HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-019 Adopting the Government Relationship Contract - New City Manager Expectations Resolution 19-019
WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend ("City") entered into an employment agreement
with the City Manager, which expires on June 30, 2019; and,
WHEREAS, the City Manager has notified the City of his intent to retire as of June 30,
2019, and,
WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a strategic planning retreat in September 2018
to develop a City strategic plan and establish expectations for an incoming City Manager; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council, at the retreat, drafted a government relationship and City
Manager expectations document which describes City Council's expectations for the incoming
City Manager's relationships with City Council and City citizens, as well as City Council's
expectations for customer service and civic engagement; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council desires transparency with potential applicants, and the
attached policy documents will inform prospective candidates of the City Council's expectations.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Townsend to adopt the Government Relationship Contract—New City Manager Expectations as
guidance for the recruitment of a new City Manager in substantially the same form as Exhibit A.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a regular meeting
thereof, held this 4th day of February 2019.
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Attest: Approved as to form:
Joanna ........... ......
nna Sanders, MMC lmlc is i �rrc� .
City Clerk City t ttome
Resolution 19-019
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Contract - New City
Manager Expectations
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Resolution 19-019
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Expectations ectations Insert for Brochure and Challenges for New C'i,ty Manager
Our Commitment to the Success of the New City Manager
The relationship between the Council and City Manager is one of the most important factors for
the success of our City and community. In recognition of this critical relationship, the Council
and Staff conducted a workshop on Friday, September 28, 2018 to develop the expectations for
the new City Manger. The Council also took an unprecedented step of developing their
expectations for supporting the new City Manager.
The expectations are intended to bridge the gap between two entities (Council and City Manager)
that have the best interest of the city in mind, but with differing roles. The Council's expectations
regarding the day-to-day management and future strategic direction of the organization; and their
commitment to support the City Manager in this effort are delineated in the links provided in the
following sections.
Expectations of the Organization
The City of Port Townsend is committed to providing effective and responsive services to
residents. We encourage a work environment that is open, continuously learning and innovating.
The City Manager will have excellent interpersonal communication skills with the ability to
develop positive working relationships with elected officials, staff, community leaders, and
residents. The Council's expectations for the organization are (link insert information from pages
Performance Expectations of the City Manager
The City of Port Townsend is seeking an innovator who will not be afraid to challenge the status
quo, if there could be improvements in the way the City operates. The successful candidate will
be a skilled and visionary leader and manager with a proven track record of motivating and
developing staff to obtain measurable results. The ideal candidate will have a collaborative team
focused management style, possess the capacity to be an effective mentor and leader for staff and
have a demonstrated track record of setting a positive example of competence, professionalism,
trust, energy, and positive engagement with community members. Council's expectations for the
City Manager are (link insert information from pages 3-5).
Expectations of the City Council
The Port Townsend City Council understands that its role in the City Manager's success is not as
a spectator, but an active participant. The Council is committed to making sure the new City
Manager is supported in meeting their expectations. The Council also recognizes the City
Manager must at times, balance conflicting political goals and direction. The balancing of the
political, organizational and community needs makes the job of the City Manager stressful. The
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Resolztlion 19-019
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Council's expectations for support the work of the City Manager in this effort are (link insert
information from pages 5-6).
Expectation of Customer Service/Civic Engagement
Port Townsend is community that values our residents. We are focused on being responsive and
open to their concerns. The Council's expectations for providing services to our citizens and
engaging and seeking their input for continuing to make our community a great place to live and
work are (link insert information from page 5).
Port Townsend GRC Facilitation Results
The Expectations of the Organization
Expectation Description
Maintain a flexible Integrated Strategic The integrated strategic management
Planning System that is linked to the system will allow for strategic projects that
annual budget, strategic projects, require funding to be considered during
employee evaluations and performance the annual budget process. Current and
measures. new strategic projects and City Manager
performance measures will also be
reviewed and approved at this time.
Strive to be an "open book" organization "Open Book" means that all critical, not
for its employees and the Council. confidential, operational and financial
information concerning the City will be
shared and available to employees, and the
Executive Management Team is Employee development and involvement is
committed to the developing and a high priority for the Executive Leadership
empowering employees. Team.
Continuously evaluate technology for Continuous technology improvements are
internal and external services. essential for the City to meet and exceed
the expectations of its residents/partners.
Strive to be a regional model for City Commitment for the City Council and City
Governance. Manager to work collaboratively on
continuously improving their Governance
Continuously improve internal Continuous internal process improvement
processes and procedures. is essential for efficiency and effectiveness
of the City.
Be good stewards of the public's money Ensure processes,procedures and
and trust. practices are in place to meet this
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Respect the decisions of the City Council. Implement Council's policies by accurately,
interpreting direction given by the Council,
carrying out their directives as a whole and
supporting the actions of the Council after a
decision has been made.
Practice "collaborative leadership". Strive to ensure that your leadership is
inclusive and not exclusive. Involve
residents, employees and other
stakeholders and partners where
Ensure positive and supportive physical Create and foster an environment that
and emotional working conditions values and celebrates
employees/volunteers and their
contributions and accomplishments.
Support an environment that assists
employees in being successful in the
positions that they hold. Ensure that
personnel policies and practices are
administered in an equitable manner.
Foster teamwork and high performing Guide people as a team toward common
organizational characteristics. objectives; select qualified and highly
competent members of the Leadership
Team to implement through the
Recognize residents are our Partners. The Council expects that the public will be
treated equitably,with dignity and respect.
Assist the Council by resolving problems at
administrative levels and not through City
Council action.Value community
perceptions and understand that
residents/partner satisfaction is important.
Agenda material Staff will provide concise, accurate and
meaningful agenda material for the
Council's review to include the timely
delivery of written/electronic materials.
Value intergovernmental relations Effectively represent the City's interests
when dealing with other agencies.
Participate and cooperate in
intergovernmental activities to have an
impact on the region.
Communicate effectively Provide information to the public, staff, and
Council in a timely fashion on matters that
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will cause public reaction. Be candid and
forthright in discussing City business
matters with the Council through various
methods that include one on one meeting
with Council members. Be accessible to
Council members.
Proactive Management Style Show initiative and creativity in,dealing
with issues, problems and unusual"
situations while remaining open to new
ideas and suggestions for change. Be
adaptive to the changing expectations of
local government and the impacts of state
and national conditions.
Effective Leadership Be enthusiastic and celebrate successes.
Command respect and performance from
the Leadership Team while providing the
tools necessary for effective service
delivery. Support a positive work culture at
all times.
Negotiate Effectively In conjunction with the Legal Staff(when
appropriate), always consider City
Residents when determining negotiating
positions or reaching agreement.
No Operational Surprises Staff will keep the City Council informed on
all critical operational issues.
Engaging the Community Be accessible, open, authentic, and resilient
in en a in with our community.
The Expectations of the City Council
Expectation Description
Value members'opinions. You can disagree with each other but
provide the space for each member of the
City Council to express their opinion.
Do your homework. Before the meeting, read information sent
by staff to be informed and prepared for
discussion. If a meeting is missed, become
informed of the decisions made or the
information shared.
No surprises at meeting for staff. If possible, contact staff prior to the
meeting when you have a critical question
that requires research.
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Disagree with the vote, but do not You can disagree with a vote and express
undermine the will of the Council. your viewpoint on why you did not support
an item but understand that the Council
has voted for the item and you are
responsible, as a Council Member, for its
successful implementation.
Practice civility. As the elected representatives we will
strive to be a model for our community and
the region on how an elected body should
work together for the public good.
Support the strategic plan. City Council Members will support and
require a Strategic Plan for the City.
Our Council should refrain from No Council Member will criticize any
publicly criticizing any individuals at individual at a public meeting.They can
meetings. discuss their concerns with the City
Manager privately.
Council members will not task the work City Council Members will not direct the
of staff. work of staff. If they have issues or
questions related to operations, they can
ask and be directed to the City Manager or
Focus on agreed upon outcomes before Before taking a position review the
considering positions.. outcomes, potential benefits/results or
relationship to the Strategic Plan of a policy
or issue first.
The Expectations of Customer Service/Civic Engagement
Expectation Description
Timely responses Staff will strive to provide timely responses
to residents that are easily understood.
Civic engagement Resident engagement is a priority. Staff
should be mindful of and is empowered to
create or increase opportunities for
resident engagement.
Educate Residents/Partners on services Staff will continuously develop strategies
and systems to educate residents/partners
on the services and processes of local
Accurate information Staff will ensure information provided to
residents is accurate, understandable.