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Qoar ro CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND mo DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - = _ INSPECTION REPORT AWA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:OOpm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: ZW-O D n PERMIT NUMBER: I J�L CRr SITE ADDRESS: 7 30 7y(�1� t4l1� S%�fz CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:�2i�t c ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector tOl� Date /3d Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. 'PORT rp�y CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS RECORD �z CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND a wA Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 POST THIS CARD IN A SAFE, CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AND SIGNED OFF BY THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY AND THE BUILDING IS APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY. STAMPED APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOBSITE. PARCEL NO. 948304906 PERMIT NO. BLD09-012 ISSUED DATE 02/17/2009 EXPIRATION DATE 08/16/2009 ADDRESS 1430 HOLCOMB ST CONSTRUCTION TYPE OCCUPANT LOAD OWNER WILLIAMSON MICHAEL D PROJECT DESCRIPTION New carport CONTRACTOR LENDER INSPECTION INSP DATE COMMENTS TESC FOUNDATION PIERS SETBACKS SURVEY PINS FRAMING FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION INSP DATE COMMENTS TO REQUEST AN INSPECTION CALL (360) 385-2294. INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO 3:00 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ,?ORT ro CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT =4: INSPECTION REPORT AWA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: Lo PERMIT NUMBER: 8 L -\\ o9— (— O I L SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be / checked at next inspection Inspector LP "'yL Date Acknowledgement Date ❑ NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. z /9 ) Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CARPORT FOR ) IA�50 N PROJECT DESCRIPTION: TO BUILD AN OPEN CARPORT OVER THE EXISTING GRAVEL PARKING SPACES (2) AT THE END OF THE EXI5TING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY. 51TE ADPRE55: 1430 HOLCOMB ST. PORT TOWN5END, WA ge,36& OWNER ADDRESS: 1430 HOLCOMB 5T. PORT TOWN5END, WA 18368 PHONE: 360-371-0138 CONTRACTOR: ZONING: R -II ✓ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E15ENBE15 ADDTION, BLK 41 LOTS 21 THRU 24 $ PTN VAG, ALLEY ADJ TAX PARCEL #; 94&304g06 CODES: 2006 IRG, 2006 W5EG 6 VIAQ LOT COVERAGE: 50. FT. LOT AREA 12,650 EXI5TIN6 BUILDING FOOTPRINT qbb CARPORT FOOTPRINT 320 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 1,286 LOT GOVERAGE 10.2% IMPERVIOUS AREA: 50. FT. EXI5TING BLDG. ROOFPRINT 1,150 EXI5TING DRIVEWAY5 960 EXI5TING WALKWAY5 320 EXI5TING PORCHES 3q4 NEW CARPORT ROOFPRINT 3615 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 3,21q IMPERVIOUS AREA 25.40 — 1�41— lz—�IR2AC� U�, �v e� coMi ja iove I . 1 JoWe-o IS' -0" UNDEVELOPED 25,-0" EXISTING GRAVEL T DRIVEWAY AND (2) - PARKING SPACES � I IEXISTING GRAVEL WALKWAY l I 3r-0° I Ln OEXISTING I WRAP AROUND I I PORCH f I I i I I I I 20'-0" FRONT SETBACK I I I CARPORT ROOFPRINT o Ln `y m EX15TING - \ PORCH o �1111 EXISTING 5FR NORTH © RICHARD BERG MITECT5, P.G. 2006 e Ty Q� w APPROWD t ®Aid L Z � 1° 3 DLo PERM T �3L�t)9-nl. BY ijq yurL- (BUILDING OFFICzl'-A-'—L')"' CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND SITE DEAN 5GALE: I" = 20' NOTE TO OWNER5, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDING OFFICIALS: I. THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONTAIN ALL'INFORMATION REQUIRED TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING AND ZONING CODES. IN CASE OF ANY INFORMATION THAT APPEARS TO BE LACKING, PLEASE CONTACT THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 2. THESE PLANS CONTAIN THE MAJORITY OF THE INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BUILD THE STRUCTURE 5HOWN ON THE PLANS. HOWEVER, IT 15 NOT P0551BLE TO ANTICIPATE EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION NEEDED FOR 60145TRUGTION. THE ARCHITECTS HAVE MADE A GOOD FAITH EFFORT TO STRIKE. A REASONABLE BALANCE BETWEEN PROVISION OF INFORMATION AND 005T OF THE PLANS. THE PLANS WILL INEVITABLY CONTAIN MINOR DISCREPANCIES AND AREAS LACKING IN SPECIFIC INFORMATION. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, AS THESE AREAS EMERGE, THEY WILL REQUIRE ATTENTION AND RESOLUTION. THE BEST RE50LUTION OF ISSUES OF THIS TYPE 15 M05T OFTEN ACHIEVED THROUGH A JOINT DECISION MAKING PROCE55 INVOLVING THE OWNERS, ARCHITECT AND CONTRAGTOR(5). 14TH 5T. GRAVEL I I WALKWAY I I I = O I I I 1 10'-0" EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE o Q Lu nREAR -- __ -- -- _-- __ —b W - 110'-01, L 5FR NORTH © RICHARD BERG MITECT5, P.G. 2006 e Ty Q� w APPROWD t ®Aid L Z � 1° 3 DLo PERM T �3L�t)9-nl. BY ijq yurL- (BUILDING OFFICzl'-A-'—L')"' CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND SITE DEAN 5GALE: I" = 20' NOTE TO OWNER5, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDING OFFICIALS: I. THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONTAIN ALL'INFORMATION REQUIRED TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING AND ZONING CODES. IN CASE OF ANY INFORMATION THAT APPEARS TO BE LACKING, PLEASE CONTACT THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 2. THESE PLANS CONTAIN THE MAJORITY OF THE INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BUILD THE STRUCTURE 5HOWN ON THE PLANS. HOWEVER, IT 15 NOT P0551BLE TO ANTICIPATE EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION NEEDED FOR 60145TRUGTION. THE ARCHITECTS HAVE MADE A GOOD FAITH EFFORT TO STRIKE. A REASONABLE BALANCE BETWEEN PROVISION OF INFORMATION AND 005T OF THE PLANS. THE PLANS WILL INEVITABLY CONTAIN MINOR DISCREPANCIES AND AREAS LACKING IN SPECIFIC INFORMATION. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, AS THESE AREAS EMERGE, THEY WILL REQUIRE ATTENTION AND RESOLUTION. THE BEST RE50LUTION OF ISSUES OF THIS TYPE 15 M05T OFTEN ACHIEVED THROUGH A JOINT DECISION MAKING PROCE55 INVOLVING THE OWNERS, ARCHITECT AND CONTRAGTOR(5). 14TH 5T. NORTH N.T.S. (� j 'A n r n �l IJ, „A rJ < < 2009 R! TOYMSPID :o t' - KA < O a INDEX TO PRANIN65 Al 51TE PLAN $ PROJECT INFORMATION A2 FOUNDATION PLAN A3 SECTIONS AND DETAILS A4 ELEV T 22 9.0 m 0 .� lJ DATE: 12-05-06 SCALE: AS 5HOAN m O ® X OL O tY�z3 K�� t� O a u* n Z Q O w m o Q NORTH N.T.S. (� j 'A n r n �l IJ, „A rJ < < 2009 R! TOYMSPID :o t' - KA < O a INDEX TO PRANIN65 Al 51TE PLAN $ PROJECT INFORMATION A2 FOUNDATION PLAN A3 SECTIONS AND DETAILS A4 ELEV T 22 9.0 m 0 .� lJ DATE: 12-05-06 SCALE: AS 5HOAN m O ® X OL O tY�z3 K�� t� O a u* In rl ORNER BRACE5 2) AT EACH CORNER 05T, TYP. X(o KING P05T ELOW RIDGE BEAM ✓ ?) TYP. NAIL BOTH BOARD5 TO RAFTER. W/ IOD GAL\/. BOX 6 CRO55 12" DEEP FOOTING FACING ON TOP t/ W/ (3) #4 BARS V F 2X6 RAFTERS EACH WAY, TYP. K6 P057 BELOH BEAM ) TYP, 11.-r 1 V—Nllly vi. r.L-6. ,v " i uw _N/ i yr nt-,vnJ ✓ WITH TOP OF CRO55 BRACING. NORTH FRAKN5 FLAIL 5GALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" © RICHARD BER6 .-441TECT5 P w wD'�+ 2 e � v to Q O 0 L a 21-01' 14141 X I6' -I I EX15TINO GRAVEL DRIVE EX15TINO 4X4 HOOD CURB 6X6 P05T H/ CB5066 P05T BASE, (4) TYP. 9 2'-0" NORTH FOUNDATION PLAN 5GALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ��� 3= In 12-05-06 A5 SHOWN Z Z O- C 75 W- ® fL LL m cra 003 °oM 4-90K v—m o � fr O 0 w E3RAG<ET DETAIL ✓ 3 50ALE: I" = 1'-0" 1/2" X 8" LAGS TOP 4 BOTTOM END OF EACH J015T, 6A5LE END SECTION 5GALE: I" = 1'-0" CEDAR SHINGLE -5 OVER ^ - © RICHARD BER& . riITEGT5, P.G. 2008 In E3U I LD I N5 SECT ON 5GALE: 1/4" = I'-0"' SKIP 5HEATHING 3EYOND X6 CRO55 BRACING AVER RAFTERS in 10 V an CEDAR 5HINGLE5 (51MILAR TO HOU5E) OVER IX4 SKIP 5HEATHING AT 8" O.G. 6X12 RIDGE BEAM OF #1 (2) 51MPSON ACb bX6 KING P05T DF #2 Tom, 5 X 9� &LULAM 24F -V4 (2) SIMP50N AC6 E3U I LD I NO SEGTI ON 2 50ALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2X6 5TUD5 FOR GABLE END WALL BEYOND 6X10 BEAM ✓ 09®01 DATE: 12-05-06 SCALE: 1/2' = I' -0 v a. crS v s � d �o c 12 CD ton o0 Z� Y�' F ISHEET: A3 FRONT AND 5AG< ELEVATION 5GALE: 1/4" = I'-0" MfL FLASHING IX4 SKIP 5HEATHIN6 AT V O.G. OVER $RAGING AND RAFTER FURRIN6 .0 � Mp �� I M �1 � NA - V - © RICHARD SER& 4Xb RAFTER C2) 2m CEDAR 5HIN6LE5 OVER 7/16" OSB IX6 T86 PINE 6AE3LE END SEC.I I ON 2X6 AT 24" O.C. '41TECT5, P.G. 2008 0 a tu L Z LU O eA X }�- +n° vATE: 12-05-05 SCALE, 1/4" -- 1'-0' v Q 0 � CO rCi in b U p�o F ag ioE LU LU SHIM 51 X li 6LULAM J3LD 0 9— 0� A4 PERMIT # - I SCOPE OF WORK: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED 0I DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS Ok w / /1310 1 RUI) ao k Zoning: Setbacks OK? S Lot Size: G j� Building Size: - K� S Lot Coverage: p / FAR OK? Height OK? Parking OK? Critical Area? Demo? Historic Rev? Notice to Title? Lots of Record? �o�QORT ro�y� BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD09-012 Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Project Name new carport Site Address 1430 HOLCOMB ST Parcel # 948304906 Project Description New carport Nantes Associated with this Project License Type Name Contact Phone # Type License # Exp Date Applicant Williamson Michael D Owner Williamson Michael D Fee Information Project Details Project Valuation $57814.00 Private Garages — Open Carports 340 SQFT Building Permit Fee 125.25 Units: Heat Type: Plan Review Fee 50.00 Bedrooms: Construction Type: State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Bathrooms: Occupancy Type: Technology Fee for Building Permit 5.00 Record Retention Fee for Building 6.50 Permit Total Fees $ 191.25 Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of footing inspection to verify setbacks. *** SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Ca11385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. 1 certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1 further certify that 1 am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Yk Date Issued: 02/17/2009 Issued By: FFRANKLIN Signature Date C� �,. _[✓�!.. Date Expires: 08/16/2009 P - - -;Development Services E, u JAN 2 2 2009 Residential Building IPefmit-p400lication 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Project Address: Legal Description (or Tax ft Office Use Only / 4, 3b Ll o ino ko 5 1 Zoning: R Addition: Block: Permit N tuber BLD 012— / —Parcel Parcel #� y r� : y Lot(s): Z) 'iHi?J Z Vg P1 L Associated Permits: Proje t Description: ,(:;�"L)e, (_�1 6, R i� © J i ➢ Applications by mail must include a check for initial pla4T6View fee of $150 dor projects valued over $15,000. See Page 2 for details on plan submittal requirements. Lender Information: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: CSW vJPy' >- +h2Aci-ei'� Project Valuation: $yy U Building Information (square feet): 1" floor Garage: 2nd floor Deck(s): 3`d floor Porch(es): Basement. Is it finished? Yes No Carport:___3Other: ------------------ Manufactured Home ❑ ADU ❑ New Addition ❑ Remodel/Repair ❑ Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* Square feet: w 6 L % 10 G Impervious Surface:* Square feet, ` r 9 *Total existing & Proposed What year was the structure built? If work includes demolition, see Page 2. Any known wetlands on the property? Y N Any steep slopes (>15%)? Y N Property Owner/Applicant: ��VA Name: Lil r Address: % '3r) Ll cn IC %1A U <1 City/St/Zip: D S�*r'f C).. vLSec.\G� I Phone: . se",r) , 3 % 9 Q 2,,'3 R Email: o" Contac Representative: Name: cc sc� liry 912,): Address: ! O G 1 r4 I Loo City/St/Zip: a UJ A f3 . Z � 2 Phone: o&y - _53-.3q 4 L - 30� Email: it C� �/ 5 k� c �G� %.f ey/ s. Ile Contrac or: ❑ Same as Owngr Name: �e_.s�f fAx e—« ce vpg_-U, li-! Address: City/St/Zip: C C� S Phone: C Email: State License # ) xp: / 0 City Business License #: I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name(`,'[ILL.1iZQ { v\U W � Signature: c . _ .7 Date: 1 / 2Z/0(? Page 1 of 2_ZgJt2008 t4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. D Residential permit application. _-B-Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms ❑ Two (2) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than %" = 1 foot: ❑ A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number. (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey ti 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions 1 5. If creating new impervious surfaces, indicate measures utilized to retain stormwater on-site ; 6. Street names and any easements or vacations 7. Location and diameter of existing trees 8. Utility lines / 9. If applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 10. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers 1hFoundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting ❑ Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing ❑ Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections 9. Ceiling height p-10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation ❑ Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures Jilf architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature If engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature ❑ For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor Improvement application If you are proposing partial or full demolition of a structure that is at least 50 years old, per Ordinance 2969 Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) review is required. If within the National Historic Landmark district: $58.00 for full committee review. If outside the National Historic Landmark district and not on the Historic Register: $30.00 for HPC Administrative review. Complete HPC Form. Partial demolition includes exterior demolition for additions and remodels. Page 2 of 2 7/31/2008 ARCHITECTS 'c CI ► `� Richard Berg Architects; PC 719 Taylor St. Port Townsend, WA 98 368 Phone: 360-379-8090 Fax: 360-379-8324 www.richardbergarchitects.com Williamson Carport 1430 Holcomb Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Structural calculations Lateral and Gravity Loads December 3, 2008 ff5665TERED INGTOr w K. BLD 09'01' JA) /'/I Ap S- �- etA�6-&� AsAe Seo FRONT AND E3ACK ELEVATION 5GALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" © RICHARD BERG ARGHITEGT5, P.G. 2006 �ne, DO li Ps3n. �,3 � Z-4 Psi sF, SIDE ELEVATION SCALE! 1/4" = 1'-0" x O ,dux i Ar (� r E a) w N �d ; , ,ems. �+ Cwz- CORNER BRACE5 (2) AT EACH CORNER P05T, TYP. 6X6 KING P05T BELOW RIDGE BEAM (2) TYP. IX6 GR055 BRAGIN5 ON TOP OF 2X6 RAFTERS 6X6 P057 BELOW BEAM (4) TYP. ii. -r i viaai.v i,ni i�.iv .w ivi rv..i�7N5 WITH TOP OF GRO55 BRACING. NORTH FRAY INS FLAIL 5GALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Cu,,,mn( 2006 International Residential Code (05 NL,.,)1 Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berq , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 : 5:32:44 PM Prosect: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Roof Brace Summary: 0.75 IN x 5.5 IN x 24 FT / #2 - Douglas-Fir-Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 46.5% Vertical Reactions: Live: Vert-LL-Rxn= 421 LB Dead: Vert-DL-Rxn= 21 LB Total: Vert-TL-Rxn= 442 LB Axial Loads: Live Loads: PL= 421 LB Dead Loads: PD= 0 LB Column Self Weight: CSW= 21 LB Total Loads: PT= 442 LB Eccentricity (X-X Axis): ex= 0.00 IN Eccentricity (Y-Y Axis): ev= 0.00 IN Axial Duration Factor: Cd-Axial= 1.00 Column Data: Lenqth: L= 24.0 FT Maximum Unbraced Lenqth (X-X Axis): Lx= 3.0 FT Maximum Unbraced Length (Y-Y Axis): Lv= 3.0 FT Column End Condition: Ke= 1.0 Calculated Properties: Column Section (X-X Axis): dx= 5.50 IN Column Section (Y-Y Axis): dv= 0.75 IN Area: A= 4.13 I N2 Section Modulus (X-X Axis): Sx= 3.78 IN3 Section Modulus (Y-Y Axis): Sv= 0.52 IN3 Slenderness Ratio: Lex/dx= 6.55 Ley/dy= 48.0 Properties For: #2- Douqlas-Fir-Larch Compressive Stress: Fc= 1350 PSI Bendinq Stress (X-X Axis): Fbx= 900 PSI Bendinq Stress (Y-Y Axis): Fby= 900 PSI Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600000 PSI Adjusted Modulus of Elasticity: E-Min= 580000 PSI Adjusted Properties: Fc': Fc '= 200 PSI Adiustment Factors: Cd=1.00 Cf--1.05 Cp=0.14 Column Calculations (Controllinq Case Only): Controllinq Load Case: Axial Total Load Only (L + D) Compressive Stress: fc= 107 PSI Allowable Compressive Stress: Fc'= 200 PSI 4X4 I T3s 5IMP50N 5D5 J/ 1/4" X 6 WOOD �f6 SCREW, (6) 1 YP. m 2" MAX - 2" -41 3 5/8" BOLT 3 2 131261= (PIC d� Poi,U T CdA- Z) 6Aj PaST = 38� � (PF,02 G x� 6 14-)' ._._- 12 7 0 3 A46 WQ Coiumn( 2006 International Residential Code (05 NL,) I Ver: 7.01.10 Bv: Richard Berq , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008: 5:33:42 PM Protect: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Brace Summary: 3.5 IN x 3.5 IN x 4.5 FT / #2 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 96.3% Vertical Reactions: Live: Vert-LL-Rxn= 537 LB Dead: Vert-DL-Rxn= 12 LB Total: Vert-TL-Rxn= 549 LB Axial Loads: Live Loads: PL= 537 LB Dead Loads: PD= 0 LB Column Self Weight: CSW= 12 LB Total Loads: PT= 549 LB Eccentricity (X -X Axis): ex= 0.00 IN Eccentricity (Y -Y Axis): ey= 0.00 IN Axial Duration Factor: Cd -Axial= 1.00 Column Data: Lenqth: L= 4.5 FT Maximum Unbraced Lenqth (X -X Axis): Lx= 4.5 FT Maximum Unbraced Length (Y -Y Axis): Lv= 4.5 FT Column End Condition: Ke= 1.0 Calculated Properties: Column Section (X -X Axis): dx= 3.50 IN Column Section (Y -Y Axis): dv= 3.50 IN Area: A= 12.25 I N2 Section Modulus (X -X Axis): Sx= 7.15 IN3 Section Modulus (Y -Y Axis): Sv= 7.15 IN3 Slenderness Ratio: Lex/dx= 15.43 Ley/dy= 15.4 Properties For: #2- Douqlas-Fir-Larch Compressive Stress: Fc= 1350 PSI Bendinq Stress (X -X Axis): Fbx= 900 PSI Bendinq Stress (Y -Y Axis): Fbv= 900 PSI Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600000 PSI Adiusted Modulus of Elasticity: E -Min= 580000 PSI Adjusted Properties: Fc': Fc'= 1197 PSI Adiustment Factors: Cd=1.00 Cf --1.15 Cp=0.77 Column Calculations (Controllinq Case Only): Controllinq Load Case: Axial Total Load Only (L + D) Compressive Stress: fc= 45 PSI Allowable Compressive Stress: Fc'= 1197 PSI �' J Connection Calculator {16PA' Amencan Foimt a vaper ASSMaLen American N ood Council . F.r:,urcerrd uv'! 7i'iu�+,oa::F HJwf Trti.t::un http://www.awc.org/calculators/comections/Ccstyle.asp?design met,.. Connection Calculator Design Method Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Connection Type Lateral loading Fastener TypeBolt Loading Scenario 11 Single Shear - Wood Main Member IF =Suturit'Initial:Values` Main Member Type Douglas Fir -Larch Main Member Thickness 3.5 in. Main Member. Angle of 45 Load to Grain f Side Member Type Douglas Fir -Larch Side Member Thickness 13.5 in. Side Member. An of 45 Load to Grain Fastener Diameter 5/8 in. Load Duration Factor C_D = 1.0 Wet Service Factor C_M = 1.0 Temperature Factor C_t = 1.0 i Calculate Connection Capacity j :Con nection,YeldSMode Descriptrons l "-' .i .ljmRs.of,Use St� Diapti agm.Fact - I' -.Load (Jn ZtIOp;FBCYOf Help' :', Teeh ical HEIS'; <.: Show Prinfa(ile View `: �= Connection Yield Modes lm 11815 lbs. Is 1815 tbs. II 1835 lbs. IIIm 1895 N. IIIc 895 lbs. N 1812 lbs. Adjusted ASD Capacity 812 Ibs. • Bolt bending yield strength of 45,000 psi is assumed. • The Adjusted ASD Capacity is only applicable for bolts with adequate end distance, edge distance and spacing per NDS chapter 11. While everyefforthas been made to insure the accuracy ofthe information presented, and special efforthas been made to assure that the information reflects the state-of-the-art, neither the American Forest & Paper Association nor its members assume any responsibility for any particular design prepared fromthis on-line Connection Calculator. "Those using this on-line Connection Calculator assume all liability from its use. The Connection Calculator was designed and created by Cameron Knudson, Michael Dodson and David Pollock at Washington State University. Support for development of the Connection Calculator was provided by AF& PA's American Wood Council. 1 of 1 12/3/2008 5:25 PM Cowmn( 2006 International Residential Code (05 NL..,) J Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berg , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 : 5:33:16 PM Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: post Summary: 5.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 8 FT / #2 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 67.5% Vertical Reactions: Live: Vert-LL-Rxn= 2500 LB Dead: Vert-DL-Rxn= 1552 LB Total: Vert-TL-Rxn= 4052 LB Horizontal Reactions: Total Reaction at Top of Column: TL-Rxn-Top= 143 LB Total Reaction at Bottom of Column: TL-Rxn-Bottom= 238 LB Horizontal Deflection: Deflection due to lateral loads only: Defl= 0.06 IN = U1477 Axial Loads: Live Loads: PL= 2500 LB Dead Loads: PD= 1500 LB Column Self Weight: CSW= 52 LB Total Loads: PT= 4052 LB Eccentricity (X -X Axis): ex= 0.00 IN Eccentricity (Y -Y Axis): ev= 0.00 IN Axial Duration Factor: Cd -Axial= 1.00 Lateral Loads: (Wind/Seismic) Loads applied to: (Dy Face) Uniform Lateral Load: wL-lat= 0 PLF Point Load 1: P1-lat= 380 LB Location from Top of Column: P1-loc= 5.0 FT Lateral Duration Factor. Cd-lat= 1.33 Column Data: Length: L= 8.0 FT Maximum Unbraced Length (X -X Axis): Lx= 8.0 FT Maximum Unbraced Length (Y -Y Axis): Lv= 8.0 FT Column End Condition: Ke= 1.0 Calculated Properties: Column Section (X -X Axis): dx= 5.50 IN Column Section (Y -Y Axis): dy= 5.50 IN Area: A= 30.25 IN2 Section Modulus (X -X Axis): Sx= 27.73 IN3 Section Modulus (Y -Y Axis): Sv= 27.73 IN3 Slenderness Ratio: Lex/dx= 17.45 Ley/dy= 17.5 Properties For: #2- Douqlas-Fir-Larch Compressive Stress: Fc= 700 PSI Bending Stress (X -X Axis): Fbx= 750 PSI Bending Stress (Y -Y Axis): Fby= 750 PSI Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1300000 PSI Adjusted Modulus of Elasticity: E -Min= 470000 PSI Adjusted Properties: Fbx': Fbx'= 998 PSI Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.33 CF=1.00 Fby': Fby'= 998 PSI Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.33 CF=1.00 Fc': Fc'= 732 PSI Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.33 Cp=0.79 Column Calculations (Controlling Case Only): Controlling Load Case: Axialhard Dead Load and Lateral loads (D + W or E) Compressive Stress: fc= 51 PSI Allowable Compressive Stress: Fc'= 732 PSI Eccentricity Moment (X -X Axis): Mx -ex= 0 FT -LB Eccentricity Moment (Y -Y Axis): My-ey= 0 FT -LB Moment Due to Lateral Loads (X -X Axis): Mx= 707 FT -LB Bending Stress Lateral Loads Only (X -X Axis): fbx= 306 PSI Allowable Bending Stress (X -X Axis): Fbx'= 998 PSI Bending Stress Lateral Loads Only (Y -Y Axis): fbv= 0 PSI Allowable Bending Stress (Y -Y Axis): Fby'= 998 PSI Combined Stress Factor. CSF= 0.32 Simpson Strong -Tie Screws (y) Page 2 of 2 " /Vowaoie loads are based on the jCBO-ER 52b8 for use with metal side plates, FQs---45-ksi. 2. Metric equivalents are listed by Diameter x Length. 3. Zinc = Yellow zinc dichromate. 4. SDS screws install best with a low speed 1/2" drill with a 3/8" hex head driver. 5. Wood -to -wood applications are based on a wood thickness of 1 1/2" side member. For other wood species and thickness, reference ICBO- ER 5268, 6. These loads are for 100% duration. They may be increased per the NDS. Engineer I Architect / Building Designer I Inspector I Distributor I Contractor I Homeowner Limited Warrantv I Important Information I Simpson Manufacturing Copyright © 2002, Simpson Strong -Tie Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved Contact Webmaster with questions or comments. http://www.strongtie.com/products/connectors—list/sds.html 6/13/02 fi�p� Fir-1.ardtiSoume 1_ql � 'F4$ rflGt P9rie"Fir F:. S Sxy�"F �M1frRP �' '1 ^a AA YiMVbl l.Y♦?YS1 -A j'n-� : 4 .1`I�iI�TiV 11IG YS� 1YY�'P,,�'Yj,3�v s l a er€ption � M^ tdr`i, >i I Fl� _, ps$r ze ja c sGaUSIR" ralert! , Shear:. 81r .�.� Z$ O, .Shear . Shear; F f Y S ky % x % zrri 5 ,i ••"rys Y k ..3 �l�f g� dal 's-'i��W{-ij W7� qp i ili �E sf �jWPy� Ek ��0�.. :1 ',,'"l f 7 SDBx 25 x I '/A, good scrsw (4.2 x 31 1 E , — j 76 — —65 iI SDSY4 x j lrf : 1/4 x 1 W Wood screw ! 6.1 x 38 — - ZINC 1 � — — 247 — 243 — 214 212 I -- 4 - SDSY� x 1a� Y• x 1�f< 1Nood screw - ; 81 x 4t S - ' ZINC 1400 00 _ , -- - - - - - --- _ _282 291 --------- - - - — -- _ 253 2S4 - Si V/4 x 2 'A x 7 Wood screw 6.1 x 50.8 1 ZINC 1300 — 306 � 327 — 264 284 SDSYax2Yz `i �Y,x2 Waad_screw ixr81 x'6 5 Z11dC j 1iH# 't%tr' 3t�da :.W s 37 `,Al 264'i-14 284 SDSlf4 x 3 1�4 x 3' Wood screw _# x 78 ZINC0 �s < t . pq}�,� T i+`r? Y S7'Mi51� x� ,�f ,y, i 1 i t Lii'� y y SOS'1• x 3'1 ;,'k�4 x 334' Woad carer _,i�x 8.8';93�k, X32% " r' ` 264E,_284 a SDSY4 x 4'h 1$ x 41A' wood screw 6.1 x 114.3 ZINC800 272 i 30s 327 216 264 284 SDSY4 x 6 1k x 6" Wood screw ; 81 x 1524 ; ZINC , 640 272 '346 327216 264 284 � " /Vowaoie loads are based on the jCBO-ER 52b8 for use with metal side plates, FQs---45-ksi. 2. Metric equivalents are listed by Diameter x Length. 3. Zinc = Yellow zinc dichromate. 4. SDS screws install best with a low speed 1/2" drill with a 3/8" hex head driver. 5. Wood -to -wood applications are based on a wood thickness of 1 1/2" side member. For other wood species and thickness, reference ICBO- ER 5268, 6. These loads are for 100% duration. They may be increased per the NDS. Engineer I Architect / Building Designer I Inspector I Distributor I Contractor I Homeowner Limited Warrantv I Important Information I Simpson Manufacturing Copyright © 2002, Simpson Strong -Tie Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved Contact Webmaster with questions or comments. http://www.strongtie.com/products/connectors—list/sds.html 6/13/02 n M rn iz M rn 04 0 ti N M Uplift load for 5/12 pitch linear interpolation 70 sq. ft. Area: E F G H Wind load from table 1609.6.2.1 -13.8 -9.6 -9.6 -9.6 Wind load from Table 1609.6.2.1 -6.4 -8.7 -4.6 -7 Total -20.2 -18.7 -14.2 -14.3 /2 /2 /2 /2 Average wind load -10.1 -9.2 -7.1 -8.3 Area: 70 sq. ft. Area: 70 sq. ft. Wind load: -9.2 Wind load: -10.1 Uplift load: -644# Uplift load: -707# Area: 56 sq. ft. Area: 56 sq. ft. Wind load: -7.2 Wind load: -7.1 Uplift load: - 403# Uplift load: -397.5# Area: 56 sq. ft. Area: 56 sq. ft. Wind load: -7.2 Wind load: -7.1 Uplift load: -403# Uplift load: -397.5# Area: 70 sq. ft. Area: 70 sq. ft. Wind load: -9.2 Wind load: -10.1 Uplift load: -644# Uplift load: -707# 11'-7 1/2" 23'-3" 11'-7 1/2" Uplift load Uplift on 1 post load on (worst king case) post 07 644 Wind direction 397.5 403 -------- 1105 1047 1104 1047 v 2151 1104.5 - dead load (121 sf x 10 psf) = 1104.5 - 1210 = 0# Area: 65 sq. ft. Area: 61 sq. ft. Area: 61 sq. ft. Area: 65 sq. ft. Wind load: -9.2 Wind load: -7.2 Wind load: -7.2 Wind load: -9.2 Uplift load: -598# Uplift load: -439# Uplift load: -439# Uplift load: -598# Area: 65 sq. ft. Area: 61 sq. ft. Area: 61 sq. ft. Area: 65 sq. ft. Wind load: -10.1 Wind load: -7.1 Wind load: -7.1 Wind load: -10.1 Uplift load: -656.5# Uplift load: -439# Uplift load: -439# Uplift load: -656.5# C. 5'-7 1/2" 11'-3" 23'-3" n Wind ; direction 5'-7 1/2" 1 6' Uplift Uplift load on 1 load on post king post (worst 1089.5 case) x 2 656.5 2179 433 1089.5 2179 -dead load (242 sf x 10 psi Roof Rafter[ 2006 International Residential Code (05 NDS) j Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berg , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Rafters Summary: 3.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 11.67 FT (10 + 1.7) @ 32 O.C. / #2 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 68.5% Controlling Factor Section Modulus / Depth Required 4.24 In LOADING DIAGRAM Interior Span = 10 ft (10.83 ft) Rafter Pitch: 5 : 12 Reactions Live Load Dead Load Total Load Uplift Load A 333 Lb 140 Lb 474 Lb 0 Lb B 454 Lb 197 Lb 651 Lb 0 Lb Interior Span Uniform Loading Live Load Dead Load Total Load W 25 Psf 10 Psf 35 Psf Eave Uniform Loading Live Load Dead Load Total Load W 25 Psf 10 Psf 35 Psf = 1.67 ft (1.81 ft) Roos wafter( 2006 International Residential Code (05 , .-S) 1 Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berq , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 : 5:50:27 PM Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Rafters Summary: 3.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 11.67 FT 00 + 1.7) (a) 32 O.C. / #2 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 68.5% Controlling Factor: Section Modulus / Depth Required 4.24 In Interior Span Deflections: DLD-Interior- Dead Load: Live Load: LLD -Interior - Total Load: TLD-Interior- Eave Deflections (Positive Deflections used for design): Dead Load: DLD-Eave= Live Load: LLD-Eave= Total Load: TLD-Eave= Rafter End Loads and Reactions: LOADS: Upper Live Load: 125 PLF Upper Dead Load: 53 PLF Upper Total Load: 178 PLF Lower Live Load: 170 PLF Lower Dead Load: 74 PLF Lower Total Load: 244 PLF Upper Equiv. Tributary Width: UTWeq= Lower Equiv. Tributary Width: LTWeq= Rafter Data: L= Interior Span: Eave Span: L-Eave= Rafter Spacing: Spacinq= Rafter Pitch: RP= Roof sheathinq applied to top of joists -Top of rafters fully braced. Notch Depth 0. Peak: NDpeak= Notch Depth A Base: NDbase= Live Load Deflect. Criteria: U Total Load Deflect. Criteria: U Rafter Loads: LL= Roof Live Load: Roof Dead Load: DL= Roof Duration Factor: Cd= Slope Adjusted Spans And Loads: Interior Span: L-adj= Eave Span: L-Eave-adj= Rafter Live Load: wL-adj= Rafter Dead Load: wD-adj= Rafter Total Load: wT-adj= Properties For: #2- Douqlas-Fir-Larch Bendinq Stress: Fb= Shear Stress: Fv= Modulus of Elasticity: E_ Adjusted Modulus of Elasticitv: E -Min= Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Fc -perp= Adjusted Properties Fb'= Fb' (Tension): Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 CF=1.30 Adjustment FV: Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: M= Controllinq Moment: 5.417 Ft from left support of span 2 (Center Span) Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2 Controllinq Shear: V= At a distance d from riqht support of span 2 (Center Span) Critical shear created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2, 3 Comparisons With Required Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): Sreq= Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (Deflection): S- Areq= A= I req= 1= 0.09 IN 0.23 IN = U573 0.32 IN = U408 0.00 IN 0.02 IN = 2L/2855 0.00 IN = 2U43420000 RXNS: 333 LB 140 LB 474 LB 454 LB 197 LB 651 LB 5.27 FT 7.38 FT 10.0 FT 1.67 FT 32.0 IN O.C. 5.0 : 12 1.37 IN 1.37 IN 240 180 25.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 1.15 10.83 FT 1.81 FT 57 PLF 25 PLF 81 PLF 900 PSI 180 PSI 1600000 PSI 580000 PSI 625 PSI 1346 PSI 207 PSI 1174 FT -LB 418 LB 10.47 IN3 17.65 IN3 3.03 IN2 10.85 IN2 21.39 IN4 48.53 IN4 Roof Beam[ 2006 International Residential Code (05 NDS) ) Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berg , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Ridge beam Summary: 5.5 IN x 11.5 IN x 16.0 FT / #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 31.7% Controlling Factor Section Modulus / Depth Required 10.02 In LOADING DIAGRAM Span = 16 ft Reactions Live Load Dead Load Total Load Uplift Load A 2000 Lb 976 Lb 2976 Lb 0 Lb B 2000 Lb 976 Lb 2976 Lb 0 Lb Span Uniform Loading Live Load Dead Load Self Weight Total Load W 250 Plf 108 Plf 14 Plf 372 Plf Roor r3eam( 2006 International Residential Code (05 I..LjS)1 Ver: 7.01.10 Bv: Richard Berq , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008: 5:38:22 PM Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Ridge beam 2679 Summary: Sreq= 5.5 IN x 11.5 IN x 16.0 FT / #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use IN3 Section Adequate By: 31.7% Controlling Factor: Section Modulus / Depth Required 10.02 In Deflections: IN3 Dead Load: DLD= Live Load: LLD= Total Load: TLD= Reactions (Each End): 321.39 Live Load: LL-Rxn= Dead Load: DL-Rxn= Total Load: TL-Rxn= Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL= Beam Data: Span: L= Maximum Unbraced Span: Lu= Pitch Of Roof: RP= Live Load Deflect. Criteria: U Total Load Deflect. Criteria: U Roof Loadinq: Roof Live Load -Side One: LL1= Roof Dead Load -Side One: DL1= Tributary Width -Side One: TW1= Roof Live Load -Side Two: LL2= Roof Dead Load -Side Two: DL2= Tributary Width -Side Two: TW2= Roof Duration Factor: Cd= Beam Self Weiqht: BSW= Slope/Pitch Adjusted Lenqths and Loads: Adjusted Beam Lenqth: Ladj= Beam Uniform Live Load: wL= Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj= Total Uniform Load: WT= Properties For: #1- Douqlas-Fir-Larch Bendinq Stress: Fb= Shear Stress: Fv= Modulus of Elasticitv: E_ Adjusted Modulus of Elasticity: E -Min= Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Fc_perp= Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tension): Fb'= Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 CF=1.00 Adjustment FV: Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: Controllinq Moment: 8.0 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and live loads. Controllinq Shear: At a distance d from support. Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With Required Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (Deflection): 0.16 IN 0.33 IN = U581 0.49 IN = U390 2000 LB 976 LB 2976 LB 0.87 IN 16.0 FT 0.0 FT 5. : 12 240 180 25.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 5.0 FT 25.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 5.0 FT 1.15 14 PLF 16.0 FT 250 PLF 122 PLF 372 PLF 1350 PSI 170 PSI 1600000 PSI 580000 PSI 625 PSI 1553 PSI 196 PSI M= 11905 FT -LB V= 2679 LB Sreq= 92.02 IN3 S= 121.23 IN3 Areq= 20.55 IN2 A= 63.25 IN2 Ireq= 321.39 IN4 1= 697.07 IN4 Multi -Loaded Beam[ 2006 International Residential Code (05 NDS) ] Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berg , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Header beam Summary: 5.125 IN x 10.5 IN x 18.5 FT 124F -V4 - Visually Graded Western Species - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 9.8% Controlling Factor Moment of Inertia / Depth Required 10.18 In LOADING DIAGRAM A P1 Center Span = 18.5 ft Reactions Live Load Dead Load Total Load Uplift Load A 1000 Lb 707 Lb 1707 Lb 0 Lb B 1000 Lb 707 Lb 1707 Lb 0 Lb Center Span Uniform Loading Live Load Dead Load Self Weight Total Load W 0 Pif 0 Pif 12 Plf 12 Plf Trapezoidal Loading Left LL Left DL Right LL Right DL Load Start Load End TR1 0 Plf 0 Pif 0 Plf 24 Plf 0 Ft 9.2 Ft TR2 0 Plf 24 Plf 0 Plf 0 Pif 9.2 Ft 18.5 Ft Point Loading Live Load Dead Load Location P1 2000 Lb 976 Lb 9.2 Ft B Multi-Lo—ad Beam[ 2006 International Residential Code t_" NDS) ) Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berg , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 : 5:46:35 PM Prosect: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Header beam Summary: 5.125 IN x 10.5 IN x 18.5 FT / 24F -V4 - Visually Graded Western Species - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 9.8% Controlling Factor: Moment of Inertia / Depth Required 10.18 In Center Span Deflections: Dead Load: DLD-Center- 0.33 IN Live Load: LLD -Center- 0.51 IN = U433 Total Load: TLD -Center= 0.84 IN = U264 Camber Required: C= 0.49 IN Center Span Left End Reactions (Support A): Live Load: LL-Rxn-A= 1000 LB Dead Load: DL-Rxn-A= 707 LB Total Load: TL-Rxn-A= 1707 LB Bearing Lenqth Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL -A= 0.51 IN Center Span Right End Reactions (Support B): Live Load: LL-Rxn-B= 1000 LB Dead Load: DL-Rxn-B= 707 LB Total Load: TL-Rxn-B= 1707 LB Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL -B= 0.51 IN Beam Data: Center Span Length: L2= 18.5 FT Center Span Unbraced Lenqth-Top of Beam: Lu2-Top= 0.0 FT Center Span Unbraced Length -Bottom of Beam: Lu2-Bottom= 18.5 FT Live Load Duration Factor: Cd= 1.00 Live Load Deflect. Criteria: U 360 Total Load Deflect. Criteria: U 240 Center Span Loading: Uniform Load: wL-2= 0 PLF Live Load: Dead Load: wD-2= 0 PLF Beam Self Weight: BSW= 12 PLF Total Load: wT-2= 12 PLF Point Load 1 Live Load: PL1-2= 2000 LB Dead Load: PD1 -2= 976 LB Location (From left end of span): X1-2= 9.25 FT Trapezoidal Load 1 Left Live Load: TRL-Left-1-2= 0 PLF Left Dead Load: TRD-Left-1-2= 0 PLF Right Live Load: TRL-Riqht-1-2= 0 PLF Right Dead Load: TRD-Right-1-2= 24 PLF Load Start: A-1-2= 0.0 FT Load End: B-1-2= 9.25 FT Load Length: C-1-2= 9.25 FT Trapezoidal Load 2 Left Live Load: TRL-Left-2-2= 0 PLF Left Dead Load: TRD-Left-2-2= 24 PLF Right Live Load: TRL-Riqht-2-2= 0 PLF Right Dead Load: TRD-Right-2-2= 0 PLF Load Start: A-2-2= 9.25 FT Load End: B-2-2= 18.5 FT Load Length: C-2-2= 9.25 FT Properties For: 24F -V4- Visually Graded Western Species Bending Stress: Fb= 2400 PSI Shear Stress: Fv= 265 PSI Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1800000 PSI Adiusted Modulus of Elasticity: E -Min= 930000 PSI Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Fc perp= 650 PSI Bending Stress of Comp. Face in Tension: Fb_cpr- 1850 PSI Adjusted Properties Fb'= 2400 PSI Fb' (Tension): Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.00 F�: Fv'= 265 PSI Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.00 Design Requirements: Controlling Moment: M= 14948 FT -LB 9.25 Ft from left support of span 2 (Center Span) Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2 Controlling Shear: V= 1698 LB At a distance d from left support of span 2 (Center Span) Critical shear created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2 Comparisons With Required Sections: Sreq= 74.74 IN3 Section Modulus (Moment): S= 94.17 IN3 Area (Shear): Areq= 9.61 IN2 Paqe: 2 Multi -Loaded Beaml' 2006 International Residential By: Richard Berq , Richard Berg Architects on: Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Header beam Moment of Inertia (Deflection): Code (05 NDS)1 Ver: 7.01.10 12-03-2008: 5:46:35 PM A= 53.81 IN2 Ireq= 450.14 IN4 1= 494.40 IN4 Roof Beam[ 2006 International Residential Code (05 NDS) ] Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berg , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT- Location: Eave beam Summary: 5.5 IN x 9.5 IN x 16.0 FT / #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 33.6% Controlling Factor Section Modulus / Depth Required 8.22 In LOADING DIAGRAM A B Reactions Live Load A 1334 Lb B 1334 Lb Span Uniform Loading Live Load W 167 Plf Span = 16 ft Dead Load Total Load Uplift Load 669 Lb 2003 Lb 0 Lb 669 Lb 2003 Lb 0 Lb Dead Load Self Weight Total Load 72 Plf 11 Plf 250 Plf Roos deamf 2006 International Residential Code (05 .,jS)1 Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berg , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008 : 5:39:43 PM Project: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: Eave beam 1842 Summary: Sreq= 5.5 IN x 9.5 IN x 16.0 FT / #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use IN3 Section Adequate By: 33.6% Controlling Factor: Section Modulus / Depth Required 8.22 In Deflections: IN3 Dead Load: DLD= Live Load: LLD= Total Load: TLD= Reactions (Each End): 216.25 Live Load: LL-Rxn= Dead Load: DL-Rxn= Total Load: TL-Rxn= Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL= Beam Data: Span: L= Maximum Unbraced Span: Lu= Pitch Of Roof: RP= Live Load Deflect. Criteria: U Total Load Deflect. Criteria: U Roof Loading: Roof Live Load -Side One: LL1= Roof Dead Load -Side One: DL1= Tributary Width -Side One: TW1= Roof Live Load -Side Two: LL2= Roof Dead Load -Side Two: DL2= Tributary Width -Side Two: TW2= Roof Duration Factor: Cd= Beam Self Weight: BSW= Slope/Pitch Adjusted Lengths and Loads: Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj= Beam Uniform Live Load: wL= Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adi= Total Uniform Load: WT= Properties For: #1- Douqlas-Fir-Larch Bending Stress: Fb= Shear Stress: Fv= Modulus of Elasticity: E_ Adjusted Modulus of Elasticity: E -Min= Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Fc_perp= Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tension): Fb'= Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 CF=1.00 Adjustment FV: Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: Controlling Moment: 8.0 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and live loads. Controlling Shear. At a distance d from support. Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With Required Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (Deflection): 0.20 IN 0.39 IN = U491 0.59 IN = U327 1334 LB 669 LB 2003 LB 0.58 IN 16.0 FT 0.0 FT 5. : 12 240 180 25.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 5.0 FT 25.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 1.67 FT 1.15 11 PLF 16.0 FT 167 PLF 84 PLF 250 PLF 1350 PSI 170 PSI 1600000 PSI 580000 PSI 625 PSI 1553 PSI 196 PSI M= 8011 FT -LB V= 1842 LB Sreq= 61.92 IN3 S= 82.73 IN3 Areq= 14.14 IN2 A= 52.25 IN2 Ireq= 216.25 IN4 1= 392.96 IN4 Footii.„ Jesiqn f 2006 International Residential Code(, _ .4DS)1 Ver: 7.01.10 By: Richard Berq , Richard Berg Architects on: 12-03-2008: 5:54:37 PM Proiect: WILLIAMSON CARPORT - Location: pad footings Summary: Footinq Size: 2.0 FT x 2.0 FT x 12.00 IN Reinforcement: #4 Bars @ 8.00 IN. O.C. E/W / (3) min. Footing Loads: PL= 2714 LB Live Load: L Dead Load: D PD= 1376 LB Total Load: PT= Pu= 4090 5994 LB LB Ultimate Factored Load: Footing Properties: Allowable Soil Bearinq Pressure: Qs= 1500 PSF Concrete Compressive Strenqth: F'c= Fv= 2500 40000 PSI PSI Reinforcinq Steel Yield Strenqth: 3.00 IN Concrete Reinforcement Cover: c= Footing Size: W= 2.0 FT Width: Length: L= 2.0 FT Depth: Depth= 12.00 IN Effective Depth to Top Layer of Steel: d= 8.25 IN Column and Baseplate Size: (Wood) Column Type: m= 6.00 IN Column Width: n= 6.00 IN Column Depth: Bearing Calculations: Qu= 1023 PSF Ultimate Bearinq Pressure: Qe= 1350 PSF Effective Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: Ar 3.03 SF Required Footing Area: A= A-- 4.0 SF Area Provided: Baseplate Bearinq: Bearinq Required: Bearinq= 5994 LB Allowable Bearinq: Bearing -Allow= 107100 LB Beam Shear Calculations (One Way Shear): Vu1= 937 LB Beam Shear: Allowable Beam Shear: vc1= 16830 LB Punching Shear Calculations (Two way shear): Bo= 57.00 IN Critical Perimeter: Vu2= 3881 LB Punchinq Shear: Allowable Punchinq Shear (ACI 11-35): vc2-a= 119914 LB Allowable Punchinq Shear (ACI 11-36): vc2-b= 155678 LB Allowable Punchinq Shear (ACI 11-37): vc2-c= 79943 LB Controllinq Allowable Punching Shear: vc2= 79943 LB Bending Calculations: Mu= 17981 IN -LB Factored Moment: Nominal Moment Strength: Mn= 169965 IN -LB Reinforcement Calculations: a= 0.46 IN Concrete Compressive Block Depth: As(1)= 0.06 IN2 Steel Required Based on Moment: Minimum Code Required Reinforcement (Shrinkage/Temperature ACI -10.5.4): As(2)=0.58 IN2 Controllinq Reinforcinq Steel: As-reqd= 0.58 IN2 Selected Reinforcement: #4 Bars @ 8.00 IN. O. s-_E/W / (3) Min. Reinforcement Area Provided: IN2 Development Lenqth Calculations: Ld= 15.00 IN Development Lenqth Required: Ld-sup= 9.00 IN Development Lenqth Supplied: Note: Plain concrete adequate for bending, therefore adequate development length not required. 3 57 2 1 4 5 6 s, —i ■ ■ i 00 •WaterWaste r • Water rem Ston -n Water• .�mal E , 3 57 2 1 4 5 6 3 4 2 1 �� g Receipt Number: BLD09-012 948304906 Building Permit Fee $125.25 $125.25 $0.00 BLD09-012 948304906 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD09-012 948304906 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 BLD09-012 948304906 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $6.50 $6.50 $0.00 Total: $141.25 f Receipt Date �; � Fee`�DesCnptton`; �,s": � AmountpPatd '~ k # #�� ��Recetpt � � � ; Permit 09-0046 01/22/2009 Plan Review Fee $50.00 BLD09-012 CHECK 2678 $ 141.25 Total: $141.25 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 BLD09-012 948304906 Plan Review Fee CHECK 2670 Total $ 50.00 $50.00 Receipt Number: $50.00 $50.00 Total: $50.00 $0.00 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1