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City of Port Townsend
250 Madison Street
December 2020
Winter Weather Road Conditions
12/07/20 Business Mee�ng
12/14/20 Workshop Mee�ng
12/21/20 Business Mee�ng
Mee�ngs are subject to
change. Please view our
website calendar for an
up-to-date mee�ng schedule.
A Note From Mayor Michelle Sandoval
Consider applying to be on a
Ci�zen Advisory Board or
Commission. Visit our website
for descrip�ons, applica�ons,
and mee�ng schedules:
For more informa�on contact
the City Clerk’s Office at (360)
The following Boards and
Commissions have vacancies:
• Ac�ve Transporta�on
Advisory Board
I had hoped to write this end of year column reflec�ng back on a difficult year, but
knowing we as a community made it through and congratulate us for doing a good job
at staying safe and protec�ng each other.
But it seems we are not quite out of the woods yet. Our COVID numbers have escalated
higher this past week than back in March during our ini�al closures. We are now a
“high risk” county given our COVID numbers per capita. New mandates from our
governor have begun and it’s important we take this pandemic seriously, once again.
We are all exhausted from the long trial we’ve been through, I acknowledge that. But
persist we must. Especially when tradi�onal holiday �me means the gathering of
family and friends.
I will ask all of you to please con�nue to wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance
and please stay home if you can.
As a community we can offer support for our small businesses through on-line ordering,
take-out menus and purchasing gi�s or gi� cer�ficates for the holidays, if you
celebrate gi� giving. We want our beau�ful town to be intact when we can reopen,
with all our restaurants and shops surviving.
When this pandemic began I asked that we remember our most vulnerable. If you
have the capacity, please do give to our non profits. Links provided below.
Thank you Port Townsend for the commitment you’ve made to protec�ng each other.
Let’s get through this wave all together.
Please be kind.
Happy holidays to everyone.
Here are some helpful resources:
Jefferson Public Health: www. jeffersoncountypublichealth.org/202/Public-Health
Giving Opportuni�es:
Jefferson Community Foundation: www.jcfgives.org
Local 2020: www.l2020.org
Dove House: www.dovehousejc.org
Food Bank: www.jeffersoncountyfoodbanks.org
Olycap: www.olycap.org• Lodging Tax Advisory
Commi�ee (collector)
• Parks, Recrea�on and
Tree Advisory Board
• Planning Commission
Winter Snow Route Informa�on
Our City snow routes map is available on our website. This map lets residents know
in which order their street will be plowed. This and other informa�on about winter
weather, including our snow removal policy, can be found at
A Note From City Manager John Mauro
What does localism mean and why might this be important to consider now and into the future?
In the past few months, we’ve been through remarkable challenges together. Those challenges o�en have causes and
connec�ons far beyond our community and many of them pre-date COVID. But when faced by crisis – especially when
this par�cular crisis is happening simultaneously almost everywhere else – we need to draw from our local community’s
strengths. We can harness those strengths to get through the current crisis together and use them not to just “bounce
back” from these impacts but to “bounce forward” to something far be�er.
Local is powerful. A commitment to localism – a devo�on to it, even – unlocks the poten�al for us to recover and build
deeper resilience. That’s the main theme of a COVID recovery ac�on plan that’s been community-driven and backed by
four local government agencies. A commitment to localism is a call for all of us to step up, to step closer, and to step
forward together.
As local and na�onal COVID cases spike and state guidelines and restric�ons change, many of our local businesses are
s�ll open. If you can, why not commit to regular support – and enjoyment – of the food, goods and services our local
business community provides? Suppor�ng our small local businesses helps them stay in it for the long haul as well as
deliver a suite of local benefits – local jobs and training, local crea�ve energy that a�racts talent and visitors, and
support for local projects and infrastructure through state and local taxes.
Local nonprofits and agencies also play a cri�cal role, assis�ng those in most need and delivering on a range of inspiring
missions that help bring our community forward to a be�er future. If you can, why not commit some level of support to
these organiza�ons, either through financial support or dona�ng �me or other resources? Even when in-person
volunteerism is compromised by COVID restric�ons, there are ways to make a difference and help those organiza�ons
sustain both themselves and our greater community.
Your neighbors might need you – and you may need them. A �me of crisis is when we all need to look a�er each other
be�er, sharing skills or tasks and making sure people have what they need, from groceries to medicines to a listening ear
at the other end of the phone. If you can, why not check in on your neighbors and stay in be�er contact? With less daily
physical connec�on, it’s harder to know who might be suffering and how you might help.
The City and our surrounding landscape provides local opportuni�es for
enjoyment, ac�vity and solace. Parks and trails have been maintained to
the best of our ability in this difficult �me so we can all get outside. Why
not visit one you haven’t been to yet or stroll a sec�on of coastline at low
�de? Our pool and library are preparing to open and very eager to serve
you again soon, hopefully mid-December, so you can invest in your physical,
mental and emo�onal health.
Whether it be that investment in your health, an investment in your neigh-
borhood, or an investment in a local organiza�on or business with your
�me, resources or patronage, all of us gain when we put our collec�ve
energies and investment into our local community. Not only will it get us
through this most difficult year, it’ll power us to a brighter year ahead.
Sims Banner Reservations
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
The Sims Way community announcement banner is a popular way for local organiza�ons to promote upcoming
events. From March through October, one banner is displayed for one week at a �me.
Reserva�ons will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis star�ng on Monday, January 4, 2021.
To make a reserva�on:
• Call City Administra�on at (360) 379-5047.
• If your preferred week is not available, you will be added to the schedule as tenta�ve.
• Submit a permit applica�on and required fees within 10 business days or your tenta�ve reserva�on
will be canceled.
Photo by David Conklin,
courtesy Port Townsend Main Street Program
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Introducing City Staff
We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their
perspec�ve. Check back here each month so see a new staff profile. This month is Suzanne Wassmer from
Development Services Department.
How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend?
I started in June of 1999 so that is unbelievably over 21 years. I was the Permit Technician in the Waterman and Katz
building for about five years, and started on the Planning side when we moved to City Hall. This month is Suzanne
Wassmer in the Development Services Department.
What do you currently do in terms of job du�es?
My Title is Land Use Specialist so I work within the Development Services Department reviewing building, public
works and land use permits for land use regula�ons in the Port Townsend Municipal Code. I typically review and issue
permits rela�ng to signs, home occupa�ons, short term rentals and others such as lot line adjustments. Judy, John
and I work as a team to share and puzzle over some of the ques�ons and proposals that come up on the land use
side. The work we do paves the way for future infrastructure and building development in the City.
What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City?
I like the variety of work, and that there is always more to do and to learn.
Every applicant and applica�on is a li�le different. Shepherding residents and
would-be-residents through the land use process is gra�fying.
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public?
I’m grateful to live in this beau�ful area and work in this town. Being
furloughed for three months gave me a new perspec�ve and apprecia�on for
my work in City Hall. It con�nues to be an anchor in this rapidly changing
In early November, the Department of Ecology paid a visit to the wastewater treatment plant and compost facility
for an inspec�on and tour. While here, the Department presented both plants with their 2019 awards for 100%
compliance with the City's Na�onal Pollu�on Discharge Elimina�on System permits. This was the 22nd consecu�ve
year that the City’s wastewater treatment plant has earned this award from the State. Hats off to the professionals
who operate these cri�cal city facili�es!
22 Years of Excellence
DM Disposal Christmas Tree Collection Week
DM Disposal will pick up Christmas trees during the week of December 28 - January 2, and the week of January 11-15.
Just leave your Christmas tree along the curb.
Our compost facility also accepts Christmas trees in the yard waste pile. Please remember to take all of your trash with
PT Public Library and Online Programs
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Community Spirit over the Holidays—Shop, Dine and Stay
Enhanced Winter Ligh�ng
The Port Townsend Main Street Program is ligh�ng up Port Townsend through Uptown and
Downtown decora�ons. Sparkling white lights are being hung on trees in the downtown
historic district. Port Townsend Main Street is coordina�ng a winter lights campaign which
runs through February and is funded by the City of Port Townsend Lodging Tax Advisory
Commi�ee and par�cipa�ng property owners.
Main Street Small Business Saturday Kickoff - November 28th
This year, with the impacts of COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines, merchants are encouraged to extend Small
Business Saturday for the whole week, star�ng on November 28th, 2020. By extending Small Business Saturday over
a week, it offers the chance to have a safer, more socially distant event. Merchants are also encouraged to offer curbside
pickup and online shopping op�ons as well.
Port Townsend Virtual Community Tree Ligh�ng- December 5th
Santa will light the Community Tree and the Fire Bell Tower December 5th 2020 around dusk—it will be shared virtually
on Facebook Live on the Port Townsend Main Street Facebook Page.
More Merriment!
• Winter Window Wander
• Aldrich’s Gingerbread Contest
• Santa Zoom Visit(s) with children
For more informa�on about these ac�vi�es, visit www.ptmainstreet.org or follow along on social media.
#FoundInTown #ptmainstreet
Update on Port Townsend Public Library’s Reopening: According to local COVID-19 infec�on rates and the new
restric�ons added to the State’s “Safe Start” plan, the City Library believes that the safest and most prudent way to
serve our patrons and community is to delay reopening the library building through at least December 14. The good
news is that curbside pickup of holds will con�nue Tuesday-Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. -
1:00 p.m. The City Library looks forward to being able to reopen to in-person patron services when it is safe to do so.
Use your Library card to access Crea�vebug, it has thousands of award-winning art & cra� video classes taught by
recognized design experts and ar�sts. Stay home and get crea�ve this winter with this wonderful new library
resource. Go to this website to learn more: www.creativebug.com/lib/jclibrary
Main Street - 2020 Holidays in Port Townsend