HomeMy WebLinkAbout110420 Agenda Packet  ARTS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA  November 4, 2020  |  3:00 p.m.  |  Remote Meeting    ****The State of Emergency declared by Governor Inslee temporarily prohibits in‐person contacts  with the public required by the Open Public Meetings Act and the Public Records Act. The May 29,  2020 Public Health Order by Jefferson County Health Officer Thomas Locke also states no in‐person  meetings are allowed. The Commission will be participating by teleconference****  Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to:  publiccomment@cityofpt.us or join in person via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com  enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 539‐393‐595 or listen by phone only (listening mode only) United  States: +1 (415) 655‐0052 access code: 155‐675‐573#  Local Dial In – (360) 390‐5064 access code: 155‐675‐573#  I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda III. Approval of Minutes – October Meeting IV. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) V. Commission Business A. Chair’s Update B. Introduce Members C. Budget Update D. Election of Vice Chair E. Public Art Committee Appointments – Wayfinding Sign Project F. One-Act Play Competition G. Angel of the Arts H. 2021 Commission Workplan I. Outreach Discussion a. Application Review b. Budget Template c. FAQ Sheet J. Grant Funding Process Review VI. Correspondence VII. Set Agenda for Next Meeting VIII. Next Scheduled Meeting – December 2, 2020 |  3:00 p.m. IX. Adjourn Minutes of the Port Townsend Arts Commission Meeting of October 7, 2020 LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: Nhatt Nichols (Chair), Julie Johnson, Michelle Hagewood, Shelly Leavens, Joe Gillard, Nan Toby Tyrrell, Danny McEnerney MEMBERS EXCUSED: Simon Lynge, Dan Groussman STAFF PRESENT: Executive Assistant Kelly Graves, City Attorney Heidi Greenwood Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:01 p.m. Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved without change. Approval of Minutes for September Meetings The minutes of September 9, and 14 were approved with no change. Public Comment Public comment email from James Scarantino was read into the record. Chair’s Update Chair Nichols updated the Commission on the following: An email response on behalf of the Commission to Mari Mullen at Main street. The Commission will have a part in this project and be working on what the process for “call to artist” includes. Emails were sent to all previous grantees to check in and see if they still planned to have their event in 2020. A budget proposal for $20,000 was sent to the City Manager. A follow up email with more details will be sent to the City Manager in the next week. Budget Update Commissioner Leavens presented the history of the Arts Commission budget through 2019, and reviewed the 2020 budget that showed current and pending payouts. Ordinance 3251 – Public Art Motion to remove the list 1-7 items defining what is not allowed, Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action The Commission was tasked by City Council to review and give suggested changes to this ordinance. and move the entire section that starts with “The City Manager will…” to the top of this section. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 Motion to remove text stating the City Manager will approve temporary art, and the sentence starting with “provided…” Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 Motion to add text about the Arts Commission and the Historic Preservation Committee to work together to the 2nd to last paragraph. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 Motion to change “The City Manager to The City to The City Council in the first paragraph Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 Next Meeting: November 6, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:16 p.m. Ar t s  Co m m i s s i o n  20 2 0  Gr a n t  Fu n d i n g _ R e v i s e d  10 0 7 2 0 Or g a n i z a t i o n C o n t a c t  Pr e v i o u s l y   Ap p r o v e d  Gr a n t s   St a t u s  Pa i d  ou t   fr o m  or i g   bu d g e t    Cu r r e n t   bu d g e t   pr o p o s a l s   No t e s BU D G E T 2 4 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $                 7, 5 0 0 . 0 0 $        Re v i s e d  20 2 0  Bu d g e t / I s s u e d  Au g u s t  20 2 0 Ce n t r u m Ge o r g e  Ma r i e 1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $                       un k n o w n 1, 2 0 0 . 0 0 $         Fu n d s  on  ho l d  ti l l  en d  of  ye a r An d r e a  La w s o n 1, 3 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d 1, 3 0 0 . 0 0 $   PA I D St o r y b o r n e Bo n n i e  Ob r e m s k i 1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d 2, 3 0 0 . 0 0 $   PA I D St o r y b o r n e 80 0 . 0 0 $                             Co m p l e t e d 80 0 . 0 0 $         PA I D Ma n y  Mo o n s Ph i n a  Pi p a 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Ca n c e l e d Ma n d a l a Ma r c  We i n b l a t t 1, 2 2 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d 1, 2 2 0 . 0 0 $        PA I D PT  Ba l l e t Je n n i f e r  Ha r d e s t y 1, 0 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Ca n c e l e d Gw e n  Fr a n z 97 5 . 0 0 $                             un k n o w n 97 5 . 0 0 $               Or i g i n a l l y  ca n c e l l e d ,  mi g h t  do  on l i n e  co n c e r t Je f f  Co  Fa r m e r s  Ma r k e t Am a n d a  Mi l h o l l a n d 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Ca n c e l e d PT  Su m m e r  Ba n d St e v e  Re e d 5 0 0 . 0 0 $                             un k n o w n 50 0 . 0 0 $               Mi g h t  pl a y  ve t e r a n s  da y  co n c e r t  ‐   wi l l  let  us  know  in  No v So n g w r i t i n g  wo r k s Ju d i t h  Fr e e d m a n 5 0 0 . 0 0 $                             Co m p l e t e d 50 0 . 0 0 $         4  PT  Pr o d u c t i o n s Bo b  Fr a n c s i s 3 1 5 . 0 0 $                             Ca n c e l e d Aa r o n  As i s / C e n t r u m 1, 5 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d 1, 5 0 0 . 0 0 $        PA I D JC H S Ta r a  Mc C a u l e y 65 0 . 0 0 $                             un k n o w n 65 0 . 0 0 $               Fu n d s  on  ho l d  ti l l  en d  of  ye a r Sp e c i a l  Ev e n t :  KC P T  Pl a y f e s t  On e  Ac t  Pl a y   Pl a y w r i g h t  Wo r k s h o p / I n s t r u c t o r 9 0 0 . 0 0 $         PA I D Pl a y w r i g h t  Ju d g e s  (3 ) 75 0 . 0 0 $               Us u a l l y  ge t  in v o i c e s  in  Oc t o b e r / N o v e m b e r Pl a y w r i g h t  Pr o d u c t i o n  Ri g h t s   50 0 . 0 0 $               Us u a l l y  ge t  in v o i c e s  in  Ma r c h  ‐   se n t  re m i n d e r  to  all  6  August Pl a y w r i g h t  Li c e n s e  Fe e _ L e o n a r d  Go o d i s m a n 12 5 . 0 0 $              PA I D Pl a y w r i g h t  Li c e n s e  Fe e _ A n g e l a  G. 12 5 . 0 0 $              PA I D BL M  Mu r a l 46 8 . 0 0 $         PA I D To t a l  Ap p r o v e d  Gr a n t s  be f o r e  CO V I D 1 4 , 4 6 0 . 0 0 $                 To t a l  pa i d  ou t  fr o m  or i g i n a l  bu d g e t  be f o r e  Ma r c h  20 2 0 6 , 2 6 8 . 0 0 $   Am o u n t  PA I D  fr o m  ne w  $7 5 0 0  bu d g e t   2, 9 7 0 . 0 0 $        On e  Ac t  Pl a y  ob l i g a t i o n  fr o m  ne w  bu d g e t 1, 2 5 0 . 0 0 $         Am o u n t  pr o p o s e d  fr o m  pr e ‐CO V I D  pr o p o s a l s  (u n k n o w n s ) 3, 3 2 5 . 0 0 $         7, 5 4 5 . 0 0 $        Re m a i n i n g  if  al l  is  fu n d e d  fr o m  ne w  bu d g e t (4 5 . 0 0 ) $                  1       PRESS RELEASE October 22, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Mari F. Mullen, director@ptmainstreet.org   THE PORT TOWNSEND CREATIVE DISTRICT RECEIVES GRANT FOR WAYFINDING PROJECT    The Port Townsend Main Street Program was successful in its grant application to the WA State Arts Commission Creative Districts Capital Project Grant to fund the Port Townsend Creative District Wayfinding Infrastructure Project. The plan is to develop creative signage and five large-scale Art Markers to signify that you have arrived in the Creative District. They will connect Downtown, Uptown and Fort Worden State Park. The matching grant is $24,500. The Port Townsend Creative District Subcommittee raised the $12,250 matching funds required, and the City of Port Townsend will contribute $12,250 of in-kind match assistance for services and sign installation to help make the project happen. The total project is $49,000. Generous local businesses, property owners and nonprofits contributed to the required cash match to secure the grant: The Port Townsend Main Street Program, Centrum, The Port Townsend Public Library Foundation, the Port Townsend Food Coop, 1st Security Bank, Northwind Arts Center, Port Townsend School of the Arts, KPTZ 91.9 FM Port Townsend Radio, The Kuhn Building, and Key City Public Theatre. The City of Port Townsend has committed to $12,250 of in-kind services for this project. The Creative District Subcommittee will work with the City of Port Townsend Public Works Department, local artists and arts organizations and the Port Townsend Arts Commission to complete this project. CREATIVE DISTRICT BACKGROUND The goals of the Port Townsend Creative District are to develop a year-round economy through employment and entrepreneurship in the creative industries. These challenging economic times call for creativity and tools to weather this storm and emerge stronger. The committee’s goals include connecting audiences with artists and unifying our community’s strategic efforts. The subcommittee plans to develop an artist registry of community artists, organizations, and venues representing area practitioners/supporters of visual, literary, performing, culinary and makers arts. The project will enhance the flow through the Creative District with marketing, signage, imaginative way-finding and transportation strategies. We are seeking grants to support elements of the Port Townsend Creative District strategic plan, such as developing the comprehensive Arts and Culture plan for our community. This plan will be the result of a community discussion to identify our road map and next steps for building and fueling the creative economy for the next 3-5 years. The discussion would include partners, artists, and community leaders. Artists would be surveyed to determine their needs. The Port Townsend Main Street Program and the Creative District Subcommittee received Creative District designation from ArtsWA on May 6th, 2020. The designation provides resources, grant opportunities, technical assistance, training and networking, and tracks each community’s creative economy progress. The Port Townsend Creative District subcommittee includes Kris Nelson, chair of the Port Townsend Main Street Program Economics Committee, Main Street board member and downtown restaurateur, Dominic Svornich, vice president of KPTZ 91.9 FM and Main Street Economics Committee member, Rob Birman, Executive Director of Centrum, Owen Rowe, City Council member, Michael D'Alessandro, Executive Director  2  of Northwind Arts Center, Melody Eisler, Library Director, City of Port Townsend Public Library, Denise Winter, Artistic Director, Key City Public Theatre, and Mari Mullen, Executive Director, the Port Townsend Main Street Program. Port Townsend was the sixth community in Washington State to be named a Creative District. Other cities which have received the designation include Edmonds, Olympia, Tenino, Chewelah, Langley, Twisp and Issaquah. For more information about Creative Districts in Washington State, visit www.arts.wa.gov.   Ptmainstreet.org PORT TOWNSEND CREATIVE DISTRICT WAYFINDING INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT 2020-2021 For the Washington State Certified Creative Districts Capital Project Pilot Program Budget: Logo design/interpretation $1000 Art Markers design $2000 5 Art Markers fabrication $25,000 Create 60 signs $4750 Creative District website $4,000 City Public Works in-kind services $12,250 (signs and art marker installations) Total expense budget: $49,000 ------------------------------------------------------------ Income match donations by $12,250 Businesses and nonprofits City of Port Townsend in-kind $12,250 Capital Projects Pilot Program grant $24,250 Total project $49,000 Please provide a description of your project (500 words or less): * The Port Townsend Creative District seeks funding to coordinate a new wayfinding infrastructure project to enhance the visibility of the Creative District. The project area is designed for optimum circulation and enjoyment and incorporates the goals of our strategic plan. Port Townsend’s trails are paths to scenic beauty, enjoyment and a healthier lifestyle. One of the top priorities is to connect the paths within the creative district through enhanced walking, biking and driving routes. Working through the Port Townsend Arts Commission, we will launch a competition for artists to create artistic wayfinding signs. The project would include design and fabrication of the signs and Art Markers to thread pedestrians, cyclists and motorists through the creative districts. We have partnered with the City of Port Townsend to determine the best routes and they are on board with helping implement the plan. The City’s Public Works Department would install the signs. We plan to create up to 60 directional signs and these signs will also be enjoyable art pieces. We plan to create 5 large-scale Art Markers to signify that you have arrived in the Creative District—there will be two markers located Downtown, two markers located Uptown, and one placed near Fort Worden. We will pick the premium positions working within the budget we are given, which is reduced from the original concept outlined for the Creative Districts Infrastructure Project in January, 2020. We will do as much as we can and there is the possibility to expand it in the future. We will work with our local arts commission on the process to solicit artists, with the concept of using a local artist to create the sign designs, logo and design of the markers. We are excited about the opportunity to pay a local artist in conjunction with this project. We would encourage using existing paths-- circulating people from Downtown, Uptown and Fort Worden through these wayfinding elements. The Art Markers will have QR codes on adjacent signs that link to the Creative District website where the public will find additional information about artists, resources and the Port Townsend Creative District story. Our Creative District Committee will work with the City of Port Townsend Public Works Department, local artists and arts organizations and the Port Townsend Arts Commission to complete this project. Please describe how this project demonstrates a clear and compelling addition to your Creative District. How will this project further your Creative District’s support of arts, culture, and the creative economy in your community (500 words max)? * In Port Townsend, we can strengthen our existing infrastructure and resources while we develop ways to support our next generation of emerging artists. Increased linkages to Fort Worden will generate numerous high-profile mutual benefits, connecting the Fort’s visitors and patrons to offerings in Uptown and Downtown. As Makers Square launches at Fort Worden, visitors to Port Townsend will readily navigate their way to vibrant arts activities held there by the constellation of arts organizations and makers. Visitors and residents will be able to explore all that our community has to offer which will support a year-round economy. Signage and wayfinding investments supported by grants and other funding sources will reinforce the awareness of the Creative District. The extremely popular “Thing” festival at Fort Worden in August 2019 attracted over 10,000 people to Fort Worden State Park in one weekend. We believe that if this wayfinding project had been in place at that time, it would have circulated more people through our town and would have resulted in even greater economic benefits for our community. The guests for this festival came from all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond. A well-planned walking/cycling route from Fort Worden to Downtown and Uptown would appeal to guests at Fort Worden throughout the year. Visitors could explore our community from a more engaging, scenic angle. This plan stresses the importance to include all modes of transportation but emphasizes alternative options. The Port Townsend Creative District’s goals are to support a dynamic year-round economy through employment and entrepreneurship in the creative industries. The Wayfinding Project pulls in three out of seven elements of our Creative District Plan. 1. It will embrace elements of our community needs outlined in our cultural plan; 2. It covers a sustainability action which develops an artists’ registry, resources/opportunities for artists/digital calendar; 3. It involves an action measure of our sustainability plan to link our creative district in imaginative, artistic ways. It will share the vision of artists and provide economic opportunity for them which will benefit our community as a whole. The Port Townsend Creative District and The Wayfinding Project will lead to more sustainable jobs, enhanced creative opportunities for artists and entrepreneurs, greater public engagement in the arts, and connectivity between Uptown, Downtown and the historic campus at Fort Worden State Park. MATCHING FUNDS We have $12,250 in matching funds pledged from various contributors: property owners, arts organizations, nonprofits and businesses. 1 of 3 (continue on back) City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support Use additional space as needed. We encourage applicants to submit the application as an attachment to an email. Please submit at least one month ahead of the event and one week prior to the next Arts Commission meeting. Return completed applications to artscomm@cityofpt.us Date of Application Organization Name Responsible Individual If under the age of 18, please provide the name of an adult willing sign an agreement with the City on the applicant’s behalf Address Phone Number Email Project or Event Name Date(s) of Event(s) Amount Requested Admission Charge $ Donations accepted? ☐Yes ☐No Is there at least one free or “pay what you wish” performance? ☐Yes ☐No Total Budget $ Please attach the proposed budget for this event. List other sponsoring agencies to whom you have applied Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? (If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the attached Venue Accessibility Statement.) ☐Yes ☐No Describe the public benefit to the community: 2 of 3 REV02/10/20 Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. Please attach the proposed budget for this event. 3 of 3 REV02/10/20 VENUE ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination "in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others in the services, programs, or activities provided or made available [funded] by local governments, their instrumentalities or agencies.” Thus, in order to operate legally and to assure that ALL members of our community may benefit from arts events funded (wholly or in part) through the PT Arts Commission any event receiving funding must be held in an accessible venue and that accessibility and any inaccessible aspects of a venue be noted in the publicity for each event. "Accessible" means that anyone in a wheelchair, scooter, walker or on crutches or cane(s) can gain access and entry to and enjoy/participate in the event being held as can anyone who is temporarily able-bodied - this includes access to accessible restroom/ toilet facilities. The accessibility of several Port Townsend area venues are on record. If you are not sure, DASH (Disability Awareness Starts Here) has agreed to do assessments free of charge. Call 360-379-0274, or 360-379-5064. Please check each question below. For further information, consult the booklet “People First: Planning Events Everyone Can Attend," which is available in City Hall, 2nd floor. Can a person with mobility issues or using walker, crutches, wheelchair, or scooter: ☐ Park near venue in a Handicapped Parking space? ☐ Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted minimum) ☐ Enjoy/participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor minimum) ☐ Are the restroom/toilet facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars minimum requirements) ORGANIZATION NAME: PROJECT NAME: DATE: Please Specify if the funds are Secured or Anticipated Amount Grant Amount Requested from PTAC Amount -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Project Expenses (must equal project income) Amount requested from Port Townsend Arts CommissionTotal Income from Other SourcesTotal Project Income (must equal your project expenses) Port Townsend Arts Commission Funding Request Budget Template INCOME EXPENSES Instructions: Enter descriptions and amounts in the appropriate columns. For "Help," click on a cell with a red triangle in the corner. Source of Income Detailed Expenses Grant amount requested from PTAC Income from other sources Who do we fund? The Port Townsend Arts Commission (PTAC) can fund either organizations or individuals who are bringing public art to the Port Townsend area. What is funding available for? We fund projects that bring the arts to the public, meaning that it funds projects with artistic merit that culminate in some sort of an event that is open to the public. This often means a performance, but it can include things like exhibitions, talks, screenings, or any arts education related public project. First time applicants are strongly encouraged. Each PTAC funded event must have either free entry, or at least one pay-what-you-want performance. Please note that every project must have an event taking place in the calendar year in which it was approved. This can get a little tricky if your event is in early January, so please keep that in mind when you are applying. When should I submit my application? We take applications year round with the deadline based on your project, so you don’t have to worry about missing a once a year deadline. We review applications in the order in which they are received, and currently we are able to see nearly all of our applications each month. If you submitted an application with us and your event is more than a month out, and it happens to be a busy month, we may bump your application review to the next month. In general, we recommend that you apply early in the year when we still have our full funding budget, and that you apply well in advance of your event. Our meetings are the first Wednesday of every month, so in order to be considered you should submit by the 20th of the month prior to the one you would like to be reviewed in. Can my event be funded after it’s happened? In short, no. But we are more likely to fund your next project if you can prove that you have successfully created other events. What is LTAC and how do I get LTAC funding? LTAC is the lodging tax that is collected from hotels and b&bs in the city, and used to fund programs that bring more tourists to our area. PTAC was given some of these funds that they can pass on to arts organizations who can prove that their event brings in outside visitors. As an example, you are advertising your event in Seattle, and you are able to collect some kind of data on how many people from outside Jefferson County have attended your event. What are ways I can track out of town participants for LTAC? If you are using a digital advertising platform you can request that data from the person that you bought ads from, that’s the high tech way of going about it. A low tech approach would be asking for a show of hands if you’re holding an event where you’ll have everyone's attention, or asking for a zip code at the door. As long as you are able to include this data and the way that you tracked it, we’ll be happy to release LTAC funds to you. I’ve submitted my application, now what? PTAC will review your application at our next meeting, which is the first Wednesday of the month. You’ll get an invitation to join us for the review processes if your application is going to be reviewed. We highly recommend that you do this, you’ll have a chance to clarify any points we may have questions over, and your passion for your project can help us to see the benefit it will have for our community. We will make a decision on funding at that meeting, and if you are unable to attend you will be notified of our decision via email. My Application was approved! What happens next? Congratulations! We know you’ll create something fantastic for our community. Now the city is going to issue you a contract requiring your event to happen as indicated. After your event takes place you’ll need to submit an invoice and a follow-up report. After you’ve submitted these, then the city will issue a payment. I’d like to change elements of the project that you have already approved. What do I need to do to make sure you’ll still fund me? PTAC needs to be kept in the loop. If you need to make changes to your project that is ok, we understand that sometimes things need to be modified, but in order to be transparent to the community we need to make sure that those changes are in the public interest. Please email PTAC your changes so that we can discuss them and approve them at the next PTAC meeting. If you do not let us know about any changes, then we may not be able to release the funds to you for your project.