HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 July NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter JULY CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: July 2021 07/06/21: Business Mee�ng 07/12/21: Workshop Mee�ng 07/19/21: Business Mee�ng Mee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule. www.cityofpt.us/calendar A Note From Mayor Michelle Sandoval Port Townsend is opening up again. Thank you, community, for taking care of your neighbors and ge�ng vaccinated. We have the highest vaccina�on rate in the state. Yay for us! As we open up we will see many signs of our beloved old Port Townsend spring to life. Boats on the water, fes�vals star�ng up again, live music on our streets, ar�sts in many different disciplines sharing their passions. For that I am grate- ful. Our community is one of passionate and diverse interests. I would like to tell you about a few happenings in your backyard. Port Townsend Crea�ve District Port Townsend is the sixth community in Washington State to be named a Crea�ve District. The Port Townsend Crea�ve District's first project was to establish wayfinding markers that celebrate the Crea�ve District and links Downtown, Uptown and Fort Worden, and it is the first Crea�ve District in the state to have a project completed. The project was funded in part by a grant from ArtsWA through the Washington State Legislature, and matching local donors, including in-kind contribu�ons by the City. Ar�st Jonah Trople was chosen for the commission. Mr. Trople is an ar�st and graphic designer living in Port Townsend. He designed and created five sculptures nearly seven feet tall, which are both contemporary and primi�ve at the same �me. They are made of reclaimed fir that was sourced and milled locally. The reclaimed fir has been sealed, white-washed, and weather-rated in coastal condi�ons for 20+ years. There are two markers located Downtown, two markers located Uptown, and one placed near the entrance to Fort Worden. Trople has also designed wayfinding signs to connect Downtown, Uptown, and Fort Worden together. The City of Port Townsend honors the hard work of the Crea�ve District subcommi�ee for con�nuing to support the crea�ve economy and ar�sans in the performing, culinary, visual, literary arts, in Port Townsend as vibrant and integral cornerstones of the community. As we venture outside let’s celebrate their collec�ve accomplishments and unwavering efforts to create a stronger more vibrant community through their work. Life Time Achievement Award From Washington Na�ve Plant Society Forest Shomer a beloved community member, has been chosen to receive the Arthur R. Kruckeberg Honorary Fellow Award, the highest accolade given by the Washington Na�ve Plant Society. There are only 34 previous awardees of whom just 13 are currently alive. It’s basically a life�me achievement award. Shomer is also being awarded the WNPS Mentzelia Award for 2021 (together with three others) who have made a significant contribu�on to na�ve plant conserva�on, research, or educa�on in Washington. If you have not visited the Port Townsend’s Kah Tai Prairie Preserve (at the PT golf course) you should! This prairie is another of Shomer’s passions. He was integral to its preserva�on. Women That Are Changing The World Through Their Art from “The Woman Post- We Today” - Nature and Humans Are One Eco-ar�st Jeanne Simmons, a local ar�st, works with nature to address the rela�onships between the earth and humanity. Her inten�on is to help us reconnect with nature and to understand “We cannot escape our rela�onship with the natural world. There can be no ‘us’ without ‘it.’” In both her works "Grass Cocoon" and "Extensions" her model could not walk away from the scene. She was, as Simmons says, literally bound to the Earth. At the same �me, she was also deeply at peace with her condi�on. If you haven’t seen her breathtaking work find it at www.thewomanpost.com Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our website for descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules: www.cityofpt.us For more informa�on contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360) 379-5083. The following Boards and Commissions have current and upcoming vacancies: • Arts Commission• Civil Service Commission• Financial Sustainability Task Force• Fort Worden Public Development Authority (PDA)• Historic Preserva�on Commi�ee• Library Advisory Board• Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee• Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board• Planning Commission• Salary Commission City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us A Note From City Manager John Mauro Thinking Ahead With the summer in full swing and as we turn the corner on COVID, City staff are digging in to deliver our 2021 workplan. From the water agreement with the Mill to the Summer Reading Program, and from affordable housing to sustaining pool opera�ons, the City team is moving on a variety of ini�a�ves and takes on new challenges that pop up unexpectedly each day. But we’re not just focused on today’s challenges – we’re forging ahead with the future in mind. This year we’re already thinking of 2022. Typically, City Council, department directors and I meet in January a�er our budget is set to discuss how we’ll deliver on priori�es that same year. This year, we’re changing that. We will be holding a Council/Director retreat on July 12 to draw together a high-level 2022 work plan. Moving the work planning a half-year earlier will allow us to determine what we need to do before we determine the budget that delivers on it. Working Together I’m excited about what this li�le change in �ming will do for how we all work together. First, I believe it’s a be�er-�med invita�on to you and the en�re community to feed in ideas, direc�on and aspira�ons before we work through the details. Much of what the City does can be filed under “keep it going” – water, wastewater, roads, trails, pool, finances, public records, library books, public safety, planning, permits – you get the picture. But that doesn’t mean we can’t con�nue to sensibly innovate, learn, adjust or repriori�ze. As a small community, we depend on each other, and your involvement and collabora�on can help us up our collec�ve game. Second, it’s a be�er chance to empower resident experts and volunteers who serve on advisory boards to provide direct input into the work plan process in advance. This is especially true a�er a few changes were made last month to the City Council Commi�ees and Advisory Boards/Commissions (fewer, clearer, be�er) that will help us all pull in the same direc�on on our work plan. Finally, I expect that earlier involvement and clearer visibility will allow us to connect be�er to related ini�a�ves (like banked capacity or financial sustainability for instance) and to carry some community interest and involvement into the budget process when that begins in the fall. That’s always where the rubber hits the road, although very few people seem interested in ge�ng up close at the pavement level – at least currently. We’re trying to change that and can use your help. Choosing our Future and Staying Connected Crea�ng a be�er future for us all means ac�vely and inten�onally pursuing one together. Otherwise, the future is just something that happens to us. Please join us as we start to envision what 2022 looks like for our community. How? • Watch and par�cipate in the July 12 work plan retreat, an open public mee�ng of the City Council mee�ng and livestreamed on the City website: www.cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos • A�end Advisory Board and Commission mee�ngs – and consider applying for a posi�on yourself • Visit Engage PT at www.cityofpt.us/engagept to learn about current and ongoing ini�a�ves, and send us an email with your thoughts: engagept@cityofpt.us • Connect with me on Thursdays on KPTZ from 1230-1, and hopefully at in-person coffee sessions soon! ENGAGE PT City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us New Railings At Our Skate Park Port Townsend is opening up again. Thank you, community, for taking care of your neighbors and ge�ng vaccinated. We have the highest vaccina�on rate in the state. Yay for us! As we open up we will see many signs of our beloved old Port Townsend spring to life. Boats on the water, fes�vals star�ng up again, live music on our streets, ar�sts in many different disciplines sharing their passions. For that I am grate-ful. Our community is one of passionate and diverse interests. I would like to tell you about a few happenings in your backyard. Port Townsend Crea�ve DistrictPort Townsend is the sixth community in Washington State to be named a Crea�ve District. The Port Townsend Crea�ve District's first project was to establish wayfinding markers that celebrate the Crea�ve District and links Downtown, Uptown and Fort Worden, and it is the first Crea�ve District in the state to have a project completed.The project was funded in part by a grant from ArtsWA through the Washington State Legislature, and matching local donors, including in-kind contribu�ons by the City.Ar�st Jonah Trople was chosen for the commission. Mr. Trople is an ar�st and graphic designer living in Port Townsend. He designed and created five sculptures nearly seven feet tall, which are both contemporary and primi�ve at the same �me. They are made of reclaimed fir that was sourced and milled locally. The reclaimed fir has been sealed, white-washed, and weather-rated in coastal condi�ons for 20+ years. There are two markers located Downtown, two markers located Uptown, and one placed near the entrance to Fort Worden. Trople has also designed wayfinding signs to connect Downtown, Uptown, and Fort Worden together.The City of Port Townsend honors the hard work of the Crea�ve District subcommi�ee for con�nuing to support the crea�ve economy and ar�sans in the performing, culinary, visual, literary arts, in Port Townsend as vibrant and integral cornerstones of the community. As we venture outside let’s celebrate their collec�ve accomplishments and unwavering efforts to create a stronger more vibrant community through their work.Life Time Achievement Award From Washington Na�ve Plant SocietyForest Shomer a beloved community member, has been chosen to receive the Arthur R. Kruckeberg Honorary Fellow Award, the highest accolade given by the Washington Na�ve Plant Society. There are only 34 previous awardees of whom just 13 are currently alive. It’s basically a life�me achievement award. Shomer is also being awarded the WNPS Mentzelia Award for 2021 (together with three others) who have made a significant contribu�on to na�ve plant conserva�on, research, or educa�on in Washington. If you have not visited the Port Townsend’s Kah Tai Prairie Preserve (at the PT golf course) you should! This prairie is another of Shomer’s passions. He was integral to its preserva�on.Women That Are Changing The World Through Their Art from “The Woman Post- We Today” - Nature and Humans Are OneEco-ar�st Jeanne Simmons, a local ar�st, works with nature to address the rela�onships between the earth and humanity. Her inten�on is to help us reconnect with nature and to understand “We cannot escape our rela�onship with the natural world. There can be no ‘us’ without ‘it.’” In both her works "Grass Cocoon" and "Extensions" her model could not walk away from the scene. She was, as Simmons says, literally bound to the Earth. At the same �me, she was also deeply at peace with her condi�on. If you haven’t seen her breathtaking work find it at www.thewomanpost.com PT Arts Commission Invites Grant Proposals PT Public Library and Online Programs Science Magic with Jeff Evans - Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:30am to 11:30am Jeff Evans presents fascina�ng science demonstra�ons that look like magic, but are accomplished with science. Plus, you can follow along and amaze yourself at home with two super-fun STEM demonstra�ons. Glass Blowing with Bao Thao - Tuesday, July 13, 2021 - 10:30am to 11:30am Professionals from the Morean Arts Center will show us the workshop and their techniques, then answer any ques�ons you have. The finished piece will be shipped to the library for you to come in person and see a�er the program! Artwork will be on display at the North Olympic Library System from August 1-14, the Port Townsend Public Library for Aug 16-21, and at the Jefferson County Library from August 23-28. Generously supported by the Friends of the Jefferson County Library. Doodle with Dana - Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 10:30am to 11:30am Learn Cartooning with local author/illustrator Dana Sullivan. Come with paper and drawing utensils and bring your imagina�on to life in this engaging and interac�ve workshop. Draw and Chat with Ar�st Kazu Kibuishi - Tuesday, July 27, 2021 - 10:30am to 11:30am Draw and chat with NY Times Bestselling author and ar�st Kazu Kibuishi. Take a brief virtual tour of his studio, learn about current projects and see a drawing and pain�ng demonstra�on. Come prepared to ask ques�ons. Generously supported by the Friends of the Clallam Bay, Forks, Port Angeles and Sequim Branch Libraries Visit the Port Townsend Library's website calendar for more informa�on and to join each program through zoom: www.cityofpt.us/calendar/library The City of Port Townsend maintenance staff is constantly ba�ling the effects of saltwater on public infrastructure. The skate park fence is the most recent casualty of this corrosive environment. Many thanks to City staff who have been re-welding, replacing and pain�ng the rusted, broken panels of the railing at the City Skate Park. Also, many thanks to our insurance provider, WCIA for a $23,000 risk management grant to support rehabilita�on of the railings. This effort has had li�le impact on users, and the park will remain open through most of the work. Barricades and cau�on tape is being used when workers are present to help keep users clear of the work zone. The project went out to bid in late June for sandblas�ng and repain�ng with rust protec�on treatment, and the park will be closed for up to two weeks likely in August or early September while this work is being done. Railings before Railings afterCity staff working on the railings The Port Townsend Arts Commission (PTAC) welcomes grant proposals from local ar�sts and organiza�ons who seek financial support to bring their crea�ons to the public. You can find links to PTAC’s grant funding FAQ, funding guide- lines, and applica�on on the Commission’s webpage: www.cityofpt.us/bc/page/arts-commission-0 The $20,000 in grant money that Port Townsend City Council made available to the Arts Commission for 2021 is appor�oned via Macrogrants (over $500), which are awarded on a quarterly basis, and Microgrants ($500 or less), which are awarded monthly. For further informa�on, please email artscomm@cityofpt.us. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Main Street Upcoming Events We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their perspec�ve. Check back here each month to see a new staff profile. This month is Jim Aman from our Compost Facility. How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend? I have worked for the City of Port Townsend going on 15 years. What do you currently do in terms of job du�es? For the City I am the lead operator of our biosolids compos�ng facility, where we take the treated biosolids from our wastewater plant and the groundup green yardwaste to make compost for public purchase. What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City? The most I like about working for the City is interac�ng with the public and being ac�ve outdoors. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public? I am very ac�ve outside of work with our local Elks lodge doing volunteer work, and at work I like working with team of professionals in the handling of the City’s wastewater system. Introducing City Staff Water Treatment Chlorine Shortage Tour the Crea�ve District Art Markers and explore all the art located right here in the Crea�ve District! Whether you are into Visual, Performing, Culinary, Makers or Literary arts, you are sure to find something you’ll love. Visit our website www.ptcreativedistrict.org for more informa�on. Port Townsend Treasures Trivia Hunt Are you looking for a fun, FREE, socially distanced ac�vity to get you out of the house? Port Townsend’s buildings and its unique businesses are a treasure. Find out more about them in the Port Townsend Treasures Trivia Hunt that will take you around Historic Downtown. Learn surprising facts about Port Townsend's colorful past. This hunt is great for families or individuals and is ADA accessible. If you would like to do The Port Townsend Treasures Trivia Hunt, download the Ac�onBound app on your smart phone and then scan the QR code, which will take you right to the hunt. Visit www.ptmainstreet.org for QR code. Stay Tuned! Hidden History Tours with Key City Public Theatre – take a guided tour of our newly installed Hidden History signs Downtown. The Port Townsend Main Street Program has teamed up with Key City Public Theatre to take you on a guided tour of Port Townsend’s hidden history. We are planning for 1st & 3rd Saturdays, schedule coming soon. Visit www.goingtopt.com for more informa�on. Adams Street Parklet Thanks to funding from the City of Port Townsend’s Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee, the Port Townsend Main Street Program has been working with the City of Port Townsend to turn the street end of Adams Street (next to Adams Street Park) into an invi�ng public space to sit and enjoy the water views. We will be installing new benches, planters and bistro furniture for all to enjoy. Stay tuned for more informa�on on the dedica�on date. The chlorine shortage has been in the news so you may have heard that there was an electrical failure at the primary chlorine manufacturing facility that supplies chlorine to the northwest. This has temporarily limited supplies of the disin- fectant used for of both drinking water and wastewater treatment. Port Townsend has adequate supplies on hand to meet water treatment needs un�l manufacturing is expected to resume at the end of June. No water use restric�ons are in effect at this �me due to the chlorine shortage however, water conserva�on is always encouraged especially as stream flows decline during the summer. For more informa�on about our water supply visit: www.cityofpt.us/engagept/page/water-supply-mill-agreement