98362Phone 3@457€92G{ax 3@1157{131Email: Mplogg@lypen.comWeb Paga: Olypen.comAdpbggSpecializing in:Soil Mappingl and Classifi ca$onSoil lnvestigations- Soil Site AnalysisWedand Mapping Delineation and RestorationSoil Redox Potential Monitoringfor l-l]dric Soil DeterminationT]SrlvlvA{L@1TZFFtrCertif iedSoil and Wetland ConsultingLoggvWETLAND CRITICALAREASTUDYPREPARED FORPROPERTY LOCATED INPort Townsend" WashingtonLocated in a portion ofSection G), T.30N., R.01W.' W.M97380010r B738{n201 & 9738m301end portions of001091001, 944700101, 102, 103, 30r & 501Potential Land Purchase for SubdivisionStewart 013009Port TownsendBuilding and Community DevelopmentClarkLand OfliceP.O. Box 2199Sequim, WA 98382Logry Soil and lVetland ConsultingW. DavidLoggy, CPSSP.O. Box 2347Port Angeles, WA 98362-0303(360) 4s7-3920nnehlrLna-t,_t_I.-,!--t_Tax Parcel NumbersPnoposed Project:Project Name:Reference:Prcparedfor:Pnepared By:September 27,2004
CRITICAL AREA REPORTCONSULTING COMPANY:TYPE OF CRITICAL AREA IN\/ESTIGATION:SoilsWetlandsAquatic & Wildlife Conservation areaLAND OWNER n pOrENtrAI, pUncrusnn x: Robert StewartAPPLICANT:MAILING ADDRESS:PROPOSED PROJECT:Robert StewartLoggy Soil and Wetland ConsultingSingle Family Resident SubdivisionBlDLlL2 te't's r-2toMqantt€.l800201 &973800301Bto{-ras i-str i-ZtpRoposED pRoJECT ttcsowUne-TAX PARCEL NUMBER (S). AdCi}t-D'l 9J38OOIO1,Bicrjt-i )'2te973PARTIAL INVENTORY CONDUCTEDON TAX PARCEL NUMBERS (S):East portion of 00109100I & West portions of9447A0IA1.,102, 103, & 104. 8t.944700301 &501SITE LOCATION:LEGAL LOCATION:Northeast 114 of Section 9, Township 30 North,Range 0l West- W.M.SITE STREET ADDRESS:Parcels are between 20th Street and 14ft Street,and on the East Side of Rainer Street and on theWest Side of what would be Howard Street.ROAD ROUTE INSTRUCTIONS: When coming to Port Townsend on Highway 20Turn left on Mill Road and right on Discovery Road. Follow Discovery Road to Rainer Streetand tum left (north) on Rainer Street. Follow Rainer Street to the end, which will put you on thewest and middle side ofthe project area. By continuing on Discovery Roadthen turn left onSheridan Street then left on Hastings Ave, then left onto Howard Street. Follow Howard Street tothe intersection of 20e Street. This will put you on the Northeast Comer ofthe project area.From within Port Townssnd take Water Steet to Kearney Street then go to left on Blaine Street,left on Discovery Road and right on Sheridan Street or turn right on Discovery Road left onSheridan Street and follow the above instructions for geuing to Howard and 20* Street.-APPROACH AND METTIADS USED IN WETIAND DELINEANON AND DETERMINATION AREDETA]LED INAPPENDIX A.ZONING:1Stuart 013009Rn (sF)LSWC September 27,2004
EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CONTINUED5. NON-WETLAND SITESA. PLOT No.: Psme Forest - Plot IPIot data can be viewed in Appendix B.(1) VEGETATION TYPE:Native Herbaceous n EstuarineNon-Native herbaceous n ForestedScrub-Shrub ITABLE ONEDOMINATE \IEGETATION ON SITE*Bracken fernOceansprayBaldhip roseSalalDouslas fir*xCOMMON NAMEPteridium aauilinumHolodiscus discolorRosa gyrnnocarpaGaultheria shallonPseudotsuga menziesiiSCMNTIFIC NAMEHerbaceousShrubShrubShn$TreeSTRATI]MFACUFACUFACUFACUuPPLANTINIIICATORSTATUS55106080PNRCENTCOVER* (Jnderstary vegetation is dominantly salal throughout the entire forested area. Ather understory plants that arefoundunder the Douglasfirforestarea are identified in the PImt List in Appendix B.** Average DBH diameter and average tree age is documented in the vegetation remarks of &e plot data in Appendix B.HYDROPHILIC VEGETATIONYesNo(2) SOILSNRCS SOIL MAP UNTI, SERIES:I SMU CmC Clallam gravelly ashy sandy loamFIELD IIIENTIFffI) MAP UNIT' SERIES - Lystair series - (Coarse-loamy, over sandy orOR TAXONOMY CLASSIFICATION: Sandy-skeletal, mixed, mesic VitandicXerochepts).SOILDIPTH:Shaltow IModerately deepIleepXVery Deep trSOIL DRAINAGE:Excessively WellnMod. \Yell XVeryPoorly nSomewhat Excessively WellSomewhat PoorlyWellPoorlynnSOIL SURFACE: 0 to 8' of reddisttbrovm loamy sand.SUBSOIL: 8 to 16' of reddish brown and yellowish brown loamy sand.SUBSTRATIIM: 16 to 20' of lightbrownish gray loamy sand u.ith many medium distinct darkyellowish brown mottles1 USDA, NRCS, Soil Survey of Jefferson County Area, Wa$ingtoq FredR" McCreay mdMiles L Raver, Deparhrent of NatmalResources, USDA! NRCS in cooperation with the Washington Agrrculhrral Experirnent Station, August 1975.JStuart 013009LSWC September 27,2004
EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CONTINUEDHYDRIC SOILS: YnS nIf yeso identify hydric soil criteria:(3) HYDROLOGY:WATIR SOURCE:PrecipitationUnconfined AquiferLakeAQUIC CONDITIONS:N/A X Sndosaturation IUnconfined Aquifer, Tidally Inlluenced f,MarinerTidatly influenced nStreamDischarge trX3NOXnn6. WETLAND SITESA. PLOT No.: Caob Wefland - Plot-l (Table Two)Sasc-Forest Wetland - Plot I (fable Three)Some small areas of non-wetlands are included within the wetland boundary because the areaswere too small to delineate out or they are situated were wetland buffers will exceed the width ofthe area of the non-wetland before overlapping with additional wetland boundary.Plot datum can be viewed in Appendix BWETLAND HYDROLOGY PRESENT:(1) VtrGETATION TYPE: Caob Wetland Plot INative Herbaceous El f,stuarineNon-Native herbaceous n X'orested(2) VEGETATION TYPE: Sasc-ForestWeflandPlot INative Herbaceous t] EstuarineNon-Native herbaceous n ForestedEpisaturation nyes tlAnthric SaturationNoXScrub-ShrubScrub-ShmbXXnfITX2USDA,NRCS.2002FieldkrdicatorsofHydricSoilsintbellnitedStates,Version5"l. G"W"Hurt,P.M.Whited,mdR.F.hingle(eds.). USDA, NRCS in cooperation with the national Technical Conmittee for Hydric Soils, Fort Wortll TX.3 STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY. Washington State Wetlands Idenffication andDelineation lv{anual. Ecology Publication #96-94, March 1997.4Stuart 013009LSWC September 27,2004
EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CONTINUEDTABLN TWO*DOMINATE VIGETATION ON SITI* Other plants that are found associatedwith this wetland that can be * 20 percent in areafor this wetland areidentified in the Plant List in Appendix B.TABLE THREEDOMINATE VEGETATION ON SITE* Other plants that are found associatedwith this wetland that can be + 20 percent in areafor this wetland areidentified in the Plant List in Appendix B.HYDROPHYTIC VIGETATIONPRESENT: YES X NO N(2) SOLSNRCS SOIL MAP UNIT Afil) SERIES: SMU CmC - Clallam gmvsl$ ashy sandy loam-F'IELD IDENTIFMI} MAP IJMT, SERIESOR TAXONOMY CLASSIHCATION: Coarse-loamy, over sandy Typio HumaqueptsSOIL DEPTH:Shallow flModerately deepaIleep tr Very Deep nSOILI}RAINAGE:Excessively We[f]Mod. \ilell trVeryPoorly nSonewhat Excessively WellSomewhat PoorlyWellPoorlyCaob WETLANI) PLOT 1 SOILSSOIL SURFACE: 0 to 6"- very dark brown silt loam with few fine distinct dark brownredoximorphic features.5Scouler willowScouler willowDouelas soireaNootka roseSloush s€deeCOMMON NAMDSalix scoulerianaSalix scculerianaSpirea dousJasiiRosaNutkanaCarex obnuptaSCMNTIF'IC NAMETreeShrubShrubShrubHerbaceousSTRAT{IMFACFACFACWFACOLBPI,ANT INI}ICATORSTATUS20202A2040PERCENTCOVERBlack harthornScouler willowIndianplumNootka roseDouglas spireaSaIalCOMMONNAMECrataesus douslasiiSalix ScoulerianaOemleria cerasiforrnisRosa nutkanaSpirea douglasiiGaultheria shallonSCIENTIF'IC NA]VIETreeTreeShn$ShnftShnrbShnftSTNATI]MFACFACFACUFACFACWFACUPLANT INDICATORSTATUS20302A202025PERCENTCOVERStuart 013009LSWC September 27,2004
EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CONTINUEDSUBSOIL: Dark 6 to 8" - very dark brown slighfly cemented loamy coarse sand withdark cornrnon fine distinct redoximorphic features.8-14" - black loamy coarse sand with rnany fine distinct dark brownredoximorphic features.SUBSTRATIIM: 14 to 20" - black very flne loamy sand with many faint redoximorphic features.Sasc WITLAIID PLOT 1 SOILSSOIL SURFACE: 0 to 4" - vety dark bron'n silt loamSUBSOIL: Darlc 4 to 9" - very darh brown silt loam with common medium distinctredoximorphic featmes common mediumSUBSTRATUM: 9-16" - darkbrown sand with common mediurn distinct darkYellowi sh brown redoximorphic features.HYDRIC SOILS: YES EX NO Nff yes, identify hydric soil criteria: 55 Sandy Redox and F4 Depleted belowDark Surface o, :5b (z) (g) '(3) WATER SOURCE FORPrecipitationUnconfired AquiferLakeUpland Sheet FlowHYDROLOGY:XtrnXAQUIC CONDITIONS:Endosaturation X fpisaturationWETI,AND HYDROLOGY PRESENT:Unconfined Aquifer, Tidally InfluencedMarine, Tidatly influencedStream IlischargeUpland Subsurface FlowXYESAnthric SaturationXNotrnnxnnCRITICAL AREA DETERMINATION & DELINEATIONThe Wetland boundary will be surveyed by an engineering firrn.The wetland boundary is marked with bright orange flagging, which is marked with the words"Wetland Boundary".WETLAND CLASSIFICATION:WETLAND TYPEEstuarineBogOld Growth tr'orestNatural Heritage WetlandMature f,'orestCoastal LagoontrtrnoUSDA,NRCS.2002FieldkrdicatorsofHydricSoilsintheUnite,dStates,Version5.l. G.W.Hurt,P.MWhiied,andR.F.Pringle(eds.) USD,\ NRCS in cooperation with the national Technical Comrnittee for Hydric Soilq Fort WorttU TX.s stArg oF WASHINGTON, DEPARIMENT OF ECOLOGY. Washinglon $121s Vysflrnds Identification andDelineation l\danual. Ecology Publication #96-94, Ivfarch 1997.6Stuafl 013009LSWC September 27,2004
Critical Area Determilration & Delineation ConfinuedInterdunalWETLAND CLASSDepressionalLake Fringetr'latsXnTtrxnnNone ofthe aboveRiverineSlopeFreshwater TidalWETLAIID Sr7.r'. ON PROPIRTY: f,stimated 179,902.8-sq- ft. (a.13 A.), actual size to bedetermined by zurvey.WETLAIID CLASSIFICATION:6 Category II for both Caob and Sasc Wetlands (See WetlandF,ating Field Data Forms in Appendix B)TABLE FOURWETLAND LANDSCAPE FUNCTIONSu STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OFECOLOGY. Washington State wetlandrating System, WesternWashingtorg Second Edition Publication #93-74, August 1993Mgmt. &ModificationsSignificant WildlifeMovement CorridorPriority HabitatTypesAnadromous fish useSpecies UseUpland Habitat TweHabitat DiversitvHabitat TypeCRITERIAArea is now in in-mature second grorvth Douglas fir. Present land usecode is 9100 - vacant land. Public trails border the east side of Parcels973800101 thru 301 and the west side of Parcel 101 and most of 201.Rainer Street borders the west side of Parcel 301. Trails exist bstweenParcels 101 and 201 and across the end of 301. The trails are restricted tofoot and horse use.1. Shoreline area. Yes I No X2. Designated as significant wildlife movsment corridors; Yes fl No X3. Federal, state, local park, wildlife refuge, or other protected naturalarea Yes I No X4. Designated as forestland grade 3.5. Type 1-4 Aquatic Habitat Conservation Areas. Yes I No X6. Total Wetlands 20 or more acres; Yes [l No I7. Easements or other dedicated lands granted to county or otherorganization for protoction or nunagement of critical arsas, open spaces,or wildlife habitat. Yes [-l No XThe two wetlands as defined bv PTMC 19.05.080None.No habitats for species listed as species of concern or prioriwSecond pro\,rth Douglas firThere are two wetland and one upland habitat types.See Table SevenFUNCTION ASPECTStuafi 0130097LSWC September 27,2004
Critical Area lhtermination & Delineation ContinuedLANDSCAPE (WETLAND HABITAT AREA) CLASSIHCATION (rable Five):7TABLE FIVEWETLAND CLASSIFICATIONAQUATIC IIABITAT CONSERVATION AREA WHERE APPLICABLE (DEHNED INwAC 222-1643A\:TYPE 1 N TYPE2 f] TYPE3 [TYPD 5NATYPE 4CRITICAL AREA BUFFER REOUIREMENTSWETLANDSNIAClass IClass IIClass IIIChss fV200 feet100 feet75 feet50 feetAQUATIC AREAS Q22-1ffi30 wAC)N/AType I 150 feetType 2 150 feetType3 100feetType4 100feetType5 s0feetSPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION REOUIREMENTSTYPE OF VARIANCE REQUIRED:None n Buffer Aver Averaging n Variance trCRITERIA OF APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE (When Required)REQUIREMENTS FOR BUFFER AVERAGING (When Required)t Lewis M CowardirU Virginia Carler,Francis C. Golet and Edward T. LaRoe, Classifcation of Wetlands ard DeepwaterHabitats of the United Staes, U.S. Department of the Intsio'r, Fish and Wildlife Service FSWOBS-79/31, December!9798SpecialModiliersSoilWaterChemistrvWaterResimesSaturatedSaturatedSubclassPersistent& Broad-leavedDeciduousBroad-leavedDeciduousClassEmergent&Scrub-shrubForestSubsystemNoneNoneSystemPalustrinePalusrrineWetlandHabitatCaobSascStuafi 013009LSWC Septernber 2V, 2004
SPECIAL REPORTS (NONE REQUIRED)9Stuafi 013009LSWC September 27,2004
ri{_ri_iliL-, iii
Map OutputPage I of IArclMSINFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.County does not attest to the accuracy ofl the data contained herein snsj makes no warran$ with respec'is limitedthe methodcollection. Fri27 13j2O:222004'/.' 3;oooA*rzaoc'? tr a**/oa/5&a,on te6'h^fft6-{"1*l S**"tt €n iu-n| ,o_0 _ - <)http://maps.cojefflerson.wauVservlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName:ovmap_ou... 8n7n004
APPROACH AND METHODSWetland DeterminationTwo levels of information were gathered forthis analysis. These included:a) Review of preliminary site data andb) On-site investigation to determine the presence of w-etlands.A review of existing information was conductedto develop background knowledge ofphysical features, and to identifu the potential for wstland occurrence on the subjectproperty. The resource documents available for preliminary review of the site conditionsincluded: USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS), "Soil Survey of Jefferson CountyArea Washington", (1987) aerial photography, and Jefferson County PlanningDepartment data.b) During the on-site investigatiorq wetland areas were determined and verified on the basisof three pA&mete$: Hydrophytic Vegetation, Hydric Soilsn and Wettand Hydrology, asrecommended in the Washineton State ldentification and Delineaticn Manual (WashingtonState Department of Ecologr, Ecology Publication #96-944, March 1997\.A positive wetland detsrmination is made when all three parameters are present, or in cerlainsituations determined following the guidelines remmmended in wetland determination procedures, or foratypical situations or problem areas.Hvdrophvtic VeeetationAreas where more than 50% of the dominant species present from all strata are hydrophyes(plants adapted to growth and reproduction in saturated soil conditions) are considered to be inside thewetland boundary, unless clear evidence of hydric soils or wetland hydrology ca:rnot be established. Aspecies is considered dominant if it is equal to or greater than 2ATo aral cover, or exerts a controllinginfluence on, or defines the character of a community. Hydrophytic vegetation is determined to bepresent, when under normal circumstances:More than 50% of the dominant plant species in a plant community have an indicatorcategory of Obligate Wetland (OBL), Facultative Wetland (FACW), andlor Facultative (FAC) as listed in"National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9)", (Reed, Porter B., Jr.,1988), and the " 1993 Supplement to National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest(Region 9)" dated December 1993 that became effective on March 31, 1994. Indicator categories ofFACW+, FACW-, FAC+. are included as FACW status.'FAC+ species are considered to be wetter (i.e., have a greater estimated probability of occurringin wetlands) than FAC species, while FAC- species are considered to be drier (i.e., have a lesser estimatedprobability of occurring in wetlands) than FAC species.' Plant indicator status definitions are presented inTABLE l below.This Plant lndicator Status Categories system was developed forthe USFWS National Wetlandslnventory by Cowardin et al. (1979). The National Plant List Panel, Reed, Porter 8., and Jr. modified it in1988 and 1993. The Wetland lndicator Category (WC) used in this report refers to the plants lndicatorSvmbol as refened to in the table below.a)
Purpose and Approach ContinuedNational lndicators reflect the range of estimated probabilities (expressed as a frequency ofoccurrence) of a species occuning in a wetland versus a non-wetland across the entire distribution of thespecies. ('National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9)", Reed, Porter B.,Jr., 1988), and the 1993 Supplement to List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Norihwest (Region9) dated December 1993 that became effec-tive on March 31, 1994. Percentages expressed as estimatedprobability.TARI F'IHvdric SoilsThere have been tremendous scientific changes since 1991 in several of the indicators such as theintroduction of aquic conditions to cover the requirements for saturation, reduction, and morphologicalindicators usedto define the modified aquic moisture regime, and mottles and low chroma colors beingreplaced by redoximorphic features. Because of these changes, we consult the US Deparftnent ofAgriculturg Natural Resource Conservation Service. 1998. "Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in theUnited States, Version 4.0". G. W. Hu4 White{ P. M., and Pringle, R. F. (eds.), USDA, NRCS, Ft.Worth, TX forguidance and decision in making final hydric soils determinations.Additionally, compliance to changes in Hydric Soils ofthe United States published in FederalRegisterIVol. 59, No. l33lJuly 13,1994 and Vol. 60, No. 3TfFebruary 24,1995 addressing Criterion 2 ofthe Criteria for Hydric Soils definition is being observed. The main purpose for the criteria is to createHydric Soil Lists. Criteria l, 3, and 4 can serve as both database criteria and as indicators foridentification of hydric soils. When Criteria 1,3, and 4 are used to document the presence of a hydric soil,proof that anaerobiosis exists must also be obtained. Criterion 2 serves only to retrieve hydric soils fromlndicator SvmbolFACWFACFACUOBLUPLlndicator GateqorvFACULTATIVE PLANTSOccur almost alwal's, >99% (estimatedprobability) in wetlands rmder naturalconditions. <1olo in non wetlands.Usnally occur in wetlnds, 67 -99Vo andl-337o in non-weflands.Equally likely to occur in wetlands andnon-wettrands 34-660 .Usually occur innon wetlands 67-99Vo,but occasionally found in wetlands I-33o/o.Almost always occur innon-wetlands ofNorfttwest Region9, >99Yo. <lo/oin weflands.OBLIGATE WETLANDPLANTSFACULTATIVE WETLANDPLANTSFACULTATTVE UPLANDPLANTSOBLIGATE UPLANDPlants
Purpose and Approach Continuedthe database. Also, the wording for Criteria L and2 were changed in 1999 to incorporate recent changesin Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Statr, 1999).Field indicators of hydric soil conditions in this document, (Land Resource Region (LRR) A thatincludes Western Washington), are presented here in an abbreviated form and include:(1) ALL SOILS:A1. Histosols - (organic soils having 16 inches or more of the upper 32 inches as organicpeat or muck soil material); A2. Histic Epipedons - (normally a psat or rrurck surface horizon orlayer 8 inches or more thick); and A4. Hydrogen sulfide - (sulfidic odor in soil material within 12inches ofthe soil surface).(2\ SANDY SOILS:S1 - a mucky modifred mineral layer; 54 - a gleyed matrix; 35 - sandy redox concentrations;and 56 - a matrix stripped of iron/manganese oxides and/or organic matter.(3) LOAMY AND CLAYEY SOILS:F1 - a mucky modified mineral layer;F2 - a gleyed matrix; F3; - a depleted matrix without adark surface and F4 and F5 - a depleted matrix with dark or thick dark surfaces; F6 - a darksurface and a redox 4 inch thick layer <12 inches deep with a matrix value 33 with a chroma <1 or2 or less wrth>ZYo and >5% distinct or prominent redox concentrations respectively; F7 - a darksurface layer with redox depletions 4 inch thick with value >5 and chroma I and S 12 from thesurface of the soil that has amatrix value <3 and chroma <l or 52 and >10% and 220% redoxdepletions respectively; and F8 - redox concentration within 6 inches of a soil surface indepressions subject to ponding.Wetland Hvdroloe,vWater is the driving force for wetlands. Indications of wetland hydrology are those where thepresence ofwater has an overriding influence on characteristics ofvegetation and soils due to anaerobicand reducing conditions, respectively.Areas that are seasonally saturated and/or inundated to the surface for a consecutive number ofdays for more than l2.5Yo ofthe growing season are wetlands provided the soil and vegetation parametersare met. Areas wet between 5% and 12% of the growing season in most years may or may not bewetlands. Areas saturated to the surface for less than 5% of the growing setlson are non-wetlands.Wetland hydrology exists if freld indicators arc present.Field indicators of w-etland hydrology may include, but are not limited to visual observations ofinundatiorq ponding, soil saturatiorq oxidized root channels (rhizospheres) associated with living rootsand rhizomes, watermarks, drift lines, water-borne sediment deposition, or wetland drainage pattems.The growing season starting and ending dates are required to evaluate hydrologic data. Forwetland determinations, the growing season is dstermined using the local SCS county soils suweys.Generally, the growing season is calculated based on the "28 degrees F or lower" temperature threshold at
Purpose and Approach Continueda frequency of "5 years in 10". For much of western Washington at low' elevations, the mesic growingseason (March I to October 3l) has been considered a good rule. However, in some areas of the PugetSound Lowlands and coastal areas the growing sexrson occurs all year round because the soil temperatursat 19.7 inches below the soil surface is higher than 4l degrees F.Plant Identification and ClassificationPrimary references used for scientific plant names and the endemic and non-native or exoticstatus of plants to the North Olympic Peninsula were determined as found in Flora of the PacificNorthwest by Hitchcock and Cronquist, Univ. of Washington Press, 1972. Ather references referred toincluded: (1) A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Westem WashinEton & NorthwesternOregon by Sarah Spear Cooke, editor, Washinglon Native Plant Society, May 1997; Wetland plants ofOregon & Washington by Jennifer Guard, Lone Pine Publishing, 1995; {2) Plants ofthe PacificNorthwest Coast- Washington. Oregoa British Columbia & Alaska edited by Pojar and Mackinnon" D.C.Forest Service, Research Progranr, Lone Pine Publishing, 1994 and, D.C. Forest Service, ResearchProgram, Lone Pine Publishing, 1994' and, (3) Norttrwest Weeds by Ronald I. Tayloq Mountain PressPublishing Company, 1990
DATA FOR}I 1(WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or1987Wefland DelineationIs the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) Yes Ll No XDo normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes X No LJIs the area a potential problem areaYes l-l No XApplicant )(/owner fl: Robert StewartProject/Site: STEWART - PTInvistigator(s): W. David Loggy, Loggy Soil and Wetland ConsultingDate: Septemb er 17, 2004Plot ID: Psme Forest Non-wetland Plot ITrensect ID:Community ID:State: WACountyl JeffersonCity: Port TovmsendOceanspray (Hodi)Baldhip rose (Rogy)Sald (Gash)Dominant Plant SneciesBrackenfem (Plaq)ShrubShubshrubStratumShruba/oCover551060FACUFACUFACUIndicatorFACUDouglas fir (Psme)OtherPlant SneciesTreeStratuma/oCover80UPIndicatorITYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION II\DICATORS :PercentTechnical LiteraturePhysiological or reproductive adaptationsRegional knowledge of plant ccmmunitiesHydrophytic vegetation present? Yes LJ No XXLIEXWetland plant data baseMorphological adaptationsWetland plant list (Nat'l or regional)nttxlCheck all indicators that apply " explain below.Rationale for decisions/Remarhs: This is a second grornth stand ofDouglas fir. It average age is 56 years, and average tree diameter at DBHis 16.8 inches.Other:Is it theseason? YesNto saturated soil> 20 InchesComments:to free water in> 20 InchesField Observations:f] Aeriat photographsn otn.tlakeo or tidal gaugeData (Describe in Remarks)Wetland hydrolory presentYesNoBased on: Datataken m2404REMARKS:Secondarv Indicators (2 or more required)fl Oxidized Rot Charrnels in Upper 12 inchesI Waeer Stainea l*avcsE f,ocat Soit SurveykaE rnc-NEuTnnrestOtherlYetland Hydrologr IndicatorsPrimarv Indicators:tr_trSediment DepositsDrainage Pattems in Wetlandsn WaterMarksfl DriftLinesInundatedSaturated in Upper 12 inches
Texture, Concretions,Structure, etcMottle or RedoxAbundance/Size/ContrastConcretionsHigh Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sand SoilsOrganic Streakingin Sandy SoilsListed on Local Hydric Soils ListListed on National Eydric Soils ListlnOtherMottle or Redox Colors(Munsell Moist)Matrix Color(Munsell MoistHorizonField observation confirm mapped unit yes I Xo XCorrected lVlap Unit Name or Taxonomy (Subgroup): Lystair series (Coarse-loamy, over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed, mesicVitandic XerochreptsMap Unit Name: CmC - Clallam gravelly ashy(Series and Phase): Clallam seriesTaxonomy (Subgroup): Loamy-skeletal isotic,sandy loam (Jefferson County Soil Survey)Drainage Class: Moderately will drained-mesic Vitrandic Haploxerepts.Profile Descrintions:Depth(Inches)Loamy sand 2 fine sbk to 3 med.granular structure; 2 coarse, fine& medium roots; aw boundary0-8A 5YR 4/4 reddish brown5YR 414 reddish brown5YR4i6 yellowish redLoamy sand; 2 med. sbk to 3 med.granular structure, 2 fine & coarseroots: aw boundary8-16Bl0YR 6/2 lightbrornmish graylOYR 4/4 dark -yellowish brownmanymediumdistinct (mottles)Loamy sand; 2 med. sbk structureI very fine roots16-20 CgHvdric Soil IndicatorsLJ HistosolE nistic EpipedonLl Sulfidic Odorfl .lqoic Moisture RegimeI Reducing Conditionsf] GteyeO or Low-Chroma ColorsREMARKS:WETLAND DETERMINATIONIs the sample point within awetland Yes I No XREMARKS: All 3 criteria lack characteristics to have a wetland.Hydrophytic Vegetation Present?Wetland Hydrologr Present?Hydric Soils Present?Yesn NoXYesI NoXYesn NoX
DATA FORM 1(WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or1987Wetland DelineationETAITYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS:Do normal circumstances exist on the site? YesNoIs the area a potential problem areaYes[ NoXIs the site signi{icantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) YesNoProject/Site: STEWART - PTInvistigator(s): W. David Loggy, Loggy Soil and Wetland ConsultingApplicant X iowner:LJ Robert StewartDate: September 15, 2004Community ID:State: WACounty/ JeffersonCity: Port TownsendPlot ID: Caob Wetland - Plot -1Transect ID:Slough sedge (Caob)Dominant Plant SneciesScouler willow (Sasc)Douglas spirea (Spdo)Nootkarose @ono)StratumShrubShrubShrubHerbaceous40Cover2A2020OBLIndicatorFACFACWFACDouglas fir (Psme)OtherPlant SpeciesScouler willow (Sasc)StratumTreeTree2A10foCoverUPIndicatorFAC: 100Technical LiteraturePhysiological or reproductive adaptationsRegional knowledge of plant communitiesLIXHydrophytic vegetation present? Yes X No nxiWetland plant data baseMorphological adaptationsWetland plant list (Nat'I or regional)XLItrCheck all indicators that apply * explain below"Rationale for decisions/Remarks:.Other:Is it theseason? YesNRecorded Data(Describe in Remarks)to saturated soil>20 InchesCommentsto free water in>20 InchesField Observations:I neriat photographsI otttetlake, or tidal gaugeWetland hydrolog;r presentYesNoBased on: Datataken onT72004Wetland Hydrologr IndicatorsPrimarv Indicators:anfLtrn Drainage Patterns in WetlandsEl WaterMartsDrift LinesSediment DepositsInundatedSaturated in Upper 12 inchesREMARKS: Water table was greater than 20- inches from thesoil surface because ofthe lack ofprecipitation needed tosaturate the soilsSecondarv Indicators (2 or more required)I Oxiaizea not Channels in Upper 12 inchesX Water Stained LeavesE f,ocatsoitsuveyDataFAC-NEUTRALTestOthertnSOILS
Texture, Concretions,Structure, etc.Motfle or RedoxAbundance/SizelContrastHigh Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sand SoilsOrganic Streaking in Sandy SoilsListed on Local Hydric Soils ListListed on National Hydric Soits ListConcretionsOthertnMottle or Redox Colors(Munsell Moist)Matrix Color(Munsell MoistHorizonTaxonomy (Subgroup): Loamy-skeletal, isotic, mesic vitrandic HaploxereptsField observation confirm mapped unit yes I No XCorrected Map Unit Neme or Taxonomy (Subgroup): Coarse-loamy over sandy, mesic Typic HumaqueptsDrainage Class: Well Drainedsandy loam. (Jefferson Cormty Soil SurveyMap Ilnit Name: CmC - Clallam gpvelly(Series and Phase): Clallam seriesProfile Descriptions:Depth(Inches)Organic consisting of leave, &t*igs4-0Oi 10YR 314 brownIOYR 2/2 verydark brownsilt loaq 3 moderate granularstructure; 3 very fne & fine roots7.5yR 3f2 darkbrown few fine distinct0-6 A1aw&:mediuml0YR2/2verydark brovmcommon fine distinct loamy coarse sand; 2 med. sbk;slightly cemented; few med. roots;au'bound.10YR 3/3 dark brown6-8 A2mmany fine distinct Loamy coarse sand; 1 mod. sbk;l0YR 2/1 black 7.5YR 3/2 darkbrownclv8-14 A.3B2 IOYR 412 dark 10YR 4i3 brownmany fine faint very fine loamy sand; I mod sbk14-20Evdric Soil IndicatorsHistosolHistic EpipedonSulfidic OdorAquic Moisture RegimeReducing Conditionsor Low-Chroma ColorsREMARKS: Reducing conditions and the low chroma colors rvittrhorizon meeting the requirements for hydric soils.cofirmon fine distinct redoximorphic features are just under the A-WETLAND DETERMINATIONIs the sample point within a wetland YesNoWetland Hydrologr Present?Hydric Soils Present?vesX NoIYesX NoIVegetation Present?HydrophgicNoYesREMARKS: The site supports all 3 criteria needed to have a wetland.
DATA FORM 1(WA State \iletland Delineation Manual or1987Wetland DelineationETAHYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS:Do normal circumstances exist on the site? YesNoIs the areat potential problem areaYes Ll No XIs the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) YestrNoProject/Site: STEWART - PTInvistigator(s): W. David Loggy, Loggy Soil and Wetland ConsultingApplicant X lowner Ll: Robert StewartPIot ID: Sasc -Forest Wetland Plot ITransect ID:Community ID:State: WACounty/ JeffersonCity: Port TownsendDate: September 17, 2004Salal (Gash)Ilominant Plant SpeciesIndianplum (Oece)Nootka rose (Ronu)Douglas spirea (Spdo)ShrubStratumShrubShrubShrub2025o/oCover2020FACUIndicatorFACUFACFACWScouler willow (Sasc)OtherPlant SpeciesBlack hawthorn (Crdo)StratumTreeTree2A30CoverFACFACIndicator: 67 PercentRegional knowledge of plant communitiesTechnical LiteraturePhysiological or reproductive adaptationsHydrophytic vegetation present? Yes X no EXUXlMorphological adaptationsWetland plant list (Nat'l or regional)Wetland plant data basetlLIXRationale for decisions/Remarks:.Other:Check all indicators that apply * explain below.REMARKS: Soil were extremely dry at this period even though there had been several days of precipitdionduring theearly part of September. Most of this w-etland has a depression type topography and shows indication of pondingduringthe winter months and early part ofthe growing sffNon.Depth to saturated soil>16 InchesWetland hydrology pr€sentvesX xolCommentsDeoth to free water in pit: >16InchesField 0bservations:l-l Stream,lake, or tidal gaugeI Aerial photographsI otttet[-l Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks)Is it theseason? YesNBased on: Wetland delineation done in2AA4Secondarv Indicators (2 or more required'lil Oxiai""a not Channels in Upper 12 inchesEl Water Stained Leavesn Locat SCI SurveyData[ ruc-xeurRAlTestEX other (Dxplain in Remarks)Wetland Hydrologr IndicatorsPrimary Indicators:tr_trxtrInundatedSaturated in Upper 12 inchesWaterMarksDrift LinesI Sediment l]epositsI DrainagePatterns in Wetlands
Textsrre, ConcretionsoStructureo etc.Mottle or RedoxAbundance/Size/ContrastLl Concretionsn nign Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sand SoitsU Organic Streaking in Sandy Soilsn f,isteA on Local Hydric Soils Listn UsteO on National Hydric Soils Listf] Otner (Exnlain in Remarks)Mottle or Redox Colors(Munsell Moist)Matrix Color(Munsell MoistorizonMap Unit Name: CmC - Clallamgravelly ashy sandy loams.(Series and Phase): Clallam seriesTaxonomy (Subgroup): Loamy-skeletal, isotic, mesic Vitrand:ic HaploxereptsField observation confirm mapped unit yes I No XCorrected Map Unit Name or Taxonomy (Subgroup): coarse-loamy over sandy TJpic HumaqueptsDrainage Class: Moderately well drained -Prolile Descrintions:Depth(Inches)Organic duff3-0- oiIOYR 2/2 verydark brownsilt loam; 2 med,. granular structure}very fine, fine & 1 coarse rmts;aw boundary.A10-4105YR 2/2verydark brownl0YR 4i4 darkyellowish browncommon mediumdistinctsilt loam; 2 fine sbk; to 3 medgr:anular;2 fine & very fine, 1med roots: gw bound.Bg4-910YR4/2 darkbrown10YR416 darkyellowish browncoillmon mediumdistinctsand; I med sbkto single gamedI very fine roots.9-16 ZCeHvdric Soil IndicatorsLJ Histosolf] gistic Epipedonn suffidic odorAquic Moisture RegimeReducing ConditionsGleyed or Low-Chrnma ColorsxxXREMARKS:WETLAND DETERMINATIONIs the sample point within a wetland Yes X No f]REMARKS: All three ofttre criteria to have a wetland dstermination are present.Hydrophgic Vegetation Present?Wetland Hydrologr Present?Eydric Soils Present?YesX NoIvesX NoIYes x no fI
8.1- High SuatiS Natural WetlandAns*1rr this questi*n if yo* ha*e adaqmte iftf,srsmtio$ eir *xtrr,erien*e ts do s*. Ifnotl$nd,ssrns*nh with tlre expertise to €n$wer the questions. Then, if,the ansrarerto questi*nn Ia, lb zurd lc ase all bi0, cont*.ct ths Natnral Heritage program cfSNR.I a. I{nxaa* rsuced disf srhansi}utrs there signifinunt evidence ofhurnen-fisus*cl changes t* topogrnphy orFryetr*t+gy o.f tlre wefla*d as inrli:**tect hy any ofthe foll*n"ing *cnditions?Corasidc.r mnly ctaanges &at rnay have taiien piace in tire last 5 decades. Theirrrpacts cichanges dsne eariier have proh'ably been stabiiized anci ti:e wetland+cosysten: wiil be i:lose t* rea*hlng sdli*e :rsw equilibri*m that may reprssafft *high qual*y wetlanEi.ia"l {-Ipstr*arrr wafessh*tl > 1296 irnp*r',i*ns.1a2. Wetland is ditched and'water f,low is rurt obstructed.123. lVatland has been graded, filled,lcgged.1a4" W. ater in wetlaaii is c<lntmtrled by dikes" we.irs" et*.la5. W*dland is pazed.i*6. Ottrer indisntors of disturhar*ce {trist below)Wetlands R.ating Field Data FormBackgreund lnfsnnation:Na,,re *rn,ateu-W,-kj- g -&g#e$,rnrls*io*,* t$&e €*.-_--Name of wetlandGcv$:{:.rrrsnf Jrnisdictis* of w-et{antl?r*," %u"n.q€4#l,rcation: il4 Secticn: nf i/4 S: --# s**tioo, fl rol+rishimfud. Ru"ge,--ld,4lSources of lnfurnnation: {Check all ssuress that apply}$ite visitr-dU$GsTopnMqor - NBTmap:.--Aerial Photo:--d Soils survey r-{ -..Otlmyn dSescribe:# e;; * € e fw# fu*tt**#,r*r erMWhen ?he Field Data form is c**:plete entsr Categ*ry &ere:*'{Jf.fdSircls AnswersYas: go to Q.2vtoes: s{}to Q.2Yes: go to Q.2Yes: go to Q".?N*: ga t* lb.r,i
ffi{}ffi fft{i,lll i,U;r/u $f tne WSHAfi'$. AnrS ApFeer I$ *S $}V&Oit}g nam\r$ popuiau$nri rBrietly descrihe anv nse*Ii&tive plant populalions endlnf'ormation source{ s } :-1c. Is there evirienc* +f hurman*caused disti.irbances r+.hich. have visi'blyd*grad*d watsr qufl"hfy^ llvidoncm {:}f ths degr*d*ti*n of ivaterquurlity intlude:direct {ummenfed) murofffr*m noacls sr par{ring iots; presetr*e, or historiccvidonc$. of wasts rJuups: c'ily sh*ons; the sm*l] *f nrgnnic chetri{,'als; *rIlvestock us*. Briefiy describe:t}q"l.; su. r{."! -Ru.YES: goto Q:?N{}: Fossible Cat.ICo*tact llNR.ffiall:s*Y€S got* 2a1€S: Gc to ZtrYes: Gtl t* ?cY*s: G* tr:2di* Q.3)YES: Category trYFS: Cat*gory IINO: so ta2a"3Y-ES: Category IYH$: ilntegorl IINO: Go is 2a.3&.fi . lmeplaseahle Eeological Func&E*ns:iloes ihe wetlan{i;have af ieasf 1/.{ ai;n: *f *lgani* seils deeper tban 16 ine.h*sand the rvetland is relativel-v endisfu:beti; OR[If the finf,i\rrtrr: is N$ hncnuse tlre wetland is distnrbed trrrieflyrf*lsuribu:trndisaters of iiisturbnncs mav includer- Weriaad has been gradeq frlled loggeci;- Orgarric soils on the *lrrfece are dried-aut for i,n*re thau halfofihe year;- Wetlelxil receives direct stsrmrvater r*noiT frsll? ur.ftau sragpi r";-rrlt*rai nr*as. ] ;hc.ve n, frrrested ciass greninr,than I a*r*;{}Rhave cha.racteristi*s *f an estuarine $y-qt*r$;GRhave eel ssass flsatics or no*-frcatins kei$ beds?SR24" ftot""r and fensA.re any c# ths fhre* frriinrn"ing cnnditicns m*t f$r t&e area crf organ{c soil?3a-i.. ArE Sphagnur:- ffiiosses a raJltmon grouud ccver i>3$96) acd th* c*ver ofi*vasive species (see Tabla 3) is less then I0?./r?trs the area of sphagninro mosses and <ieep *rganic soils > 1/ acre,?Is the a*es of,sirh.aErurn mosses and dery r.vg*nic s*ils f.i*i,.2 ac.rc?2a.2.18 there an area of crrganic soil which has aa *n*agent class '-rri* at least+ne r-necies frcrn Table 3, *::d e+ver of invasil'e species is < tr09ir {see Tabie 3)?Is the elrea cfherbace*uspiantsandd**p orga*i* snils > i/3 n*reTls the area CIf irEsrbaceclus plunts anr$ *[eep organic soils li4-lr2acr*?
?u.$" ls tha vegetutii:rn a trdxture of,*nl-v herbac*cu.s plnnts antt $phagnummosses lr.i?h n* s*rublsirsr:b or forestec ciasses?Is the asea of herbaceou$ plaats, $phagnem" and deep orgarricsoils > 312 acre?Ls the arsa of lrerhauenus plants, Sphagn*tm" nnd rIery eirganicsoiis 'u,l- ll2 au.re??b. 1" . **es ${}94 of tire ccll'er cl uBtr*r forsst sarttgl"r c*asisi rlf evergle*rutrees ulder than E* 3"ffus sr decidlrcrus trees alder than 5t) ynars?Ifefe,' The si.ze cf trsss is oftsn ru)t ti itrs*s'.irs *f age, arod size caa$otbe used. es a surrogefe f*r age {see guidance}.2b"?. ffc'es 5*% c*f ths eor'"er mf torest canop3r consisf nf,eve,rgronn kess ol{iertlhnn :tCI v*&trs! ,*{$ is the stru*lurel dil'-*rsity of t]rs f+r.sst high xscharacterized by an additional }a-ver sf tvees 2$'-49't*trl, shrubs {i'- 2i}',tali" aad a imrbaoeous grou*dco-o'er?2h.3. Dues < ?5T/r' *'f the nreal ci:ver in the herLraumou#groundcover Qrthe shnrb laver ctlm,sist t:f inrusive'lexu{ic plant speeies *r:r* ths list mn p" i9?QJb. ft{atnre f*reste* wetl*nd"Y€S: Category IYH$: Catog*ry 3trl'i0: Go ts O.3.YES: C*rt*gory iNS: fi* tc ?b.tYfi$l $stn ?b-3NS: fi* t* Q"3YES: Cat*-g*ry INO: Soto Q"$t),3c, fistunrlns vr etlnnds,2c.-1. ts tlae nretland list*d as N*ticxral Wildlife Ref*g*, ltatiernal Park"i3tafional Estuary Res*rvE Natural Aree. Preserve, State Fa:-k, *rEdlrcetionnl, Environrrtextel er Ssientific R.eserr es designated uu.der\E'AC 332-3{"t-t5l?2c.?" Is the wetiaaC ) 5 ncres;Hsfe,'lian area ccntair.q patches r3f salt toleram vegetaticn tlat arei) tress {ha* 6{}$ feet apar[ and t]rs^{ *re s*pamt+C by ntudfl*ts that gociry om a l\{ean L*w T;.de, trr?) seBamted by tidal ckur:rsls that are tress thau iSS feei *{cle;aii '.he vsgstatsd affiss are ts be cmsi{treled together in calculaiing the.r*-etlacld area.*r io {:he ivuttrand L*$ acresl "-"or is the l*'e$hnd < L .efret ....YE$: Categr:ry IIiO: Go to 2c.2YES: Categ*ryiYHS: Sa t+ 2c.3YEIS: Ga to ?c.4
YlfiS; Categcq.v INO Category llYFS: Categrrv trNS: Cate.qor-r. nIXYES: Categcry trNO: go tc 2d.2YES; ilategcry i.l'TO: tat*g*qy IIivI\Tw2c.3. Does tt*e w'etlaad ffiest at leasf 3 of the follan'ing 4 crireria; . ". . "- n:inimrm exisfing evidcice *f huistan related distwjrance sLwh asdr'klng, clit*hi*rg, filling, c+:ltir.ation, grazing or tbe pr*$erlce of,rt*n*nntir.c Xrlant qpe*ies {see griidnnce for definitiou};- srrface water c$rulection with tida! saltwatsr ar ticiel freshraafer'- nt lea$t 759/* r:f {he wetland has a 1$$ hlffer *f lr*grazed pasttre,*pe:r wsted, shn:b or fbrast;- lras at lcast 3 cf rhe fullowing featurcs: lo*'marsh; high marsh; tidalchae**ls; lag*o::{ si:sroady dekis; *r colrliguous *esh+rafry rve'tla*d-2c"4. Does til* wetlanui meet idl of the feur crieria under 2c3? {abol'e}?Q"?d. "tnX {irns.c and K*lp Brds-?d.tr. Ase eelgrass beds uressnt? .2c1.2, Are tlreil' fl*ating *r n*n-f1*rsting ke.lp bed(s) pr*s*nt with greaier than5096 qnacr* algai c*ver in fhs ffionth of August ar ,sepiesnbsc?.,,..... "....".Q.3. f,ategory !V wetla*ds.3a. ]s the *,et?afld: less ihan 1 *ere g,nii,irS,cliologicaltS,: isoiafect qnd,*cmp*isad. of *m* vegef*:ted clsss that is dominated F 8i!"o./e are*l **ver)'hy mne speui"nn fi'*ur Table 3 ipage 19j c.r Tabie 4 {p*Sie 2S}3b" Is tlrc wetiard: Iess fhaa two acresaad, hl'droingicaily isclatedrvith one vege,tatmal class, and > 9S*/u cf ar**l q,*r.er in any- c.ornbinatisn +fsp+cies fi:orn Table 3 qpage 19)3c. ls the rvetland excavated fr*ur upland and a po*d smniler than 1 acrewithout a s":rrfaec watr*'cifr:r$crirrn fo $hean:s, Iahes, rivecs, or other;nnri iras < t"3. i acre of28
t-t-i-t-tIt-It-t-t-t-i-t-t-t-t-t-r4c. Plant npecies diversity"Fnr nnch wetlaad class {et rist}t) that fi'uaiifies inie$you can frnd ttlat cover more than 5% cf the ground"You do not have ts nanne fhem.Score in coluffur nt f,ar right:e.g" If a wetland has am aquatic bed clees with 3 speries" ansrnerge$t class with.t species e$d c scruh-shrubclass with ? *pecies 1'oe would circle ?. 2, and 1 in thefar colurnn.Nata: Any plant species with a cover af > 5?6qr-ralifies for points within a class, evsn thrlssthmt srs nct of that class.Q;4. Signifieent hahiht valae.Ans'rf'er all qtestions atrd enier datg re$rssted-4a. Tgal wetland areaEstisrate area, selunt from ehoices in th* *ear*right c*Iwnn, and ssem in thefar s.otrurnn:Enter acreage of wetlanrl here: acr:es, and source4b, Wetlnnd r.Iasrt*r Circle the rilstlalid cl*sss* belo$r thar qnalify:OpenWater: ifthe area of open wafer is > l,'4 acreAquatic Beds: if the area of aquadc beds > 114 acre,Emergent: if the area of ernergent cltuss is > i/4 acre.....-Scrub-Shrnb: if the area of mrub-shrnb elass is > 114 aue, "' 'Forested: if area of f,orested class is > t/4 acre,the nuilber t*f u'otiand +lasse$" ab$vg, tht qualifu and thsnScore eceording trr the columrls at rigbt.e.g, ffthere are 4 classes {aquatic beds, open water, emergent &colunm-fio"v.Or:i.dt?-34-5>5ttz34>4i23-4.>4ryI2?01ForestedScrub*ScnrbJa,lt€\LJ/tiA{-lf2J}oints01.}L3sIzd JllLYClaspAquaticCirele rcoltathat quen$#of classes Points1..".......". 02""""''#-? 3............ 64.......".... S5-"....."."." 10s54pnints't?Igs.,rs$>2S04&?tls10405-l$31-5s.i-1<s-1s2E
YES-1YES-IYES-1YES_ 1YES-I4e. Decide from the diagams below whether interspersion betweenwetland classes is high, moderate, low or none? lf you think theamount of interspersion falls in benreen the diagmms score accordingly(i.e. a moderately high anount of interspersion would score a 4,while a moderately low amount would score a 2)D*urtla\n'Itrv,'rnffd*rrtemfrgfg1ii1ghi*rfrYES:2YES: IYES: IYES: I4d. Structural divenity.Ifthe wetland has a forested class, add I point if each of the followingClasses is present within the forested class and is larger thau l/4 acre:-trses > 50' tall. . .. . .-trees 20'- 49'tall-herbaceous gound cover........Also add 1 point if there is any "open watet'' or "aquatic bed" classImnediately next to the forcsted ara (i.e. there is no scnrb/sbrub orsmergent veretation between them).4f Habitat feahrres.Answer questions below, circle features that apply, and score to right:Is there evidence that tbe open or standing water was caused by beaversIs a heron rookery located within 300?Are raptornest/s located within 300?Are there at least 3 standing dead trees (snags) per acre greaterthan10" in diameter at "breast height" (DBHXAre there at least 3 downed logs per acre with a diameter) 6" for at least l0' in length?Are there areas (vegetated orunvegetated) within the wetland that areponded for at least 4 months out ofthe year, aild the wetland has notqualified as having an open water class in Question 4b. ?30
4i. Corrnection to other hebiht ffreas;Select the desmipticn, which best malchcn the siis bEisg evaluated.-Is the wetla:rd *euneeted to, or par$ o{ a riparim. swri$or at least }0S'wideconnecting two sr msre wetlands; or, is thme an rryland counwtbngesent >t00'wide with gocd.forest sshrub covs {>2596 c,cver} corcecting itwith aSigridcaat Habitat Area?-Is the wettend sonneckd tr any other Habitat Area with sith€,r 1) a fmesbd/shrubuoffidnr < iSS'wide, *r?) a touidor &*t is > 10# widt" bErt h*s a l*w vegetativecovnr less thau 6 fert inheigtrt?-Is.the wetlatrd conaected tff, or a part o{ a riparia* corridar betwffitl 50 - 100' widowith scrublshrub or forest covercormection to otkr weflands?- Is the we$Esd coffrectsd to any other Hebiat Area with nanorlg corridff' {.iffi}of low vegetation {< 6'in height}?* Is the wetlasd and its.h$fer {if th buffer is lcss thpn 50'n'ide} cornplemly isolmdby developme.nt (wban" residentisl with a density grenter than 2/acre, or industriali?es:How add the $cror€s sir-chd {fiorG:5a- &51 abotte} to gst a total.Is the Total greafer flea or equsl b 22 point$?I olrt>, ,t"zatrrg 'xl' 2l pOutrs *18 a&ttLl- Categor.vNIA.4i'YES=5Yes:3Yes:1Yes=05UL<V Ci--tfwq?E Wtts&z^ @PtlwI4-C t TAa 5co.4'-a v,,Dlve 96 23.3:
YgSRYES:4YES*4Y_L.b: IScore: 3Score * ?Sc*re * ?Sc*r* * IScore: *4p:- {ounection ts strcams" {S{sre $rre nnsrrer only,}4g.1. Does ihe wetla;:d prcvide habit*t for Ssh at aa3'tim* +f the year ANDdoes it hsve a pereanial susface water conffectiort to a fi*h-bearing strearn-49"3 Soes tfoe wetlnnct,nrevide Jlsh trebitat seosonally ANI) dees it hav*a sno.conal surfase weter nottrre*iinm to a fish-bearfus strearn.4g.3 Does thie :aredaud functioe to export arganie rrlattnr thraugtr r ffirrface-*'ater ccfinestion at atJ timee of ttre -v-ear ta a pere*niai stream.4g.4 Soes 1he .rretland f,lnsti.on ts sx$o$ *rgeni* roatEer throtg$r a surfacell'atet simnsctisn tu e strear:! $& a sea.son&f hasis?4h. Buffers"r Ssore fhe existing b$ffsrs cn a scals sf i-5 based +s th* foll**ing fow descriptious"ff-the uonclition *f the buff*rs +J* u*t exa*tiy nn*.tcla th* dweripti*n, ss,$re eitlrer apoint higher cln lower depending o& w{rettrer the buffer.s ane less or fi}ore degrad*d-Forest, sci"ub, native grassiiend $r spffn w*3erb$f,brs are Fresffit fsrmore then l0$'arsi$)d 95% ofthe circ,gmference.Foresl scn:b" native grassland, {}r opert waterbuffers wider tftsn i00'for more than tr/2 *f tlre weilend carcumfereure, or a fore$t" $crub,gr*nsimnds, or op€rl q,uter buffsno for rn$rrr tb{rn SSn+r*usd g5 % *f theckcu*rference--Fore*t" selrib', *ative grasdand', cr cpen w*ierbuffer* wider than trSS'for rnorn tfuan i/4 of,the wetl.ffid cu*umference, or fr fnrrst, scrub, nativ*giassiencl. sr spssr water buff,ern m'ider thau 5$'f*rrru:r* thari ll? sf thewelinnd ci.fcurntbrense.Iric raaris" biriiriing* urpav*d areas withix 1{Sl oftie wetfund ibr rnor* fhar95?i' oi tlre weti*rtd circurnfsl'encs.Nq) roafu, hntldings nrpavcd *reas within 35'cf the w-etlnnd f*r rnorErfu.ru 9596 +f ihe circumferenffs, sr1,{a r*ads buildings or paved areas ',viihin 50' sf the wetland ftrr rnore th*:ii/2 *f ih* wetlanri circumference.Fnved areas, industrial areas *r residential c*nstrsciion {with less than 5*''bet',veeir h*r:s*s] nrn i*ss than ?5 feet &*m tiie *l'etland .fbr sr*re tha* 95 9,tof,the cireumference af the wetland.
Wetlcrnds Rating Fietd llatn S'cnnBackgrea:nd lnf'errnatfr *n :,h:;rg:* ,it.f*Unt*oMl,-S"k* tl]*t*hiams of r+ctlnrrd {if kno rrrG+venrment ir*i d;*ti*m {}f, s/s#/E$Lgu:sioq: Ti4 iiegiun: {rfl 1;-i S'. ffi," $emic,,:;'-#,'. t *ratsi-iiffi*sl nang*:-rt{df'd.Sou,rces pf inf*nrmmtinm: {ffihests all ss}urssm tfiai apply;si* r,i*i,*d-rstfi$ Tursrr s{*p;*:t' NWi rnnqr: --.y'Ac:ini Ffurur*u-.-d- $cils sun"cy, {Cttl,sr:"--"*:**lYh** The Fieid il*ta for:fii iit c'*ruph:t* *{it*r {:14teg*4Y htr*ft.1. High Qt*nlity Naturail $tfetlnrudS.:rslver this questi*:: if,1'*ri ha'"'c'";lilequ;*t* lnfsrnr:*fio:i *r" cap*ri**il* Tn do s*' Ef,n+r fi:xi $*itie*lre ',vith *re expanise r{r ftE"q-rvee tirc qi:eud*xs' T*iien, iiihe as,wri'ertri r1*estr*n* lm, lh tr.nd Xu; ;*lu ntrL$$" *Lm.taffitlltli hlrul ftmitegepr*pa;n*f*l\iR.1*. l{ulnam tause$ disturb*:rees.iS there ni6elitTc:arit e-u.id*,nc* *f irm'nan-ua;:*ed ekang*s to tm'pngrairh3" *rhyikcl*gf gI rh,e rn,ei[,snC aE i-iltiicai*d tu-1.- *ny" ctt'rlre f+l,ir"'lq'ii'agq i;trndititmril]t-;nnSirJ*t ,nnly: {:l-ra{'}$f;$ thrif mm3r LrB-i,* tii};ffir piitr:e .n the lnsc : fucsd*s- Their,pa*is *f clianges do::le en:lier har'e prnhatrl-tt b*ea: stahiiie'e<3 anql the -+"'stla:r*i${-ri}s-1,'st{rn wiLi bc *.!r3sc ti} rcnc.hl:tg s#;lJls }lf;\F;r *qniiihrirrm t}rnf rnay reFrtr$eut ahl g5r eqi; aiil-,' we tl *:rd -1a"I LJpshmlr:i: watsi-si:ed > 1:1"-D irnpr"',lu+ts"tr i:t" Weilar:ti is diuuhmcl 'ttl* rlrmter ll*u| ls ilclt ftLr$ii-tlt1f'Hd.tr43. lVetland has hee$ gr:rc{ed, fiileri. i*ggcd.ia;i" \'vnter in wetiaut{ is r"+r:rr*il*d b1r diiie*' s'civsn H:-i*"lai. \bc(tandis gl"*zed"1ut.l.. Otllsr urdic**"crrs ni distu.r'tt*rrs* {list bci*rvlFr{-ffieir*ie AnswmrpYe,s: go t* Q.? ,Yes: g* i* Q-2\v'-, - ,.-. t.r l-\ '1I {/-a- flu rU U.5-...@f: 'frryg.$dtlr* v.r.r tFi- :.:L-' !i-? 1d.3Ye,q: gq:r to Q"?N*: go t* ib.
llit3{U '-tia!t! tU:r+ {ir iilii Wl;1i:1[$r" i4{}{J Atri.t$.i3l r,lt !--}* i1{1{341:ii$,:k-ti!..c, lttjF{..&.i{8arv!!}.:Brie{'ty describe aiiy no;'}-na3:ivc plant pop:.r1atio::s an*fu,j uu-t mnti c'm $ {J Lli"il {r{r\!i- 5$ ta, aL-n;;- k th.r,ce ei-idn$ne $f hunmn-ssured dixi:n$*:Hre$ w.trri uh hal r vlsihl5'*iegr.:rderi vie?d qua'i:a;4. Fl,id*ne* CIf tils ri*gradati*;: *f r:,*ir*,r'q*aiiry js:s,lude:'diref,.'i {uiltrearedi lu"n*ff8c,rn *:aci"s iti Fiiri{irrii ir:rii; pr*se*c*, r*r hisi*n**r,'ideirne- crf,waste tiumps: oilv sfucmr*s; tlrs smeli crf *rgm,i* *il*nri*la.i* n*'livsst+r.ir *ne. $*infty rflescnlhr :Q.3. lrepiaeeabge H*o{ogical Functi*ns:ljoes tire $'fl lmrrd:iiuvs ilt i*;lst ii4 ;r*nr nf orguds s*ils dt'Str *nss iS ftmhr's;r nqi thfi w t-.tXrun d is re,lattr * iy *r:rqtisturb*ni l (} f'r"ilf the ilitsir.i*{ is HS bp,sause t{ie qrnetlarytr is d{rir;*ed briefl".ciescnbe:Imrfir:ertcls q:f disf*rhasm*fi xrlav fl:r ll**ie:- Wsltinftil hn;r hu:*rn gr*.aica1. fili*d. L:gg*S;- {}l'garil; s{-'i1s *r'} :il* sxrfu*e mr* dyi*ci-ciuf ti*r n:*rs thsn liati-i:-L- --*t ift.e vrai:- Wet:q*d ie**iv+* dirc.i st+rr.::ral*r mnqrff **nl urbaru oragrlcuieiral a rea"s- rr :ha',re * forasied elasr grm,te; tirart I acre:C,Riral,n chamcteris$cs cf an pn*.:arine svsfell:fini*:ur* e*LssI ur,Ei-fldfiti J?a" Kogu amul Fk*sAre ir*3r i:f *re ti:re* fotri*r+"illg r:'.rrrc1d.$rls r*ea lbr il:* ar*a r-rf nwgn*i* smil??il" l.. Are Sphagn-nm. fiK-\s$Bs. s $flin{un$xr grrJusrd c*.ri*r i>3$8.'0,.} *mC r}re **1.*r *f-i:r*siv* sg:i*e:i*s q'nt;,c T*h.ie 3) is le$s #r** igi*ri,TIs the area of sphagpn:n: $iosse-c and deep *rgani* srrilr >' J,* acrs?is the area *f spiraggr*n:a-1fl.{idi-'-c ,anun cirep olgaldc sc,iis '/*1/2 a.c:et"?ii"Z. fitl ihmro *n *rea *f *rgattic moi] svi;,i$h hals nrr e*]er*q*:lt *lass r*/ith a; tsil$to:ie spe*ies f,r*mr T atrlu i.. srul *':r'*" *f i:iveruirie spec**s j* "< 1 (}16 i*rc Tllhn* f i?ls ti:r area +f ll*vfoacs{,-ran planis and deep *..r::gani*.slri{s > X/3, arm,?ls th* ar+m nfrherba+s*r.ls gtiants ane{ drep orga*ic soils trr4-tri3scre?YB*{: go to Q-2fi{}: Fe'qsil}le Ci*t. fCemrn*i $l{.R.iliti-t to irl[: gm ter Q.-]JYE$ g* tei 2ets ?b?es: Gcl tL-l 2cTes: fi* i* ?dYES: C*e.goryllfES: {*.tegory iEl\tj: t r{) t[} lfl"JYEfi: Car*g*ry iYE$: C*tegrrry II:cil{ilt: ffic} tc;1*"3
rfio$$s$ \\ri.th ilfl sun*{:/slxr:b nr f,mr*st*ti sl*s*s-c?ls the *i:ea r-lf herhnc*pus 5ri.xnts" Sphagmrtl. xtzui r&*ep rrlgrnicsoi!"s :r' l/ll. uiur*-fls the area *f,he**ce*us ptr*ts, $phryn*::r. **d desp orga;Iiescrls i,.;-!ji a+rt'jl-{fi34.3. Is iire vegetaii$n q rcix-lii,"e of *"i:iy i-ter*acc*u-r tr'tiarits *nd Sirhagpun:N{J" {iei t{}fio to ?tr"3Y$$: Categ*ry Ifi0: {sc t*t(\l I i5F&i Categ*f tfl$lc* io Zir.ffYSS: Ctieg*rY tYH$: Cat*gcrY ilQJ h. b{atune ferr* mt#ci $,nqtl.sEtd.?b.i. $*cs 5*-'4 *f tirc c*-5:t *f t[tr]Fer io-r*g: **tft3Fy ccmsist *f rv*rgr*mtre*s oider rh*:: i!$ b'esrs &r desidurcs are.e* tlid#r ti-lan Sii y*er'+?tTpfw The size of rees is 6frntl nnt ;l mcas{.}rtr r}$':s,$*r nnd size L18ir1o[[:s rmeC as ii sufiog:ffi{* flrrr age i*ee g:.iitlarur.t.2h.?- Does 50-nlo +f tire co't'es trf f{}rej}l s{}ttwFy consi$t tf *vergre+n tree.s olderthi*n 5{i :r'eai-\, AN $ is thf,, stri}*{rrr#l ciiv"tr*i4; +f tire fcrrest bigh asq:harnct;-rired b3'ar: addi$$n*l taYer $ftree* 2ilt-4$'tati, sll:ubl,' 6n- :3tJ'"tai i - anui a 1r e rh n. u" e nu* grtll.*rdi:t ro**.r-?)h"3. Drss { 259i r:f the ave;ti *trger in thu Leri:aes*$.#'su:rndc*rver *rt$?tir* si"s";b* rrnsi si *T= invn siverre>.*f ief:rcffi ttt* lisi *nQ.?c; Sstuarlne +Eeils:r4s.2c"i. is the rvetlrund l"isted a*q Nati*m} \Vjldliflc Refrig*. Natir-qr,rit Fnrk"Nnlir:nurl Hslrrnry Ro$cr',i*t- I'iatuml ,Arem P;'*sen'e, $tal* ]\mk, mrEducstton*l" *n*,"ironrn*ntal *r Saienii€o Res€r"es d*siguatcd und*rwAC 33?-3S-151'lJ'n"Z. is the rv*.tl*nrX:"o 5 soret:,,:r**i'dur* {f nru n*:ea *{}tsilrixr-q 6rartcfu*s eul saif t*lflraxl rge$',$eti$* rhat Rre1) less tban ${}(] {eei aimrt:srrd lhai as $*pa::*tod by nrlrdtTae thrr grrdry *r' s h4ean L,ur*"'Ticla *r3] separated hy tidai *i-:asrwi-* iirar are le'q* a3:*n iii{} ib+:t rvide;atrl t'*e vrgernted flrflit$ flre tc hs *r]fisirkn-q-r{i toge{frer in e*icuiafrng iireYiotiirtxd ilre;l.Err is ti-le -lv€tiand 1-5 aE:re*;nr is ii:rc *'et1a::d < i a*re,'YE$: {-lnt*g*ry tl\t-_F: {,-r[} t$ -ic:,/.YE$: t'*t*g*ry.1YHS: Ga trr ?*.3klni$: {}ci t* ?,:-4
?c.3. Iloes ih* w#fiftnd xftfi*r st lenst 3 uitb* *liowing 4 cdteda: - -Yh..$: Ca;eg*ry lNS Cat*g*ryii- rain*num cxisticg +-sidc::ce +f huclia;: lej***a$ djst"*t-bnnc* *ucfo ssdiiiing" dil*ld*g, S}li*p *:*]tirufion. srarirw *r th* pr*-uscnsn c{m+n-t;ative pi*nt xpeu:l** {*ne giliclel-n*:e for ile$ni,ii*;$;- surf,ace water c.rlnnpcriu* with t{dai gailwarcr ar ridal {?cslirvaier:- at least 7$'% alihe Ev*tiand iras * 1Ofi h&fyff *f -',re6p-,:reri Fasiuss,*Feu !\,ater. shri:b ur f*muh- has ai icast 3 of"thn firl{*:a'ing f-e*tureg: i+rq,. mar:,h; high i-:':trrsb: trtl*}cFra;:**ir; imgnonis);vro*:d," cirblis. or *o.nrig**iis frrshrq?ter m *iland"?c.rl" Does ths H,.stfand rmn*t ;nt] *f th* firur critrvi* u::dsr. ?c3? iatrr-rv*]-iYE$: tlategon, t{NC}:ilt8.3. Sategory l\l w+darads.3a. i*s ihe -'vetland. iess il*ir I a*r* acd,nychrriogiua [[y isclRfied'rr r uJ-rmrmpriuod of c'** v*get::t*C *iass ihat rs S*nri*mted P S$g,n *rxat *sver*tty *n* sper:ies frzun: "F*hl* .1, {peigm }Sl ttr Yxbl* 4 {prg+ ?{}}3b" l-q th* r.vrtiai?iJ: les* ifuan txr* a*resan d, h,vdr*logic allS' isc lat*ci"rvith *ne r..*getatrd cinr*s, rnmd ":.${.}1i,'$ nf sr**i c*ver in my e*rmfuiw*Ei*m ofsp\lc;es fiurui Tahic 3 i$,rag* i9j3c. trs :he avrtland *rical.*ts{$ frc'iil ilpl*nd *U.d;l1x-'nd srnaiSer than } aei*withaut a suria*e r",'ai*r *onn*cti*n t* $,iiei?T:al" l*kes, nl'e.rs. *r rtfu*rx,e*a:rd- and h*s < fi..[ ercre nf: {Jetegory- iVg* t* 3b: Cat*gary l\lg* tr: 3uCat*gory- lYYil$; Category Il{&: g* to 2'J.?Yil$: fategr:ry'il\{["]: Llrof*g*ry ilQ,ftr$. flel Grctss and Ketp R*$s.2d.1. Arc ccl-qass bcds prescni? -?C"2. Arc their ffl+rnti,ug r:ir mr::l-flcr;.*rimg k*ln bed{si pr**emt w,.iik grentw iLri*m${J94i :il racr $ *"lgrutr ccri'er i* ilr* *:*r+th *f $"ngmst +r $ntrrt*:r"u:benT
Ci.rrrl+ "tcores {fuot qw*li$'=2iX]4O*?iEjI tJ-+{tSrIi:i}1dI -*i{}.1- 1<*"lfJSegqlsE-ia-c.asa ll+lntepa1ul56/;ff\,tE f\,.d JII*c. Plaus spmies divemir-t,.F*r sach wettra:rd class {atrigbt} t-}rat qw*iifies in4h iibsve. cor:ns lhe n*mi:*r *f diff*resa plaxt *pe*ies)"{"lu {:fi{'i {itrd thi*t #i}ver ftt$Ye lir*m 50,,h mf thr 'grcrmd.\tou d,n nrrt hav* t+ rran:m tl'l*nr.Sc*re in colurnn at t-ai righ::e.g. lf a w*tiand ilas ail aqu*tic b*d fiIessw"ith 3 *per:t*s' auerncr.qrrrt class with ri species and a ssi'dh-shrilbclfiss with ? spe-ricLs your r**cnrld ;*ircjc 3, I, un,;tr n *.nthef*ri:trlunNr"/\'*rfe"" Any piant sSreci*g r"*"lt!r a ':csv*r *t'-- S*r'iquaiifies fnr pcicts E*rirhi* s ci*ss* r+rn tti*setfiat arc lict of ih*: ciass.illasr*Aq';ati*Ernerget:tSr:rufo-S*rq;trFrnestedtrfrtt_j{xIt_iI2\-,j3UnI1T. ;'1+-1Q.4" $ignificant fiahitmt valus"Answei^ illl rlue*tions nnd entei dara rcqriest*.t1-,lw. T**ri w*ik*nci nmtlEslinrate arce- selecl *'onr ch*ice* in tkm near-r{ghi o*iusn, anri scure irr thcfar c+!"*irur:h,ntfir ailr"flrge *f x'ell;nrd lmm: i': mst*s, *tttl sol.rrc*:_.-......*-Sh. lYetlarud elassrs; Circl* th'r n'etlaild q:iessen h*lorv tfuat quaiiiv:Optil W"nl*r: r. tlrc *:-e* <:f i-qm \ltirt*r is > tr i4 al::e,4*1nnfi* S*ds: if til* ama ,crf txr.luntk heds > 114 ;l*re-F,rnergent: jf tlre ar;a *f e:::erg*:::t cias$ is > li d ar::ie;Scriit"r-Sllnrh: it lh* ama trf,scnrh.t'lrru.b *Inss is > l.J4 au:*,Fr:r*s{*xi; i:t'prpiR of'fun:strrd *i*s* ie :o },i'1 ;tcrc. bfAd'J the::*mber at'weglanrl r.i;t*qoe$, *belr. ttrat qti-niift. sad then$c.*rc a*cc,rdlxg ti: ih* **hrrnns at ri.glrt.e.g. Ii^ ll'rnln ui+ 4 u-i*-qses {r:quaiic heds, *peit -ra'ater, en:*geeli &,$crub-shr:ubl, -v*ii rx"'r':uii1 *lrcl'r, ff p*ints in rirc fai iigf:tftriullu-r.fglc.3-qsEgp Pointst:-+6ai,(iltlgL}is
YES"""1YES.vEsYES|Ii&h - 5h{uttre.ratrLcrn -- Iirions - ii#YEgY:gS SrTEg:Fa;L-{: - J}Yg"q: 1YES: IIf the s'eilend h*.q a fsrcsrrd *la**, add i g:int if eacle *f ti-re fuilo-i+ingfliasscs is proseai na{:hin lhe fcressed shss a*d is l*€sr fhaa. ni4 +og:-h'ecs > "5$' t:-rnl. . .,,L--.1---trl .t ut-f].i -herbac.eous gr*:.md ctl1ier....Ais+ aiid i pci:rt if ti:ere is *ny "{:trmn wa.t*r" drr ',aq&&iir. bed'. cias.slmmedialeiy ftsxt tcr i*re f,*rest*ri *se* fi"e- the:-e is no surubl*hrub orfl mutg{$rf }*.qgtatio$ hetx.s*n thnm}.4d. $tructural dlver*itv"-f r*es 2$'- 49'talf".4e. f.re*id* }i:or* the diagram* hsLlw wh*fFr*r iater*pnr$i$n b#t.lee'livetiand classes is trigh- nr*dErah. n*w *r ilsrre? if 3'rru thi*k tlie*mou*t cf interspersio* faiSs in'oerlt'**n rfue cliagre-ms seorfl acc*rdixglSrii.e. a rncdcrately high afinouiir cf rnierspersi*n wouid sr.crn a 4,whil* n rnmcl*rn{cly luril lffi+trut w*uirl x*rrr* i* J}5*?#ilrr'*.14,ie,, ".4 . -r-i---;..1&: ... l:. t ii 1\:fulswe.r quesiisrxr beluw" si:cl* feature,s thar appiy, and secre tn right;js ihere e-i':de*c* tha:i tire rlp*$ *r s-+a*ding p.exsr "t.as cnus*d by $*avers].s a hcron rnt-rkeryr tro*ult*d \\,'tthiil 3fj0'tAre ruptol mestls locaicd rrrieltill -1lJff"}A.r* ttr*re fii trest 3 staruding de*d trees qsnngsi Fer B*lrf; gneaier than.i{lu in diameter at 'breast height" ('i}SiI}?-4;e theie at least 3 dtl+r*ed l*gs grer acre $.'ith a dj'aicetei> {i" fsr at le.a$ i$'in le*grh?Ar* lhcru- *r*ns {vmgtliinted *l- umr*getatcd} withl* t}rm rvn*}a*at tir*t *repouded fsr ai 1*a${ .1 wumttis q.ru[ *f flfo* 3rrr*u, *n<i fhs wrt]a:td h*rs :t*tquatrifird as heviug an op€n $rarsx s.IE!$s rn Que*ti*n 4b- ?4f F#*fuitnt f,e*ffmlwo"j{,
4i" Comn*e*ign t$ *tker h*hd**t #trf,il$:$etcei the <i*s*dpti*n, :rhir:h b*$e n:*tchse :ii+ sits being *-vs1-**red.-Is th* wetlirnil **r'mectnil trl, $l: Firi c*f. n r.ii:tltistr -"*ntsltlr at t*ast i ili)' r,vit**fioll;iesrifiS t1\r{l *r tfterrs E"'r;-tlsnds; lrn i* ih*rg am i:pland {iti}$Bsii{}ri prfs*ilt :"i {}t}r';'ide rvith g*c'd f*rrst *r sh*lh r{iver t>?59',.: c*ve.r} ccrtnecring it r"f ith. aSi gnifr c*nr Hatritat Aneair-ls tl e wntisnd {.-${l*sci*d tft iii}-v stlffir ltabit*i Ar*il \ffith *it}ret' I I a feresr**Jislrnrh*umt *r < 1i"Xi' u,iiuk, arr 3rI s *orrid,:r il"'at is :"' l$ill'u'ide= but lrar* a l*lv vfisotativ***ver less tlian tr tbet in height?-Is the wctised c*nnfictsd f#, {:r a p*rt +f,, a *paria;l e*rviqi*r beclve*n *{i - I #f}' witSeu'ith scmh,/shr-Lih or firregt *{:}l'er €*}t$e*ti*n ttr *tirertrefl*n'ds?- ls the r.r'rrtia.nil rLlrnl]rr]i*d ttr (:liiy *i]i*r i:i*hitaf "&s** with l:arrmx" c*rti.dr:r i<i$*']r''fl lsw r,egetafion {* 6'i'r', heighi)t- is ths e,'sgiand and its butfer ilflihs hi*ff':r is i*s$ tiran 5fj'+;'.iiei *+*rpleraiy ix*l*t*di"r.lr dnuoloirrnent {urban, rnniulential ru-itlr a density gre*tm: thnir t,racr*. *r in*i*strinl}l\''!.ii = 5YrsYe".r:3Yes: 1Yes: t)iliaw add ti'rs scoree *ircted tror a-,$f-e.ffuno**! to get a t*taf.ls th* T*r-al g::e*terth*n *r equ*l to 22 p*!cf.t? q *#/Categ*rylllTT
VhS: {Ygr4: dYES:.1Ygs4s" {}}.l?}?ee#om *o sfrear** q$e*re 8E€ sa?ssr.-fr *r*fi3'"}4*u"1. flor:s tlu rr,'citand prtvide irahrilet fbr fistu ei a$) tiuxr* *f rhe 3"eu AI.J$rlcres ri -bii\'s ii pen',ruliall s*rtb** !"ir,Bf'LT csxne{iti$n tq: r} finh-b**.rir:g sTre&$r-:1g.2 **** rhe rr etianrj p:"*lride fisfu h*biiat seasri:ail;v Afu"Li cfo*s it iravsB rrtrns{}r}S-l t*rf-a+e {;N,rr€-r t{:fi::!aetico:i te' a fistrtbeadng'$tfry.iru49.3 t)*es the r**iinrnd frinctinn tt: expurt r;.::rgaui+ x$*ti*r tlirougir a" sui-f"+acc'r,\r$rmr ilftlu"I(qutinn nt all tim{:$ of thc 3.**r r* * p-s*reruriul $tfl*uffi"*ig.4 f)**:rs the rsetlamd.r'*ncticn ts expart orga-*ir: *xulti€r ihrenigh a surfasew'ster ccln$eciion ril a $i:-s.arn *n fi sflErfl$axgl basi*l1.,*tu. Su*Ter"s.S**rs the axisiinSl hnff*r,'s $n il. ll,i,ale l"lf'l -5 i:ased *n [h,L] fcl[*tlrirg ttrur" S*s*ritrrtiorr.s={f thq, c.*rulitic}ru *t the bu$kru *t* uct *xnct$ r$e't(rh th* des*rrprifirra ${:*rc either upr:int high*r *r ?*wtr depr,ndi.ng mn r+'hethryr the bnlters ara !**s "*r mer* degradeit.f o{est, s*rub, r"alir.e grassl*:rei cr *pe;: \rr'*tflr bujl?r:i flr{r l}r*$er$i frlfmror* thnn tr ffi{}'smu.nC g-5o4 r:f lhe rirc:umft+rnce.F*rest. sefir{r- rultti'm gr-asulwd. sil *pffir wat*r" fur$brs m,-id*.:: t"Niam il}fffor rntre than 'liZ cf the n aflarld circumfr:re*c#- or fl f,*resr. sciiub,gfasslands" ilr ilp,,*x* laatel hu&r* f*r irr*ra tha:: Sfr'ari:snd *5 T/o *f tirecrrcr;rnfcrciir"'-:.Foresi. scr:;ir" iiaJeve gressi^*,*itr" Llr t:p#ri wrat+i' b*,ftbrs wid*r th** I S{}'f*r rnmrc thzu:l }ir:[ *.f uir* l,r,refr]sr]d *ircurmfertrr**:s, $r * j-*rn*[, #*fiub, rr*tF"'*grasel*nd, clr apeft -ti's€er buffern r.r'ider ti:an 5#- for mnre than tr,l2 *f th*"t riia*d *ii*. +rntcrence.N* rilnc$$o 'buiidimgs ur gral,ed a:"*;is rx.ishfu". lfi$' cf the ll'*t[anrt itrr rncre th;illu)5 cre uf tire rs,eiianit ilifctlL'!:f,*i.'*'trr-'"*.No rcads. buitdings *rpav*! *::*a* vrithin 25'*lf the w*tlxrlci f*r tnclrethan 95?" *iihe cireumf*r*u,;*, crl{r: tEladb buii<iings or prv*d arEmp 'ul"{thin Sft' +l th* rvetlflnd folixcre thaiiI ;'J *i tiae -lv*tlariti r; i:ruurnfsi:err*n.Paved areras. i*d**tri*l ar'*as $fl rfisidsfttiid c+n*lr:cticn i"o+:th i*ss ihar"t 5{}'bst$'een i:o*s*s) acc ie-cs 4:*;r 25 i*ei flmn the w.'e*end for ll"lor-e ti:sn 95 ?6r:f fhe cir*:m{bre*co ofr*e: lrry*t.i.and-Scrre: 55sJ0rr$**re:2S**r* -* 3$cnre - 1Sccre : f]r!
DRAFT WETI.AND RATING FORM _ WESTERN WASHINGTONName of w'etland (if known)(n "bV%fLc"'J.Locarion: SEC: ? TWNSHF}IiRNGE: Utatuctrmap with outline of wetland to rating fomr)Person(s) Rating w emna:V, D{bo t p l-ct hLfiffiliation:BwlCheck the appropriate type and class of wetland treing rated.Date of siteuisitfu-V$OIi"ii"=5'# +"' l=j t i!i'll"€.&i,R?' {,:F,gr -il--1'Tgils;l. ,:,.. - .: ... 1 : j::_- ..i : . .li.;.r: l: i*': l,: ;:.;:t. :-^j :,:.r : i i-.l i:: ;i i i l.:,-; t-r: r.:lt:.,1 r-r 1? ii.' :" i i';.:r r-,.' i rl'rj I i:, r i i l;.1':i i r r r ii). :- r ., : = l,:,'r i,,. i-, j i.;r;i -i- i irii- i. r.-i ri j-ti-},=i i :t r,i. jti.,!, it;-rt. '--!i-,'.r:.i:i,l: i-"4/a2?6+/None of the aboveInterdunalCoastal LagoonOld Growth ForestMature ForestBosNatural Heritage WetlandEstuarineFreshwater TidalFlatsSlopeLake FringeRiverineWetland Rating Form - westem Washington DRAFIApril2004
floes fhn rry'*fasrrd,beimg rmted me*t snv sf the eritmrfrm belslvT!f yr;a ssisv,roa: YEni rq: any- *f ttr* fi{rssl.i{}Ers befui-w yeu .,,l iil La*ed t* prirtrcr tire lveila*dailcoriiittg lo dhe reeru.lati*ns r*sar:rfing the sp*ctat ctrera*tesietics ft*u.d ia t-*re e^retffiEd.F* cr+run/eic rlls nsr,f r*r* *:./'rjee **lr,;fcrs,&eerlrfiffr+-'riJ issdlif iu riet*rry;ixe tfuef*-'u#p*cdrmeurrilrc { &*ss *f ' t &g -r+'*-:r-gir;erd b e i"n e ra ted-.*irur.rlilles i*he eli**sli*ms mr*'ct*d [,i: sriswrrh*no qu*'i] iila: w*r$rmrt fun*iio:rs. The Fiydr"*ge*ntmrp]rir{llass of a rn'etland can'b* $eteffiri*e*.:-l*qrrrg ihe fury, helcrlv"- Se* p. 24 fer y,u*rr datailed iaerru*timmscn ciassi;f i:r.g ri eiluid,t&{l/'. !{as txe r,..Efiswd been drscw.rie.*t*d,x;, c its&rf:lrg S*r.xw l;r.d*r*d/;. J*sr.eli7T?rc.drr-'(ifrei(C r"'r ffmr&amg:ererfgfcil*r {rr (c.rrdf,}'i#1 sfrs{:lg'{: /FE=.q**-rl'*"s.."r?Fc:r ii:rs Fiqp*s*s nf this l'mttrrg -nylrt*m, "r1+':i$H*Ried" rns&mn the w.-*tlw*d in *-.rn tlteapprerprintm stmt* ur ferl*ral dntmhas*"l'idtA?" ifas {ke ,;.vtl*rl# Sg*'.s *r}r*mrus;rar# ci* J?*$rcrr&y #e4; !i*r* iist*d Tfure*ie;red, *rErxiar,gerc*'p/rruldfl l*'c;$nasJ*,{s;:r,*r*,-.ritFsr the f,r"rrplrl$f 5 nf this rat$ng systf r1'r, '"{isrr{}nrfl[]terio' me*us t re '.1'*rlanC is ,nn tilejste si*tu S*rabas*.43" ***s thm, r,r'ilt[mttd r:onkrin ndii,iduatrs nf Frinr*{;1l' upeeies itnturd b_v ihe nfu'If,F\[1f,*rr the stet*?It!IiA4- Saes the -tn'efilnn,ci ltnqr n Inca,t sig*ifiqe$tre in add.lti*n t,n inii $uxtaiiciram, Fq:r*xmnrFJ*, *f i*' i,rr"*{innci hus h**n i.d*ntifi*d ill the $itnmtiuq, }ds-qtrrr Fr$gli,inl,tirE {lritiu*i Areso ffirciinaragm, r)r iir *. iii+*i:nanagrir'rsnl pln:m e.s hnorir:.qspccral nflgnlli*auue.\fu'stian"i Ratrug Ftsl-n - :vc:g,';r-lt Tqr;lsiri.d).g:ir-r$ I$*AfT'April2{}*4
W'efland Nern*:Cl*ssifieati*u sf \"sg*tilt*d\Uetland* fior lff estenn S'"{sr*bilat*rI*o*h,9fnl.'Ttl'wnJnr ],r:veiru iln the tt'st]*nd msw+][3' **mtr,t-l]icd by tid*s {i-*" mxm'*trliEo E* t YH$ - |t"rm tq,,'{*tlffid rlass is Tidnl Frimgetrf y*s. is tir* ialiniiy +f thE wtetsr{iwiggperir:ds eri'+nslrei kirr'ii*w'th*r:sandi? Y.SS --"S'reslrrusier Tidrl Fni*ge N$ - Saltrqs*.er{-/.1"r:ur n.'crJ*md *cn s e-..lg*ss4,r}ed crs cr Ftssir$'{etr€r TtrJ*l Fr:r*gelt,'srl#i?$fu.. ff';r is ,-1^arfttrtodrf$r flddetf frr:mg:*, ff fs rcyft:d dI^$ dryF ffsfmcdr*ewere caiied sstr:nrim* r:r the first *trci secotrcl cditio*tg *f th* ratingWat*r Tidol Frilise in tias Flydrcg***r*qXrhic Ct**sifi*ati*n. Estuanr:cca{,egnriz*d setrr*r,ately i:r tlrc earli*:v sclilions, arld rhis -seplrat-ien isrev*isicn" T* mnintain cmnsmtesrcy h*tw**m mrti{.ic*rut, the t*.mtFicasc m*t*- tu*wmver* t-hal the rhass*t*drtlcs thmt d*frn* Cmteg*ry Irvetlzurds lra"+u *hangrd is*e p, )"top*graph-y --rdthie the w,*llar:d f'let and preripitati'ln is oniy s*i$pe {- gr":r td; 3 Y&$ - Tke "*'e1lam<X str,ass is FlatsIfl y,*lulr t'/#$e$d can [:* *{assi{isd ns m *Fiats" g,tetlxnd" H$# the frlmm f,orrtctil;rlrds.3" Dcs* the w*ti*t?d rn*et trath pf the fcli,r-+-i*gcrit'*ri'aT-T}'e rtg*tat*d paffi mf ttre "'r,-sCie*d is qrn the sfuores o.l'a bcd-r.'- *f\rsgsl.nti.on cin the surface) rsh*ru r{tr" kirs{ ].fi a*rt* {fi hn} mrmip*:rd*,:d or ilnMedhLeast 3{}9,'*} r*[ utle mpml w#*r *re,e is d**p*r ttrnm S"6 ft {! st}?g* ta 4 YES - Tk* r*,,eiiand *lat;s ic l"nhe Frirrge S*cu*trine4, Da*s rhe weriand tn*et nil of ;;he ftiion'ing criteria?T'he wetland is *n a "qtrtpe {s/ugre c*rx $e vslr, gr#t/*d*d};F**'!rat*r t]*irywttttm.igtr.n ffi* rv*tlamd i* m,ru* d.[r-*a[itln"J$ilies irr:rn ue*ps- it n'rny fi+l'+ *xb$tlr{b**, *.s shee,tt:taw} *! llE &-baeks.-Th* iqrsff;r lesves €he vr*€larlel wifi**alt belng ir"*p*und**l?hiOTE; Sr*$itr:e w#f,#r.cf$s".q $+f ps.*as ;ru i&e,se ry,3s* c4f'wcrfcnds-rrel}'s*tc;ff cl,ryrf sll,rru{d*:rw ei"ePrel,isis#,1'$r" ,&eflfffd &,rc"Yf$r$ci:$f<-ifr r/rrlrrrmfer urp?# Je'sr r&nsl ; jlierf nleupi"NO - go to 5 YES * Th* wetland cle*-n i.t $lege5" Is the wetiarad'i.n a vaile;r-', *r $ffeaffi c.haa:nel" v,'bcrc ii gets inucdet*d fo3rtlifit ltt"erulr: $r river? Tla* flnmdiet,g sh+uld c$fc{ir nt lonst *:nse el'ery f'r''*{*llb}!\rqr'oy*s" " '7}te l,Hii.Jdrprr}' *$# eu$fe*ire cdepre:ssf*+ra*' rfur ere-frJJs*f *'ir*".:':n6YgS - TIae r.v+trla$d *lass ie Riveria*:" isJiiRftBNO-Wetiffi{.i F"ati*lg Fm-in- rvsstsr.il ltiashirryf+u DP-AFTAc'rit 20tl"it?o*ilse r.fiarflc'ods)?*.5 ppt {partn pnrFni.nge {tstuarire*}/*r -Rfi'end*leWstlarxls th*srs called $altkcpt in thisr,r'etl*nd is keplll csfue"rfne) *f r;vater to it,rvat*r {with*i.rt e*r"vy inundatcriFringei;i murl *sir.tityrryiLhcnit distiglsioccn,sronrif&, irug",c cr$;rd/li.'.*n1$,efna*riing &*ntih.e av*ragc, t*es r$e rr,r,en is3
#" is ths r+'et[anr{ im e. tnp*graphic depr*ssicm iu rvtric,h l+,*1*r p*rrds. {ir is sstrrratnd f* trtre sue-hec. ;rt$ome timfi of'f1tre ,-erur. IJirs n';*{}*s f*c",rr #r}r'uruJ.fu:/, 4fprcs'exd" is Jr;g,i:er s$sn lS*: i*vfe:r*},rr" qil'f,f;rg* i* 7 Ym$ - T.*e wetf*nd ctrftus is flepres*itlri*I7. in ttr* weiiar:{i ic*atsd in ar v*r-v fir*t syeas'itir no +br.i*us dr.pr*ssiCIn and so $ut&m &r riy*rrunning ti:r*ugll it amd pru"'viding \\,atdr. Th* v,'*t{mnl*[ $wr]r$ nCI he rnmilriai*ecf trS hlgilgr**ndwat*r in rl:*Nfi-g*[o$q,.s{iand miry be dit*hsd, hut htm uo *bvisus u.aturir{ CIlxthi,u"arbtrmrr{ a}atss is FepE*ssi+nal"t. Y*u:. wetl&,*ri s,f,em$ tt* h* diffrceit ts rias*lf1'" Fel exa*lplq sf;eFs af th* b*se oia sinrpe nie"vp;racf* iatp *, rlv*l:jnn fi.*r:rlplnilu cr n smrafl +*mnnl nv{,thiil m. elepncsu{omlrl \ryffLlsn}d hms a run* affl*oding ntomp itu sietrcs, ti$$r*ticltss *e iind, *'hnrnnteistir* *f severcl ditTerr.nt hydr*gu:*rn*rphi*:*lnsses \u,'ithirr c.rne rletienrt bo'tmdery. Uss rl[re f*il*wing tshi* tr.] it$*.meifu ft* *ppr*priate class [ouile for the ratilg rr'stem i{'v*u h#v+ $everal HGr\{ cl.nsses pr**r*f wrthiir y.*ur wetle,.rd. N*TE:IJse this iahio eniy ii't-he *tss-* t*af r* r*c*nts**srded in the sccryad c*larus Fe,prsse$ts t{}gir Eir mcreofthe tntal er,r,c. r:f fi,he r-n'eii;end being rmfsd. Xflihm.rr*a *f th* se*.CIud *iEss i,q le+r th.an 3$14 *tassifrthc r,l.ctlirnC ulrrrg lhe {irsi u-:i*ss.Rive.rina*r?ressi<>na"lLi:ke F;j:rE*DmprnwuionnlDepressi*rnlTrsat ms E*TIJARtrNE r"rr"rd.erwetXands n"ilfu speciel'i:]rara*t*ristirsSJome * R'iverineSl*pe + Depressie.aaiSlnue *- I-nheIltpr**sirrnsI * F.iv*riu* m[+ug stre*xift u,{thin berirrrofnryDepressi*nal + Lak* Fnnge$att Wrursr Ti*al Fn*ge ri:rci nruy eth*r elass *f ficskwarei"rvetianiilf'yotr *re unabla: still t* derereeinc'which of,t"hq; afu*vc c,rit#ria eppi:t ?* vsar n"*tland, eir you irar.emore than 2 FiG&.{ uiasscs -,',.rt.tri{ir n wetiarid b*r:-eder v*- r;iassift,' the weiland ex D*preos*o,nal fnrrtre ratins.4Y !r.t!='\ini:truild Rnti.ug I':E$ur = l+L:stc,m ldraslnimgfern $m.\.F"fApxil2$i)4
pt)ruilsDDsD 1. llues tlr* rs*tt*rn* hase th* ngffiS$etto f;xnprt**e w*t*r quatE{:1,| ,{beep" .Sf}I] l.l ilireracienaiics of *lxrf,-l.ce'r"'E.ief frews *tr1*f-rilcWm{innd is m dffilr*.$sicrn rn iii: m* su#are w*i$t*r *uttctWertlmred trns am L':$i:writtqrglily ffinuril'tg" *rhigful"l.'" c*rusft"iu:tstf" r-rl.s{trsil\\l*tt*mrt has *n unc.:nu:t,rfmtmd snirfbsi] suile-ltrr$ild$: *1p*ielis:23x:iufls: Iv".e!X*ld:Werland is {*[at mrud hns illu oi]r4*!runr cltrflet ie a dir+ht_*-t,-{J*l ;l$r. prrrfffiv c*r rS* &e*xes ee&ov*T*fm$ fqrr $ I:i 1.: The s*il ? ipahes b*i+rl,'ihe strrfu*e is *14y. *rgn"Eic. *r mu*i$u an*p-ie{.iryd:'ogen sutfirJe #r n}iter; flggs;.\l"Hr$ pr:intsi)I .4 Characteristi.cs trf sras*l:*i p*ndi*g nr inundai!*r:.Tieis is ilw arr"xs *j thr- i,*vtisad lilrp/ *s;pr:,*trferi fr;r *i lesst 3 menth*, d:l.;f cii'is; '?;ris$#ffi?rru€ duri*g t'iry 3'e*;t:- #tt twt t#ulzl ihe terea rkat is penn*ner"ily p*ndeii.SSrfmrr,rr $trotl #J /,&ur *r,r+g"cr"g'e *ptffitur-*r? 5 +i*** r*'f J#p.rs-Aru:*i smr*scvrun}trlr g:*-ruded il* > i* tuhrl srea. *fwe.lisnS^ p+iets : 4Area seasrrunlly p*trdild i* :- Jru L'*ts[ sre;l*f;lvetlnfitt p*ints * frArra s*ae$riell;r pomrlert i* < 1+ tr:rsl area of r',e-{-[atl'J ;x>ints : #ttl;a43g#;s$i?{3i l}ie{!tnqs.rE{t&!!{},i|..]#T4[L- Wut*r Qualitn" Fumctiums iv{uitipi,v the rcttre flnrrn $i hy I}2,{dd E**riry rc} fs#Je #vt,tS fl. llues ttr* weti*mst hmry* the *upgerfUqigV, tw improre rtl*ter qxatity? {s**p' C-fJA*su'er YES lflyuu knnsro,o sls b+iisw tir*re *irn pn*llutanu ia gr*u*"dwat.mn mr srlrf**ewai*r *r;rmitig infu: tlu: rvnt3*c# thnt w'cluid sih*r*is* ffSilre r+-atq,r qua[iiy i,cstrea:n$,lakes ilr gfrrtrnd*'ater dauru.gradie*i &r:n: the wetXand? i"'*rs w'&ir* qf-i&eJi:JJrrwr:g cci"sc,fsn cr t l"t pr"un,'*efe fd?r? "f,{rrrr-#r.c r-yiroJdu"rrclre$s-**- fir*-uing [ri F.[r* sve$*eC *r*'*v:ithiEr t5{}f?- t Jntrcat*d sirrrxrwarrr dincharge* fir $rnlland-- Tiilcd fr+lds +r *r';hards rvi{hiri i 5ii {t *f '"r'"etlunc{ j-stieftn *r ctiXircfr r*iscl*ugcs iii*"o rnetinnd rhat draifts *e','ell:pesi-wffit$!rr'1rsid#fithal silss$. fsflEed itmtrrf u nff;[d$, *r *isar-*nt iq1giffigl-- F}"r::stct*ntrral- m"hitu ntrc*s" gmlf ,rt*rrrses ,tr*: r+'ithin i5 ] t1 Cuf'wietis*']Ssrcre ifi {} 1.- ^^-.- :- i-! f$LIJI-C tri }-, i..Y&SL.Z f{C}$/z4&@*t+#n:':i*Fiier&-Cl l 3 Cirarad;irne{.i** *f p*r*istent vegetaticr: {ern*rg+:rt. *rhiuq*e#+r f*rsst *las*l;1'V'*tla;iC has persisi*ni. wrgttwexl, vege.taii*n > *" 95-s6 mf ar**--*'rtiand has p*rtirutelTi, l.mgrexod vegetuiJu{i } :'' li? *f'areal"&'n[i*r*,t ha* pr*ersis[*nt, rirr$:sp*d vegststi*n > : i/]* nf t*rcs,Wetland tms<Illtl $$-&r'eapuiats: $pcrln"lo * 3:tninie * ir-"-i-":s7Wetia&i F.eting -F*fii"l -- i,vel$*fit i*-anhinEr*n *R&FTrsl.ilg.lt /!JL{+
r{Ys/ffimrdtiplirr?jP3.I!*e* tlEs wesland knvetfue#m$gll4 tu reduse froediug *nri *rq:*ienfDD 3.i ilfunni.iferistic,u mflurutLme *'atcr tJ,*r.rw CImt *flt]ne rveth*rre{Wc{iu{r"t h;r! r:L} srrrlatr \{:atcs L'iutl"}t\&r+t[*urd hs.s an inierruittuutlir'. tT*v'i*rg" *r laigttly **nstrictsd, Erut'}etS/;'r.ianC iras an dncor$cicr*ei srrface fi{:rie}Wbila*d i:c :llat andri;ztins ny s,o"ribn:* l1lrrs,+r e dirch- *irrts * 4p*ines: ?Pnintn: $i:*iaru * {"}L) ;$.3 Depth cf s'inrag* dlinning wr"t peri*dsSsiirirrfs titri irirfgir/ a.,,rgr,3irdlrie gsrrve L*"' 8ofr*1,: o,{f4,: r;itf"/er ;r" g 16'r:14,rl"**-'"trx'r4:rL'ir.rur t trt'riiuets**r$ng S**gl*[].I,{at,}cs *fpcxdfulg a;:* nt jemst 3 f? nbs*,'* t&e s':r'far.e p*ints * ??he wetland is a "hea.dlvatef'-i*.etin*d* p*ints = 5fo{*.t'{qsr are e[ trms.st 3 flt {'rerrn.q*r.ias*J Fim[nts : 5Marks ftrfi n[ lcast $ i*. {l fronr **rfh,l* p*in{s = 3We"[.]nttd i.s i]att forun hrus *rmnt$ r$epregsi*nE *u t]s* urt"fu*:m [tust tr*:g"r wftl*r p*irrfs: ]uira*rs nf pr:nriirig above S i*", *r rru*:tlnnd hns *ui1. satilraded *si[s po.i.at+: {JFJaD 3"3 C*ntrih;:ti*a of ws,flend tm stc*r*g* ir: tire.*.e-**rshed.tstirwte rJrc rctio *rf#i,rr crr*rx rXflrug;stre{## &eisrlm coru#:r?rEr*r,rgsa*r;f*r",e w,R{€r fe: f*si.r'r,/:1+ri?d t* rht: $.'.*i,yr arf f&*: rr r:Iir-rrri/ il-tai.f'Tfi* s.ium cl$ ult* hmsln rit l*ss ifi.s-tr i*] tim*u ttrrr nrs$ nf w*rct.tnnd poimnn = 5Th* alen *f the basi;r ir i i] tqr I {W tin:es ths sr*s *f the wetlaai p*i*t* : 3The arsa *f iirc basl-ft [e m*r+ than ]S# iimes tfue ares nf tl-te wryliancl F*ir:tx : *W*tlanil is ii:. th* FI-ATS eiass {tr*.s,im : tfuc "wr;tlamd, b1'definitislr:} points * 5,*tfiur #re -s#irf;r irt fi-re &e;x*rs *r&crv{rTntal fur I1-$-D "$, Sc*es fhe w:efi*nd fns*ve the *pp+rtuni€ ttl r'rydwee flwr*ding nmd qros.ieg?isee F" +6j.&-r:glver YES if ti:* u,etlun'J is Lr: s itre*.iicn in ihe uetersheri ir,r.lere itr+ fj+rid$tLlraqfi, *r redrt*{iclln in ns{.*l vel*citr;. it ir::oviti*s h*lps j'iriricrt d?.}wftstreanlFrops$"v irud nqnirti* re$ourses li+rn llqr**lfmg *r *,q*es$ii.* &rldidlr" *ilu,$i\-s f'Imr.',.s.ltrtirs* ll'/.sic/r *,f 'fJt+* liif*orycnff crt,rpn*Tfdrt:irr"l urrrr{u"** lEiatlzum* it tm m liea*:tv;ater *{ a ivcr or str#ftnt th*t kts f'l**di*g;pr**rierns-- Wet.i*::d *rai:ls ;+ * dr.-r;r eir str*n;.".: tbat hn* fl+c-Sing groblemu./I W+ti.n*cl has xr* sr$,i$t ulic]" ir:ti:rmunds $urtece rtinc{}'ivatrrr Su1 retigiet*thcna-is* fTmnr int* il rtver *r stt'e*"fi-i that ha* fintldjng pr*hi.r.ms{4rtsr,'*rA$ fl"*e r""*fur'r'llrmir*g r*rli r&s iveff{r#C is a#ietrafied iry; * sftwttwr* stawk*s.ffatxi g.*te, tilceg*zfe*.Serpi e,itir.e. ws*r,;i;ir ei+. ilffvrrrr ssfirrw;te #zat ftt{irErll*"ru S{Sd cj $Ile lr,rrttsp" trlr tfr*r r*w#rrrurrlj*c -I .Jn: gr*awert\+*fer}YHS, ntu,nlt{glfi-l's*r:re in s 3 by 3 ,Nil n:uXtiply s{,'*{-E in tr 3 tp.l' 1_* StherT*"AL * IIydr*lngfu Functisn; &ftrltipiy tke ss{}re frcrnr B 3 by S .tmt)ffiDUn*Wt:iirmcil R-atirrp i:'slnii - Hiestsr:l Washuqt*n DF,*A-fr TA*;l'li^,I1,,1
ILLa'ILiLILILILILtILL-iIL\_iLILIf,L\__ii-Fi 1.2. F{}dri.nE}gr_iods {seep. #*}tfreck tfus gpr.s +:.1-u"**er regrrvres' {,,try-ttr*periodt} yese*t wttkifi i}ze wetland- Ttfue,tafer" r*gbr"e fr;rls ft", #$l.sr rw*w tku.n f {}% q{ tke \r,€tl$?td ar ;ti s#e ii} ct unt. {ryse frevf.fi:r de -rcrit ti rtn,r qf !t3: drape ri.tds )-'Dccasiesali?' floe.ded or in*ild$ed 2 tv-pes presest p,tint - ITsut****lo*1"-_ P*m*nently flr:wing *i:saar *r rirrer in, *r:ad;a*ent t*. the w"e{}and__- $*:ruscri,t*lly f{*rving strennt im. *r a$j*ce*t t*. th* wettanct*-.-*- &.m&e-fdqge wssi*md :,f; ptrimts* f'ra$givi,#fsr dd*J rgerJewd* I paintst'tr*oqt*d mr i.mturdat*d.as*nally tTorrrteit *r nmrnc$ai*d4 mr uusre typ*s pre*mt p*imto * 33 typ*s prff$ffirt pt*iriis * tl{ 1.i Vegetaiian siruclure isec p. 68} ,Citech tiee gtper *fiagetat*tw cir*s:res3;'r*,ae# '{s}s deSry;,edb3, t*"a'ay$ita} f r'l+e ri+-tsc$yrrs',mrcre f**s Jd]$S u*f,fJ$e dir"s# c$'ffie r,r.e#$:md *r" {,$ c*:re"*-Aqr:atii: t'*d*r'Ernen'*eut TLe{xtsI Scrub.,islrub {*ress $rfu*r* shrubs }rave >}8-o+'oria-'*r}-Foresxed {areas plhere lrees hnve >3fis/o ccver}Fmrcs{mxi ar*ns hnvs 3 s}ur of 5 *trata {rl.amCItr1y, scrh*sens$}5 shrubs, herhaceorus,Tu t'] 5 5r gf $ tmd-CO vi:r)Add the.ori+rn&rr"crf rq:er*rion 4p*"s r&mr qu*,fi$r f/}gu.#*rre.'4 {3rpea *r nr*fe p*i:lts - 43 typ*s poir*r - 32 gepes p*in{s: !l t'Yse Fr:i+ts: t]F{ 1.3" Rich+r:"qq.t,f,_*lfrSl$Hfislg5 {see p Vi}Count the nurnber-;tp1*"1 rp.cie.c in the r,vetlaari trhat c*:'cer at least l{J ff . fuiffirtttrpcrrcltss .tf rf:s scru*' spc,c'rss s{r}r {lE r:sr-rl&lxerd fcr pirrf r/re sfsr r&r*lsil*dri,i)'crr d* FIe;t *gpu l,c,i mdJltplg f*e.tpec;es-.c# .nrlf r*rc{n*#s Sr*ruusrzus ,Vf;i$,frd1', nseddd'"fi$rr}3..Srsss,lrarryfc loosusfr$b, ilsmrec'jirsnTlztstf*tf y*r; r;*ucd*d: > X.9 speaies pshrts: ?f,r"rf sprec:r*ru Se/sw qfju*r i*'<lrsil Is; *5 * 1S *peei*e greint+ : i.15 spesie-s. plin{u - Sf7"4-!{j*t/Wetla-rvi Ratiffg Ffffit- &e,st{sn 1F-ias*ringiar DRAFTi _.iA:priX l$fi4
3(//H l.4.Interspersion ofhabitats {see p, 72)Decided from the diagrams below whether interspersion between types ofvegetation (described in H 1.1), or vegetation types and unvegetated areas (caninclude open w-ater or mudflats) is high, medium, low, or none.None: 0 points Lou': 1 pointModerate:2 pointsv [riparian braideci channels]High :3 pointsNOTE: If you have four or more vegetation types or three vegetation typesand open water the rating is always "high".H 1.5. Speciai Habitat Features: (see p. 73)Check the habitatfeatures that are present in the wetland. The number of ckeclcs is. the number af paints you put into tlze next column./ Lurg", downed, woody debrii within the wetland ?4*. diameter and 6 ft long).y'St*aing snags (diameter at the bottom > 4 inches) in the w-etland_Undercut banks a.re present f,or at least 6.6 ft (2m) and/or overhanging vegetationextends at least 3.3 ft (lm) over a stream for at least 33 ft (10m)_Stable steep banks of hne material that might be used by beaver or muskrat for, denning (>30degree slope) OR signs of recent beaver activity arc present_y'_Xtleast }/u acre of thin-stemmed persistent vegetation or woody branches are presentin areas that are pennanentiy or seasonally inundated-(s tructuresfur eggJalring byamphibians)y' lnvasive plants cover less than 25ok of the wetland area in each stratum of plantsH 1. TOTAL Score - potential for provirling habitatAdd the scores in the column aboveCommentsWetland Rating Forrn- west€rn Washington DRA-FT14April2004
tH2.2 C.$i*ridorq aud.Clorce+ti*s].$ {seep" ZSJH *1.2. X Is the rq,etimnq-[ p:rwt^ uf'a rclwtivc(y rmclistumbert mi$ nls:br<+ks* veg*ttiledc*rrid*r {r:iLhuu' n[perimn c+r *pt*n*L] thml is mt lmn*qi 1-5* fr widm, has m[ tenss 3ST4 c*i'srfif shrmlis, {brsst or nstixe m.urrtlstu:rbed pxirie, th',*i connerts t* *nh$ri*s, *'i]:erw"€tlan{i$ or *r*disiurb#* uplun*ls ihat E * at least ?5i} neres in siz*? \drt*zrs in rilt*"ri*ncr-;+riii*t's, *eui.it*,u:seef grcueJ:rerlds, pcved r*ads, tt-,ve **nsi#ered. *re*ks z"*l lfte{nrr.it&trl, E#*IVES -j pofimts tg:d Fs fJ J -ii N* : ga tc Ii ?.?"?tt 2"?.: ti tfi?lffFiiamd gniwr *fl& reiatil*iy und{surrbi:sl and ir*hrnkm vcgctttedcorrid*r {eitfoer ritrlan"ia* nr repland} tkat i* at least 5fifi'nt-id*- ltas at iesiit 3-*?ii f*ver *f'sltrut-* *r &:ree{, asri c*mnec{c tq e$tix{iries" *tber -*etnitnds cr undi.qi$rbc<1uB:lanc{sthat are at least .?5 mrcs in sixe? {}R a Lake-frimge ruetla&d. if it.does n*t *rave an$ileli$x"r.wtx*qi. ccrsrist*r *s in th* qumnt[on abel.*?YES : ? puimfs (.g* $r;i lf .f"31 NS * I-fr :.?,3}t 2.1,3 I* ihr +.'eliarrd:',a'i-r,&in 5 rlli {'8k*i,} t'ni'a b,*,a*ki-th e;r sah -v$'-st#r rsfiiary CRivitlain S mL sf a iargr fi*ict erpest{ffe i>4'l} aeresi i}F.wl9-hin "i r.mi r.li- l* itrke great*r tharl ?tl acr*$?'TE$: t pqaimfNO : Spe!S!:BFt 2"1 Egife"f"s {seep'r" 7-{Jfltrr*r3,s'r, r,4,,e Je.slrrpiir:n f,&*r ftmf r#g).r*-s#rfrs ertrrs*fsfr*$ *f,&lq.#ill" e5{'u*effemm$: T-$l* &l**ft+srscr:r"iilg.crifrr:',tri /lr*:'il ,rppJ,rn$* F:f,' f&dj x'ef/*,r+d rs trc lte s.r,sed .sr* es.e rerfing: .$e.e im:*f.y'i+r,Jqfiniti cn a{' uwdt stin"bed -- lt]il m {33t}il} *d::eielively wrdl*uurh*d uegr"ated arcfrs, rncffi rnreaf,, #r oF#fi ,t+'&{er>95a/a af eirq-*lufereelcs. l.lrr ds'veicrFed,are*s o-ithin ratrdlst".rb*d part sf huff*r"ire{ro*:f,t"*}- undistgrhed nk* &n*fir}$ ns*Sreeing} F$iil$$ = 5- 1{.}tJ ru {3}* fi} *f rnt$il'ut3r und.rmtr:rb*d vegetmed nru*ns, rn*hy ftrs&rs? *r *p'€n $r&tst'/- 5$-c6 circunitbrEtt+e. Fsflnt* * 4,^r'g -cii ffi {'l ?$fij of relariv.ely u*dislnrnied veg-etateC arm,sj iurcky &rs&$.- +r +p+li ''"aler>q596 c'ircuneib're*ce' Foit-*{s * 4* I {l{l} r'nu {3-}{-}tt} *Trclativ*l3' urudisturb*d v*grt*te,ri &re;*$. n:{rsky" $}^rs&$- *r +Fs'tr "vater;r^ 259,e cfu:f+.lllx{tr$,es,Ue" . fOflmkS - S- 58 ni XX i0tt.l *$ r$tatlvsiy *ndist"rrli,:d rn*g*t*ted nrens* rffiky arflfiu- $r upeir wstelia: > 5094 trr*rit*f*l*i:t*. Paiafs = 35f br*ifer d+e* nnt ne*et s;ry sf ihe th'*c tritertn *beve--- li;.'r pnv*d flregs {e}ir}*pt pai.eii trui}si *r butidings withiffi }5 rn {..$$ftl u:f rq,I*t}:e$d >959ir c:rsq:uri*rfcr*race, tr-ight ter rnoderet* graziug, ur Inrr"ms nre FK. Fr*intn - 7-'- N* pavrd '"we;*.s urburi.Ldfulgs rvitkim S{}rn et'c,e.,et[tnd fur>5$9{r qircunt*erenqe"Ligirt tc m+derate graxing orl',alru-ns arc $K. Foiet$:?_ ilXear"-g,graziag in fuidfer" Faints * {** Yu,'g*t*x"r*r} fl-1u:[*hrs ftrB dtrTi t*'iqle {6.nft.} flrrr rncre rh$n 95o,,o r.,lrhe eritcrntnl'erenreic.p,, tl[Ie$ f"lelds, grav-*irag" tras;*ft [rm$r**k extend to edge mf'ru*{lpsnd S*ia*s : S.- Buttbr does nryt ml6eL e.ffi3, mf,the *:r'utcria *bovs. F*ints * L$[l ?. ilnes the s+rt€atld fu*ve tt*e *ppm'tum*t1' tee pr*ttde foshifat f*r rmnn-t *pe,*Bes?,try\lietlaird Raling F*,zn - xr;tm* WasfuinEf*re SRTSTT;.Asrj,l ?{i1}4
IJl{ }.3 l"ieqr tlr a*ljau*nt u* $ther prt'r$.'r.ry* -tinbttats lists,d,b}, ![,TFR{ {smp f,IJWlri*h *f rhe follnrving priorig h*hitat* are "rvithis 33$fr {Itr}ur} *f the rustland.?isee text j?sr:z mrsrt *{e{ai{*d riescrig;tiorc *ft}aese pn*riry- lm&;r"ar,-sl"------"R"fip*riwru: TJI# wre'* mtrjmmmrnf t* nqru,rli* *ysi*rns rvith fllnwing, wntmr dhaL mnntrninmsisru*ftts of,h*th mrqmmti,e mmd tern**fu*st ***$,.vsr-e*ns ln"h$mh mxrfmi*l]y infTl.r*ltc-* *rmh *ther........ ........Aspen $tmmrk; Pur* *r mix*d sHands rlf,,*sp*xl gr*,*t*r th*n ilrS ha (? **rr:-il.-Cliffs: {irsater thaa ?"6 m t 35 11) high t*nd e*cumng bcic$' 58{i* ii:._Sld-grasth fsr*sts: {C[*Sgrati&'t& w-est *f fiascad* *r*st}'S*a$ds cf at l**s{ I t eespe*ie*. forrning:a ntwlti-*aymrcd sfflslr3 witfo o*marsimn.a] smatl eE*niitgs; wfuk ar.ic*si fS tr**nitr* f,$ treeulncre.I ':' &1 *n: {3J iurt rth'.frt mr: > }f.S} 5'emru*lf aua".. .. illsture f'qlr*stnr $tan*islnrith versg* Cianre.t*rs eu**e+li*g 53 sr$ i3i in) Elbh r:r''lrn'*c.tlvf,r m*y b+ lest ilar ltxlf/e; firo?lin Gilxrcr rnE"v be less ahai Jc}{Je..1'c; tr*-*a1:-de*ade*.oe; nnlctb*r* cf *nags, ir*el qr:-actiiy ef iargp dowmed meitens.l. in gen*raii,vtes-q then ther f.tiuad in *fid*gpurath: E* - 3fi{i y**rs *Id r.v'ns,t clf rhr Cas*ade frr*s-r-*".."""" Frmiri*s; Rei*tiv'eiir unet[rotnrrtrsd ;rr*ils {as i*di*st*d by dondnan*r r$ ftetir"* plants}wk.*' e gr*$sfl.* nrrd;t"q: fhrlr.q ttsr;rr s&e *riirral *ifrwrxv pTlttrt r:*urumnity^.. ....J'alus; t{onwgenfius areas *{'r*c.h n:trhis r-.*nging ia ar*age slzc ff.tr5 - 2-fi nr ii}"5 -6.5 ft), c+r",:.p*a*d ei hasall- *edei;its* zurrX,,,'sr s*drm*r';ary icrrk, inct*<ling nprapsiides an{i ffiinc kiHng*, itfny he ar,er€i*tsd *'ith cfifis.- - Cave-s; A narumliy ocdurnfi-E eai'iry. reses$- v+id, sr $-vs{-efi} ot'mrtercunm*credp$$$sges-...-*Sregun whits $sk: W*sdlends $tt{uds *f trrur* *ak *r uak:'ccniter *ss*sq:i,at{n*sll'her* call*py ssr"fl?a#+ cf th.* oak e,*naperne,r'l{ of i&.* sEaa*i is ?5%.**-Urb*pr H*ft:rai S;rer* i$Xr*re: A pn*rit3 s.*ecies resieie* i'"n{hiar *r'i* e*i.}ar**f t* theCIp$n spa#* frnd ri$*s [g fur brumdkrg a*&ior r*gntnr ftrm*$img; anuf,r*r th* upa:n spas+futrcti*ns as n rmrriqJmr n")ffw#giclg *iherprd*r'try'*fru*Crir,rls, msp**{*Liy ih*ss'thntw"ould nthm"w$ss tr* is*iatrd; and/*n thm mpnu $pscc is *n isais**.d rcn*nant *f,unhwsXhabitat lnrg*r tban 4 i?e i 1fi sfirer,i zurd is E*rreiq;*ri*d b-v r:cb?":l C*"*'e!.*ptrren1.--Es*usrl'"itstu*rv-iike; Lleepie's.1*r rid# *abitats and ad"jnccnr tirinl wetianci.c, r;su;ih'sr:;ti-*.ncies*d by tmnd hta{ i+ttfu *peli, partly ehnstnr*teet rtr ryp*radir; Rfi,fie,s$ tet tlre$p$I"r *e*e\fi, irftd trT 'rvhrmh ('!tre&i$ lvatsr is nt lensf oe*msi*nal}3, ciil'ut*d bui 1k*sittrnt*rrunoilf ir,nmt trlie tr;zur,rd. Thc snliniry may hu- pt*rindiceliy i*+:-*asrd ahcve thnr l.lflrF-umopon $ceefl by cv*porati*m. Aimng struns lqlw-e**rgy cs&stliftes t.Peere is appreeiab]*diiuii*e *f se:a wa{er. Esfiiari** }rebi?a{ ext*nds lrpstrcflil? nnd Iatldlt.wrd' t# rvic*r***ean-derir,ed salus rtrofrsl:rc 1ess than dl"5$,"i rhrtng the peri*d ci'arrerage mn*al {+wfl+ri'- Bncludcs bolh rltLffiries &ftd lag+:ns.--Htnrrin*./ffimtlrunrin* $hlreiiees; $h*r*!ines urslwde tXre ktte{ti$ai antl sr:brislal r'*vl*sof"beeches, *nSm*y nl** in*lude the backshrffe and adjnceni rcmpnxcnts *f ftr*teriesrriai iandscapc {e ,g.. cliris: $lagsr Tni$:.rrc trccs. dunes" n:eadciws; that *.rei:nr*rtant trl nhr*r*line essociat-*d lish and r*iid"Rif* and xiral *sntrihr-*ts ts slwretfuwtulrttrtrrr.,q'c,.g", niurrdt'jrerck}-rg mcrru.tfr:ley,tt. smr,trimrnt s*nfflbutiem, c.r*sirrn s*nm*[}"fllr'wmtland has,{ +$r {E$#..f,€ prlrlrrit;v hm.htt*cs =.l F*im*sii"wetlmrei lrae ] prr.imtity hnbttnts : 3 poin*eIf iv*tland h+s $ prl*rit-.; hafuit# : I p*&nt t'lo i:abitet,q = t$ s+iil.1st4 etldui.l l{"uting [mm-, - .pssie.re lV"1shi*gf*n X]R,.\FTApril2il04
Tot*rl S*nr* f$r Hebitat F'nuctisns -- ad$ the peurts f$r F{ l" Fd ? and. ree*rd tlre result o*p. ln 2 rnrAl uo*r ;ffi#Hrf:W#X:ffiH ?.4 Wetlged { aadscapt .{ak**se t&e *we $ewript**a aftkeIr+ndscrye sr*und tkeweri**tf tleai best-ft.ts| {ree p, 79}Tirere ar* ai, lenst j n'&lwr $,etlsnds within :$ xnil*, asio$ the eonriecti*ut betrv**n themRre r*$,utiv*ty undisftubed iiight graring b$ween wetlane$s ffK- as is laks s&*re wifhsrnre l,*atingo but c*nnecti$rxs r*}rs*[ti $ST b* bisstx*d by pav*S s**d$, Sil, fi*tds,cr otherd*r,*lopn*rit" p{iints:5Tiie rvatla*d is l-ake-fr{r$e ona }ate with liutre distl*Sane*;a$d"i}ere ars 3 c,tber lslte-frir:go r.rr*flnnds within lt,nril* points = 5Ther* ;Trs frt lea*t 3 oth*r rvc*a*ds uritfu.ic .qt mite. Btr-]Tfhe c'*nne*titns betr-t-een, the,nr.are disturbed Pcints: 3Tlre uetland i* Lake*fringe e,n a lalee *dth ditt*rbaacs aed ther* are 3 sther taLe-fringe *'ntlalrd -;sirbjn % fi]iic ptclats: 3There is a{ t*as{ tr u'*tirumd within lt mile. p*ints: 3'There fi-r* nil! wetlsnds rvithin l'i ttiile" pints: {}fr3#2lfuetl*ad Rating Fcrrm * Tve$t$flr tr?vashirrgtcnirF*&FT',A.gril2fXltt
E(;{3T}"Ffesse de€erwtla,e Ef tt*r rtedCrsrdmeef$ the ettrifu,rets,s dessrf&ed betsw $wd eirtte t&tswpproprin{ff &tlrwr;rs arud fm4rgwryCat" trCnt" Itst" Iiln.xlrmt$ngstrrSC :.S Estnnrine watlaads {see p" I €}Do*s ttrc \&'ffit"laffidJ rneer rhe i?r1lerrvi-ag cniteriat. flur Esin*dns r*eti*ftds?--* Tire domineni w;*er n*giriru *s tidltl"-_ Vsgsfnted, umd- With a saiinity grem'L*nthan i3.5 pct"YES: ** l** SC 1"irl1"\T{}SC i.i is th* q.mtlmmd.w'ithin aNali*nal \\""i]d]if.* Rr.tt.r$e. ]{srtimuu.i F.sttq"ln{ruti*ual E+{t+*ry'' Res*ni*, N&tt}rrrt .r\iea tr}:",eseyr,'e- Sia,te Ferk or Edrie*ti*netr*E{tvir*nnr*rl*,*.1, *r $sie*tiile Resefi,'e designsFa{q$der WAC 33t-3$-}5I'}YE$ = Cat*.g*ry, 'E fiE$d* t* Sil i.2SC i -? Is t'he +vmtflnrrd n{ [ee** 1 ec,rc in siee nn*i *'leets at ieast f,vte mf ttrrel*li*r*:ing {hr*e ;mnt"1i{ir-rrus? YE*S * Clnteg*;ry i fd{} * illi*t*g*ty }}- Tlte'vvetl*rrqj it reiativ*lv md.i*turhed {kas n* difui*-q.." ditciairlg. i:llhrg,ci.ritivati*n, grazi*rg* a*nd has isss t&.an i#96 c*vrr *f aoa-n*iiva piantsp*';i*a;. I{ ihe n*n*eallvc Sg*r*i}dtr si-lp. ar* thc *eirr. specics ghat c+r-srrn*re €hae i{J!.4r *jltfue ws;ianal" tiie* tXle w*tla*d sir**i* be give* a d*ralrlrting ili{{ i" The awx mf'SpmrLina "s,'*ul.*l be yate{t n Cial*grrry iI i.r'hil* lh*nnkr;tin'uirr u.mrListri$ed WF*r rsi*rmh **{t}: nnriv'*" sgrn*ies *'*mld b* nl'eLegrlry I. Ilo n.:r- lio:rsdvrr, rxeir-edc ihc nr-ea of -$partina inAt taast i,a *t th€ iaxri*.:sd *ilge mf,*e r*'stlnatl hns s j{{} ft br*Te.r id'llu"uh, fc:rasf, {}r ltft-gi:rxfl;d rrr mLl*nt*ru.,nrtcf gmssl*ne{"-** T'1:r* q.*tlmnd hns rh,t lin&.$t t *flth* tbi{.orging f,*atrwms. ticl$l *.hax$ef s,depressinn* witl:r rlpen -*,rat*r" *r ecr:rtig'u*ns {hes{rl+'atsr w*rlaneJs.SC 3"tl Hnfilral Hsr'{fngm$''etlnnds fseep #J}Sil 2. is i.he w,*[lll.ntt(rvn lt"*$r$ ru".it]a lil* *inshing$rnn hntrwrn] Ft*rituge l]r*gr.am nn rl.hfgh qnalil_v nstir.e u.'etland? {f,i.*o s{rf$Fr'rfr-}:{4s.g*rx x'fff s.#IJ aaeeEJ fp p"ss# *Jre n*e$"Isff#hssed orc its f*n*iderrg$',ths$X{cd daln C* .lr*rrr ffiFiK_-. App*r:dlt E ! Letier ji*rlt *}qS *-VES - {luteg.sr\'l i\'} {i.lim sixe thres-h*}d. of i acra.$'sthinrJ Jl{rrffiig F$rrs - w*stm:n \\r *shiugrlom I}l +F}ISApri[ 30S1
SC 3.2 Is the area where mosses or bog plants are dominant greater thanr/a awe?YES: Category II NO - rate wetland based on functions onlySC 3.1 Is the area whsre mosse$ or bog plants are dominant greater thanYz aerc?YES: Category I NO go to SC 3.2SC 3.0 Bogs (see p. 82)Does the wetland (or part of the wetland) meet both the criteria for soils andvegetation in bogs? {Jse the key beiout to identifu if the wetland is a bog. If youanswer yes you will still need to rale the wetland based on its funetions.]. Does the wetland have organic soil horizons (i.e. layers of organic soil),either peats or mucks, that compose 16 inches or more of the first 32 inchesof the soil profrle? (See Appendix B for a field key to identrfy organicsoils)?Yes-gotoQ.3 No -gctoQ.22. Does the wetland have organic soils, either peats or mucks that are ie ss than16 inches deep over bedrock or an impermeable hardpan such as clay orvolcanic ash?Yes-gotoQ.3Is not a bog for purpose of raring3. Does the rn'etland have more thanTAo/o cover of mosses at ground level,AND other plants, if present, consist of the "bog" species listed in Table 3as a significant component of the vegetation (more than30o/o of the totaishrub and herbaceous covsr consists of species in Table 3)?Yes - Is a bog for purpose of rating No - go to Q. 4NOTE: If you are uncertain about the extent of mosscs in the understoryyou may substitute that criterion by measuring the pH of the water thatseeps into a hole dug at least 16" deep. lf the pH is less than 5.0 and the"bog" plant species in Table 3 are present, the wetland is a bog.4. Is the wetland forested ? 3A% cover) udth sitka spruce, subalpine fir.western red cedar, western hemlock, lodgepole pine, quaking aspen,Englemann's spruce, or western white pine, WTTH any of the species (orcombination of species) on the bog species plant list in Table 3 as asignif,rcant component of the ground cover (> 30% cover&ge of the totalshrub /herbaceous cover) ?YES : Go to SC 3.1 No-.-- Is not a bog for purpose of ratingCat.IICat.IWetland Rating Form - western Washington DRAFI19April20Oa
Cmt ISC 4"0 F*r*ofed trV*tlwr*Ss fmmep. SSjFges lhe rvs{land have at ieasi I acre of forest {hat mcst &n* oirir*se erfteria Jbr theSepartme*i of Fish zurd Wiidlifl+'s f+re,rt* m* pririri4' hahitnrs? #"W* #ir.$lrdr-l',rg ;r*#r.dit,iil *if i ne*d it, rsie tjre rawtlglxei ba.sed esw i.tslunui*ns"- tlld-grfitrytlr f*n*s*s; {rn'*st sf {}u*s*sd* *r*i{t} Sts::ds *f ;ct ie**ct t$r* rvsi* species,"f,cnr:i:ag n m:xlti*Iitp'*r*et *mntrp+y witir sse,nsi*:r*i sma{l ,rvith +"t ieaiit $trs*sriarrs i2t3 h"ee#lmcts,r*) thai. ale at lsiirii ?Stl y.ears mfl age $H. havc adiarneter at brenctr heigh*, idb?i,r 'lrf 3t irrclles {& 1 ea:; *r irt*r*,.Ir$?H: Tlie crit+r"{*rcr ,{'$}r r.fhh is ha-q*d *ft $?ss$$renr*$t$ t*r,uptand f*restx.Ttvo.hrmdrnd v**r nrt*$ ilr*rs i* q.eti*nds r+rli *$irr: h.svr * srnail*r Sbh{l'nnnuse t}-te{r'gruvr,th rates. ere *iisn sl*wt,r- T}re SF&" *ntericn is ar-rd o-t}R*osc nAd*gr*'a{la f.*rests ci* ll*t ne*esi*ariiy heve tc hav* tr*es t:i'this dis:r{etex.- Hatnre firrests: {wrs$ e,fihe Cascacle Cres[] Stanrls wfusrfr thm i:ergest tre*s &rr8i! - z#i,i p,e*rs m{rf ffR fu.etve sy'*r*Se dtn*t*tsrs {dtdl} nxneedilrg ?l inshesq53*rn); o,l'$wrl *s1j,"{rre}*_y b* l*ss tthmt [{"W$,tl du*a"v, **tad+r:*,+" u*ru}r*rs *il*I"tjflS$y anci quantiry* nf l*rge utmwttsd rnal*rial is generally less than tir*rt f*uur:din cl.1-grci-*;th.YES - Caiegi,-ry i YfC {Cat- Ii;{:t!I$fl $"{} \\r*f[smds in ilsxasf*[ L:ing**uvu {,rseF-.8*}Does.ihe i+"*[ia::.d m]L-r*[ rl['.r['r.he feriicrvicg *mt*ria o{'* lccttanLJ i-r: a +aastaI lag*rrn;}- The welianri lies rrr a rieprcssion ridli*ccnr r.* Pr:g*t So*nd that is rvhulty+r pariiali-y se'Far#[*d IL*IT: marisi::'#€itrsr b,ir sandbanks, gravel irar&s,sidr,gi*" *r, jesr f requenttr,v- rtrcks- Thm lYetlamd q*tLtmi*s 'stiri€** rv:fttcr thmt ia nalinn mr hwr*klsh 4.:,v il1""5 prp{.}duriug rxo*r r:fihe yewr {.rr*i**t's ft+ S*r ffcm*sx,rrui*rlfl€.fr fr-ke &etf.s$Fs,}- Th* r*'etland "refains mrrne *f i€s **rf$*e creter a[ iryw tid** The we{land is larg*r tlla* iii S r,*re {435{i oquar* f*r!}YES : {l'ntegnry i t{{}^*-"- mctt a rr*ttrtmd {n m'crt;rstat lngonn#I'rtei ff$firt?flfi,l#.s3ro** midJsgiiiJnrsrf t'f} nrrsrJrrrrw"f.$*smd$*sedox ds-/irr*r'#ens.Wefland R.nting Forra - cre$fsrn *,asltingt#n ilRA-FT^,\pril IS*34
SC {"$ lntrrdunnl lVctlasd* {seep" 8fJlsthervetlandwsnt*fth,s tsBglineialsoc*lie.dtheWe$temBoundaryofftpi*ndOwnenship trr WS[-]S]? -//YES - gotc SC 6.1 N0 klnatm inierdlinal wetlatrd {wrattngIf ge* *nl*ll€rJies;.aa* x#f s#f xwdte rde tfu w*deed bffie# on i#$cwr*,oos.In prariical t$rrfi$ ihnt m*ans the fotl*wiag gengraphi+ *tea$:* Lr:nH Beac.hF*ninsut*-ls.mdswsstef SR ttlSr firaytand-WertpCIrt- lacrd$ xegt cf SR tt]5r CIc*an 5hr:res-C*palis- t*:lds wmt of $R l15 *nd $R. l$sSC 6.,l Is the rveiland CIns asrc or: larger, or is it in a masai* ofrnretl*ads that isoncs ssrc mn iatg*r?YE$ : Cnteg*ry* II N0 -g* i$ gC S.3SC 6.2 Is the wetiand between fj.I a$d i afirs, cr is it m a nrosarc *f wetlands thatis bstwsen {i.1 ffid 1 acre?YES: Categnry l$IfCxt.IICat fftWatlmd Ra':ng Fcrm- we.sttrn lYashing**c IIRAFTApril200a
DRAFT WETL{ND RATING FORM-WESTERN WASHINGTONlrlame of wetland (if known): So9.c- 6 QLer We;{a*u&Location: SEC: ? TWNSHPS%hN GE:l d (attach map with outline of wetland to rating fomr)Person(s)RatingwetlandWffiliation:u1wC-Dateofsitevisit:fu{e{Check the appropriate type and class of wetland being rated.I;,i.H.,ot.F"T' 5 ;,i '?i ,t€A $4. uc' {,iF' '$+...'" fl E :"q -4. ,ii .- :-:., -,,--',',':',I - ril,illr- -- :,i2*z3A,LNone of the aboveInterdunalCoastal LagoonOld Growth ForestMature ForestBogNatural Heritase Wetland, }-Ygfh$il-Tlrfle,, : r ',jr,,.'EstuarineFreshwater TidalFlatsSlopeLake FringeRiverine.,,,,,,,,:.i.l;S*dfl4$,Sgs8,, r ;1,,:.Depressionalt/Wetland Rating Form - westem Washington DRAFTApril2004
I)**s fhe wntfiumd lrdug rnted meet &n"v of;the rriterin helow?i {'y*u €{n.{xtrrr YES tei mm\. mf $re qu*sti*ns bet*-ntr yer* wil} need [$ prste*fr. the wetiandacccrdi*g t* th€ regulnticn-t regaiding the ryeciel c&,ar*steristics fosnd in tire wettand.Iri c#tffrrjer.e ffue ruExf nnp"$ #f'J&e sr*eprrr .q&Esd vrru+t"sfd reesd f$rjcfe-+w;,infI*.rcff-it+d.re.$r,*#etjl'p&r*ilJ#ssqf ilreH,ef Jq€d&f s.trgruSr{Th* hydrog*omorp&ic ctrassif;eatrerr gr*ilps m,.rtieeds ixtc thsfis iirar functisn in similarways- T'hisr;frnpli{ies the qr*mm.tirlns n+lcdset ts *{rsl.J*r k*r.r,lvnlt ttre m,*tlnnd f-unctiuns. The }trirdr*g*om*rpldc{l^iinss *{'m" wet}amd *aft bs} fut*r,irrin*d uufng thc kuy bs.low. $ee p. 34 f"*r mem rletsited instructionsori classi$'inq u'etlani'is,t/tlrft/Threa te *9d ar E nrfun'-gere# pl arct rs r * nztrcrz f,.lp*cies {T/ E spt c i r:s} ?For the pre?sses *ithis ratirg systeryr, *d*ourne&ted" rlr#ffr:r$ rh* vl.etlaud rs {in 11:enpprrrprint* state or fsder*l dntahase"AL. *lns rfte u.erfuptef f.t**wrers dr &$&ffsf,fo* *o:t Fi*dercfJ;"t fisfed.A?. Fftes rS* rt'*rrur*mud &erv$ dder*u.ome$r.ed ss &a&arrrt_S;r u?.n3r g6g,e Jisred ??,rredsr*rresl *rrLntli*ttgercd isitzxt #1" #lldrff#J spccr'es,]Fnr i.he purpeb€s cf tf:is ratiat systa:1 'dc,e.u"m*nred' rTrea:as, tlm .wettrafid is cn tknsts-1* databaxe.43. flnes the rq/srl$rd cq:ntzun indi:r.iduuals tf Priorig'spe<ies iist*rt b:" ttle WDFWf*r Lhs state?A4. Does th+ lvEtXaad hsvs a l,Bsal ssntfirn*es in additic:'r te itx f*Nctis*s" Fcrexarrple, th* +r,'erland.lra* bean ider:riF:eci in th* $fu:r*lis* Ma*ter Frtrgranithe Criticnl Areas firdinrulr"e. nr in a l*cai marmgement piari as iravirngspec i a$ si.gnificarer,,*,\<tl*rd F.ating Fuw - rs'nltlsmr \\"nshingtun I} .AF?,{prii 2S*t
lV-ettslrd llirnrelClassi{ic*tinm tf Veg*t*ted l#*fl*mtts f*r w*ssfsr"n WashingtonS*=* i,q-j**ht"d$*re: 4/lg/"-f{Ir:!'sler {,*'"+-'1s in t*rr- r',-*tinnd usu*iiy r:*nir*Xted hy tidns 1i.*" exs*pt dnring flaoSsi'lgrr lci i 1ES - th* ai."'cttrartc"l e iass js Tid*l Fringeit-yes, is ltr* saliniq,' s9*,!* R"atsr d*.utnpi p*riods $f eril"!*a[ lcw ftorn'b*lo:a rJ.5 pft fuarf"s perthr:usar,rdp YE$ - Freshitrxt#r ?i*sX Fringe Ht)* $alfsater Tida&Fringe {Esfunrine}il.i,rrur rvst/c..r# crii$ *s cJir"r.*fi*,:g *s ct flr'esir:+$le:r flr.edkl Frrr$g* iss* f;te.-li:rr*s$rr SF,.eru"'aenu,rl*srerJ*-. ijljr;s $sd,tvdlxrtr Ji'r'fuJ ,f,rffs&n* r$ l'*s rwfeti *i*c *rs ffs$**rsffe r+.'siidllirt'- WEtl.ands th,atwcre cailed eat*arin* in ttr* fh:st and aee*nd sdiri*n* *f lhs rathg $ystfffl are callCId SaltWaler Tidai Fring* in t"he h{_v-ci.r*gee'rn*qphic Cla*sifis.aiion" Es€*srice wetland* rverocategcrizcd sspa"ant*iy in"itr* *arke:' edit{ons. a$d chi*s s*parati** is beingkept i:l thisrevisiilft. T* mni*taim n*n*iu[*nc3- betwe*s adilitrxrs- t]rm tenn "Hsiuarj$eru -ul-ettaud [s kept"I)Isn1s* rr*t*. ir+R.etsr. th*t fh* *harartedsti*s that tj*fine fs{*+gc4r i and lI esilrarin*w.,e$anss tiai,* ch*argcd t.*e* p, ).?" Is FbFr:cptlgnaph3' ia'ithin the !qe?*l*ixt #mt nnC pre*ipitnt{cn is crn{y s,:lrf,ue t>gt}?'b} ofq,at*r tn it,fi{C}- eo tc 3 Vru$ - T}r* wstl*nd *]as-s is Fla**{/iiy*:rr w-*tlru,ld ns.m bs *lw-qified ff$ & "Fl&{sn'r$*tie:ld, use x}re fcn"nr i*r Bepressieniilrve {iaurls3" Dcns the 'prctla;d mee* k*tll *f th*: fi:}I*''ving criieriE?-The vrg*hlledpad *f rle* wetlaris$ is +rn the *h*xe* *l'a bn*dy +f opra w&ter {wilhout any'\,flS0ff,1ti$xr *$ ths mrfh*s) i,q,'hp,re'mt lesst ?{} $*rss {$ hai *re pereranently im$rdated{'p*ndec{ *r t-!*,>dqdh-_At le*st. 3llS'i) of the m,p*u. "-v'ater area is dnepes.thun S.S tl i2 rnjl'g+ to 4 Yn$ * Th* wetl*nd cXasx is Larke Fringe 4latuetrime Fringti4" ilees the wrtiandmeei ail *fiire t*ilouing *.rit*ria?-_---The',1'*t[and is mn n $tsp* {sfope *:r*m fir,r l'er3""g"r##s*sf}"" .*_Tir* uifrtf,r {lours tlircrught the r,vet]amd ln une dicecti** {*n{d{re*tirrnat.} and usuailycrillti$s ffuru seeps" it may fisv,' snb$riris*e, ns shs*tllorr., sv ir1 a sw*i* rviiho*t distin*tbanks.-'Ths \$'ate{ leaves tke weiiasd retfh*at beieg isrp*u"mded?NftTE: *-ui?*tce r,rrurfsr" dmes rt*f J-:osrJ rn t,flyese qryw *fn*fJ*lndn' e*rretpf $*c*,sloricfftt i#t,e/'i., $tlrc{lid rcs?sf $&sljgl$' dej?re.,rs$r}rffi r:r" d}eJruad jir,ry;,'x*c&s{ d-eprr*ts*r:}s-s #F's rrcsJr**1:t"i-.T$ r*ruru*fr.n mmd I'clr.s rirerui l y*rrlr d*pr.gn t* 5 laE$ - The wrtl*r*d ctrxss is SI*pe5" trs the wetland iri a vatir.v*. or sto***rri c.hsn*r*i. ivhere it gtls inundaled by *verbalrii. flooding trcmllunt str*arn *r rilr'rrT 'Ibm fi**$ing *howld (F$frrlr a$ !*a*f r:$sfi sv*Fy tw$ yfl&r$" c& the av*rage, to$ltsF,.*f "_vfilq" .' f,fl* iwf/*;sr.f c*n ccmlcmr Cl'.$.*e*:srerrr,c rftnr rr*-#fic:rd lri:#l r,i.,e}l**'l.-',**rs rfre ri.rer fisgrr to 6 *GS - TI:rs c&etlm&ri class ie R*vn*ffiffieltWetl*nd Rati:rg Fn:r'rn * lt'sstf,r:r llasklngion S&.AFTApril ?t}Oa
&. t"e th** rnr*ttnmri tut -t luip'mgr+rpfu-ic ctepressi*,r:ft ui .lftt*tt wnt*rurlrr.ci.u, qlE is saurrvated tm th* surf,are" atr-,g#iiii4i.fitO, go tcl T YgS - ?-fi* r"rettantl *la*s i* B*pressioaal\-'7, '[s'r;he r*'eilasrd. lccaisil in n very U{*.tr rlr*a iu.'ith n* obvi*w cleprcssl*R $fld no stl."ear* etr riverrrinid*g t.hruuglr il mrud pr*vi+l{ng. lq'rft,-trn. Thc r*'r*tlru':d ,s*ems t* }:m mmlrutmi$**tr by tr:g}rEr*llmdwnLer [m rhq: *piffiie iv*tis.i-rC ::i*y h* ditskrr,J, blu h,su grn *biriffi$s n*t"*ml emtlet.Ntl * gtt {tr's qg$/-91tc ruet{nr\d c{s*:i is S}epr*ixsitlre*l$. !"aur ivetlend seerns l* be diilic*}i to rlas iiy- Fnr ex*.nrple- r*e s at th*'Lrase clf a stroire 64ygi'nctr i*to e n*,,eri*r-- fln"lmr$ir[,r[rn- or" n srnall str*s:n lvithin n detrlressienm*.l -rru*tla*Ei hs$ a x{}ne offlocding atr',:ng its stSu.si, fi,*rc*tiex,*s w* i-rriri *trn:rasnemstirs *f sr.*veral dl-ffer*nt h1=*dr*gs*:n*rg:fuiruiasset ra'ittdn crue.a,-etiusibm:n$nry. \,.Ise thm ib{lcrwierg tahlst*: {$*irti{r thr* apprr*pxiate class tor.rse ibr the :-a-ring sysi*nr if,y*u iraq"e s€v*{a! F:Git{ class*s Frctii;i}i u.l*rin }'c}nr -iveti;ij}d. NOTE:Use this tabie er*ly if rhe rlass .ii-ra"r is r*ecsff"1*ffi1+ql i:r ttr* ss#{in{l *4}l{$rrxi'i r0$}r'o$til[l; l*t/i cs' morr*:l'' th.t t*tai nrsit ,lt [ino: r,u*f[-lrud Lieing ratsd. ]f [h* arna mfr t$l* rifl$crmd t*tru"sm f nr [*ns {ksn t*J% cla*sift.lhc wrtiatmt:l uisfmg ihlu liilt, ctrass",#i$**trtp.,Lise,,';x;: &lit1nt "'|tt :":'t' :'.1!\j!v.tIi;U{ffi*pr*sB;isn*JLslse Frincmt!*-press ein*l' l^--^^ ^- ^-^ \ 1rJ€iri L:$$id!!IdiTr*st as HSTUA&ji\E iindel\,b #r[$.${*-q *vith ry:ec ial* LI nsi*i,r feri$.i" is st l^*o J- F i: rivii: a-J:U l-rL I aL! r' !a!l!LSicpe + llepiesoi,*n.rofSicpc + Lak* Frins;ffi ei:r*ssiu,tr,rt f' -' l{iE *r:i*m *.}einrg shr:s;,}"n'm ur,ithiu hurtlrrlas-\,"D*pr*ssi*nai .r Lake Frix,s*Sali Waier Tldai Fring* aed +;:;, +ih+r uiass cf freshwaterw*ti.cniitrf liou are rmabie stiti ic determiue i,,,'h{*fu rlf t*e ab*v* *riieria ,.rppi;r t* j.--*:.ir '"r.ei.1*:rri. *r lrcxr hav*lx*re thffI J F{$S'{ clas.q'es a-vithin a'rer*tlanii 'b*iirr,Jary. cin-*r+itr,r,: th* lc'ellau{i rts F}*pr*ns{s}m*} i$r"+l- ^ *..: ,-,.rrlL I AtLf-L-Y.,alVstlnru,i iiatlxq l,rim:- q.esie::n Washrugtmn $[tAF]Agil 21t04
ffimt)t)'v\t_JnDt)'f,;vJ'["l\k- Water Quntit$' Surnuisns hltrltip].E [hr] $**r$ *r*":r I]l h3' I]3-':$rJd se-sxw r# n'*&J"e s.ffiT?83[] fi. t]*es s&e w*f]mmd [n,nn'u 6he gpggp;ffiffi frw flrnpr.eve rvsser qunl$q'y {semp. d3}Airs:v*r YE$ i{;r"*r.l kgnw cr beli*c's therc :a:e p*llutanLr ifl ffir:unrirEe:c*r irr*crfr**..1*.1*r e*rninE inu* ih* w*ti*ndtl':a{ rvc,uldr s*l*ro.v1*e yertltae \ua'[ii rymifu i.rtshea*is. i*ke*c *r gr*iindr"*at*r dc*ar:rggadif;at ii,ffin the r*r*,iiand? ;\i*r-,cr u'Ericll i$"tlit.;i;.Iir.;rr:l;:g' L.i;.i'(ti;li)fr) r)l-{rV!,;tt' ftiti .tijiC-rl,jls q-ij-F+,Yiif"iAjS.-* rJr*aing im $1,* w*[tr$clqt qlr u;{ti;i* ] }ii fi- {jnfre;r3*d st*trurryater *le*}telrgcs t* "ov*ul;tnd!,r r - | ', '"t' :.i! .1 I -t--. i--- T*jle llelstts sr c*ithards lrolthin 15{} fr" nf ;un-cif.sttd,r'-# iu Gtrie"{1: *r r*trmrt ciisrXtarg** i$.ii} 1,rrfii,}.rr^[l t]r*t drai::rs tl*v*tfip*d frrfift.$,r*:si*'Jm:t[r;+l it]rtrii$, A',rutmed Jiniiln, ruitth,, ';r c'[eai-s'tN l*gglrtg' i4cu,[q:turatis]- lwhsn ar*il$] g,*if'olu-,onrrs*s *r* **iXflitr ] 54:[ ft wtrt"nrtand- . ih*:-.c*ftre;'m $ t,3il#cr.-,ra in T-l i,ITmtrll {'ur [S I"dd,cf r-Jnrrp*;rart,.t iit $&* ,ixt-xs,i i;$rlue'Di.4 Clmrac,t**ptics *f s*aeunatr p**rifng eir i**cld{,tti*n.?l'y.l.s ;',q the *r"e* iltrf$e ir.El;'.J*;:d t:rulr r;l;:+rur*-i*riil.,4;;r',rr ilgrr-rx i ir+;titr.s" iti,o ,s"'",!ss *riis*rre{ii$ts iur"ar g f*l{l:r,e{?l'" i}g;' rc{.}f c.trurfi/ flie ilre*r rfte l 's prr,m';6.66ru.1"-&'por,i#rrlS,t'ld'r'rual*: *?'{i{J dtill 'f.fi*: L,rl1,,:;"u-Ss rrg:rv:'i"*ic+n -i a:rtrr o/'J#"'u'1"&Ar** se;l$,,i:rn*lly' p*xLdetl is > t't !*!.ai arcu u: i'lr'etlasld points - :lAma iieauorrall-s* p:**deS fu >1+ t,tm*l ar-** *Swetia*d p*"*is : ?B-run. sa**t*:"diy p*:id*d in c 1& tt.eiai a:ea ef,eq'ctlt*il,"l p+i:rts: 0l\'*TF.: Tea i'erJ .,"c,r irecicdilors *i'se{"it,s#*i'cni/ g**"rla:rne-t i?tuic,${i|ii}{i^"fr * Lin n':[ llm ]*urststept- t]i:r.gr*er:d u t-r,g*t"tii*n d ii I tt *fl aru,npsir}ts - *m 1.3 Ch,arari*rjstir:u nf'p*rsi$terlt vsq€ti$i*n 1ctlr-*rg.ent, sirrub, +si{*i*r inrtl# c*iltss}:"ti{:l*n{.tr fins S*i*iste.*t-'ungr*'z*,S. v+g*tati*ru } - ':}5Y4 .:f sl*a pilillts : -il}/*{].anrl l:as tr*rsi*{';nl. *sga.'**ud. -.a*sgetatitiii i : }o? *f"atea p*irrts - 3Vr'ctianu:i lnrl puo';nsist*n"[- lrngi*a*ci rrms$Tfr]lion -'': ]i'i{},*t grc;* p*a*'u-t * }.D 1.: Tls soil ? i:rancs hci.+i*.: th* si:-rfacr i* sla:",t, ofgaiti*" *r s'ffirill' nncxler n] dro:r.*ft :uifici* nr" i"orfrrl *".ESSi.YH|S i:*inss:4i\lt:b i:i:i:-'ii,s: t!* i.l Charaffie;i t'lct *i'si:ifu** e.'aier slt:ra,s *::i criihe *e,iia:=:d:ll'*tl.an,i is ll d,ept-*usinrt ll'1* tt{i $iirtret,frlvmrr *ut$etWe tlur,mi"fl Xr"ir.s a* i-rrteu*i{telriiri,' t"[,nv-'itlrg. 'nr nigitiy c#:Ilsiri.#t#d, $$t[*'['\fu *{.$nrn+J hes a* Lr***fislrililrt*qi ww hne $utieiWeriand is rT*t and han nti eb'"i+us (ttLt-iet, sr *uti*t is.i ditcirT)*irr[$ .- Sp+-ri*:f.s = ?p'r:i*ts : lpfliili;s * t#$ [. $srcs Bh* r+**Isrusl hnve *h.e q+]emtiqlt*ftirnprove wef,er qna]!ry? {brrp, "$7}&,#rnrCtin:ii*rIftufrVe*r.:rC ?.atiuig 5r:rn-r - wesiu:i \liashie#ir:'li IIP*g-FTAsgi Z,{it!"
j.(j{ii itrs-v:r.lJl$rpfi i]*J,trS[{$i{s?,q{ itrs'w*.n - TIrft:U :iwg1u1g !xn+ll,?,11.ru4tFI,**r''n;i;%f3 - $?.rxlfi{r qi{si Farilfiiltr8 ,rlt{il s€q iifitr51€,&lJs ""ffI g} s;l$str Htiriiu#*J* s]{iEru a}ir : srur*d ia1s..,ir ds^r1 rSerp +*e;-r{:rs s"W $* $Tr,$Tt$,+;ld+p lprns euq r*t $Lti+ sT FrruT},$rl\- - -". --iF- - glrJi''lil. ,)sw,I$-$ €it$J tI ilxl E }.sFll[ 1r+ "rr.L"i sE"tH],"q5 : S3iq,Cid il{}q}ff$ ilrfi.ij lj I Fsssl l,u JJITJ sqJepq. . ,'^-* *-fS : si{n{,!* ".pH'iltr}n$!. _;s}9;lrp€+Q." s SI tr}{rB$a^$ sEJ.4 : slrxx*d *tifi.{iisr s{i} $ail}*€ S { ?sssi tp.*.:tr fir*ipur:d;o ,sryepli.,-.r'..--^. --".! .-...,1.- 'rlir-i8:"+vu$er*vrr'tr;ratur'{dl f"r{fl'lJi{:fi1't:}$"}ii#{r;: ,r-i*rd *s.r^rJ f4}ffs Ol1,l_;b {is.}fJ#S #V{ ;}'tt}qft;Srurtrlre;tdjib ,fly"5'r*t' J#j 5ia?{d{fl,f;fsp*t;,*r{ tr**1, .$rqs*p +$etr:ir,{* qtatrul f"[ fi"atilqjr -{Fari* sE$ iai "siirr#*t'#rdi ffi?Ffi $_ rsg Ls{ffiJ.c : s3€r*.ri q.umnmrggCIp drtr 'putig,g*,rt aql - arseqi s$strf. Sjy16 #r[T u", sr pu€Fsf**6 .= S-3UiC*{ FIltrrn*},.l$ ATii JS €*rS Sr{3 S*.{rffi fr*i msit+ *J*rl} F} L}r.sEq eii_3 jl* l?G"iE 3i{l_g : *'prt*:d p$eilt^t GT{a-.FG Ea-il'# tqt $sr.u$ ii#l r3l #l sr irlsEq;q?Jm u*Je sqlg - "u,nm*ci pUFII*.reJnl#*',Ti; *t*i,l-.yl]^gl'.y-yljl qHEr{ sqi t{} lr,}isi iul.t,lri#.,r'flJ d il/f 0,I jli?ffry,{.?,i{;)iit,?ir.+f #,1r{*;q**rzs_.,fi H#:;K::;:x;iffi ##ffiffi x$*.#ffi ffi #?,tTT ,iE f (J Lii *.J*..F*- ,{.1dpgmu G}d f aq 5 fi rit a"t{}$s 'tltttiptti,it* $ifr,,tf i"*ji:f,.1"a.$sdlrr).i&' aolei*/'s'l pfCIdfi|fJ#J"ir ;ivi fJ$ "d#.fi3,!r aq* Jil ?6dJ{) ffilr/li;J"lf"[fl# lf]fff hftrt*t?]sa r,fi!"' w* "fj# "flr?i"t"dia$F,?' 'c.i.!if !,:xrt rfrsng' 'a|wx atzi *:$a* p*o$'stl'if:j.ry$ #.tflj'fi-iis F'{b pa7t}-sj.wff}.1.T ars{dpJ3,ft'$..4 -}ffJ $ifrdf fit*llnrrl;ai*a e,1:.i! fl;,e+-;F.'it.ttip'}'**rx lqmd fq;ip**g -$Eii 'EW $[€*.il*\-' ii]."[#'rtl..{ # i}]"ti:l4equ+ti$liu SsrT] j$is,&JJotiTirJ a$e1irrs mptrt*t:dr"un g:$n.IE Tfr$gt* t*tr sur{* I}$sTt*,ti --"tr**1ci<l-id 6*po*g sr;rl -iutTl r[is*.ffis Jr:] i*:"tt;,s Gt silxffp F*ei++,q --sr::*1q*td frmrpc:*;5 Fsq Tiel1i t{re*i}$ "}o i"?.&r; u-}s i*}s,.epe+rl s it} si FI.I#i?[,r{:g -,:*,iJrin "{rs$f1ryir#{l;) ffir*1*,1"*"rur_,rr1/"rlr.tJjh q';-se/,a ;:;*,qr"ti.&\{iij *ftrssJG Jc;pEE irAlgssSHs s* sil.rp*t:L+ Ltrr-}"I"i ggi}Jl1#s+: +ilp*be pue,{u+dcrrd{"BH*.[}S&UeS 1.r*i*;* *:d;*q S+pr,i.*.rcl tl 1,t45*nllsA "xs$$h\r rin $c]r]srlgg-r -r*r *alsm,lnxspi--)+13 3Li+ ?Jsli.l{ p*q$i$rsi--t aq} $t $#r&:, *{H ilt 5I F-ffi"t}l}*,tr *{ti.ii SA.& JA's.€l=dfrr{$}st*rs puw ffu-xgs*str aareps$ o1ffirprffic{iro aq+ #.{sq p**p*o *r'f-tfr#ffli"r,e;TdriprtrrIssr.,{1-:3i{Lr-:*ff$f$g "d trtv #!Ef*? trti #.#{P;}s trtp}Frfi, ffi ,{q f, # ru{ii} Bi**s *q1"{trdg.1nprJ $lr>*unr{ eS*pxpf6 * Tt"J,GJ,{.i : :i"31F: rF.{q sir$Hrs l)ilr tsi{ sigfi€i]?&ffi{-zilfis:nl{fl g J0g = *1u;*ii; : tlrlr*dy: SP.l.tUrrS?aJ:!n{} sr3m;il'tfi pcl$Ff,3sffi*:ffrn c€ €?:i p$Ei+#,t\i*itrl$'p*1*ulte** stqfi;q ;e''fim1 r*r:6 .{nXuasarsu*l${ #B suq pffHii ft\lslt*.{:i J*}e,u 3}E#ft$ slT 5iul.t pt#}j{isl1;\i,]{im$fiAe tq}Jffi t*1*} s.e{*F.Is:is"&t *}H.}m$J0 s$q1$Lr*i*u;r8qJ i'g tr{TfJLJl'
f{}{}f; [!"rd:YfT.1"jVEG {iLri5$EEi:ej*! ri::+sc,f;n *.u"ttsi ?qiuq pIiEF*&t€VJ,lfrVIlf. 'ql - srur*d *Tfu [1 : strr-tod :'ed,f+ I: - crlrrfir{ eanif; c-J -. .'r*rus L v#5e ;i= swra$ **tl*t' 'n ffind$ -ffi**ft prugr sad,rr ff#f$*qaF*{r'6';aqrur.nu affJ ppt""r, {"l;-\Ls3-pe$$$J$ret*il*isn***e.€;*r4'sc*:u* i$*{cluggq&*';{tii}*en) e1u.ryu S.lo la* g *A.$q swsr.fffl prf,i$lssJ$,{---"-{;*a*r g-ro{iE< ar=*q s*3s +,f*q,\+- ss#JFJ pasa:*gr{-gece* -"G*f< ai=?i{ sqTu{ds F"raqris. see-tei qniqsrqrJ*squetrd ruafi:*rirl/_i}#q fl{1t?rfiE}kr*wv:or4t/7*,ro**S*f*ff-&ffi{#i*#ii#ffi-$TiHg#'::;;:;:',{*,{Egziaaq@t"1 fis;lrq.od g * ptrfift*'lr* !W, ashrr*Ltfsa;rdr-sglxloel g: F{r#JJ#{+t a*'e*p,,4d**ryr.r? -**--pmeils,\t sr$ "*l qu*unsu -lm'ut ut+,.&:]s si13.{t:'!$$LJ dxleu*su*5 "-* *-'-p'riEila,le aW'crt tuffiBfug;r: "i;.1J*rt,iJ Jr* xrle#xas Sm;rw.*g €gtrt**ueeru*d ----+6itc pap:np *tz1 = irn*d $rasa:d **t[,ft g p#]trp$tlrsl J* i]sg]s,*"$,{gerr*l;*ro*6l-g: $ur"** *ussrg.{d s*C.{; g T:F}eS$nfi: rs g}str}o{}ffi ,/riitlllinsw*g/-g : siur*d w*E*rrrd spti,{i aisni J{} fi pa1*puiii}{ J{i N}*p$l*l-d ,(pm*ummc*f n]{}jrad*xrpQ_p"ir .st* *y;r/g"r;m ap "iq/'gxeg *ar;ui 'i'ti'\{ri i}i it-tf,.# ?"r .{r-F Wfr'??Ae er# jfr %t}{ EAffl{E F-d*I,L{2r{$.1 *f: W *s*saat .l$?-}*1fiziJ "!'{rlryi*M, a*!t tirg!!,tpasa*i isprst"r;+ti*"tpirgi sae**r"Ta"* -*agx*n.r{?r.*.;*tl$i ary WaryJfl,egg Ca*s.j'*pi:1@ffi ' {,' I Hg = stnri;d s=J.*-r?ds E ),g- : sprg*d s*l*odE s{ - s 'st31$s#,*{ it*rr4i..'}4{:ii,F{l *;u;".oar,Lt;,+t7fl * $ttr[fj# n*'i::ed* 5g a :psluncs ni-'t { -1 1A!]i'itiJu(jrF?frLi{v} 'a}wsaiei}i aldtnd:rsr,aF.{rrerm:i F?ht TJ{r.*$J.t. utr{st}"i?tE apnpat rcu $df{"ffi#rr*s*.{i{d #sis #rdu rspiir sr ps*r-'ffifl1f-*fj;ffii-::":Jff'"ffi:}f;tl'"1ffi..,;aa;a$tp; 'fJ $$ lsu;*i x* "ee,rs* ffir$ par*{}p,{t *q} t{} su.r**adn errugdg* r+Eurtti} i}tll. ;un+}}ffg'xfaar.p@'g'IH;sq**ds dumtu r{r} ;x*lqa'q ap!.*rlrd *t igiin-E €q[] n,rmq pilHffia.*il *qs reofl 'I H"?%-dV
4j#f8I{ 1.,.t.,"![llmriii,nd ,fl'r,rrm thc ciittgrants b*ls)\h'rx"hmfh#r imtilrxpcrsinn bctrare* *?$s ufvegelt?ion {describmd tn H 1.1}, *r v*geinti*n ly'pes anri unvegetrai#nr+ns {ranincl$de *pe$ i{Eltrr rlr nrlrdllarsi rs }rigfo, ruedi*rn,l*w-. +r:rctn*.hfrlxrtr: t.}prc*;its L{*w-* I pmir*i:lt{cid*,iet*: t $*lfttsfiripnrinn bu*"ri rl*el qlm:r nels]ij;sh - .3:r*ir:ln-sN*TE; 3f,yau i*qi n {*ur +r,i;}ere '*'rg#,sti*a t:orm* nr thi*e l"e5ciaticil i3?csa.mdlq.mth:m fi]rtri${.! |!$H i .5. bpsqll ur{bi*ltis$iqs-{.r'ee p. 73,F{l/aE*l: r&e ftcr&rr*r.firctfurnes s&*# r^swsrcs*rlf rs ffie r*vrfsip}rt'. ffie $idr$#ej- 4f"c&**fu rsu", ilte nu-ntlsat" aJ prsixt-r V.*tii g;z$ inr* f\ze wefi **!u.wr;.4 t-argc, d.+rtncd-.-rilriod:1,ciehd.v,-iLlrin ihe r*eiiandi>4in. ciiameier*rrd 6 it kr*g;"_ L/ $tending snngu irtrinm's-hmr nt tfo* trotto:n >.[ icnsh**qi i"r rhs wuttm**-..*.-.*[-ificfsrffiut tumtk,s i[r** pre$*]x& i<lr ar T*utf (r.6 f,t {Im} mnd/nr *verhanging vffiistai{*nextends at leasr 3"3 * { $ur} *}rn- a{. str*s*:t tts at lsast i3 .$t { t *nii-- Stahie st*c-il herl,Frs c,l line r$eieclei ,tbat mighi be EssoS by Lveav*r ru mmsiriat f,*rt dcnning i--3$degr*e sicpe') {}R sipnri *f rer-nt bei:a'er acti}ity are pi€$*ftt-g--'4t lsasf. % a+:re *f thiir-srsrmry$ed grrrm*stnur{ rregete,ti*n r}r"I&rffs{i} braitc.ltes $re $+rflsffimtim ;irr s tfuai etr* 1*r*:rruwutuntly *r s*tstt*irtly inrmi{*ied..trsf,rair/a*r"esjirregg-.ixr;'rng fo'. cmrp;llr{rir-iusi-&r" invasire pianis *{}x;*r [e,sn th,ar:3594,rf tii*:.r,-ei!aaei area fur eaefu *tratgrr af frl*n{ilIn l" T#'YAI $cCI*n - pot*ntial f*r pi'*i,iding fu*hir*trldsf r,&*r $${i,*'4r-q rru llre cr:'du*rp*m sr.&e;r,sfflsmrneniEtrXi*:i:i n I i* It ;rt i r i e F trtrt =t.res{*i$ "r$'r"isltii: gt*n I-Xt A FTn-tt+.Apiril J.{,r{!i
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li i.JIiear *r adj*c*sliS* athpr p3'ig.i"if_c habitsris iisr.eld ba.' WDFW {hee p. ff..}Whi*h *f't]:m ,U,giulv:ln$ prriority habitats sr"s wi'rhrn 33{lfr { i*{}nii *f*he -ru**landl}iie,* IeruJ"S;,i'# rli#y"s o*'er*dJesi rd*ts*:r"lpri*llr rrj"*e"t*pt-r.il,rf,rry, flpapgrg*tu'p.-*Ripmrf,*un: 'T-he *wit *tlj*t*nt tr: aqu.*t{u uyste*rs wit-\ il*wi:lg w'aier tuhot csntainsele$eei.r ,;f bc'ti: *qwrlie alld t*uastriai *e*nya"ieras tl,&ichnrutmlfu: i:rfluetrre each *ther"Atp*n Sheds: ilge {rr,ffi_:!is*d strnrd*r:f +spem g'raater.tlmn fi.8 hs:t? ncr*i;}.*-ciifr$: #ma'$er ifftLnrn r.s mr {t5 ft} hish amni mrcrmr,i,mg bel*rv -5$$$ ft"_C)]rl-gruvlth Snr*ses: {ilrtrd*grm.m,'th wers{ sf {.ascade" c' asr) Sranrfu CIflei J:easi J treespmcimm, tmrmrttlg it txl*"trti-iayr;r*ii r";ffimrl1"1,r w.irll m*r:itsiclnnl sffi*ii *p**imgs; iriittr arlea.qt ?{} tracs{:e i& tmc*,/*c,u*} > I *m{3? ift} ijbh s*r. > ?S$ 3uear+ of age--S{af:1ry* forest* $ie;'ds i,r'ilh ai'i:rng* djq-r*eters *x*eeding 53 *,x* i31 t:i} dbh: *r*wnc,ovflr r:rey he less {fuftt 1ftfll.4; crfflr.rj fi{r-r,.*e r^rrri3i fue tmws tfuat l:#ft9/u d*um1,..d**aelnn**, n-rmnh*,,ls m{'samgso aud quantit}. *f lmrs* dorq.ncd m*inr",iej is gwru*rallyLmuu f"hl:ri Nr*.i ibir$d xt *$d.-granuth; &{-} - 2{i{i y*;** o,[ci n*,m*t *fltFr* ilnmrnd* ei"est". . -"Prairiea: R"sfatively *ndieirrbeci *r*ns {n* fuT dicated by dcminairee *{"rativ*e plaats}whe;"* sra*$*s aild,,tslr flc,rb.$ f,clrruLh* rratruai *liwax p{act rrcenmr.rrutqy,*T*l'us: !{traneigemcr?is *sea$ o"f ;-s s.fu ruhhie ranging ic} everry* *ize $.}5 -.?"* m {$.rs -6"5 tlJ- erminpr::++<i *i'basalt. an*tes,it*, anil,,*r *e.*a.ts*rnr.v-i**k. incXuc$ing ripraps{ieims nnnd rn.iri* taiIkigs- h{ay b* assrmiatnd wlth *hfib.-Cnvesl A naturaily *rcurring flfivfu-y, res*ss" v*id. *r s.vsfanl of,inrerc*mectr.dFasragili,--_CIreg** 'w..hite #afu; K'l*crdlands Sta*ds nf pexs* c,alc clr qai,L,{csfiifrr essociati$nsrvi:ere cait{}},}}' tr(r\r r{xge *f ihe **k r+mp*ment rrstlrq ,qtnnd is tStrs....."""-- *Urhmn .$nf*rrs{ *p*n Spurue: A glnr:;tty qp*ci.*n resi{ii:n witilim ms: [* ntl-i+cemt fa* the441sn sp[}$* uutl usus it i*r be*,*ding ,tncXror r-*,=gutnr fbcdisg; aacl:ortbc r*p*n $$)a{icf*ceti*E& tr* a *mmidot"r.onrrearhg *ti:*rgrf*rl4y,&n{r:r.crrs, *sp*cinli3 ti**s* rlwtrr-'ou{d. cti:cr"'vlre be is*la:*d: an#*;"ih* +peii -rp*sr is a*,isaiar.ed rers:a*t of natur*lli*hit*t ]i*.rger itrrnn 4 ha t'ifl u*res) ti*,i*tr is *rlrnnri:ld*d hp'mrhnn d*l-t:tr*pmmul,...*.. ."Ksftrmrp'lffimf unr'f*Iiks: Ile:ep-*.nter tidai httfoit*ts untt ndj*:rc*t tieisi r,*.e$ssds, tisun"trIyseml-errcl*s*d hy lm.nd t+rlf ,ir.it]r ,rpen. ps.rtiy ohstnr*tmei mr ,1p*,rm^dic efr*ss$ tm th*fiF*n oc*e*" axd ici whish {:}fi*,ffi}-'"cffi*llr is $i }eitct uecasi$nal}y di}*ir* Lr3' freshwarerrur.*ff,*crraa th* iamd" i"hre *qat{gdry.rglav b* pr"rr,*dir:a}$'iscr*ased ahe+."e .rhar c,f,rh**;itril $cfimn hy nrrryrmrntir:n. Alt'rng serffi tnrv-*rltrr-gS.cnasriinr*there is *p5rrexinful*tlilrtt,inrn 4"ti'5*3 l*'aler. Hstrrarin* hnh.rtrit r-xlsn*ls $$]$,*i**rn a*d lnn*frvard t* wfu*r+*ccttn-*ierivwi sm[[s ftre*-qr.ri's Acss thsn {*.Se'h {turing lhr pericxS of, everag* Eunrmt ncr,rr'fiorv. insiedss hCIttr *rtru*ries -**d Xagc*ne.r\{arinefE'stxarine Shsre?ines: Si$rc}iine$ {$c1i}de t{w {ate;tidai aed siikidai ec;t**$*1" h*ae"h.:s" anti ma}. alu* includ* ttrr hacirslac,rc aeiri adjac*eit corns$nents of th*tensstri*.l innc[**sp* {+"S,., r}iffE. sxri}E;s, :]-rs*rr* ire*s, rl.unff$* ir}s&d$$,,ii'i that e.rein4r*rt'tut t* sht+reii** nss**iretmd. -tish snd "*ildiifr a*rl drnt c*ntrib'r'rtr tc s[r*n*[lriu'fi;nctio* (e.g." samdt'r*ck,te*g recnritnrcnt- nutrialrt csats:ib#ti*n. er*si** c*ntroi)"lf w*ila:r*1 has 3 qll dmsre pri*n** imhit*:s *,1 p*!mt*if lveilanci fufisr } *d'{rdry iiahimrn : $ pdllb{}lf wrr[isr$"{'t [:ms Ihshitut: I\1n=fi1q]Wctimrsi Hei:l$ tf,{x"m- raasEetc} ltrrasi*ngS.lrrt &AAFiAprii iti0.t
Total Score for r{abitrt Fnnc*furns - add t&e peiflts fsr H l, H. 2 axd r,eccrd t&e sesr:lt onp.tH t. TSTAL $r,r+re - opp*rtunity $or providixg h*bitalCsCd S*e $ssrs$ f* ffie c+f;errtr'l *S*teH ?.4 Wgdg$d-Lg6d$Bp$.,ft:fur*:s* r$e orrs r$escrupfi**fsn**rsspe srsNrtxd *el.{wfJr*$d{ fj;cf ,Sesf fifs} {b*cp" f$3There aff at least 3 #ther r,vetle*d$ wilhia 11mile, qird tbe s*a&scfi*nsbetween lhemme rela'tivety undistur**d iligk* grszing b*wee* w. #ai*cd* *i{. es i* laks shore yrithsorn* boating br:t conn**tions shoutrdt{OT he bisec.ted hypaved niad.$, fiItr, fields,nr othel" d*velr*pme,nt. $!$lltts': 5The rvmtland is l-alre-{ringe crt a }uke wirh l,ittl* dist$ffuaxcs end th,rre are 3 *ther lak*-fringe rn'e*ands ivithin fr rnile psims = 5,lTnere *r* at leeet'3 *thsr wetlar:ds wit'hin. li rnile, sUT ths e+s:esstians hdw*aen themare disarrbed. Poinlc = 3The w*etiand i-q Ls.tree-fringe s$ a lske xrith disnu&anse e*d th*rs are S tlther lake-I'ringn rvettrand withiri l/: snile poiute: 3Thcre is at least I r-r'etl*nrl Nrithin }/i mile. points :2Thse are no u'etl*nds wiihin 1/a r:ril+. p*iets : fl4r;eb€5\*u"etland Rating Fr:rm * lvestmn Was.fuirlgtrui DRAFTr.lt.lApril JSS4
CATg#GRIgATI.fi$' HA$$S filS SFg{lI A' "flTfAftACT&R{STNf,$Pferdsw de'fm:nrmurer r$'s,fru $oesf#r*d sn#df$' ffte #ffi&fffem dessi"r"h#"{i &mfuint rxnd circfe r*sflpp fl$p rs#s€ #Ffi ,$rs""srs crrr$ #;nd+g'erryr"${)i."{3 Estu*rrirne neffl rrd* gsreg*. #fjDslqs the wetland r*est the fotlowing criteria tsr ssiuarixie we'ilanss?- Ttre d*mlEe*a ivff3r,"r r*:ghi-r* is tiutai,.l- \iegetatsd. aad- With n $stiffiri[l,'gler$''-i.ttr]en *"5 pprr. ,/yES * G* fc g{: t.i \;C trCst" Iilat,Itr*at" trSu*lrnt{ngtr"I Ifl.nt" ISC 1.1 Is ?Xt* 'i+ietln.:rd witXiir:r a $i*iit:na! $4ldl;ff R*f1:,1p, ;\i*tir-=nal Farjr_NatiCI*al. Esteary Rrs*ri'*. FJatural ,Alem Ple*en'q $taie Parls *i"Ede*a*i*matr,finl'iru:nnn*nf.ni" sw $*ir",nti fi a Ressl*rreunrtex" lEI;\# 333."3S- t 5 t 3'1r &-{\:itc li{ [.tl.t Is Lhs'r,*;etlund al lee.st I a*re in six* -*llr* rne*ts mt [*asf txrei *f t[rsi+ltr:r+i*Er iiue* #'<lr$di{ions? YE$ - Ca{*g*i4. I N#: te{,eg*nr itr- Th*.a,*t&an+tr i* reFativ*l"l u*eiitturhed t'furw n* t{iking, dit*hing, f,ll,ing,curlutvnli*n" gra;eiug- i*mcl tim* t*ns ttran lff*i sor.r:r elRsn-fiatt'*ys Fiesrt,t1**r;i*s, TF"ttli: urc]*:*"$eti:.c S);*ssr*i*r $pp. ;r!ffi {tre *n!5, sper;lmn ihmr cxr\,f,rin*i"c then l{it/u *f tfu* '*t'etistt*1, [k*n th* l+'*tls"eid. ehsui{i be given s. d**ttat{Hg fi,"{l}" Th* area *l Sptwtfilrr rro-*uid fus rtet*d e Cr*t*g*qv* X.i w":hi:ie thcreiativef-r,ilnrliilturh**i uFFfr l:tarstra."q-i* r:ati:.e sp*r;ie* v,.*rdd br a{);,n[*gurr {. Scl n*t- h*r.l"el-r.:", exc}wdm *.fu* nrnlm m{'$pet.rti*ur ii"l7 i{ctelr:tining rir"e nire* Lhr"*n$l*$,t$ *l i acye--nfl*.nr Lalsr, ii tll rf**r finn*Jrvnrei *njg* r:r [f:c ,"vcrni*rd lias e j0tt fr" LruJlbr c,rshmb, i-orest, sr tlii*rsz*d cr u;i^::Hir,i'+li gpass:i*na.- Thc wetla*d h*"c ffit lms{ ? *f thr ltrlloatcg fu* *re*: ;i**i .;hanne}E.d*pressi*m* lw{th #'F}sT? wiJl$r, ,rr e*ra*gunus frns.fu,is,s$i*r "e*f!ilr}}{is.C r-aq) (-,*SC ?,S N*tural H*r,ltage lV-etlands fsee p S?,1SC :" L-* th* *'etland an rscm*i with i&e lYaskingbre Narturai lterir*g* Fr-,;g.ra"an,*s shi*qil qilaiitv naliv* wrtland? {f pwrN rdn,r'r##fi*}rd$J,roar wdf/sri# nee& tn r$te tke w,e{#g,w{f$ss*a/ onr ri*uf[rr*r:*reilrs.il]-r*ckm,,i dr:te ii$ fn*mr. F*-R_- .A"irp*ndix n-{ i**tt*rfr*m s}JR--YE$-Cat*gcir.-vg N**{Wettan i iteting F**ir-* westea-n trk. a.siringf*c: IIP*F.iTAjrrii ?$ti4
1 l.i5C 3, I i-q t]r* ar*a r.r.i!*rff i-i?*ss*s er "hog plmt"e *r* tt*ririnsnt greater ti:ax ]4 a+r*?Y ES : (:ali--"r:r-v-)' i 1{t} go tr-r S( -1.-I$C 3"{i Seum {.r*rd}" d#"}D*es thry ivettlrmci{t-r'i part tlf the xvet{rud} r:reet l**th thE reite.ria $br s$ils s,ndr'*getnXi*n in b*g"r? {:s* tke fo.q, kef*'rv t* idesriffl i{tke w'et!*exii.s s *cg fi.l'wa*twtsw*r l"ssyrr *-dt? s#JJ rceed g* r*ie {ke w"etfswd bsse# en its fwwfi*x*l. Ilnns ,the r,ue,{,j;rnd h*ve *rgani:c sni}. }r*rizotrs {i.*. la;rers *f .*.lrgatei* s*iIi"e{t}r*,r peuls *i'rfiai*.i{,.q" i-tr*t *mur-1p*ss } $ ittcit*$ sr ru}slw trf 'tlt* lrrst 3? ierhesof the sci! prr:rfrl*? {S,** "'\pp*ndlx B 1:*r a fi*ld'kr'y to idsnnf}'oryantcrJUiNr}J;t'es-gctoQ.3?. Li*es tr;ii,e wrtlnnr[ t'ian.eg*t*Q.?*rg*ni,r nr":r;.lsr$ru-+s"!s *r mu*ks til.ef n,r* l*u"c th$li16 iualres deei: ev*r be..dr+qk or un intp*n**abie herdperl ruqfu ils cie.t' *rrroicnnie asl:?llcs - g* tn Q. 3Is n*t * tr*g ferr pl:rp*o* of, ratirE3. S*es tlrril'*tiein"t hmlie m*ie {keu* T${"{. r..i-i\r*r *f nr+s*es *i gtuutt*n.l*vel,ANI) orlr*r p[*nis, if grre,se.nt. ar,rnsisi uf the 'okreog"' s1:r*ri*lt I isi*:cl itl Tnbi* ]as a ,tl-gnifica:lt *{lrnpftile&c *fth* vegetati*n {.$i$t"e tlia* 3i}9i nf,tire t*talshrub anr* h***e*(iu.q ce-rv*r *nn*li*t-c c'f *pe*ie,q in. Talit* 3)?4r"""' r* ': be$ forpiilpr'rse clf tittitig Ncl * go tm Q";i[ tr t] - [El nl ULf!{ i'Ltd ytJt F LfK Lrrl"-l{^:lTil- lirvr-r1r mne rm**rtirin iib$ui tjrg *xte.::o;'*f r-*.:*SSeS in fhg }rnCfrg[*ryrcL,3!'i tl -!\r,yolt {11&,v *uhstituie ihat criterinn by measuritrg the pH af the "'r,rater lhs-tseeil$ i,T io a i:alc dug a[ trea$i ]#' deqr" If th* pF{ is less thes 5-8 *nd {he"'n*g'* pla:ri +p+ci*s in Tabie 3 ere 3:re **mt, the rtrtiand is a h*g-4. [* rh* la'e{ln:ld fuluss}.ed i> 3+-6",:$ rci\J*r'} ra,,l-bh sitka sF:r}#sr suh"-t}g*irit ill",\x'#$t#t$l t"*r$ *:*c[a^c, iq'estel$ h*;t-r:]r"r*.k, ]*rtg*p*!c pin*" 4rlrk$r.S s$pet"!iEnglrma.an'$ spr&sn, t-l*: x+'*s{:crffi lv}rit* pine, 1&IT}* aryn ef ihe specirs dsrccmbisiati*n c,f spec{ilai tin tirs br:g sp*cies piant Li*t i* Tabi* 3 as nsignifiranl c*mpcnen'r. sflth** prnmnd ff*tr*r {> 3#% {wsil"egt *f tlte t*ta!s/ru'ili: 4r,-+'blJ i'c'r-) I i-{ r'$ ver I iyLiS : fru tp SL- 3"3 l.j**.* Is nq}t n. trrurg ffuy:ptirp*s* *i"raliligSC 3.2 Is ihe area Iro'here r&*ss*i *r b,erg pl;rnts arr cl**:irlenl grcaier than irt asre?YtrS : tJategg<iry 1I r{0 * rate v''eiland bas*ei on fi"mrtimns t-'n$.ilst. ffCn"i" I\hrr:ltlrurd l{"utlng !'*r*n - x,fist*flrl \.i'asnrilryt,nr: I}ltATTAt'r*il lrl'trfird
P{iSZ il-KTY-[.c-va{ ilqt.4rlse rtqr $f,s.}.s f^/dr - u:J$J *ql"X Ft''d[[p,t'swef##ww{wF ws pesF# wwtwfl{#,ry&ptr$d e{Fa#w g##qpm" me,isart'*a.*l"swa no{.fJwr:aBeX l$iseso tr rfr trrlela,eL e 1oun4 p1i1 J;tx*ffa1e3 : SgAir*sJ *:enbs O{Cpi s.rs# #[/$ r*uqg.is8:q sr p{rel1a,.* 6EJ -€pP elfl{ ?u.I*3sitt *gs"liJns $liJt} sw$Os $ffi.ItH}*J g}HLr{}srtt *q.L -fg.*'r.iplurr? "3W ,ls;rri fiJ).iri$'Far{* ;}{j rxl .rynauJ;;e+r{ xq1-6*i tsl.lrm Sui'mp{tdsl g"* 4} qstqacrr4 "E$ *{d}IBr{ s{ }trqt J*lu"*l a*s:Jns $r,m+r&}$ puul}*.e *qJ -sx.*r-''J 'dgiu*ubaq s$*1 **{r '*gftr.qs'*qucq p*wff "s4uvqpuee .{q e-e+re*r Jr{irp.r# iriog prt€redee ;tig*;iled:o,i1i$q,,rr -q! $Eqt priiios r*8n J $i lues*fsu u*:l*sardap E m $+rl purFe.&-. ;]r{,1a,u**.$e{ FSSec* F &! FEeI$S*t E g$ ELI$STF$ Fr4jutr-r.1xl:3 er$J$ lle laem pusxlcAr oq][ ssmffirpg d aa*) **re*Se11 l*1$tro3 ug sp$ega,il 0.E JSt "$s3{^ra f!-f1\1.{.1*Saie3 : $$-{.'ry".trctrs-p1* *nrpuff$ }eq} TrBx[+ $$o1 :ti;wr**i*fi sr 1H{ls}81{1 pclttrsp s,B:ntr3nr rfurlwnh pruw *ssuu_Jfi sjrel$:y.[H *+.*u*pe**p o,{e.**p :.**qif ?B&# ssDtr aq.{nm i€rL*$ Ir&.#J* :{rn*ggiss{A*HE 1g ffr:rpa.**}"? t'i{qpi s"rffi*i#*q} *fi'mia*.s *,effi{ -dC, p6c *:a*n {ir..}f - {ig;]JE 533i? iS:frre1 ?Ql 3Jc{;u^ Splls}s {1r*:3 sFeJ$eJ fiqt-+s +s$tIJ :*1s**"3 "rnt-H -'"r*]'j3Rx*ip siwls s*s.Ix sAsE s} *esr{ Strr:e*s*,**tl $t}t} $p sl$#.tjCIJ q.p.rrc-r*-pt* *s,oH$," pllli $1 {fd}f.rs}"ffi} ,,s$il *qr "Jit"s\$[s uffso ane soie* qtrmcus.]Tsrtrr] ffiil,rii:l$r{Eqp rF{!ers$ w *,j\eq ffsge IlF4e s,p$E?sllt m s* I? p6o "tut"t plrp-rE$q-s,yrl'r+ff*;ial p*r$n-lo;r s$ssr$insusla rrr? passq sl qqp rflJ $ilgsliri $qi :EJON'sJs{sl:o iur* Igi ssqsx{ tilJ{:} tqqp.} aq$wq }$E#.dq }E "l#j.stmr*rtrm ih\Be {g rffm,;q* $rtr*J; i}ilfl b$s-*l }B s,Eu ri}q} t"ai€1ft*!r{/ss,s$ tr1g} .r*-rm7s*e*t8 r\-Eei }E q+T:rr :S$Tf,nredo ipt$$ 1e'Ji}r$EcJG r4li.tl rd*url pa,rcautr-llTniu E finllnir,;'ssr';)#i{s **s. *s&rt FEsf }s3s €E}ErmtS {tr**** FF#*$r;3Js }s:-&'i :*Ss***g e+*.1**S'pgry -r.?#{r.q,sirr#:${sr*s rnm,+^ri --**fr-ffiT,Y,ff';T*TlTff,;ffifift?';1;ifff:tri::,{{;;i#j#sq] r*Ji e$&lJ+ a*Gr{lJ$ sri$ lsffiII Xuq-l I$&{QJJ{} #r*s n }$saT 38 e,\Er{ p{i*y1p,t{ .#q-t ss$(:Iffi da*sj $prnsl$CIrtl pnl$s.isd S"F 35I "}G}
Sf, 6"S luterdusnl W*tl*nd.p {se*r. SSJ-ts ,ihs l+.*tlemd wese c,f t&.e 1S8S li$tr {wls* caltred the Sre*ene &***d*ry of Up]nnd{-}u*rersbip or 1IIffi{JO}T ,/1:AIi - g* tc SC $.1 Nfi {ricit an interdtrna[ s**tlant! il*rr ratfurgIf yan *fi#wsr y*s.pt*u wiIl still ne*{, ta iwte t}w wetlewd &ssd sn itslanetians.ln practlcal ternuq that rneunil thc fsiiewi{Ig gcsgrephis ares$:n Lun$ S*s*h Fe.ninsuln- iands w-sst of'$R 1{*}* Gruyland-S{eutp*n"i.* lands rvest cli $S. lS5r Ocea:l Shores-Copaiis- lands wsst *f SR i 15 and SR 1'#$C 6.? Is the'$,.etiand ime a+r* tr iarger. *r is it i* a smsai+ clf wetJaeds thst isclnss af.re er larger?'yS$ = Care,g*ry. II \O *ger 1o $C 6"3$t- S.] Is rlrn tq'fitl$$d herrq'een S"i and l &rre, cr is ir in n nt*ssi* *f w*tla*Cs ih?itls behai:eeg 0.i and I acre?YES: Cetsg*r}'IIICai" lICst IIlWei.land )R.afi*g Fcr:n - wssem Washicgiun DRAFT.4nri1 ?Sfi4
PLANT LIST FOR WETLAND AND NON.WETLANDS+ T: Tree, S: Shn$, H: Herbaceous & V = Vine.Reed canarygrassCreenins buttercupSloush sedgePacific rhododendronCommon har,ldnmMountain ashSalalWestern TrumpethoneysuckleOceansoravRed huckleberrvDouglas spireaCommon snouberryRed elderberryThimbleberrvWestern serviceberryBeaked hazelnutBlack hawthornHollvOregon FFapeIndianplumWax currantHimalavan blackberryPeafruit roseNootka roseBaldhip roseGever willowScouler willowAoole treeScouler willowPacific madroneWestern red cedarBitter cherryRed AlderWestern hemlockDouglas firCOMMON NAMEPhalaris arundinaceaRanunculus rEpensCarex obnuptaRhododendronmacrophyllumCrataesus monogynaSorbus scopulinaGaultheria shallonLonicera ciliosaHolodiscus discolorVaccinium parvifoliumSoirea douslasiiSvmphoricarpos albusSambucus fir€mosaRubus parviflorusAmelanchier alnifoliaCorylus cornutaCrataegus douelasiiIlex aquifoliumMahonia nervosirOemleria cerasiforrnisRibes divaricatumRubus procerusRosa oisocarpaRosaNu&anaRosa srmnocarpaSalix eeyerianaSalix scoulerianaMalus spSalix scoulerianaArbutus menziesiiThuia plicataPrunus emarginataAlnus rubraTsusa heterophvllaPseudotsuga menziesiiSCIENTIFIC NAMEFACWFACWOBLFACUFACFACUFACUFAC+FACUFACUFACWFACUFACUFACUFACUFACUFACFACUFACUFACUFACFACUFACWFACFACUFACW+FACFACUFACFACFACUFACFACU.UPINDICATORHHHSSSsvSSsSSSSSSSSSSSsSSSSTTTTTTTTSTRATI]M"XXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXCaobAREA OFOCCURRENCEXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSascXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXPsme