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HomeMy WebLinkAbout09070 �OppORTTo�ys CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND my DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT WA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION,CALL BYp3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: 0 PERMIT NUMBER: AW (� ( �o Q SITE ADDRESS: �6�� /�"IN 00LA c,- CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. N `7 _ Inspector ,v , Lo n__ Date 7 Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. PoarTo�y� CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND �o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT g`WA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPEECCTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION,CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: �(J PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: �L� �� �C �LAJ sit CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: � )S�( J�(j D D APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before __ _ chec at next inspection proceeding. r Inspector ALQ Date 2� Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSE1, PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT# g G� 09- Qap DATE RECEIVED 9 SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTION INITIALS S-6-0 ENTERED INTO CHET 14 CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS 2 � s . U i f bU ' a ( 7. j 0n (cow c o 41 . Zoning: Setbacks OK? Lot Size: Building Size: Lot Coverage: t.� f� FAR OK? ` Sul► -ee S I/lJC_ ��. co Height OK? vt,o ,yeytS,,;-z,rz, S�T� / Parking OK? o I vC c� on �ctw S/?/�Gl Critical Area? `! Demo? Historic Rev? Notice to Title? Lots of Record? . �y .r .fir •} -.v 'f4 - :. c. `� t ',, �'.- � .'....k,;..i?' �, mac.. �� , ( ..,, ♦ t�qc.:: IT i s 7 x vI :x ' ��3�,�Y 'ter� .n �E,. �.-- � }— '�": � �#• � � iL k -tom• 't t. `�) tk// 4 a, S(,1`a ,;�p L O -J• at C - �r.Lt' � & r '++ t�;r t c� µ'pi 4 r? '� 41 it a .4 T � � ir'r c nt,�` yam'. �, �l' '�, c-'• !r ar �- :(• a +�•'h r., i. �. - e�� '� tr .. t r 1 ' t , ` 1�" ,�.�. ,�•a► -CGr.ry :.. < _Irk w� �� =r,,i ��..° r ':;- i c y� _. r1 � �' '' III ♦ �� 7�`hi t � � �� '1!+�. 3� xa rm v, n C� T s -x z.� x n x ° a w ° nA �3 10 fN a b^Witcr r , �.O Waac Warr m 3 Storm Watcr „ t inch=dLHOSGI)feet 11, K . f II f I. ea `/ I Ih t l 'Ii I ` ,/(/ xr h - J i h 3 4ig'2' "s`a'ro. ... h `' I I I I{ h. ,r • as -1c�¢° 114 .1 1 1 l 1 1 ti i RE�[IEWED FOR CODE lS Q COMPCE DD�� S•�.oil PERM 5 1/2' With Lattice 68 1/2" 17" Y (o L�o Lbac,V— o� I U L+0 Sarnc, b Lkt a4-e-.) FENC.F T,-) Fes. OR ®R Wrrtt►N KoFEgi`( LIME EX, Pr c 0 Z, I'ru"O' It V. L-C,41 C e 0/ op-2" f er- Iv I IL S I Z 4 /D 7 1/2 ' All Lattice �G rr 84„ ITT- Existing Posts t t \� 75" Solid 1 y 7 n Posts Set in Concrete, 30" Deep E►air DEPrtt , � b a�L L e s c1 e O f AmP j4PP►Z of D MjC) "t'o S 9 1/2' 11' Existing Fence Property Line 5 1/2' With Lattice 50' -- - 5 1/2' With Lattice 7 1/2' All Lattice 0 C9, L-24' 75" Solid House 1� Port Townsend Munic►i _ Code 17.68.040 Chapter 17.68 front, side, or rear setback area or along the edge of any yard; provided, that: FENCES, WALLS, ARBORS 1. No fence, wall, arbor, hedge or other AND HEDGES partially or totally sight-obscuring installation which poses a traffic safety hazard shall be Sections: located within a clear vision area; 17.68.010 Purpose. 2. Except as provided in subsections 17.68.020 Applicability. (B)(3) and(4) of this section, no fence or wall, 17.68.030 General requirements. or other partially or totally sight-obscuring 17.68.040 Prohibitions —Walls with sharp installation shall exceed eight feet in height; elements. 3. No-fence WWa-ll,—or_other partially or to- 17.68.050 Fences, walls, arbors and hedges tally sight-obscuring installation shall exceed that create potential safety hazards. four-feet-in height within any required setback area abutting-a public street right-of-way; 17.68.010 Purpose. 4. No arbor located outside of a clear The purpose of this chapter is to provide vision area shall exceed 10 feet in height; regulations for fences, walls, arbors, hedges 5. None of the height limits established and other partially or totally sight-obscuring in this section shall apply to hedges, including installations,to assure that desirable objectives any closely planted trees or vegetation. of providing privacy, security, and screening. C. Variation from the requirements out- of properties can be met while limiting unsafe lined in subsection (B)(3) of this section may obstructions of motorists', cyclists', and be allowed; provided, that: pedestrians' vision. (Ord. 2571 § 2, 1997). 1. The overall height of all parts of the structure does not exceed eight feet in height; 17.68.020 Applicability. and These regulations shall apply to fences, 2: Any portion of the structure above walls, arbors, hedges and other partially or -four feet shall-be predominately open,such that _ totally sight-obscuring installations within res- there is free circulation of air and passage of idential zoning districts. (Ord. 2571 § 2, 1997). light. D. Maximum heights specified by this 17.68.030 General requirements.3 chapter shall be measured from the elevation A. No fence, wall, arbor, hedge or other of the ground within two feet of the installation partially or totally sight-obscuring installation on the lower side. shall be allowed within any public right-of- E. Notwithstanding any of the provisions way, unless a street use agreement has been contained in this section, all fences and walls approved pursuant to Chapter 12.10 PTMC.4 shall comply with the requirements of the B. Fences, walls, arbors, hedges and other International Building Code, as adopted under partially or totally sight-obscuring installa- Chapter 16.04 PTMC. (Ord. 2867 § 2, 2004; tions may be permitted within any required Ord. 2571 § 2, 1997). 17.68.040 Prohibitions—Walls with sharp 3. Please refer to the following definitions in Chapter elements. 17.08 PTMC: "arbor"; "clear vision area"; '`fence"; No wall shall have attached to it any barb, "hedge";and"wall." spike, broken glass or other pointed or sharp 4. The burden shall rest upon the property owner to instrument. This prohibition shall not be con- demonstrate to the satisfaction of the director that such strued to limit the placement of barbed wire fence, wall, arbor, hedge or other partially or totally fences. (Ord. 2571 § 2, 1997). sight-obscuring installation does not encroach upon a public right-of-way. Code reviser's note: Chapter 12.10 PTMC has been repealed by Ord.2578. 17-113 (Revised 11/05) i�oP�s�d 9 1/2' 111 Existing Fence Property Line Kr 5 1/2'With Lattice 13 ,� )� t{ w > y.,tN� ,�;A-v ^w,���..+Y7._ cX W f f•3 �� �t}�5,�S r+r r� ' r 7 pv fl9T T` a'}*i'-'`°`A ¢v x r 4R.�ilu"��," gk•7, 4w ' aZ _` 1 ,4S F Y ,} tAU i✓-( y.`}" )y t r 1 ;f T �,. 4...7 •.I•� r ss ; �7xa 1 i t 1 Y" f 4Ti• Y{t 1 � �. „: f, 71(2 Ali Lattice n r AN V 01 k3, +�, t a xr 1 �. � x 5 Jva� a.- a •rr �c - n4 YJ' l�t y.}y v'� .�, . ♦= t .s. .ssi �. ..t f A�.4 -.S tti` ,S`r:Fr ���.tt+{t�. 9 4f "- a 2 .a�'���r11JuS-�R•,;y rlj rk _.v, e?.J�f v , �i tv,�'c,Ya '�?{ •x"i , s �, � '�.�:.y ry a �.�� {'�, riysr'�'.Fs.:� t�f'v'� � a T..� t Y: 1� ,,,y,{ y� t -tz��.�y -.•'�:~ '*`r .` 3r v�, ..> '�'T t5 l`v - �1+�- '.v3�K. .� 't' ^i j i + -y` ;. �t a',�r kip' ' :7'" r 'L'1{i•,:(xgb1 '� ,� x,yy .k. 4.. f s s �J ki k'' ^r r'•t -s-`•L•i'�,^S�iA 3• ttr''f' c75 Sbli f its' S`2 �+..'_ .,t ,r. `c, ,.HOU JCS[r e > J f'{ t�a r[f °fti v'�7''`�: .t )." aYh�F-•F f, ` "1 3' .7 Zv �•�`t� -�Z"ic�n-,vFf.='^{"fsv vS'"' „4fF�, r+h�{:aT .J„ .fit 7,a- .a �`�c� yn S 7 4F j v � �e�;��„•t. �',✓+"1 •X�15:Zj d+v-tt3ti. �>: •i� J+tirY ,.a �.r. .Y y1.k�-�T p d�`r.n.ter- �.,�3.Yc y.a •�'"°'�11�,'$ 't x c,,�,,.�,�L s K.. F., { J �rb O.fe�N 5 ¢ 4 1 h E<C •`h fi-df�Y- tt,\ i �.{ x.r�.a� 211r`+ ?4. i �, .fit til k,'�•L .�`i"+, �`k f 2 t V:�, f Fxy� f t �v� S-.t R t P if t. i < , l"t 'y € >}. i'l "'�. eyv� {Y.:• tr.r�, "�i a :.! } sz"v ?'� �, I �. �. tJr '� �, .ti' !" •yp4 � r a�E it. / r �, `FvTJ.x.; I L.F -- G Y 4 J i f. ck'. r ih. i 1 t .. �✓ So �.. ' i f• L t r� y f \i \ ! i r , ((_ �vl yr{ _ D V Mx r a r 3 Z 1 C � T MAY 2 2 2C 09 CITY OF PORT TOWN .END SO DSD DV- g ZDI ., ��iJ`� ✓�� o L P NCB �►, s Deve%meat Services poRrrohy� 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 mZ Port Townsiayid WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 ,,.!Fax: 36 0=344-4619. Residential Building Permit Application P jectAddress: Legal Description (or Tax#� Office Use Qnly nC0 yl �fi� Addition: Lk,y1 S Piro C Permit umber Zoning: Block: BLD -��. Parcel# t,�e:s�er 1 5 o. 10�5 �((L5�lo� aoa� Lot(s):T � �F ,T Q Associated Permits: P{soject Description: C? r),&tyUC�; lcM oc- -UD-P } rf Applications by-rAaii must include a ch6ck for initial•pfan review fee of$150 for projects valued over$16,000. See Pa ge 2 for d4iA V on plan submittal requirements. Lender Information: Lender information must be provided for projects Property Owner/Applicant: over$5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: Q c v Name:�, Nl A Address: COI y 01 U _C) L1► CD l yl .2�fi i City/Wip:��J1'+ TOLJy -ae-nd . O A 913308 Project Valuation: $ Phone:U?(9 3-�01 ' Lf(R 01-7 Building Information (square feet): �J)A , Ge Email: O t k- CL r)CC @�1 0tng0_'tA < COVV) 1"floor Garage: 2"d floor Deck(s): Contact/Representatdvo: 3rd floor Porch es : Name: N I � l,Ff. -I G� ( ) Address: l 14 L L f1GC>1 n 5i-Y-f-Q�, Basement: Is it finished? Yes No City/St/Zip: i�QY-i-1Ot.)►-15{'1y�CJ, WA Carport: Other: Phone: (0- n I q -r"J ManuWactured Home❑ ADU ❑ Email: New Addition❑ Remodel/Repair❑ Contractor- ❑ am as Owner Total Lot Coverage(Building Footprint):*'\1�A �e►�ce A5 Name: VC)J � 4?� 1�-A- Square feet: % Address: PO box �;L I I Impervious Surface:* City/St/Zip:pOY'+ T( U)YISffl , (A) _ Square feet:_ *Tgt�l existing&proposed Phone: -SPD (0LA I Its I �� i - Email: 1-b n C (��'100 Q1�r�l-- �fllhat year �s It(,a structure built?tjI A StMe License#: U t,-L E.p: I )f. If work includes jldemolition,see Page 2. City Business License#: DO 19 3, 11 ul '� AY -Any known wetlands on the property? Y _ Any steep slope(>15%)? Y o o CI IV OF FO,;;"-�rir�tw I hereby certify that the information provided is cor ect.thatl am eitherfhe owner or authojized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities Asociated6+ this permit will be in accordance,with State LaWand the Port Townsend Municipal Code. PrintNamQ' ?kI l D p0, LariC2 2Signature: +1 / Date: 1 -1 I Page 1 of 1 4/17 0 9 O�PORTTO�y BUILDING PERMIT U ��C City of Port Townsend Development Services Department ¢w 250 Madison Street,Suite 3,Port Townsend,WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit# BLD09-070 Permit Type Residential- Miscellaneous Project Name Construction of a Cedar Fence>6 ft. Site Address 1614 LINCOLN ST Parcel# tall Project Description 965702202 Construct>6 foot-tall Cedar Fence between 1614 and 1640 Lincoln Names Associated with this Project License Type Name Contact Phone# Type License# Exp Date Applicant Lance Niklas J Owner Lance Niklas J Contractor As You Like It Martin Schneider (360)643-1701 CITY 1668 12/31/2009 Contractor As You Like It Martin Schneider (360)643-1701 STATE ASYOUL1978K 05/29/2009 Fee Information Project Details Project Valuation $370.00 Fences over 6' in height 185 SQFT Plan Review Fee 50.00 Units: Heat Type: PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 50.00 Bedrooms: Construction Type: PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -50.00 Bathrooms: Occupancy Type: Building Permit Fee 23.50 State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Technology Fee for Building Permit 5.00 Record Retention Fee for Building 3.00 Permit Total Fees $ 86.00 Conditions 10. Fence to be located on property line, or within applicants'property. ***SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Ca11385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name N k�' S T L AIV4 C Date Issued: 05/07/2009 Issued By: SFOSTER Signature �L-- L`' Date 1Z I`l�c ��� Date Expires: 11/03/2009 'PORT Tp�y CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS RECORD CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 0 Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3,Port Townsend,WA 98368 POST THIS CARD IN A SAFE,CONSPICUOUS LOCATION.PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AND SIGNED OFF BY THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY AND THE BUILDING IS APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY.STAMPED APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOBSITE. PARCEL NO. 965702202 PERMIT NO. BLD09-070 ISSUED DATE 05/07/2009 EXPIRATION DATE 11/03/2009 ADDRESS 1614 LINCOLN ST CONSTRUCTION TYPE OCCUPANT LOAD OWNER LANCE NIKLAS J PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct>6 foot-tall Cedar Fence between 1614 and 164( CONTRACTOR AS YOU LIKE IT LENDER INSPECTION INSP )ATE COMMENT INSPECTION INSP )ATE COMMENT FOOTING FINAL BUILDING TO REQUEST AN INSPECTION CALL(360)385-2294. INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO 3:00 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. OF PORT tOk o Receipt Number: 09-0310 Receipt Date: 05/07/2009 Cashier: SFOSTER Payer/Payee Name: LANCE NIKLAS J Original Fee Amount Fee Permit# Parcel Fee Description Amount Paid Balance BLD09-070 965702202 Plan Review Fee $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-070 965702202 PLAN REVIEW DEPOSIT 50 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLD09-070 965702202 PLAN REVIEW REFUND 50 -$50.00 -$50.00 $0.00 BLD09-070 965702202 Building Permit Fee $23.50 $23.50 $0.00 BLD09-070 965702202 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD09-070 965702202 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 BLD09-070 965702202 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $3.00 $3.00 $0.00 Total: $86.00 Previous Payment History _. Receipt# Receipt Date Fee Description Amount Paid Permit# Payment Check Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 3648 $86.00 Total: $86.00 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1