DATE: July 9, 2019 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Nathan Barnett, Cindy Finnie (via teleconference), Michelle Sandoval (Chair), Amanda Milholland,
Barb Trailer, Janette Force, Cody Griffith
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mari Mullen, Bill Roney, Arlene Alen
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Interim City Manager Nora Mitchell, Deputy City Clerk Haylie Clement
Topic Action
Chair Michelle Sandoval called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: October 9, November 20, 2018 Unanimously Approved
Fort Worden Briefing on Hospitality Training: Fort Worden Chief Strategy Officer Rufina
Garay and Fort Worden Board Member Terry Umbreit presented on an organizational training called “Hospitality Leadership Institute” developed by the Fort Worden Public Development Authority and Peninsula College. Fort Worden is currently looking for collaboration with hospitality and tourism employers.
Review of 2018 Budget Versus Actual Revenue and Expenses: Interim City Manager
Nora Mitchell briefed the group on the year to date budget totals and trends. The Committee discussed possible factors which have resulted in the numbers displayed.
Main Street Lighting Proposal/Downtown Wayfinding Signage: Mari Mullen updated the Committee on challenges with the winter lighting project including getting power to the new street trees and the possibility of needing to pay prevailing wage for installation of lights on
City buildings. Nathan Barnett provided an overview of a project to create interactive maps using the existing wayfinding signs throughout downtown.
2019 Lodging Tax Market – Chamber Scope of Work: Arlene Allen presented on the Chamber’s current marketing efforts. explaining the need for transportation to and from the airport into downtown. Also presented was a draft version of the new Chamber website.
General Announcements: Bill Roney, Amanda Milholland, Nathan Barnett, Janette Force, Barb Trailer, and Cindy Finnie each provided an update on recent events and statistics on lodging and tourism.
Next Regular Meeting: October 8, 2019 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.