HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 March NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us MARCH CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: March 2021 03/01/21: Special & Regular Business Mee�ng 03/08/21: Workshop Mee�ng 03/15/21: Business Mee�ng Mee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule. www.cityofpt.us/calendar A Note From Council Member Owen Rowe Hi, I’m Owen Rowe. What drew me to Port Townsend in 1997 was how we packed the energy and richness of big-city arts and culture into a small town in a rural se�ng. Since then I’ve pursued a range of crea�ve careers, so I have first-hand experience of our precarious employment and housing. I think of our work on City Council as helping to make Port Townsend more sustainable— as a special place on the planet, as an organiza�on with staff and a budget, and as a community of people. And I think everyone can par�cipate. Physically, Port Townsend is the streets we design, the trees we plant, and the houses we build. But a colorful pain�ng on your neighborhood intersec�on (under the new Street Pain�ng ordinance) could be just as transforma�onal as rebuilding Discovery Road. Organiza�onally, we need sustainable governing structures and processes. Our Council strives to model consistent rules, transparent communica�on, and open access. We want people to par�cipate in our local democracy, through public comment at council and commi�ee mee�ngs or by serving on our many ci�zen advisory boards and commissions. Socially and culturally, we can all benefit from the intensity of visual, performing, culinary, literary, and other crea�vity that takes place in Port Townsend. This summer, sculptures created by local ar�st Jonah Trople will mark out the core of our Crea�ve District in Uptown, Downtown, and Fort Worden. This is just the start of an effort to build a year-round sustainable economy for the arts and prac�cing ar�sts in Port Townsend. Everyone can be a part! Through individual contribu�ons and collabora�ons on small improvements, we can sustain the Port Townsend we love. -Owen Community Volunteer Opportunities This month we are hearing from one of our newest council members, but long time community member, Owen Rowe. - Mayor Michelle Sandoval Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our website for descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules: www.cityofpt.us For more informa�on contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360) 379-5083. The following Boards and Commissions have current and upcoming vacancies: • Arts Commission• Historic Preserva�on Commi�ee• Library Advisory Board• Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee• Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board• Planning Commission Some residen�al accounts were erroneously charged $10.36 for wastewater consump�on in January due to delayed meter reads. The accounts effected will see a $10.36 credit adjustment on their February bill. Some other accounts may see a $10.36 charge adjustment due to the delay causing lower consump�ons for February. The volume charge was determined by a reasonable and fair method per Municipal Code 13.05.040(E). U�lity Bill Adjustments A Note From City Manager John Mauro Love Where You Live - Port Townsend City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us As I write this, we just recently cleaned up from some February snows, but I know that spring is on the way. I don’t want to rush the days or seasons ahead, but I’m excited to make progress on some of our biggest challenges and, of course, for the chance to turn the �de on the pandemic. My eager look ahead is balanced by some reflec�ons on the past year. The City team would like to share those with you. In addi�on to an overview of our financials of the previous year, we’ve done something different this �me around. We just launched our 2020 Annual Report. Have a look, let us know what you think, and let’s work together this year to make things be�er: www.cityofpt.us/annualreport Alongside the repor�ng of our financial situa�on, we are also sharing reflec�ons on how we’ve served the community, where we’ve learned a few lessons to carry forward, and what we an�cipate into the future. It’s meant to be high-level, clear and readable. It’s also meant to provide informa�on and draw connec�ons to how the City ecosystem works – what departments do, how funding works, and ways to be involved in shaping up decisions that affect us all. The 2020 Annual Report tells the story of a hard-working and tenacious City team that worked through numerous difficul�es and uncertain�es to keep the key systems and services we all depend on going. Of course we didn’t get it right every �me, but we certainly tried, and we’ve gleaned some valuable learning from our missteps. You’ll find some fun facts about each City department’s work in the pages of the report – some things might surprise you. The report also references the wider community’s collec�ve resilience through some very difficult challenges in 2020 and signals an inten�on to focus our collabora�ve energy on those challenges that remain. Dine * Shop * Play * Stay “Love Where You Live—Port Townsend” is a year-long marke�ng campaign developed to support Port Townsend in response to the health crisis impacts. It provides visibility for the historic districts, which is home to more than 200 businesses. These businesses and the historic buildings they call home are our community’s treasures. Regional and local marke�ng buys will encourage par�cipa�on in niche experiences and self-guided tours. The plan highlights local shopping, dining, and hotel stays. We invite you to meet our merchants and explore the businesses behind the brick facades. The self-guided tours will focus on small groups or individual ac�vi�es and highlight our town’s intriguing history. Small-scale retail/restaurant events, self-guiding and niche group guided experiences will expand as health guidelines permit. In the future, we will promote the unique charms of our city as a safe and memorable tourism des�na�on. Join in the “Port Townsend Treasures” trivia hunt—it’s a FREE, fun, self-guided tour through downtown available now. Visit www.ILovePortTownsend.com to connect with this campaign to support local businesses. We invite customers to par�cipate in fun social media challenges and tag the businesses you men�on: • Be a tourist in your own home town! • Social media challenges invite locals to support one different small business each day for one week and post photos and include the hashtags: #ilovepor�ownsend #ptmainstreet #triviahunt. This campaign is coordinated by the Port Townsend Main Street Program and funded by an economic development grant from the First Federal Community Founda�on, with matching funds provided by the Port of Port Townsend, Windermere Real Estate, PT Main Street and in-kind media support. Follow the campaign on Port Townsend Main Street’s social media. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Port Townsend Creative District Update PT Public Library and Online Programs Port Townsend Crea�ve District Selects Local Ar�st To Create Wayfinding Art Markers The mission of the new Port Townsend Crea�ve District is to connect audiences with ar�sts to sustain and expand a vibrant crea�ve economy. Its first project will be to create a wayfinding project that celebrates the Crea�ve District and links Downtown, Uptown and Fort Worden. The project is funded in part by a grant from ArtsWA through the Washington State Legislature, and matching donors. Local ar�st Jonah Trople was chosen for the commission. He will design and create five sculptures which are both contemporary and primi�ve at the same �me. The sculptures are nearly seven feet tall, and will be made of cedar, white-washed, sealed and weather-rated in coastal condi�ons for 20+ years. There will be two markers located Downtown, two markers located Uptown, and one placed near the entrance to Fort Worden. Thanks to these local businesses, property owners and nonprofits contributed to the required cash match to secure the grant: The Port Townsend Main Street Program, Centrum for the Arts, The Port Townsend Public Library Founda�on, the Port Townsend Food Co-op, 1st Security Bank, Northwind Art, Northwind Art, KPTZ 91.9 FM Port Townsend Radio, The Kuhn Building, and Key City Public Theatre. The City of Port Townsend has commi�ed to in-kind services for this project to help with the installa�on of the art markers and wayfinding signage. For more informa�on visit www.ptmainstreet.org, and search Crea�ve District. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us What is Cross Connection? We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their perspec�ve. Check back here each month to see a new staff profile. This month is Joanna Sanders from the Clerk’s Department. How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend? 15 years. What do you currently do in terms of job du�es? As public records officer, the clerk is responsible for fulfilling public record requests, crea�ng, maintaining, preserving, and providing access to the official records and legisla�ve history. The Clerk maintains the City municipal code, publishes City mee�ngs, and mee�ng no�ces in compliance with the Open Public Mee�ngs Act. What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City? I get excited serving as liaison between city government and residents! Connec�ng people to resources, including public mee�ngs and records. The City Clerk and Deputy Clerk are fortunate to work with all City Departments. If we are not able to find the records and answer your ques�ons, we know who can. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public? Aside from on-the-job training, the Washington Municipal Clerks Associa�on and Interna�onal Ins�tute of Municipal Clerks are organiza�ons from which we receive valuable training. These organiza�ons promote professional and educa�onal standards for the work we do to earn and build the trust in government. Introducing City Staff The following is to be a series of ar�cles aimed at providing insight into various aspects of Water Treatment and Distribu�on. The first topic in this series of our Customer Educa�on Program is Cross Connec�on. A cross connec�on is a point in a plumbing system where the potable water supply is connected to a non-potable source. Briefly, a cross connec�on exists whenever the drinking water system is or could be connected to any non-potable source (plumbing fixture, equipment used in any plumbing system). Pollutants or contaminants can enter the drinking water system through uncontrolled cross connec�ons when backflow occurs. • Backflow is the unwanted flow of non-potable substances back into the consumer’s plumbing system and/or public water system (i.e., drinking water). There are two types of backflow: back siphonage and backpressure. • Back Siphonage is caused by a nega�ve pressure in the supply line to a facility or plumbing fixture. Back siphonage may occur during water line breaks, when repairs are made to the waterlines, when shu�ng off the water supply, etc. • Backpressure can occur when the potable water supply is connected to another system operated at a higher pressure or has the ability to create pressure. Principal causes are booster pumps, pressure vessels and elevated plumbing. • Backflow Preventers are mechanical devices designed to prevent backflow through cross connec�ons. However, for backflow preventers to protect as designed, they must meet stringent installa�on and regular tes�ng requirements. *This informa�on was provided by the American Water Works Associa�on Pacific Northwest Sec�on Addi�onal sources of informa�on may be found on the PNWS-AWWA web site: www.pnws-awwa.org RELATED SPECIAL EVENTS (All Events Free!) Check the Library’s website for specific links to online programs at ptpubliclibrary.org, under Programs/Community Read. Movie Kickoff: PTFF Presents Virtual Screening of Community First, A Home for the Homeless March 1–7 Virtual Screening Room On Demand Screen the movie for free March 1st–March 7th through the Port Townsend Film Festival’s online platform and celebrate the dream of everyone having a home. NorthwindArt The Spirit of Home Exhibit March 4–28 Grover Gallery, 236 Taylor St. Thurs.–Mon., 12 pm–5 pm A special art exhibit inspired by House Lessons featuring artists Max Grover, Liz Reutlinger, Joe Wuts and more. Book Lovers’ Cafe March 1 (Monday) Online Via Zoom 2 pm Join the Library’s Book Club for a group discussion of House Lessons with Library Director Melody Sky Eisler. Jump Start Your Memoir – Webinar with Erica Bauermeister March 13–14 (Saturday and Sunday) Online Via Zoom 10 am–12 pm both days Erica will teach a two-day webinar on memoir writing for all writing levels. Registration is required. Visit the Library’s website or call (360) 385-3181 to register. Community Book Discussion March 18 (Thursday) Online Via Zoom 7 pm Treat yourself to a curbside meal from your favorite local restaurant and join the book club discussion of House Lessons with Richard Berg of Terrapin Architecture. StoryWalk The Little House for Kids and their Families March 20 (Saturday) Kah Tai Lagoon 12–4 pm A fun outdoor adventure for the whole family. Pages will be posted at stations along the trail for families to enjoy a story as they walk the path near the Lagoon. Explore anytime between 12–4pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Meet the Author: Erica Bauermeister March 25 (Thursday) Online via Zoom 7 pm Join Erica for a presentation and reading. Signed books can be purchased at Imprint Books. 2021 ERICA BAUERMEISTER House Lessons: Renovating a Life Published by Sasquatch Books THE COMMUNITY READ PROGRAM & HOW IT WORKS The City of Port Townsend has proclaimed March as the official “Reading Month.” Community Read is designed to promote closer ties among community members through the shared experience of reading, sharing and discussing the same book and ideas related to topics raised by the book. • A limited number of free copies of the book will be available at the Port Townsend Public Library on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional copies will be available at the Library on two-week loans, or you may purchase a copy at Imprint Bookstore. • Read the book, then pass it on to others. • Prepare for a discussion about the book with your own book group or join in the groups listed below. A brochure with discussion issues and questions is available at the Library. • Attend the many related, mostly online, events during the month of March. ALL EVENTS ARE FREE!!! For more information: (360) 385-3181 www.ptpubliclibrary.org Author Profile Erica Bauermeister is the bestselling author of four novels: The School of Essential Ingredients, Joy for Beginners, The Lost Art of Mixing, and The Scent Keeper. She is also the coauthor of 500 Great Books by Women: A Reader’s Guide and Let’s Hear It For the Girls: 375 Great Books for Readers 2–14. She has a PhD in literature from the University of Washington, and has taught there and at Antioch University. With the exception of two years in Italy, Bauermeister has lived in the Pacific Northwest for nearly four decades, and her children proudly say rainwater runs in their veins. She is a founding member of the Seattle7Writers and currently lives in Port Townsend, Washington, in the house she renovated with her family. Visit her online at https://www.ericabauermeister.com/house-lessons. House Lessons: Renovating a Life “One-part investigation of architecture and design, one part exploration of identity, House Lessons is a meditation on space and home, and Bauermeister is a Zen master of the self.” – Adrienne Brodeur, author of Wild Game In this mesmerizing memoir-in-essays, Erica Bauermeister renovates a trash- filled house in eccentric Port Townsend, Washington, and in the process takes readers on a journey to discover the ways our spaces subliminally affect us. A personal, accessible, and literary exploration of the psychology of architecture, as well as a loving tribute to the connections we forge with the homes we care for and live in, this book is designed for anyone who’s ever fallen head over heels for a house. It is also a story of a marriage, of family, and of the kind of roots that settle deep into your heart. Discover what happens when a house has its own lessons to teach in this moving and insightful memoir that ultimately shows us how to make our own homes (and lives) better. This year’s Community Read is mostly online to keep our community safe and connected. The library’s website offers live online events and self-guided virtual tours. All the information for how to access the programs and tours are on the Library’s website under Programs/Community Read. ptpubliclibrary.org SPONSORS: Friends of the Port Townsend Library, The Port Townsend Public Library Foundation, and our community partners: Port Townsend Film Festival, Jefferson County Historical Society, Imprint Books, Port Townsend School District, Port Townsend Jefferson County Leader, Peninsula Daily News, NorthwindArt, and KPTZ 91.9 FM. Port Townsend Reads … a community coming together through reading