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Date: Oct. 6, 2020 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall Conference Rm. #3 (for staff) and virtually via GoToMeeting webinar (for all others)
Members Present: Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice-chair), Kathleen Croston, George Randels, Kathleen Knoblock, Walter Galitzki and
Michael D’Alessandro. City Council member/HPC liaison Monica Mickhager
Members Absent: Michael D’Alessandro was excused from the meeting at 4 pm Staff Present: Senior Planner John McDonagh
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes Minutes for the Sept. 1, 2020 Regular meeting approved (6 in favor, none opposed; 1
abstention -K. Croston was absent/excused from the Sept. 1 meeting).
Approval of the Agenda The Oct. 6, 2020 meeting Agenda was approved unanimously (7-0).
Correspondence/Attachments: None.
Appearance of Fairness: None.
Public Comment (for any non-Agenda items) No public comment was offered for any non-Agenda item.
New Business
A.HPC20-019, NW Maritime Center monument Jeff Hogue and Anika Colvin of the NW Maritime Center (NWMC) presented their
signage proposal for a new monument sign. This effort is one part of an overall “refreshing” of
the NWMC campus including re-painting of the buildings (which is done) and other
directional signage still under development.
The monument sign’s location in the Water St. right-of-way (ROW) was specifically
chosen to draw people into the breezeway between the 2 NWMC buildings and based
on mapping of pedestrian movements. Sign height had been lowered from 19’ to 18’
in order to comply with adopted sign guidelines and code. Sign would be made from
aluminum and be internally lit using dimmable LED.
HPC members raised questions and concerns about:
Possible competition with the S’Klallam totem pole;
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Diminished public space on the sidewalk (especially but not solely related to
COVID distancing);
Precedent for such a large sign being placed in the ROW (this was directed
more at DSD staff than the applicants);
A more effective means to achieve NWMC’s stated goals w/o having to use the
Prior to completing their review and providing a recommendation, HPC requested (and
applicants agreed) to re-establish a mock-up of the sign so all interested parties could
physically view the installation. Staff would advise members of the sign demonstration
date & time. HPC complete further review and a recommendation at their next
meeting (Nov. 3). For the Nov. 3 meeting, staff agreed to report on the specific sign
code provisions that allow for sign placement in the ROW to be considered. No action
by HPC was taken at the Oct. 6 meeting.
B.HPC20-021, Aldrich’s Market, new mural Yos Ligtenberg, new owner of Aldrich’s Market (with 2 other family members) presented their
proposal for new wall signage (6’ x 10’ in size) and the installation of new streetscape benches
signage and streetscape benches
and planters. The new signage and streetscape installations were shown via hand drawn
sketches included with the
Staff’s recommendation was to approve the project as presented subject to securing
associated City permits for conducting work in the respective Tyler and Lawrence St. rights-of-
way (i.e. staging for painting the new sign; anchoring benches to sidewalk).
recommended approval as presented (6-0).
C.HPC20-022, American Legion rooftop solar Dave Campbell of Frederickson Electric/Cascadia Solar presented their proposal, on behalf of
property owner American Legion Post #26, to install a series of solar panel arrays on the
Legion’s south facing roof plane at 209 Monroe St.
Staff’s recommended approval for the project as presented, noting written public comment
received in support of the proposal including favorable input from the WA State Department
HPC recommended approval per staff’s
of Archeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP).
recommendation (6-0).
D.HPC20-023, 820 Tyler St. – Side, rear and Seb Eggert of Rain Shadow Woodworks presented on behalf of property owner Mindy Paresi
their conceptual (i.e. schematic) proposal to construct new side, rear and vertical additions to
vertical additions
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
a Secondary historic home at 820 Tyler St.
Staff described how the review of Secondary home alterations is normally done
administratively without HPC review; however, code still allows the DSD Director to seek HPC’s
review and recommendation. As the new vertical addition (roughly 12’ x 12’ in size) was a
feature that staff had not previously dealt with, HPC was being consulted.
After a series of questions and answers, HPC recommended approval of the concept
plans with further detailed review to be done administratively (6-0).
Old Business None.
Other Business None.
Announcements: None.
Next Scheduled Meeting: November 3, 2020
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m.