HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.04.00 - Wetland Delineation ReportDorn CampbellandCliff SanderlinWetland Delineation ReportDyer Addition Block 1 Lots 5 through 12April 2003Prepared for:DornCampbell1009 22nd StreetPort Toumsen{ WA 98368andCliffSanderlinl0522235thPt SWEdmonds, WA 98020360 385-64dllewell@olympus.net /J S. ^nQ/1009 22 nd StreetPort Townsend, Wa 98368tel.385-9309August 15,2005David wright, Director of Public works, city of port Townsend181 Quincy Street, Suite 301Port Townsend, Wa. 98368Dear David Wright:I am requesting that you immediately put a stop to any construction of roads or buildingsand the permitting thereof in the vicinity of Cleveland Street, between 25e and 274, untilyour department has reviewed the "Wetland Delineation Report" conducted by OlympicWetland Resources in April,2003. That report shows a wetland exists on Cleveland -Street there. I believe it is contrary to city policy to put a road through a wetland.I also request that you or your department decide what corrective measures need to betaken, in accordance with city policy, regarding the house recently permitted and built on[,ot 13, Block 1 , of the Weymouth and Dyer Addition, which has e]ther been built on awetland or within the fifty foot set-back buffer required.(You will see in the Reportmentioned above that the wetland covers part of said Lot 13.)In this request, I am joined by owners of property in addition to myself of Lots S-IZ,Block 1, Weymouth and Dyer Addition :Norma Fried, Jennifer Rietzke, Cliff Sanderlin,and Heather Marks.Yours,EGEfi\dEDorn CampbellCIIY CF PORTlCVt iis[ NDirc ilAUG 1 5 20il5tlId crrn or/rr6q6 LbyooJ,(tm Dorn CampbellandClitr SanderlinWetland Delineation ReportDyer Addition Block I t ots 5 though t2April 2003IntroductionAt the request of Dorn Campbell a wetland delineation was conducted on Lots 5 through 12Block I of the Dyer Addition in Port Townsend Washington. The subject parcel lies betureenSheridan and the undeveloped section of Cleveland Street. It is bordered to the norft by thermdeveloped portion of 27n Street. The City ESA maps (Wetlands) crnrently show a smallisolatedwetlandpresentontheeasternportionof lots 1l and 12. Thepurposeofthisreportistoestablish the wetland edge, classify the wetland, and define the buffers as they relate to thesubject property.The wetland has been delineated according to the requirements oulined in the Port Townsend.Municipal Code, Environmentally Sensitive Area 19.05,110 Weflands. All wetlands within theCrty are subject to requirements ortrlined in this Code; land use restrictions will apply to allfirture development projects- - . -Description of Site. Description: Dyer Addition Block 1, Lots 5-12 port Townsend washington' Location: Between Sheridan and Cleveland Street (rmdeveloped) and 27tr Street(undeveloped) and neighboringparcels, Port Townsend, WA (Appendix Map #l: LocationMaP)' Soils: cmc clallam gravelly sandy loam, (Appendix Map #l: soils). Slopes: 0 to 15yo slopesThis predominantly flat site slopes towards the east. The wetland was located along the eastem-most bormdary and corresponds with a drop in topography. The vegetation on the property isdefined by a central area of open pashne gr$ses surrornded by a dense shrub layer of roses.Applied MethodoloryThe following resources were consulted for this project:. crty of Port Toumsend wetland Inventory (November 1995) not listed. City of Port Townsend V/etlands Map (Jrne 26,Igg5). National Wetland Inventory lvlapsCampbell md Saderlin Wetlad Delinecion2003-0762IOlyryic Wetlmd Resources- Inc. 4/03 Dorn CampbetlAndClitr SanderlinWetland Delineation ReporrDyer Addition Block I Lots 5 throuoh 12April 2003ContentsIntroductionDescription of SiteApplied MethodologyWashington State Waland ldentifrcation and Delineation ManualSoilsVegetationHydrolog,,Determining Wetland EdgesClassificationFindingsSoilsVegetationHydrologtClassificationSummaryReferencesAppendixSheet #1 Location Map and Soil Survey of Jefferson countySheet #2 Findings MupDepartment of Ecolory wetrands Field DataFormData Forms, Routine Determination WA State Wetland Delineation Manual o U-S. Geological Srrvey Maps' Soil SurveyMaps of Jefferson County (u-S. Soil Conservation Service l9:.5)o washington state wetland Identification and Delineation Ndanualr N*ional List of Plant Species That Occrr In Wetlands: Nonthwest (Region 9)Washington State Wetland Identifudion and Deline6ion MunualFieldwork to determine the actual wetland boundaries was conducted according to the methodoloryoulined in the Washington State Wedand Identification and Delineation Manual_@eparm;ofEcologr #9G94). Chapter n3A2 ofthe Washington Artministrative Code requires that allwetlands within the State of waqhington be delineated using this mmualThe methodolory orrlined inthe Washington State Wedand Identification and l)elineationManual requires examination ofthe three parameters for a positive wetland determinmion: hy&icsoils, hydrophytic vegetation, and hydrologr. For an area to qualify as a jurisdictional wetland itmust have a positive indicator from all three parameters. All wetlands identified using thismethodolory may be federally regulated regardless of size-SoilsA hydric soil is a soil that forms under conditions of saturation, flooding or ponding lasting longenough during the growing season to result in an anaerobic qpper layer. Hy&ic soils favor thegrowth md regeneration ofhydrophytic vegetation. The indicators for this type of soil include lowchroma, mottles, gleyrng and high organic content within the rpper 32 inche; ofthe soil profile.Holes were dug on the site and soil colors (inch'.ling value and cbroma) were recorded rnthe top 16inches. Soil colors were analyzed using the Munsell color Charts (lgg2).VegetotionWetland plant species must constitrfe greater than 5lYo ofthe total vegetation present to meet thequalification as a site dominated by hydrophytic vegetation- Dominanie ofplant species isdetermined by calculating actrtal aerial cover within a 3O-foot radius for trees, a lGfoot radius forshrubs, and a Gfoot radius for the herbaceous layer at each .lata point- Commonly occuning ptantspecies have been rated bythe United Statss Fish and Witdlife Service (USFW) National List ofPlant Species That occur in Wedands: Northwest (Region 9) as to their fiequency of occurrencein wetlands and non-weflands. During the fieldvrork, each species was recorded and given a ratingbased on indicator status-HydrologtWetland hydrolory is defined in the Washington State Wedand Identification and DeilineationManual as *areas that are periodically inundated or have soils satrrated to the suface at some timeduring the growing season". Areas must have inundated or saturated soil at lo.st 12.5%ofthe growing season- Indicators ofhydrologr include visual observation of in'ndation or soilsduratio4 water-stained leaves, cracking of the soil sr:rface, and/or sedime,nt deposits. positivesigns ofhydrologr are often absent during the summer and fall months but can be infemed if thereare positive indicators ofhydric soil and hydrophvtrc vegetation.Carybell md Smderlin Wetlmd Delineaion20034762.2Otyryic Wetlad Resornces" Inc- 4/03 ClassiJicationThe wetland qualifies as a low quahty Class Itr wetland (8 points). The wetland is isolated wirhno connections to other wetlands and has little habitat value or structural diversrty. The majorityof trees and shrubs identified consist of nafive species. Class Itr wetland are assigned 50 footprotective buffers.Summar_vA wefland delineation was conducted on Block i Dyer Addition (lots 9 through 12) on April I l,2003- This small isolated wetland is indicated the City of Port Townsend Wefland M.p.Findings reveal a Class Itr wetland on the eastern boundary of lots 9 through 12- This Class Itrwetland is assigned 50-foot protective buffers, measured perpendicul- to th. delineated wetlandedge- The majority of the buffer also is confined ro lots I tUt"ugn 12. porential buildingenvelopes are possible on the remaining lots- Lots 5 through 8 are unencumbered bv *i bufferrestrictions.If there are firrther questions or planning requirements for this prgject please do not hesitate tocall.SincerelyDixie LlewellinPrincipal Biologist, Olympic Wetland Resources, Inc-Certified for Wetland Detineation, l9g7 Manual-Wefland Training Institute, June 1995-Cqbellmd Smderlin Wetlmd Delineaion5208-A762Olyryic Wetlmd Resornces" Inc. 4/03 ReferencesLiterature CitedBuckingham, et al-, 1995. Flora of the Otympic Peninsula, Norlhwest Interpretive Associationandthe WashingtonNative Plant Society, Seattle. WA.Cooke, Sarah Spear, 1997 - A Fietd Guide to the Common Wedand Plants of WestemWashington and Northwest Oregon. Seattle Audubon Society. Seattle. WA.Cowardirl L.M.V. Carter, F-C-Gobleg and E-T. LaRoe, 1979. Classification of Wefland andDeep Water Habitats of the U-S. U. S- Fish and Wildlife.service. Washington- DC.Hitchcock and Conquest, 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest.Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation, 1987. Federal Manuat for ldentiSingand Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands- July 1994 rydate. U-S- Army Corp ofEngineers, U.S- Environmental Protection Agency, U-S. Fish and Wildlife Service. andU-S-D-A. Soil Conservation Service.I-eonard, William P., 1993- Amphibians of Washington and Oregon- Seattle Audubon Series.MacBedl Div. of Kollmorgen lnstruments Corp-, 1992- Munsell Soil Color Charts-Mitsch aad Qe5s€link, 1993. Wetlands-Pojar, Mackinnon, 1994- Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast.Port Townsend, Crty of, November,1992- Sensitive Areas Ordinance. City of Port Townsend-Port Townsend, Ctty of, November, 1995. Wedands Inventory. Shetdon & Associates,Ree4 Porter, 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlandg Region g.lgg3rrydate.Washington State Wetland Deparment ofEcology, March, 1997. Washington State Wetlandfdentification and Delineation Manual, #9G94.U.S. Deparnnelrt of Agriculture,l994.Keys to Soil Taxonomy. Pocahontas Press.U-S' Deparment of Agricultrne, Soil Conservation Service,1975. Soil Survey of JeffersonCounty. Appenrlixsheet #l l,ocation Map and soil survey of Jefferson countySheet #2 Findings MapDepartment ofEcolory wetlands Field Data FormDataFormso Routine Dete,l:rrination WA State Delineation Manual Olympfu T{etlond Resounes,8565{hh Streshrt Towmen4 TIA 98368s0385"6432Cfnd, Dorn CampbellCliffSanderlinRb, Vcinity and Soils IW4Campbelli SanderlinDyer Addition Block I Lots 5WAthrough 12lob #,2003- 0762As Indicatedhh,#1Sleetzoc)c)oTD.i-zqt\IzooTOPOI map printed on 05/08/02 from "puget.122042'00" w 122033'00" Wtpo" and "Untided.tpg"Subect ProWGSB4 122017'00'hiutedfrobT0P()!gfFgmdflowhefutirctwwr.fopo.m)L22n17'00* w*y'HJeftrson Ccrrntysoil Suwey lrlopJeffenon !qr,rry. Wosfi ir{ihr'tn5$ilSuweryPooe {lCmC0ollom gniollisonfloom 0 ro 15 % Stopc #2SlnetSmle,100':2 3/8" or60mm#t2003-0762Iile, Findings MapCampbelVsanderlinDyer Addition Block I Lots 5WAthrough 12Client, Dorn CampbellCliffSanderlin*$. ,i!:-- .&-, ,:/jr,: 4 ',!l'r.*,#'.rPt Yi9!'.,. r,t:-9\, 'ql{'r{'}i\"0lympic Y{etlond Resourcel,856$rh Srreerhrt Townmnd, I{A 983683603&5-6432It2 7th Sfreef (u ndevetoped)Edge6Q)o-oQ)IS-,LQ)oE(/)cogoo7*Q)Q)t)coT]Q)-cv)0ll0'x 54"sizesTo establish exact locationof wetland a formal survey maybe requiredFtqperryNeighboring Q.1. High Quality Natural WeflandAnwa +h:a fr.-.:^- :5--^-- L^--- - r- -.--iiiriirif :n:s iiu€sEoE ii l'oii r-rav€ aftquaic iniormaiion or eqlerience to (b so.rnfffind someone wifr fre oeertiseto answertbe Erestions. Trrtn, if tbeanswer to qu€stions la lb and lc are all No, contacttbeNatural Herit4gepogram of DNRla. Iluman caused disturbances.Is tbere significant evidence of human-caused changes to topgraphy orhydrology of the wetland as indicared by any of tb ioltowin! conditions?lonsfthr only ctranges that may have taten place in the last j oer"oes. tn"impacts of ctranges done earlier have probably been stabilized and the wetlandecosystem will be close to reaching some new equilibrium that may representahighquality wetland- \1a1. Upstream waterstred > lZ% impervious.1a2. Wettand is ditched and water flbw is not obstructed.la3. Wetland h6 be€n grade4-filled, logged.la4. Water in wetland is coDtrolled Uy Otas, weirs, etc.1a5. \iletland is grazed-la6. Other indicators of disturbance (list below)Wetlands.Rating Fietd Data F9*Background lnf ormation :Nameof Rater: D,Name of wetland (if lmwn)eYrnptL ,,AfEliation: w€Rlnrn et*urd}oare:Itl?GovernmentJnrisdiaibnofwerraud: crrr rc pi'ttrTr)NFtyij' .rratwFau, ,, - ,I-ocalion: t/4section:-- of u4s: section:J-****o;t*t Range: tWSources of tnformation: (Check alt sources that apply)Sitevisit ;( USCS Topo Map: -2( uwr map: -)Gerial photo: -L Sol, ,,r**, *orrlecxoaoiue: (r\ otr 7nv'Fl*A,lsavo ty'Et(hr0 nft/When The Field Data form is complete enter Category here:D.JLIfunvri1Cirde AnswersYes: go to Q.2Yes: go to Q2Yes: go to Q.2Yes: go to Q2Yes: go to..Q.2Yes: go toQ.2to lb.\lA25 YES:. Categorj'IYES: Category trNO: Goto Q.3.YES: Category INO: Go to2b2fS: Goto2b-3NO: Go to Q.3YES: Category INO: Go to Q.3YES: CategorylNO: Go tozc.zYES: CaregoryIYES: Go to2a.3YES: Go ta2cA2a-3. Is the vegaation a mixture of only herbaceous plants and sphagnummosses with no scrub/shrub or forested classes?Is thearea ofherbaceous plants, Sphagnum, and deep organicsoils > lD acre?Is the area of herbac@us plants, Sphagnum, and deep organicsoils l/4-1l2 acre?QJb. Mature forested,wettan&2b.1- Does Sovo of tlre,cover of upper forest canopy consist of evergreentr€es older than 80 years tr decidrous trees older trran so years?Nofe-' The size of trees is oftennot a measure of age' and size c:mnotbeused as a surogate for age (see guidance)2b-3. Does < 25vo of the arear cover in the herbaceouvgroundcover orthe shrtrb layer consist of invasive/exotic plant species ftom the list on p. 19?oldertrees20'as6',higheve(gIeenstrubsofforesttall,the49consistof2Acanopytreesdiversityofforestlayerofstrucural@vefthegroundcover?rstheadditionalofanANDby50%herbaceousAyears,Does50andzb2.ctraracterizedtall,Qrc. Estuarine weflands.2cr. Is the wetland listed as Nuional lMildlife Refuge, Nuional parkNational Estuary Reservg Natural Areapreservg Stateparh or .-.E<hrcational, Environmetral or scientific Reserves designated underwAc 332-3G151?... -2c2. Is the wetland > 5 acres;Note: If an area contains patches of salt tol€fant vegetation that are1) tess tlun 600 feet apart and thu are separated uy muonats that godry on aMeanlow Tide, or2) separated b.y.tidal channels that arc ress than 100 feet wide;all the vegetated fieas are to bi considered togetlrerin calculaingthe wetland areaor is the wetland < l acre?.)or is the wefland l-5 acres; . . .: . .n DATA FORM 1Routine Wetland Determination(WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or1987Wetland Delineationf(crq A[q tqvftftrtrt3Stream, Lake or gage data:Other:Check all thatapply & explain below:AerialDepth to free water in pit: - O --o-inchesinchesinchncto saturated soil:Dept. of inundationNgf^c^)furlftu@noyes @significantlyIsIsthethesiteareaadisturtiedArea?(atypicalsituation)?Do NormalCircumstances exist on the site?Applicant/ow ner Ctrn P Mt( 0 qqL5-Project/Site:IFAC Neutralt yes noOxidized Root (live roots)Chafrnels <12 in.noDrift Lines:noWaterMarksnoyes noWater-stainedIraves:Local Soil Survey: yes noPatterns:noSedimentno@noITYDROLOGYIs it the growing season?Based on:IE> -Pfu 5l'1",yesHydrophyticRationale forvegetation present?decision/Remarks:Regional knowledge of plant communitiesPhysiological or feprductive adaptationsTechnical LiteraturcWetland plant list (nat'l or regional) JMorphological adaptations *OTIIERWetland Plant DataBaseCheck all indicatorsthat apply & explain below:><2s%HYDROPITYTICVEGETATIONINDICATORS:7o of dominanrs OBL, FACIV, & FAC:Dominant PlantStratum IndicatorStratum IndicatorDominant Plant\rEGETATIONCommunity ID:Transect ID:PlotID: -FLcounry:mENState: t/frwttDateaSiT/R:yesff)<J.--WetlandRationalehydrologr present?for decision/Remarks: DATA FORM TRoutine Wetland Determination(IilA State Wetland Delineation Manual or7987noSedimentnoPafterns:Survey: yes noLocal SoilWater-stainedLeaves:yes nocounw: ${ftJgrJStati- t/AIW3S/T/R:5Due: ftCommunity ID:Transect ID:PlotID: DeIWater Marks:noDrift Lines:noRoot (Iive roots)Oxidizedln.Charlnels <12noFAC Neutralyes noOther:AAfl+auoqlProject/Site:(Applicant/owner:q,gnr€LLno@@yessite?situation)?the(atypicalonenstdisturbedCircumstancesasignificantlyslteareaNormalthetheDoIsIsStratumIndicatorStratumPlantDominantPlantDominant\IEGETATIONC5IVEGETATORS:II\DICATION7o of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC: I AT2oXTOTTIERY-7-Check allindicators that& explain below:applyTechnicalFhysiologicaladaptationscommunitiesplantofreproductiveledgeorLiteratureknowRegionalnovegetation present?decision/Remarks:IlydrophyticRationale for41J- ftCc,y1ryr& AyeI.no@Is it the growing season?Based on:t Ol' inches-__lQl inchesin€trssoil:to saturatedof inundation:Dept.Depth ro free water in pit:Other:below:explaindata:&gageaPplvorthatLakeallCheckStream,Aerialno@tu?7tu,UN44-N Tor [Lr" ggWetlandRationaledecision/Remarks:present?forhydrologr nection to streams. (Score one4g.1. Does the wetland provide habitat for fishdoes it have a perennial surface water4g.2 Does the wetland provide fish habitata seasond surface water connection to a fish4gAwaterDoesthe_connection'toawetlandstreamfunctiononat0exportseasonal4e.3waterDoestheconnectionatwetlandalltimesfunctionoftothe)€arexporttoa49. Congrasslands, or open waterbuffers forcircunference.grassland, or open water buffers widerwetland cirsrmference.Noroads, buildings orpaved areas95% of the wetland circuinference-No rords, buildings orpaved areastlrangs% of the circumference, orNo roads buildings or paved areasl/2 of the wetland circumference-Paved areas, industrial areas ortieAreeu houses) are less thatl 25 feetof the circumference of the wetland.forForest,morescrub,lhantnofnative&!egrassland"weflandoropenmoreForest,ttatrscnrb,100'nativearound9SVoofgrasslandortheopenpointbigi:rorlower&ebuffersonbutrersadependingdoonscaleDotofI-5exactlywhetherG^_rofForest,morescrub,fharu4nativeof thegrassland,wetlandoropen4tu BrdfersScore the existingIf tbeconditionofon the followi4g four descriptions.&e descripion, s@re either abuffers are legs or more degraded-buffers are presetrtforbuffers widerthan 100'than50'arormd 95% of thebuffers widerthan l0O'or a forest, scrtrb, native5O for morethaii 1/2of thel0O' of the wetland for more rhen25' of the wetland for more50'of the wetland formore thanconstruction (with less tban 50'the wetliid for more than 95Zoor aforest, scnrb,:r only.)rt any time of the year ANDn to a fish bearing stream.)nally AIVD does ithaveuing streaulc matt€f, through a surfaceennialrstnidm.c matter through a surface;?Score= 1Score= 0Score= 2Score= 3Score= 5YES -4YES=4YES=6YES2z317- Circle scon$ that qualifyacres>2004U2nl0-405-10'l-50.1 -.1<0.1 'pnints65432I0# of classei Pointso368345.--....101.@123.>31@+5>5I@34>4I234>4o12301230I230I23Foints# qrecies in ctascBedClassForestedEmergentSerub-Shrubfnswa all Erestions and enter data requested,4a- Total wetland areaEstimate area' select from choices in the near-right column, and score in thefar coiumn:Enter acreage of wetrand t "*ry'[ ".,o, and source : Ttdrp nm,iQ.4. Significantvalue.habitat4b' wettand crasses: circle the wetland classes below trat qualify:OpenWatec iftleareaof openwateris > ll4acreAqnatic Beds: if the area of aquatic beds > ll4 acte,if the area of emergent class is > ll4 aqe,if the area of scnrb-shmb class is > ll4 ac;reForested: if area offorested class is > ll4 aae,A@ the uumber ofwe0and classes, aboraq thatshrub),&tbenandcolumnemergentrightqualiryfartvate(,thelnopendghtpointsbeds,at8circle(aquaticcolumnstbewouldclassesto4youareaccordingtbereIfscorce.g-scrub.Score in column at far righre-g. If a waland has an aquatic bed class with 3 species,an emergeDt class with 4 species and a sCnrb_shrubllass with 2 species you would ckcle2,Z, andl in thefar coh'mn.Note: Any plant species with a cover of > SVoqualifies forpoints wifriil aplass, eventhosethat are not ofthat class.diversity.tnryeciesground.theplantofEnlifies5%&atdifferentthanofriebt)trrem-(atmorenumber.nrmedassoovertofterhathaveqleciesaormtwetlandfindnoterndoPlentcanaboYe,,Sc.ForyouYou295