HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 December NewsletterFarewell message from the Mayor
I came to office as a community-based ac�vist
commi�ed to collabora�ve public leadership. I con�nue to
believe that the challenges in small rural areas are tough
and that we are stronger and more successful if we pull
together - being tough on the issues but not on each other.
As I leave office, I am gra�fied by the robust collabora�ve
partnerships the City has within the Council itself, with the
County, Port, other local and regional governing and
private en��es, with State and Federal agencies, and by
our renewed government to government rela�onships
with regional Tribal leadership.
My hope for our community is that we con�nue to build
on Port Townsend’s na�onal reputa�on as a city on the
forward-thinking edge of community resilience, sustained
by innova�ve entrepreneurship and a local economy
powered by arts and cra�smanship, in a healthy environment
that s�racts young crea�ve professionals and ac�ve
Working with you while serving on City Council has
been one of the most challenging and exhilara�ng
experiences in my life. I am grateful and honored to have
had the opportunity to serve. One of my proudest achievements
came through my leadership role in securing the services
of our new City Manager, John Mauro. We have been
working together for several weeks now and I am pleased
to report that he has already demonstrated many of the
posi�ve traits we iden�fied through the recruitment
I ask that you join me in welcoming John with a renewed
commitment to pulling together as we take on the
challenges and opportuni�es of 2020 and beyond.
- Mayor Deborah Stinson
Introductory message from the City Manager
I’m so grateful to call Port Townsend home. Now that I’m
here, I’ve truly hit the ground running in what has already
proven to be a dynamic and exci�ng role. Luckily, I like
running. I can o�en be spo�ed before dawn running the
trails or beach for inspira�on and personal �me before
heading into work.
These first few months require a real burst of speed. This
past week, I’ve toured City facili�es like the wastewater
treatment plant, the water treatment plant, the compost
facility, the Mountain View complex, the Library, and the
public works shop. I’ve established regular and enjoyable
mee�ngs with each member of my leadership team and
each member of City Council. I’ve been to each Council
commi�ee, as well as each board and commission
mee�ng. I’ve also visited a number of organiza�ons like
the Food Bank and KPTZ that provide essen�al services to
our community, and businesses like the mill and the
hospital that provide employment for many of our
residents. I’ve also had conversa�ons with leaders from
Jefferson County, the Chamber and the business
community, the EDC, the Port, the State legislature,
members of congress, and a variety of non-profits. These
rela�onships and background will be cri�cal to draw
upon in helping to address a range of near- and
long-term challenges our city is up against. And while I’ll
eventually se�le into a more regular pace, the pace will
s�ll have to be quick and sustained.
I’m indebted to those who have made my family and I
feel a tremendous sense of warmth and welcome. I’m
also indebted to a great team at the City and our partner
organiza�ons who have helped me start at such speed.
I’d like to offer a par�cular thanks to Nora Mitchell,
Finance Director, who served as Interim City Manager
before I arrived and to Greg Lanning, former Public
Works Director, who was recently recruited by the
Wyoming Governor to serve as State Engineer. Nora is
back at the helm of the Finance team, successfully
guiding us through budget season, and David Peterson
has stepped up as interim Public Works Director as we
conduct a search for the permanent role.
It’s a real honor and privilege to serve as your City
Manager. I’m op�mis�c for what’s ahead for us in this
amazing place we call home.
Meanwhile, come find me for an informal chat over
coffee Fridays in December at Velocity from 9-10 a.m.
Check future newsle�ers and the website for new
- John Mauro
December 2019 Newsletter
The mayor’s update
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Water and Stormwater Rate Increases for 2020
Make A Difference - Volunteer on a City Board/Commission
Consider applying today for vacancies on the following Council Advisory Boards and Commissions. Visit our website for
descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules or contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360)379-5083 for more informa�on.www.cityofpt.us/bc/page/boards-and-commissions
Ac�ve Transporta�on Advisory Board | Arts Commission | Civil Service Commission | Library Advisory Board |Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board | Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee (collector posi�on) | Planning Commission
Capital Projects - 2019 Recap
9th St sidewalk – The City received $250,000 from the Transporta�on Improvement Board (TIB) for
Complete Streets. This sidewalk was constructed on the North side of 9th Street between Hancock St. and
Grant St. Nordland Construc�on was awarded the project, and it was finished in mid-October. In addi�on to
the sidewalk, a swale was built, as well as patching various areas of the road.
Visitor Center Frontage Improvements and Artwork Installa�on - Funding for this project came from the
Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee and from a 2017 bond. This project included improved access to the Visitor
Center, landscaping, a new sidewalk, and a large-scale sculpture by the late ar�st Russell Jaqua, called “For
Willene.” Interwest Construc�on, Inc. out of Burlington, WA was awarded this project.
Mountain View – Construc�on wrapped up earlier this year and included various improvements to the
complex. Olympic Peninsula Construc�on, Inc. was awarded the project and made several ADA improvements
including sidewalk curb cuts, an entrance ramp, and auto door openings; created a locker room, bathrooms,
and office space for the Police Department; made many improvements to the common area to include interior
and exterior pain�ng, improvements to the fire suppression system, and demolished covered
walkways; and made several improvements to the Food Bank and New Image, via a grant from the Community
Development Block Grant program.
Water and Stormwater rates for City u�lity customers will increase effec�ve January 1, 2020, and will be
reflected in the January 31st billing.
Rates will vary for each class of water customer and water meter size.
The City an�cipates addi�onal u�lity rate and surcharge increases over the next several years to fully fund u�lity requirements. For addi�onal details and projected rates through 2023, visit www.codepublishing.com/WA/PortTownsend/ - Chapter 13.5.030
For an average residen�al customer:
The monthly water base rate increases by $0.61 cents per month, or 3.0%. Water usage charges increase $0.09 cents per 1,000 gallons used, or 3.0%. In addi�on, the water capital surcharge will be increased by $2.00, or 10.0% to fund necessary, ongoing capital improvement projects.
The monthly stormwater base rate will increase by $0.73 cents per month, or 10.0%.
All monthly sewer charges will remain the same.
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Sols�ce PartyDecember 20, 2019 - 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
A sols�ce party for all ages. Come join in for cra�s and
Hour of Code Week - December 9-12
Check in at Library for more details.
Story�mes will be on break from December 23-January 3.
UFO Detec�ve - James Clarkson
Port Townsend Public LibraryThursday, December 5, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
For more informa�on about library events visit www.ptpubliclibrary.org
Water System Flushing
The Quilts of Valor
Coffee with the City Manger
The City of Port Townsend Water Department will con�nue conduc�ng its annual water system flushing
through January. Water distribu�on lines need to be flushed periodically to prevent water quality problems.
Flushing traces of minerals and sediment from the pipelines may cause short-term but harmless changes to
the water.
Customers may temporarily see brownish colored water, which can be eliminated by running tap for a few
minutes. If problems persist, please call Public Works at (360) 379-5096.
Port Townsend residents can meet informally with the City Manager each Friday of the month, 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.!
John will be visi�ng different published loca�ons to listen to anyone who wants to chat, ask ques�ons, express a
concern, or make a comment about the City or the community.
For December 2019 he will be at Velocity. Come say hi and have a coffee.
Look for future loca�ons here in this newsle�er, and on our website in the latest news sec�on. www.cityofpt.us
The Quilts of Valor Founda�on is a charitable organiza�on that provides handmade quilts to veterans; according to
their website, “The mission of the Quilts of Valor Founda�on is to cover service members and veterans touched by
war with comfor�ng and healing Quilts of Valor.”
Recently, Officers Drew Radford and Jeremy Vergin of the Police Department encountered Marilyn, a homeless
veteran member of the community who had le� her quilt in the care of someone who subsequently moved out of
town, taking her quilt with them; no way of contac�ng them could be found. She was greatly distressed by this;
Officer Radford arranged with the Quilts of Valor Founda�on for a new quilt to be issued and presented to Marilyn,
then ensured that Marilyn would have a safe place to keep it un�l she was able to collect it. Officer Radford’s
commendable ac�ons were noted in the October issue of the Quilts of Valor newsle�er; you can find the full ar�cle
in the November Newsle�er: www.qovf.org/newsle�ers/
Enjoy the Holidays in Port Townsend
Holiday Happenings at www.ptmainstreet.org
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Feeding of Wildlife
Winter Water Land at the Pool
DM Disposal - Christmas Tree Pick-up
Sims Banner Reservations
DM Disposal will be picking up Christmas trees star�ng December 30 to January 4, and again on January 13 to
January 17, on the customers scheduled pick up day. The Compost Facility also accepts Christmas trees.
Join us for a night of fes�ve games and Holiday prizes as Mountain View Pool presents Winter
Waterland on Friday, December 20th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. It's a fun night for the whole
family and costs only $5 each. See you soon, in the pool!
On October 7, 2019, the City of Port Townsend adopted sec�on 9.08.020W to the Port Townsend Municipal
Code rela�ng to Public Nuisances to include the feeding of wildlife.
• The human feeding of wild ducks, geese, gulls and deer is resul�ng in increasingly aggressive
behavior, the deposi�ng of fecal ma�er, garbage, debris, and filth in public areas and proper�es and
is an impediment to the safe flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic;
• Ci�zens have the right to enjoy public areas and their proper�es and be free from nuisances created
by other people;
• Human feeding of wild birds and animals is a detriment to the birds and animals;
• The City Council amended the Nuisance code sec�on of Chapter 9.08 by adding 9.080.020W.
(PTMC) Chapter 9.08, Nuisances
9.08.020W “Feeding of wild geese, ducks, gulls, deer, and other wildlife, which feeding results in aggressive
behavior toward humans or other animals, or in the deposit of refuse, debris, fecal ma�er, or other offensive
substance in any place in the city, to the prejudice or annoyance of any person, or which impedes the safe flow
of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.”
For ques�ons regarding City nuisance regula�ons, including the feeding of wildlife, please contact;
Ka�e Quesada, Code Compliance Officer at: (360) 379-5094 | kquesada@cityofpt.us
The Sims Way community announcement banner is a popular way for local organiza�ons to promote upcoming
From March through October, one banner is displayed for one week at a �me.
Reserva�ons will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis star�ng on Thursday, January 2, 2020.
To make a reserva�on:
• Call City Administra�on at (360) 379-5047 or stop by 250 Madison Street, Suite 2.
• If your preferred week is not available, you will be added to the schedule as tenta�ve.
• Submit a permit applica�on and required fees within 10 business days or your tenta�ve reserva�on
will be canceled.
All banner applica�ons must meet the requirements in the policy.
The permit applica�on and policy are available on the City’s website: www.cityofpt.us/sims