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City of Port Townsend
250 Madison Street
01/01/20New Year’s Day
01/20/20Mar�n Luther King Jr. Day
01/06/20Regular Business Mee�ng6:30 p.m.Council Chambers
01/13/20Workshop Mee�ng6:30 p.m.Council Chambers
01/21/20Regular Business Mee�ng6:30 p.m.Council Chambers
The City has entered into a new 10-year contract with DM Disposal for garbage,
recycling, and yard waste services that will take effect April 1, 2020. Due to
costs outpacing infla�on over the last 10-year contract, new rates will apply,
which depending on the service op�on may be a significant increase. DM
Disposal will be sending informa�on in January regarding the new rates and
op�ons on container sizes. As part of the new service, DM will provide new
containers for both garbage and yard waste to all residen�al customers.
These containers, along with a new fleet of trucks, will allow the drivers to no
longer have to physically li� containers to dump them. In addi�on, DM will no
longer have a weekly residen�al service op�on. The change to every other
week service, automated carts, and a new improved fleet of trucks will provide
great benefits to our community. There will be less wear and tear to the streets,
less air and noise pollu�on, be�er tracking of service performance, and no
more missing container lids! Please watch out for further details from DM
Disposal in January via the mail to select your service op�on.
Happy New Year! I hope you’ve enjoyed a fes�ve holiday season and are brimming for op�mism in 2020. I am. We start 2020 on solid foo�ng for the year with a new budget, approved unanimously by Council late last year. We’ve dedicated this newsle�er to outlining what the budget means for you and our community now and into the future – read on to learn more.
We also start 2020 with a new term of Council. We’ll see familiar faces and a few new ones too. I’d like to welcome back Councilmembers Faber and Howard, and extend a warm welcome to new Councilmembers Monica MickHager and Owen Rowe. I’ve go�en to know each of them (as well as Councilmembers Adams, Sandoval and Speser) over the past few months and know this: we can all look forward to their infusion of ideas and energy, a con�nua�on of respec�ul challenge and civil dialog, and their sustained dedica�on to pu�ng the community’s long-term interests at the forefront of decision-making.
In my role, I commit to being accessible and open to you as I con�nue to listen to perspec�ves, weigh new ideas, and help guide our remarkable City confidently and successfully into the future. I’ll share coffee with anyone willing to join me on Fridays from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. – this month, I’ll be at the Highway Twenty Roadhouse (2152 W Sims Way). I’m also hos�ng a community meet and greet on Wednesday, January 15th, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. at the Co�on Building. I’ll give a short presenta�on and then look forward to an informal discussion. I hope to see you there.
January 2020
City of Port Townsend
Budget in Brief
Port Townsend’s 2020 Budget was adopted unanimously
by the City Council on December 2, 2019. From our
transporta�on system to our parks, from our library to
public safety, and from our planning services to u�li�es
like water, sewer and stormwater, the $35m budget
con�nues to take care of a range of pressing needs and
invests in our future.
This budget overview is meant to provide you with the
basics of where our funding comes from and how it is
being spent. The challenge is clear: providing affordability
and a high quality of life means doing more with less –
carefully and strategically inves�ng each dollar to
provide maximum value into the future. We believe this
budget gets it right and we look forward to working
with you throughout the year to deliver it.
The full budget can be found on our website:
Budget in Brief
Our Vision
A thriving community for all.
Our Mission
Champion aspira�ons for
a thriving community as
envisioned in our
Comprehensive Plan.
Five Areas of
Strategic Focus:
• Economic Growth
• Affordable Housing
• City Organiza�on
• Community Quality of Life
• Infrastructure Assets
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Budget in Brief 2020
• General Government
departments include: City
Council, City Manager, City
A�orney, City Clerk,
Development Services,
Finance, Human Resources,
and Informa�on Technology.
• The u�lity tax revenue is
allocated 45% to General
Government, 39% to Street
Maintenance, 9% to Parks &
Recrea�on, and 7% to Police.
• Library opera�ons are funded
by a separate property tax levy.
Did You Know?
What departmentsare supported?
How is the money being spent?
Where does the money come from?
2020 Budget:
General Government Expenditures $14,117,126
General Government Revenues $14,260,351
Personnel 52%
Opera�ons 36%
Debt 12%
* Non-departmental expenses (e.g. debt payments, liability insurance, LTAC expenditures, etc.) of approximately $2.8m are not reflected in this graph.
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Budget in Brief 2020
Capital Improvements
Streets:Projects include: Bicycle and pedestrian facili�es along the southside of Discovery Road between Rainier and Sheridan Streets; 7th street infrastructure between Rainier Street and Discovery Road.Water & Sewer:
Projects include: Replacing and repairing water and sewer lines; Design of sewer ou�all replacement; Condi�on assessment
of the Gaines Street Pump Sta�on.Storm:
Projects include: Stormwater infrastructure; Logan Street pond repairs; Rainier Street Regional Stormwater Facility.General:
Building and facility improvements.
Full TimeCity Employees
General Fund Balance Reserve