HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 March NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us MARCH CITY COUNCILMEETINGS: 03/02/20Regular Business Mee�ng6:30 p.m.Council Chambers 03/09/20Workshop Mee�ng6:30 p.m.Council Chambers 03/16/20Regular Business Mee�ng6:30 p.m.Council Chambers A full calendar of all Citymee�ngs can be found on our website:www.cityofpt.us/calendar You can also sign up foremail no�fica�ons to receive a list of allcurrent and upcomingCity Mee�ngs. Visit our Stay Informed page tosign up: www.cityofpt.us/newsle�er/subscrip�ons A NOTE FROM CITY MANAGER JOHN MAURO Change is literally in the air: crocuses are sprou�ng up, birds are coming back and I bet we’re all glad to have the daylight around for a bit longer. It’s been a �me of transi�on for the City as well. No, not me: it’s been almost four months now and I feel well at home. But we have had some change in our department directors. Our Police Chief, Michael Evans, has decided to move on from his role star�ng in March. Chief Evans has given quite a bit to the community over the past 20 years of service. I’ve been inspired by the proac�ve approach that the Police Department has taken under Michael’s leadership to build las�ng connec�ons with community groups like Dove House, Port Townsend School District, and the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) partnership. The emergence of the Navigator program came under Michael’s watch and I’m proud of our compassionate, proac�ve and responsible approach to behavioral health. Michael was also well known as a community volunteer and mentor, par�cularly through his li�le league coaching. We’ll miss him and hope he comes back for a visit soon. Sergeant Troy Surber will serve as Interim Police Chief while we undertake the search for a permanent chief. On the arrival side, I’m excited to announce that Steve King has accepted the role of Public Works Director. Steve comes to us from Wenatchee as their current Economic Development Director, and formerly their Community Development Director and Public Works Director. Steve has led on an impressive suite of accomplishments by galvanizing a broad team and being fiercely commi�ed to authen�c public engagement. His enthusiasm, smarts and curiosity resonated with community, staff and directors alike and we’re eager for him to start on March 23. Steve arrives into this team in solid shape. A huge thanks to David Peterson for his four months of service as interim Public Works Director. Dave and his team have worked through no shortage of complex projects and I’m grateful for Dave’s leadership, intelligence and can-do a�tude. Dave returns to his role as City Engineer and will be a tremendous asset for the team’s transi�on under new leadership. Coffee with the City Manager in March will be at Sunrise Coffee (308 10th St), from 9:00-10:30 a.m. each Friday. Hope to see you there. March 2020 City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Make a Difference - Volunteer New Public Records Software WE HAVE IMPLEMENTED NEW SOFTWARE TO STREAMLINE RECORDS REQUESTS Residents who wish to request public records from the City can look forward to a new online system, star�ng in early March, called NextRequest. Our goal is to make the process of reques�ng records more streamlined and efficient for customers and staff, as well as increasing records transparency to the community. One of the features of NextRequest is the ability to direct customers to informa�on and documents that might already be on the City’s website. The new online records portal will also list each request that has come in with the City’s official response. There are certain repor�ng requirements from the state in regards to all public records requests that the City receives, and this new system will help staff to achieve those requirements In responding to a Washington State Auditor’s survey in 2018, the City concluded it spent more than $30,000 in one year addressing public records requests. Most of this expense is staff �me processing and gathering the requested records. Star�ng in March you will be able to access the new online portal from the main page of our website, click on the “Public Records” bu�on, then on public records request form. If you have any ques�ons please contact Joanna Sanders, City Clerk jsanders@cityofpt.us (360) 379-5083. JOIN US AT THE POOL! Lessons are Monday, Wednesday & FridayLevels 2/4 - March 9-20 at 3:30 p.m.Levels 1/3 - March 9-20 4:00 p.m. For more informa�on on what swimming lessons we offer and to register, visit our webpage: www.cityofpt.us/pool/page/swimming-lessons Join us for Weekend Open Swim! Every Saturday & Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. $6 for Adult and $4 for youth, the 2nd Sunday of every month is FREE 1:00-5:00 p.m. www.cityofpt.us/pool Come Learn to Swim at the Pool Consider applying today for vacancies on the following Ci�zen Advisory Boards and Commi�ees. See the website for commi�ee descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules or contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360) 379-5083 for an applica�on. www.cityofpt.us • Ac�ve Transporta�on Advisory Board • Arts Commission • Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee (collector posi�on) City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Private Uses in the City Right-Of-Way (ROW) General Information Port Townsend Municipal Code chapter 12.04.075 defines what uses residen�al owners may make to the Right of Way (ROW). Because many City streets are not currently much narrower than the pla�ed ROW, the street edge or curb is not usually the beginning of the property. Also, many pla�ed ROWs are not developed with streets. In most cases the City prohibits private structures in the right of way, including but not limited to fences, sheds, garages, storage containers, propane tanks and wood piles. Temporary fencing may be allowed in the right of way for protec�on of landscaping from deer. Landscaping and plan�ng of street trees in the ROW is encouraged, but not to the point where it priva�zes the ROW. Minor landscaping is allowed if it meets the following standards: 1) Does not interfere with street-side parking within 8 feet of the edge of the street (owners should not install landscaping to the point that street parking is moved to the front of someone else’s property). 2) Does not interfere with sight lines at intersec�ons, or otherwise present a hazard. 3) Generally consists of low plan�ngs, and does not serve as a “living fence,” solid hedge or screen (owners who desire privacy or security must erect fencing or hedges or plant landscaping on their private property and not in the ROW). 4) May consist of landscape features (wood, rocks) that are consistent with these standards. Plan�ng of trees in the ROW area requires a no fee permit (to allow the Public Works Department to make sure the tree is appropriate for the loca�on of u�li�es). No trees may be cut in the ROW without City approval. 5) Street trees must be on the City’s approved street tree list. 6) Swales and roadside drainage ways must be preserved. The Public Works Director may issue “departures” to allow structures or uses in the ROW based on special circumstances, for example, to allow a retaining wall in the ROW if necessary to prevent erosion. Before you plan a rock wall, fence, or plan�ng project, or cut trees or other significant vegeta�on, be sure you know where your property ends and the public ROW begins. Please check the Municipal Code 12.040.070 and .075 for more detailed informa�on on what uses residen�al owners may do in the ROW next to their property: www.codepublishing.com/WA/PortTownsend/#!/PortTownsendNT.html If you have any ques�ons, please contact Development Services Permit Counter at (360) 379-5095. The Finance Department, including U�lity Billing will be closed for a staff retreat on Wednesday, March 25th. Solid Waste – As men�oned in the January Newsle�er, the City has entered into a new 10-year contract with DM Disposal that will take effect April 1, 2020. The new rates can be found on the City’s website on the Public works department page click on Trash Collec�on/Recycling from the side menu. From The Jefferson County Department of Emergency Management Business owners are encouraged to a�end a special mee�ng on March 26th at 12:00 p.m. at the Port Townsend Fire Sta�on on Lawrence. The Jefferson County Department of Emergency Management will be presen�ng informa�on specific to business owners, non-profit organiza�ons, faith-based groups or any community organiza�on on roles that can be filled to provide help a�er a major disaster. Community Organiza�ons Ac�ve in Disasters will be the primary topic. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us DM Disposal - Spring Clean is in April Port Townsend Library - Community Read DM Disposal sponsors an annual spring clean-up program to collect certain bulky items not normally a part of the regular collec�ons program, without cost for pick-up. April 20th-24th - addi�onal yard waste April 27th- May 1st - addi�onal garbage Spring clean-up includes: • Up to three addi�onal bags or cans of garbage • Up to three addi�onal cans of yard waste on customer’s regular service day • One appliance per household. Acceptable appliances include: o Refrigerators o Stoves o Microwaves o Dishwashers o Freezers o Hot water heaters o Washing machines o Dryers *A surcharge may apply to refrigerators and freezers to cover the disposal fees. If you have any ques�ons or will need a bulky item picked up during Spring Clean please call DM Disposal. Their number is (360) 385-6612 The Finance Department, including U�lity Billing will be closed for a staff retreat on Wednesday, March 25th. Solid Waste – As men�oned in the January Newsle�er, the City has entered into a new 10-year contract with DM Disposal that will take effect April 1, 2020. The new rates can be found on the City’s website on the Public works department page click on Trash Collec�on/Recycling from the side menu.