HomeMy WebLinkAboutJohn Henry Doll Estates - Subsurface Exploration Program - 1995.10.25ta
Earth & Environmental
25 October 1995
AGRA Earth &
Environmental, lnc.
11335 NE 122ndWay
Suite 100
Kirkland, Washington
u.s.A. 98034-6918
Tel (206) 820-4669
Fax (206) 821 -391 4
Washington Land Design
10700 Meridian Avenue North, Suite b03
Seattle, Washington 981 33
Attention: Mr. Jim Towslee
Subject:Results of Subsurface Exploration Program
Proposed John Henry Doll Estates
Port Townsend, Washington
Mr. Towslee:
This letter summarizes the results of our subsurface exploration program for the above-
referenced project. The number and location of the test pit explorations was selected to meet
the requirements of the City of Port Townsend municipal code which you provided to us. This
study was undertaken to investigate the subsurface conditions and soil types present withintlre proposed areas of development on the subject parcel. Per your request, our scope ofwork did not include developing detailed engineering recommendations. lncluded with thisletter are a Site and Exploration Plan showing the approximate locations of our test pit
explorations on the property and soil logs with descriptions of the soils found at each of our
The subject parcel is approximately 35 acres in total area. Based on a preliminary sketch ofthe proposed development provided to us, we estimate that approximately 7E percent (or
about 25 acres) is scheduled for development as shown on the attached Site and Exploration
Plan, Figure 2. The property is bounded on the south by Cook Avenue and extends north to
bluffs overtooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Site topography is characterized by a relatively
level, high plateau on the western portion of the property and a gently sloping eastern portion
divided by a relatively steep slope (approximately 4H:1V) which transects the parcel frorn
north to south. The site has been logged and is now vegetated with sparse stands of douglasfir and madronas with other areas covered by tall grass meadows and thick brush.
our exploration program consisted of advancing a series of backhoe-excavated test pits acrossthe property primarily within the areas scheduled for development. The test pits were
excavated at an average of approximately one per acre as specified in the City of port
Townsend municipal code. Locations of the pits were dictated by access which was difficutt
@ Engineering & Environmental Services
Washington Land Design
25 October 1995
1 1-10599-00
Page 2
due to thick stands of brush and logging slash and stumps. We discovered several previously
excavated test pits on the property which had not been backfilled and examined the soilprofiles in these as well. The soil profiles exposed in our test pit exptorations were logged byan engineering geologist from our firm and the excavations were subsequently backfilled.Test pits were typically terminated when very dense deposits of unweathered glacial tilt were
encountered due to difficulty in excavating into this layer and documented extensive thicknessof this soil unit.
Our test pit explorations revealed relatively uniform subsurface conditions across the site.Typically, a surficial layer of forest duff and organic-rich soils extended from the surface toa depth of 0.5 to 1 foot. This layer was underlain by toose, orange-brown, silty fine sandswith some gravel which we interpreted to represent highly weathered glacialtill. This materialgraded sharply to medium dense. tan-gray, silty sand with gravel at a depth of approximately1.5 feet which typically extended to 3 or 4 feet. Density of this deposit increased with depthbecoming relatively dense at depth. This soil unit represents of weathered glacial till, theeffects of weathering becoming less apparent with depth. At 3 to 4 feet, a sharp contactwith relatively unweathered glacial till was encountered. This material consisted of verydense, gray, silty fine to medium sand with pebbles and gravel which when excavatedproduced plate-like chunks. Due to the high density of this soit unit, excavation was fairtydifficult and our explorations were usually terminated within the first foot of encountering it.
Exposed road cuts along the property line at Cook Avenue and the vertical btuffs to the north
revealed the glacial till of the property to be a massive deposit many feet thick.
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) map for Jefferson County indicates that soits on theproperty consist of both the Clallam and Cassolary series. However, based on the soils
exposed in our explorations, it appears that the Clallam series is representative of soils across
the site. The scs table of engineering properties estimates that permeability of the ,'gravelly,.
sandy loam" (weathered till) material ranges from 0.6 to 2.0 inches per hour while,permeability of the "weakly cemented, very compact, gravetly sandy loam" (glacial till) is less
than 0.06 inches per hour. This table indicates that the grain size distribution of this soil unit
consists primarily of sand (between the U.S. No.4 and No. 200 sieve) with a silt and claycontent (finer than the No. 200 sieve) of between 15 to 30 percent. Grain-size analysisperformed by our laboratory on similar till materials from this area correspond to those of the
Clallam series and have revealed a fines (silt and clay) content of 20 to 30 percent.
Groundwater seepage was not encountered in any of our exptorations and no evidence ofeither permanent or seasonal surface water was observed on the property. Moisture contentof the weathered glacial till soils within the upper 3 to 4 feet was typically damp to moistalthough occasionally wet. The underlying unweathered till soils were typically only damp asthey are relatively impermeable to groundwater infiltration. lt is likely that following periods
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Earth & Environmental8p
Washington Land Design
25 October 1995
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of extended precipitation a perched groundwater table could develop above the unweatheredglacial till. The SCS indicates that the potential for water erosion is slight to moderate.
The scope of our work did not include developing detailed analytical recommendations.Development of the parcel as proposed appears feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Thehigh density and granular nature of glacialtill soils provides a suitable foundation materialforbuildings and roadways and this soil can be used as structural fill provided compaction isperformed at or close to the optimum moisture content. Due to the relatively high silt contentof these soils, however, they are considered moisture sensitive and can be difficult to workwith in wet conditions. Permeability of these soils should be considered low.
we trust this letter serves to meet your needs. lf you have any questions or require furtherinformation, please do not hesitate to call us.
Respectfully submitted,
AGRA Earth & Environmental, lnc.
Monte M. Reinders
Senior Staff Engineer
Thomas A. Jones, P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
n E. Zipper,
Senior Associate
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Earth & Environmental
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AGRA Earth 6 Enurontnantal, hE(,NO'ir:') - --o0!;lIcl-'1)I)t(ii)jIt\{i\lI';is':', Fl1ti'r](sIl i'r/gt\{lnqtri.()))r\i:1il df.na\/J-;ll-I@=IIFlolrGt:'tJI0)LIl-/iff?q,Il'+((ri'-. .I,i '*uoo:DotI,b'IIIl!,;\IIIII{it\**oI{I)'-)o9trUIr\I-t?u)o9lFrotso)o@ilIrlI r'-)+_ r('*") \ i'ir)'t. .,.:.,. .'.'.:':i:: I,...r:.. ri :,"1i:t: ;ii,i,ri :i i,.r:;,ii;::i::ll'I iii,l' r::ili,,li: ... rN9Itaaa!o3€{@-:'rI^q'[.fi4$Pf ilfr6eiir;;S DPqilF'igo05rmi>(/r9€6zzFhhEFaI rttItOi i'"t:aoo>>-{rmmtbHFitotkoir!o'D{-lot-U'mzc'gfFdia=el!zorl)tnA
'\. ,li':' li, ' t/ : "i_.__\ ;, r '.-.-i--i,'Tp-re - i- -i---'- " 'i'!33-/ L':':='TP-I 1!ETP-18 rTP-1EETP-1iEI---L--*t3Iuc6.'2LIIIt-LEGENDlfo resr e,r NUMBER ANo AppRoxrMATE LocATroN..\!r--->-c r00 200l---SCALE IN FEETS aanaEarih & EnvironnEntal1 i 3.35 NE 122nd way. Suile 100K.rrlaid. Wbshinqtcn. U S A. 38031D€SGN -MrlB..__-_cF;t\ _Dltrv{__. _.-.*.-Dr- -_Q_C_Lt9ni-_sc;-: *lloIEL-'_-a-c1gwo _LL_to5gLSITE & EXPLORATION PLANPORT TOWNSEND,9PRtrOSED ROADt..(TYP.}15.__.)N
Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.0
Test Pit TP-t
Approximate ground surface elevation: 137 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilt).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
1.0 - 3.5
3.5 - 5.0
Test pit terminated at approximately 5.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Samolc No.
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 2.5
2.5 - 3.5
3.5 - 4.5
' Test Pit TP-2
Approximate ground surface elevation: 135 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.5 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
1 1-10599_00
Test Pit Log, page 2
Samole No.
0.0 - 1.0
r.0 - 1.5
1.5 - 2.5
2.5 - 4.O
Deoth (feetl : Material Descriotion
. Test pit Tp-3
Approximate ground surface etevation: l3g feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilt).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan_gray, silty SANDwith gravet (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. platy whenexcavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.0
Test pit Tp-4
Approximate ground surface elevation: 1g5 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (hiShly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan_gray, silty SANDwith gravel (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
1.0 - 1.75
1.75 - 4.0
Test Pit Log, Page 3
Samole No.Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
0.0 - 0.s
o.5 - 1.O
Test Pit TP-S
Approximate ground surface elevation: 235 feet
Forest Duff.
Looso, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
1.0 - 3.0
3.0 - 4.0
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Test Pit TP-6
Approximate ground surface elevation: 235 feet
0.0 - 2.5
2.5 - 2.O
2.0 - 3.0
3.0 - 4.0
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel {Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed..
No seepage observed.
Test Pit Log, Page 4
Samole No.
Depth (feetl Materiat Descriotion
Test Pit Tp-7
Approximate ground surface elevation: 2b0 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan_gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. platy when
excavated {unweathered Glacial Till}.
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.b feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 - 2.5
Test Pit TP.B
Approximate ground surface elevation: 243 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan_gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
2.5 - 3.0
3.0 - 4.0
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.5
1.5 - 3.0
3.0 - 4.5
1 1-10599-00
Test Pit Log, Page 5
Samole No.Depth lfeetl Material Descriotion
0.0 - 0.5
o.5 - 1.5
Test Pit TP-9
Approximate ground surface elevation: 248 feet
Forest Duff.
Looss, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense. moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
1.5 - 2.5
2.5 - 4.O
Test Pit TP-l0
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 - 1.5
1.5 - 2.75
2.75 - 4.O
Approximate ground surface elevation: 251 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
1 1-10599-00
Test Pit Log, Page 6
Samole No.Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
0.0 - 1.25
1.25 - 2.75
Test Pit TP-l1
Approximate ground surface elevation: 253 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tiill.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
2.75 - 3.5
3.5 - 4.0
Test pit te'rminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
o.0 - 0.75
o.75 - 2.O
2.O - 4.5
4.5 - 5.O
Test Pit TP-l2
Approximate ground surface elevation: 252 teet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered TilU.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravbl (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated {unweathered Glacial Till}.
Test pit terminated at approximately b.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Test Pit Log, Page 7
Samole No.Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
Test Pit TP-l3
Approximate ground surface elevation: 254 feet
1.75 - 2.25
Forest Duff.
Looso, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
2.25 - 4.O
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.O feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.75
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 - 1.5
1.5 - 2.5
2.5 - 3.5
Test Pit TP-14
Approximate ground surface elevation: 253 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terminated at approximately 3.5 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
1 1-10599-00
Test Pit Log, Page 8
Samole No.Depth (feetl Material Descriotion
Test Pit TP-l5
Approximate ground surface elevation: 248 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.0
Test Pit TP-l6
Approximate ground surface elevation: 248 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
1.0 - 2.0
2.O - 4.O
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.5
o.5 - 2.0
2.O - 3.5
3.5 - 4.0
1 1-10599-00
Test Pit Log, Page 9
Samole No.Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 - 2.0
Test Pit TP-l7
Approximate ground surface elevation: 237 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, sitty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
2.0 - 3.0
3.O - 4.0
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Test Pit TP-l8
Approximate ground surface elevation: 230 feet
o.o - 0.5
0.5 - 1.75
1.75 - 2.5
2.5 - 4.O
Forest Duff.
Loose, dry, gray, silty SAND with rootlets and trace gravel
(highly weathered Glacial Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. PIaty when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Test Pit Log, Page 10
Samole No.
Depth (feetl Material Descriotion
Test Pit TP-l9
Approximate ground surface elevation: 221 teet
1.5 - 2.5
Forest Duff.
Looso, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray,. silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
2.8 - 4.O
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Test Pit TP-20
Approximate ground surface elevation: 153 feet
o.o - 0.5
o.5 - 1.5
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 2.0
2.0 - 4.5
4.5 - 5.5
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty sAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated {unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terminated at approximately 5.5 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage obsrirved.
Test Pit Log, Page 11
Samole No.Deoth {feetl Material Descriotion
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 : 1.5
Test Pit TP-21
Approximate ground surface elevation: 177 teet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
1.5 - 5.0
s.0 - 6.0
Test pit terminated at approximately 6.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 1.5
1.5 - 2.5
2.5 - 4.0
Test Pit TP-22
Approximate ground surface elevation: 168 feet
Forest Duff.
Looss, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel tWeathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Test Pit Log, Page 12
Samole No.Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
Test Pit TP-23
Approximate ground surface elevation: 172 teet
Loose, moist, charcoal-gray, organic-rich, fine-grained SAND
(Fill from logging(?) road).
Dense, wet, orange-brown, SAND with gravel.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terminated at approximately 7.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 - 2.0
Test Pit TP-24
Approximate ground surface elevation: 145 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and roottets (highlV weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense. moist, tan-gray, silry SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
2.O - 4.O
4.0 - 5.0
Test pit terminated at approximately 5.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 1.0
1.O - 4.0
4.0 - 6.0
6.0 - 7.0
1 1-10599-00
Test Pit Log, Page 13
Samole No.Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
Test Pit TP-25
Approximate ground surface elevation: 143 fest
0.0 - 0.s
0.5 - 1.5
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
1.5 - 4.0
4.0 - 5.0
Test pit terminated at approximately 5.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
Test Pit TP-26
Approximate ground surface elevation: 214 feet
0.0 - 0.5
q.5 - 2.0
2.O - 4.O
4.0 - 5.5
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense,.damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
Test pit terminated at approximately 5.5 feet.
No caving observdd.
No seepage observed.
1 1-10599-00
Test Pit Log, Page 14
Samole No.Deoth lfeetl Material Descriotion
Test Pit TP-27
Approximate ground surface elevation: 167 feet
2.5 - 3.5
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravet
and rootlets (highly weathered Till).
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Tilll.
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Till).
3.5 - 4.0
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
0.0 - 0.5
0.5 - 2.5
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 - 1.5
1.5 - 2.5
2.5 - 4.O
Test Pit TP-28
Approximate ground surface elevation: 165 feet
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets (highly weathered Tilll.
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Till).
Very dense, damp, gray, silty SAND with gravel. Platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terminated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
Nq seepage observed.
1 1-10599-00
Test Pit Log, Page 15
Samole No.
0.0 - 0.75
0.75 - 2.5
Deoth (feetl Material Descriotion
Test Pit TP-29
Approximate ground surface elevation: 240 leet
2.5 - 3.O
Forest Duff.
Loose, damp, orange-brown, silty fine SAND with some gravel
and rootlets {highly weathered Ti[].
Medium dense grading to dense, moist, tan-gray, silty SAND
with gravel (Weathered Tiill.
Very dense, damp. gray, silty SAND with gravel. platy when
excavated (unweathered Glacial Tilll.
Test pit terrninated at approximately 4.0 feet.
No caving observed.
No seepage observed.
3.0 - 4.0
Date excavated: 24 October lgg5 Logged by: PBS