HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.05.13 - Kah Tai Alliance Letter to Larry Crockett,/ 5'^^*JVyB'rrAs
Rosemary Sikes
1709 Gise Street,Port Townsend, WA 98368
Kah Tai Alliance and Boardmember of AdmiraltyAudubon
360-385-0307 rosemarysikes@hotmail.com
Larry Crockett, Executive Director
P.O. Box 1180
Port Townsend, WA 98368
lt{AY I I 2003
cln' 0i: Fitill 1 iv/l.t',] ijriLt
May 15,2003
Dear Mr. Crockett,
Thank you for explainipg the Port Comprehensive Scheme process and sharing the draft information available thus
far. I am writing this letter as amember of the Kah Tai Alliance which is composed of representatives from the
Admiralty Audubon Society, Jefferson Lan{Trusl People for a l-ivable Community, the Native Plant Society, and
other interested citizens. Please include this letter as part of the public comment for the Port of Port Townsend
Comprehensive Scherne Update.
After reading the Comp,rehensive Scheme Update Existing Conditions - Other Facilities in relatim to the Port
property south of the Kah Tai Lagoon I believe there me some corrections necessary before the plan becomes final.
They are as follows:
Page IV - 6 "The Port ownership includes approximately 2l acres of undeveloped land located between SR 20lSims
Way and the southem edge of the lagoon behveen Kearney and Landes Street.'t
Port Townsend was platted in the 1800's. The Port owns lots and blocks excluding crty riglrt of ways. Between the
Port property are seven tmdeveloped city streets with 60 foot right ofways and two undeveloped streets (Sau Juan
Avenue and Franklin Steet) with 85 foot riglrt of ways. Also seven alleys divide the property. So in reality a
significant part of the "Port ovrnership" described above is owned by the City of Port Townsend.
Page fV - 6 "The only facility on the site is a resfroom."
The Port property south of the Kah Tai Lagoon also has a picnic shelter and benches. The picnic shelter is shown,
although not labelle4 on Figrne 11 and 12 Kah Tai Lagoon alternatives I md,2.
Page IV -6 "There is no local access to the water, designated trail to or around the lake, and there isno developed
parking area for visitors to the pmk area."
There are trails to the Kah Tai Lagoon and the pond south of the lagoon. Trails on Port property include:I The maintrail connects 146 Steet to Clay Sheet following the southern shore of the lagoon between tandes
street and Keamey Street.
o A secondary trail runs between tlaines Place and 12ft Street to the main tail on the south side of the logoon
dlong the western border of the mowed play field.r A tuil circles the pond (connected to, and south of the lagoon)t A secondary trail runs northeast between Haines Place and 12ft Sneet to themain tail connecting
approximately two thirds the distance from Landes Street to Keamey Street.t A secondary hail runs southeast from the previous trail to Sims Way and Benedict Steeta A loop tall nrns ftom the previous trail, curves through the eastern uplands, and connects to the main trail near
Kearney Street.
All the trails described are easily seen in aerial photographs except the last one, which was made in 2001.
Existing Facilities andUse should include:
The main easVwest trail that follows the shoreline has become a major non-motorized corridor linking opposite sides
of towns and nearby commercial districts. Other trails explore the uplands, pond and connect the main easVwest
trail to the parking lot. The parking lot is located next to the bathrooms in the southwest corn€r of the Port properly.
The parking lot is also easily visible by aerial photographs. Besides walking and bike riding other uses include
school field trips, feeding the ducks, piuricking, and contemplating nature. See Peninsula Daily News Sunday,
March 9,2003 for an article on Gary Perless, a Port Townsend Hig[ Sohool tacher, using Kah Tai Lagoon Nature
Park y_qgkly field.triqg_p part of his science class.
Page IV - 7 "If the Lagoon receives tidal waters on a regulm basis, the designation of this wetland would changefrom lacustrine and palustine to an estuarine system."
Jhere-is-p lf inp,h_ nine that connects the Kah Tai Lagoon to Port Townsend Bay. I do not know how much exchange
there is betweeil the twq however it certainly would be worth exploring.
Page IV - 8 'tlo vegetitiori was observed growing in the shallow waters of the lagoon."
The site visit by Reid Middleton was conducted July 8, 2002. Summer is the drieit time of year in port Townse,nd.
Most of the year the hmd-stem bulrush, which is referred to in the same pmagraph, is in the water.
Page IV - 8 uThe Kah Tai Lagoon was determined to be a Category III wetland, hased on its lack of habitat features,
low wetland class interspersion, degraded buffens, and lack of surface water connec{ion to steams. The port
Townsend Mrmicipal Code (PTT{C) calls for a 50-foot buffer for Category III wetlands (PTMC 19.05.110 2E3)'
According to John C Heal of Bionomics, Inc. the Kah Tai Lagoon is a Category II wetland. His report dates
February 12,l'997 and is available from the City of Port Tov*n-send Plarming Departnnent. "On Fehruary t,!997,the
site was evaluated with respect to wetlands resources by John Heal of Bionomici. Mr. Heal has a Master'sDegree in
Envirmmental Studies from the Evergreen State Collegq 9 years experience assessing wetland$, and.is a member
of the Washington Native Plant Society and the Society of Wetland Scientists. . . The Kai Tai lagoon wetland is an
extensive lacushine open water/mergent wetland that is hydrologically isolated...The wildlife-habitat and native
vegetation value of the wetlandratehigh for severalreasons. The size ofthe wetland, many vegetation layers,
species diversity, variety of wetland class (lacusfrine emergen! lacusffine open water), and proximity toiesidential
and recreational areEls are important considerations. Extensive use of the mea by waterfowl and smail mammals
makes this a valuable wetland in the middle of a city,..This is a Category II wetland under tho state wetland rating
The PTMC calls for a 100-foot buffer for a Category II wetland.
IV - 8 'Most of the plant species observed in the upland are associated with disturbed environments. New plantings
of native shrub and tree species iocated between the wetland and the walking pafir were noted during the site visi*'
I am including a pftint list gathered by Dixie Llewellin, a wetland biologist, in Februmy of 2003. FrJm this lisf it is
evident that there is a wide variety ofnative species growing on the Port property in Kah Tai Lagoon Nature park.
Plantings were dqre by volunteers, birds, and dre wind since the fill was deposited n lg14.
Page IV - I'Wildlife Characteristics"
I am enclosing a more complefe list of bird species recorded for the Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Parlc Most of the
sighjings were made from the south side of the lagoon. The bird list was compiled by members of the Admiralty
Audubon Society.
Page fV - 11 'utilities: The City of Port Tovmsend Provides sewer service to the site. There are no other utility
services to the site, although the following utilities are available in the vicinity of the site include; ri,ater servicg
qlovided by the City of Port Townsend; and elechicat service provided by Puge,t Sound Energy.n
The above sentenc€ is very confusing. Water, sewer, and power me-all found in the bathroomilocated at the
southwest corner ofthe Port property.
If you have any questions about my comments feel fiee to contact me at 385 0307 on rosgmarysikes@.hotmail.com. I
believe communication between the public and public age,ncies such as the Port of Port f;;r"""d t ty ii"p"tt "t
Rosemary Sikes
Kah TaiAlliance
Board member of Admiralty Audubon
Frank D'Amorg Port of Port Tovrnsend Advisory Board
David Timmonq City lManager
Park and Recreation Advisory Board
Scientific Name
Kah Tai Lagoon
Partial Plant List
Common name Strtus
Almts crispa ssa. sinuat a Sitka alder NI
ArbuUs meraiesii Madrona NI
Pinus contorta Shore pine FAC-
Populus balsamifera Bliack cotonwood FAC
Prumts emsrFinsta var mollis Bitter cherrv FACU
Pseudotsuga menziesii Douelas- fir FACU
Salix scouleriana Scouler willow FAC
Thuia plicota Westemred cedar FAC
Amelanchier alnifolia Sendce-berrv FACU
Ar a ost aplwlos columbi ana BristlV manzsnita NI
Berberb aquifolium Shinv oreson sraDe NI
Cornus sericb.a Red osier doswood FACW
Crataetus dousliosii Douglas' hawthorn FAC
crataegusmonogyna Endishhawthorn NI
Cvtisw scoparius Scot's broom NI
Hedera helix Iw NI
Holodiscas discolor Ocean-spray NI
IJex sp.Holly NI
Mwica californicq Califomia wax-myrtle FACW
Ribes sanquineum Red currant IIPL
Rosa nutkana Nootka rose FAC
Rubus discolor Himalavan blackberrv FACU
Rubus oorviflorus Thinbleberrv NI
Rubus ursinus Trailins blackberry FACU
Sal* hookeriana flookerwi]low FACW-
Salb lucida var. lasiandra Pacific willow FACW+
Sheperdia candensk Soapberrv NI
Svmphoricarpos albus Snowber:ry FACU
Achillea millefolium Yarrow NI
Anaohalis marpmitacea Pearly everlasting NI
Arunan. di oictts v or. actminatus Goatsbeard NI
Circium (nvettse Cennda thistle FACU+
Cirsium vul4are Bull thistle NI
Conium maculatum Poison he,mlock FACW-
Cytisus scoparius Scot's broom NI
Dsuclts carota Oueen-anns lace NI
Ep il o b iu m ansus t ifo lium Fireweed NI
Epilobium sp.Willowhert NI
Galium sp.Bedstraw NI
Gr indeli a int er srifoli q Gumweed FACW
Hwochaeris radicata Hairy cat's-ear NI
Lamium purpureum Pwple dead-nettle NI
Lupinus orboreus vqr. arboreus Tree Lupine NI
Plantaso lanceolata Fnglish plantain FAC
P olygonum s achaliners e Gantknotweed FACU
Olympic Wetland Resources, lnc.Page 1 2t15tO3
ansertna silverweed OBL
dock FACW
canadensis NI
Taru.acum officinale FACU
Tellima grandiflora NI
Trifolium sp.lclovo NI
Typha lffiolia lCanait OBL
Vicia sp.lVetch NI
lGh Tai Lagoon
Partial Plant List
Grasseso Rushes and
Horsetails and Fems
AJ.so observed:
Daphne- rugosa rose- pampas grass- phyrocanthus. several planted species of willow. and poplar reeg
Agrostis capillaris (A-tenuis )Colonial bentsrass FAC
Dact-vlis glomerata Orchard-grass FACU
Elwus mollis Dune wildrye NI
Elytrigia repens vqr repens Quackgass FACU
Festuca arundinacea Tall fescue FAC-
Holczs lanstus Velve4rass FAC
Juncus acaminafus Tapertip rush OBL
Jungas eflusus Softnrsh FACW
Sctrpus acutus Hardstem bulrush OBL
Sctrpus maritimus Seacoast bulrush OBL
qt'vense horsetail FAC
tail OBL
Pteridium aqulinum fern FACU
Facultative Upland Species/ Non wetland
addition of + or - fi:rther defines the plant
Facultative Species
Facultative Waland Species
have been classifieci to the Fish md Wildlife Service.
Obligate Wetland Species
No Indicator Assigned
OLympic Wetland Resources, lnc.Page2 2t15tO3
Port Towneend, Washlngton
Occutrrnce Key:
ay r allyear or every season
sP o sfing only
s* srmmeronly
w= winteronly
f = fall only
m:r migranl only
un E unoo'mmon, soffF species not seen every year
eared orebe un American coot av chestnut-backed chickadee ev
oied billed orebe av short-billed dowitcher m common bushtit av
double-creEted cormorant av lons-billed dowitcher m red-breasted nuthatch ev
trumpeterswan un spofted sandpioer m Bewick'wren av
\merican bittem un oectoral sandoiber un lono.billed marsh wren av
oreen heron un eagt sandpioer m American robin av
great blue heron av westem sandnioer m varied thrush un
oreat eoret un red-necked nhalarope un Swainson thrush un
Canada soose av killdeer ay rubvcrowned kinolet ty
mallard duck av common snipe av golden-crowned kins let W
pintailduck w olaucous-winoed oull ey cedar waxwino s
sadwallduck av lonaparte's gull e.f European starling ay
American widEeon f,w Caspian tem g warbling vireo so. s
European widseon un greateryellow legs f.w orange-crowned warbler sp. s
northem shoveler av leeser yellow leos m yellow warbler $
blue-wlnsed teal m rock dove av common vellowthroat m
sreen-winaed teal av sreat homed owl un yellow-rumped warbler av
cinamon teal un short eared owl un Wilson's warbhr sD.8
no-necked duck f.w bam owl av westem meadowlark u
lessergcaup ltv common nioht hawk s red-winsed bhcktird ev
greater scauo w black swift s brown.headed cowbird s
common goldeneye w rufous humminobird so.8 westem tanaoer sD.s
bufflehead duck ut belted kinofisher av black-headed srosbeak 8
hooded meroenser AY downv woodpecker av house finch av
ruddy duck av northem flicker ev oine siskin w
turkey vulture un olive-sided flycatcher s Arnerican $oldfinch st'.9
)oopefs hawk av bam swallow $o. s red-crossbill un
sharp-shinned hawk av cliff swallow s spotted towhee av
northem hanier un violetqreen swallow ED. 8 savannah $panow sp.8.l
red-tailed hawk av tree swallow s dark+ved iunco av
k phase red-tailed hawk un rough-winqed swallow s white-crowned spanow av
bald easle av purple martin s oolden-crowned sparow lfl
oSbrev un 8V Lincoln spenow l,u
pereorine falcon un common raven w fox spanow w
merlin falcon un common crovy av $ong sDanow av
)allfomia Quail un black-capped chickadee ay house soanow av
Viroinia rail ev
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