HomeMy WebLinkAbout09159 Structural Calculations for: Hallin Deck July 23, 2009 For: Sandall Norrie Architects 603 Stuart Street, 711 Seattle WA 98101 GORY CpQ� �.�AS11 s ro h a wO� IOL,IL��ta V F] SWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 2124 3r°Avenue,Ste.100 Seattle,WA 98121 T 206.443.6212 F 206.443.4870 J U L J O 2009 CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEND DSD [�O�C COPY LTE COM f� i a 6 �~ LL— ti= 143 Pu= �'3c.los i�t� �! = 125� ►'b ►.dS tE:14 16, 1-zbLb% U :3L.Cft," S Y = 5Z LIr DCsE►1 `7` � I I � 1-2 _(o I..Qr.S LAID ►R4= 3`6 t� Sr �� L.�S _.L_ L.c scr � Z WAS .��.+� lie Za Project Date rr, SWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Proj.No. Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue•Suite 100 Seattle-WA 98121 1 `� Design Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 ' Tacoma: 934 Broadway-Suite 100-Tacoma•WA 98042 Sheet Tel: 253.284.9470 Fax: 253.284.9'171 Q.3w-t TOP 4\ Clw. Ar Z" 81.1h.C: I Project Date SWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Proj.No. Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue•Suite 100•Seattle•WA 98121 Design Tel: 206-443.6212 Fax: 206.443-4870 Tacoma: 939 Broadway-Suite 100•Tacoma•WA 98042 Sheet Tel: 253.284-9470 Fax: 253.284.9471 J U L 3 0 2009 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DSD Tcp ()F: 9rRw SILCIFIF co cA.2 -7 V-6,IN V1 1� R F' WA -Z ZONE ROW 10 PR-� 14OW7 e2F -DrF HOVS 1971 -----------1 5733 -D AR HITLECT { ! -----�----- -M j; Z4 it P7 -J F A 18."1 G I'C N'T �6 �� 'I� i'�N STWE ill oti i H RMEWE® FOR CO®E -51 TP p COMPUANCE PERMIT F 1-� T I.-O-Fmc ow, /WA FLE D COPY LL, I IJ L � f i L—_ ---._ r 4 L-- I R312.1 Guards. All raised floor - i surfaces located more than 30" above i -O the floor or grade below shall have - --- ; _ guards not less than 36" in height. - �- - - -- CK. . LAN - - - -- - intermediate rails which do not -- ------- Provide -D allow passage of a 4" sphere. IIII i I t } ' I4i ! o LAG SCqE'W, J' o,C.INTO RIM 04T { I I 1 � �— 7 e LTT 19 19� � 4 C�ATANG W5 o MCA Ni�1tS ------. �.---— QJi �...__ —r FTC w #� I -F6U�'I/_Fr IN(,-- PLAN 0 7C2H, _A yy cr,_�•.1vRC 4V`2c"s''t-Ii�i�li370N JVi'�i , i s-----• 'ILI j j ��J?N I:EyATAN 5733 R�G!STERED AHCHiTECT STATE , i i � wum Mr I 1 in 1 i' t � f 4 p 10 S pi lNY `2EINF _�4 x L_vS _Rp i Q �I ;1 X COA — �# d A;;Vrl�`vl QOpTT°�y�, CITE' OF PORT TOWNSEND mo DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT TWA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION,CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: 09 PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: Calf �—IN �� Vl CONTACT PERSON: q PHONE:_ TYPE OF INSPECTION: �(� ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector Date J12 Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. �oFQpR7To*y BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department ¢wA� 250 Madison Street,Suite 3, Port Townsend,WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD09-159 Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Project Name ADD 135 sq. ft. DECK Site Address 311 LINCOLN ST Parcel# 001012007 Project Description ADD 135 sq. ft. DECK Names Associated with this Project License TN pe Name Contact Phone# Type License# Exp Date Applicant Hallin Philip J Owner Hallin Philip J Contractor Solution Buildine Rob Gnuve (360) 301-4191 CITY 6211 12/31/2009 Contractor Solution Building Rob Gruye (360) 301-4191 STATE SOLUTB*942C 03/21/2010 Fee Information Project Details Project Valuation S1.043.55 Decks— Residential 135 SQFT Plan Review Fee 50.00 Units: Heat Type: PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 50.00 Bedrooms: Construction Type: V - B PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -50.00 Bathrooms: Occupancy Type: Building Permit Fee 41.80 State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Technolo2v Fee for Building Permit 5.00 Record Retention Fee for Building 3.00 Permit Total Fees S 104.30 'r'SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS Y*' Ca11385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. NVork is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The zranting,of this pcnnit shall not be construed as approval to violate an% provisions of the PTMC or other laws or reIulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of ntv kno\\ledge. 1 further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name .4- i? eY /X 1 a Date►ssued: 08118!2009 Issued Bx: STRONE Signature Date 9 `�� Date Expires: 02!14,2010 o�poR7ro�y BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street,Suite 3, Port To-,xnsend,NVA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD09-159 Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Project Name ADD 135 sq. ft. DECK Site Address 311 LINCOLN ST Parcel# 001012007 Project Description ADD 135 sq. ft. DECK Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of footing inspection to verify setbacks. '0. On August 18. 2009 Development Services received a letter from NTI Engineering Geoloeist Bill Payton dated August 17. 2009. In his letter. Mr. Payton states; "it is our professional opinion that the presence of the deck will not decrease slope stability. We recommend that any disturbed areas of vegetation be replanted and established prior to the start of the rainy season such that erosion and offsite siltation does not occur." The applicant/contractor/representative shall call the inspection line and schedule a "Planning Final" inspection prior to the building inspection so staff can visit the site and observe any vegetation disturbance and subsequent planting. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. NVork is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PT�,IC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my kno\ylcdee. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Date Issued: 08%181/2009 Issued Bc: STRONE Signature Date Date Expires: 02/1 d;2010 ao�PORTro�y CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS RECORD CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 0 wAs Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 POST THIS CARD IN A SAFE,CONSPICUOUS LOCATION.PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AND SIGNED OFF BY THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY AND THE BUILDING IS APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY.STAMPED APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOBSITE. PARCEL NO. 001012007 PERMIT NO. BLD09-159 ISSUED DATE 08/18/2009 EXPIRATION DATE 02/14/2010 ADDRESS 311 LINCOLN ST CONSTRUCTION TYPE V- B OCCUPANT LOAD OWNER HALLIN PHILIP J PROJECT DESCRIPTION ADD 135 sq. ft. DECK CONTRACTOR SOLUTION BUILDING LENDER INSPECTION INSP )ATE COMMENT INSPECTION INSP )ATE COMMENT TESC SETBACKS SURVEY PIN FOOTING FLOOR FRAMING FRAMING MISCELLANEOUS FINAL PLANNING FINAL BUILDING / C TO REQUEST AN INSPECTION CALL (360) 385-2294. INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO 3:00 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. OF PORT TOE i ym a o Receipt Number: Z (}684 s ReceiptDate7. �08/a18f2009b Cashler�STRONE PayerlPayee Name SOU�TIONS;BUILDING� � , ;� E a Ongmal Fee f ntFee Amou P,ermtt# Parcel Fee Descn tion� Amounts, Patd � Bafance.� BLD09-159 001012007 Building Permit Fee $41.80 $41.80 $0.00 BLD09-159 001012007 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD09-159 001012007 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 BLD09-159 001012007 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $3.00 $3.00 $0.00 Total: $54.30 14 rr se a * ass revious Payment History c R e�pt#i F Receipt Date .Fee Desc_npttons - `µ Evgount Peed t �Permtt# 09-0618 07/30/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 BLD09-159 Payment Check Payment; M ,� ,,, i a' _mar ethodr ri Number Amount CHECK 1990 $54.30 Total: $54.30 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 PORT TO City of Port Townsend Development Services Department City Hall, 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 FAX(360)385-7675 NOTE TO FILE Applicant: Phil Hallin 311 Lincoln Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 philh@microsoft.com Project Location and Legal Description: 311 Lincoln Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368; S1 T30 R1 W, Tax 1 l (Less the westerly 27.5 feet, referenced as Parcel B in Survey recorded in Volume 21, page 6, records of Jefferson County. Assessor's Parcel Number: 001-012-007 Proposal: 135 square foot Deck Addition to Existing Single-Family Residence through BLD09-159. Type of Critical Area: _Aquifer Recharge_FEMA frequently Flooded, X Seismic Hazard On August 18, 2009 Development Services received a letter from NTI Engineering Geologist Bill Payton dated August 17, 2009. In his letter, Mr. Payton states, "it is our professional opinion that the presence of the deck will not decrease slope stability. We recommend that any disturbed areas of vegetation be replanted and established prior to the start of the rainy season such that erosion and off site siltation does not occur." This condition has been added to BLD09-159. The deck footings would be located approximately 27 feet from the slope. Staff determined that the previous ESA permit LUPO 1-083 is sufficient for the site, and the deck adds no additional impact. A Hold Harmless Agreement and Notice to Title were prepared and recorded (Auditors File Numbers 450623 and 450625) as a requirement of the Environmentally Sensitive Areas permit LUPO 1-083. LUPO 1-083 was approved prior to construction of the Hallin residence on the subject site. Therefore, the requirements for the recording of these documents is satisfied. V:\SUZANNE'S FILES\Critical Areas\Hallin\Note to File.doc r� NTI EN. ..EERING & SURVEYING 717 SOUTH PEABODY STREET,PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 (_.l�o -- -dD 9 Engineers-Land Surveyors-Geologists NTH Construction Inspection-Materials Testing (360)452-8491 FAX(360)452-8498 August 17, 2009 Rob Gruye Solution Building P.O. Box 761 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Subject: Geotechnical inspection for deck construction at 311 Lincoln St., Port Townsend, WA, TPN: 00 10 12007 Dear Mr. Gruye: At your request, NTI Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (NTI) conducted a geotechnical inspection at the above referenced property on August 17, 2009 in conjunction with the proposed construction of a 130 square foot deck. This inspection was required by the City of Port Townsend, Development Services Department. After reviewing the geotechnical report completed by this office for the subject property and conducting a site visit to the property for visual observations, it is our professional opinion that the presence of the deck will not decrease slope stability. We recommend that any disturbed areas of vegetation be replanted and established prior to the start of the rainy season such that erosion and off site siltation does not occur. If you have any questions regarding this matter or need further assistance, please contact this office. Sincerely, NTI ENGINEERING & SURVEYING of Wash �e h`9f w o Engineering Geologist w. I Bill Payton, LEG �,• Engineering Geologist °�o 191 0NO U �d Ge William C. Payton Jr. AUG 1 8 2009 BAReports\HALP0001.1(30-1).deck letter 2009.Port Townsend.doc CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DSD �III '-_ � - :I`��� � --��0• - - _ ." �4 ee -------_% -V__ 9 UP -3 l Ro i t ��00 00� '00�!\10o< . oov, r" ol INA ` - c-, ♦ ' F' CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # � ` DATE RECEIVED 7.1361 v SCOPE OF WORK: / V e,4t) I S� C),(2C,�e J)ATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS r ' V �s fl•o9PICLA MU•� S ko Q rh Inee U 6 S q p -Zoning: Setbacks OK? ,s Lot Size: /p x ql ,:::- U J D J BuildingSize: _ Lot Coverage: w` FAR OK? (tj. (C e C ri 6 (. Height OK? Parking OK? Critical Area? — l jy 'C (',�jS< < (�lGi.�vti Demo? Historic Rev? ALI Notice to Title? Lots of Record? 41 Development Services v°RTrO� 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 g Fax: 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Residential Building Permit Application Project Address: Legal Description(or Tax ft Office Use Only CC41 Addition: Permit#BLD09- Zoning: h?,• Block: i(D f L2-7.Y/ t2 e,-P � Associated Permits: Parcel# 0p101Z00"1 Lot(s): "t`i�' Project Description: ➢ Applications by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of$150 for projects valued over$15,000. See Page 2 for details on plan submittal requirements. Lender Information: Property Owner/A,P licant: Lender information must be provided for projects Name:_�i� Cta��� over$5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Address: u Liylc4n 5" Name: city/st/zip: Raft TDwmtmA .VITA Phone: Project Valuation: $ Z 0,000 Email: ailh @-ynfcro%-Pt.Cm Building Information(square feet): —T 1"floor Garage: ContactlRepsentativ�T 2nd floor Deck(s): 13� �eii Name: %K 21� 3ra floor Porch(es): Basement: is it finished? Yes No Address: boa `�194tratd• a 'Al Basement: Other: City/St/Zip: 5eame Manufactured Home 0 ADU❑ Phone: •'206• -M1 •"3® New Addition❑ Remodel/Repair❑ Email 6 Q e'"allYbtyk . C'&A Heat Type: Electric Heat Pump Other Contractor: ❑ Sameas Owner Total Lot Coverage(Building Footprint):" Name: Rob tAE � W gur ) Square feet: Slob % Z0010 Address: P.O, 'j b Impervious Surface:' City/St/Zip: Square feet:'1b52 *Total existing&proposed Phone: 3W • 301 •'46a 1 What year was the structure built? 1=2 Email: ho1n5 utht If work includes demolition,see Page 2. State License#: �/L U TJ����,J�1Erx J_ _ _ T3� 2/J� I I1 �j An known: bands on the property? Y N City Business Lisa= �� I �.� LS Y i Ajny�s_teepisilopes(>15%)? Y N I hereby certify that the information provided iI J I1pa tFiat I am3eithe�the�own� or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this pe it wi0 be in accordance w'th-S�iL and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: 811 -- -- � �/� � ur rvffl IUVVIVStND Signature:_ ZI V \ DSD D ?•26.09 Page 1 of 2-5/14/2009 OF PORT 7-0 1k ti y Receipt Number 09-0618 s - �a`wave Receipt Date-i 07/30/2009 Cashier SFOSTER° PayerlPayee Name SOLUTION BLDGJHALLIN _tea- k , !T, Amount MV Permit#� ParcelASFee Descnption t= Amounts Paid 'Balance BLD09-159 001012007 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 Total: $50.00 � � �� � �-��,,.'�� Prev►ous Payment H►story-a.s ' �' ' �_ � _ g Receipt# Receipt Date 4 FeeDescnptton AmountPatd' Permrt# Payment���z Payment Method Numbers .Amount' CHECK 1964 $50.00 Total: $50.00 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1