HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 October NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us OCTOBER CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: October 2020 Library Events 10/05/20 Business Mee�ng 10/12/20 Workshop Mee�ng 10/19/20 Business Mee�ng Mee�ngs are subject to change, please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule. A NOTE FROM CITY MANAGER JOHN MAURO Consider applying to be on a Ci�zen Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our website for descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules: For more informa�on contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360) 379-5083. The following Boards and Commissions have vacancies: • Ac�ve Transporta�on Advisory Board • Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee (collector) • Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board • Planning Commission MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY! www.cityofpt.us The Port Townsend Library has a lot of fun and exci�ng events for the month of October. Visit the Library website for details and informa�on on current and upcoming online events: www.ptlibrary.org Happy autumn everyone. As we head for colder temperatures and less daylight, it’s important to remember that we’ve done well keeping COVID under control in Jefferson County. We need to keep doing what’s clearly worked to keep us safer. Thank you and keep going – there’s light at the end of the tunnel. That said, and despite those strong efforts, we’re all a bit in the dark about when we’ll see any major transi�on in the COVID situa�on. While it’s anyone’s guess when we’ll be allowed by the State to open City Hall and resume some of our previous ac�vi�es, we’re planning now to ensure a safe experience in City Hall when we do physically open. That means a consolidated front service desk in the first floor lobby where you will be able to pay bills, submit a permit applica�on, sign up to volunteer, rent a facility, and have many of your ques�ons answered. We’re making altera�ons now so we’ll all be safer in the building – and, likely, you’ll get an improved experience ge�ng what you need. We look forward to welcoming you in when that’s again possible. Meanwhile, many of your City services are available via a more virtual front desk. Our Engage PT campaign con�nues to build. Several ini�a�ves are moving forward with more detailed engagement opportuni�es, including the golf course, the budget, the Library Strategic Plan and the Comprehensive Streets Program. Look for surveys, online workshops and other ways to engage – Visit www.cityofpt.us/engage for more, including an Engage PT Ambassador toolkit. The Council Ad Hoc Commi�ee on Public Safety and Law Enforcement con�nues its work, mee�ng monthly (4th Monday, 5pm). Likewise, the recovery and resil- ience ini�a�ve is coming up on its first major milestone: community groups are assembling the dra� elements of a COVID recovery and resilience plan for considera�on by the elected leaders of the City, County, Port and PUD. Last month, those groups tackled a difficult challenge, quickly advancing near-term proposals eligible for federal CARES Act funding (passed to the State, then to City and County). The six community groups did a remarkable job with significant constraints and a vast majority of the proposals were successful. I know I can speak for the City team when I thank those of you who put in such hard work for the greater benefit of our community. I look forward to seeing the posi�ve impacts of your work in the coming months as we move forward through this together. ENGAGE PT Introducing City Staff Irrigation - Winter Rate Change How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend? 1 year + 5 months What do you currently do in terms of job du�es? I provide administra�ve support to the Parks, Recrea�on and Community Services Director, Alex Wisniewski as well as the Parks, Facili�es, and Pool team. This includes, processing payables and receivables, researching informa�on and fielding phone calls. Some other projects I am involved in are: • Manage the facili�es rental program (currently suspended due to COVID-19 restric�ons). • Oversee the City Volunteer program, which includes working with the Adopt-a-Park groups and individual parks and trails volunteers. I interface with the Library and Police volunteer program coordinators and track all volunteer hours for the City. • Work with the City legal team, Alex and staff to request, process, and obtain bids in order to develop contracts for facili�es and parks projects. What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City? I enjoy the team I work with. We are a small but very efficient and very hard-working group and we sincerely care about each other. I enjoy having a wide scope of tasks and opportuni�es to keep me busy and engaged daily. I am NEVER bored. There is always something to be accomplished. That is a challenge I appreciate. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public? I am proud to be a City employee. I feel City staff are really working hard to do their very best for the ci�zens of Port Townsend. Engage PT is an example of how hard the City is working to involve our community in the process of government “by the people.” I am also very apprecia�ve of the way the City approached the COVID challenges and has made safety a primary concern for those of us who work here. We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their perspec�ve. Check back here each month so see a new staff profile. This month is Debbie Reid from our Parks, Recrea�on & Community Services department. Irriga�on water will return to winter rate pricing, effec�ve November 1, 2020. The price per 1,000 gallons consumed will go from $6.18 to $3.52 (inside city limits) and from $7.42 to $4.22 (outside city limits). If you are an irriga�on water customer, you will see this change reflected on your November 30, 2020 billing statement. Permi�ed sign loca�ons: Poli�cal signs may be erected on private property with the property owner's permission. Signs are not permi�ed to be placed within rights-of-ways or on any public property such as City parks, the golf course, or Kah Tai Lagoon. Signs must be placed on the private property side of u�lity poles, sidewalks, or fire hydrants. Size and height of signs permi�ed - Residen�al zones: 4.5 square feet per sign face. The top of a freestanding sign may not exceed 5 feet when measured from the adjacent grade. Size and height of signs permi�ed - Commercial zones: Up to 16 square feet per sign face in commercial and other non-residen�al zones. The top of a freestanding sign may not exceed 5 feet when measured from the adjacent grade. The top of a wall sign may not exceed 17 feet when measured from adjacent grade. For more informa�on contact Ka�e Quesada, Code Compliance Officer: (360) 379-5094 City's regulations on political signage and placement of signs City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us