HomeMy WebLinkAbout050719 Minutes
Date: Time:Location:
May 7, 2019 3:00 pm City Hall Conference Rm. #3.
Members Present:
Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice Chair), George Randels, Charles Paul, Kathleen Croston, Don Schussler (arvd. late)
Members Absent: Staff Present:
Cate Comerford Senior Planner John McDonagh
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of March 5, 2019 were approved as presented (4-0-1; Croston abstained).
Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda for May 7 was approved as presented (5-0-1).
Public Comment (for any non-Agenda items) A member of the public (Margaret Lee) asked where the City’s code provisions and
standards for Secondary historic homes were located. Staff responded that the locally
adopted standards for home are found at PTMC 17.30.158.
Old Business
A. HPC19-014, 1003 Water St. (Flagship
Applicant Nora Kingsley presented a more refined - but still conceptual - rendering of
Landing) – Installation of Artistic Mural
her mural design, color choices and text. The applicant described her outreach efforts
– Final Review of colors & text.
to the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe in the mural text selection process, which consisted
of (primarily) tribal library research. However, no official tribal sanction for the text
presented had yet been secured.
HPC again echoed the need to formalize tribal support for any mural text that would
attempt to represent local Native American beliefs and customs. Questions also
remained about the depiction of the eagle wings and color use. With these questions
still unsettled, HPC recommended appointment of a sub-committee (6-0 in favor; K.
Croston & D. Schussler agreed to serve) to conduct final review and recommendation
on these items to the DSD Director.
B. HPC18-038, 725 Water St. (C.F. Clapp Rick Hiner of RHA presented the proposal. Review focus for this meeting involved the
Bldg.) – Review of front façade
front façade details, including a tinted concrete base, wood windows, wood wrapped
treatments, sandwich board and
steel storefront framing and a pair of narrow LED spot lights to illuminate a planned
monument sign placement.
projecting sign (previously reviewed by HPC). Also newly illustrated on the site plan
were proposed locations for: 1.a) a Sandwich Board sign; or as an alternative 1.b) a
monument sign. Other than the logo for Pt. Townsend Vineyards, no other details for
this signage (such as size, scale, materials, etc.) were included with the submittal.
Staff advised the applicant and HPC that Historic Design Review permitting for signage
is normally completed administratively (e.g. staff-level only) does not automatically
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
require HPC review and recommendation. Staff also advised the sign code prohibits
sandwich board signs for street level businesses on Water Street. As for the
monument sign, a staff recommendation could not be made without additional
HPC’s recommendation (6-0 in favor) moved to: a) approve the proposed front façade
detailing as presented; b) Make no recommendation on the sandwich board sign; and
c) To recommend that a monument sign at the location proposed would be
New Business
A. HPC19-022, 1827 Van Ness St. – New
Owner Michael D’Alessandro presented the proposal, which involves the construction
Additions with Departures to (probable)
of two (2) separate SFR additions. Staff began by advising HPC that the home is
Secondary SFR located outside of
located outside the NHLD and is not within any recent detailed inventory. As such,
staff evaluated the home using the City’s adopted scoring methodology which includes
factors such as age (c. 1890) along with other preservation-related exterior
characteristics. This home has the added distinction of being awarded a 1989
Certificate of Appreciation from the Jefferson County Historic Society “…for the
restoration and preservation of the …house and garden at 1827 Van Ness…” Based
on staff’s evaluation, the home qualifies as a Secondary historic residence.
Addition #1 involves a 2 story atop an existing single-story wing of the home that is
already non-conforming with respect to the side yard setback. In total, Addition #1
requires approval of a departure for:
The location of a new addition with less than 10’ of separation from the principal
façade (5’4” is proposed);
The location of the new addition with less than the minimum 5’ side yard setback
(1’6” is proposed); and,
Intrusion of the new addition into the east side yard daylight plane.
Addition #2 has been located and designed such that no departure is needed for its
Staff, along with some HPC members, cautioned against applying too much detail into
the bay windows shown in Add. #1, citing the SOI Standards.
HPC recommended (6-0 in favor) that 1827 Van Ness be designated a historic
residence consistent with staff’s evaluation and that the departures be approved with
the stipulation that the project undergo additional HPC review and recommendation for
exterior detailing and materials for the bay windows.
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Other Business
A. DEM19-003, 308 Discovery Road
Owner Kate Bartlett and designer Guy Hupy were present to discuss the request.
Demolition of 1905 residential structure.
Aside from the construction date (c. 1905), the small (400 sf) basic square residential
structure retained few character defining features. The prior application of siding
(hardy-board), vinyl windows, asphalt roofing shingles and other inappropriate repair
techniques have all contributed to the home’s general lack of historic integrity. HPC’s
recommendation (6-0 in favor) was to find this demolition to not involve a contributing
historic residence.
A. Staff reported on Chetzemoka Trail downtown kiosk location and totem pole
B. Staff and HPC member Randels reported on the April 3 re-branding charette
held for the Washington Trust.
Next Meeting: June 4, 2019
The meeting was adjourned at 5.00 p.m.