HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 September NewsletterSeptember 2018 Newsletter
The mayor’s update
We now have a single phone number to reach any of our
seven Council Members. 360-379-2980 provides callers with
a menu to direct calls to a specific member. The goal is to
make it easier for you to reach City Council, so this number
will remain the same as individuals come and go.
I am happy to report that the State Auditors’ Office
completed three 2017 audits of the City that included a
financial statement audit, an accountability audit (internal
controls and procedures) and a single audit (major federal
and state grants). The City received “clean” audit reports for
each of these areas, meaning that the auditors found no
“findings”, misstatements or significant issues/concerns.
I am also very pleased report that our City Manager, David
Timmons was recently given the Excellence Award for ci�es
under 10,000 popula�on, from the Washington Ci�es Management
Associa�on. Our City Manager’s nomina�on for this recogni�on
was from one of his colleagues and recognizes the excellent
body of work that has been done in our community. What
makes this even more special is this recogni�on comes from
his peers in the profession.
We have known for some �me now that David Timmons, Port
Townsend’s first and only City Manager, will be moving into
the next phase of his life in pursuit of other adventures next
July. Un�l that �me, he will con�nue to focus on the City’s
daily opera�ons while comple�ng priori�zed projects. It is up
to City Council to find the next City Manager who will be
ready pick up the reigns when David heads to his next venture.
Council started that process by adop�ng the City Manager
Transi�on Plan 2018/2019. (Find the plan in the agenda for
the January 22 Business Mee�ng at
www.cityofpt.us/video.html )
We have been implemen�ng the transi�on plan through
the first part of this year by focusing on execu�ng iden�fied
priori�es, reorganizing staff and accelera�ng our budget
process to be�er dovetail with the late-year recruitment
ac�vi�es. I have also been working with Nora Mitchell,
Director of Finance and Administra�ve Services, to create a
recruitment plan with guidelines provided by the
Interna�onal City Managers Associa�on (ICMA) and best
prac�ces used by other ci�es.
Recruitment gets kicked off with a strategic planning retreat
on September 27 & 28 led by a consultant who will guide
the process by drawing on his experiences as City Manager
and as an ac�ve ICMA par�cipant. Council Members and
Department Heads are preparing for the retreat by
revisi�ng the City’s Comprehensive Plan and related
func�onal plans. The first retreat day can then be
dedicated to priori�zing our broad strategic focus areas for
the next five years founded on the adopted community
vision that has been ar�culated through mul�ple public
processes. At the �me of this wri�ng, we are s�ll crea�ng
the process for City residents to provide their thoughts for
priori�zing our strategic focus areas. Please watch for press
releases and informa�on on our website for details on that
The second day will be focused on formula�ng the ideal
profile of skills, and a�ributes needed to successfuly
implement our community’s strategic vision. By the end of
this retreat, we will have our first dra� of recruitment
materials to pass along to an appointed Community Task
Force for further community-based refinement. I can share
more on that process in a future newsle�er. For now, I
thank you for taking the �me to read about our plans for
facilita�ng a smooth transi�on in this important City
MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Citizen Advisory Board Recruitment
The City encourages ac�ve par�cipa�on in local government by solici�ng interested ci�zens to serve on various advisory boards
and commissions that make recommenda�ons on specific issues or policies to the City Council. Current opportuni�es to serve
include: Library Advisory Board, Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee (Recipient), Non-Motorized Transporta�on Advisory Board,
and Civil Service Commission (must be a resident of Port Townsend for three years)
Applica�ons are available in the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, as well as on the City’s website. www.cityofpt.us
Mountain View Pool
Compost Facility
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • 360-385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
Ad Hoc Committee on Housing/Special Meeting
City Council Regular Business Meeting
Historic Preservation Committee
Arts Commission
Non-Motorized Transportation Board
Ad Hoc Committee on Housing/Special Meeting*
City Council Workshop Meeting
Ad Hoc Committee on Committees
Planning Commission
City Council Regular Business Meeting
EJFR Joint Oversight
Ad Hoc Committee on Housing
Finance & Budget Committee
Park, Rec & Tree Advisory Committee
Planning Commission
City Council Retreat
Board of County Commissioners Chambers
City Hall, Council Chambers
City Hall - 3rd Floor Conference Room
City Hall - 3rd Floor Conference Room
City Hall - 1st Floor Conference Room
Board of County Commissioners Chambers
City Hall, Council Chambers
City Hall, Council Chambers
City Hall, Council Chambers
City Hall, Council Chambers
35 Critter Lane
City Hall, Council Chambers
City Hall, Council Chambers
City Hall - 1st Floor Conference Room
City Hall, Council Chambers
Cotton Building
3:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
8 -5:00 p.m.
Meeting dates are subject to change. Visit our website for a complete list of meetings and the most current meeting dates and times.
* Meeting is tentative
School is back in session and Mountain View Pool now has our Fall schedule. All current schedules and hours
are posted on our website: www.cityofpt.us/pool
• Swim lesson opportuni�es available
• The REDfins are gearing up for another great season
• Cosmic Swim is the last Friday of each month from 7:00 p.m. -9 :00 p.m.
• Open swim and lap swim �mes - Bring the en�re family!
See you soon, in the pool!
Compost is s�ll available for sale at our Compost Facility. $12.00/yd or $9.00/yd for 10+ yards
Upcoming City Meetings
1. Highest capital revenue – 6th
2. Highest opera�ng expenditures per capita – 4th
3. Highest personnel expenditures per capita – 8th
4. Highest interlibrary loans received and provided. (This one’s
misleading because they consider an item borrowed from one
of our consor�um libraries an ILL – 4th and 5th )
5. Highest circula�on per capita – 2nd
6. Highest annual library a�endance per capita – 6th
7. Highest reference transac�ons per capita – 5th
8. Lowest popula�on to staff ra�o – 8th
Every year the Washington State Library
collects the Washington Public Library
Sta�s�cs. Look how our City Library ranked
in comparison to other Washington Public
The City of Port Townsend Public Library
made the top ten in eight categories:
When you decide to undertake a home improvement project,
you may be considering style and color. But don’t forget one
important step: Determining if you will need a building
permit. The 2015 Interna�onal Residen�al Building Code,
Sec�on 105.1 provides a list of projects that are exempt from
a building permit. When in doubt call and ask one of our
Permit Technicians or other Building staff. 360-379-5095.
Building permits are required for most construc�on or
remodeling projects and they ensure the safety of the work
and its compliance with building, construc�on, and zoning
Projects most likely to require a permit are those that change
the structure or use of a building or have the poten�al to
create unsafe condi�ons. These are some types of projects
that require a building permit:
Add or remove walls, replace siding or windows,
change the use of a room (conver�ng a�c space into a lo�),
change the plumbing, electrical, or mechanical systems in
your house (if you obtain an electrical permit from Labor
and Industries, you are required to apply for a City Building
Permit), re-roof your house, demolish a por�on of your
house, build a deck, or build a fence over 7 feet.
What if I purchased a house that has had unpermi�ed work
done? Contact our Permit Technicians to get you started on
the path to compliance. Our staff will work with you to make
your home compliant. We want you to be safe.
Working without a Building Permit. If you are caught
working without a building permit you will be issued a Stop
Work Order, you may incur addi�onal fees, and you may have
to remove all the unpermi�ed work that has been done.
When people do work without the required building permits
it slows the permi�ng and plan review process down for
everyone. Staff that performs inspec�on and plan review are
the same that perform the inves�ga�ons of unpermi�ed
New Big Belly Trash System
Attend a Community Event
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • 360-385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
The City has deployed the new Big Belly trash system in the downtown and uptown areas. The Big Belly units have replaced
some of the City-owned trash cans in areas that had the highest volumes and the most frequent overflows. These units have
solar compactors that have five �mes the capacity which will reduce the number of overflows that lead to unsightly and
unsanitary condi�ons.
In addi�on, each of the units has a recycling bin which prevents materials that could be recycled from ending up in the waste
stream. The system has been averaging a 15% diversion rate.
The system is a “smart” system which can alert staff to cans which are near or at capacity. The system also will produce
reports showing pick up rates, recycling diversion percentages and overflow rates. This will allow staff to evaluate placement
of current units or the need for any addi�onal units.
To read more about the Big Belly system go to www.bigbelly.com
Residential - When are building permits required
Thursday, October 4th, 2018
11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Main Street Girls' Night Out -- Girl Power, Strong Women! Proceeds benefit Jefferson Healthcare
Founda�on, to help provide breast and cervical cancer screenings, care and treatment for low income
Jefferson County residents, and the Port Townsend Main Street Program, a 501c3 nonprofit.
For more informa�on, visit www.ptmainstreet.org.
Keeping chickens has become a popular trend sparking code
changes country wide to allow for minor agriculture and the
keeping of fowl even in some inner city urban environments.
Some people like the idea of waking up and collec�ng fresh
eggs in the morning, but not as many people enjoy waking up
to a rooster’s crow. While roosters are not required for egg
produc�on, many people s�ll choose to have them.
With chickens being permi�ed in higher density residen�al
zones with typically smaller lots, neighbors live closer to each
other and are more likely to be affected by the smells and
noise that agriculture uses may produce.
Chickens are permi�ed in all residen�al zones. Roosters are
not prohibited, however, if they are reported as a nuisance
they will be treated as any other nuisance offense in the City.
An enforcement le�er will be issued to the owner to abate
the nuisance on the property and if the situa�on cannot be
resolved in any other way than for the rooster to be relocated,
that may be the solu�on required to gain compliance.
Below are our Municipal Codes related to rooster nuisance
Port Townsend Municipal Codes
Zoning regula�ons / Nuisance regula�ons / Public disturbance
noise prohibited:
PTMC Table 17.16.020, Residen�al Zoning Districts –
Permi�ed, Condi�onal and Prohibited Uses, under Agricultural
Uses, “small animal husbandry, noncommercial” is permi�ed
in all residen�al zones.”
PTMC 9.08.020(S), “the keeping or harboring of any fowl
which by frequent habitual crowing or the making of other
noises shall annoy or disturb a neighborhood or any considerable
number of persons.”
PTMC 9.09.030 Public disturbance noise prohibited, “C.
Prohibi�on – Specific. Except as provided in this chapter (see
PTMC 9.09.040, Exemp�ons and special provisions), crea�on
of the following sounds so as to unreasonably disturb or
interfere with the peace, comfort, and repose of one or more
persons of average sensi�vi�es are determined to be public
disturbance noises. The list is not exclusive of other sounds
that cons�tute public disturbance noise, or noises that are
otherwise prohibited by law.”
8. “The frequent, repe��ve or intermi�ently con�nuous
sounds made by any animal, owned by or in the possession of
a person, including but not limited to, barking, howling,
yelping, or whining. Animal noise defined in this sec�on is
hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and is subject to
abatement procedures, seizure and impoundment, as
prescribed by law. “
Having Roosters in Residential Neighborhoods
Capital Project Updates
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • 360-385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
The project provides a sidewalk connec�on between Uptown and Downtown on Jefferson Street and Quincy Street. It links the
sidewalk at the top of Haller Fountain stairs to Washington Street adjacent to the Bishop Hotel. Design is completed, and the
project will be going out to adver�sement for bids in September. Construc�on is expected to start end of September and be
complete prior to the end of the year. The project includes new curb ramps at Quincy and Washington and an uphill bike lane on
Quincy Street and Jefferson Street from Washington Street to Taylor Street.
For project informa�on please visit the Public Works Capital Projects webpage at www.cityofpt.us/dsd/capitalprojects.html
The Complete Streets Project is a grant the City received from the Transporta�on Improvement Board (TIB) for mul�ple loca�ons
around the City. A sidewalk on 9th Street from Hancock Street to Grant Street will provide be�er access to the hospital district.
New ADA compliant curb ramps on Washington Street (Downtown and at the Post Office) will improve ADA accessibility to
adjacent exis�ng sidewalks. The projects are in the design phase with construc�on expected to start in the Spring of 2019.
For project informa�on please visit the Public Works Capital Projects webpage at www.cityofpt.us/dsd/capitalprojects.html