HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.11.16 - Routine Wetland DeterminationDATA FORM ROUTINE WETISND DETEFMINATION(1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manuatl Appli cant/owner: Project/Site: lnvestigator:County: State: ooDate: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)?ls the area a potential Problem Area?(lf needed, explain on reverse.) ves 6)G \v6-yes dD Community lD: Transect lD: Plot lD: upL ncar- P[ol +^ .t^,,.r* I VFGETATION Stratum. lndicetort+ FAe4 fnet+ Fhe*t+ FAca t} Acll*Htrw* UPL1 t,PL s. Aetri',ila. fr,Jti&,&"^ 6% c. N"W"e 4^-*A&s. C:ivcJirr"^ arr*ane1a 5% e. [t".'+ AJ:s {oZ 1 Dominant Plant Soecics Sltalum lndicator 't I 1 1s I 10 11 Pcrccnt of Dominant Spccicr that .?r OBL. FACW or FAC {cxcludins FAC-}.sa76 Rcmcrks: Cr*^""idy "e b*d W Wags HYDROTOGY' _ Rccordcd Data (Dcrcribc ln Romcrtal: _ Strcanr, l,rkc, or Tidr Gcugc _ Acrid Photographr "/ _ Othcr A No Rccordcd Drta Avrilablc Wcdcnd Hydrology lndic.tor!: Primary lndicatorg: _ lnundrt.d _ Seturatcd in Uppcr l2 lnchcs _ Watcr Mrrks __ Drift Uncs _ Scdimcnt Doporits _ Drainagc Pattcmr in Wcdandg Socondary lndicctora (2 or morc rcquirodl: _ Oxidirod Root Channclt in Uppcr l2 lnchcs _ Wstor-Strincd Lcavcs _ Local Soil Survcy Dota _ FAC-Ncutral Tcst - Othor (Explain in Rcmarks) Ficld Obrrvedonr: Dopth of Surtacc Watcr: Dcpth to Frcc Watcr in Pit: D.pth to Scturatcd Soil: 0n.l lin.l fial Somrrtr:+ furn^, Ao h,rlr"l ot) PreSn-<f- vYTl,1995 -196- SOILS es(Subgroupl:Confirm Mappcd Typc? Matrix Color (Munsell Moistl v.sYR 2# Mbtdc Colors (Munsell Moistl Mottlo Abu ndancc/Contrast Tcxturc, Concrctions, Structure, ctc. Map Unit Namc (Serics and Phaso) Profilc Dcscriotion: Dc6ith(inchcsl Horizon 0-l l" Drainag6 Qt355; Field Obsorvations _ Histosol _ Histic Epipodon _ Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisturc Rcgimc _ Roducing Conditions $ Glcyod or Low-Chroma Colors _ Concrctions _ High Organic Contont in Surfacc Laycr in Sandy Soils _ Organic Strcaking in Sandy Soils _ Urtcd on Local Hydric Soils Ust _ Ustcd on National Hydric Soils List _ Othcr (Explain in Rcmarks) Hydric Soil lndicators: , ProbaLy iop s.>i 6. b^{et e^.1,*-"--.*-A 5o"/ it nor..A*1*t€ €4It't k,:l- Tr.&e l,ol* rocrlJ 5L k e> -{r" flt-u"Rcmarks: ftteJtrra.l WETIAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vogctation prcsont? Wcdand Hydrology prascnt? Hydric Soils Prcscnt? @NoYcsrffi^\-C9 ro (Circlc) ls this Sampling Point Within c Wcdand? (Circlo) Ycs @ Rcmarkr: UJd-{ebrntr \|*P"ft .E ,r.l Fr.an".^|. -197-wT|,1995 J VFGETANON HYDROLOGY DATA FORM RO UTI NE WETI.AND DETERMTNATIO N(1987 COE Wetlands Detineation Manuat) 't-?cProject/Site: Applicant/Owner: lnvestigator:County: State: Date: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site?ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)?ls the area a potential problem Area?(lf needed, explain on reverse.l Yes No $l€,&Yes8e Community lD: p Elv\ Transect lD: Plot lD:*L Strarum. lndicetor - * Fhe-Fl ech)|.* mcr'D$ FRc-* FrcrD-t+ FAyJ. l; -],' - s. Et.lob,,,r." Ala*u.n^ 3fa e. R t"o* "rige,:g l% 7 Dominanl Plant Soccies S$atum lndicatorg.trer,"ntj, wqs* I% +l FAeU I 1 1 1 1 1 .t Pcrccnt of Dominant Spccict thlt rrc OgL FACW or FAC FAC-t Rcmcrkg: l! _ Rccordcd Data (Dcrcribc ln Rcmrrkrl: _ Strcanr. Lrkc, or Tidr Gaugc _ Acrid Photographr Othcr No Rccordcd Drta Avrilablc Fdd Obacrvationr: Dopth of Surfecc Wrtcr: Dcpth to Frcc Watar in pit: Dcpth to Scturatcd Soil: - (in.l I&t lir l Wcdand Hydrology lndicatorr: Primary lndlcators: lnundatcd X Saturatcd in Uppor t 2 lnchcc _ Wctor Mcrks _ Ddft Uncc _ Scdimcnt Doporits _ Orainagc Pattcms in Wcdands Socondary lndicatora (2 or moro rcquircd): _ Oxidizcd Root Channolc in Uppcr l2 lnchcs _ Watcr-Staincd Loavcs _Local Soil Survcy Data f,mc-tt*tral Tcst _ Othcr (Explain in Bcmarks) Remrrkr: fu,;e 'lAc f"t'Sr t-- fe.--t gr*dtg 5,tnf6n l* /? t{|uwl -rL+f- 7t- u2u"kr lzba u>os/A ust#,,^ +A-P ,fFr, l2' ,' wT|,1995 -196- SOILS Map Unit Namc (Sarics and Phacel. Monls A bu nda nca /C ontra s t }.gYR ^7 t (. (Mu nsall Moistl Yos NoTaxonomy (Subgroup) Mottlc Colors Drainagc Class: Ficld Obsarvations Confirm Mappcd Matrix Color (Munscll Moistl Tcxturc, Concrctions. Structure, etc. t644/*J, .[oa-*-- Profilc Dcscriotion: Dcpth(inchcsl Horizon b-b" A _ Histosol _ Histic Epipodon _ Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisturc Rcgimo _ Rcducing Conditions X Gtcyca or Low-Chromr Cotors _ Concrctions _ High Organic Conrcnt in Surfaco Laycr in Sandy Soils _ Organic Strcaking in Sandy Soils _ Ustcd on Loc.l Hydric Soils Ust _ Listcd on Nationsl Hydric Soils Ust _ Othcr (Explain in Romarks) Hydric Soil lndicators: Rcmarks: LJcW (^+ l+" WETIAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vcgotation Presont? Wodand Hydrology Proscnt? Hydric Soilr Prasont?6 No No No (Circlcl ls thir Sampling Point Within a WcdandT @*" (Circlo) AQ-a- 7 b..L+ \fcc- o"Ailt.',rSRcmarkr: -197-wT|,1995 (DATA FORM ROUTINE WETI.AND DETERMINATTON (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manuat) Project/Site: Applicant/Owne lnvestigator: r: 't- County: State: Date: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Problem Area?(lf needed, explain on reverse.l Yes @rub yes c1!i) Communiry lD: /PFM Transect lD: Plot lD:t3 VFGETATION Donl=inant Plant Soccics Strltu|n lndicator t. FL"h+* o"r"1,,".".. WtD 5 7 Dominant Plant Soccies Stratum lndicator to l1 I q 13 I 1 16. Pcrocnt of Dominant Spccicc that arc OBL FACW or FAC(crcludlng FAC-!.1.'o?. Rcmarks: HYDROLOGY _ Rccordcd Data (Dcrcribc ln Romarkrl: _ Strcarn. Lakc, or Tidr Gaugc _ Acrhl Photographe _ Othcr _ No Rccordcd Drta Avcllablc Fiold Obrcrvrtions: Depth of Sur{ccc Wrtcr: Dcpth to Frcc Watcr in Pit: D.pth to Scturctcd Soil: fin.l q lia I @ cn.t Wodand Hydrology lndicators: Primary lndicatore: lnundatcd Esaturatcd in Uppor 12 tnchcs _ Wator Mrrts _ Drift Uncr _ Sodimcnt Doporits _ Drainago Pancms in Wcdandg Sccondary lndicatorg (2 or morc rcquirod): _ Oxidizcd Root Channob in Uppcr l2 lnchcs _ Watcr-Staincd Lcavcs _ Local Soil Suwcy Data !rlc-Houtral Tcst _ Othcr (Explain in Rcmarksl U.'A-Rrrnrrkr:L-"tkJ \.. a-&P..ac;ft:-.ag wTl,19!t5 -196- SOILS No IhYP Vt (Munscll Moistl *,1+ Taxonomy {Subgroupl:Confirm Mappcd Typc? Mottlc Colors Monlo Abu nda ncc iConrrzst Map Unit Namo (Saries and Phase) Profilc Descriotion: Ocpth{inchcs) Horizon D*tfN'l Tcxturo, Concrctions, Structure, ctc- Drainag3 Q1655; Field Obsorvctions Matrix Color (Munsell Moistl _ Histosol _ Histic Epipcdon _ Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisturc Rcgimc _ Roducing Gonditions X Glcycd or Low-Chroma Colors _ Concrctions _ High Organic Conlont in Surfaco Layar in Sandy Soils _ Organic Strcaking in Scndy Soils _ Listcd on Local Hydric Soils Ust _ Ustcd on National Hydric Soils List _ Othcr (Explain in Rcmarks) Hydric Soil lndicators: Rcmarkr: Ia{rr.rz getl , (s&u] a* ttn WETIAND DETERMINATION Hydrophgic Vogotation prcscnt? Wcdand Hydrology prcscnt? Hydric Soils Prcscnt? Aw No No No (Circlc)(Circlol ls this Sampling Point Within a Wcdand?@"" ncmarkr: $,t[ T Fa-\ai^neig\g *-# -197 -wn,1995 .t DATA FOBM ROUTINE WETI.AND DETERMINATION(1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manuall Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: lnvestigator: Date: ll lrclrccounq@ State: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ls the site significantly disturbed {Atypical Situation)? ls the area a potential Problem Area? (lf needed, explain on reverse.l @G'N N o o Yes &) Community lD: Transect lD: Plot lD: -Flaa rF. ufl u VFGETATION Domlnant Plant Soccicr StratuF lndicatort. K.r""'c ac.rr.ltrs. kB H dUL z. €*,;-*-^ ar,'r^.- Wt- tl FnC g. P* ^J*w^ tfu_1[_ Fac- +. -€JtV s-.{""r-^^ &db 5 f*L s. €pbtl'"* cr,hat"n^ za e. fL-4.a rubrc n{- *tT-F-7 FAc,/- Fnc-+ F*c, F - fnL"J Domincnt Plant Soccies Stratum lndicator{,( o-bL H Fktjt 3 1 t I 1 I Pcrccnt of Domintnt Spccicr thlt .ra OBL FACW or FAC(arcluding FAC-).toCtT^ Rcmarkg:L-ahra ^4cnsfinn .^r>{.-- g*.,* aJ tY '.'Ac'ttrctsa}e"--____ d _ , t6eV",*_"'- anca- HYDROTOGY A _ Rccordcd Data (Dcscribc ln Rcmarkrl: _ Strcanq Lakc, or Tidr Gaugc _ Acrid Plrotographr _ Othor ttlo Rccordcd Drta Avrilablc Wcdand Hydrology lndicatorr: Pdmary lndlcators: lnundatcd f, s.*r","d in Uppcr l2 lnchcc Watcr Marks ]orfft un"t _ Sodimont Dcporits _ Orainagc Pattcmc in Wcdandg Socondary lndicatora (2,or morc rcquircd): _ Oxidizcd Root Chdnncli in Uppir i 2 lnchcg _ Wstrr-Staincd Lcsvcs _ Local Soil Survcy Data _ FAC-Noutral Tost _ Othcr (Explain in Rcmarks) Fiold Obrcrvationr: Doptlr of Surlacc Watcr: Dcpth to Frcc Watcr in Pit: Dcpth to Satgratod Soil: 4 on'' ,lrt Rrmalt<r: fu;'l/#uW laA%ra 1t-fh >&*,s p* al *&-ZrI\*F*^ ' ,.. wTl,1995 -196- SOILS es Tcxturo, Concrctions, Stnrctrrrr- rta 0-t#, kry? q,/ 1.6 No (Muns ell Moistl Taxonomy (SubgroupI Confirm Mappcd Typc? Mottlc ColorsMatrix Color (Munsell Moistl Monle Abundanca iContra st Map Unit Namc (Serics and Phase): Profilc Descriotion: Dapth(inchcsl Horizon Drainag6 616ss' Ficld Obsarvations Histosol _ Histic Epipadon _ Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisturo Rcgimc _ Roducing Conditions _ Glcyod or Low-Chroma Cotors _ Concrctions _ High Organic Contcnt in Surfacc Laycr in Sandy Soils _ Organic Strcaking in Sandy Soils _ Usted on Local Hydric Soils Ust _ Ustcd on Nationsl Hydric Soils Ust _ Othcr (Explain in Rcmarks) Hydric Soil tndic.tor.: Romarks: - Agnqar€ tW qr*- ${yl"ie- soils'h*-* 5d &br..crltt€ WETTAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vcactation prcsont? Wcdand Hydrology proscnt? Hydric Soik Prcscnt? ,R*o (circtc)WwYcc W (Circlc) ls this Sampling Point Within c Wcdand? V"" @ -197-wn,1995