HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 November NewsletterWebsite upgrade under way Modernizing the City’s website is a key milestone in rolling out our adopted communica�ons plan. The overall design work is complete and staff members in each department have been trained on the new content management system. They are now busy por�ng or crea�ng content for every department. Tes�ng will commence soon, with the goal of going live for the new year. Stay tuned! Fire District Annexa�on Update Both the City and East Jefferson Fire and Rescue (EJFR) have acted to put the ques�on about annexing the City into EJFR on the February 2019 ballot. You will be seeing more on this topic over the coming months. In the mean�me, you can get a good summary of the issue and the plan to move forward by viewing the materials and video of our October 9th mee�ng on the City’s website www.cityofpt.us and click on City Council then Mee�ng Agendas and minutes. A shadow on our warm Autumn? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just released a study that found serious impacts of global warming are highly likely to occur sooner rather than later. Their original studies looked at the impacts of an increase of 2o C in global temperatures. This study reveals that most impacts should be expected at an increase of just 1.5o C and that is likely to occur between 2030 and 2052 if temperatures con�nue to increase at the current rate. That is just 11 to 33 years from now. Understandably, we are ge�ng a lot of ques�ons about what we are doing to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (mi�ga�on) and prepare for the likely impacts (adapta�on). In short, the City has been working on Climate Change with Jefferson County since 2006. We have jointly adopted resolu�ons to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Toward that end, we jointly host a Climate Ac�on Commi�ee (CAC) with a diverse membership working on both mi�ga�on and adapta�on. The CAC provided an update at Council’s September 10th Workshop that includes progress to date and near-term plans. You can view the presenta�on and video on the City’s website www.cityofpt.us and click on City Council then Mee�ng Agendas and minutes. We have made good progress in both reducing emissions and in preparing for the impacts. But we have much more to do, both individually and collec�vely. For individuals, www.jeffersoncan.org provides the tools you need to save energy, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint — at home, at work, and on the road — with tools specific for Jefferson County. Collec�vely, you can find the CAC documents and related links at www.co.jefferson.wa.us/637/Climate-Ac�on-Commi�ee. November 2018 Newsletter The mayor’s update Citizen Advisory Board Recruitment The City encourages ac�ve par�cipa�on in local government by solici�ng interested ci�zens to serve on various advisory boards and commissions that make recommenda�ons on specific issues or policies to the City Council. Current opportuni�es to serve include: Planning CommissionLodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee (Recipient)Non-Motorized Transporta�on Advisory BoardCivil Service Commission (must be a resident of Port Townsend for three years) For any ques�ons call the City Clerk’s office at 360-379-5083. Applica�ons are available online at www.cityofpt.us under City Hall/ Boards & Commission or in the City Clerk’s Office on the second floor of City Hall, 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend, WA. City residency or employment within the City is a requirement for most posi�ons. Appointments are generally three years. More informa�on on the individual boards/commissions can also be found on the City’s website. Water System Plan City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • 360-385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us JOIN US AT THE LIBRARY! The Port Townsend City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, November 5, 2018, at 6:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers to accept public tes�mony on a proposed update to the City’s Water System Plan. The update reflects those changes made to the City’s water system since it was last updated in 2008 and 2014. The Water System Plan is available for inspec�on in the City Clerk’s office on the second floor of City Hall and can also be found on the City’s website at www.weblink.cityofpt.us/weblink/Browse.aspx. The purpose of this update is to: • Provide a long-term planning strategy and evaluate the exis�ng system and its ability to meet the requirements for water source, quality, storage, and distribu�on over a 20-year planning period. • Modify water service area boundaries to include all areas where the City currently provides service and a proposal to include 14 proper�es directly abu�ng the west side of Jacob Miller Rd. and one property surrounded by the revised service area. • Provide basic planning data for popula�on, service connec�ons, and water consump�on. • Provide system capacity analysis, iden�fy limi�ng factors, and summarize hydraulic capacity. • Update water use efficiency goals for the next 6 years. • Provide a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the next 10 and 20 years. • Provide a budget to fund projects iden�fied in the CIP and summary of the rate structure. • Revise Water Engineering Design Standards. Adult Programs: Storytelling with Donna Washington Port Townsend Public Library - Carnegie Reading Room Tuesday, Nov. 13, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Orca - How We Came to Know and Love the Ocean’s Greatest Predator with Jason M. Colby Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Jason M. Colby will join us to talk about his new book, Orca - How We Came to Know and Love the Ocean's Greatest Predator. Jason is the Associate Professor and Undergraduate Adviser in History with the University of Victoria. He holds a BA and an MA from Whitman College and a PhD from Cornell. His areas of interest are in interna�onal rela�ons and environmental history. This is his second book. Art in Ac�on Mary Stolaas Demonstra�ng Paper Cra�s Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Friday, Nov. 16, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mary Stolaas will be with us demonstra�ng paper cra�s. Put Your Library to Use: Collec�ons, Research, and Discovery at the Port Townsend Library Port Townsend Public Library – 1220 Lawrence Street Thursday, Nov. 29, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Join Dr. Arendt Speser for a fascina�ng lecture about our own library collec�on and the evolu�on of the use of libraries. Youth Programs: Day of the Dead Celebra�on Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Friday, Nov. 2, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All ages are welcome to come enjoy snacks, cra�s, music, and more to celebrate Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. This Mexican holiday is a joyful �me that helps people remember the deceased and celebrate their memory. All ages are welcome. Media Mentorship for Parents Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Thursday, Nov. 8, 7:00 p.m. The evolu�on and adop�on of digital technologies has increased in recent years. Children, teens, and families are using technology in school, at home, and in libraries more than ever. It is the goal of libraries to help families find the best digital tools, to create a posi�ve experience for all. This program in partnership with the Port Townsend School Libraries will help parents learn about digital ci�zenship and pass that knowledge onto their children to help them become safe, kind, and responsible digital ci�zens. Family Movie Night Featuring A Wrinkle in Time Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Friday, Nov. 16, 6:30 p.m. Enjoy A Wrinkle in Time in the Carnegie Reading Room. The story follows Meg Murry and her li�le brother, who have been without their scien�st father, ever since he discovered a new planet and used the concept known as a tesseract to travel there. Joined by Meg's classmate and guided by the three mysterious astral travelers the children brave a dangerous journey to a planet that possesses all the evil in the universe. Rated PG. Winter/Snow Tips City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • 360-385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us • Put safety first and drive only if necessary. Dress warmly and be prepared for traveling delays. • Try to keep as many of your vehicles off the street as possible during snow condi�ons. It is easier for crews to clear streets when parked vehicles are not present. If you cannot park off the street, park as close to the curb as possible. • To avoid having snow covering your driveway from plows, shovel the snow in the same direc�on of the traffic into your yard and not into the street. • Property owners are responsible for removing snow from adjacent sidewalks. Please assist us in providing a safe walking surface for pedestrians. • Don’t follow closely behind snowplows or sanding trucks. They may stop suddenly or spray sand, rocks or other material. It is best to stay at least 200 feet back. • Remove all snow and ice from your vehicle before driving: hood, windows, lights and roof. • Drive with your headlights on. • Do not sled on roads and streets. Even roads and streets that have been closed can be dangerous. • Winterize your vehicle. Make sure your car and �res are in good condi�on and maintain a full tank of gas. Store blankets, a bag of sand, shovel, window scraper, flares, jumper cables, flashlight, and warm clothes in the trunk. Also carry a set of properly sized �re chains in your vehicle, and learn how to put them on! • Listen to local radio sta�ons for the latest road condi�ons and traffic reports. You can dial 511 on your cell phone for traveler informa�on. You can also get weather and traffic informa�on at www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic This map shows the snow routes that the City plows: A color version of this newsle�er and map can be found on the City’s website www.cityofpt.us click on newsle�ers. Library Improvements Work has begun on the exterior library improvement projects. The work will include; the removal and replacement of concrete sidewalks, and stairs in front of the Carnegie Library, the rock wall in front of the Charles Pink House is being restored, and drainage improvements to the exterior of the Carnegie Library. The project will also include re-landscaping areas that were disturbed. The project comple�on is scheduled for the end of December 2018. Impacts include: Parking closed along the north-side of Lawrence in front of the Library to Harrison Street. No Library access from Lawrence Street. Enter from Harrison Street. Transit stop in front of the Charles Pink House relocated to just past the Fire Sta�on. While at the library and seeing the construc�on, stay for one of the library’s upcoming events. To view upcoming events at the library please visit the library’s website at www.ptpubliclibrary.org, then click on the Programs tab, then click on Featured Events. Community Events/Happenings Capital Project Updates City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • 360-385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us JOIN US AT THE POOL!AQUA BOXING Saturdays and Sundays from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Drop-ins welcome $8 for Seniors, $10 for Adults This high intensity aqua�c fitness class focuses on punching and kicking combina�ons. Get your land-based strength training and aqua�c-based workout in one class! Taught by an ACE Cer�fied Personal Trainer. COSMIC SWIM November 30th from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $5 per person Do you suffer from FOMO, otherwise known as Fear of Missing Out? If so, check out what Cosmic Swim has to offer. Good jams, funky lights and glow s�cks set the stage for an unforge�able night at Mountain View Pool. Bring the kids, bring your parents, bring your friends! Nov. 24, Main Street Small Business Saturday & Merchant Open House kick off Winter Fun in Port Townsend! Celebrate local businesses at this na�on-wide event. Port Townsend has holiday shopping covered–there are thousands of great gi�s available in the historic districts—Uptown and Downtown. Individually-owned businesses offer the personal touch and are a welcome contrast to anonymous malls or online buying. Gi�s purchased from des�na�on stores, restaurant gi� cer�ficates, movie passes, theatre �ckets, nonprofit event �ckets and local artwork are examples of though�ul gi�s loved ones will remember long a�er the holidays. Caroling in the streets with the Wild Rose Chorale Uptown and Downtown from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., in-store treats, many shops open later un�l 7:00 p.m. Have fun shopping and dining in town! www.ptmainstreet.org