HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.09.13 - Third Party Wetland Delineation Reviewparly wetland delineatiql' -^r'iewPage I of I-..rne wassmerFrom: Judy SurberSent: Wednesday, September 13,2006 4:42PMTo: 'Mraz, Richard (ECY) A.'Cc: Suzanne Wassmer; Lund, PerrySubject RE: Third party wefland delineation reviewMany thanks Rick - lt was great to see you and Peny---Original Message-----From: Mraz, Richard (ECn A. [mailto:rmra461@ECY.WA.GOV]Senft Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:08 PMTo: Judy SurberCc Suzanne Wassmer; Lund, PerrySubjece Third party wetland delineation reviewHello Judy:Thanks for the opportunity to provide assistance regarding the delineation for the wetland just northof Hastings Avenue in Port Townsend. Based upon the site visit, Ecology staff determined thatcertain Hydrologic Functions of the wetland were not present, thereby yielding a score that resultedin a Category lll ranking. Specifically, the wetland is topographically isolated from other downgradient systems and does not have the opportuni$ to reduce flooding and erosion. This aspecteliminates the use of a multiplier in the ratings system that would have resulted in a Category llranking. Thus, in conclusion, the system is accurately rated a Category lll. lf you have questions orrequire clarification of this determination, please contact me.Rick MrazWetlands,/Shorelands SpecialistShorelands and EnvironmentalAssistance ProgramSouthwest Regional Of f ice(350) 407 -622Lrmra461@ecy. wa. gov91t312006 \ 8A? lctp n\^e-, Uet\rtu^c e_ r-r€ t \a n,d.. pr eS@r ce , h r is'i1i Co'nrFi.p-rng ? ''i,i{f;,il iMltr:'it "-m$}v,fr 2t\ --2Tt rt cc us ffiffiil]lW t},l,l,h?ha \ oa Eo F 4<- ffi![WLiI \ t Warer Waste Water Stotm Water I inch cqualr 156.499993 f.et ThL mrp ! pruvi&d on rn 'rt lr"'"sft d Luh"' bsl. 'Ibc CiV ofPon Tosrltnd Md l! tdplo)'cr do nol \drAnl h st M/ dl' rc(urcl or u'' hfo.n.don contrift,l in t!l tuP F(U vrtific'rioo of lhr .c(ubct of r[ hrP infomotion s d!-!ol' ,.'"..Jifin it ,lt, "t* Ut!r t.ld!tr tlt( C'ry ol P"irTom,rna .nd it.nplot'lr &om tnt hbUr) b.rcd oil N.r'r s. oamiP rnfo'm'tio^ I -X* Ro,:\c tJci\'r{ pr,1 Dt 1,9. Qvc \ a . (hristul ntre>ve ,deto.il+d rpeyn6{ tl.'il toe*larnd do'er nol ,er{e^.d o'l1l-D BlCIcl,c S'. Dirq*,*otnnent on Cai.<lgvtrd fa trea* etis j IX oc S!il . Urr:dic t"renrrt{ Drxia level \ -€$€"nCe [ i T3 A4cC,^t I + a U) # :(.J T t 29TH ST aa c0o (.' A @r + Fo qffi \"1'z c . Ft,;t-) 7 ryffi] u,rlj Faou, $or --)c -)€--t€ ----)+--'r' *HASTIN VE 27TH ST l{. :,.i 1Jil;l)iiil'! i ;i4'lY(!il ,t '' t- t3,ot-o *wv rcviOrr.r tOt 6a :Qr,t-N . * ):