HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 May NewsletterThank you to our many wonderful volunteers!
Port Townsend benefits greatly from a strong sense of
place that endures thanks in large part to a strong sense of
community that is buoyed by the efforts of extraordinary
volunteers. A study conducted in recent years revealed
that Jefferson County ranks extremely high when it comes
to the number of per-capita non-profits. The contribu�ons
of these organiza�ons are as varied as they are plen�ful,
and a good por�on of their work is made feasible by
volunteer labor. A small sampling of this work includes
providing services to the less fortunate, protec�ng and
restoring our environment, mentoring youth, celebra�ng
and crea�ng our tradi�ons, and suppor�ng a wide array of
arts and cultural opportuni�es usually reserved for larger
Considering all the engaging opportuni�es to give back, it
is even more meaningful that the City of Port Townsend
also benefits greatly from dedicated volunteers who
contribute through our various advisory boards, task forces
and commissions. Some of these boards help the City
fulfill statutory requirements and thus operate under
regula�ons laid out by state law. Others are created by
City Council to help execute on our func�onal plans or
otherwise administer ac�vi�es that have been ve�ed
through the public process. Individuals are appointed to
these boards by Council, serve in an official capacity for a
set length of �me and are held to the same standards as
elected officials when it comes to open mee�ngs and
public records, all while bringing their unique skills and
perspec�ves to the work at hand.
This is being wri�en in the waning days of April, the
month set aside to celebrate volunteers across the
country. I’ll be the first to admit that we as an
organiza�on can do much be�er in showing our
apprecia�on for the �me and effort our volunteers give
to the City.
We’ll start by sharing the names of all the volunteers
who are currently serving on the Council-appointed
boards so that you can join us in expressing gra�tude for
the work that serves us all. It is only due to space
limita�ons that we leave out board volunteers who have
since moved on. Nor do we have space to define the
work and list the names of the many dedicated “hands
on” volunteers who so greatly enhance our library,
police, parks and trails. I hope you will join us in
extending apprecia�on to the folks you know who fit this
category of volunteers.
Moving forward, I am pleased to announce that recent
changes in staff alloca�ons have finally given us the
capacity to provide a volunteer coordinator. This
important posi�on is housed in our Parks, Recrea�on and
Community Services Department and will encompass
support for all City volunteer ac�vi�es.
To all our volunteers, please accept a hardy dose of
gra�tude from City Council & city staff!
On Page 2 & 3 you will find a list of all our advisory
boards and informa�on on the func�on of these
board, as well as members of each board.
May 2019 Newsletter
The mayor’s update
Citizen Volunteer Opportunities
Consider applying today for vacancies on the following ci�zen advisory boards and commi�ees. Visit the City’s website
to fill out our applica�on and view the mee�ng schedules. www.cityofpt.us
Historic Preserva�on Commi�ee
Climate Ac�on Commi�ee (CAC)
Ac�ve Transporta�on Advisory Board
Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board
PEG Access Coordina�ng Commi�ee (student representa�ve/video professional/educa�on/producer group posi�ons)
Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee (recipient/collector/at-large posi�ons)
Library Advisory Board
The City’s Current Advisory Boards and Members
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Ac�ve Transporta�on Advisory Board
The Board's purpose is: Advising the City Council on the planning, funding, and maintenance of the City's non-
motorized transporta�on facili�es, including implementa�on of the Non-Motorized Transporta�on Plan and
promo�on of walking and bicycling for both recrea�on and transporta�on throughout the City. They also sponsor
other volunteer non-motorized transporta�on projects such as, neighborhood trail-building work par�es
organized throughout the year and developing a plan for bicycle parking throughout Port Townsend.
Members: Joseph Finn, Mike Kaill, Hendrik Taatgen, Sam Feinson (Chair), Pat Teal, Richard Dandridge(Vice Chair)
Arts Commission
The Arts Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the development and public awareness
of and interest in the arts and to act in an advisory capacity to the City government in connec�on with the ar�s�c
and cultural development of the City. Members are selected based on their knowledge and exper�se with respect
to the performing, visual and literary arts. The Arts Commission sponsors an annual one-act play contest and
reviews grant applica�ons for events.
Members: Stan Rubin, Becky Busi, Kris Morris, Owen Rowe (Chair), Dominica Lord-Wood, Shelly Leavens, Maryann
Tapiro, Dan Groussman, Nha�aleah Nichols (Vice Chair)
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission administers the Civil Service system pursuant to state law and local Civil Service Rules
for employees of the Police Department. This includes authorizing provisional appointments, approving changes to
Civil Service Rules cer�fying employment lists, and establishing types of employment and promo�onal examina�ons.
Eligibility requirements include United States ci�zenship, a minimum of three years as a City resident, and status as
a registered voter in Jefferson County.
Members: Gail Ryan (Vice Chair), Sherry Erickson, Richard Knight (Chair)
Climate Ac�on Commi�ee (CAC)
The CAC is a joint commi�ee of the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County created in January 2008 as an
advisory group to address the problems and opportuni�es posed by global warming/climate change. A joint
City-County resolu�on has set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% below 1990 levels by the year
2050. The CAC successfully completed an inventory of greenhouse gases and dra�ed a Climate Ac�on Plan. On
September 22, 2011, the City and County jointly adopted the Climate Ac�on Plan (CAP).
Members: Kate Dean, Jeff Randall (Vice Chair), Laura Tucker, Chris O'Higgins, John Bender, Eric Toews,
Jim Pivarnik, Darren Wilson, Cindy Jayne (Chair), Sonja Hammar, David Wilkinson, Kate Chadwick
Community Task Force
In the fall of 2018, the City Council appointed a Community Task Force to propose, based on public input, the
profile for the next City Manager to be used in the recruitment process. This group from across the Port Townsend
community created the survey and used those survey results to build the recruitment brochure.
Members: Catharine Robinson (Chair), Jean Camfield, John Collins, John Nowak, Kris Morris, Liesl Slabaugh,
Malcolm Dorn, Ned Herbert, Norm Tonina, Samantha Thomas, Sarah Rubenstein, Siobhan Canty, Tim Caldwell
Historic Preserva�on Commi�ee
The City of Port Townsend’s Historic Preserva�on Commi�ee is comprised of local ci�zens who serve as a review
board for proposals regarding historically significant resources within the City. They advocate for historic
preserva�on and provide recommenda�ons to the Department of Development Services regarding proposed
projects. The commi�ee prepares and proposes revisions to design review guidelines for evalua�ng development
Members: Don Schussler, Cate Comerford, George Randels, Charles Paul (Chair), Richard Berg (Vice Chair),
Craig Bri�on, Kathleen Croston
-con�nued on next page-
2019 Low Income Discount Renewals
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Renewal materials were mailed April 5th and completed
renewal applica�ons are due to the City no later than
May 25, 2019 to avoid interrup�on of your discounted
If you received a low income discount renewal no�ce,
your discount is set to expire on May 31, 2019. Low
income households must renew their discount annually
and low income seniors and Disabled applicants must
renew every two years.
If you need new or addi�onal copies of the applica�on,
printed copies are available in the Finance Department
ves�bule, located on the first floor of City Hall or they
are available to print on the City website at www.cityofpt.us.
New applicants may apply for the discount at any �me
during the year.
Library Advisory Board
The Board advises the City Manager and City Council concerning the opera�ons of the Port Townsend Library. The
Board offers advisory opinions concerning: the supervision, care, and custody of Library property; the annual
opera�ons budget; purchase of supplies and materials for Library patrons; hours of opera�on for public use of the
Library. The Board also develops the policy for the selec�on of books, periodicals, maps, materials, and informa�on
services for the Library's opera�on. In addi�on, the board may make recommenda�ons to the City Council regard-
ing the long-range planning of facili�es and funding-based proposals.
Members: Ann Raymond (Chair), Sarah Fairbank, Jacqueline Men�on, Kathyrn Ryan, Sidonie Wilson, Owen Rowe,
Carol Klontz
Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee
The Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee is authorized to engage in tourism planning and promo�on ac�vi�es. The
Commi�ee reviews applica�ons for tourism promo�on and tourism-related facility projects and makes
recommenda�ons to the City Council regarding the projects the City should fund through lodging tax receipts.
Membership consists of one elected official of the City, four representa�ves of businesses or en��es required to
collect the lodging tax, four representa�ves involved in ac�vi�es funded by the lodging tax, and two at-large
Members: Michelle Sandoval (Chair), Sherri Hanke, Amanda Milholland, Robert Birman, Barb Trailer, Jane�e Force,
Denise Winter, Cindy Finnie, Dave Robison, Nathan Barne�, Mari Mullen, Arlene Alen, William Roney
Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board
The PRTAB advises City Council on issues related to the City's parks, open spaces, trees, and recrea�onal
opportuni�es. The Advisory Board provides review, advice, and recommenda�ons on the implementa�on of the
Port Townsend Parks, Recrea�on and Open Space Func�onal Plan and other topics that are important to
maintaining and expanding the City's commitment to conserva�on and legisla�on regarding the City's parks and
trees. The Board organizes community efforts to maintain and protect our City's recrea�onal assets.
Members: Paul Schu�, Jim Todd, Ed Robeau, Daniel Greholver, Brenda McMillan, Deborah Jahnke (Interim
Chair/Vice Chair)
PEG Access Coordina�ng Commi�ee
The Commi�ee sets administra�ve procedures and advises the City Council and School Board on policy ma�ers
related to use of the local public, educa�onal and governmental (PEG) telecommunica�ons produc�on facility.
Members: Robert Gray (Chair), John Polm, Mark Welch, Richard Durr, Brian Mora�
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission provides recommenda�ons to the City Council on land use regula�ons and Comprehensive
Plan amendments, conducts public hearings on legisla�ve proposals, and forwards findings to the City Council for
final ac�on.
Members: Paul Rice (Chair), Monica MickHager, Rick Jahnke (Vice Chair), James Lagergren, Lois Stanford, Robert
Doyle, Aislinn Palmer
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360)385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Come Meet Your State Supreme Court Jus�ces in Council Chambers on May 13th
On Monday, May 13th the City of Port Townsend will host
the jus�ces of the Washington State Supreme Court as
they offer an open public forum in City Council Chambers
in City Hall 250 Madison Street. The forum will run from
3:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. and everyone is cordially invited
to a�end to learn more about our judicial system. The
forum is one of several opportuni�es for the public to
interact with our Supreme Court jus�ces during their
two-day visit to our region.
Early in the day on Monday, May 13th the jus�ces will
present student assemblies at the Quilcene School,
Chimacum High School and Port Townsend High School.
That a�ernoon members of the court will also offer a
CLE class for members of the local Bar, to be held in City
Council Chambers directly prior to the public forum.
The State’s highest court is located in Olympia in the
Temple of Jus�ce on the State capitol grounds. For more
than a decade, the Supreme Court has heard cases “on
the road” three �mes a year to make it easier for
ci�zens to see the court in ac�on. While in Port
Townsend the court will hear three actual cases on their
docket. The public is invited to a�end these hearings in
the Jefferson County Superior Courtroom.
On Tuesday, May 14th Chief Jus�ce Fairhurst and
Associate Jus�ces Charles Johnson, Barbara Madsen,
Susan Owens, Debra Stephens, Charles Wiggins, Steven
González, Sheryl Gordon McCloud and Mary Yu will hear
the following cases at the superior court beginning at
9:00 a.m. at the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820
Jefferson Street, Port Townsend. A�er arguments in
each case the jus�ces will answer ques�ons from the
• No. 96313-4, State of Washington v. Frank A.
Wallmuller: Whether a community custody condi�on
prohibi�ng the convicted defendant from frequen�ng
“places where children congregate such as parks,
video arcades, campgrounds, and shopping malls” is
uncons�tu�onally vague.
• No. 96262-6, Freedom Founda�on v. Service
Employees Interna�onal Union Local 925: Whether
email messages kept on a public university’s email system
consis�ng of exchanges between university employees
and a private labor union concerning unioniza�on
efforts are public records subject to disclosure under
the Public Records Act, chapter 42.56 RCW.
The court will break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30
p.m. to hear the last case of the day:
• No. 96660-5, Mark Elster and Sarah Pynchon v. City
of Sea�le: Whether the City of Sea�le’s campaign
voucher program, which levies a property tax to fund
vouchers that City residents can use to support
poli�cal candidates, violates First Amendment
Oral arguments will be taped for broadcast at a later
date on TVW, Washington’s Public Affairs network.
“We welcome anyone interested in seeing how the
Supreme Court conducts oral arguments or in learning
more about how the judicial branch operates,” said
Chief Jus�ce Mary E. Fairhurst. “We enjoy answering
questions and hearing from members of the
For further informa�on regarding the Supreme Court,
visit the Washington Courts web site at
Supreme Court Justices will be in Port Townsend!