HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.07.27 - Wetland Survey, Certification of Lots, Additional Information for Dundee Block 25Cfy of Poi-t To+y,,.:eancj NECEiVED 5Gn J 0lympic Wetland Resourcesjul 2 B 2S|J0 360 385-0432 Report File Number: Location. 2000-84/B Dundee Addition (LLIP 99-79), Lots l.-6 Block 25, Between 32"d and33rdHmdricks and Sherman Street Fort Tu wnsenti, lVasirington Wetland Sun'ey Certifrcation of Lots Additional Information Dear N4s. Little, This is an addendum to the letter dated June 16, 2000 for the purpose of lt'lt certjfication of your property. The intent is to further clanfy the size and classitication of the rvelland fourrd on attd adjacent rn tL" eastern edge ot'Lor 1.. This information was requested by Judy Surber, Cirl ot'Port Towtxend Builcling anrj Commuruty Development, during a meeting I had with her on July 20. 2000. During a field survey on July 25, 2000, the wetland that exlends offyour property was measured and classified. It appears thai the disturbed wetland on your properby is a lobe of a drainage channel along Hendricks Street Through the thicket of dense hawthorns to the east there are indicators of standing water as well as hydrophytic plants. The wetland r[easures well over 6,000 square feet u'ith approximately 3,078 square feet on your i]roper]* (see map). This wetland rates as a Class III wetland (DOE rating fo.rm included with this letter). The City of Fort Townsenci reguiates all Ciass ili wetiancts over 5,0u0 squa(e t-eet. Intormation Aom the previous report is stili exactly fis seme, the wetland has associated 50' protective buffers. Due to the lack of nearby survey markers, measuremenLs were ;aken from the corner of 32"d and Hendricks and should be considered approximate. Field measurements are accurate to within 15 feet. if development occurs on Lot 1 a wetland delineation mav be required. A copy of this letter and related documents has been sent to Jutiy Surber I hope this ctarifies all the remaining questions concerning this project Sincerel Dixie Llewellin lob #2000-0084ctiml Ms. Janet Liftle5808 Arrowhead Dr.Kenmore, WA 98028I}qlcJuly, 2000v_': i'.lf" p, :3i:?xY dr.'Jii.r.Srr ii{'"'f..:0lyrnpk ll/eflmd flerourcer, lm.856 50th JtreelPorl lomrend, }iA 98368160 l8t64i2ti#1$€d50'IlolcIirlc Wetland EdgesDundee Addition Block 25Lots l-6 Port Townsend, WALines indicated on thisare forosesand do nota formal delineation.of weilondmoyue norrhLot 533rd Streetv\\tIt/{TI\\III\1.FC)C)a-F-(nCNtzOlfC()-\\i0'buffer reqtrr Closs lll WetIE>tlond identifi,r June .l6.28LoI 2--+Lot 3Lot 4Lot II200025nd os ldentified32nd Street Wetlands Rating Field Data Form Background lnlormation: Narreof Rater: Q,LLwleuN Affitiation: ,' Y\"i&or'SDate; -i tl^ Name of wetland (if known):)--{APha-nr?tl,ttt d 3Zxto : Government Jurisdiction of wetland: Location: 1/4 Section: . of ll4 S: - Section: Township: Sources of lnformation: (Gheck all sources that apply) Sitevisit: dr USCS Topo Map: -K mff map: -Aerial Photo: - Soils ru*"y, X other: K pescriu e: CtT\ F PU;T TJA,I.SAVT CWCnt ft'LLr'r rflW When The Field Data form is complete enter Category here:][? Po, Circle Answers Yes: go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 Yes: go to Q.2 No: go to lb. Q.1. High Quality Natural Wetland Answer this question if you have adequate information or experience to do so. If not find Someone with the expertise to enswerthe questions. Then, if the answer to questions la, lb and lc are all NO, contact the Natural Heritage progriun of DNR. 1a Human caused disturbances Is there signiflcant evidence of human+aused changes to topography or hydrology of the wetland as indicated by any of the following conditions? Consider only changes that may have taken place in the last 5 decades. The impacts of changes done earlier have probably been stabilized and the wetland ecosystem will be close to reaching some new equilibrium that may represent ahigh quallty wetland. 1a1. Upstream watershed > lLVo impervious. 1a2. Wettand is ditched and water flow is not obstructed. I a3. Wetland hc been' graded,' filled, logged- 1a4. Water in we0and is controlled by dikes, weirs, etc- 1a5. Wetland is grazed. 1a6. Other indicators of disturbance Qist below) *yA .l \,r ll2f7.4u,l tA,I Qc5.i OF'.L-lt At r* 25 Q.4. Significant habitat value. Answer all questions and enter data requested- 4a- -Total wetland area Estimate area, select ftom choices in the near-right column, and score in the far column:A tsla7 Enter acreage of wetland n"r", U 1 acres, and sottce: fr)An lnVXLeu"*+ Circle scores that qualify acres >200 40-zffi 10-40 5-10' 1-5 0.1 -1 Poiils 6 5 4 3 2 < 0.1 0 4b. \iletland classes: Circle the wetland classes below that qudify: Open Water: if tlre area of open water is > l/4 acre Aqtratic Beds: if the area of aquatic beds > l/4 acre, Emergent:the area of emergent class is > L/4 acre, tlte area of scrub-shrub class is > 1/4 acre, Forested: if area offorested class is > ll4 acre, Add the number of we0and classes, above, that qualify, and then score according to the columns at right e.g. If there are 4 classes (aquatic beds, open water, emergent & scrub- shrub), you would circle 8 points in the far right column. # ofclasses Points 1 0 3 6 8 10 @ 3 4 5 4c. Plant species diversity. For each wetland class (at right) that qualifies in 4b above, count the number of different plant spocies you can fhd that cover more than SVo of the ground. You do not have to name them. Score in @lumn at far right: e.g. If a wetlandhas an aquatic bed class with 3 species, an emergent class with 4 species and a scrub-shntb class with 2 species you would cir.cleZ,2, and I in the far column. Note: Any plant species with a cover of > 5Vo qualifies for points within a class, even those that are not of that class. Class Aquatic Bed # snecies in clas.s Poinls 0 1 2 3 0O 2 3 0a 1 2 3 3 Emergent 1 2-3 +5 >5 Scrub-Shrub I 2 34 >4 I 2 34 >4 2 3 0 1 2 3 Forested t 29 If the wetland has a forested class, add 1 point if each of the foliowingcl4sses is present wittdn the forested class and is larger than 1/4 acre:-trees > 50' tall -trees 20'- 49' tall -shnrbs. -herbaceous ground cover. Also add 1 point if there is any "open water" or "aquadc bed', classimmediately next to the forested area (ie. there is no scrub/shrub oremergent vegetation beween them). 4d. Structural diversity. YES-I YES. 1 IGS-1 YES-I YES.l High - 5 Moderate - 3 -0 4e.Decide from the diagrams below whether mterspersion betweenwetlandciassesIShigh,moderate,low or none")Ifyou think theamountofinterspersionfalismbetweenthediagramsscoreaccordingly(i.e.a moderately high iunount ofinsterspersion wonid scgre a 4,while a moderately low arnount would score 2) none low low moderate moderate high 4f. Habitat features. Answer questions berow, circle features that apply, and score to right: Is there evidence that ttre open or standing water was caused by beaversIs a heron rookery located within 300'? Are raptor.nesVs {ocated .within. 300,? Are there at least 3 standing dead trees (snags) per acre greater than10" in diameter at "breast height" (DBH)?. Are there at least 3 downed logs per acre with a diameter > 6" for at least 10' in length? Are there areas (vegetated or unvegetated) within the wetland that areponded for at least 4 months out of the year, and the wedand has notqualified as having an open water class in euestion 4b. ? YES= I YES= I YES=2 YES= 2 YES= I YES= 1 30 49. Connection to streams. (Score one answer only.) 49.1. Does the wetland provide habitat for fish at any time of the year AND doArs it have a perennial surface water connection to a fish bearing sEeam. 4g.2 Does the wetland provide fish habitat seasonally AND does it have a seasonal surface water connection to a fish bearing stream. 4g.3 Does the wetland function to export organic matter tfuough a surface water connection at all times of the year to a perennial stream- 4g.4 Does the wetland function to export organic matter through a surface water connection to a stream on a seasonal basis? YES=6 YES=4 laES - 4 YES=2 4h. Buffers. Score the existing buffers on a scale of 1-5 based on the following four desaiptions If the condition of the buffers do not exactly match the description, score either a point higher or lower depending on whether the buffers are less or more degraded Forest, scnrb, native grassland or open water buffers are present for more than lO0'around 95Vo of thecircumference Forest, scnrb, native grassland, or open water buffers wider than 100' for more t}raaln of the wetland circumference, or a forest, scntb, grasslands, or open water buffers for more than 50' around 95Vo of the circumfererrce. Forest, scrub, native grassland, or open water buffers wider than 100' fOr more than 1/4 Of tre wetland circumference, or a forest, scmb, native grassland, or openwater buffers wider than 50' for more than 112 of the wetl and circumference. No roads, buildings or paved areas within 100' of the wetland for more than 95Vo of t}lie wetland circumference. No roa'ids, buildings or paved areas within 25' of the wetland for more than9lVo of the circumference, or No roads buildings or paved areas within 50' of the wetland for more than 1/2 of the wetland circumference. Paved areas, industrial area.s or residential construction (with less than 50 between houses) are less than 25 feet ftom the wetland for more thanglZo of the circumference of the wetland. Score = 5 Score = 3 Score = 2 Score= I Score = 0 Score = 2 31 -z select the description which besi matches the site being evaluated.:; : -Is the wetland connected to, or part of, a riparian corridor at least 100, wideconnecting two or more wetlands; or, is there an upland.o*aOioo present >100,wide with good forest or shrub cover (>25vo cover) connecting it wittl a Si gnifi cant Habitat Area? - Is the wetland connected to any other Habitat Area with either 1) a forested/shrubcorridor < 100' wide, or 2) a a corridor that ii > 100'wide, but nas " ro* u";;;;;cover less than 6 feet in height? -Is the wetland connected to, or a part of, a riparian corridor between 50 - 100, widewith scrub/shrub or forest cover connection to other wetrands? - Is the wetland connected to any other Habitat Area with narrow corridor (<100')oflow vegetation (< 6'inheigh0? wnpx,te Coqloqr- - Is the wetland and its buffer (if the buffer is less than 50, by development (urban, residential with a density greater 4i. Connection to other habitat areas: wide) completely isolated than 2l acr e, or i ndusfial) ? ES =5 YES=3 YES=3 YES=0 = Category III Now add the scores circled (for e.Sa - Is the Total greater than or equal to 22 points? 4 Po,*t6 YES u Q.Si above) to get a total. 32