HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC20-027, Admiralty Apt. repairs COR.doc250 Madison Street, Suite 3 | Port Townsend, WA 98358 | 350.379.5095 | www.cityofpt.usririFnlm
Re: Admiralty Apartments rePairs ) File No. HPC20-027
Type l-A Application by:
Broderick Architects, on behalf of
building owner KP5 and prospective purchaser
Admiralty Apartments LP
Date:March I,2O2L
Application: Type l-A Historic Design Review application for repair to Admiralty Apartments
Location:L29 Taylor St. (Exhibit A- Historic Design Review opplicotion and supporting
moterials). The site is legally described (abbreviated) as Port Townsend Original
Townsite Block 9 Lots L to 3(ALL), 4(E47') Tidal District 50. The Jefferson County
Assessor's Tax Parcel Number is 989 700 901
Staff Contact: John McDonagh, Senior Planner
Decision: The application is CONDITIONALLY APPROVED.
After respectful consideration of the above referenced application, the City's Development
Services Director hereby adopts the following Findings, Conclusions and Decision:
Backsround and Proiect Summarv
Kevin Broderick, Sean Hill and others of Broderick Architects ("Broderick"), as authorized
representatives for prospective purchasers Admiralty Apartments LP ('AALP"), requests
Historic Design Review approval for a series of phased repairs to the Admiralty
Admiralty Apartments is a multi-story historic masonry building addressed as L29 Taylor
Street, Port Townsend, WA. The structure is within the City's National Landmark Historic
District (NHLD), zoned Historic Commercial (C-lll) and is partially over the water of Port
Townsend Bay. Current property owners, KP5 LLC ("KP5"), have authorized Broderick and
AALP to submit permits on their behalf (Exhibit B - Owner authorizotion email)'
250 Madison Street, Suite 3 | Port Townsend, WA 98368 | 360.379.5095 | www.cityofpt.usrruilnlm
3 Phase L Scope of Work (SOW) begins with the repair of sixteen (L6) existing under-
building pilings resting on the shoreline beach.l Following this, the SOW includes:
a Removal and replacement of
the southern-most, over-water,
building wall. The rebuilt wall
will be wood framed with brick
veneer matching the existing
brick in size and color.
All openings in the rebuilt wall
remain their same location and
size with 1 new window
opening added to the SW first
floor residential unit.
Each window opening filled
with a new metal-clad wood
assembly. A replacement door
material is not yet specified.
A new cornice design (replacing
one removed several years
past) for the rebuilt wall.
Repair/replace the existing over-
water deck railing (design still
New cornice on the remaining
Changes to the Taylor St. level
bays between the brick pilasters
(i.e. remove stucco where
historic transoms were and
replace with "Sign Board", add
new band at the base of each
bay to match those existing on
Water St. fagade).
No change in building height will result and no change in location or arrangement of
dwelling units will occur.
Phase 2 SOW on the building's exterior involves:o Seismic reinforcements (e.9.
sloped parapet bracing; floor to
wall tie backs with exterior wall
o lnstallation of a metal canopy
over the residential building
entrance along Taylor St.o Replacement of all other
residential unit windows on
upper floors (metal clad wood).
Permit Framework: Aoolica e Desien Review Guidelines
5.Exterior alterations to buildings within the NHLD that are zoned C-lll are subject to the
city's Type l-A Historic Design Review approval process2. Type l-A permits are
administrative decisions of the DSD Director made after review and recommendation by
1 Piling repairs are being treated as an ordinary repair and maintenance activity under PTMC 17.30.020C(5) which
is exempt from Historic Design Review permitting.
2 PTMC 17.30.0204 and 17.30.040
250 Madison Street, Suite 3 | Port Townsend, WA 98363 | 360.379.5095 | www.cityofpt.us
the City's Historic Preservation Committee (HPC).
HpC recommendations - and the resulting Type l-A decision - must be supported by
formally adopted design guidelines.3 The most applicable guidelines are set out in the
table below:
HPC ew and Recommendation
HpC reviewed the application and supporting materials at their December t,2O2O open-
record meeting. Aside from agent Broderick, DSD staff and the HPC, no written or verbal
public comment was submitted by the public'
HpC's chief project concern involves Broderick's planned treatment of the 10-street level
recessed bays along Taylor St. (Ex. A). lnterior spaces behind 7 of these bays were
converted from commercial to residential occupan cy in L972 when much of the mixed-use
building entered a U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) affordable housing
program (Exhibit C - i-972 Admirolty Apts. "As-Built" Drawings). All 10 bays along Taylor St
were altered as part of this conversion as were (to a lesser extent)the 5 recessed bays of
commercial occupancy retained along Water St. HPC's concerns extended to the Water St.
bays; however, as no part of Broderick's SOW involves alteration of those features, their
review and recommendation authority here is limited'
Table 3.1 - Applicable Preservation Guideline Checklist
77.30.1408 -
Stondards for
Consistent with the Secretary's Stondords for Rehobilitation
o The property's historic character is being retained and preserved by the
rehabilitation and seismic reinforcement project'
o The work does not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial
relationships that characterize the property.
o The new work is differentiated from the old and will be compatible with
the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to
protect the integrity of the property and its environment.
o Where the severity of a deteriorated feature requires replacement,
the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and,
where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be
substantiated by documentary and physical evidence.
3 PTMc i-7.30.100E(1)
250 Madison Street, Suite 3 | Port Townsend, WA 98358 | 350.379.5095 | www.cityofpt.us
9.Prior to the t972 HUD conversion, the Taylor St. bays had large store-front windows under
a multi-lite transom with a terrazzo base. As converted, 7 of the Taylor St. storefront
windows were removed along with (allegedly) alltransom windows (Ex. C). ln their place,
aluminum horizontal "slider" windows were installed at a height which limits street level
views to the (now) residential interior. Each remaining bay exterior was covered in stucco
with a thin wood trim detail (Exhibit D - Photo of existing boy olong Tayler St. fagadel.
10. HPC expressed strong preference for an alternative window treatment for the Taylor St.
bays. They also encouraged Broderick to explore uncovering of all the original transom
windows (if they still exist) along both building frontages (i.e. Taylor St. and Water St.).
HPC questioned why these bays couldn't be modified again to be more compatible with
the upper floor residential windows (i.e. consider the use of hung assemblies).
tL. ln response, Broderick advised as part of their Federal tax credit application jointly
administered by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the National park
Service (NPS), they were given few choices. Per the tax credit review process, which is key
to overall project financing, the design in this area is limited to either:o Re-establishing the prior commercial window storefronts; oro Keeping the windows as they are.
t2. After presentation by DSD staff and the applicant, which included review and deliberation
of relevant design guidelines, HPC recommended the project be approved as presented (6
0 in favor) with efforts to revise the ground floor windows to be further explored after DSD
staff spoke with SHPO staff lExhibit E - Dec. 7 opproved HPC minutesl Staff agreed to
contact the SHPO staff and report back at the next meeting.
Post meeting SHPO consultation
13. DSD staff contacted SHPO and reported back to HPC at their Jan. 5, 2021 meeting (Exhibit F
-Jan.5,2027 opproved HPC minutes). SHPO offered a different context to their discussions
with Broderick on treatment of the Taylor St. bays. lt is important to note, Broderick was
not in attendance at HPC's Jan. 5 meeting, but no formal action was taken. Priorto the
Jan. 5 meeting, DSD staff did share with Broderick information and email exchanges
provided by SHPO regarding the Taylor St. bay treatment (Exhibit G - Emoit to Broderick
with SHPO's Taylor St. boy commentsl. ln sum, one other alternative beyond the 2 options
cited in Finding 11, above, was suggested by SHPO that would still qualifythe project for
Federal tax credits. To date, that third alternative has not been accepted by Broderick or
AALP. The tax credit review process with SHpO is still underway.
250 Madison Street, Suite 3 | Port Townsend, WA 98368 I 350.379.5095 | www.cityofpt.usg"'rPort@,
L4. The project as reviewed by HPC shows all existing slider windows being retained. As such,
the City's Historic Design Review (HDR) process cannot mandate these features be
changed. However, planned alterations above and below the existing windows (i.e.
removal of portions of the stucco & replacement with wood paneling) is subject to HPC
review and recommendation. Accordingly, further HPC review of those details is
appropriate as a condition HDR approval and prior to their installation.
15. A key question to be answered to complete HPC's further review is to verify whether the
pre-I972transom windows along Taylor St. have been destroyed or simply covered up.
From the "As-Builts" (Ex. C), it appears these transom windows were removed before the
stucco treatment was applied. a Even if the transoms no longer exist, additional review of
the planned paneling details (including specification of materials and profile) is appropriate
before making conclusions on their compatibility and compliance with formally adopted
preservation guidelines. Given the extensive SOW planned for Phase 2 (which includes
interior space renovation not subject to HDR permitting), staff sees no difficultly in
conditionally approving Phase 2 to require further HPC review and recommendation on the
treatment planned on the Taylor St. bays.
Based on the above Findin es and Conclusions.the DSD Director finds HPC2O-027 ACCEPTABLE,
subject to the following:
The applicant shall apply for and receive approval of a building permit for both
construction Phases. All work must be done consistent with the approved Historic Design
Review plans, subject to further conditions as set forth below.
The planned upper and lower paneling treatment of the Taylor St. bays is not yet fully
approved. Phase 2 building permit issuance shall be conditioned that requires further HPC
review of the bay treatment prior to their alteration. As part of the further HPC review,
the applicant must demonstrate (using evidence acceptable to DSD staff) whether the pre-
1972 transom windows are still in place or not. Acceptable evidence can include, but is not
limited to, photographing exposed interior wall cavities to gain views of the transom
window location(s) to assess their condition.
4 Ex. c, Sheet 8, bottom left detail
250 Madison Street, Suite 3 | Port Townsend, WA 98368 | 350.379.5095 | www.cityofpt.us
3. lf the transom windows are shown to still exist, further HPC review and recommendation
will evaluate them for possible restoration and retention into the overall bay treatment. lf
the transom windows have been removed/destroyed, further HPC review willfocus on
whether the proposed upper and lower bay paneling treatment proposed is appropriate
(including specifying materials and including a profile) based on formally adopted
preservation gu idelines.
4.All other details for the project (such as exterior lighting, final overwater deck railing, the
southern wall door) will be reviewed by DSD staff as part of the building permit review
done for each Phase. Any exterior lighting, including those mounted under the new
entrance canopy, must be fully recessed fixtures that are shielded and downward pointing.
lf LED fixtures are chosen, they must be low in temperature (i.e. 3,oooK max, less is
5. Costs for additional DSD staff time expended on further project review for this project are
the responsibility of the applicant and will be billed at the City's standard hourly rate
(currently Sg+ per hour).
lssued this 3 day of March , ZO2t
Disapproved by
Lance Bailey,
DSD Director
Exhibit A- Historic Design Review applicotion and supporting moterials, dated Nov. 20, 2020
Exhibit B - Owner authorization emoil
Exhibit c - L972 Admirolty Apts. "As-Built" Drawings
Exhibit D - Photo of existing boy olong Tayler St. fogade
Exhibit E - Dec. 7, 2020 approved HPC minutes
Exhibit F - Jan. 5, 2027 opproved HPC minutes
Exhibit G -Email to Broderick with SHpO's Taylor St. boy comments
Appeal to the Hearing Examiner
Per Table 2 of Subsection 20.01.040 PTMC, Type l-A permits are afforded an administrative
appeal bv the applicant onlv to the City's hearing examiner; provided, that a written appeal in
conformance with Chapter 1.14 PTMC is filed within 14 calendar days after the notice of the
250 Madison street, suite 3 | Port Townsend, wA 98368 | 350.379.5095 | www.cityofpt.us
I $urfort@'
decision. The date on which a decision is deemed issued is 3 days after a written decision is
mailed by the City. The administrative appeal period ends Marcn&nOZt'
All other parties who wish to appealType l-A permit decisions must file such with Superior Court
under the proceedings of the Land Use Petition Act (LUPA), Chapter 36.70.C RCW.