HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 November NewsletterBudget Season Is In Full Swing
The City of Port Townsend is accountable to its taxpayers
for the use of public funds. At our mee�ng on October
21, Council approved updates to our Comprehensive
Financial Policies in accordance with the Government
Finance Officers Associa�on’s (GFOA) “Best Prac�ces”.
City Council and Administra�on rely on these policies to
guide short-term financial and budget decisions to help
ensure the City can meet the community’s present and
future needs. You can find these policies on our website: www.cityofpt.us/finance/page/financial-reports-0
I men�on this because November and December
business mee�ngs will be devoted to comple�ng our
budget process, and having some familiarity with these
policies will help anyone who wants to follow and
contribute to the budget discussions. Like every year,
we will need to make some hard choices to ensure we
adhere to both state law and our own policies. We
would welcome hearing your perspec�ve on those
choices as we deliberate our op�ons.
The process starts on November 4 when we will hold
several budget-related public hearings on the 2019
Supplemental Budget, Property Tax Levy, Preliminary
Budget, and the Six-year Capital Improvement Plan. The
documents related to these agenda items will be posted
online on October 31 - unless tech ghosts and goblins
We plan to finalize the various budget elements on
November 18 and December 2, but that could carry
over to December 16 if needed. You can keep up with
the Council mee�ng calendar by subscribing through www.cityofpt.us/newsletter/subscriptions.
Visitor Center Plaza
The Visitor Informa�on Center and Business Resource
Center (Chamber of Commerce & Team Jefferson
Economic Development Council) are co-located at 2409
Jefferson Street, just off Sims Way. The triangle "parking
lot" between the VIC/BRC and Sims Way was an open,
unstructured area that was at best ambiguous for
locals and downright challenging for visitors. And the
con�guous asphalt added to the area’s stormwater
In 2016, Council approved finalizing the design being
constructed today, relying on funds borrowed at
historically low interest rates with the op�on to use
lodging tax funds to pay off a por�on of the loan. As
required by law, those lodging tax dollars will improve
the tourist experience, but the project will importantly
provide benefits to people who live here. Sidewalks
and a gravel path now connect the Boat Haven to
Kearney Street on the south side of Sims Way. Curbing
and structured parking pa�erns provide a clear
dis�nc�on for all travel modali�es. Rain gardens and
other drainage will beau�fy the area while
improving stormwater management for the surrounding
area. While increased construc�on costs between
design and build have delayed the installa�on of public
restrooms and electric vehicle fast chargers, the
plumbing and wiring infrastructure is in place.
Last, but certainly not least, this plaza gives us another
place to celebrate our vibrant arts culture. As you have
seen, the plaza showcases a donated piece of public
art. I hope you can join us for the Jaqua Art Dedica�on
ribbon cu�ng on Saturday, November 2 at 4:00 p.m.
to learn more about the significance of this artwork.
Read more about this under Capital Project Updates
later in this newsle�er.
New City Manager Arrives
City Manager John Mauro begins work on November
1! As of this wri�ng, we are busy making prepara�ons
to welcome him at City Hall and throughout our
community. Watch this space for updates in December.
In the mean�me, I ask that you join me in extending
deep gra�tude to Nora Mitchell for the stellar
leadership she has provided during this �me of
November 2019 Newsletter
The mayor’s update
Public Works Projects Report: Sewer Maintenance
Hole Project
The sewer maintenance hole installa�on project will be
underway some�me a�er November 1. The project was
awarded to Shold Excava�ng, Inc. out of Port Hadlock.
The work for this project includes the removal,
replacement, and new installa�on of sewer
maintenance holes at various loca�ons within City
limits. The work also includes traffic control, asphalt
patch, restora�on, and mobiliza�on to complete the
work associated with each sewer
maintenance hole loca�on.
Public Works Capital Projects Report: Visitor
Center improvements
As you’ve probably seen by now, the artwork at the
Visitor Center has been installed. The dedica�on for
this piece will take place on Saturday, November 2 at 4
p.m. at the Visitor Center Plaza, immediately followed
by a public exhibit of Russell Jaqua’s remaining metal
work and furniture that has never been available for
On Sunday, November 3 at noon, a screening of The
Blacksmith Boondoggle: Making “For Willene” by Port
Townsend videographer Jane Champion will be at the
Rose Theatre. This will be followed by a panel lecture
�tled “Russell Jaqua and the New Iron Age of the
American Cra� Movement.”
The City of Port Townsend Water Department will be
conduc�ng its annual water system flushing beginning in
November and con�nuing through January. Water
distribu�on lines need to be flushed periodically to
prevent water quality problems. Flushing traces of
minerals and sediment from the pipelines may cause
short-term but harmless changes to the water.
Customers may temporarily see brownish colored
water, which can be eliminated by running taps for a
few minutes. If problems persist, please call the Public
Works Department (360) 379-5096.
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Capital Project Updates
Annual Water System Flushing through January
Winter Weather Road Condi�ons
The first day of winter isn’t officially un�l December 21, but Washingtonians know that winter-like weather can
happen long before that. With the days ge�ng shorter, it is important to be on the lookout for pedestrians and
animals as we drive to and from work or just around town. According to a study done by Progressive Insur-
ance, an es�mated 52 percent of car accidents occur within 5 miles of a person’s home, and 77 percent occur
within 15 miles or less. The reason for this is likely that on familiar roads and routes, we enter autopilot – we
drive the same roads every day so it becomes predictable.
With lots of rain in the forecast, it is important to keep your headlights on while driving, even if it’s light out.
Washington State Law (RCW 46.37.020) requires headlights “at any �me due to insufficient light or unfavorable
atmospheric condi�ons” and at any �me from a half hour a�er sunset to a half hour before sunrise, and if you
cannot see 1,000 feet ahead of you.
Be on the lookout for icy patches on the road, and make sure your vehicle is “winterized” (studded or
all-weather �res, and all recent tune-ups are complete). Also, it is common for trees and large branches to fall
because of the wind, so if you see any within City limits, report it to the Public Works Department at
There will be a snow route map available on the Transporta�on page of our City website that will show the
order in which streets will be plowed in town. www.cityofpt.us/publicworks
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Art of the Pie with Kate McDermo�Thursday, November 14, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Just in �me for Thanksgiving - join Kate McDermo�,
legendary pie-maker, teacher and James Beard
Nominee for a free book talk, and informal session of
"The Piechiar�st," where folks can bring ques�ons about
pie making...or life.
Kate is well-known for her best-selling books, Art of the
Pie and Home Cooking with Kate McDermott along with
her pie-making workshops.
S�ll Life with Menu—Learn to Sketch and Paint Food - For Ages 7 -12 and families Thursday, November 14, 2019 - 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
*Please register by visiting the Port Townsend Public
Library or by calling (360)385-3181.
A maker’s workshop to explore sketching and pain�ng
s�ll lifes of gorgeous seasonal food with Chef/Ar�st
Sidonie Maroon. Inspired by fine ar�st and recipe writer
Molly Katzen book “S�ll Life with Menu”
Learn the fundamentals of sketch booking yumminess.
We’ll learn to sketch and paint edibles. Once you have
the basics, then you can doodle cartoons, sketch
appe�zing illustra�ons, paint how-to recipes or follow
your own style.
Sidonie Maroon teaches cooking from world cuisines
at the Port Townsend Food Coop, and she’s also an arts
educator. As a chef she leans into her knowledge of art
to create delicious and beau�ful meals. Her deeper
understanding of healthy ea�ng comes through playing
with her food. She loves to grow colorful vegetables in
her garden, wander around the produce sec�on like
it’s an art gallery, cartoon recipes, draw and paint fruit
or create elaborate designs with her food.
This maker’s Arts and Food workshop is a collabora�on
between the Port Townsend Public Library and the
Port Townsend Food Coop designed to support healthy
ea�ng through programs for kids and families that
explore the intersec�ons between culture, food and
Movie Night featuring: The PublicFriday, November 22, 2019 - 7:00 p.m.
Join us for a screening of The Public, starring Emilio
Estevez. An act of civil disobedience turns into a
standoff with police when homeless people in
Cincinna� take over the public library to seek shelter
from the bi�er cold. Movie will show in Carnegie
Reading Room.
For more informa�on about library events visit www.ptpubliclibrary.org
Heating Safety Tips from East Jefferson Fire Rescue
Cooling weather brings with it a reminder that winter months are the most dangerous for fires and injuries.
Please play it safe by taking �me to review the following home safety �ps from East Jefferson Fire Rescue (EJFR):
• It’s sta�s�cally proven that working smoke detectors help save lives. However, the best smoke
detector is worthless if the ba�eries in it are old or have been removed. Please take a moment to
check and, if necessary, replace the ba�eries in your smoke detector.
• When using home hea�ng appliances, be aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide. Carbon
monoxide (CO) is an invisible, odorless, colorless gas created when fuels burn incompletely. It can
result from faulty furnaces or other hea�ng appliances, portable generators, water heaters, clothes
dryers, or cars le� running in garages.
• Have your fuel-burning hea�ng equipment, fireplaces, furnaces, water heaters, wood stoves, coal
stoves, space heaters, and portable heaters, as well as chimneys inspected by a professional every
year. Also, be sure to open the damper for proper ven�la�on before using a fireplace.
• Never use your oven or stovetop to heat your home.
• For wood-burning fireplaces, have a sturdy metal screen in front. Burn only dry, seasoned wood. Not
only is it cleaner for the environment, it also creates less buildup in the chimney.
• Use ar�ficial logs according to the manufacturer’s recommenda�ons. Never burn more than one log
at a �me. Use only newspaper and kindling wood or fire starters to start a fire. Never use flammable
liquids, such as lighter fluid, kerosene, or gasoline to start a fire.
Please visit www.bit.ly/SeasonalSafety for addi�onal fire safety informa�on.
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Make A Difference - Volunteer on a City Board/Commission
Consider applying today for vacancies on the following Council Advisory Boards and Commissions. Visit our website for
descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules or contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360)379-5083 for more informa�on.www.cityofpt.us/bc/page/boards-and-commissions
Ac�ve Transporta�on Advisory Board | Arts Commission | Civil Service Commission | Library Advisory Board |Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board | Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee (collector posi�on) | Planning Commission
Irrigation - Winter Rate Change
City Happenings
Irriga�on water will return to winter rate pricing, effec�ve November 1, 2019. The price per 1,000 gallons
consumed will go from $6.00 to $3.42 (inside city limits) and from $7.20 to $4.10 (outside city limits).
If you are an irriga�on water customer, you will see this change reflected on your November 30, 2019 billing
2019 Holidays in Port Townsend!
Winter fun in Port Townsend! Yule�de events, roving carolers and Port Townsend’s own holiday
musical add to the fes�ve spirit. Many stores will be open later and offer in-store treats on
Saturday, November 30th and Saturday, December 7th. Port Townsend has holiday shopping
covered–there are thousands of great gi�s available in the historic districts—Uptown and Downtown.
Individually-owned businesses offer a personal touch and are a welcome contrast to anonymous malls or online
buying. Gi�s purchased from des�na�on stores, restaurant gi� cer�ficates, movie passes, theatre �ckets, nonprofit
event �ckets, and local artwork are examples of though�ul gi�s loved ones will remember long a�er the holidays.
Saturday, November 30th, 2019 – Main Street’s Small Business Saturday & Merchant Open House!
Support our local small business this season by doing your holiday shopping right in Downtown Port Townsend! You
are sure to find something special and unique for the ones you love. Many stores will be staying open late. Be sure
to admire all of the beau�fully decorated store windows as you shop, as part of our Merchant Holiday Window
Contest, which will be judged on November 30th 2019! Store windows must be decorated by Friday, November 29th,
2019, to be considered.
Saturday, December 7th, 2019 –Main Street Tree ligh�ng and Santa Visit!
Come to Haller Fountain for the annual community tree ligh�ng. Santa will arrive by the Kiwanis Choo Choo Train to
light the community tree and then head over to the Legion to visit with children. There will be caroling in the
streets, refreshments to keep you warm, reindeer ornament making for the kids, and many stores open late for
your shopping needs.
Saturday, December 14th and 21st, 2019 – Kiwanis Choo Choo Rides
Fun for families from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.; a suggested dona�on of $5 per person benefits the arts in the schools
program. Meet between Pope Marine Park and Northwest Mari�me Center.
December 31st, 2019 - Annual First Night Celebra�on!
Come Celebrate another year of Art and Heritage! There will be fireworks, entertainment, live theatre and a whole
lot more in a celebra�on of our community’s art and heritage. The fun starts at 6:00 p.m. and fireworks at 9:00 p.m.
to ring in the new year. For more informa�on about this event please visit www.jchsmuseum.org.
For more informa�on about the Port Townsend Main Street Program and our events, please visit our website at
# FoundInTown
Shop – Dine – Stay