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The Planning Commission met in regular session on April 11, 2019 in the City Hall
Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Chair Paul Rice called the meeting to order at
6:33 p.m.
Commissioners present at roll call were Bob Doyle, Rick Jahnke, James Lagergren,
Monica MickHager, Aislinn Palmer, Lois Stanford, and Paul Rice.
Staff members present were Development Services Director Lance Bailey, Planning
Manager Judy Surber, and City Clerk Joanna Sanders.
There was consensus approval of the agenda as presented.
Motion: Rick Jahnke moved to approve Minutes - March 28, 2019 Bob Doyle
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
There was none.
Text Amendments to PTMC Chapter 16.08 Flood Damage Prevention
Chair Rice reviewed the rules of procedure for the public hearing.
There were no financial or property interests to disclose in connection with this
matter, although James Lagergren acknowledged that his home is within the flood
zone. There were no objections by staff or the Planning Commission to him
participating in the hearing.
Planning Manager Judy Surber made the staff presentation. She reported public
comment was provided from Cindy Jayne from the Climate Preparedness Action
Group urging raising the flood protection elevation level for residential and
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nonresidential base flood elevation from 1 to 2 or more feet. Staff solicited feedback
from FEMA on that opinion and those comments related to manufactured homes
were also provided. Her presentation covered the background and overview of key
changes and maps of where regulations would apply.
Ms. Surber reported that since 2017 update, FEMA updated the floor insurance rate
maps necessitating their adoption. She reviewed the map of special flood area
hazards (including impacts to the Boat Haven). She then led the Commission
through a discussion topics: types of structures, what it would mean to increase the
minimum, allowing variances, and a timeline of the amendment process.
Public Comment:
David Wilkinson spoke to Cindy Jayne's written comments from Local 20/20. He
gave background on the effects of climate change on the community. Because
FEMA uses historical versus future anticipated sea level rise, he urged the change
supporting +2 or more of flood elevation.
Commission then discussed:
1. Should the city increase the minimum freeboard? Yes, there was consensus to
increase to 2 feet above base flood elevation.
2. Should the City allow variances? Staff noted this is a Type II permit. There was
consensus to allow variances.
3. Should appurtenant structures be added to Section 16.08.170? Following the
Commission and staff discussion on whether item 4 would be onerous
to businesses in the Boat Haven to meet the requirements. Staff noted that propane
tanks need to be anchored, but heat pumps or electrical equipment for the shop
would need to meet the base elevation, but not two feet above. There was no
change regarding the suggestion about requesting FEMA to agree to changes for
some residential structures, but there remained interest in excluding those in boat
Discussion then moved to a page by page review of PTMC 16.08. Staff noted
several typographical or grammatical changes. Substantive amendments related to
references beginning in 16.08.130 for "mean sea level." There was a suggestion to
include a definition and list the current mean sea level height in Port Townsend. Ms..
Surber noted that the reference point changes over time, but Staff could include a
definition or replace "mean sea level" with the specific number.
Staff responded to questions on the SEPA environmental checklist, but there were
no changes. Ms. Surber then led a review of additional updates to the findings and
conclusion as highlighted. There were no additional revisions.
Mr. Rice closed public testimony and then the public hearing.
Motion. Monica MickHager moved to approve Planning Commission Findings and
Conclusions and Text Amendments to PTMC Chapter 16.08 Flood Damage
Prevention (as presented with modifications as noted to attachment 1 and
Planning Commission Meeting April 11, 2019 Page 2 of 3
attachment 1a), including adoption of the flood insurance study and flood insurance
rate maps dated June 7, 2019. Aislinn Palmer seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Rainier Street and Upper Sims Way Subarea Plan — Status Update
Development Services Director Lance Bailey distributed draft modified PTMC tables
17.18.020, 17.20.020, and 17.22.020 to assist the Planning Commission in its review
of the new development regulations in the subarea plan. Discussed were how the
uses are currently listed in the code versus how the changes would look in the
proposed amendments. When combining categories, there were questions
about how staff would address the different permitted categories once grouped
together. Mr. Bailey agreed to continue to refine the proposed changes for discussion
at the next meeting. Because of the rezone properties from C-II to Mixed Commercial,
there would likely be a new table or notes to describe the changes to the C-II. He
noted that in the next packet would be a finished narrative for the hearing, table of all
of the changes, development regulations, and findings and conclusions.
Public Hearing on the Subarea Plan.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
� Planning Commiss n Chair
City Clerk's Office
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