HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.02.00 - Campbell PUD Stormwater Management Plan and Design Narrativen
Prepared for
P.0. Box 2199 . 1007 North Fifth Avenue
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ExPsEs g-25-q
February' 1994
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cr rrENrs
I . @ALS OF EROS lC['l @['ITROL PL$'l
Protection of ExPosed Soil
t. Minimize Disturbance of Vegetation .
2. Minimize the Length of Time the Soil
3. Ensure Prcrpt Revegetation of Distur
prading Limits.
Frotection of Adiacent Properties
is Unprotected
bed Areas
Crassy Swales
lnterceptor Swales
Interceptor DitchesSiltFencing ...
Phasing of Construction . .
Steepness of SloPes . .
Release of Offsite Flows . .
Stabilization of Erosion Control and
Stornnrater Channels .
Storm Drain Inlet Protection .
Underground Utility C-onstruction . .
Construction Access Routes . -
Renrcval of Tenporary Erosion Control
Purpins/Decatering of Trenches
Control of Toxic Substances
Petroleun Spills
JactsrBn Street Phasin8/Timing
Offsite SanitarY Sewer Main
Detention Pond
. ll
This project consists of the construction of a one btock extensiorr of Ja<:lourt
Street in the City of Port Townsend. This erosion control plan was prepared
to address construction activ.ities necessary to ccrplete this work. This plan
also includes elernents intended to cover the developnent of hqnes on the lots
fronting on the newly constructed section of Jaclsran Street. If this plan is
followed during the developnent of those lots, no additional erosion control
plan(s) should be necessary. If it should be necessary to terminate the
protective measures provided for in this Plan, snall Parcel erosion control
plans will be necessary for develogrnnt of the hcnesites.
This plan,was prepared with the goal of preventing any degradation of the
quality of the receiving waters as a result of the activities enccnPassed in
the construction plans. For this project, the receiving waters are located to
the south and east of the Jefferson County Fairgrounds.
Vater quality controls are necessary to prevent three distinctly different types
of inpacts. The first consists of darage done by soils being taken uP by
running water. This type of darage typically consists of rillinS' rutting and
loss of topsoil. The next type of darage is the degradation of urater quality as
" the soils are transported by the water. Ttte last type of darage is done by the
deposition of the soils, usually in an area uttere uater velocities are reduced.
The enphasis of erosion control for this proiect will be on the prevention of
soil uptake by running water. Successful prevention of soil uptake will also
prevent darage caused by detradation of water quality and by soil deposition.
While the rneasures described below should theoretically prevent the uptake of
soils, corrrrpn sense dictates that additional nnasures be irplenrented. For this
project, additional rneasures will be taken to allow deposition of transported
soils under controlled conditions before flows are allowed to enter receiving
waters. This will be acccnplished prinarily by the use of grassy swales' with
siltation catctrnent areas being required only where grassy swales are not
The General Provisions of this plan are general to the overall project site and
apply to all portions of the site, including offsite erosion control activities.
A. Protection of Exposed Soil
This provision is the single npst inportant elenrent of this erosion controlplan. If exposed soils are protected such that soil particles are not picked
up by running water, erosion will not occur. Protection of exposed soil
consists of three areas of effort.
Page 2
l. Minimize Disturbance of Vegt':tation'
The existing vegetation on the si te corprises ttre best overall Protection
against etoiion. To protect this resource and to keep the risk of erosion
to a mininr,m, clearing and grading activities outside of the areas
necessary to construct the inprovenents shown on the construction plans
shall be kept to an absolute minimun.
All reasonable effort shall be nade to ensure the survival of newly planted
vegetation, especially grasses. Since this grass is a very- effective
n*inoa of preventing erosion of disturbed areas, extrene care shall be
taken to minimize its disturbance.
2. -Urrrrtr". the Length of Time the Soil is Unprotected
Where grading is necessary for construction activities, the grading shall
be delayed ai long as reasonable to minimize the length of tinre that
the soil is exposed to the elsrnnts.
Where exposure of bare soil is necessary to acccrplish certain portions of
the work, such portions of the work shall be carpleted prcnptly in order
to reduce the chance of an erosive rainfall event catching the soil
3. Ensure Prcrpt Revegetation of Disturbed Areas
Every effort shall be nade to ensure a healthy stand of protective
vegetation is established as soon as possible. If the season or
construction scheduling will not allow pronpt revegetation of an area where
construction activities have been csrpleted, the area shall be covered with
visqueen sheeting, straw, mulch or other covering chosen to natch the
situation and with due regard for the length of tinre that the area is
expected to renain uncovered.
The appropriate season for pronpt revegetation is assured to be March I
to Mat 15 and August 15 to October I where sprinkling'is not Practicable
and March I to october I where sprinkling is practicable.
Where hydroseeding is required, the mix of seed, fertilizer, and rulch,
and the application rate, shall be determined by the hydroseeding
subcontraclor based on the season, soil, npisture and his experience and
professional judgrnent.
B. Crading Limi ts
Clearing limits, property lines, easerK:nt I ines, wetlands, critical areas and
their buffers within or adjacent to the project limits shall be narked in the
field prior to beginning construction and care shall be taken that the narks are
not disturbed during construction.
['ag<.1 3
C. Protection of Adjacent Properties
Care mlst be taken that adjacent properties do not exPeridnce any degradation of
water quality as a result of activities perfornred on the project site. This
plan provides for the use of native vegetation, grassy swales, interceptor
swales and ditches, silt fencing and other inprovsnents to collect and treat
runoff that would otherwise tend to flow across proPerty boundaries. To-this
end, flows that are even potentially contaninated with soil fines shall be
prevented fran leaving the construction zone until they are treated as
described. Following treatnent, the runoff can be released as sheet flows where
they will leave the construction zone.
l. Grassy Scales
Grassy swales are shallow, grassy and gently sloping ditches where flows
can be dispersed into sheet flows with extrenely low velocities. These low
velocities will allow nearly ccrplete deposition of transported soils. It
should be noted that grassy swales are not intended to renpve oil or toxic
substances frcrn runoff on this Proiect.
2. lnterceptor Swales
Interceptor swales are shallow trenches constructed in a single pass by a
relatively large dozer equipped with one to three ripper teeth. The
preferred configuration of ripper teeth for construction of interceptor
swalesr is two teeth positioned on the outside of the ripper assenbly.
This type of swale construction will tear through the existing sod without
rernving it. Leaving the sod in place will protect against erosion of the
swale bottcnr on steeper sloPes.
Swales thus constructed are intended to intercept sheet flows and
infiltrate thsn into the soil. When flows are Sreater than can be
infiltrated, the swales will provide a path for runoff of excess flows.
Such excess flows will run along the swale until they are infiltrated or
they enter grassy swales.
In order to be effective, the surface of the ground mlst not be,regraded
during the life of the swale. Grading or blading of the surface of these
swales will defeat their purpose. Construction of interceptor swales
causes only mininal disruption of the ground contours. For this reason the
swales need not be renpved at the end of their usefulness.
P:rge: Ir
i. lnterceptor Di tches
In.tercep.tor di tches are di tches used to intercept and redirect runof f .
They haie a npre significant inpact on existing vegetation.since it is
necessary to renrcve the sod or other ground cover for their construction.
They are constructed according to details shown in the construction plans
4. Silt Fencing
Silt Fencing shall be provided where shown on the plans. Silt fencing
details are included in the construction plans'
post supported silt fencing is generally used for long runs of fence. Hay
baleSupported fencing is generally used for check dars and similar short
runs of fence.
D. Phasing of Construction
Inprovennnts specified in this plan shall be constructed prior to performing any
srlaing or excavation on the project site. After cqrpletion of the specified
inpro*rgnents, work may proceed strictly within the limits described above.
E. Steepness of SloPes
No new slopes steeper than 2:l (horizontal:vertical) shall be created except as
provided innrediately below. Sides of trenches are not considered to be slopes.
Slopes less than five feet in height.
Slopes which are covered with clear visqueen or mulch within seven
days after ccrpletion of creation of the slope'
Slopes created during the construction of the inprovements required
bY this Plan.
Where shown on the plans, interceptor
top of slopes to prevent concentrated
tches shall be constructed across the
ows frqn descending the slope.
Page 5
F. Release of Offsite Flows
For this project, release of runoff shalt occur only at the outlet of the
detention pond. The only exception is the snall anpunt of runoff which will
be generatla Oy the east land of Jaclsran Street between the access to the
Faiigrounds and 45th Street. Runoff frqn that area wilt be allowed to sheet
flow onto the Fairgrounds, being biofiltered through the Srass as it is at
the present tirne.
G. Stabilization of Erosion Control and Tenporary Stormwater Channels
Ctrannels, slopes, ernbant<nnnts, trenches and similar areas of disturbed soil
which are required for the inplgnentation of this erosion control plan shall
shall be subiect to the sane erosion control requirernents as other portigns of
the proiect. In addition to the general protective requirsrlents, sPecific
arnprirl8 nrethods are included in the appropriate details.
H. Storm Drain Inlet Protection
All catch basins shall be covered or plugged to prevent flows frqn entering thenr
_ until the contributing basin has been protected as Provided for in this Plan.t Exceptions to this requirenrent will be spelled out either on the construction
plans or in the special Provisions below.
J. Underground Utility Construction
It is expected that the najor source of potentially contaminated flows on this
project nay be frcn punping of trenches and boring pits. For this reason' flows
discharged frcn purping shall be closely rmnitored and except where there is no
visible turbidity, treated as described below.
The installation of underground utilities shall be perfornnd in cqnfornance with
the following restrictions:
Where feasible, no rrcre than 500 feet of trench shall be oPened at
one tinre.
Where consistent with safety and space considerations, stockpiles of
excavated soils shall be placed on the uphill side of the trench.
Trenches shall be backfilled and revegetated as soon as reasonably possible
following placanent of utilities.
Page 6
Discharge fran punps use<l in dewatering trenchcs shatI be treated as
described below.
where the upstrearn end of a pipe is subject to inundation, it shall be
tenporarily capped or PluSSed at the end of each day's work to prevent
soil frsn being washed into the piPe.
K. Construction Access Routes
During periods of dry weather (where the soil is too dry to adhere to the tires
of construction vehicles) construction vehicles rlay access paved streets
directly frqn the project site with rncnitoring and occasional sweeping of the
paved sireet as necessary to prevent accurulations of soil.
During p"iioa" of wet weather (where soil readily adheres to the tires ol
vehiclel) the vehicles may access graveled roads directly frqn the project site
as necessary, but shall not access paved roads without first having been routed
over areas where existing trass renrains or routed down a minimun of 150 feet of
graveled road. Access routes over grass shall be changed occasionally to ensure
ihat *heel ruts are not allowed to develop and that the grass is not unduly worn
" If l5O feet of grass or gravel road is not available, large crushed rock nay
be placed at the point of egress frqn the property to provide a place for
soil deposition under controlled conditions.
lf the above procedures are not effective, as evidenced by a buildup of soil
on the paved ioad, wtreel washing stations shall be installed in accordance
with thl standard drawings in the Stonrnrater Managenrent Manual for the Puget
Sound Basin (NE Technical lUanual).
L. Rermval of Tenporary Erosion Control Facilities
Tenporary Erosion Control Facilities shall be prcrptly rennved once their
prelence- is no longer required. Drring their renpvalr aDI entrapPed silt shall
Le disposed of in suitable locations. Such silt shall in no case be left in a
channel or where it would be washed into receiving waters by the next storm.
The role of the Erosion Control Facilities is to prevent silt frqn entering
waters, not to merely delay it until after construction is ccrpleted.
M. PtrrpingAewatering of Trenches
Discharges frqn pLrrps used in dewatering trenches shall be dispersed by one of
the following nrethods:
Directing flows onto existing heavily vegetated areas. Flows shall be
. directed against objects such as old tires or sturps, capable of disrupting
concentrated flows.
P;rge 7
C)irecting flows orrto a pad constructed of ctean, pit run gravel. The pad
shall be a mininrrn of 30 feet square and flows shall be directed into a
circle of 5 - 8 inch dianreter stones to assist in dispersing flows into
sheet flows.
Directing flows into interceptor swales or ditches constructed per the
requirsnents of this plan.
Directing flows directly into a grassy swale constructed per this plan.
ln no case shall flows discharged frqn a purp be allowed to rennin as a
concentrated flow. Every effort shall be nade to break the flows into sheet
In all ca-5es, flows containing visible turbidity shall be treated by flowing
through grassy swales prior to being released.
N. Control of Toxic Substances
No toxic or noxious substances shall be used, stored or disposed of on or off
the project site in conjunction with this project except in full ccnplidnce withall applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations and the-' recqrnendations of the supplier of the substance. The product label or
instructions for use and the Material Safety Data Sheets (ltlSDS) for such
products shall be kept on the site until the product has been used up or renpved
frqn the site and properly disposed ot.
llhile not ccnnpnly thought of as hazardous naterials, ccnrnn fertilizer can be
very daraging if allowed to enter receiving uraters. Fertilizers shall only be
used in accordance with the recannendations of the supplier and any
concentrations such as dribbles or leaks shall be cleaned up.
In the event of a spill or other unusual event involving toxic or hazardous
naterials, work in the vicinity shall be innrediately stopped and the following
agencies notified:
Port Townsend Public Works Departnent, (206) 385-7212
Washington State Department of Ecology, (206) 459-6000 during nornal
business hours or (206) 753-2353 after hours
If the incident presents an innrediate threat to life, health, or property,
The Port Townsend Fire and Police Departnents shall be notified by dialins 9ll.
Page 8
O. Petrolcun SPi lls
The following requirernents are included to ensure conpliance with Part &0 of
CFR I 12 in cases where SPCC Plans are required.
Storage of fuel for construction vehicles and fueling of construction vehicles
shall be performed in accordance with the following requirsnents:
Driver Training - All erployees assigned to operate fuel trucks will be Properly
trained. in appropriate regulations and safety procedures. .Training shall
include proper inspection and use of tanks, hatches, valves' PunPs, hoses
and fuel deliverY equiFrnent.
Fueling of Vehicles - Fuel nozzles shall be locked wtren not attended and hoses
shaf,l be rewound or otherwise properly stored when not in use. Unqttended
fueling which relies on the proper operation of autqratic shutoff nozzles
shall not be permitted.
Parking of Fuel Tankers - Parking areas for fuel trucks shall be selected such
that spills wilt not leave the area. Fuel trucks shall not be parked
closer than 25 feet to an interceptor or Srassy swale. When fuel trucks
must be taken to other portions of the project to fuel equiFnentr they rnrst
be continuously attended or returned to the staging area. Fuel trucks
shall be locked with the wheels chocked when unattended and not in use.
Contairment of Spills - Spills shall be innrediately diked and every effort
nrade.. to stop spillage. Each fuel truck shall carry a long handled shovel
for usd in containing spills. In the event of a spill' the U. S.
Envirornpntal Protection Agency, Seattle, Washington (206) 442-1253 shall
be notified as soon as possible. If the nragnitude of the spill is such
that it presents a threat to life or property, it shalt be irrrndiately
reported by dialine 9ll frcrn the nearest phone.
P. Maintenance
It is critical that the various inprovenents required by this plan be naintained
in their intended condition. The project forenan shall inspect the various
parts of the systern at least once daily. Any danaged or nbn-functioning
ccrponents of the systern shall be repaired the sane day or before noon of the
next working day. In addition, the forenan shall perform additional inspections
during or innrediately after significant rainfall. Fornation of rills' deposits
of silt and similar indications of erosion shall.be reported irmediately to the
project engineer.
The following itenrs are necessary to provide a reasonable level of protection
against silts and other debris being washed onto neighboring parcels or into
receiving waters. These itenrs shall be constructed, naintained and rsrpved in
accordance with the general provisions above, the details shoum on the
construction plans, and these sPecial provisions.
Pagt: 9
A. Jaclsnan Street Phasing/Timing
The following sequence of construction is provided as the best arrangernent for
preventing eiosion and degradation of water quality, particularly if
tonstruction occurs during a rainy period. The sequence may be nrcdified if the
work can be acccrptished during dry weather with little likelihood of ra[n.
tvlodification is particularly encouraged if it will allow the entire s'tormwater
nanagenent systenr to be installed in a few days of dry weather.
Innrediately after clearing and before any ground cover is distur.bed' a silt
fence shall be constructJ adjacent to the existing fence on the east side of
Jaclsran Street. After construction of the silt fence, work within the right of
way n6y proceed. The storm sewer systan and detention pond shall be constructed
as-a firlt priority. LJpon ccnpletion of the storm sewer, the Srassy swale shown
on the eagt side of Jactsran Street on sheet 2 of the constrution plans shall be
A check dan of hay bale supportd silt fencing shall be constructed around
catch basins 2 ard 3. These check dars shall be constructed to filter water
prior to allowing it to enter the catch basins. Care shall be taken that
the check dam do not divert flows around and past the catch basins. Additional
check dars shall be constructed at 100 foot intervals along the east swale.
The east swale shall be hydroseeded as soon as reasonably practical after it'' is constructed.
After the east swale is constructed and check dars are in place, other work
within the right of way nay then proceed. underground utilities shall be
installed and the street brought to subgrade with no delays. Check dars shall
be constructed in the west scale at 100 foot intervals inmediately after
construction of the west swale.
Within one week of the street having been brought to subgrade, all exposed cut,
fill and swale slopes shall be hydroseeded. If all underground utilities can
be instalted ard the street brought to subgrade in a short period of tinre after
cqrpletion of the east swale, hydroseeding of the east swale nay be delayed
untit the entire right of uay is ready for hydroseeding.
The silt fence adjacent to the fairgrounds shall be renrcved once the east swale
has been constructed and is capable of intercePtin8 all flbws prior to their
reaching the right of way line and the storm sewer is capable of transporting
flows out of the right of way. If the storm sewer systan and the east swale
can be constructed in a few days and in dry weather, the silt fence on the east
side of the right of way nay be qnitted.
Page l0
'Ihe check dans located in the east swale and around catch basin ntmber 2 shalt
be renrcvecl af ter the street is paved and a healthy stand of Srass covers al I
disturbed soils east of the street centerline-
The check dans in the west swale(s) and around catch basin nunber 3 nay be
renpved when the street is paved and a healthy stand of grass exists on all
disturbed soil on the west side of'the centerline of the street. If it is
desired that the west grassy swale provide erosion protection during the
develoFrnent of parcels above Jacknan Street, the check dans should be left in
place until such developnent is ccrpleted and the lots are fully revegetated.
B. Offsite Sanitary Sewer Main
Construction of the sanitary sewer nain downstrean of nanhole nrmber 4 shall
proceed ii accordance with the general provisions above. Once begun, the work
shall be ccnpleted in a timely manner with no unnecessary delays. Inrnediately
after the work is ccnpleted and the trench backfilled' erosion control measures
shall be taken as described below. If delays cannot be avoided during
construction, the erosion control rneasures described below shall be inplennnted
for those portions of the system which have been ccrpleted.
After ccrpletion of construction, an interceptor swale shall be constructed- down the north line of the easenent as described above. Care shall be taken
that no property corner narkers are disturbed. Check dars nade out of hay
bale supported silt fencing shall be bonstructed entirely across the easernent
at intervals of no nDre than 200 feet. After ccrpletion of the check dans,
all disturbed soils shall be hydroseeded.
The check dars shall be rsrpved when all disturbed areas have been successfully
C. Detention Pond
All disturbed areas within and near the detention pond shall be hydroseeded.
A series of three check dans, each a minimrrn of 20 feet long shall be placed
across the watercourse leading Jrqn the detention pond outlet pipe. One
half cubic yard of quarry spalls shall be placed about the'outlet of the PiPe.
Planting of obligate wetland species in the sediment catctment area of the
detention pond is encouraged.
The check dans below the detention pond shall rgnain in place unti l the
interior of the pond is fully revegetated.
Page,. I I
Pernanent water quality control wilt be provided by a series of three types of
treatnrents. The first level of treatnrent will be provided by the series of
grassy swales along both sides of the street. The swales will be a minimrrn of
one foot wide on the bottqn and will have naximrrn longitudinal slopes of just
under 1.50s.
The next level of treatnrent will be sedinrent deposition rvithin the detention
pond. This level of treatnrent will serve as a backup to that provided by the
Lt"""y swales. If the grassy swales function as intended, there will be no
sedinrent to be deposited in the pond.
The final level of treatnent wilf be provided by sheet flows across the existing
grassy pasture to the east of the detention pond. This will provide prirrrary
Ireatnent (rennval of suspended silts) in the (unlikely) event that neither the
grassy swales non the detention pond settlgment is effective. The expected rrcde
of ttri" final level of treatment is polishin8 of flows prior to discharge frcrn
the proiect site.
-nPerrr.n"nt cater quantity control will be provided by the detention pond.
Gqrplete calcula{ions of the operation of the pond are included in the docrrnent
"mitt.tAcE cAl-cugrtcNs FcR JAcxtlAN STREET D(TENsIcN."
This report was prepard to supplernnt the construction plans and specificationsfor the extension of one block of Jaclcrnn Street in the City of-'Port Townsend.It provides explanatory naterial and docunents the design calculations and
assunptions for portions of the work. It uas prepared as an aid during the plan
review process and is not intended to be a part of the construction docrrnents.
Jaclsran Street will be constructed between 45th Street and the theoretical
location of 43rd Street. The existing pavernnt between 45th Street and the
access to the @unty Fairgrounds will be utilized to sane extent, with new
shoulders (and pavenent as necessary) being added to bring this section into
ccrpliance with the Standard Street Section shown on Detail I of Sheet I of ther construction plans. The adequacy of the structural section of the existing
paverent is dgrpnstrated by its nany years of satisfactory service.
The Standard Section will provide parking on both sides of the street while
allowing a full 20 feet for traffic.
The structural section is the minimun for the City of Port Townsend without
a special design. The length of this project does not urarrant the special
tests necessary to perform a custon design. Other design options such as
delaying placsnent of the final lift of asphalt nay provide both cost savings
and a better surface but the cost savings would be minor for the short lengthof street. The proposed structural section has been shown to be quite
conservative, especially for a residential street, in nany years of use on
the North Olynpic Peninsula.
This project provides for the construction of a sanitary sewer nain serving the
five lots fronting on the new section of street. The nain will run southerly to
the end of the new street section and then easterly, across an easement over the
south end of the fairgrounds. lt will terminate at an existing sewer line as
shown on sheet 2 of the plans.
Pagc 2
ln grder to avoirl a jurisdictional we.tland i t is necessary to route the sanitary
sewer nain further to the north than would otherwise be the c:rse. An existing
rnlhole very near the proposed connection to the existing rmnhole cannot be
econqnically used due to its proximity to the wetland. To enter the existing
nain at the existing ranhole would require two newnanholes and rechannelization
to pr<lvide an adequate entrance.
The plans provide for the construction of a new "saddle" nanhole to be constructed
over and around the existing sewer nain.
The new pipe will enter the new nanhole high enough to allow fof future extension
of the new pipe to a new sanitary sewer nain contenplated to be installed to the
east of the existing sanitary sewer nain.
Water service witl be provided by constructing an 8 inch extension of an
existing 6 inch water nain which presently runs down the east side of Jaclsran
Street to a point approxinately 100 feet south of 45th Street. New hydrants
will be installed at 45th and 43rd Streets.
All service taps fran the nain will be a minimln of I inch to accqnrpdate the' growing trend toward residential sprinkler systenrs. No such systens are
proposea at present, but upsizing of the taps frsn 3/4 inch to I inch is
reasonably inexpensive if perfornred before the street is paved.i:
srcRtil sEurERs
The overall stornnrater ranagernent systern consists of the collection systent
(storm sewers), the water quality treatrnnt systens (prirmrily trassy swales)
and the detention systern. An existing street one block west of Holconb Street
routes runoff frqn the hillsides above this project to the north' limiting
runon to this project to the two blocks innrediately west of the project.
Flows frqn the block to the west of Holcsr$ Street cross under Holcqnb Street
via culvert and are routed by topography to Jaclcran Street at approxinate
station 4+00 where they will enter the proposed stom sewei via catch basin
nunber l. Runoff fran the west side of the new section of Jaclsran Street will
also enter the proposed storm sewer at the sarn point. Runoff frqn the east
side of the new section of Jaclsran Street will enter the storrn sewer systern at
catch basin nrrr$er 2, to be located inmediately across the street frqn catch
basin nrrrber l. A snall anpunt of runoff frqn the east side of Jaclaran Street
between 45th Street and the access to the fairgrounds will continue to flow
to the east without interruption.
The storm sewer is sized to pass a 25 year storm event. Carplete calculations
of both the design storm and the hydraulic caPacity of the storm sewer systen
are contained in the docunent titled "ffiAINACE CAIIULATICNS FCR JACKMAN STREET
Page 3
Storrnrrater quantity will be controlled by a typical detention pond to be located
south east of the proposed south end of the project, as shown on sheet 3 of the
construction plans. Cqrplete hydraulic and hydrologic calculations for the
stormwater detention pond are included in "mAINACE CALo'JI-ATICI{S F€R JACKIMN
An erosion control plan is included as a separate docunent.