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November 2021
11/01/21: Business Mee�ng
11/08/21: Workshop Mee�ng
11/15/21: Business Mee�ng
Mee�ngs are subject to
change. Please view our
website calendar for an
up-to-date mee�ng schedule.
A Note From Mayor Michelle Sandoval
Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our
website for descrip�ons,
applica�ons, and mee�ng
For more informa�on
contact the City Clerk’s
Office at (360) 379-5083.
The following Boards and
Commissions have current
and upcoming vacancies:
• Arts Commission• Civil Service Commission• Climate Ac�on Commi�ee• Fort Worden Public Development Authority (PDA) • Library Advisory Board• Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee• Parks, Recrea�on, Trees and Trails Advisory Board• Planning Commission
The next 2 columns are meant to be read alongside last month’s asking
for citizens to get involved in our community. Its hard in this time of a
pandemic but it can be done.
What did you fall in love with about this city?
Yes, this is to you newcomers. And as a newcomer of nearly 30 years,
I am s�ll not a local (that definitely a local joke, with lots of truth in it). I know for me it
was love at first sight. I loved the old school nature of the way the community conducted
itself. The people and the passion. I loved many things when I arrived; there were no stop
lights, no library cards (only an honor system), dogs slept in the middle of the street, and
people waved to each other at stop signs or simply passing by. Small homes in each
neighborhood were very o�en next to the big fancy Victorians, and economic diversity
was evident. The sight and the smell of the waterfront downtown, with boats on the
water. Shops were unique and locally owned, not the same name brands as every other
city I lived. Walking or biking was easy and keeping the car parked was a benefit. Everything
was slower, including the speed limit. There was a diversity of people at our gatherings;
from age to lifestyle. The daily sigh�ng of deer, eagles, and o�ers. The dark sky. And
parades. Parades for any reason!
I asked the universe to give me 10 years here without massive change, much like the
change I saw in my small hometown. I’m apprecia�ve I’ve been here nearly 30 and much
is the same. But change has indeed accelerated.
I would ask you to reflect on what made you decide why Port Townsend was the place to
spend your �me. I know I was ready to leave behind the place I came from. I was ready
to learn and adjust to this small town living. Are you apprecia�ng the place you now call
home? I had newcomers once say to me. “We are the good type of newcomers, we don’t
what to change anything…” I responded that each one of us causes a shi� in the place we
spend our �me. How are you crea�ng change in your new hometown? I had other newcomers
say, ”There is something magical about PT that captures you.” And as another said; “It’s
not just a tourist pretend town, there is real culture and community here”. Yes to those
I would ask you newcomers, take the �me to know the history of your adopted hometown.
Appreciate the new Jamestown S’Klallam totem at the end of water street, and also learn
about the na�ve people who inhabited this area from �me immemorial. Get to know the
more recent history of many who have volunteered to build this town in so many ways,
and those who work and volunteer to ensure the culture con�nues. Are you learning
about the changes we have gone through as a community before you arrived and why
those decisions were made? Have you commi�ed to small town living or do you want the
conveniences of the place you le� behind? Where do you volunteer? Do you vote here?
Believe me I get it. Some�mes it’s hard to appreciate this pace/place: The life at the “end
of the road” where not everything is instantly available. (“Dang, I wish there was an
Indian restaurant here” and other more serious rumina�ons we’ve all had). The power
outages, the funky nature of… well so many things. But what brought you here? I’d ask
you to remember what that was, in this �me of great change for our community (and
that’s the topic of my next column), let’s all try to respect our past and honor our future
by dedica�on to the values and scale of this small city that we fell in love with.
I say this with a welcoming spirit and love in my heart by offering lessons I’ve learned
along my path. For my final column next month I will have a message for us old �mers.
I’ll leave you with one of my 2 favorite sayings about PT: We wouldn’t get enough
exercise in this town if we didn’t jump to conclusions.
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
It’s sinking in now: I’ve been in Port Townsend for exactly two years. In some ways, I’m s�ll
filled with the energy and enthusiasm of my arrival. I felt – and s�ll very much feel – incredibly
lucky to be part of such a dynamic, vital, crea�ve, beau�ful and unique community. My family
and I are thriving and I’m so grateful to all those who con�nue to make us feel so welcome.
Many of you are now friends. In other ways, it feels like a decade – not just because I’ve tried
my hardest to fully immerse myself, but partly because of the nearly two-year pandemic.
Despite that enduring challenge and the weight we all carry because of it, I wouldn’t want to
be anywhere else. Besides my family and friends who have meant so much these past years,
having an understanding and compassionate community, forward-thinking City Councilmem-
bers and an excellent City team have made it a joy. Thank you and here’s to brighter �mes
Town Hall Forum: Sims Gateway Tree Project
Please join us on November 9 at 5pm for a virtual Town Hall to learn about and discuss the Sims Gateway Tree
Project. Representa�ves from the City, Port and PUD will give a brief overview of each element of the project and
then be on hand to answer ques�ons and hear your perspec�ves. The goal is to ensure a more comprehensive
understanding of the project, its objec�ves, costs and scope as well as to incorporate ideas and feedback from our
community into project planning.
To join our virtual Town Hall Zoom Mee�ng, go to www.zoom.us/join and enter the mee�ng ID below:
Mee�ng ID: 826 6135 6962, Passcode: 568098, For audio dial:(253)215-8782
Congratula�ons to New City Council Members
By the �me you’re reading this, we will likely have the results of the November 2 elec�on. I write this without
knowing the results, but knowing enough about each candidate to say that we’re lucky to have them. Throughout
the past six months, I’ve made my office available to ques�ons from candidates, I’ve met with candidates as a
group, and I’ve hosted a community forum with all candidates and all department directors so that they could be
briefed, ask ques�ons, and discuss the opera�onal workings of the City. I also provided regular updates to all
candidates including “hot �ps” on where to find useful City-related informa�on: maps, documents, agendas,
whitepapers, and the like.
It’s been gra�fying to see candidates a�end City Council mee�ngs these past few months. I know they’ll be ready
to go in January when they are sworn in and take office. No ma�er who you know or who you voted for, each of
our seven Council Members represents all of us. As they do so, please remember that all of us can play a useful
role in helping them understand our community’s needs and opportuni�es, and suppor�ng them in their difficult
and o�en thankless job of stewarding our future. Please welcome them with grace and gra�tude into their new
roles and let’s con�nue to be the kind, caring, civil and engaged community they represent – our collec�ve
success truly depends on it.
Fall is here and the Leaves are starting to drop
A Note From City Manager John Mauro
Fall is here and with all the rain and wind that we have been ge�ng (and more on the way), our crews are keeping
busy clearing storm drains and tending to fallen trees and branches as well as other storm related items.
You can help by keeping your storm drains clear of debris. If your storm drain is clogged, please let
us know by submi�ng a concern online. We encourage use of the online concern unless there is
an urgent issue such as flooding or trees down in the road. Please call directly at (360) 385-3000
for urgent issues otherwise, online concerns can be submi�ed using the following link. *If a�er
regular business hours please call Jeff Com dispatch to report any weather-related issues (360)
You can access our online concern from on our website: www.cityofpt.us/publicworks/page/report-concern
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
PT Public Library and Online Programs
The next 2 columns are meant to be read alongside last month’s asking for citizens to get involved in our community. Its hard in this time of a pandemic but it can be done.What did you fall in love with about this city?Yes, this is to you newcomers. And as a newcomer of nearly 30 years, I am s�ll not a local (that definitely a local joke, with lots of truth in it). I know for me it was love at first sight. I loved the old school nature of the way the community conducted itself. The people and the passion. I loved many things when I arrived; there were no stop lights, no library cards (only an honor system), dogs slept in the middle of the street, and people waved to each other at stop signs or simply passing by. Small homes in each neighborhood were very o�en next to the big fancy Victorians, and economic diversity was evident. The sight and the smell of the waterfront downtown, with boats on the water. Shops were unique and locally owned, not the same name brands as every other city I lived. Walking or biking was easy and keeping the car parked was a benefit. Everything was slower, including the speed limit. There was a diversity of people at our gatherings; from age to lifestyle. The daily sigh�ng of deer, eagles, and o�ers. The dark sky. And parades. Parades for any reason!I asked the universe to give me 10 years here without massive change, much like the change I saw in my small hometown. I’m apprecia�ve I’ve been here nearly 30 and much is the same. But change has indeed accelerated.I would ask you to reflect on what made you decide why Port Townsend was the place to spend your �me. I know I was ready to leave behind the place I came from. I was ready to learn and adjust to this small town living. Are you apprecia�ng the place you now call home? I had newcomers once say to me. “We are the good type of newcomers, we don’t what to change anything…” I responded that each one of us causes a shi� in the place we spend our �me. How are you crea�ng change in your new hometown? I had other newcomers say, ”There is something magical about PT that captures you.” And as another said; “It’s not just a tourist pretend town, there is real culture and community here”. Yes to those statements! I would ask you newcomers, take the �me to know the history of your adopted hometown. Appreciate the new Jamestown S’Klallam totem at the end of water street, and also learn about the na�ve people who inhabited this area from �me immemorial. Get to know the more recent history of many who have volunteered to build this town in so many ways, and those who work and volunteer to ensure the culture con�nues. Are you learning about the changes we have gone through as a community before you arrived and why those decisions were made? Have you commi�ed to small town living or do you want the conveniences of the place you le� behind? Where do you volunteer? Do you vote here? Believe me I get it. Some�mes it’s hard to appreciate this pace/place: The life at the “end of the road” where not everything is instantly available. (“Dang, I wish there was an Indian restaurant here” and other more serious rumina�ons we’ve all had). The power outages, the funky nature of… well so many things. But what brought you here? I’d ask you to remember what that was, in this �me of great change for our community (and that’s the topic of my next column), let’s all try to respect our past and honor our future by dedica�on to the values and scale of this small city that we fell in love with. I say this with a welcoming spirit and love in my heart by offering lessons I’ve learned along my path. For my final column next month I will have a message for us old �mers.I’ll leave you with one of my 2 favorite sayings about PT: We wouldn’t get enough exercise in this town if we didn’t jump to conclusions.
Learn about Local Climate Action
Library Cra� and Spice Kits. Crea�ve fun for all ages (while supplies last):
Weekly Preschool Cra� Kits
Pick up a fun cra� for your preschoolers each week! We will be working on
projects like coffee filter flowers, handmade postcards, and stained-glass art.
Recommended for ages 2-6.
Weekly Elementary Cra� Kits
We will be working on projects like origami, colorful mosaics, and handmade
cards. Recommended for ages 7-10.
Teen Cra� Kits
Available November 23. We will be working on projects like origami, collage, and paper weaving. Recommended
for ages 11-18.
Adult Spice Kits
Available November 9. Looking to try new recipes? Pick up one of these spice kits and learn how to incorporate
various spices from around the world into your cooking.
Our local Climate Ac�on Commi�ee (CAC), an advisory body to the Port Townsend City Council and the Jefferson
County Board of Commissioners, will present top local greenhouse gas reduc�on opportuni�es to the public on
Thursday, November 4 in an online mee�ng from 4:00 -5:30 p.m.
Learn more about the recent IPCC Climate Change 2021 report and progress related to local electric vehicle charging
infrastructure, fleet conversion, access and affordability of EVs; and opportuni�es to reduce miles driven, especially
in single occupancy vehicles, for both tourists and commuters.
Speakers include:
Steve King, Port Townsend Public Works Director
Kate Dean, Chair of the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners
Cindy Jayne, Chair of the Climate Ac�on Commi�ee
Check the Climate Ac�on Commi�ee webpage for details on how to join the mee�ng: www.co.jefferson.wa.us/637/Climate-Ac�on-Commi�ee
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their
perspec�ve. Check back here each month to see a new staff profile. This month is Kelly Graves from the Finance
How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend?
I have been with the City for 5 and a half years.
What do you currently do in terms of job du�es?
I started with the City as the Execu�ve Assistant to the City Manager and currently I am part of the Public
Experience Liaison team at the front counter of City Hall. My job du�es include answering the phone and
helping customers at the front counter with ques�ons and processing payments. I am the volunteer coordinator
and help manage our volunteers and the volunteer program. I create the monthly City newsle�er, manage
website content and social media accounts, as well as various graphic design projects.
What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City?
Port Townsend is a really cool li�le town and I love being part of this community. I have a lot of great co-workers
which makes coming to work enjoyable. I love that I get to be crea�ve at my job and create cool graphics, signs
and other items that are in our community.
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public?
I grew up and currently live out in the county and have been coming into PT my whole
life. I enjoy dining at some of the many wonderful restaurants we have in the city and
county. When I’m not at work I enjoy spending �me with my family and playing disc golf. I
also have two ki�ens, three chickens and a turtle.
Introducing City Staff
PT Main Street
Make it Merry in Port Townsend!
The Port Townsend Main Street Program invites you to enjoy Port Townsend for the holidays.
Enjoy our waterfront community and charming historic districts filled with des�na�on shopping,
indoor and outdoor dining choices and a variety of lodging op�ons. The “Make it Merry in Port
Townsend!” campaign is sponsored by the Port Townsend Main Street Program, Kitsap Bank, the
City of Port Townsend, the Port Townsend and Jefferson County Leader, and KPTZ 91.9 FM.
Individually-owned businesses in Uptown and Downtown Port Townsend offer the personal touch and are a welcome
contrast to anonymous chain stores or online shopping. There is a huge variety of gi� ideas here with restaurant gi�
cer�ficates, movie and theatre �ckets, unique apparel, decora�ve items, and local works of art. There are so many
though�ul and crea�ve gi�s available in town that will be remembered long a�er the holidays.
2021 Holiday Happenings in Port Townsend
• Nov. 27, 2021 - Small Business Saturday
• Winter Window Wander ac�vity
• Dec. 4, 2021 - Treeligh�ng and photo opportuni�es with the Kiwanis Choo Choo with
an appearance by the Wild Rose Chorale
• Tour the Holiday windows and winter lights every day