HomeMy WebLinkAbout060419 Minutes
Date: Time:Location:
June 4, 2019 3:00 pm City Hall Conference Rm. #3.
Members Present:
Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice Chair), George Randels, Charles Paul, Don Schussler
Members Absent/: Staff Present:
ExcusedCate Comerford, Kathleen Croston Senior Planner John McDonagh
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes
The full committee minutes of May 7, 2019 and sub-committee minutes of May 16,
2019 were approved as presented (5-0).
Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda for May 7 was approved as presented (5-0).
HPC members received an invitation to the Chetzemoka Trail and totem pole
dedication being held June 29, 2019. HPC requested staff to RSVP that most, but not
all, 7 members would be honored to attend.
Appearance of Fairness
Chair Richard Berg indicated he would recuse himself from the review of HPC19-020
as his firm represents the applicants. With this recusal, a quorum of 4 HPC members
was still present to make a recommendation on the subject application.
Public Comment (for any non-Agenda items) None
Other Business
Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA)
City Attorney Heidi Greenwood provided staff and committee training on the OPMA.
New Business
A. HPC19-020, 1059 Quincy Street
Tamara Halligan of Terrapin Arch presented the application along with owners, Fritz &
Anne Marie Reinman. Staff advised the proposed rear & side additions were
Rear, side and front façade alterations to
reviewable at the staff-level including the side addition departure needed for its location
a Secondary SFR
relative to the front facade. As such, HPC was asked to focus on the front façade
alterations, which require the applicant to demonstrate a functional adaptation is
needed. Terrapin detailed the existing small habitable area on the home’s 2 floor as
a key basis for the front façade dormer additions.
HPC recommended approval (4-0) of the project as presented with encouragement to
the applicant to minimize the new front dormer sizes or mitigate the appearance of
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
B. HPC19-027, 1525 Lincoln Street Owners Daniel and Katherine Klassen represented their application to rehabilitate the
home. Per the applicant’s drawing and City maps, the existing home is very close to
Rear, side and front façade alterations to
the minimum side yard setback (5’) from the west property line. The home’s front
a Secondary SFR with possible need for
façade may also be located too close to the north property line to prescriptively permit
setback departure for each.
the planned front porch addition. Owners have ordered a boundary survey for the
property which, when received, will confirm the extent of setback departures needed for
the project.
Staff advised HPC the rear & side additions are generally consistent with adopted
guidelines, subject to a possible side setback reduction needed from the west property
line (e.g. a Type II departure review). The owner’s application documented how the
front façade work (e.g. a front porch addition and revised 2 floor window openings) is
a reintroduction of now-missing historic features. The replacement work would use
modern materials (i.e. clad windows, pressure treated wood, asphalt shingles) in a
design that is appropriate to the home without being a strict restoration. As an effort to
replace missing front façade features, the changes proposed were not reviewed under
the “functional adaptation” standard applicable to the previous application. However,
the front porch addition may require both a side and a front setback departure approval
to be constructed. The boundary survey work, once received, will provide direction on
any further application review process that is required under code.
HPC recommended project approval (5-0) as presented, including all side and front
setback departures that may be needed for the construction.
Old Business
HPC18-015, PUD Transformers
Staff asked for appointment of a sub-committee for review and (if appropriate)
recommendation of WAVE and CenturyLink equipment enclosures at various
Other franchise utility equipment
downtown locations that staff anticipates being presented soon. HPC members Charlie
enclosure needs
Paul and George Randels agreed to serve as sub-committee when details for these
franchise utilities are submitted.
None; however, HPC asked staff why glass objects were not acceptable for the Big
Belly containers. HPC also asked staff to provide feedback on their recommendations
(e.g. copies of the Director-issued Design Review decisions). Staff agreed to research
& respond for the next HPC meeting.
Next Meeting:
July 2, 2019
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5.00 p.m.