HomeMy WebLinkAboutLastovica; Stanlick; Nichols - Utility & Non-Motorized Trail Easement 648860 PGlS : 8 EASE 10/21/2021 09:29 AM $210,50 KOSTELEC LAW OFFICE Jefferson County WA Auditor's Office — Rose Ann Carroll, Auditor milli FNI A V1111ful When recorded, return to: City of fort"Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 2 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Prepared by: Kostelce Law Office NO REAL ESTATE 110 Box 866 EXISE TA REQUIRED Port'i ownscrid, WA 98368 JEFFERS Y TRESRE� By u,n1xrY AND NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL F',ASEMENT Grantors: 1_0GAN Cl IASE 1,AS'I'OVICA and MARY A,VP,RY PIP1­1R I,,AS`V0V1CA, a inar-ried coupic; 'Fl IOMAS J. S'FANUCK and MARGA RI,"I' C. S'I'ANI.,ICK, a married couple; and KYI,E BRE"N't"'NICHOLS and (jAI,ADRl1'A, SAVANNAI I NICI-101-,S, a married couple Grantee: CHY 0l` P0R'I­V0WNS1.,.ND, a municipal carpe i-ation Abbr. Legal Ptn vacated Shelman Street abutting: Descriptions: lots 9 thl-OLIgh 14, 131ock 1; and Lot 3 (less the SOLItli Cr feet) and 1,ots 4 thl-011gh 8, Block 2; all in Janes I1. I lussey's Addition., VI Pg 26 Tax Pat-eels: 961-200-209; 961-200-104; 961-2000-1 10 961-200-111, 961-200-112; 961-200-1 l 3; 961-2010-1 14; 961-200-203 lZelated Al'N 511, Documents: (Stipulated Findings ofFact, C011CILISions, ol"I,aw and Judgment) RFVFFALS A. WHERF"AS, Grantors filed a QUiet 'fitle Action against .Jefferson County and the City ol' Port 'I'ownsend to r-ecognize the statutory vacation oftlic Sherman Street right-ot-way I abutting each of Grantors' properties (.Jefferson County Superior C01111 Case No. 21-2- 00 1-2- 00104-16); and B. WI IE',RL,:AS, the parties to that laVvStlit stipulated to entry o1 judgment; and C, WFIFIRFIAS, as part ofthe stipulation entered into by the, parties to that lawsuit, Grantors/plaintiffs agreed to grant the City o('Port 'I'owiiscnd a noneXCIL[SiVC Utility/11011- motorized trail easement along the centerline ofthe vacated Sherman Sti-ect right-of-way; and UTILITY and NON-NIOTORIZED TRAIL 1-1ASFMFNT PAGE I of 8 D. WHEREAS, in exchange for the grant of a utility/non-motorized trail easement, Grantee/Defendant City of Port Townsend agreed to waive the definitions of"lot line" and"lot area"as adopted in Ordinance 2913, §§2 and 3 (and as codified under Port Townsend Municipal Code § and §17.08.040, respectively)as applied to Grantor/plaintiffs' properties; and E. WHEREAS,the Jefferson County Superior Court has now entered Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Judgment formally recognizing the statutory vacation of the Sherman Street right-of-way abutting Grantors/plaintiffs' properties; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the recitals above and the other mutual benefits derived from the Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Judgment referenced above, and the terms contained herein, Grantors Logan Chase Lastovica and Mary Avery Piper Lastovica,Thomas J. Stanlick and Margaret C. Stanlick,and Kyle Brent Nichols and Galadriel Savannah Nichols hereby grant and convey to Grantee City of Port Townsend a nonexclusive 30-foot wide easement over, under, along, across and through an area 15 feet wide on each side of the centerline of the now-vacated Sherman Street right-of-way abutting, and now made a part of, Grantors' respective properties(hereinafter"the Easement Area", described more fully in Exhibit A,attached) for the following purposes and subject to the following conditions: 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, use,maintain, repair, and replace utilities and appurtenances within the Easement Area. Further, Grantee may use the Easement Area for construction, maintenance, and repair of a non-motorized trail easement within the Easement Area. 2. Grantors Use of Easement Area. Grantors shall have the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with Grantee's rights, including but not limited to construction, maintenance,and repair of driveway(s)or utilities to serve Grantors' respective properties. 3. Measurement of Setbacks,Minimum Yard Areas and Lot Areas. In exchange for the grant of this Easement,Grantee hereby waives the definition of"lot line"under PTMC § 2913 §2)which would otherwise have required setbacks and minimum yard areas on Grantors' properties to be measured from the original platted property boundaries. Grantee also hereby waives the definition of"lot are under PTMC §17.08.040(Ord. 2913 §3), which would otherwise have excluded the statutorily vacated right-of-way from the measured"lot area". Instead, Grantee acknowledges and agrees that setbacks and minimum yard areas for each of Grantors' respective properties shall henceforth be measured from the centerline of the now-vacated Sherman Street right-of-way and Grantors' "lot area" shall include the portion of the now-vacated Sherman Street right-of-way which has attached to each of Grantors' properties by operation of law. 4. Notice. Grantee shall provide Grantor reasonable notice prior to entry into the Easement Area for the purposes of exercising Grantee's rights under this Easement, except in the UTILITY and NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL EASEMENT PAGE 2 of 8 case of an emergency, in which case Grantee shall provide notice to Grantors as soon as reasonably practicable. S. Restoration. Grantee shall promptly restore any portion of Easement Area disturbed by work performed under this Easement to its pre-existing condition (i.e., its condition prior to the entry and work by Grantee). 6. Indemnity. Grantee agrees to indemnify Grantors from and against liability incurred by Grantors as a result of Grantee's negligence in the exercise of the rights herein granted to Grantee,but nothing herein shall require Grantee to indemnify Grantors for that portion of any such liability attributable to the negligence of Grantors or the negligence of others. 7. Run with the Land. Grantors and Grantee intend that this Easement,and the rights, benefits,obligations and indemnity provisions contained herein, shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Grantors and Grantee and their heirs, successors and assigns. 8. Non-severability. If the waivers by the City of Port Townsend as described in Paragraph 3 above are ever found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,this Easement shall terminate. In such case, any then-existing City-owned utilities in the Easement Area may be maintained, repaired and replaced, but no additional utilities may be installed by Grantee without Grantors' express permission and any non-motorized trail constructed by the City in the Easement Area shall be promptly removed/ decommissioned and the ground surface restored. 9. Attorney Fees. If any party to this Easement brings a legal proceeding to enforce or obtain a declaration of its rights under this Easement the prevailing party in such legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney's fees and costs from the non-prevailing party, whether incurred in mediation or arbitration, at trial or on appeal, or in any bankruptcy proceeding. 10. Governing Law. This Easement shall be governed and construed under the laws of the State of Washington. 11. Counterparts. This Easement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same Easement. 12.Titles. The titles used in this Easement area used for convenience only and are not to be considered in construing or interpreting this Easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have agreed to and executed this Easement to be effective upon the recording of this instrument. [Signatures on.following pages] UTILITY and NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL EASEMENT PAGE 3 of 8 GRANTORS LASTOVICA: _7 7 -z- 1.0� "has 4, "i'vica Date Mary AVT PipcKlastovica, Date STATE, OF `w ) ss (�'01,)N'I'YOff" JI,,1:1,'I-"RSON ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Logan Chase Lastovica,and Mary Avery Piper L.astovica are the pet-sons who appeared beffire talc, and said persons acknowledged that they signed dais instrurnentand acknowledged it to be their Free and voluntary act for the uses and PLII-POSCS mentioned in the instrument. given my hand and official seal this day of'. 2021 . .............. I COLETTE KOSTELEC ��"1`ARY PUBLIC in and f(.)r the State of Washington Notary Public reiding at. State off Washington Commission# i8o599 My commission expirLS: My Comm. Expires Sep 76, 2023 m UT11,1TY and NON-MOTORIZE'l)'FRAII, EAS)I,'II'vII PA(if,"4 ofg GRANTORS STANIACK: 0, I C I as�J ,-i, I i C lk Date lm ',,aret C. Stanlick Date STATE, OFWASI IINGTON ) ss COUNTY Of' JEFFERS(. N ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thatThonias J. Stanlick and Margaret C. Stantick are the persons who appeared bel'ore rne, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowlcdgCd it to be their free and VOILIntary :act lor the uses and PLII-POSCS, mentioned in the instrument. Given under my hand and official seal this (lay of'_ 2021, COLETTE KOSTELEC .......... ............... Notary Public NOTARY PLJ 31AC in and fbi-the State of`Washin toil State of Washington residing at nr+- Commission# 180599 My Comm. Expires Sep 26, 2023 My commission expires: UTILITY and NON-NIOTORIZ1,A)TRAlt, EASF'N/l1INT PAGE 5 ot'8 GRANTORS NICHOLS: .,,,,.�~ °' �" �""' � "� r•- l...M- ,, ___„�,„. ;� ate° P KyIraXBrent Nichols Date .f r Galadr iel Savannah Nichols Irate STATFOF WASHINGTON SS I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kyle Brent Nichols and Galadriel Savannah Nichols are the persons who appeared before nae, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be their free and vcaluntary act fear the uses and purposes mentioned in tlae instrument. 4;iver� under nay hand and official seal this tip dory cab a ' ✓ ` 021, COLETTE KOSTELEC Notary Public Skate of Washington ._ Commission# 180559 NOTARY PLJ ..IC in and for the, State ofWashington Noy Comm. Expires Sep 26, 2023 residing at /.V & W My ccantnIiSSi an expires:__ UTILITY and l” ON-N1("t'I 4)Ri: -A)"t RAIts laA;SLIVIt;1'T PAGE 6 of'8 GItNNTEE CITY OF PORTTOWNSEND: Date Print Name: STATH. OFWAS I I INGTON ss COUNTY (N- JEFT'l-RSON I ccrtilj that I know or have satisfactory evidence that r e 6 'Wk.. is the person who appeared bellore me, and said person acknowledged that said person signed this instrument, on oath state that she/he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledge it as t9 e r O�� 'o r Y")e 0 "" L, state __ cal City ol'PortTownscild, to be the firee and voluntary ',let cab such Darty 60r tho ises and PLU-POSeS mentioned in this instrument. G iVCn under my hand and official seat this 1 day o f. a 0 2 1 C3 .......... IUBIAC in and 6or tile Sta ofWashington NOTA R 0), residing at IFp �C My commission expires: i _ UTILITY and NON-N40TORIZEL)TRAIL., F1*ASENIE1NT PACIF 7 of 8 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Easement Area on each of Grantors' Properties Lastovica: The west 15 feet of that portion of the vacated Sherman Street right-of-way abutting and made a part of. Lot 3, less the South 6 feet, and Lots 4, 5, and 6, in Block 2 of James Hussey's Addition to the City of Port Townsend, as per plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,on page 26,records of Jefferson County, Washington. Stanlick: The east 15 feet of that portion of the vacated Sherman Street right-of-way abutting and made a part of Lots 9 through 14, inclusive, Block 1 of James Hussey's Addition to the City of Port Townsend,as per plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, on page 26,records of Jefferson County, Washington. Nichols: The west 15 feet of that portion of the vacated Sherman Street right-of-way abutting and made a part of Lots 7 and 8 in Block 2 of James Hussey's Addition to the City of Port Townsend,as per plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,on page 26,records of Jefferson County, Washington. UTILITY and NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL EASEMENT PAGE 8 of 8