HomeMy WebLinkAbout042319 PRTAB Minutes
Date: 4/23/2019 Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: City Hall First Floor Conference Room
Members Present: Debbie Jahnke (Interim Chair), Daniel Greholver, Brenda McMillan, Ed Robeau, Jim Todd, Paul Schutt
Staff and Liaison Present: Alex Wisniewski, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director; David Faber, City Council Deputy
Mayor and PRTAB Council liaison
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Agenda: The agenda was unanimously approved with one item
postponed (pool fees) and one item corrected (discussion of park plan survey as well as Section 2).
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of March 26, 2019 were unanimously approved with two name spelling corrections.
Public Comment: Barb Stone, Kathy Painter, Barbara Nightengale, Libby Atkins and Judy Dexter shared their concerns regarding changes in staffing for the Mountain View Pool morning fitness classes.
Director Wisniewski clarified reasons for staffing changes and encouraged the commenters to make an appointment to speak with him directly about their concerns.
Special Presentation: Kees Kolff, CARA Board member, presented information about the
change in lease arrangements for the ReCyclery location - new lease
would be between PTSD50 and CARA without City intermediary. CARA proposes to build a new building for education on the ReCyclery footprint and a bike skills park to the southeast of the current footprint, all southwest of the Gaines ROW. The bike skills
park would become a City park once completed.
Board members inquired about maintenance plans for the new City park, how it would be funded, whether it
would displace funding for other parks, and whether
CARA would become an Adopt-A-Park sponsor.
Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Functional Plan update:
The Board discussed Section 2 and the Community Survey of the existing Functional Plan.
Updates to Section 2 were recommended. Board
discussed survey content and suggested improvements. Director Wisniewski indicated that the City planned to hire a consultant to manage the survey process.
Recreation and Maintenance Update: The written Director’s update was provided to the Board with the agenda in advance of the meeting.
Comment was made about trail work location and lack of parity for trail and sidewalk access and pedestrian safety between east and west PT.
Landmark Tree Nomination: Director Wisniewski provided a nomination submitted by the owner for a black walnut tree at the corner of Lawrence and Walker.
Board voted unanimously to forward the nomination for staff approval.
PRTAB Enabling Resolution:
Director Wisniewski informed the Board that Council approved the recommendations of the Committee on Committees to change the Board's enabling resolution and add a liaison from PRTAB to ATAB and to include the word “trails” throughout the document. The liaison
position will be discussed at May’s meeting along with the annual
elections for Chair and Vice-Chair.
None, information only.
Next Meeting:
May 28, 2019.
Board and Public Comment: Board will consider Section 3 of the Parks Plan in May.
The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.