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City of Port Townsend Development Services Department Correction Notice C�PERMIT NUMBER 1 ` 1, OWNER JOB LOCATION Inspection of this structure has found the following violations: You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted otherwise. When corrections have been made, II for in pection. / Date 6 Inspector C.e �% DSD Main Office (360) 379-5095 INSPECTION REQUEST (360) 385-2294 THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE o�QORrTo/yy`�� CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT Ewa CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION,CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: 7 0 PERMIT NUMBER: 136U SITE ADDRESS: ST- CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: �— W!!A) /� C } �kJ 777 1-1-IN CIO VJ ( � ❑ APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before - - checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector 7 �)L0 2. Date (jam Acknowledo.ement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ,OppORTTO�ya CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS RECORD CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 0 �igtw; Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3,Port Townsend,WA 98368 POST THIS CARD IN A SAFE,CONSPICUOUS LOCATION.PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AND SIGNED OFF BY THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY AND THE BUILDING IS APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY.STAMPED APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOBSITE. PARCEL NO. 001112002 PERMIT NO. BLD09-153 ISSUED DATE 08/05/2009 EXPIRATION DATE 02/01/2010 ADDRESS 1942 LAWRENCE ST CONSTRUCTION TYPE V-B OCCUPANT LOAD OWNER MOXLEY PAUL S PROJECT DESCRIPTION Elevate One Story Roof CONTRACTOR OWNER BUILDER LENDER INSPECTION INSP SATE COMMENT INSPECTION INSP SATE COMMENT TESC I usU(-7aZtl.0 /,(-C_S C°E(CQ\(G- I 11T� SETBACKS SURVEY PIN P� C�`3�p FOOTING FOUNDATION WALL FLOOR FRAMING FRAMING IG A N/Z*L- -T-04 ili,06 i je 811�16/F MISCELLANEOUS FINAL BUILDING $ TO REQUEST AN INSPECTION CALL(360) 385-2294. INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO 3:00 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. o�PORrT°� y CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND � s �v DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT �wA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:OOpm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE SPECTIION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION,CALL BY 3:OOOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: / PERMIT NUMBER: r� Q SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: PE OF INSPECTION: S (Ai co V 14< o 70 A- ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector i L f IM 0tt— Date 3 0 Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card mast be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 181 Quincy Street,.Suite'30IA, Port Townsend WA 98368 (PORT TOWNSEND PLUMBING CERTIFICATION PRESSURE TEST VICES DEPARTMENT II [NSPECTION REPORT BUILDING OWNER_ PERMIT#ADDRESS - VCcLCe_ DATE OF TES s i THE DAY BEFORE YOU PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CENSE# :ALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. u GROUND WORK u ROUGH-IN PLUMBING` `o FINAL DWV Air AirWATER SERVICE PSI Air Tuner Head Water Working Pressure eI )NE: - --�1�-11h Minutes Time ' Minutes NOTE: TESTING REQUIREMENTS(SECTION 318 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE)MINIMUMS: L Water Test— 10'Head— 15 Minutes Test at Working Presure Air Test—5#PSI 15 Minutes 50#PSI— 15 Minutes _ LL r o I hereby.certify the information provided above is the result of the Plumbing System pressure test conducted by the undersigned at the indicated address and date. Misrepresentation of this certification is a gross misdemeanor under L Q ���— RCW.9A.72.040 subject to a two-year statute itation. VISUAL SYSTEM INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE COVER. Signature Date z ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before ecked at next inspection proceeding. 1 Lo� Date Inspector I Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. PORrro� CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Z DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT WA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE I SPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION,CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: 1 4 CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: E OF INSPECTION: k TEX IS (p(A) 6C) f TO kJ'( . (�z 4::�-FfFjffl a)WL'L A . 1W n K1_ ❑ APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector L�� , Date Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OE,. rA IT' ' TO.WNSEND DEVELOxPMEN�T�S�ER CE�S�DEP��ARTMENT il t f f 3 qY` 5S>�''y �� k4b5 �; � r".r' fi" �.. bra'• ": "���, This certificate is issued inaccordance with the pro�� s�ons ofthe International Building Codes as adopted and amended by the= City of PortTownTsend% At the time of issuance, the. r trrar .c ��w '8a "r^.' a indicated structure and uuse was deemed,5to Win compliance yrithkV the various codes and ordinances of the City of P°ort Townsendf5 regul`atng'"..construct onuse and occupancy of buildings* . � z uh .; c . Property Owner: Paul S. Mo"xley Name of Business: N/A Building Address: 9-42 Lawrence ...,_ ccuparncy ro�up. , R-3 Type ,V-Nb. Zoning: R-11 Construction: Date Issued: August 30, 2011 Permit Number: BLD09-153 Building Official Y" CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Pf",V (rT A�TIV;T'% 1,G t PERMIT # �&D p 3 DATI; RECEIVED Z-c9l-09' SCOPE OF WORK: e2cv4Fr- DATE ACTION INITIALS 8-p ENTERED INI'O CHET CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS FS•s•O Pl w. e g•S Zoning: r Setbacks OK? Lot Size: Building Size: Lot Coverage: FAR OK? Hei 7ht OK? Parkin OK? Critical Area? Demo? Historic Rev? Notice to Title? Lots of Record? I I I y l s gyp. r �' �M � II �• _ i1, s ro t r� 4 t E s & . � { X 2 _ s, r Water a .,,�..i:•.c _ u, �. � ,µe41 Waste Water f � Storm Water �3 ra"�" _, 'n $z qr•+. I �" Iinch=30f-t • �'�, � ���,;a�: ti �� .�-� ,W t w h tl I E. $.r I 1 Appl# BLD09-1"53 Date Issued o8/0512009 Applicant JMO=Y PAUL S Type BLD-RES-ADDIREM Expiration Date 03/OW2010 Parcel# 00t 11402 Parent#F Re-issue Date f Site Address 1942 L W� RCE ST_ Date Submitted JO7/22/2009. d Date Close Project Name ELEVATE 1 STORY ROOF Tectuiically Complete f Last Action 09/18/2009 Zoning R-II Date Approved,0.8/OS/2009 --- -- Status Date 108/0512009 Status ISStTED Override Expire?r Government?r Notes?r 9 day(s)to process 64w`AO licatzon iuery,l 'rinnt 'Forri,Letters,! Gopy nteFAddness'�'e QueryApp#�� ._ _._ ...._... _. J ..__ .___ ...____ _._ Detailsx9^Pucels�5tructures Contacts rKContractois �Valuahon .Fees Subinrtlals ApprovalConditin5is actwns, Bonds a .: P .�''4 r� 'm six $ kJ, i rd Current( Calculated AmountrFee 4venrnde I ��pp��t`"((((��pp�'q" �3' A' °E -D Based C3nf uaznt�� �' kuarih Pxu�d � Annoui�tk Ca1c�Notes�� � j k��.i�a'YiY•Y.�Se �b ���'.° �� __�Y � -J#.`, ��� ..,�H �i.�....�... ,,.W� BPF fir)�r Vabianon 073$0 3b 12559 8, $0.00 -$181 25ol AF_BPF r Valuation 67380.36, 67380.36 $181.25 $769.75 r 'ff i ._.__ BPF-RR r rhr �Valuahan_� 67330 s6 67,8u.3&, $9.25I�J.00s�; €BPF-TECH ��r 'Valuation 680,361 67380.36_ $500 $]5,40 r _ i PR-DEPOSIT li0��r ��;x Static $150 00 � $150 00� $150 00 r 1F =i ° 450.001 e . 0 00 r Statc1PR- j $5oo $5 ojj�r $ ooce $150.00 $15000 APR-REFUND so fir Starr 1 $50 00 $50 00 $50 00 Fee D`escrptnon,PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 tTotal $617 81 $1 468 74 a1CUldte y.a5'r- Cur ent All , Adaust Cash l�ecenpts} I�nstory i lfAmoiunt Due $850 93 a ! "mod t 1' fya�,. 3 a$ �m 'm We �� P)U ' �3 core c c, l�to� 9 �ylQ Now OF QORT TOE City of Port Townsend a o Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 �w Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 REVISION TO BUILDING PERMIT 9 l Revision # Z OWNER: 41�OJ6 SITE ADDRESS: Total Value of Revision: $ Impervious Surface Change? 0 Yes ❑ No Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully describes the proposed change plus any additional information that will be of assistance in issuing your revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional,all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be avare that changes to the existing approved plans may also require ygu to revise your original building permit application(lot coverage, impervious surface,structure square footage,etc.)and energy code documents(changing windows,heat source,etc.)to conform to your proposed changes. n 4S Scope of work: QF'U I �j(�� � � 1V111M P� 1p I'� ��lf )�, �.. /E07 FO LA D Obay Applicant Signature Date OFFICE USE ONLY: Submittal date: 2 b F Two sets of plans for revision: �)F—S, Approval of engin r of tecord(if original plans engineered): ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA PADSDIDepartment Forms\Building Fo.AA,plication-Revision.doc so *0 pORT ropy BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend `= Development Services Department �w 250 Madison Street,Suite 3, Port Townsend,WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD09-153 Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Project Name ELEVATE 1 STORY ROOF Site Address 1942 LAWRENCE ST Parcel # 001112002 Project Description Elevate One Story Roof Names Associated with this Project License Type Name Contact Phone# Type License# Exp Date Applicant Moxlev Paul S Owner Moxlcy Paul S Contractor Owner Builder (360) 379-6471 STATE exempt 12/31/2009 Fee Information Project Details Project Valuation SI0,000.00 Entered Bid Valuation 10,000 DOLL Plan Review Fee 117.81 Units: Heat Type: PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 150.00 Bedrooms: Construction Type: V - B PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 150.00 Bathrooms: Occupancy Type: R-3 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 50.00 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -50.00 Building Permit Fee 18L25 State Buildin-, Code Council Fee 4.50 Technology Fee for Building Permit 5.00 Record Retention Fee for Building 9?5 Permit Total Fees S 617.81 Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of footing inspection to verify setbacks. SEE A T TA CHED CONDI TI DNS Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if-work is suspended for a period of 180 days. \Vork is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. 1 certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this pernit is true and accurate to the best of my know led-e. I further certify that 1 am the owner of the propem or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name -RaL -6k 0 Date Issued: 08/05/2009 Issued BN: SFOSTER Signature _t� Date V / Date Expires: 02/01/2010 N of e►� K Z6 3� 708 wAll p'. I Ik d J 41, RX P06 A �i77 ,41 6z Cfm A. FAA Ec E VV E J- SEP 3 - 2009 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DSD 7 7 Z 7 Date: Q q -3 7f ?I Perini o 7—fWLn �- �......_ . � I t°'i �': - ----v i ! :.C: � ! ...�J ; �.�•, •h'�r �� Bellevue Bothell Burien Duvall Gig Harbor Issaquah Kenmore Kirkland Mercer Island CONSTRUCTION TIP SHEET 2 MyBuildingPermit.com Handrails April 2009 Mill Creek Mukilteo Renton Sammamish SeaTac Snohomish County Snoqualmie Woodinville Handrails are continuous for 2006 Codes the full length of the flight. Handrails may be interrupted Wal / by a newel post at a turn. Handrail ends returned to the wall or terminated C \ in newel posts or safety terminals. v Cl) i i The height of the handrail is measured vertically from the sloped plane adjoining the tread nosing. Typical Handrail Elevation R311.5.6 The handrail may project a maximum of 4-1/2" into Al required stair width. The grippable 1-1/2" minimum perimeter dimension is 4" minimum and 6-1/4" maximum. Circular handrails not less than 1-1/4"or more than 2" i in diameter. / The non-circular handrail cross section is 2-1/4" maximum. NOTE: Type I Handrails See page 2 for additional handrail R311.5.6.3 grip shapes. GENERAL INFORMATION: • Consult with your local planning department regarding required setbacks. • Obtain a building permit before starting construction. • The intent of this sheet is to address the basics of private residential stair construction only and does not address the subject in great detail. Additional information can be found at your local building department,home improvement store,or library. eCltyGOv.net • This tip sheet is intended to show code requirements per the 2006 International Residential Code. 2005©eCityGovAlliance M N Handrails Page 2 of 2 1-1/4" minimum -2-3/4" maximum Sand smooth, no sharp corners 1-3/4" 3/4" 5/16" minimum 1-1/2" minimum Type II Handrails R311.5.6.3 (At handrails with a perimeter greater than 6-1/4") i i Unacceptable Handrails eCityGov.net N N P•evw�(+-*t RL Doi- 1-s73 � •.S �O� G o�s T tz"�-r r��� F o o-r t•-�Cr I �' W A� �( a Cr-Ea��frE I II I h ` 3 41 Z�& P,-r- ofL-�FZ ✓ /1 5-run5 1�0', O-G. 1 l�`1t�lo` 1 '#' 1 I AGO p c-, 0�-7 w oj;?-�, B V T.-r• p-v0,5IIi1, ✓ GO N J'Cl2.UG't` NiJ..J �O Cn T���T 4 kJIAKStA "U' �, pGt��^n rG-r tE-`s� ��-c c�.>C." t-c S +0 >C*.►GE IS x -1 tic�� ` Co rJ c C . >;O OT k j C � 1��2 !.-.�k�.� ��.i c E aT. APPROVED Z � .7, 4a-G_ Z)�4 gAa_.S VU U Date: `� o Permit o. ,s 09-/5-'j CA T n ;1195 B��:2 a =i �-j,V Building Official ^�T :? ? AUG 2 6 2009 Y OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND j t% DSO �, - Z5 - c) N � R�� � � U��. -1' i ,_�� �_; � _ . � _ ��. , ; ,:� � � ;, �� r�, i ..,� i - t 1 ` I =� �. L�L.-y --.-�� cis A e +k f�-t'-0 U'0 G��8 v1_�d_W ..�- �Gtp C) _ d u_l SE 3 - 2009 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND E�" � i _ __.� �` 4 . ... j D pment Services QopT TQ of - 1Py 250 Madison Street;Suite 3 s�2 Poit'Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-37975095 Fax:- 360,344-4619 WAs www.,city0fpt.us Residential Building Permit Application Project Address: 4 Legal Description (or Tax#): Office Use Only Addition: i Permit#;BLD09- /S 3 Zoning: Block: 7R Associated Permits: Parcel # CC)t f Lot(s): Project Description: S w �UDT Applications by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of$150 for projects valued over $15,000. See Page 2 for details on plan submittal requirements. Lender Information: Property Owner/Applicant: Lender information must be provided for projects Name: - PC'VI mox I e-&I over$5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Address: 00a LCAw;yewLf- It ) Name: 'v City/SUZip: .T, Phone: Project Valuation: (30 Email: Building Information (square feet): 15i floor Garage: 2nd floor Deck(s): Contact/Re resentative: 3`d floor Porch (es): Name: z Basement: is it finished? Yes No Address: ��-- ��-� Carport: Other: City/St/Zip: e t i W A Manufactured Home [] ADU Phone: 3 4 O) S3 f --1 4 5 1 New Addition ❑ Remodel/Repair❑ Email: Heat Type: Electric Heat Pump Other sno 4 :fir l�I& Contractor: ❑ Same as Owner Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):` Name: v � Square feet: Address: Impervious Surface:' City/St/Zip: J� Z $ Z��9 Square feet: Total existinq &proposed Phone: What year was the structure built? Email: _V17 UF PUNIluwMtn If work includes demolition see Page 2. State License #: Ex SD Any known wetlands on the property? Y N City Business License #: Any steep slopes (>15%)? Y N I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: J SS C,.-a�� Signature: . Date: Page 1 of 2 - 5/14/2009 RESIDE= AL BUILDING PERMIT APftTION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. ❑ Residential permit application. Washington State Energy &Ventilation Code forms ❑Two (2) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than ''Y"' = 1 foot: A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number(or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. If creating new impervious surfaces, indicate measures utilized to retain stormwater on-site 6. Street names and any easements or vacations 7. Location and diameter of existing trees 8. Utility lines 9. If applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 10. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting D Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing ❑Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wail sheathing, weather resistant barrier-and siding material----� 7. Sheet rock and insulation :J 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking'an'd"po'sitive'connect ons l 9. Ceiling height H 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic'vent ati�on't ❑ Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all,prop t ed structures ❑ if architecturally designed, one set of plans most haV.e an-original-signature If engineered, one set of plans must have one`original'�signature,.:� i r: ❑ For new dwelling construction, Street& Utility'or-'Minor lmprevement-application If you are proposing partial or full demolition of a structure that is at least 50 years old, per Ordinance 2969 Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) review is required. If within the National Historic Landmark district: $58.00 for full committee review. If outside the National Historic Landmark district and not on the Historic Register: no fee for HPC Administrative review. Complete HPC Form. Partial demolition includes exterior demolition for additions and remodels. Page 2 of 2 - 5/14/2009 Cn a C3 LU CD 2M 00 oD Cr Q) > 0 A 0 � NO -IrS Ot .21\,n 'AD \% 0 � L �R3112.11 Guards required R311.5, Handrails. Handrails shall be Porches,balconies or raised floor surfaces provided on at least one side of each located more than 30"above the floor or grade continuous run of treads or flight with four or shall have guards not less than 36"in height. 0 'j more risers. Handrails shall not be less than Provide intermediate rails which do not allow 34"and not more than 38"measured up passage of a 4"sphere,(4-3/8"permitted on open from the toe of step. side of stair only). r LJi. f j � cn see i � 7Fr.�0 rS 1 / REMEWED FOR CODE COMPUANCE DATE PERMIT W W 6Z l O l�" ref . &nt_CGKO �;01,-rs Co o G VJ Jo i �X l��f t� RCS l � 'vrJG� � � f �. �` � w�M N � ,� w V k-R PCB .;R u EV, ��. i, (2� .mil x �� � . CNv��:a) CO ►JG . �`r7s `�' (z) �4 B�t�5 �O of� j i K0�ttZ �- �jO�G�R�� Go r�G� �oo-rI N(� s �o u►.�o v�-r4o� v���� JUL 2 8 2009 PORT TOWNSEND DSD COPY M � 1,'L� �`S..m.�Pi � � ,<� �� ,,•���� `�4f�j4YJ�jL h �gi r�0�l a. +,, �j''A 4i S .�,der. �.� -y•� �,. �µ.. •r ,., s' ,nrti a I'E+�7'��,`.i.'° av L�, ; �. .K.y. —"•' \��ry.`.. 7�, AQ 4 , IN-, 14 :���.• ' •'�r�A.1.�'.7 z,J - ✓ -! /-� IL. i'.r-cy ti���y L �+'W"� --Y� .• � ' , W" t ' �4�r.� ,� I~I��.�(�•J) •��_ �'�`cT.'1 �-..,..4_ y- Tr.-•_�_YT-""'y'air_. �•�� I - ...2' ` 4 c`'- i}r7-�`wr1: _ 1 �! ~ r � }. lr � .` � ) .'.• �,'� .mil '_ � ♦ 1 �Cr. FAX'• .. � yy';k ( t -pf �+ '� -�� Eifi���� v ,.I�`� i"'.,,f , ` i. If. r�,•.'� ,s' �-' e. 'd� ii��!,'•t 1 �J �;����,�r�" ,�• n —1 a t c c- �I a ..tit, ,.•�r v � ti k'>f t ey i > fir. y l � � •j4 mte J'- r F f (�C-� L� >' 1. 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BLD09-153 001112002 PRF-REV $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 -$181.25 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $382.53 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee $619.75 $438.50 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $10.40 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $10.00 $0.75 $0.00 Total: $700.93 Previous,,,at/meet History, s Receipt# Receipt Date � F_ee�Descriptton 'x amount Patd wPerm�t# .. � ..� n.a _, N .... ,F.,_ 09-0631 08/05/2009 Building Permit Fee $181.25 BLD09-153 09-0604 07/28/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Plan Review Fee $117.81 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $9.25 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 BLD09-153 Payment Check Paymerif Method � Numbe� � t5 , c Amounf CASH N/A $700.93 Total: $700.93 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 L PORT ti yW City of Port To:, ..o n (n Invoice m Development: U? s = - - Date: 30-AUG-11 250 Madison S-- Ir— (360)379-5095 '` 0 _ Invoice# 1878 M o OXLEY PAUL S PAULA B MOXLEY 0 MCALLEN TX 78504-5669 Application No BLD09-153 C) Project: ELEVATE 1 STORY ROOK' Application Type Residential-Addition/Rel rn Parcel# 001112002 Cz Subdivision: U Site Address: 1942 LAWRENCE ST 1 �� o- CT- Description •� 1 PRF-REV X Building Permit Fee 'r ,... Plan Review Fee N Q 77 ' n PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 > 0 v r PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 - [-0 O PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50LL PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 a) 1 }t Building Permit Fee r 9 ' �_ C � � J o State Building Code Council Fee l F ". V p co w P Technology Fee for Building Permit V i- co C Record Retention Fee for Building Permit CN C O CD U.J Total Fee Amount: $1468.74 e I Total Paid/Credits: $617.81 ! ! ��VJJ Balance Due: $850.93J I J ,� I Pagel T � �QOAr rod. �-� 1 C►li J �" l �o y U Z PERMIT ESTIMATE FEE SUMMARY VALUATION DETAILS BUILDING TYPE QUANTITY VALUATION RECORD RETENTION FEE FOR $10.00 BUILDING PERMIT ENTERED BID VALUATION 67,380DOLLAR $67,380.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE $500.34 TOTALS: 67,380SQFT $67,380.00 TECHNOLOGY FEE FOR BUILDING $15.40 PERMIT PLUMBING FIXTURES STATE BUILDING CODE COUNCIL $4.50 FEE DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT COST EXTENDED COST PRF-REV-TI $50.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEE $769.75 MECHANICAL FIXTURES DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT COST EXTENDED COST TOTAL FEES: $1,349.99 ELECTRICAL FIXTURES SUBMITTAL DOCUMENT CHECKLIST DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT COST EXTENDED COST BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION PLANS SITE PLAN _ BUILDING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS I 7D � Lso. oa 4 7. a/ 3 % . 1 Page 1 of 1 OF �Z VORT o Receipt Number: 0�p631 � Receip Date 08/OS/2009 '�C�astiier FOSTER` ;�� Payer%P yee Name'<H`ARDIN O EY � ,�,,�� ���a 4 3 x �rmrt# Parcel Fee>descrrptton �rAmount Paid` Balance BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $117.81 $382.53 BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 -$50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee $769.75 $181.25 $588.50 BLD09-153 001112002 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $5.00 $10.40 BLD09-153 001112002 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $10.00 $9.25 $0.75 Total: $467.81 7 " _ Previous Payment Histo�ryME- Receipt# Receipt Date ee Descriptr�on'' ,; �R1 4 Ain t Pardo ,"Pe �# f 09-0604 07/28/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 [-M ayment - ; Check h� Payment et hod Number .Amount CHECK 2303 $467.81 Total: $467.81 L? lJ 15 � 1 17 ,4 45 l genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 O�VOPT TO$ �� L lr• 1 1 4-r + ya / � m o Receipt Number: 09 0604 ¢was ' Recei t Dafe 07/28/2009 = Cashier FFRANKLIN Payer/Payee Name MOXLEYPAULFS 7�.. sMMR �n',A�� Permit#, Parcel _ FeeDescript.on�`� � � �'_ � Amoun� � 'Paid �, � Balance � BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 - -- $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 Total: $150.00 Prev►ous Payment Historyh 's� Recet t# Recei tDate- Fee�Descn ttori' 3� � � ��� nt - €Mettiod Number Amount CHECK 2290 $150.00 Total: $150.00 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 VOHT TOIL / u o y�o Receipt Number: 09 0969''. r. ' � f ReceiptaDate 12/21/2009 ME BM'Cashier SFOSTEAr R Payer/Payee Name �HARDING FOR MOXLEY y Or�gmalFeez ' Amill ountFee ermit# rPa�cel�� Fee$Desc�ip on Amount PaidBalance ° bow ;` ..�,__ .,K x ...��,ao' k_ BLD09-153 001112002 PRF-REV-TI $50.00 $50:00 $0:00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 -$181.25 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $382.53 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee $769.75 $588.50 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $10.40 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $10.00 $0.75 $0.00 Total: $850.93 Previous Payment History vim .`�, ' j w '� ,. 3 a s _ �, _' k a Receipt# Rece�ptDate' �Fee DescnpUon Amount Paid Permit# 09-0631 08/05/2009 Building Permit Fee $181.25 BLD09-153 09-0604 07/28/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Plan Review Fee $117.81 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $9.25 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 BLD09-153 Payment Check f ,E Payment t Method' s ; < Number' Y' `,4mount CHECK N/A $850.93 Total: $850.93 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 �?ORT rah 1 u' o Receipt Number: 09 0966 Receipt Date , 12/ 2009; Cash SFOSTER�° ; Payer/Payee Name RUSSELL OHARDING FOR 18/ ier MOXLEY v Original Fee Amount Peit# cn Parce Fee Desp tion 3 Amount Paid ' Balance . ,.p .,, gin rm �. BLD09-153 001112002 PRF-REV-TI $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $382.53 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee $769.75 $588.50 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $10.40 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $10.00 $0.75 $0.00 Total: $850.93 - ro0syPayMenVH1st6ry t Receipt# RecetptDatey` FeeDescnpUon Amount Paid A rPermit# , .: 09-0631 08/05/2009 Building Permit Fee $181.25 BLD09-153 09-0604 07/28/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Plan Review Fee $117.81 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $9.25 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 BLD09-153 "Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 2438 $850.93 Total: $850.93 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 of QonT roh s� City of Port Townsend Invoice Development Services Department 9� w Date: 21-DEC-09 250 Madison Street,Suite 3, Port Townsend,WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Invoice# 1193 MOXLEY PAUL S s(3 PAULA B MOXLEY MCALLEN TX 78504-5669 Application No BLD09-153 Project: ELEVATE 1 STORY ROOF Application Type Residential-Addition/Remodel Parcel# 001112002 Subdivision: Block/Lot Site Address: 1942 LAWRENCE ST Description Fee Amount Paid/Credit Balance Due PRF-REV-TI -�� $50.00 - $50.00 $0.00 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 -$181.25 $0.00 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $500.34 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 _1150 n0 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 -$50.00 $0.00 Building Permit Fee $769.75 $769.75 $0.00 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $15.40 $0.00 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $10.00 $10.00 $0.00 Total Fee Amount: $1468.74 Total Paid/Credits: $1468.74 Balance Due: $0.001 lo - Ck) Page 1 D• O/V C? OF PORT TOE ys City of Port Townsend Invoice Development Services Department 9�¢W 250 Madison Street,Suite 3, Port Townsend,WA 98368 Date: 15-NOV-10 (360)379-5095 Invoice# 1616 MOXLEY PAUL S PAUtA B MOXLEY MCALLEN TX 78504-5669 Application No BLD09-153 Project: ELEVATE 1 STORY ROOF Application Type Residential-Addition/Remodel Parcel# 001112002 Subdivision: Block/Lot Site Address: 1942 LAWRENCE ST Description Fee Amount Paid/Credit Balance Due PRF-REV-TI $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 $0.00 -$181.25 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $117.81 $382.53 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 -$50.00 $0.00 Building Permit Fee $769.75 $181.25 $588.50 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $5.00 $10.40 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $10.00 $9.25 $0.75 Total Fee Amount: $1468.74 Total Paid/Credits: $617.81 Balance Due: $850.93 Page 1 PORT 7-oh ti OF FMS Export Report Page 1 of 2 W. From 12/18/2009 To 12/18/2009 Report run on December 21,2009 8:28 AM tSon r BLD09-221 09-0961 12118/2009 MC BRIDE KENNETH R BPF $4�4.8 5 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-322-100-00 BLD09-221 09-0961 12/18/2009 MC BRIDE KENNETH R BPF-RR N 10.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-080-369-900-00 BLD09-221 09-0961 12/18/2009 MC BRIDE KENNETH R BPF-TECH $9.04 500-000-111-100-00 500-601-349-280-03 BLD09-221 09-0961 12/18/2009 MC BRIDE KENNETH R PR-REFUND 50 \$50.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-322-100-00 BLD09-221 09-0961 12/18/2009 MC BRIDE KENNETH R PRF $NO3.70 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-322-100-00 BLD09-221 09-0961 12/18/2009 IMC BRIDE KENNETH R STATE-CODE J%4-5_0 613-000-111-100-00 613-043-386-000-00 HPC09-045 09-0962 12/18/2009 KUZMA FOR FREIDBERG DESIGN REVIEW-MINO Vo;po 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-345-810-00 HPC09-045 09-0962 12/18/2009 KUZMA FOR FREIDBERG DESIGN REVIEW-RR AD Ix.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-080-369-900-00 ,HPC09-045 09-0962 12/18/2009 KUZMA FOR FREIDBERG DESIGN REVIEW-TECH of$5\0 0 500-000-111-100-00 500-601-349-280-03 HPC09-048 09-0963 12/18/2009 THE BROKEN SPOKE/SEXTON PEDESIGN REVIEW-ADM 25. 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-345-810-00 HPCO9048 09-0963 12/18/2009 THE BROKEN SPOKE/SEXTON PEDESIGN REVIEW-RR AD 00 010-000-111-100-00 010-080-369-900-00 09-0963 12/18/2009 �THE BROKEN SPOKE/SEXTON PEDESIGN REVIEW-TECH I T.00 500-000-111-100-00 500-601-349-280-03 �HPC09-049 09-0964 12/ MTON HOUSE, INCJPAUL DESIGN REVIEW-MINO $90-00 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-345-810-00 HPC09-049 09-0964 12/18/2009 THORNTON HOUSE, INCJPAUL DESIGN REVIEW-RR AD ZN 3.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-080-369-900-00 HPC09-049 09-0964 12/18/2009 THORNTON HOUSE, INCJPAUL DESIGN REVIEW-TECH $-q.00 500-000-111-100-00 500-601-349-280-03 HPC09-050 09-0965 12/18/2009 TRADE WIND BUILDERS/QUEEN DESIGN REVIEW-MINO 50 00 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-345-810-00 HPC09-050 09-0965 12/18/2009 TRADE WIND BUILDERS/QUEEN DESIGN REVIEW-RR MR 3.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-080-369-900-00 HPC09-050 09-0965 12/18/2009 TRADE WIND BUILDERS/QUEEN DESIGN REVIEW-TECH '$5.00 500-000-111-100-00 500-601-349-280-03 BLD09-153 09-0966 12/18/2009 IRUSSELL O. HARDING FOR MOXLBPF $588.50 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-322-100-00 BLD09-153 09-0966 12/18/2009 RUSSELL O. HARDING FOR MOXLBPF-RR $0.75 010-000-111-100-00 010-080-369-900-00 BLD09-153 09-0966 12/18/2009 RUSSELL O. HARDING FOR MOXLBPF-TECH A $ 10.40 500-000-111-100-00 500-601-349-280-03 BLD09-153 09-0966 12/18/2009 RUSSELL O. HARDING FOR MOXLPRF V_ $382.53 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-322-100-00 BLD09-153 09-0966 12/18/2009 RUSSELL O. HARDING FOR MOXLPRF-REV/TI 50.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-322-100-00 BLD09-238 09-0967 12/18/2009 NEUBAUER MICHAEL 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-322-100-00 BLD09-238 09-0967 12/18/2009 NEUBAUER MICHAEL BP $ 10.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-080-369-900-00 BLD09-238 09-0967 12/18/2009 NEUBAUER MICHAEL 9P F-T I-G H --,-_UJ.87 500-000-111-100-00 500-601-349-280-03 BLD09-238 09-0967 12/18/2009 NEUBAUER MlCjAEt— STATE-CODE $4.50 613-000-111-100-00 613-043-386-000-00 _ADM09-002 8I2009 MC COMAS BRUCE J INTERP-REQUEST $ 150.00 010-000-111-100-00 010-022-345-890-00 pttprritrtranposted OF QORT TONS "s FMS Export Report Page 2 of 2 WA From 12/18/2009 To 12/18/2009 Report run on December 21,2009 8:28 AM \ t acW.counf . CRR'At1 Fe n R rt ..F..�. „ rransaction Count: 28 Transaction Total: $2,727.89 pttprntrtranposted VORT TOY �O y� i Receipt Number: 09 0966 .: Recetpt:Date 12/18/2009 Cashier SFOSTER ; Payer/Payee Name RUSSELt_O HARDING FOR MOXLEY--�, gg n � � mal Fee Amount Fee i0e mWtt# $M— Parcel Fee Description � Amount � kPaid Balance BLD09-153 001112002 PRF-REV-TI $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 -$181.25 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $382.53 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee $769.75 $588.50 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $10.40 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $10.00 $0.75 $0.00 Total: $850.93 Mp `£ Previous Payment History a� , Recetptvy# Recetpt�Date Fee Descnptton �� F unt'"PAAiWxag PatME Y d� Permit# �. .�. . ,. 09-0631 08/05/2009 Building Permit Fee $181.25 BLD09-153 09-0604 07/28/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Plan Review Fee $117.81 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $9.25 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 BLD09-153 IM Payment fCheck�r Pa enf Method ;3 Number �3, Am u`nf s..,.. .' .....�.:„sue'.... , "v CHECK 2438 $850.93 Total: $850.93 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 VOHT TO �O Sys o Receipt Number 09 0836 WIN 'Now, Receipt Date 1D/12l2009` Cashier SWASSMER PayerlPayee Name TRUSS HARDING/MOXLEwm Y . l w. fi � Ong al Fee ��Amount Fees" €PNIM ermr # Parcels �FeeDesc rption mounta Paid . 'a ante , BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee-Revision $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 -$181.25 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $382.53 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 B Ming Permit Fee $76�9 75 $588.50 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Tec ology Fee for Building Permit $'f5.40 $10.40 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Recor Retention Fee for Building Per $10.00 $0.75 $0.00 Total: $850.93 Prev►u ayment H+'stor}i Rec�ept:# Receipt Date 3 �F a De cn tionz 3 IN MAN ntPenult# .. 09-0631 08/05/2009 Building Permit Fee $181.25 BLD09-153 09-0604 07/28/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 15 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REFUZD 50 $150.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 PLAN REVIEW REF 50 -$50.00 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Plan Review Fee $117.81 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Record Rete on Fee for Building Permit $9.25 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 BLD09-153 09-0631 08/05/2009 Techno ogy Fee for Building Permit $5.00 BLD09-153 -Pay gent Check �' Pa went aL�aw 'si k. l r F f 3r'rw, 's ktj vs 6 `}4 '' Method;• s�� � ,Numbe�� g � �a -Amount CHECK 2438 $850.93 Total: $850.93 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 OF PORT TOE City of Port Townsend Invoice Development Services Department 9 J 250 Madison Street,Suite 3,Port Townsend,WA 98368 Date: 18-SEP-09 (360)379-5095 Invoice# 1109 MOXLEY PAUL S PAULA B MOXLEY MCALLEN TX 78504-5669 Application No BLD09-153 Project: ELEVATE 1 STORY ROOF Application Type Residential-Addition/Remodel Parcel# 001112002 Subdivision: Block/Lot Site Address: 1942 LAWRENCE ST Description Fee Amount Paid/Credit Balance Due Plan Review Fee-Revision • $50.00 - $0.00 _ $50.00 Building Permit Fee -$181.25 $0.00 -$181.25 Plan Review Fee $500.34 $117.81 $382.53 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 -$50.00 $0.00 Building Permit Fee $769.75 $181.25 $588.50 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 Technology Fee for Building Permit $15.40 $5.00 $10.40 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $10.00 $9.25 $0.75 Total Fee Amount: $1468.74 Total Paid/Credits: $617.81 Balance Due:E7 $8" s �6C Page 1 OF pOPT T�k ti u Receipt Number: 09-0631 Receipt Date: 08/05/2009 Cashier: SFOSTER__ Payer/Payee Name: HARDING/MOXLEY Original Fee Amount Fee Permit# Parcel Fee Description Amount Paid Balance BLD09-153 001112002 Plan Review Fee $117.81 $117.81 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 150 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 -$50.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Building Permit Fee $181.25 $181.25 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 BLD09-153 001112002 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $9.25 $9.25 $0.00 Total: $467.81 Previous Payment History Receipt# Receipt Date ---- e Description Amount Paid Permit# 09-0604 07/28/2009 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 BLD09-153 Payment Check Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 2303 $467.81 Total: $467.81 as �. genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 ♦ M Q VOPT>O� O y so Receipt Number 09 0604 a g "i, 74,.;: Receipt Date 0T12812009 �a Cashier FFRANKLIN Paye/Payee Name rMOXLEY PAUL S E----------------- F x 7 " = 4 � Ongtnal Fee Amount{ m�sS e a rr + Permit# Parcel ` Fee Descnpbon 'f ount Patti. ,_ Balances BLD09-153 001112002 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 150 $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 Total: $150.00 � Previoas Payment=Hutory{ Receipt# Receipt Date Fee Descnptton . x �, Amount Patd ' Permit# Payment Check Payment Mnw— ethod` NumberY Amount CHECK 2290 $ 150.00 Total: $150.00 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1