HomeMy WebLinkAbout071118CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION OF JULY 11, 2018 CALL TO ORDER The Port Townsend Planning Commission met in regular session on July 11, 2018, in the City Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Chair Paul Rice called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present at roll call were Bob Doyle, Rick Jahnke, James Lagergren, Monica MickHager, Aislinn Palmer, Paul Rice, and Lois Stanford. Staff members present were Planning Director Lance Bailey, and City Clerk Joanna Sanders. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Chair Rice noted the request for additional time for public comment and then he led a discussion of options. There was consensus for keeping the comments at five minutes each. The Chair would decide on granting additional time after everyone has been given the opportunity to speak. Added to the agenda was a discussion of email communications. Motion: Rick Jahnke moved to approve acceptance of the agenda with the addition of a discussion of Planning Commission communications. Bob Doyle seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 28, 2018 Motion: Lois Stanford moved to approve minutes of June 28, 2018. Aislinn Palmer seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Janel Carlson urged allowing non -owner occupied ADUs to create more housing opportunities. Michael Anderson spoke (from written remarks) about the untimeliness of permit processing, over -regulation on aspects of housing, and overregulating in general. Vern Garrison encouraged less tasking of Department staff on special projects and 20 - year plans allowing the department time for permit processing (he submitted written comments). NEW BUSINESS Planning Commission Meeting July 11, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Housing Code Amendments: Daylight Plane and SEPA Thresholds Planning Director Lance Bailey distributed the MRSC Homelessness and Housing Toolkit for Cities. He recommended the Planning Commission retain this information related to future discussion of accessory dwelling units (ADUs). He reviewed the written memorandum and materials provided in the packet on potential code amendment on four specific issues: consideration of expanding the allowable SEPA thresholds, modification of the daylight plane regulations, modifying the ADU regulations, and potentially lowering the minimum lot size required to do a cottage house development. Public Comment:. Richard Berg commented that a threshold of 100 cu. yards of fill unnecessarily pushes people into SEPA. He said 1,000 yards of fill would be reasonable. Simon Little spoke about the County's threshold of 500 cu. yards to trigger SEPA. He urged pushing the limit to 1,000 cu. yards. Mr. Bailey responded to Planning Commission questions reviewing the advantages of SEPA which allows for public notice and alerts the community to the proposed project. There was consensus on bringing forward recommended action at the July 24 meeting on SEPA review and daylight plane. Staff agreed to return with information on the following: 1) relationship on the threshold for fill and excavation if increasing the threshold for the dwelling units; 2) what is an appropriate number for single family residents; 3) why was it previously raised to nine; 4) what is the downside/negative impact of the upper limit allowed by the state; and 5) what is the relationship between critical areas and SEPA. Regarding Daylight Plane, Mr. Bailey reviewed his memorandum on issues surrounding the bulk and scale of homes. There are departures for historic structures because there is design review, but there is no departure for single family residences. Public Comment: Richard Berg spoke in favor of simplifying the current rule on daylight plane and bulk and scale regulations. He agrees with Janel Carlson about home ownership and rules for ADUs. The modulation rule forces homes to be more expensive, maximum length of wall without modulation is 20 feet and could be enlarged. Simon Little (covering his written remarks) reviewed proposed revisions to the daylight plane. He suggested a floor area ratio method like Geneva, Illinois to protect the historical character. He agreed going to the property line makes more sense as does Laurie Stewart's drawing. He proposed modifying allowable exceptions and administrative oversight. Guy Hupy said while generally in favor of daylight plane and while it is relatively easy to meet the two-story regulations, the restrictions on one-story structures need to be repealed. Planning Commission Meeting July 11, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Laurie Stewart commented that the daylight plane is too complicated, should be disassociated with the setbacks, and there should be distinctions between one or two- story requirements. Richard Berg commented that the daylight plane applies to the two side lot lines, but not to the side that faces the street. He does not understand need for daylight plane on the street side of a corner lot. There should be more flexibility on the required five- foot and ten -foot setbacks. Planning Commissioner Mick -Hager and Mr. Bailey reviewed background on the currently adopted daylight plane regulations. Some discussion ensued about possible changes. Upon a recommendation to consider a moratorium on the requirement of daylight plane for single -level residential, Mr. Bailey instead suggested bringing forward proposed code amendments to accommodate new shed roof designs. This code revision could then be combined with other needed amendments into one Ordinance for Council's consideration. He suggested bringing back ADU amendments as soon as or earlier than September. There was also a request for a briefing on short-term and long-term rentals as it related to a future ADU discussion OTHER BUSINESS Regarding the email communications, there was a brief discussion about standard procedures for handling correspondence of the Planning Commission without violating the Open Public Meetings Act. UPCOMING MEETINGS The next meeting topics are: Daylight plane, SEPA review, ADUs (related to Housing) possibly instead of the Rainier Street Subarea Plan. It was mentioned there has been no response from Council on the recommendation for Rainier Street signage. COMMUNICATIONS There was no further discussion of the request for extended time during public comment by Vern Garrison. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Attest: ..w° 1 tanning ommission Chair City Clerk's Office Planning Commission Meeting July 11, 2018 Page 3 of 3