April 7, 2021 | 3:00 p.m. | Remote Meeting
****The State of Emergency declared by Governor Inslee temporarily prohibits in‐person contacts
with the public required by the Open Public Meetings Act and the Public Records Act. The May 29,
2020 Public Health Order by Jefferson County Health Officer Thomas Locke also states no in‐person
meetings are allowed. The Commission will be participating by teleconference****
Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to:
publiccomment@cityofpt.us or join in person via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com
enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 539‐393‐595 or listen by phone only (listening mode only) United
States: +1 (415) 655‐0052 access code: 155‐675‐573#
Local Dial In – (360) 390‐5064 access code: 155‐675‐573#
I.Call to Order and Roll Call
II.Approval of Agenda
III.Introduction of New Commission Member Sondra McConnell
IV.Approval of Minutes from the March 3, 2020 Meeting
V.Public Comment (3 minutes per person)
VI.Commission Business
A.Chair’s Update
B.2021 Commission Workplan
1.Public Art Maintenance Plans
2.Poet Laureate Program
3.Update Commission Mission Statement
C.Appointment of Member to Work with OlyCAP
D. Review of Draft Street Painting Application
VIII.Set Agenda for Next Meeting
IX.Next Scheduled Meeting – May 5, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.
Minutes of the Port Townsend Arts Commission Meeting of March 3, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nhatt Nichols (Chair), Joe Gillard, Dan Groussman, Michelle Hagewood, Julie Johnson, Jason Victor Serinus,
and Nan Toby Tyrrell MEMBERS ABSENT: Danny McEnerney STAFF PRESENT: Legal Assistant Amber Long
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m.
Approval of Agenda The agenda was unanimously approved with the change of moving “Update on Creative District Wayfinding Marker Project” to be the first item of discussion.
Update on Creative District Wayfinding Marker Project Mari Mullen and Kris Nelson from the Port Townsend Main Street Program discussed the appearance and proposed
locations of the five wayfinding project markers. Artist Jonah Trople answered questions from Commissioners about siting, maintenance plan, and artist acknowledgment on the pieces.
The Commissioners expressed appreciation for the project and generally agreed on the siting as shown in the mock-ups in the meeting packet, with a note that the Main Street program was
working with the County on an alternate location for the marker by the Community Center.
Approval of Minutes for February 3, 2021 Meeting The minutes of February 3, 2021 were unanimously approved.
Public Comment None
2021 Commission Workplan. The Commissioners
discussed what projects they would like to add to the work
plan and ways that the Commission could support local artists.
The Commission voted unanimously to add the following items
to the work plan:
(1) Revise the Commission’s mission statement (2) Develop a poet laureate program for Port Townsend (3) Inventory the needs of local artists (4) Work with City Council to develop studio/artist spaces in
commercial properties.
The Commission also voted unanimously to add the word “accessibility” to the existing workplan item on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Chair Jason Victor Serinus will email Council liaison Michelle
Sandoval about the work plan. The Commission will discuss the workplan in more detail at the next meeting.
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Set agenda for next agenda: Julie Johnson will report to the Commission about a discussion with Mari at the Main Street Program about the Creative District artist inventory, and Jason will report about discussions with the Mayor. Next Meeting: March 3, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m.
Arts Commission 2021 Grant Funding ‐‐ Total Budget: $20,000OrganizationEvent Amount Approved Amount Requested StatusNotesKey City Public TheatreMay's Vote$1,486.00$1,486.00Grant agreement signed$1,486.00 $1,486.00Amount approved Amount requested Amount Paid Amount remainingQuarter 1 $1,486.00$1,486.00$2,514.00Quarter 2 $4,000.00Quarter 3 $4,000.00Quarter 4 $4,000.00Microgrants $4,000.00Total remaining in budget *$18,514.00*if all approved grants paid in full & all requested amounts approvedNo changes in the past month
Aaron Asis, installing his “Fort Words” paintings at Fort Worden State Park last September, is among themany artists who have received Port Townsend Arts Commission grants. (Diane Urbani de la Paz/PeninsulaDaily News)
City commission reviews applications monthly
New grants available for Port Townsend artists’ works | Peninsula Daily... https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/news/new-grants-available-for-port...
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New grants available for Port Townsend artists’ works | Peninsula Daily... https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/news/new-grants-available-for-port...
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New grants available for Port Townsend artists’ works | Peninsula Daily... https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/news/new-grants-available-for-port...
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Port Townsend Arts Commission c/o Jason Victor Serinus healrmn@planeteria.net
Mayor Michelle Sandoval City of Port Townsend msandoval@cityofpt.us March 18, 2021
Dear Mayor Michelle,
I write you in your capacity as City Council Liaison to the Arts Commission. My fellow commissioners and I have some nascent proposals that will benefit greatly from your input on
how to best move forward.
First, however, I want to say how grateful I am to be part of the Arts Commission. I’ve worked with many people over the course of my 75 years on the planet, and I know what a blessing it is to collaborate with a group of dedicated, enthusiastic, smart, and forward-thinking sisters and
brothers. We have a great group of Arts Commissioners, and our energy to support Port Townsend’s arts, artists, and residents is strong.
At our last meeting, we enthusiastically embraced Nhatt Nichols’s proposal that we spearhead the appointment of an official Poet Laureate for Port Townsend. Unexpectedly, Diane Urbani de
la Paz viewed part of that meeting and raised the subject during an interview for the PDN about our new artist grants mechanism. Given that our idea could appear in print before we have time to flesh it out, it’s important that we share it with City Council as soon as possible. What would be the best way(s) to formally present the idea to City Council and discuss creating the position,
funding it, and developing an appointment mechanism?
Arts Commission veteran Dan Groussman has proposed that we amend our mission statement to include serving artists as well as the public. The statement currently begins, “The Arts Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the development and public
awareness of and interest in the arts…” Given that the Arts Commission was created by and
serves in an advisory capacity to City Council, do we have the power and ability to amend our mission statement on our own? If we don’t, is our way best forward to craft an alternative mission statement and propose it to CC for consideration?
Finally, we’re looking for more ways to spread the word that we’ve got grant money and have
implemented a new funding process that promises more equitable distribution of funds. Would it be possible to include a statement to that effect in the next city newsletter? I’ve attached our press release, which I’m happy to shorten or revise as need be, for your consideration.
We’ve got lots more in the works, including discussions of accessible artist studio space,
spearheading an inventory of Port Townsend artists’ needs, and pursuing our goals of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility. But the issues of Poet Laureate, amending our mission
statement, and distributing grants money to help restore and strengthen our vibrant arts scene are the ones that could most benefit from your guidance and support at this time.
Heartfelt thanks for your help.
jason victor Serinus Chair, Port Townsend Arts Commission With input from commissioner Dan Groussman
Amber Long
From:Jason Victor Serinus
Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 11:35 AM
To:Nhattaleah Nichols
Cc:Amber Long
Subject:Re: Poet laureate information
CAUTION: External Email
Hi Amber,
For the Poet Laureate discussion, could you please add this URL to our packet: https://westtisburylibrary.org/west‐
Uncovered by Nhatt, it gives insight into how a small town created its own Poet Laureate position, and also includes
information on state Poet Laureates.
I may have more information to add soon. I’ve contacted Humanities Washington, co‐sponsor of WA State’s Poet
Laureate, and am about to research whom to contact in Seattle for information on their Poet Laureate.
Amber Long
From:Jason Victor Serinus
Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 11:49 AM
To:Amber Long
Cc:Nhattaleah Nichols
Subject:Could you also include this
CAUTION: External Email
Hi Amber,
Here is information on the WA State Poet Laureate position. I have written for more information.
Seattle has a Civic Poet and Youth Poet Laureate. The former is a City Position, the latter is sponsored by Seattle Arts &
Humanities. Here’s the Seattle Civic Poet Information to add to our packet:
About the Seattle Civic Poet Program
The Civic Poet program celebrates Seattle's rich literary community, while investing the future of
literary arts through community engagement. The Civic Poet program is administered by the city's
Office of Arts & Culture. The two-year Civic Poet post will serve as a cultural ambassador for Seattle's
rich, multi-hued literary landscape and will represent Seattle's diverse cultural community. In addition
to five annual performances, the Civic Poet will also complete hands-on work with communities to
engage constituents city-wide. Seattle's Civic Poet will serve a term of two years, and will receive a
$10,000 stipend distributed over the two year term.
Here’s information on the Youth Poet Laureate:
Again, I’m writing for more information.
On another note, are you able to copy the PDN article on our grant process / poet laureate considerations and include it
in the packet? If not, I can take a screenshot and send it to you.
Thanks as always, Amber.
Mission Statement Update
"About the Commission" from the City's website:
The Arts Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the development and
public awareness of and interest in the arts and acts in an advisory capacity to the City government
in connection with the artistic and cultural development of the City. Members are selected based
on their knowledge and expertise with respect to the performing, visual and literary arts.
From City Council Resolution 01-029 Establishing the Arts Commission (reviewed and
approved by the Arts Commission at its June 6, 2018 meeting):
The purpose of the Arts Commission established by this Resolution is declared to be to promote
and encourage public programs to further the development and public awareness of and interest
in the arts, to have available to the city and its citizens a degree of expertise with respect to the
performing, visual and literary arts and to act in an advisory capacity to the city government in
connection with the artistic and cultural development of the city.
Amber Long
From:Mark Blatter <markblatter@msn.com>
Sent:Friday, March 19, 2021 9:00 AM
Subject:Arts at OlyCAP 7th&Hendricks Project
CAUTION: External Email
The OlyCAP housing/child care project will include community arts elements, yet to be designed. We started out last
year (before the financing delay and pandemic) with a planning group that included a volunteer suggested by the Public
Arts Committee. This volunteer, Maryann Tapiro, has since moved away from Port Townsend.
We would welcome another person to join our group as formal or informal representative of the Arts
Commission. Mostly we are seeking someone with interest and expertise in developing community arts projects and
I would be happy to discuss again at one of your Commission meetings.
Thanks, Mark Blatter 206 715 6745
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Review process for street painting applications 1) Applicant contacts City engineering staff to discuss traffic safety implications of
proposed project
2) Applicant collects signatures from neighboring properties, obtains proof of insurance, and completes application
3) Applicant submits application with all attachments to Police Department (same as
special events process) 4) PW Director (or delegate) reviews application for traffic safety implications and contacts applicant with any concerns
5) Community Services Officer contacts staff liaisons for Historic Preservation Committee (if in historic district) and Arts Commission to schedule item on agenda for upcoming meeting
6) Community Services Officer informs applicant about Historic Preservation
Committee (if applicable) and Arts Commission meeting dates and log-in information 7) Review by Historic Preservation Committee (if in historic district) and
recommendation to City Council
8) Review by Arts Commission and recommendation to City Council *Meetings will likely occur on consecutive dates (first Tuesday for HPC and first
Wednesday for Arts Commission; however, both advisory boards may meet jointly)
9) Community Services Officer contacts Clerk’s Office to schedule item on upcoming City Council agenda
10) City Council review
11) If approved by City Council, Community Services Officer informs applicant that permit has been approved and connects applicant with Community Services Officer to arrange for street closure.
12) Community Services Officer checks in with applicant after painting date for photos of the project
Street Painting Application for Temporary Street Use and Special Events Permit
(must match signature on application)
Organization (if applicable)
Onsite contact name & phone number (if different from above) Estimated number of participants
Proposed painting location
Proposed painting start date*
*Please plan to apply at least two months prior to this date. Depending on location, dates may
need to be arranged around special event traffic and normal traffic patterns.
Please read this section carefully before signing:
Applicant/Permittee/User shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers,
officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, or liabilities for injury or death of any person, or for loss or damage to property that arise out of the acts or omissions of the Applicant/Permittee/User, its employees, volunteers, representatives or vendors, or from any activity, work or thing done, permitted, or suffered by Applicant/Permittee/User, related to the permitted activity, except only such injury or damage as shall have been occasioned by the sole negligence of the City.
I certify that the proposed painting meets all requirements of PTMC Chapter 12.11 and that all the above information and attachments are true and provide an accurate presentation of the proposed project. I acknowledge that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or
other information contained herein is false.
I certify that all activities associated with this permit will be conducted in accordance with State
Law and the Port Townsend Municipal Code.
Applicant Signature: __________________________ Date: ______________
Office Use Only
Engineering review date: ____________ HPC review date: _____________
PTAC review date: _______________ City Council approval date: _____________
Street Painting Application Checklist
Unless otherwise noted, all items must be submitted to the Port Townsend Police
Department (1925 Blaine Street)
The following items must be submitted for an application to be considered:
☐Completed Street Painting Application form
☐Sketch(es) of proposed design
☐Vicinity map with proposed location and painting size indicated
☐Proof of initial consultation with City engineering staff on traffic safety
☐Petition with signatures from residents (not property owners) of 100% of the adjacent
properties and 80% of the properties within a one-block radius of the proposed location
☐Check or cash for application fee submitted to City Finance Department (250 Madison
Street, First Floor). There are two fee categories:
1.For neighborhood block party paintings, the fee is the same as a special event permit fee ($50.00 in 2021)
2.For long-term and/or major street painting, the fee is the same as a minor improvement permit fee ($265.50 in 2021)
☐Optional: completed Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial
The following items must be submitted at least one week prior to painting:
☐Proof of commercial general liability insurance
☐Sample(s) of neighborhood outreach, if required by the City
Within one week of painting completion, please submit:
☐Photographs of completed painting
City of Port Townsend Street Painting Information
What are the benefits of street paintings? Building community! Street paintings
encourage neighbors to meet each other and work together toward a common goal. They add vibrancy and color to the streetscape and allow residents to have a say in the look and feel of their neighborhood.
Where can I paint? Street paintings last much longer on streets with less traffic. We
recommend painting on residential streets with low traffic volumes. Any painting on a minor arterial, major collector (as defined by the City’s Engineering Design Standards), or any other street the City deems to present a traffic control challenge must be cosponsored by the City. We can only permit painting on City streets (not State highway or private roads, even if within City limits).
Paintings are allowed on driving areas at intersections. Mid-block paintings or requests to paint surfaces other than driving areas (such as sidewalks or curbs) may be considered, dependent on a traffic safety review by the Public Works Director. Paintings are at intersections with existing traffic control devices, such as stop signs or traffic
circles, must be approved for safety by City engineering staff.
*The City Public Works Director or designee reserves the right to request that an
applicant modify a proposal when a location raises traffic safety concerns.
What images can I paint? General guidelines are found in PTMC Chapter 12.11. In addition, no copyrighted images or designs or words that mimic traffic control devices will be allowed. To reduce the potential for traffic distraction, we recommend designs that do not include text. Street painting projects allow community members to create designs that are meaningful for a neighborhood and help to create a sense of place. All
applications will be reviewed by the Port Townsend Arts Commission for recommendation to the City Council.
What type of paint should I use? Short-term installations on minor collector or local access streets require the use of water-based spray marking paint. Installations that are
intended to be long term or on minor arterial or major collector streets require the use of Cabot solid color acrylic deck stain or water-reducible acrylic traffic paint (zone marking paint) with a walnut-based friction additive (such as Duckback).
What insurance is required? Evidence of insurance must be submitted no later than
one week prior to the painting date. To obtain a commercial general liability policy, applicants are encouraged to contact their own insurance company or purchase a Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP) from the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA): https://www.wciapool.org/insurances/tulip. Evidence of insurance acceptable to the City of Port Townsend must be provided covering the activities and dates of the event, and the City of Port Townsend must be named as “additional insured” for $1 million. Limits and coverage may be adjusted to meet
exposure as determined by the City Manager.
Do I have to notify neighboring property owners about the project? All applicants must obtain signatures on a petition from residents (not necessarily owners) of all
properties adjacent to the painting location and 80% of properties within a one-block
radius. A sample petition is included in this application packet. Contacting neighbors is a great way to help build community support for the project. Can I pressure wash the area before painting? Arrangements may be made with the
Public Works and Police Departments for applicants to clean the painting area the
morning of or day before painting, depending on location and date. How do I close off the street to paint safely? After an application has been approved by City Council, the applicant must work with the Port Townsend Police Department to
coordinate a street closure. Closure dates and times may be weather- and traffic-
dependent. The City may be able to provide traffic control depending on budgets. How do I maintain my painting when it starts to wear away? Community members may choose to maintain existing street paintings year after year. As long as the design
and location are unchanged, only a Special Events Permit (issued by the City of Port
Townsend Police Department) will be required. Changes in location or design require a new Street Painting Application. Is funding assistance available? The Port Townsend Arts Commission reviews grant
applications for art projects that provide a public benefit, which may include community
street paintings. Please visit the Arts Commission webpage for information on the grant process and an application form: https://cityofpt.us/bc/page/arts-commission-0
Ordinance 3260 Exhibit A
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Exhibit A
Chapter 12.11
12.11.010 Intent
12.11.020 Applicability – Permit required.
12.11.030 Street painting permit approval.
12.11.040 Approval criteria.
12.11.050 Removal maintenance.
12.11.010 Intent
Painting on city streets and sidewalks should positively promote the character and values of the
community and add to the unique vibrancy of Port Townsend. Paintings on the street and
sidewalks should not negatively affect traffic safety or interfere with the traveling public’s use of
city streets and sidewalks.
12.11.020 Applicability – Permit required.
This chapter pertains to allowing street, sidewalk , and intersection paintings and
community-designed crosswalks in all districts in the city. It does not pertain to any painting or
markings applied by the city or state for traffic safety or traffic control or to any street, sidewalk
and intersection paintings and community-designed crosswalks drawn in chalk or other medium
that may be removed with the non-pressurized application of water. No person or group of
people may install street, sidewalk , and intersection paintings or community-designed
crosswalks in the city without first obtaining a permit from the city pursuant to the process and
requirements in this chapter. This chapter provides the exclusive method for obtaining approval
of uses that are regulated by this chapter. The city reserves the right to remove any street
painting that is installed without a permit.
12.11.030 Street painting permit approval
A. The public works director (or designee) will, in consultation with the arts commission,
develop a permit application and process for street, sidewalk, and intersection paintings and
community-designed crosswalks. The arts commission will review proposed street, sidewalk
and intersection paintings and community-designed crosswalks for consistency with this chapter
and will make recommendations to the city council, which will have final approval of any street,
sidewalk and intersection paintings or community-designed crosswalks that are consistent with
this chapter and public safety.
B. For street, sidewalk, and intersection paintings or community-designed crosswalks proposed
for installation in an area subject to design or historic preservation review, the city will process
the installation through the city’s historic preservation review or design review process. The
Ordinance 3260 Exhibit A
Page 2 of 2
arts commission and the historic preservation committee may meet together to discuss the permit
C. Holders of street painting permits will coordinate with the chief of police (or designee) for
any needed street closures in order to ensure the safe installation.
D. The city may require that a street painting permit holder indemnify the city.
E. The city council decision to approve or deny a street painting permit is final.
12.11.040 Approval criteria
The city does not intend a street, sidewalk, or intersection painting or a community-designed
crosswalk to be a legal “public forum” and therefore reserves the right to control the art
displayed on all city property, including painting or other art installations on city streets and
sidewalks. The city reserves the right to deny a street painting permit application or to remove a
street, sidewalk, or intersection painting or community-designed crosswalk if it depicts:
1. Violent images
2. Sexually graphic images
3. Religious symbols or desecration of the same
4. Hatred of persons or groups of people
5. Support for or opposition to a candidate or initiative on the ballot
6. Advertisement for a good or service for sale
7. Imagery that may be inappropriate to maintain in or upon public property because it so
objectionable under contemporary community standards that it is reasonably foreseeable to result
in harm to, disruption of, or interference with the public’s use of city property.
12.11.050 Removal and maintenance.
Once installed, the street, sidewalk, or intersection painting or community-designed crosswalk is
the property of the city, which may remove it without notice if the painting interferes with public
safety, street maintenance, or is vandalized or damaged. The city has no obligation to maintain,
repair, or reinstall a street, sidewalk, or intersection painting or community-designed crosswalk.
Street Painting Neighborhood Petition We, the undersigned, hereby attest that we have seen and approve the color design plans for the street painting
project at _______________________________(location). By signing below, we acknowledge notification of the planned street closure to install the street painting on __________________(date(s)).
Address Printed Name Signature Phone number or email Date
Instructions for applicant:
Signatures are required from residents (not necessarily property owners) of all properties adjacent to the proposed painting location.
Signatures are also required from 80% of residents within a one-block radius of the location. Properties with four or more units (for example, apartment complexes) require a management signature to represent the property. For vacant properties, write the address and note “vacant” next to it.