HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 October NewsletterRemember To Vote! NewsletterNewsletter OCTOBER CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: October 2021 10/04/21: Business Mee�ng 10/11/21: Workshop Mee�ng 10/18/21: Business Mee�ng Mee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule. www.cityofpt.us/calendar A Note From Mayor Michelle Sandoval Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our website for descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules: www.cityofpt.us For more informa�on contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360) 379-5083. The following Boards and Commissions have current and upcoming vacancies: • Arts Commission• Civil Service Commission• Fort Worden Public Development Authority (PDA) • Library Advisory Board• Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee• Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board Happy fall everyone! The clock is �cking on my final term and I’m coming down to just a handful of City Council mee�ngs before a new councilor takes my seat. It has been an amazing educa�onal opportunity for me to serve this city as a councilor and three-term mayor. I am taking the Mayor’s preroga�ve over the final three columns to write reflec�ons of a City Council Member over the last 20 years. I love this community and think it is one of the finest ci�es anywhere in terms of beauty, fabulous community and public involvement. “Passionate” is the way I have described this community. “A small town that lives large.” We have incredible people from all walks of life, educated and engaged. I’m sure you love it as well; that’s why we are all here. This column is a call to arms for passion, educa�on and public par�cipa�on. Your City Council works hard to preserve the essence of this great experiment, democracy. Even this small city has checks and balances, safe guards to insure public process in all decision making. This, I believe is the very founda�on of community. I see so much misinforma�on about any number of issues on social media it is disheartening and threatens the fabric of our beau�ful community. We are a flawed community as no community is perfect, but we have always been resilient, crea�ve and suppor�ve. I am asking all of you for your help. Having taken office immediately a�er 9/11, the devasta�ng historic event seemed to fuel conspiracy theories along with distrust in government. While these viewpoints gnawed at the edges of our country and community, now they are in full bloom. It has been difficult to see the changes happening over the last 20 years, trickling down to the first level of democracy, our local government. I believe we are at a perilous moment in this country and this passionate, educated community has not been spared. With the intensifica�on of social media as the place to find “news,” misinforma�on has no bounds. I would urge you to go to the source. And as I am wri�ng as the mayor of the City of Port Townsend that means the Port Townsend City website and City Council mee�ngs, but of course all of the local governing bodies have access to factual informa�on on their websites. If you can’t a�end when the mee�ngs are happening, you can listen or stream at any �me that is convenient. In fact if you are only interested in one topic you can search for that topic in the search box and see the video for just that one issue. So before you sit at the keyboard and comment or share “news” you can actually check to see if in fact that news you’re sharing is correct! I urge you to a�end mee�ngs. Give public comment where it will be heard and can make a difference rather than on Next Door and Facebook. We are just as easy to find on the web. Mee�ngs and agendas can be found on our website: www.cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos A strong representa�ve democracy relies on your involvement, so remember to vote on November 2! More informa�on and resources at: www.co.jefferson.wa.us/1266/Elec�ons School Zones Beach clean-up October 10 City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us All of us share joy and pain to some degree in our small community; it’s part of what binds us together. This hits home when we lose someone unexpectedly. On the evening of September 4, we lost a valued member of our City team, Josh Atchison, when he took his own life. The City mourns a collabora�ve, compassionate and hard-working member of our team; the many who care for and love Josh lost far more. On behalf of the en�re City team, our hearts go out to Josh’s family and friends as they work through this difficult �me. I praise the Police team and Police Chief’s professional, empathe�c and immediate response, as well as their ongoing efforts to support Josh’s family, especially given Josh was a close member of their own small team. As noted in the local paper, a celebra�on of Josh’s life takes place on October 2 at 2:00 pm at the John Wayne Marina in Sequim. All are welcome. Perhaps now’s a good �me for sharing some joy as well. I’m especially excited about a new staff member who is joining us this month: our first Director of People and Performance, Pamela Mar�nez. I’ve been engaging with Pamela for a few months now, truly impressed by her interviews and our exchanges. I’m very excited to bring her energy, drive and professionalism into our team. Pamela is deeply interested in working with our diverse departments, ge�ng across all our facili�es and crea�ng a posi�ve and produc�ve working environment for us all. Pamela is coming to us from nearby Sequim, where she is based in her previous work as Director of Talent Management and Acquisi�on for Altra Mo�on. Her former company is a large one and she’s very interested in scaling down her extensive experience and big ideas to a more close-knit organiza�on where she can get to know us all. Pamela is friendly, strategic, and mo�vated – and we’re lucky to have her. This new director-level role reflects the need for us to take our HR func�on to the next level: to help support and develop the City’s most important asset, our people, and to drive performance and a culture of excellence. Especially in today’s recrui�ng environment and during the addi�onal challenges and uncertain�es of COVID, having a proven leader like Pamela will be invaluable to the City and our community. Let’s remember that all of us work together to keep things running, to create and maintain what makes Port Townsend unique, and to steer our community toward the future we want. There’s an important place for everyone who has been here over genera�ons, for every new resident moving into town, for all our partners and collaborators and for every staff member at the City. That certainly includes Pamela, and I’m excited for her to join our team as of October 4. Please give her a warm welcome! A Note From City Manager John Mauro City crews have recently programmed the lighted signs in school zones for both Blue Heron and Salish Coast Schools. School started on September 7 and ends on June 17. Please drive with cau�on in all school zones and look for pedestrians and children walking and on bicycles. Check school schedules for a complete list of early release days, closures and other school zone �me differences. Join Soundkeeper and the Port Townsend Marine Science Center at the Pourhouse in Port Townsend for a coastal cleanup on Sunday, October 10 (Noon-2pm) to help us kick off our October 2021 Salute to the Sound for this year’s Week of Ac�on! Bring your family, bring your friends, and bring your face masks – we’ll have everything else. Register for the Port Townsend Cleanup and see all of our 2021 Week of Ac�on sites here: www.pugetsoundkeeper.org City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us PT Public Library and Online Programs Pool Update Outdoor Youth Services Programs On the library lawn, weather permitting. Bring chairs or blanket. Space limited. Family Story�me • Tuesdays, from 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., on the Pink House Lawn with Rosale�a Curry • Descrip�on: Family Story�me brings early literacy to kids and their caregivers with songs, rhymes, and ac�vi�es. Recommended for caregivers and ages 0-6. Sing-a-Ling with Keeth Apgar • Thursday, October 21, 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. • Descrip�on: Sing-A-Ling gets toddlers, preschoolers, families and the greater community into our bodies and singing together. Part story �me, part sing-along and fully loaded with laughs, the select songs and rhyming stories in this show combine finger play, movement, picture books, upli�ing acous�c music and an engaging, highly interac�ve banter between audience and presenter. Cra� Kits • Preschool and elementary kits available every week. An adult spice kit available the week of October 12. Teen cra� kits will be available the week October 26. Introduc�on to Astronomy and Telescopes on Zoom Tuesday, October 26, 2021 7:00 p.m. Check the library’s website for Zoom informa�on. Ba�le Point Astronomical Associa�on President Frank Petrie will dispel some of the mystery and confusion of understanding the night sky, how to know what’s up and when, and how to choose and use a telescope to enhance your enjoyment of the starry heavens. This will be a basic overview geared for casual observers and newcomers to astronomy. So come prepared to learn and ask ques�ons! Experienced observers are welcome too and are invited to share your knowledge. A�erward checkout a library telescope kit generously sponsored by a Spark Joy Grant Be�er Living Through Giving Grant through the Jefferson Community Founda�on. Tuesday Talk Series October 5, 6:00 p.m. via Zoom from the Library’s website Looking at the Costs of Racism in America presented by Kendra Golden October 12, 6:00 p.m. via Zoom from the Library’s website Exploring the Mysterious Disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization presented by Anu Pujji October 19, 6:00 p.m. via Zoom from the Library’s website Public Interest Movements in the 1960s and 70s presented by Ken Ing The City and the YMCA are happy to report that a new Pool Manager has been hired. The YMCA target for reopening early October. Rowen Matkins will be the new Manager and has worked at the Mountain View Pool in the past and is excited to lead the re-opening. We are making every effort to open as soon as possible. Once again, we thank all the pool patrons for their support. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their perspec�ve. Check back here each month to see a new staff profile. This month is Officer Patrick Fudally from our Police Department. How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend? A�er ge�ng out of the United States Marine Corps in early 2006 I began the tes�ng and hiring process with Port Townsend, resul�ng in being hired in Dec 2006 (just under 15 years ago). What do you currently do in terms of job du�es? I work in the patrol division on nightshi� and perform basic patrol du�es which include responding to calls for service. Previously I served as the detec�ve for the police department and have been fortunate to serve as an instructor in mul�ple areas including defensive tac�cs, firearms, domes�c violence, crisis interven�on and several others. Currently I serve as a Field Training Officer to help mentor and teach new officers. I recently completed training on hostage and crisis nego�a�ons and will be assis�ng with that when needed. What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City? Port Townsend is a beau�ful small town and working for small police agency allows me to interact on a more personal level with our ci�zens. In bigger departments you are o�en too busy to slow down and appreciate your surroundings. Growing up in nearby Port Angeles I always loved the outdoors and working in such a rural se�ngs allows me to enjoy that even while on the job. One benefit to night shi� is ge�ng to see the sunrise over the bay and our City. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public? I have been working here for nearly 15 years and I’ve seen a lot of change in the various City departments. One thing that always impresses me is how City employees always find a way to work together to do their best for the ci�zens of our community regardless of the difficult circumstances they may find themselves in. The officers and staff at the police department, despite challenges in budgets and staffing, work �relessly through long hours and extended work weeks to be here for our community. I am truly blessed to be part of such a strong team here at the police department. Introducing City Staff Why We Flush Water Mains Members of the City of Port Townsend’s Water Department conduct annual flushing of the City’s water distribu�on system. While it may appear that water is being wasted, this process is necessary to create and maintain high water quality for our customers. There are several benefits from a properly implemented water main flushing program. Flushing water mains: • Removes sediment in the lines • Improves the disinfec�ng power of Chlorine • Verifies the proper opera�on of hydrants and hydrant valves in the system • Helps operators evaluate flow available to each hydrant • Helps refresh the quality of water throughout the system During the flushing process, our operators will perform rou�ne inspec�ons and maintenance on water mains, valves, hydrants and blowoffs. Preventa�ve maintenance procedures such as these will help to keep our system opera�ng properly and will minimize interrup�ons in service. Flushing can remove water from areas of the distribu�on system that have low water use, since the older water may have developed color. Flushing restores fresh water and residual chlorine. It is important to note that during the flushing process, you might experience a difference in the water pressure in your faucets as well as some discolora�on in the water. Sediment from the pipelines may cause short term but harmless changes in the appearance to the water. If the water has a brownish color it can usually be eliminated by running taps for a few minutes. We appreciate your pa�ence during this necessary procedure. Join Soundkeeper and the Port Townsend Marine Science Center at the Pourhouse in Port Townsend for a coastal cleanup on Sunday, October 10 (Noon-2pm) to help us kick off our October 2021 Salute to the Sound for this year’s Week of Ac�on! Bring your family, bring your friends, and bring your face masks – we’ll have everything else.Register for the Port Townsend Cleanup and see all of our 2021 Week of Ac�on sites here: www.pugetsoundkeeper.org