HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD08-235Lxvr KE> os lnlz Seruices Gommercial Building Permit Application BAopzsr F Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 F See the "Commercial Building Permit Application Checklisf for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Qwne4: SqeMUlt El'trntxgl, ltL Name: lbd J;a-a '|2/a.naa ZZ4 Citltsvzip: Fprl /t-?q.Arzr/, &/A 49fu,6 pnone: J&o - V66 -4aeo emait: fola'y'f FA &zzrtZ('tZt,/o t Ahl Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Project Valuation:*'7 eczr eta2 e) onrbehalf of the owler Gontractor: Address City/SUZip . Po,nt'X"...-a*nl, k/A ?F"tc Emait: Aftfl:b{, tO Alvru>rx,hLot state LiJns.*,-qfidAi/Enq Exp: t2" 6i'o? City Business License #: aals'/'/ 4,? !2 "./t-og I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and Print Name: lj (]liY 0,.i'CR i I uiJN Municipal Code.i IJ Project Address & Zoning District: 4/"J Jac.taaru bzffiZ -/1 /"&na,uvtz/f Legal Description (or Tax #): Addilion Fanr Tautu<>ur &L* Block: ?3 Parcel # A6?-?aq .3a/ Project Description: ba el'rue/io,a / * 44 'az/z- p 9&'/.2:gt x 4i',/,oA Drt- .eza tzt-a-nil baal zez*tban/tazt ber/d)za Building lnformation (square feet): Addition tr Remodel/Repair Druewp Deck(s) Change of Use tr Occupancy Rating: f f"ct Construction Type 1"rfloor b/44 ,^o ooo, 3d ftoor d Storage: * ls it finished? Yes No Total Lot Goverage (Building Footprint): V [:LT r '-.) ll-r ilEJ Square lmpervious eSquare Signature an Date Port l:i D ScNt) PERMTT# Bt:l dY -L3S' CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED SCOPE OF WORK:b"C)nn 1 -[ ,,t -a DATE ACTION INITIALS Il I t't,trk ENTERED INTO CHET C CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS A I J}S-L-' ,DE s c I ,+g{ I //-t6- 05 t eF lrUYnD A( ) r-l AF Zoning: Setbacks OK? Lot Size: Building Size: Lot Coverage FAR OK? Heieht OK? Parking OK? Critical Area? Demo? Historic Rev? Notice to Title? Lots of Record? City of Port Townsend Developmen t Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 PortTownsen4 WA 98368 360-379-5095 FAX 360-344461,9 November 13, 2008 Matt Elder Sea Marine, LLC 419 Jackson Street Port Townsend WA, 98368 RE: Letter of lncomplete Submittal for the Sea Marine Building Dear Mr. Elder: This letter is to inform you that your Street & Utility Development Permit (SDP) application submitted to the City on November 4, 2008 is incomplete. The following items are required when a SDP application is submifted to the City. 'orL(gr A 4) t4\ ,/al A completed SDP Application Three (3) sets of Engineering Plans ,/sl a. Per the Engineering Design Standards Chapter 1.6.9, drawings must be submifted on24" x 36" size sheets Stormwater Drainage Plan a. Per the Engineering Design Standards Clrapter 4 and the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western stormwater drai nage plan is required. Z .r-, / ^'J -o/L Also, the following items will be required when you submit your commercial building permit application:Ok-o't )6.t ub,*?rtf,s/ur Y:4, s( A complete building permit application Two (2) copies of a geotechnical Three (3) sets of building plans. drawings are too small Two (2) sets of non-residential energy code calculations Two (2) sets of str,uctural drawings f vvntn lnitial plan review fee of $150.00 - Sdnn?ntf, on ph'rut,*ffWcA/t\4y/r/tY1o /\-Aid Shnek therefore the 11 x 1l *,tr;igr Y Plan review fee ($200 mum scale A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT Per the Port Townsend Municipal Code 12.040.080.C. "Gomplete Application Required:" The citywill not process any application unless and until the information required by subsection B of this section is subsfantially complete. ... Once we receive your complete application we can begin the review process. On November 5, 2008, Michael Biggs was called to inform him that the $DP application was incomplete. rone Development Review Engineer Enclosures: Partial Submittalfor SDP dated November 4, 2008 cc:Mark Grant, construction project manager Michael Biggs, engineer City of Port Townsend Development Services l)epartment BUILDING ADDRBSS APPLICATTON Name of Property Owner:Sh f.t Mailing Address:9€a rn t tr{ e {-c BuDIE -ZzsSbPo- o41z t+? s L Telephone:3 3a= Propertv is located in: noaition: P. T] D. T Btock(s): Faces/Access is from: Parcel Numtrer 5T_ g3 Lot(s):T A.{ to the Pronertv (draw vicinitv man on track) ?70 D If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for? yes No Date: Notes: Housc NUMBER ASSTGNED: 4/t Jr4&sOil s7&T Date of Approval: For Use Onlv Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC 22OO)Date: Copy to tr Finance U Sheriff ! Public Works I Fire Dept n Police (Lyn) n DSD database tr Post Office D GIS ! Assessor's Office For address changes: tr Qwest Address Management center - zo6-504-1s34 P:\DS D\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Address Number-do c : 6/ 12 /06 47 Wntcr Wasrc Wrtcr Storrn Wttct I inch oquls 154.158696 fect Tlris mrp is providcd on ru rs is," "with dl tauls,"bsis. The Ciryol Pon Tormend rud is cmplolces do not vo'st i1,s1, vltthc rccuncyoi the iniorrnrtion cont.rined in rlis mrp. Fielc vcniic*ion ol rhe accurrcyol ill rup infornrtion ir thc sole rcsporoibilityoi the rser. Userreleues the Ciq,ol Pon Towend ud io emplopes lrom uylirbiliry irsed on ue/s ue oi mp inlomdon, 95 3 98 5 94 8 99 4 2 53 4 10 0 4 3 I 2 5 92 4 54 4 I 3 85 4 40 4 91 q o. 6 91 ,c o\ \ 9( q