DATE: April 18, 2018 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 1
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Nathan Barnett, Michelle Sandoval (Chair), Janette Force, Denise Winter, Robert Birman, Dave
Robison, Amanda Milholland, Barb Trailer
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Cindy Finnie, Sam Gibboney, Sherri Hanke, William Roney, Teresa Verraes
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager David Timmons, City Clerk Joanna Sanders, Marketing Director Christina Pivarnik
GUESTS: Owen Rowe, Arlene Alen (Chamber of Commerce)
Topic Action
Chair Michelle Sandoval called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: January 31, 2018 Unanimously approved.
General Announcements: David Timmons: Water Street construction; Jefferson, Quincy and Adams Street Sidewalk improvements, Visitor Plaza planning, Mountain View Classroom remodeling; Big Belly Solar Powered Compacting trash compactor/cans; Resource Officer/Special Events Coordinator, Hastings Building Administrative Appeal. Amanda Milholland: Farmers Market opening day, City approved Wednesday market at Haines Park and Ride; Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Project. Denise Winter: Distribution of Key City program brochure Dave Robison: Construction drawings for Makers Square; KPTZ siting at Fort; Capital Projects budget (sewer, water, and electrical undergrounding, energy efficiency project; glamping units; maintenance transition; and revenues). Rob Birman: Ticket sales have begun; Centrum brochure distribution, National Endowment
of Arts Our Town Grant submission in coordination with PDA for artists in residency. Christina Pivarnik: Media update; Travel + Words conference; USA TODAY nominated PT as one of best small coastal towns; passing of statewide tourism marketing program; blog
posts are increasing SEO; new website for Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission; attendance at Global Tourism Summit; cooperative advertising. Barb Trailer: 70/48 Race, Race to Alaska 45 registrations; Wooden Boat Festival is on;
Classic Mariner’s Regatta in June; greening up events and reducing plastics. Kevin Prime: Winter marketing campaign; design committee work on grant for Tyler Street Plaza improvements; coordinating multi-entity group for holiday lighting; Water Street construction marketing; Revitalize WA conference; Palace Hotel room expansion. Janette Force: PT Film Festival Women & Film; Screening and projection for Revitalize WA. Nathan Barnett: Victorian Festival report; and Brass Screw Confederacy in June.
Topic Action
Arlene Alen: Annual leadership awards celebration; Friday 10-noon Chamber Café Open
2018 Lodging Tax Marketing: David Timmons reported on transition phase and next steps. Arlene Alen will be preparing a proposal for LTAC review, including the establishment of a marketing committee organized by the Chamber as the lead agency.
The Committee made additional comments for input about the marketing committee:
• Simplification is the goal.
• LTAC funding oversight to be outlined in City/Chamber contract provisions.
• Marketing committee would have oversight for marketing strategy and implementation.
• Committee makeup suggestions were: 2 LTAC members, Cody Griffith--Fort, teaming with TCC and other tourism marketing entities with an open solicitation for
appointments in specific areas of expertise including digital marketing, tourism and visual artists.
• Expanding on list from January 31 meeting under Marketing to maintain summer capacity, add “ability to leverage dollars with other organizations,” possible booth at Wooden Boat Festival; survey to collect/document how much other organizations spend on marketing and where.
• Collective marketing pieces on performing arts and foods (like Olympic Culinary Loop)
and formation of arts, maritime and other guilds.
Next Meeting: Possibly a special meeting to review Chamber proposal and budget before
regular July 10, 2018 meeting
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.