HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008.03.24 - Gammage Review of Current Conditions of ESAGrzato-d g*a i+rcm,' t"i,*1.,t{ (t-r e'..t*v.= cr gf "-t3 Trrdf 6.1q,{ WESTECH COMPANY -(,{fuS'"') Environmental Consulting -Site Permitting March 24,2408 Dear Ms Mclaughlin: This letter is to inform you of the results of Westech Company's investigation of the two parcels (#001033006 and *ciotoggooz) located at 1733 Hastings Avenue in Port Townsend, Washington that are owned by you and Carol Wise. lt was the goalof Westech Company to provide an expert opinion on- and review of current conditions of Environmentally Sensitive Areas on your property. A site map is provided in Figure 1' Ann McLaughlin c/o Coldwell Banker Town and Country 2365 E. Sims Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 Certain drainage Loggy. He states and noted that precipitation and your property. 'i .)..i,.,"' A subsequent review was made by Mr. Rick Mraz of the Department of Ecology (DOE) who ;t.,.,n iro]""t"0 that the wegand "pp""r"d to be a Category lll wetland requiring an 8O-foot buffer. He)v also recommended that the size of the wetland be expanded. It is our u nd Delineation was conducted by Loggy Soil and wetland Consu wetland was rated as a Category lV wetland. The proposed project at an additional single-family residence. As this was a moderate intensity of land use, the wetland buffer was 40 feet. activities on an prom pted another investigation bY Mr. in his report n July of made adjustments to the wetland boundary the hydrology on-site wetland was impacted by above average that a newly excavated ditch on the parcel to the west was directing runoff onto At your ated the site. Reconnaissance visits were cond 7,2008 desig nated wetland is approximately 90% reed canary grass and 10% Nootka ugh minute amounts of Douglas' sPirea can also be found. It appears that rose is invading from the edge into the center of the wetland, indicating that the wetland maY be becoming drier. Trailing blackberry,Himalayan blackberry, and Douglas fir can be found outside the wetland boundary'Occasional inundation of water causes the reed canary g rass in the center of the wetland to lie down and have a film of water over it. As you indicated, at times this area can have a the wetland durin 1O-foot puddie that'holds water. However, no surface water was observed in g Westech's site visits. On the eastern side there is a ditch that acts as an outlet and filters water out of the wetland. No algal mats as observed by -==-DOE and Loggy were in evidence' t,II JUl,i i $ ?*,t$ il U CITY OF PORl' TOi4lNSINt) DSi] mber Washington 98362 -Telephone: (360) 565-1 333P.O. Box 2876 - Port Angeles' email: westech@westechcompany. com - Fax: (360) 452-6708 Ms. Mclaughlin ,.,.,;' MarCh 24,2OOg .^i4i,./':''' ,.for t Page 2 f",t"i..* o^ s '.,i {' The previous presence of these algal mats in the wetland was subsequent to the neighbor clearing the ditgh. Conditions at that time may not have been typical. Westech Company staff took soil core samples in the wetland. The specffic soil type rnapped by the Soil Conservation Service for the site is Clallam gravelly sandy loam. Our findings were inconsistent with this mapping although the silt loams found could be associated with Townsend soils (an associated soil series). We found soils in the wetland to be silt loams (10% sand, 2lo/o clay, and 7A% silt) betow a two inch organic layer. To a depth of 12 inches, soils are consistently the same. They are dark brown in color (Munsell chart reading of 312 (10yr)). Glacial till was found to be at a depth of 12 inches. The soils were barely moist in February and March when it would be expected that soils be saturated due to the time of year. lt is our determination that these are rylt well developed wetland soils. We have rated this wetland according to the Washington State Wetlands Rating System for Washington (Department of Ecology). Our findings indicate that this is a Gatego The wetland rating form has been included with this report. The score for provided by the wetland were different than those Loggy reported but they were very close. The wetland received a total score of 26, well within the parameters for this level of protection. As this is a short plat land division and you intend to build 7-8 houses in the vicinity of this wetland, the proposed project is deemed a high density land use (greater than 1 dwelling unit per acre). Therefore, a S0-foot buffer will be required on this Category lV wetland according to the Port Townsend Municipal Code (Section 1 9.05.1 10). Based on present soit conditions, vegetation found in and around the wetland, and the lack of water at or near the surface in the wetland, our findings do not support DOE's claim that this wetland should be reclassified as a Category lll wetland. This is our conclusion based on our field Site Determination. Do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. We would be happy to assist you on any other projects. Thank you. $incerely, M; Lo /r,,, *--, 6io/d7,f X/'zG. Bradford Shea, Ph.D., REA Principai Scientist GBS/KI \ AA/1 072HAWD.LTRy032408/kit Drainage Ditch roximate t N , Figure 1. Site Map Westech Company 2008 Approximate Scale: 1 inch = 95 feet Source: Jefferson County Online Map Database 2008 1) View of on-site wetland. 2) Silt fencing around wetland along buffer line. \"r (-.r>rf i-rr -,1,,'1', Ltri. i.' \i N;ir'-', \AM/1 072 HAWD.AP PA/032408/xm k A-1 1i.. ,. ! 'WETLAND-BATn'IGT'0RNI--\flESTFTI{.w+i:Tn{cJo]'{ V.,ri* e- Upaate6 futv ZOO6 to idcrehse acou'aby and rOproduclbilrty ariotrg users Name of wetland (ifknown):tT 33 H"Date of site v'Lsi,t- t - /8'Pa8 'Rated D..B,^"/ She o-Trained by Ecotogr? YtlNi Date of nainiry lgtU95 SBC: 3 TWNSHP: &{ RNGE: lroj rsSffninappgn{ixD? Yes- No-L Map of wetland unifi Figure - -Estimated size -sult[\tARY-Or RATNG Wetland name or number - Wettand Rating Form - westem Washington version 2 Qatggo5y b4ped on F-[INCT{ONS proviiled by w@ntl r- Tr 'frt ffJ- Score forWater Quatlty Functions Score for HYdrologie Functions Score for Habitat Functions TOTAL score for Functions ' ' rnSPECIALCHARACTERISTICSofwetlandCategory based I- TT Does'irot APPF L Final category (choose the,,highest" category from above) Summary of basic information about thewetland unit , ,.?- 29,tle-,^ 2L./ = Cc.{ f,- i 'I: Score >=70 II =:Score 5L;69 III ='Scorb30'50 W ='Score < 30 Category l,-{ 5.7 x.Estuarine RiverineVletlandNatural MatureForest X'latsotdGrowth Forest Freshwater Tittal Check if unit has multiPle HGM classesNone of the above August 2004 Wetlandname ornumber To compleie the next part of the data sheet' vou will need fo determine the Hydro genmorphic Class o.f the w etland being iated. The hydrogeomorphic olassification groups wetlands into.those that.function ia similar v\rays.' This simFlifies the questions needed to'answer how well tre wetland fi:nctions. The Hy&ogeomorplie Class of a wetland can be determined using the key below. S* p. 24 for more detailed inskuctions on classiff ing wetlands. Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 2 x K y.. August 2004 Wetland name or nq-mber - 3. Does ,r. lJugD Wetland Rating Form -western Washington version 2 is.kept, water gfy'41e;to it Fiats ffyour wetland can be classified as a'-$lats" ryetland,.use thE form for Depressional' wetlands. the entire w-etland -riiiit meet all of 'rhe following miteiia? .Thewetlandisonaslope(slopeconbeverygradua[),... ,iil #;il;d";ilril wettand in d direction (unidirectional) and usuallv -;;;;;;;"p" il *"y flow subsurface, as sheedlow, or in a swale without distinot banls. Tlre water leaves the wetland without being impounded?---fo;;;';*f;;;;;;;dr';;tpondtrytlise.tr.w ofwetlands ucept occasionattvin uery smallind shailow deprersion, or b.ehinditnnrnocks (depressions are usually <3ft diameter 'andless than I foot deep) 6il eo to i "- YEs - The wetland class is Slope \-7 0- -- - J August 2004 Wgtlandnnme ornumber 'Eets inundifed bv overbank.?.;"'.. water when:the river ,is is saturatedto the *nii$nef''ilrantne HGM HGM presentwithin.your.wetland.Usethis class that is several reoommended in the sscond column represents 10% or more of the totai area.of the.wetland unit being rated. If thc area of.the class listed in column 2 is less than 10% of the uni! olhssify the wetland using the class that represents morethan.g0% of the total area. If you are unable still to determine which of the above criteria apply to your wetland" or if you have more than 2 HGM classes within a wetland bor:ndary, classi$ the wetland as Depressional for the rating. \iletland Rating Form -westem Washington version 2 4 RiverineSlope * Riverine DepressionalSlope *Depressional Lake-fringe+ Depressionalboundary _Depressional * Riverine along stream within Depressionai+ Treat as ESTUARIM under wetlands with special characteristics Salt'Water Tidal wetland and any other class of freshwater August 2004 Do thaQ',eatheco;tgttnotthej'teo. 10otrt5 yt'sconditiontheasfreaofaverage area wetlandoftotalls%seasonallYArea pgnded wetlandofareatotalY^lsAreaseasonallYpondecl ofwetlantltotalarea15V4AreaseasonallYponded TOTAL -'Water,QualitY Functions lsisz NO 2.D Multiply the score fromDl Adil score to table byDZ on 1 D D ,wetlatrd name or nqF.,,,ber - Total for D 1 Wetland Rating Form - western Washington version 2 Add the points in the boxes above /l 1% o '1 (seep.4!) multiplier 5 August 2004 z Wetlandname ornumber' -:. F , rf TitI OTAT IOT I' J Wefland Rating Form - western Washington Add the points in the boxes above (seep.49) multiplier f v 3 ( 6 df inrtlet onth.e surf?c€t- .:.=7 ,''.=J sfficeuiftet '..; a.: 100TK; timesof the basin thetiihes ofthe.unitarea'i3-10 to of the unit1'than 00 the areamore15'qfPzTIro the areaof imit1 unitisinfteELATS class poiuts =0-5 D 4. Does thewetland unit have the opportunitvto retluce Aasiver YES if the unit is in a location in the watershed where reduction in water velocity, it provides helps pfotect doumsbeam properry and ag:atic resources from floorling or excessive and/or erosive flows. AnswerNO ifthewater cominginto the wetland is.controlled by a structure zuch asflood gdq tide gate, flap valve,ieservoir etc. OR you estimate that more than 90% of the water in the wefland is from grounilwater in areas where damaging grouudwater flooding does not occur. Nqte ihich of the follow ing indic ators of opp orttmrty apply. - Wetland'is in a headwater of a river or steam that tr65 fleeding problems _ Wettand draios to a river or sheam that 6ss flesding probiems - 'Wetland.has no outlet and impounds surface runoffwater that night otherwise flow into a river or sheam that bas flooding problems TOTAL - Hydrologie Functions M-ultiply the score fron !-3Aild score to tuble rsIlSZYES flooding anil erosion? the flood storage, or byD4 onp. l 5D D version 2 August 2004 .. Wetland name or number _-- multiplier Comments Wetlaud Rating Form - westem Washington version 2 7 - Tilted fields or orchards within 150 feet ofwetlantl A stream or "oro"* ai.rlarges into weflanrl thatdrains developed areas, i"t1a*tiuf teas, farmed fiJlds, ioads, or clear-cut logging - Residentia! urban areas, golf courses are within l50 ft of wetland - The river or stream linked to the $retlatrd f,as a oontibuting basin where human aotivities nuo" ruirJttoels of sedimen! toxic compounds ornutients inthe dver water above stantlards for water quatity lvAter or sneral'the' a!;would opportunitY.'sol$Ce quawbdsources,an!single withinwetland.orthe ltoftGrazing in weflandtodischargesstormwaterUntreated YES multiPlieris2 NO multiPlieris 1 August2004 Wetlatrdnme ornumber Comments Wetlaud Rating Form - western'Washington version 2 ria: 7) multiplier I .reduction in water velocity, it provides helps Fotect domstream properly and 4quatic resoruces fromflooding or excessive and/or erosive flows. Notgwhich ofthefollowing conditions apply. ' - -.:- f,1rc1s are hunran structures and activities downs{ream (roads, buildings, britlges, farms) that canbe damaged by flooding. - There are natural respurces dowmteam (e.g. salnonredds) that tsa[s.rlamaged bY fleerling (Anrwer NO ifthe major source ofwater to thewetlandis controlledby aresanoir of the wetlwtd is tidalfringe a[ong the sides of a dikQ YES multiplier is 2 NO multiplier is 1 R4,ihe riflit YESAlsWer unit ln15 aif the thewheie flood .orstbrage, - Other .elbsion? TOTAL - Hydrologie X'unctions Multiply the score from R 3 by R 4 Aild score to table on I August2004 Wetland naTe.or number Comments Wetlauil Rating Form - westsrn Washington i:,1 I (see p,61) multiplier =6 =4=t -3 =1 a standards - .Qlazing in thrc wetland or within 150ft - Po[wJ water discharges to wetland along upland edge - fittsd fields or orchardswithin 150 feet ofwetland - Residential or urban areas are witlin 150 ft of wetland .-Parkswithgrasryaleastha!aremaintaindbal]trelds,golfcourses(atlwithin 150 ft. oflake shore) - Power boaJs with gasoline or diesei engines use the lake is1is2NOraEs L ,,' TOTAL -'Water QualitY n'unctions L2fromL1s0orebytheMultiplYItabletoonscoreadd version 2 9 Aueust 2004 .Wetlanal name or nuriber Comments Wetland Rating Form - western Washington version 2 multiplier .. ::' --:- -.." 10 August2004 'Wetland na4e ornumber . Total.for S L Comments Wetlurd Rating Form - westein Washington version 2 Addthepoints in thd boxes,above (seep.67) multiplier - Grazinginthewetlandor within 150ft , Unteated stormwater discharges to wetland -Tilleilfields,logging,ororchardswithinl50feetofwetland - Residential, urban areas, or golf courses are within 150 ftupslope of wetland NO multipliuis I 2.s YES multiplieris2- .Other TOTAL -'Water QualitY Functions Multiply the soore from 51 bY 52 Add score to table on I 11 August 2004 Wetland nane orn'umber Comments Wetland Rating Form -westem Washington version 2 ---- multiplier of the wetlancl:'-': ' "r:r' '- -. ti '.':D0intS ;.DOlIilS' ,L.l'r+';,i':lo,lPF =6 -1 Proble,!1s - Olher (Ansvver NO ifthe major sotrce:ofwater is controlledby a resemoir (e.g. wetlmd is a seep that is onthe dwwutreatn side'of a dam) dminshasthatnrnoff to nver'a steam.or that b3s fleeilingpurface lSlis2YES TOTAL - Hydrologic Functions Multiplythe soore from S 3 by S 4 Aild score to table on p. 7 12 August 2004 or [lore 4 6 -.Q 75)1H.3.p.(see leastat 0I 'd.ooverthatwetlandtheItroftheCountnumberplantspecies 8Aethemeet ttueshold)to.combinedbecclnsclnTetheofspecies ngnrcto thenotdohaveYou spe*es. loosestrife,.reed pwplec@tar)rgrass,Ew'asioznotDo InfiWil,include t9 sPeorescouated:Ifyou 5 t9 speciesto:wantbelowListifyouspecies 5 species (diferentpatches CanadistThistle poitrts =2 Wetland name or nuinAer - Wetland Rating Form - western Washington version 2 Total forpage O August 2004 ,/ 13 Walandname ornunber Comments Wetland Rating Form - western Washington version 2 H 1. TOTAL Soore'- potential forprovidinghabitat Add the scores H1 HT HT E1 o HI.5 I o I or ';:.t:l'i-: channels] water Standing snags (diameter at the bottom >.4 inches) in tire wetiand ' Undereut [inks are present for at ieast 6.6 ft (2n) and/or overhanging vegetation extends.at T i.*t 3.3 ft (lm) o*t " sheam (or ditch) jq or contiguous rvith the unil for at least 33 ft (10mJ: 'Siable'steep banks of fine material that might be used by beaver ornuskrat for denning f- pSOOegree slope) OR signs of recent beaver activity are pTesent (cfi sltrubs or trees thst i*" nit y"t tu'ned grevlbrown) -At leas,tYn wreof thin-stem::red persistent vegetation or woody branches are pre,sent in areas - thut are permanenfly or seasonally inundated- (sfr uctwes for egg-laying by antphibians) Invasive plants covir less than 25% ofthe wetland area in each stratum ofplants in'the"vetlotd.nuiihbibfchecb is the cohmzn. 'diameter :you fr6withindebris.weflandthe aqd long).(>4inwoodydowned,'Large, NOTE: The20% statedin etly printings of tlrc manual anpage 78 is'an enor. 'H 1.5:. t4 August2004 inllti :? ..>.95% +3 circumferenc.re. oflhe - Buffer does not rieet anY.ofthe 4 orri Points:1 fl5% 4 ate'as; or: _L =f H2.2.3 0 H @wetland: above?the question H2to2.3)YES Gopoints theIs2.2.3H ORsaltwaterorbrackishesil4ryaofrnl5withirl(8kn) ORorfietdacres)(>40a3withinpastuleofmrlarge 20than affes?of lakea greafer NO1 'Wetland name or ntlmber Wetlantl Rating Form -westem Washington version 2 Totalforpag" 3- 15 August 2004 the Etai;.tioas. of asa habitat larger than 4 ha (10 acres).ant1.is sunoundetl by urban developm ent EstuarylEstuary-like: Deepwater tidal habitats and adjacent tidal *etlands, usually semi-' . enclosed by land brS witb open, partly obstructed or sporadic access to.the'open oeean, and in wlich ocean water is at least occasionally diluted by fieshwater r.unofffrom the land- . The salinity nay be periodically inc,reased above that of the open bceau by evaporation- Along some low-energt coasflines there is.appreciable dilution of sea wdter. Estuariae. 'habitatextends upsheam and landward to .where ooean-derived salts measure less than 0.5ppt during thi period of.average annual low flow.'Inclucles both estuaries and lagoons. MarinelEstuarine Shorelines: Shorelines include the intertidal and subtidal zones of beaches, and may also include the backshore and adjacent components of the teneshial landscape (e.g., cliffs, snags, mafi:re trees, dunes, meadows) thd are important to shoreline associated fish and wildlife and that sonhibute to shoreline function (e.g., sand/roc{log recruifuent, nutient aontibution, erosion control). Ifwetland.has 3 or more priority habitats = 4 points ffwetlaad has 2 priority habitats = 3 points If wefland has 1 priority habitat = 1 point No habitab = 0 points Note: AII vegetded wetlands me by definition a p'iortty habitA bztt aie not incltded in this list.wetlands we addressed in H2. 'Wetland name ornumber Wetland Rating Form -westem Washington version 2 i6 August2004 -Wetlatrdname oraumber .. --:r'"-'t' wi-thinYrryile;B-ttTthe =5 5 are3 other connectiors bdweb$, i-:-:. ,.- - v; bn %mile. =J ?i. lakd Sith. little,disfurbance.i'.';,: . i."..:1..': :: :. .: ':'.:r .::''': ': '. -: . bn a lake with distrabance and there arc 3. bther Hfor H and2 ,therecordaddtheScoreTotdlforFunctionsHabitatpoints1,2 Wetland Rating Form - western WashingSon version 2 17 August 2004 Wetland name.or n-umber _ "i;:Gat,':I .: ': 'Cat;.If Dual rating iltr. 'species. If the non-native Spartina spp. arc the only-species more.than l0% of the wetlan{ -then the wetland should be given.a dual rating (I{[. The area of Spartina would be rated a'Category Ilwhile the relatively undisturbed upper marsh with native species would be a Category I. Do no! howevern exclude the area of Spartina in determining the size threshold of I acre. At leasts/cof tnr hndward edg'e of the wetland has a 100 ft buffer of shrub, fores! or un-grazed or un-mowed grassland. - The wetlandhas atleast?of the followingfeatures: tidal channels, depressions with open water, or contiguous freshwater wetlands. dftire hai'and thanless Wetland Ratiug Form - western Washington version 2 18 August 2004 Wetlandname or number- Wetland Rating Form - weslern Washington versiou 2 tEb'2. Huifqge F,upridrt 7tsc-t0;NO Of.aS 1. Yes - gotb Q.3 'No .-igo 2 2. Does the unit have organio soils; ,either peats 9r mycks th{ are less than 16 liorl", deep,over bedroch or atr impenneab'lehardpan such-as c14y or volcanic.ash, or that are floating on a lake or porrd? Yes-gotoQ.3 3. Does the unithave more flan 70Yo oovpr of mosses at.ground level, AND other plants, if presen! consist ofthe 'bog" specieS ll9d * Table 3 as a significant component of the vegetation (noretrra13_0% of the total sbrub aid herbaoeooioo'v"t oonsists of spegies in Table 3)? Yes - Is a bog for purpose of rating' No - go to Q' 4 NOTE: Ifyou are unoertain aborf the extent of mosses iuthe understory you *uy rrrbrtitot" that criterionby measlTl+g.qt pF of the waterthat r""pr ioto a hole dug.at least 16!' deep. If the pH is less than 5.0 and the :bod'plant species in Table 3 arepresen! the wetland is abog. I. Is the unit forested (> 30% cover) witr sitka spnroe' subalpine fir, westem red cedar, western hemlock, lodgepole piue, quaking asPe& Englemam's spruce, or westem white pine, WTII any of the species (or combination of species) on the bog species plant list in Table 3 as a significant component of tnu grouud covi, i, SA'1" goyerage ofthe total shrublherbaceous cover)? 2. YES= CategoryI No-Isnotabogforplrposeofrating t9 August2004 Tfetlmal nnrne or number _ .of I ar.o . charbcteristicswith wetland lies.in a depression adjaoentto marine waters that is"wholly orpartiaiiy separated from marine waters by sandbanles, gravel banks, shingle,or,less frequently, rocks . - The lagoon in which the wetland is located contains surfaoe water that is' ' salioe or brackish.(> 0.5 ppQ dwing most of the year in 4t leaSt a portion of the lagoon (needs to be measwed nem the bottom) YES = Go to SC 5.1 NO_not awetland in aooastal lagoon SC 5.1 Does the wetland meets all of the following tbree conditions? - The wetland is relatively undisnrbed 6has no diking, ditching, filling, cultivation, Fazing); and has less than}}% cover of invasive plant species (see list of invasive species ou p. 74). - At least % of the landward edge of the wetland has a 100 ft bufter of shnrb, forest, or lm-grazed or un-mowed grassland. - The wetland is larger.than 1/10 acre (4350 square feet) YES = Category I . NO = Categorytr n.sc .:-a . --j of a wetland. in a coastal lagoon?Doesthe Cat. tr Cat I Wetland Rating Form - westem'Washington venion 2 20 August2004 Iiletland name. or number Wetland Rating Form - western Washington version 2 .Cat.II 'Cat. [I Sf-Vf.4rm.'as t$at is 1 .areas 511 1S called(alsoof wtrtlanil forr.ating b'ffipaits ' NO not anifferd-unet w 1t1 stw i, lsffa 1 iita l{.1" u@ind' ';-. ;.' . the WesternBoundarY of UPtend Nl/+.l 2L August 2004