HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.07.28 - Lynnesfield Development Wildlife SurveyKunz & Morris Environmental Consulting, Inc. 28 JUIY L994 CampbelI ConstructionAttn: Joe CanPbeII L2O CurtissPort Hadlock, WA 98339 RE:LYNNESFIELDDEVELoPMENTWILDLIFESTIRVEY P.O.8or 136! Port Hedlodr, VA 98339 (206) t8t-6300 tI Aui; t) :l lf,jiU Dear Mr. CarnPbell: At, your request, additional surveys hSve been conducted at the proposed Lynnesfield oevetopment, siie_. You and .Mr. Rick Sepler have ret'uestea a speii_es specific survey f-or osprey, red-tailed hawk, and great blue heron. Apparently, it has' been suggestfi-ilV conmunity uremUers that thiie species may be "iifi"ii6 tne-pi6po="a proiect site for nesting habitat' Mr' Don Morris and-I hlave conautted these additional surveys -o1. 1l July and zc- Juiv. Foli""i"g is- a sunmary of habitat requirements for these specieJ and results of the above mentioned surveys. on 17 JuIy, Mr. Morris and I surveyed the forest interior for nesting struclut"=-.- We did not obsLrve any heron. rookeries or suitable nest trees for osprey' Typically' 9fea1 UlY" herons are colonial breeders thaC nest in talI deciduous or coniferous trees near wetlands. They are shy bird-s and are sensitive to hunan aistuiuance and- would be unlikely to tolerate the repeated hunan disturbance that occurs near and within this site. Great blue heron rookeries are easily observed as the nests are--gnit" large.. Ospreys --t-9q!l::suitable Iive trees, nest plaiform structures, or'sn1gi3-Te3r large bodies of water that- n.t" an adequate supply---6'f fish' These factors are all absent from the pioposed project site' Red-tailed hawks nay nest in trees sirnilar to those found within the forested portion of the proposed _ project site. However, Do red-tailed hawX nests were obierved-during any of the surveys conducted. n.a-t"ired hawks are very aggressive whenintrudersareneartheirnest.Wewouldhavebeenalerted by "" "a"ii nawf if there was a nest in the vicinity as we conducted these, and previous, surveys' on 24 JuIy, Mf. Morris and I conducted a survey between 5:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.n. We observed four grea! blue .herons' a Cooperrs hawk, and a Red-iailed hawk ne-ar the project site' The great ui,ie-t"ton= .it"r.a over the field for several minutes and eventually perched in the small stand of large conifers near the wettana on the adjacent property to the east. Additionally, the Cooper's hawk and Red-tailed hawk perched within this-stand on the adjacent property a! separate intervals during the survey period. There was no indication that they were -nesting nelrby and etere unperturP"g by our presence.- They appeare-d to be-utilizing both the f ield of the iropo="d projett -irea and surrounding property for hunting. As we stat,ed in our previous report of 31 May L9-94., this froperty does not contiin high value _habitat. Specifically, it wouf-a not apPear to be suit,able for grqat _b-lue- heron or osprey nesting frlUitat. CooPer's and.Red-tailed hawks are not Walhiirgton De-partment of Fi:h and Wildlife Priority Species and, -therefore, habitat requirements and management reconmendations are not addressed. It is our opinion that the proposed project will not irnpact priority splcies based upon the surveys vte have conducted. b1"""" iiv6 me a call if fou have any questions regarding the results of this survey Sincerel thia A.President ",,t %E3trorivnsend AU6 2 2 lg9{ Planning and Building Y Kunz & Morris Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O. Bor I36i Port lladlock, \yA 98t39 (206) 3Er-6300 31 May L994 Canpbell ConstructionJoe Canpbell L2O CurtissPort Hadlock, WA 99339 *":- Lynnesfield Developrnent Wild1ife Survey Dear Joe: Enclosed you will .find the report for the LynnesiieldDevelopment survey. Additionally, you will find the Kunz andMorris Environmental Consulttng Statement of Qualifications.If you submit the report to the City of Port Townsend, you maywant to include a copy of our qualifications as an addendurn. Please give me a call if you have any questions, comments, ordesired changes to this r6port. Than-k lou for the opportunityto perform this service for you. I{e loo}< forvard to theopportunity to work with you again. , cindi Kunz Lynnesfield Development wlldlife surveyKunz & Morris Environruental Consulting, Inc., Statementof Qualifications . -..-i^:1.r a:' ''-.. .1 - -.. - -- :: '-, ' !'- Encl:(1) (2) ;lI F'.--' " ';'.j.-' A wildlife survev !'/as conducted at the request of Joecampbell, landowner, ftr.rh_e p";p;;;; deverolnerfr- or 70 singlefanily homes and go'rrttit auprex'e-sJ-t-o-w-nirouses. The purpose of thesurvev was to,assess the vicility-ior lli-t-i"l-i riltiitre habirar andto determine if prioriry =p"-iF='"i"-pii=ent. prioiity.species arethose estabrisnea bv rh'etashins!;l:";;.rrmenr of wilrtlife in therrManag'ement Recornneidations r"r -wisiri"dtor,'s priority Habitats andSpecies" guidelines (199i1 . uthwest or tnlJef ferson county rairlroirnd,s-wittti"-p"ii ror1="nd city limits. . rh&,property encompasses.lpproxir"t"iy'jil"r"= and is bordered by theJef f erson counrv rairli""$:- ;;e ; - pievious - d;;"r;pment by Mr;campberl to the- north,- the ye.sberger-lroperty to the south, thel3'lnl"n:;"ir?*?:r roistiict to t-rr-e Lalt,- and' trr" ouncan property surveys were cond,ucted in the evenings on 24 and 26 May of'L994 ' Prior to each survey ttre ail",-tir"-irra-r"?her conditionssrere noted - _ surveys were cond,ucted 1v. hu;i-"g' the propertyperimeter .ng througirort itt" il;;-i.r of both th; grassrand andf orested land ' The -v"q"t"tion -tn-a-r-J&erisiics oI- uotr, areas andsigns of wildrife w.r" -""t"a ti*;a;;t the survey. The forest stand is predoninated by Dougras fir and isassociated with western iea ceaar.-- rtr" deciduoui trees scatteredwithin the site are wiilow ana rnadrona, and a few red alder. Theunderstory vegetation varied "iln Eih , =*ord i".., wi rd roses,trairing blacliberry, hucireu"rrvl-""1-r"a "urr.ni.--'very few snagsof significant sizi-r"r" -="en t-rrlougrr""c tt " ";ii;" property. The grassy parcer of lhe -property was surveyed for signs ofwildlife' rhl -exi=Ci"s pottq , "dg" -!ta rrr*or-rialng vegetationconsists, predominantry,'"f "ilt;ii;, rusnes, and wila roles. The wirdlife observed ygre riras:- stetter,s jay, vioret-greenswarrow' robin, red-wingea urac]<biial-"na Bewickrs ana winter wren.The landowner and adja"6"i tanaownli= n.r" observed-deer, raccoon,chinese ring-necked 6n""=""t, grouse, iun.a. geese, and marrards onthe property. The area does not appear to be likely habitat for threatenedendangered, or priorit|-"p""i"r.-- ttr" ibsence ofnotn suitabl!snags and trees that -rneet the ninirnum sizs iequirements arelinitins factors for snif-a"p.r,a""f r-iitiii""ioplrilrions such aswoodpeckers, owls, and, raptors At the request of the randownerr.Mr. c^ampberr, r am subrnittingthe folrowing enhancement recomnendations ror tne!=opo".d project: The pond currently supports cattails and rushes, with wildroses growing_on the uifan.i_n"rir"---. Two red_winged blackbirdparrs are utilizing th; pold; in iJaitio' to reports of martardsand canada geese ' -rne pf"j"& ;d;::s to "o'=t?,rtt anorher pondadjacent to the "*i=ti""q B-ond. - r;Lrrn.rr"" both the existinq andproposed pond, aquatiJ- ftant *r""iJv wgur{ provi.de additionalhabitat and forasd i;;;fitrirdiTr"='fopuratioris.- - The following aquat-ic plants wourd enhance t the ponds toprovide food and 6on#' ror -fish -and ,"t"rioorir-. wild cererytubers/plants, 'srild ri&, arrowhead or - wapato duck pot,ato, duck:ii*:,- tr adaition -i" -it" u"i""rn ina "itr"ii"-rhar currentry The foll0wing ground cover would qnhance the uprand areasadjacent to the p"".i-t""provide rooJ'_a.n_a "or* i* deer, uprandgame birds, wate-rfowl - in-a other -*iiarie", highbush cranberrybirdsfoot trefoir,-t.tl.r. wirarrower nixesr proso nirret, i;addition to the crbvei u"a """i-;;-;;;sses th;t -"u-rr"ntly exist. Forested Land: The deveropment, as Pr_opoisgr. provides a buffer behind eachrow of homes to- allow ror a -wiraiife lorridor. To naximize thewildlife diversitv-witnin- tnes" "-oir-iaors, retain the current nixedspecies of tree" i.a ,r"d".=tory vegetation. currently, there are walk]lg trails throughout the interior ofthe forested - iand, -rni"rr wiri' u" -,lt"irr-"a '*ilt -trri= proposeddevelopment' These tiiiG wiri ue ,r"Juy r"=id"],G ro the school,fairgrounds, and ." i relreationar-icii*rity. rt is ny opinion that tjre !evelopn6nt-,. g= proposed,, wilr notiurpact prior-itv "p"l'i;:.-_r-1 f_ac!, -w1rh the i.nprementation ofwetland enhanCeneirt -ni.":e.cts and. t!" -retention of wildlifecorridors betw.een the 6u-ir_ai"-g,,t]'G, .ligniricant *irarire habitatwill be protecred ""a ""tloced-. Addili;nlrry, aii; piopo="d projecrwill provide recrearionif _opportuniii; i;'"dii.J.;i rand,owner! byenhancing the wetrand"-i"a Tal"""-"1-irl-r.na=. ,l STATEIVT ENT OF QUALI FI CATI O NS INTRODUCTION SERVICES Kunz and Nlorris Environmental Consulting Inc. was established to provide professional services inenvironmental analysis and regulatory processes. Cindi Kunz and Don Monis have worked together forl0 years on environmental and natural resources developmental and management projects. The coirbination o_f our indiv_idualexperiences and expertise serves to complembnt the services that can be offered. through Kunz aud illords Enviroameatal Consulting lrc- Our senrices will provide a complete propam rtr"n.g"*"-nt concePt that will assist the land owner/developer in meeting regulatory and plocedunl requireminis fordevelopment and mitigation projects. .il.' PRO.IECT PLANNING Our senrices offer early project review and planning. These initial planning issues include: determination of environmental constraints, determination of necess:rry doctrmentation for-NEPA (Natiorral EnvironmentalPolicy Act) or SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act), and regulatory requirements relating to threatenedand endangered species, cultural resources, and sensitive habitat. PLOJEqT r\Itu\AGEIIENT We can fumish overaU management of required regutatory processes and environmental d,ocumentation.We have the capabitity to assemble and organize a complete team to accomplish aU necessary project documentation and permitting. This indudes EIS (Environmental Impact Statemeht) and EA tgnvir6nheiratAssessment) _documentation for NEPA and SEPA review. We also provide Biological Assessments for Endangered Species Act compliance. NATI.IR{L RES O LTR CES S URtruYS As a team, we are able to conduct environmental investigations, which indude: terrestrial inventories,shellfish resource assessment, wetlands delineation, waterand sedimdnt quality sampling sensitive habitat surveys, threatened and endangered species surveys and olhii natural t"io,rr..r elalultions. PERI\TITTTNG t- r.Using the information from environmental and naturai resources surveys, literature review, and. othersources, we are able to prepare and acquire .Federal, State, and Locil agency permits required fordevelopment and improv_ement projects. These permitting reguirements mayinclude the fouowing Corpsof Engineers application, Hydraulic Project Approval, Shoreline permits, Coasial Consistenqy Deterr;ination, etc. RESOURCE IUANAGEIVTENT AND IVTTnGATIoN PLANS Kunz and IVlorris Environmental Consulting luc- has extensive experience in natural resources mar,agement and environrnental Protection prccqises. We offerservices that provide for the development and implemintationof the following plans: Natural Resources Management, Resource lvtitigation,'llmber Conveiion Option Harvest, and Wetland lvtitigation CAREER SUfvl&IARY EDUCATION 1983 1989 1991 to 199.1 Ms.-Kunz has-many years of experience and training in natural rresources management and envirollnental-permitting prccesses. lvG. Kuru has corsidenble expertise in conducting wildlife and critical habitat surveys, formulating specilic natural resourcls mainagement pEru, and developing p*mit appUcatiors for a variety of corstnrction projects. She ha! wdtten Biolodcal Assessments for compliance with SectionT of. the Endangeied Species Act aird developedmitigation recomrnendations through formal and informal coruultation processes. ltG. Kuru has experience working with local, state and fedeial regulatory agencies conceming a varietyof environmental regula tions. CYNTHI,AA. KUNZ PRESIDENT University of Washington, B.S. in Wildlife Science Univenity of Washington,lvts. in Wildlife Science PRp FES S IOr\AL AFFILL{TIO NS The Mldlife Society: Associate Wildlife Biologist PROFESSIONAL EMPLOY}TENT RECORD 1987 to l99l 1988 to 1989 19&{ to 1986 U.S. Nary at Port Hadlock, WA: Natural Resources Coordinator(Fish and Wildlife Biologist) Kuru Biological Consulting: Na turll Resources Consul ta nt Bureau of knd Managemenb Biologist .. U.S. Navy at Keyport, WA: Biologist " " 'l' ......- PROFESSIONAL RECORD ,r ' Natural Resources Management Ptans for U.S. wavy prop'erties (19U-f 994) ' Fish and' wildlife censusing and data collections for U.S. Naoy, Bureau of Iand lvla nagement, a nd priva te la ndowners (f 9gl-l 99{) ' Development of management and protection plans for tfueatened and endangered, species(r98{-199{) ' Wildlife and iritical habitat surveys for private landowners (t987-l9gl) ' Diological Assessment preparation and consultation for Section 7 Endangered, Species Act complia nce (1992-1994) . Shellfish lvfanagement Plans for U.S. Nary (t9S{-199.1) ' stream restoration and permirring on u.s. Navy properties (l9sg-1992) DONALD E. MORRIS VICE.PRESIDENT CAREER SI.JIITNL{RY EDUCATION t957 t968 University of Delaware, Bachelor of Arts Univenity of Hawaii, Master of Science lvtr.lvtorris began his professional career in Hawaii, pioneering artificial reef constnrction in near shoremarine waters. He researched the life histoqy of spiny loboten and, several species of marine ili.,;;.sPorts fisfr" He was Project lvlanager for a study of tn! eivironmental effects of Iiawaiian tugrt",iii;iri.on the rytil" ec_osystem and water/sediment quality studies in Pearl Harbor. Moving to Siiverdale; Wa,he was Project Manager for environmental Laseline studies and, environmental -monitoring d,L""gconstruction of Naval Submarine Base, Bangor. Mr. Morris established and managed the Natural-ier6"i", 1t-s-IF€E Bangor ."-11_N""y properties -at Keyport and,_ Indian Islan4 rre ts tra t*p"*rirury i",RCRA, CERctA and UST programs at NttwES, K.ypon Mr. Morzis senred, as Naqr projeci tut"n"s6, io,developing and completing numerous EIS's and E{iand has been resporsible fot o6t.i"i'njiil;.?,!r;;regulatoqy permits for in-water construction projects. I PRO FES S IO NAL REGISTR{,TIO N 1 1983 Fisheries Scientist (No. 1573) PRO FES SIO NAL AFFI LIATION American Fisheries Society PROFESSIONAL ENIPLONENT RECORD 1981 to 199{ 1979 to 1981 7973 to L979 1970 to L973 1967 to 1970 1959 to 1967 U.S. Navy lGtsap County: t latqet nesources t"tanagementand Environmental Planning Govemment of Guam: Fisheries Biolotist ,.. -."'.''' " U.S. Navy, Bangor, WA: Biotogist --.., '. U.S. Navy, Hawaii: Biologist Fedenl water Pollution control Aclministration (EpA), Hawaii: Biologist State of Hawaii, Dvision of Fish.r,a C.ir,"r Fisheries Biologist PROFESSIONAL RECORD ' EIS for closure and Reuse of Naval station sand point (1994). EIS for Realignment of Naval starion Sand point (1991) ' sEIs for Etement II Breakr^/ater pier Naval station Everett (1993). ' EA for Element I, Carrier Battle Group Homeporting in the Puget Sound Area, Washington state (1989) ' lVater Quality Certification lvlonitoring Plan for Naval Station Evirett (1992) ' Baseline Year Water Quality Certification Monitoring Report, Naval Station Everett (1994) EA for High Energy Test Faciliry, NTIWES Keyport (1993) ' EA for l.Javy Lodge at the Family support complex, NAvsrA Everett (199{). EA for Naval Resenre Center in Everett, WA